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The isolated oocytes from Xenopus laevis are able to take up radioactive amino acids from the exogenous medium. Most amino acids tested are taken up to reach concentrations higher than the extracellular medium. The initial uptake velocities vary with the external amino acid concentration in a Michaelis-Menten fashion. Aspartic acid requires concentrations an order of magnitude higher than the five other amino acids tested to reach half the maximal uptake velocity. The uptake mechanism seems to be specific for groups of analogous amino acids, as can be determined by competition studies. The amino acid groups for which there is some evidence of uptake specificity would be aromatic, aliphatic, acidic and basic. Amino acid pools of oocytes show that these cells can concentrate amino acids from Xenopus blood, as well as from artificial media.  相似文献   

Amino acid pools in developing oocytes of Xenopus laevis   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Xenopus laevis eggs were coated, immediately after squeeze-stripping and fertilization, with a thin layer ( approximately 50 microm) of film based on one of three different types of alginates which varied in their mannuronic/guluronic acid ratio. The alginate was cross-linked with either Ca or Ba ions at three different concentrations. The developmental, survival, and hatching of these embryos and the swelling of their natural jelly coats or hydrocolloid coatings were studied over 7 days, while embryos were maintained in flowing aerated water at a ratio of 85 mL per embryo or at a very diminished ratio of 1.6 mL of sterile or nonsterile MMR solution per embryo. All experiments were conducted in triplicate at 20+/-1 degrees C. Oxygen was monitored continuously. Mineral content was determined in the alginate-jelly coat and within the embryos over time. The coating conferred major advantages when the ratio between the embryos and the surrounding medium was at a minimum under nonsterile conditions, perhaps as a result of the film's resistance to diffusion. In the studied systems, the coating seemed to postpone embryo hatching to a more developed stage. In addition, the coating served as a barrier to microbial contamination and thus improved survival prospects.  相似文献   

A novel technology for coating single cells and embryos with thin hydrocolloid (water-soluble polymer) films has been invented and patented. Coating is different from entrapment and immobilization in that the coating around the cell is thinner, comprising only a small fraction of the cell or embryo's diameter. Xenopus laevis embryos were coated with thin films of low-methoxy pectin (LMP), alginate, and iota- and kappa-carrageenans. These gums have different compositions and structures and as such created different coatings around the fertilized cells. All coated embryos appeared to develop normally, similar to noncoated embryos. Elemental detection by ICP-AES spectroscopy revealed that the embryo can control the diffusion of excess ions to which it is exposed during the coating process. The coatings delayed hatching by 18-24 h. Consequently, at hatch the embryos were at a more developed stage than their noncoated counterparts. The hydrocolloid coating reduced the thickness of the natural jelly coating (JC). With the iota-carrageenan coating, percent hatch was maximal, while with LMP it was minimal, as a result of the films' mechanical properties and thicknesses. LMP and alginate created smoother coatings than the carrageenans. Potential interactions between the coating and the natural JC are hypothesized. Overall, coatings appear to be a suitable tool for laboratories interested in performing longer-term experiments with embryos.  相似文献   

In this study, the mechanisms of polyamine spermidine (Spd) uptake were investigated in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Spd uptake followed a sigmoidal kinetics with [S]90/[S]10 = 3 microM and Hill interaction coefficient (n) = 2. The order of magnitude of uptake and efflux was similar (t1/2 = 45 min). The equilibrium potential for Spd, calculated by Nenrst equation, was 90.78 mV. Free energy change for the uptake (delta G) was found to be 2.31 Kcal/mole of Spd. During efflux, Spd was not converted into putrescine or spermine. It seems that there are two types of Spd uptake pathways: Na(+)-dependent and Na(+)-independent since replacement of Na+ from incubation medium did not completely abolish the Spd uptake. The Na(+)-dependent component of Spd uptake was shared neither by system A nor by system ASC amino acids.  相似文献   

Whether all descendants of germline founder cells inheriting the germ plasm can migrate correctly to the genital ridges and differentiate into primordial germ cells (PGCs) at tadpole stage has not been elucidated in Xenopus. We investigated precisely the location of descendant cells, presumptive primordial germ cells (pPGCs) and PGCs, in embryos at stages 23-48 by whole-mount in situ hybridization with the antisense probe for Xpat RNA specific to pPGCs and whole-mount immunostaining with the 2L-13 antibody specific to Xenopus Vasa protein in PGCs. Small numbers of pPGCs and PGCs, which were positively stained with the probe and the antibody, respectively, were observed in ectopic locations in a significant number of embryos at those stages. A few of the ectopic PGCs in tadpoles at stages 44-47 were positive in TdT-mediated dUTP digoxigenin nick end labeling (TUNEL) staining. By contrast, pPGCs in the embryos until stage 40, irrespective of their location and PGCs in the genital ridges of the tadpoles at stages 43-48 were negative in TUNEL staining. Therefore, it is evident that a portion of the descendants of germline founder cells cannot migrate correctly to the genital ridges, and that a few ectopic PGCs are eliminated by apoptosis or necrosis at tadpole stages.  相似文献   

Pattern regulation in defect embryos of Xenopus laevis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Defect embryos of 24 series were prepared by removing increasing numbers of blastomeres from an 8-cell embryo of Xenopus laevis. They were cultured and their development was examined macroscopically when controls reached a tailbud stage or later. Results show that most of defect embryos of 12 series develop normally, and some of them become normal frogs. Each of these defect embryos contain at least two animal blastomeres, one dorsal, and one ventral blastomere of the vegetal hemisphere. This suggests that a set of these four blastomeres of the three types is essential for complete pattern regulation.  相似文献   

We have followed the fate of two components of extrachromosomal nucleoli, amplified ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and 7.5 kb precursor rRNA, during early embryogenesis of Xenopus laevis. Other workers have shown that the amount of amplified rDNA accumulated during oogenesis remains unchanged through the 16-cell stage of embryogenesis. Here we show that as embryonic cleavage continues, the amount of amplified rDNA decreases until it is no longer detectable in the early gastrula embryo. In contrast, the amount of 7.5 kb precursor rRNA in eggs, early cleavage stage embryos, or blastula stage embryos is the same as in oocyte nuclei. Since no rRNA synthesis occurs during these early stages, we conclude that the precursor rRNA sequences synthesized in the oocyte are neither processed nor degraded during early development. The amplified rDNA is not replicated in the early embryo even though the chromosomal DNA of the embryo replicates every 30 min during the first 7.5 hr of embryogenesis. When amplified rDNA is purified and then injected into cleaving embryos, however, we find that it is replicated. This finding suggests that some factor(s) prevents the endogenous amplified rDNA from responding to the cellular replication signals. We show that methylation of cytosine in the rDNA is not related to the DNA's capacity for replication in this system since amplified (unmethylated) and chromosomal (methylated) rDNA are both replicated when injected into embryos. The methylation pattern of these rDNAs appears to be maintained after replication in the embryo.  相似文献   

Activin is a potent mesoderm inducing factor present in embryos of Xenopus laevis. Recent evidence has implicated activin in the inhibition of neural development in addition to the well-established induction of mesoderm in ectodermal explants. These diverse effects are critically dependent on the concentration of activin yet little is known about the mechanisms regulating the level of activin in the embryo. We report that the 3′ untranslated region (3′ UTR) of activin βB mRNA inhibits the translation of activin in embryos. Microinjection of activin mRNA from which the 3′ UTR has been deleted is 8–10-fold more potent in inducing mesoderm than mRNA containing the 3′ UTR. Truncation of the 3′ UTR also leads to a marked enhancement of activin protein levels in embryos but has no effect when the truncated mRNA is translated in vitro. The 3′ UTR also confers translational inhibition on a heterologous mRNA. These data show that a maternal factor(s) present in X. laevis regulates the translation of injected activin βB mRNA. This factor(s) could be responsible for regulating the levels of endogenous activin βB protein during mesoderm induction and the specification of ectodermal derivatives such as neural and epidermal tissues. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Lipid composition of developing Xenopus laevis embryos.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The total lipid content, amount of phospholipid, proportions of major polar and neutral lipid classes, and the overall fatty acid composition were examined in Xenopus laevis embryos. No obvious differences were observed in any of the parameters between fertilization and hatching or between eggs produced by different females. The average lipid content per egg was 113 mug, 31.6 mug of which was phospholipid. The major phospholipids were phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin. The major fatty acids were palmitic and oleic acids, but polyunsaturated fatty acids were also present in substantial amounts. The results suggest that significant de novo synthesis of lipids does not occur until after hatching.  相似文献   

Amino acid uptake and protein synthesis in preimplanatation mouse embryos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Amino acid uptake and cycloheximide inhibitable incorporation into protein are demonstrable in follicular ova, unfertilized eggs, and in mouse embryos ranging from the 1-cell to the late blastocyst stages. The rates of uptake and incorporation are low and relatively constant until the early blastocyst (day 3) stage of development when they increase 3- to 9-fold. The rate of uptake continues to increase during the fourth day (late blastocyst stage) of development, but, despite embryonic growth, incorporation into protein remains constant. By exposing embryos to leucine and lysine at different concentrations, it is possible to dissociate the processes of uptake and incorporation into protein from one another and to use the latter as a measure of protein synthesis. Taking the number of embryonic cells into account, it is postulated that the period between 8- to 16-cell stage (day 2) and the early blastocyst stage is the only one in which the synthesis of major amounts of protein based on new messenger RNA synthesis is occurring.Leucine and lysine uptake take place by a facilitated process, although lysine transport is not readily saturated. Inhibitors of energy metabolism do not significantly affect amino acid uptake, but they do inhibit protein synthesis. However, since the rate of transport is highly temperature sensitive (Q10 ? 3) and leucine is accumulated against a concentration gradient, active amino acid transport appears to be present.  相似文献   

L-leucine uptake into full-grown oocytes of Xenopus laevis is a saturable process which is Na+ dependent and presumably coupled to Na+ gradient. Our results indicate that progesterone (10(-6) M) Blocks abruptly, around the germinal vesicle breakdown, the saturable transport of L-leucine. p-Chloromercuribenzoate (10(-4) M) induces maturation and after a short lag of time strongly inhibits L-leucine uptake. Cycloheximide prevents progesterone-induced maturation and permeability changes.  相似文献   

Tubulin:tyrosine ligase (TTL), which catalyzes the post-translational addition of tyrosine to the α chain of tubulin, exists in a wide variety of embryonic and adult vertebrate tissues. In the present study, we report that TTL exists in amphibian oocytes at a time when tubulin is a poor substrate for tyrosination, and when, in immature oocytes, tubulin is not polymerizable. Ligase activity detected at several stages of oogenesis and embryogenesis in Xenopus is compatible with mammalian brain tubulin in the tyrosination reaction. Within 3–5 hr after fertilization, [3H] tyrosine incorporated/μg endogenous tubulin increases approximately 3.5-fold over that in extracts prepared from the largest oocytes obtained. This increase cannot be accounted for by increasing levels of TTL. Ligase activity remains fairly constant throughout oogenesis and early embryogensis and rises significantly (2-fold) only 35–50 hr after fertilization. The late rise in embryonic ligase activity is not accompanied by a change in apparent km for tubulin.  相似文献   

1. Proteolytic activities in early embryos of Xenopus laevis exhibited maximum levels at pH 3.2, 5.6 and 7.2 when 3H-BSA was used as substrate, and the maximum proteolytic activity at pH 3.2 was several thousand-fold higher during the tail bud stage than in the unfertilized egg. 2. The proteolytic activity at pH 3.2 was separated into two fractions by gel chromatography. One fraction corresponded to a mol. wt of about 40,000 and its activity was inhibited by thiol protease inhibitors. The other appeared to be a protease of much higher mol. wt. 3. The maximum activities at pH 5.6 and 7.2 appear to correspond to proteins of mol. wt greater than 1,000,000.  相似文献   

A wide variety of modified oligonucleotides have been tested as antisense agents. Each chemical modification produces a distinct profile of potency, toxicity, and specificity. Novel cationic phosphoramidate-modified antisense oligonucleotides have been developed recently that have unique and interesting properties. We compared the relative potency and specificity of a variety of established antisense oligonucleotides, including phosphorothioates (PS), 2'-O-methyl (2'OMe) RNAs, locked nucleic acids (LNAs), and neutral methoxyethyl (MEA) phosphoramidates with new cationic N,N-dimethylethylenediamine (DMED) phosphoramidate-modified antisense oligonucleotides. A series of oligonucleotides was synthesized that targeted two sites in the Xenopus laevis survivin gene and were introduced into Xenopus embryos by microinjection. Effects on survivin gene expression were examined using quantitative real-time PCR. Of the various modified oligonucleotide designs tested, LNA/PS chimeras (which showed the highest melting temperature) and DMED/phosphodiester chimeras (which showed protection of neighboring phosphate bonds) were potent in reducing gene expression. At 40 nM, overall specificity was superior for the LNA/PS-modified compounds compared with the DMED-modified oligonucleotides. However, at 400 nM, both of these compounds led to significant degradation of survivin mRNA, even when up to three mismatches were present in the heteroduplex.  相似文献   

Xenopus laevis embryos were dissected into dorsal and ventral regions in post-gastrula stages. Polyadenylated and nonpolyadenylated ribonucleic acids were separated on oligo (dT) cellulose and translated in vitro. The radioactivity incorporated into the translation products directed by polyadenylated and nonpolyadenylated messenger ribonucleic acids shows that in the dorsal region most proteins are synthesized on polyadenylated messenger ribonucleic acid templates in all the stages, while in the ventral region the major templates seem to be, until the neural fold stage, nonpolyadenylated messenger ribonucleic acids. Later the polyadenylated messenger ribonucleic acid activity there too increases.  相似文献   

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