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We isolated eleven strains of the harmful algal bloom (HAB)-forming dinoflagellate Karlodinium veneficum during a bloom event in the NW Mediterranean coastal waters and we studied the inter-strain variability in several of their physiological and biochemical traits. These included autotrophic growth parameters, feeding capabilities (mixotrophy), lipid composition, and, in some cases, their responses to biotic and abiotic factors. The strains were found to differ in their growth rates (0.27–0.53 d−1) and in the maximum cell concentrations achieved during stationary phase (6.1 × 104–8.6 × 104 cells mL−1). Their ingestion performance, when offered Rhodomonas salina as prey, was also diverse (0.22–1.3 cells per K. veneficum per day; 8–52% of their daily ration). At least two strains survived for several months under strict heterotrophic conditions (no light, low inorganic nutrients availability, and R. salina as food source). These strains also showed very distinct fatty acid compositions, with very low contents of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. According to a Bray Curtis similarity analysis, three or four strain groups able to perform different roles in bloom development were identified. We further analyzed one strain from each of the two most distinct groups with respect to prey concentration, light intensity, nutrient availability, and we determined the functional responses (growth and feeding rates) to food concentration. Taken together, the results served to highlight the role of mixotrophy and clone variability in the formation of HABs.  相似文献   

The harmful dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum has different effects upon various species of grazing bivalves, and these effects also vary with life-history stage. Possible effects of this dinoflagellate upon mussels have not been reported; therefore, experiments exposing adult blue mussels, Mytilus edulis, to P. minimum were conducted. Mussels were exposed to cultures of toxic P. minimum or benign Rhodomonas sp. in glass aquaria. After a short period of acclimation, samples were collected on day 0 (before the exposure) and after 3, 6, and 9 days of continuous-exposure experiment. Hemolymph was extracted for flow-cytometric analyses of hemocyte, immune-response functions, and soft tissues were excised for histopathology. Mussels responded to P. minimum exposure with diapedesis of hemocytes into the intestine, presumably to isolate P. minimum cells within the gut, thereby minimizing damage to other tissues. This immune response appeared to have been sustained throughout the 9-day exposure period, as circulating hemocytes retained hematological and functional properties. Bacteria proliferated in the intestines of the P. minimum-exposed mussels. Hemocytes within the intestine appeared to be either overwhelmed by the large number of bacteria or fully occupied in the encapsulating response to P. minimum cells; when hemocytes reached the intestine lumina, they underwent apoptosis and bacterial degradation. This experiment demonstrated that M. edulis is affected by ingestion of toxic P. minimum; however, the specific responses observed in the blue mussel differed from those reported for other bivalve species. This finding highlights the need to study effects of HABs on different bivalve species, rather than inferring that results from one species reflect the exposure responses of all bivalves.  相似文献   

Mussels (Mytilus edulis) were exposed to cultures of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium fundyense or the non-toxic alga Rhodomonas sp. to evaluate the effects of the harmful alga on the mussels and to study recovery after discontinuation of the A. fundyense exposure. Mussels were exposed for 9 days to the different algae and then all were fed Rhodomonas sp. for 6 more days. Samples of hemolymph for hemocyte analyses and tissues for histology were collected before the exposure and periodically during exposure and recovery periods.Mussels filtered and ingested both microalgal cultures, producing fecal pellets containing degraded, partially degraded, and intact cells of both algae. Mussels exposed to A. fundyense had an inflammatory response consisting of degranulation and diapedesis of hemocytes into the alimentary canal and, as the exposure continued, hemocyte migration into the connective tissue between the gonadal follicles. Evidence of lipid peroxidation, similar to the detoxification pathway described for various xenobiotics, was found; insoluble lipofuchsin granules formed (ceroidosis), and hemocytes carried the granules to the alimentary canal, thus eliminating putative dinoflagellate toxins in feces. As the number of circulating hemocytes in A. fundyense-exposed mussels became depleted, mussels were immunocompromised, and pathological changes followed, i.e., increased prevalences of ceroidosis and trematodes after 9 days of exposure. Moreover, the total number of pathological changes increased from the beginning of the exposure until the last day (day 9). After 6 days of the exposure, mussels in one of the three tanks exposed to A. fundyense mass spawned; these mussels showed more severe effects of the toxic algae than non-spawning mussels exposed to A. fundyense.No significant differences were found between the two treatments during the recovery period, indicating rapid homeostatic processes in tissues and circulating hemocytes.  相似文献   

The glutathione-binding protein of Mytilus edulis possesses only one tryptophan per polypeptide. Quenching of intrinsic fluorescence due to this residue was studied in the presence of glutathione S-transferase ligands; hematin, bilirubin, biliverdin, bromosulphophthalein, 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulphonate, 1,2-dichloro-4-nitrobenzene, ethacrynic acid and sodium deoxycholate as well as in the presence of triethyltin bromide. Kd values were estimated from these experiments and were found to be 38–310 μM. Based on non-denaturing electrophoresis, the protein was found to have a native molecular weight of 50 kDa. Taken together with previously reported subunit molecular weights in the region of 25 kDa, this indicates that this protein has a dimeric quaternary structure.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to test for, and partially characterize, toxic activity associated with the dinoflagellate Karlodinium micrum. Since 1996, three fish kill events associated with blooms of K. micrum have occurred at HyRock Fish Farm, an estuarine pond aquaculture facility raising hybrid striped bass on the Chesapeake Bay, MD, USA. Using an assay based on the lysis of rainbow trout erythrocytes, cultures of a Chesapeake Bay isolate of K. micrum have been shown to produce toxic substances which are released upon cell disturbance or damage. The LC50 for hemolysis of a sonicated cell suspension was 2.4×104 cells ml−1, well within the range of cell concentrations observed associated with fish kills. The toxic activity from K. micrum cells and culture filtrates was traced to two distinct fractions that co-elute with polar lipids. The LC50 for hemolysis of the larger of these two fractions (Tox A) was 284 ng ml−1 while the LC50 of the second, smaller, fraction (Tox B) was 600 ng ml−1. For comparison, the LC50 for the standard hemolysin saponin was 3203 ng ml−1. At concentrations of 800 and 2000 ng ml−1, respectively, Tox A was further shown to be ichthyotoxic to zebrafish (Danio rerio) larvae (80% mortality), and cytotoxic to a mammalian GH(4)C(1) cell line (100% LDH release). At a concentration of 600 ng ml−1 Tox B was shown to be cytotoxic to a mammalian GH(4)C(1) cell line (>30% LDH release), but not ichthyotoxic to zebrafish (D. rerio) larvae up to a concentration of 250 ng ml−1. Although treatment with either algicidal copper or potassium permanganate caused significant lysis of K. micrum cells (>70%), toxic activity was released after treatment with copper and eliminated following treatment with potassium permanganate. This observation in cultures is consistent with observations made at HyRock Fish Farm where significantly higher mortality was observed following treatment of a K. micrum bloom with copper sulfate compared to treatment with potassium permanganate. This study represents the first direct evidence of the toxicity of K. micrum isolated from the Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   

Dinophysis acuminata and D. norvegica were observed in plankton net samples during the summer of 2002 from the Kandalaksha Gulf in the White Sea (North European Russia). Prorocentrum lima was found as an epiphyte on subtidal macroalgae in August, but not observed in plankton net samples. Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) inhibition measured 127.8 ng OA-equivalent/g of mussel (Mytilus edulis) hepatopancreas from samples collected a few days after when Dinophysis was recorded at a density of 1550 cells L−1. Liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry confirmed presence of several classes of lipophilic shellfish toxins associated with Dinophysis spp. in the mussels including okadaic acid, dinophysistoxin-1, pectenotoxins and yessotoxins. No azaspiracid was detected. This represents the first identification of phycotoxicity in the White Sea.  相似文献   

A study was carried out to determine the presence of paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxin-producing dinoflagellates in the coastal waters of Peninsula Malaysia. This followed first ever occurrences of PSP in the Straits of Malacca and the northeast coast of the peninsula. The toxic tropical dinoflagellate Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressum was never encountered in any of the plankton samples. On the other hand, five species of Alexandrium were found. They were Alexandrium affine, Alexandrium leei, Alexandrium minutum, Alexandrium tamarense and Alexandrium tamiyavanichii. Not all species were present at all sites. A. tamiyavanichii was present only in the central to southern parts of the Straits of Malacca. A. tamarense was found in the northern part of the straits, while A. minutum was only found in samples from the northeast coast of the peninsula. A. leei and A. affine were found in both the north and south of the straits. Cultured isolates of A. minutum and A. tamiyavanichii were proven toxic by the receptor binding assay for PSP toxins but A. tamarense clones were not toxic. Mean toxin content for the A. tamiyavanichii and A. minutum clones were 26 and 15 fmol per cell STX equivalent, respectively. This study has provided evidence on the presence of PSP toxin-producing Alexandrium species in Malaysian waters which suggests that PSP could increase in importance in the future.  相似文献   

For the first time, several models have been used to aid in the understanding of the bloom dynamics of Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressum, the major causal organism of toxic algal blooms in Manila Bay and several areas in the tropical world. The complex life cycle of Pyrodinium includes the formation of cysts that settle at the sediments, which can serve as the inoculum for the next bloom.The seasonal variation of temperature and salinity reflects the combined effects of convection and water column stability, which can control vertical movement of plankton and other parameters essential to its growth. The significance of wind forcing appears to be related to the potential to resuspend cysts. In the absence of wind, tidal currents in the inner part of the bay may be too weak to induce resuspension. The addition of wind results in a significant increase in bottom current velocity. Off Cavite at the southeast, bottom velocity is enhanced by orbital motion due to waves, one of the reasons why sediments off this area are dominated by sandy material. The strong vertical mixing of the water column at depths of less than 10 m may influence nutrient and consequently, plankton populations.The wave field during the southwest monsoon indicates that its contribution to the bottom velocity dominates in this area of the bay.Bloom simulations using combined bio-physical parameters show that direction of advection is almost always along wind direction. The dispersal distances increases if the Pyrodinium cells are found higher in the water column. For cells originating from southeastern (Cavite) sources, the direction of transport is slightly towards the north. In either case, the formation of cysts after a bloom is adjacent to the northern area (Pampanga) for blooms originating from the western side (Bataan) and along the eastern side (Parañaque–Manila) for blooms originating from the southeastern side (Cavite). Comparison with a few records of bloom occurrences in Manila Bay shows some consistent features. Reports of these blooms also showed that they occurred almost always during spring tides. There appears to be two main systems for bloom formation: one fed by cyst beds in the west (Bataan) which is advected along the west–northwest coast (Bataan–Bulacan) while the other one is fed by the southeast (Cavite) cyst beds that dominates in the east-southeast (Parañaque–Cavite) area.  相似文献   

A dinoflagellate bloom was found associated with a fish kill event in a South Carolina brackish water retention pond. A multi-analytical approach was used to confirm the identity of the bloom dinoflagellate and evaluate its potential toxicity. Karlodinium micrum was confirmed through light microscopy, pigment profile comparisons, species-specific PCR, and gene sequence data. Necropsy findings on several fish were suggestive of an acute kill event. Toxicity of filtrate from bloom samples was tested by a hemolytic assay using rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykis) erythrocytes and an ichthyotoxicity assay using larval zebrafish (Danio rerio). Hemolytic activity was measurably high (>80% hemolysis) in both whole filtrate and fractionated filtrate (from the 80% MeOH C18 column elution). This fraction also demonstrated high ichthyotoxic activity as exposed fish experienced rapid death. These results implicate toxic K. micrum as a causative factor in fish death in a non-aquaculture brackish pond associated with a housing development, and extend recent findings linking this species to fish kills in aquaculture ponds.  相似文献   

Yessotoxin (YTX) was detected in an algal sample and two mussel samples (0.07–0.10 μg g−1) collected from Scripps Pier in La Jolla, California during a bloom of Lingulodinium polyedrum. Mussel samples collected from Monterey Bay, California also contained measurable YTX (levels up to 0.06 μg g−1) in samples obtained during a 6-month (weekly) sampling period. Gonyaulax spinifera and L. polyedrum were identified in background concentrations in Monterey Bay during the time of contamination. An algal sample from Washington coastal waters collected during non-bloom conditions also contained YTX, possibly originating from Protoceratium reticulatum.Three strains of L. polyedrum (CCMP1931, CCMP1936, 104A) isolated from southern California coastal waters and one strain of G. spinifera (CCMP409) isolated from Maine were tested for YTX production using two methods, competitive ELISA and liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC–MS). The ELISA method detected YTX in the particulate phase in two of three L. polyedrum strains. The LC–MS method did not detect YTX in the particulate or dissolved phase of any of the strains.To our knowledge, this is the first study to test and confirm YTX in environmental samples from California and Washington coastal waters. It is highly likely that L. polyedrum was responsible for the YTX contamination in the southern California samples. Future research needs to conclusively determine the biological origin(s) of YTX contamination in central California and Washington coastal waters.  相似文献   

Recent novel mixed blooms of several species of toxic raphidophytes have caused fish kills and raised health concerns in the highly eutrophic Inland Bays of Delaware, USA. The factors that control their growth and dominance are not clear, including how these multi-species HAB events can persist without competitive exclusion occurring. We compared and contrasted the relative environmental niches of sympatric Chattonella subsalsa and Heterosigma akashiwo isolates from the bays using classic Monod-type experiments. C. subsalsa grew over a temperature range from 10 to 30 °C and a salinity range of 5–30 psu, with optimal growth occurring from 20 to 30 °C and 15 to 25 psu. H. akashiwo had similar upper temperature and salinity tolerances but also lower limits, with growth occurring from 4 to 30 °C and 5 to 30 psu and optimal growth between 16 and 30 °C and 10 and 30 psu. These culture results were confirmed by field observations of bloom occurrences in the Inland Bays. Maximum nutrient-saturated growth rates (μmax) for C. subsalsa were 0.6 d−1 and half-saturation concentrations for growth (Ks) were 9 μM for nitrate, 1.5 μM for ammonium, and 0.8 μM for phosphate. μmax of H. akashiwo (0.7 d−1) was slightly higher than C. subsalsa, but Ks values were nearly an order of magnitude lower at 0.3 μM for nitrate, 0.3 μM for ammonium, and 0.2 μM for phosphate. H. akashiwo is able to grow on urea but C. subsalsa cannot, while both can use glutamic acid. Cell yield experiments at environmentally relevant levels suggested an apparent preference by C. subsalsa for ammonium as a nitrogen source, while H. akashiwo produced more biomass on nitrate. Light intensity affected both species similarly, with the same growth responses for each over a range from 100 to 600 μmol photons m−2 s−1. Factors not examined here may allow C. subsalsa to persist during multi-species blooms in the bays, despite being competitively inferior to H. akashiwo under most conditions of nutrient availability, temperature, and salinity.  相似文献   

Over the last three years, several blooms of Heterosigma akashiwo (Raphidophyceae) were documented in South Carolina (SC) brackish waters, including areas containing extensive oyster (Crassostrea virginica) beds. This study examined the sublethal effects of H. akashiwo on C. virginica, based on cellular biomarker responses after exposure to laboratory cultures of H. akashiwo isolated from SC waters, and to water collected from two SC H. akashiwo blooms. Exposure to laboratory cultures or blooms of H. akashiwo significantly increased oyster hepatopancreas lysosomal destabilization rates, but had little effect on gill p-glycoprotein (p-gp) expression. Lysosomal destabilization in oysters continued to increase even after a 7-day recovery period in clean seawater, suggesting that H. akashiwo toxin or other cellular byproducts continued to damage the hepatopancreas. These results suggest that even short-term exposures of oysters to high cell densities of H. akashiwo could have long-term adverse physiological effects, and imply that oyster health may be compromised in areas where repetitive H. akashiwo blooms occur.  相似文献   

A bacterial strain, HAK-13, exhibited strongest activity against Heterosigma akashiwo and was capable of controlling this bloom forming phytoplankton. Based on 16S rDNA sequences and biochemical and morphological characteristics, the strain HAK-13 was determined to be Pseudomonas fluorescens on the basis of 99.9% similarity with reference strains in the DNA databases. The growth of H. akashiwo was strongly suppressed by HAK-13 in all growth phases, with the strongest alga-lytic activity noted against harmful bloom-forming species in the exponential stage (6–22 days). Host range tests showed that HAK-13 also significantly inhibited the growth of Alexandrium tamarense and Cochlodinium polykrikoides but could not destroy Gymnodinium catenatum. P. fluorescens HAK-13 indirectly attacked H. akashiwo by alga-lytic substances that might be located at the compartment of cytoplasmic membrane of the bacterium at a level of 45.86 units/mg of specific activity. The results indicated that P. fluorescens HAK-13 caused cell lysis and death of H. akashiwo, A. tamarense, and C. polykrikoides dramatically and Prorocentrum dentatum slightly. Therefore, P. fluorescens HAK-13 has potential for use as a selective biocontrol of harmful algal blooms.  相似文献   

Toxic algal blooms are common world-wide and pose a serious problem to the aquaculture and fishing industries. Dinoflagellate species such as Karenia brevis, Karenia mikimotoi, Heterosigma akashiwo and Chatonella cf. antiqua are recognised toxic species implicated in various faunal mortalities. Toxic blooms of Karenia cristata were observed on the south coast of South Africa for the first time in 1988 and were responsible for mortalities of wild and farmed abalone. K. cristata and various other dinoflagellate species common along the South African coast, as well as K. mikimotoi (Isolation site: Norway, Univ. of Copenhagen) and K. brevis (Isolation site: Florida, BIGELOW), were tested for toxicity by means of a bioassay involving Artemia larvae as well as abalone larvae and spat. K. cristata, like K. brevis, contains an aerosol toxin; however, the toxin present in K. cristata has not yet been isolated and remains unknown. K. brevis was, therefore, used to determine which developmental phase of the bloom would affect abalone farms most, and whether ozone could be used as an effective mitigating agent. Of the 17 dinoflagellate species tested, K. cristata, Akashiwo sanguinea, K. mikimotoi and K. brevis pose the greatest threat to the abalone mariculture industry. K. brevis was most toxic during its exponential and stationary phases. Results suggest that ozone is an effective mitigation agent but its economic viability for use on abalone farms must still be investigated.  相似文献   

In April 2003, a novel Heterosigma akashiwo bloom was observed that extended from Bulls Bay, South Carolina USA, to approximately 8 km offshore. The bloom was associated with a fish kill of approximately 104 fish. The bloom coincided with salinities anomalously low for the region and optimal for H. akashiwo growth. The low salinities were related to the rediversion of freshwater a month earlier from the Cooper River into the Santee River, which partially feeds into Bulls Bay. H. akashiwo identification was confirmed using a species-specific real-time PCR assay modified for the direct amplification of target DNA from the bloom sample. Because this H. akashiwo bloom was associated with a fish kill, and exposure to bloom waters caused sublethal toxic effects on oysters, the resolution of the cause and potential recurrence of the bloom are of importance to fishery management.  相似文献   

Coastal marine seagrass ecosystems are important nursery grounds for commercially and recreationally important species, and they serve as key settlement and recruitment sites for other species. We investigated several years (2001-2003) where episodic settlement events of blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) occurred in Barnegat Bay, NJ, USA. Population assessment indicated that blue mussels settled in eelgrass beds (Zostera marina) in late spring with peak densities exceeding 170,000 m−2. Based on calculated filtration rates of M. edulis, we determined that for at least 53 days in 2001, the density and size distribution of M. edulis were sufficient to filter the water column volume in excess of twice a day, with maximum calculated filtration rates exceeding 8 m3 water m−2 day−1. While the settlement event in 2001 was very localized, in 2003, the settlement event was considerably more widespread throughout the bay, with maximum settling densities exceeding 175,000 individuals m−2. Associated with these high densities, maximum calculated filtration rates exceeded 15 m3 water m−2 day−1. This filtration potential may have impeded the localized development of a brown-tide (Aureococcus anophagefferens) bloom in 2001, which occurred in other regions of the bay, but the widespread settlement event seen in 2003 may have impeded the development of any brown-tide blooms in Barnegat Bay during that summer. The decline in mussel densities throughout the summer may be a result of elevated water temperatures in this back bay, but at one site, the high settlement of M. edulis was followed by a substantial migration (>40 individuals m−2) of small sea stars (Asterias forbesii). In 2001, A. forbesii was a significant factor in reducing M. edulis density by the end of the summer at the Barnegat Inlet site and a community level assessment showed significant positive correlations between mussel aggregations and sea star densities (r=0.68-0.73, P<0.001). At this same site in 2003, the sea stars were again present in high densities (26 m−2) and were a potential mechanism for mussel decline. In other regions of the bay, sea star densities are very low, but numerous other predatory species exist, including blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus), green crabs (Carcinus maenus), spider crabs (Libinia spp.), and several Xanthid crabs. Given the high mussel densities seen in this study and the considerable predation by sea stars and other benthic predators, the benthic-pelagic coupling which these mussels provide in this system contributes to the high secondary production in these grass beds.  相似文献   

The dinoflagellate, Pfiesteria piscicida, can form harmful algal blooms in estuarine environments. The dominant copepod species usually found in these waters is Acartia tonsa. We tested the ability of A. tonsa to graze the non-toxic zoospore stage of P. piscicida and thus serve as a potential biological control of blooms of this algal species. A. tonsa grazed the non-toxic zoospore stages of both a non-inducible P. piscicida strain (FDEPMDR23) and a potentially toxic strain (Tox-B101156) at approximately equal rates. Ingestion of P. piscicida increased with cell concentration and exhibited a saturated feeding response. Both the maximum number of cells ingested (Imax) and the slope of the ingestion curve (α) of A. tonsa feeding on P. piscicida were comparable to these ingestion parameters for A. tonsa fed similar-sized phytoplankton and protozoan species. When these laboratory ingestion rates were combined with abundance estimates of A. tonsa from the Pocomoke Estuary and Chesapeake Bay, we found that significant grazing control of the non-toxic zoospore stage of P. piscicida by A. tonsa would only occur at high copepod abundances (>10 copepods L−1). We conclude that under most in situ conditions the potential biological control of blooms of P. piscicida is exerted by microzooplankton grazers. However, in the less saline portions of estuaries where maximum concentrations of copepods often occur with low abundances of microzooplankton, copepod grazing coefficients can be similar to the growth rates of P. piscicida.  相似文献   

Abundances of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. and concentrations of particulate domoic acid (DA) were determined in the Southern California Bight (SCB) along the coasts of Los Angeles and Orange Counties during spring and summer of 2003 and 2004. At least 1500 km2 were affected by a toxic event in May/June of 2003 when some of the highest particulate DA concentrations reported for US coastal waters were measured inside the Los Angeles harbor (12.7 μg DA L−1). Particulate DA levels were an order of magnitude lower in spring of 2004 (February and March), but DA concentrations per cell at several sampling stations during 2004 exceeded previously reported maxima for natural populations of Pseudo-nitzschia (mean = 24 pg DA cell−1, range = 0–117 pg DA cell−1). Pseudo-nitzschia australis dominated the Pseudo-nitzschia assemblage in spring 2004. Overall, DA-poisoning was implicated in >1400 mammal stranding incidents within the SCB during 2003 and 2004. Ancillary physical and chemical data obtained during our regional surveys in 2004 revealed that Pseudo-nitzschia abundances, particulate DA and cellular DA concentrations were inversely correlated with concentrations of silicic acid, nitrogen and phosphate, and to specific nutrient ratios. Particulate DA was detected in sediment traps deployed at 550 and 800 m depth during spring of 2004 (0.29–7.6 μg DA (g sediment dry weight)−1). The highest DA concentration in the traps was measured within 1 week of dramatic decreases in the abundances of Pseudo-nitzschia in surface waters. To our knowledge these are the deepest sediment trap collections from which DA has been detected. Sinking of the spring Pseudo-nitzschia bloom may constitute a potentially important link between DA production in surface waters and benthic communities in the coastal ocean near Los Angeles. Our study indicates that toxic blooms of Pseudo-nitzschia are a recurring phenomenon along one of the most densely populated coastal stretches of the SCB and that the severity and magnitude of these events can be comparable to or greater than these events in other geographical regions affected by domoic acid.  相似文献   

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