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长江中下游刀鲚资源和种群组成变动状况及其原因   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
在长江中下游,刀鲚(Coilia ectenes)是著名的江海洄游型经济鱼类之一,为苏、皖等省沿江渔民重要捕捞对象,产量很高。但近年来其产量日趋下降,因而引起了广大渔民和有关方面的焦虑。关于长江中下游刀鲚资源和种群组成情况,在1973—1975年期间,长江水产研究  相似文献   

淤泥湖团头鲂的生长与繁殖—兼谈资源的保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文报道我国团头鲂原种主要基地之一淤泥湖的团头鲂的生长与繁殖。退算平均体长1龄鱼为12.38厘米,2龄鱼为22.28厘米,3龄鱼为27.95厘米。体长体重关系式为W=0.0162L~(3.1818)。von Bertalanfty生长方程为L_t=64.90(1—e~(-0.1791(t+0.8779),W_t-9456.86—e~(0.1791(t+0.8779))~3。生长拐点为4.6年。1~+—3~+鱼的绝对繁殖力为35700—248400粒,与年龄呈正相关,而在同一龄组内,又与体长及体重呈正相关。产卵前成熟系数为11.19—25.76%,卵径0.98—1.14毫米。还讨论了淤泥湖团头鲂原种种群的保护问题。  相似文献   

蒜头果油合成麝香酮简报   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
麝香是我国传统的名贵中药材。麝香的有效成分的研究以及麝香酮的人工合成研究早已引起国内外科学工作者的注意,麝香中的主要有效成分麝香酮(3-甲基环十五烷酮,在天然麝香中含量为1—2%)便成为众矢之的。我国从五十年代末期开始麝香酮的人工合成研究工作,至七十年代已先后完成了十多条合成路线的实验工作,但因各种原因,至今仍未见有可供工业生产的合成方法。我们利用蒜头果油中的15-廿四碳烯酸为  相似文献   

珠江三角洲的人口时空变化及其对资源和环境的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
吴荣生  管东生 《生态学杂志》2006,25(12):1586-1590
改革开放以来,随着珠江三角洲经济的高速发展同时,该区人口大幅增长,对资源、环境的压力不断增大,制约着该区社会经济的持续发展。本文分析了近年来该区的人口时空变化情况及其与经济发展之间的互动关系,指出人口增长使该区土地资源和森林资源人均占有量进一步降低,大气和水环境污染加重。因此,解决人口问题是实现珠江三角洲可持续发展的关键。严格控制人口。合理利用资源,优化产业结构,增加环保投资和加强区域整体协调是珠江三角洲实现可持续发展的基本对策。  相似文献   

康发功  盛岩  马泠桃  孟秀祥 《生态学报》2015,35(15):4993-4999
马麝(Moschus sifanicus)分布于我国青藏高原及周边区域,雄麝可分泌麝香。因历史上的过度利用及生境丧失等原因,马麝已极度濒危。马麝驯养是保育野生马麝资源及可持续生产麝香的有效方式。我国于1990年在甘肃兴隆山保护区开始马麝驯养,并于1996年实现了可持续的活体取香。分析了兴隆山麝场1996—2006年间的麝香生产及与泌香雄麝种群增长和种群结构的关系,结果表明:兴隆山麝场11a间共取香430头次,麝香总产量达3846.6 g,年均麝香产量为(349.69±84.69)g(n=11)。泌香雄麝的种群数与麝香年产量存在极显著的相关(R=0.638,P0.01),增长模型y=e(6.4285-3.6578/t)(R2=0.735,df=9,F=24.94,P=0.0010.01)和y=e(4.2049-3.4523/t)(R2=0.700,df=9,F=21.02,P=0.0010.01)可分别模拟该麝场的麝香年产量及泌香雄麝种群的增长。泌香雄麝的平均泌香量为(8.93±0.56)g/头(n=68),各年度的雄麝平均泌香量与麝香年产量相关极显著(R=0.442,P0.01),其增长模式呈指数式增长(y=7.5126e0.0244t)(R2=0.373,df=9,F=5.36,P=0.0460.05)。各年龄组雄麝间的平均泌香量差异显著(ANOVA,F7,59=2.522,P=0.0240.05),1.5岁马麝的泌香(2.00±1.82)g,(n=10)显著高于其他各年龄组马麝(P0.05),其余年龄组间的平均泌香量无显著差异(P0.05)。雄麝的年龄组与麝香年产量呈极显著的负相关(R=-0.936,P=0.0010.01),1.5—6.5岁雄麝占种群比例91.16%,生产麝香(3560.1g)占总产量的92.55%。以麝香生产为主的麝场,其驯养雄麝种群配置应以6.5岁龄以下雄麝为主。  相似文献   

刘佳  王继军 《应用生态学报》2009,20(6):1401-1407
基于1938—2007年黄土丘陵区纸坊沟流域的调查资料,利用生态系统服务价值评估方法和生态足迹理论对该流域生态系统服务价值与生态足迹进行了测算,并分析了研究区农业生态系统与经济系统的互动关系.结果表明:1938—2007年,纸坊沟流域经历了3个阶段,即生态环境破坏-经济发展落后阶段(1938—1975年)、生态环境恢复-经济迅速发展阶段(1975—2000年)和生态环境保持良好-经济稳定增长阶段(2000—2007年);该区生态经济系统的互动关系表现为“生态恶化-生态、经济相互调节、适应-生态、经济良性互动”的过程.  相似文献   

烤烟种质资源差异性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对700多份烤烟种质资源的形态特征、主要性状、抗病性和烟叶化学成分等方面的差异性进行研究和分析,结果表明:烤烟种质资源形态差异主要表现在株型、叶形、叶耳、叶尖、茎叶角度和花序等特征上;主要性状差异表现在株高、打顸株高、叶数、节距、茎围、腰叶的长和宽等性状,其变幅分别为97.0—326.0cm、75.3~133.7cm、8.6—54片、2.6—10.1cm、6.3~13.8cm、41.6-99.0cm、16.6—47.8cm;脚叶、腰叶和项叶的长宽比变幅分别为1.3~3,7、1.5—4.9、1.6~5.8;移栽至现蕾的天数变幅为30-100d;各性状指标的变异系数在7.8%-30.3%之间。不同种质间烟叶化学成分差异较大,变异系数在16.4%-69.2%之间。在702份种质中,抗病、中抗、感病和中感病的种质分别占18.2%、36.0%、6.6%、39.0%,可提供丰富的种质资源供育种选择利用。  相似文献   

119.改善作物对水分利用的物质 据前东德1990年专利记载,2-氨基乙基硫酸盐可以改善作物,尤其是谷物对水分的利用。2-氨基乙基硫酸盐1.5毫克用于1.5千克盆栽冬小麦,促进了冬小麦对水分的利用,增加了干物质的产量。 120.植物生长刺激剂 据法国1990年专利记载,碳氧化作用产物可以用为植物生长刺激剂。此产物为腐殖酸盐,含有C30—70%、H2—6%、NO1—5%、SO1—10%、O20—45%,总酸度3—13,羧基0.5—12,酚基0.5—9m当量/克,氧化作用用干或湿加工完成。  相似文献   

调查和分析甘肃省祁连山西段及酒泉盆地草地和植被资源及其分布规律,发现该区草地类型主要为沼泽草地、低湿地草甸草地、荒漠草地、山地荒漠草地、荒漠化草原、山地草原、高寒草原、山地草甸、高寒草甸以及高寒荒漠。分析了草地资源现状和合理利用问题,并提出了可持续利用该区草地资源的对策。  相似文献   

根据野外调查,结合文献资料,对南岳衡山藤本植物的区系及其生态特征进行了初步的研究,结果表明:该区野生藤本植物共计59科129属282种(含变种),分别占该区维管植物科、属、种总数的29.35%、16.82%和15.60%.该区地里成分复杂,以热带性分布为主,温带成分亦占有较大比例,其中科、属以泛热带分布型最多,分别占科、属总数的38.98%和23.26%,而种以热带亚洲分布型最多,达25.89%,表明该区藤本植物区系是以热带性质为主的亚热带类型,同时也显示出该区藤本植物区系向温带渗透和过渡的性质;该区中国特有种丰富,共计106种,占种总数的37.59%,属华东区系,与华东、华中、华南及滇、黔、桂有着极密切的联系;该区藤本的生态分布是随着海拔的升高,温度的降低,藤本的种类与数量也相应地减少.树木和藤本无亲疏关系,未发现某些藤本偏爱某些树种胜于其他树种;在区系关系上,该区与康龙和庐山的关系最为密切,而与崀山和龙底的关系较为疏远.  相似文献   

动物社群的社会等级可对个体的资源分配、社群稳定及个体的行为对策产生重要影响,圈养动物的类固醇激素水平与饲养管理有关,可反映动物的社群紧张水平.深入理解圈养动物的社会等级与其类固醇激素水平的关系是进行濒危动物迁地保育和成功驯养的基础.2018年6月15日—8月15日,用焦点取样法对四川马尔康林麝繁育场的25头林麝进行了冲...  相似文献   

马麝(Moschus sifanicus Przewalski)系著名的药用动物。雄麝腹部有一麝香腺囊,其内分泌物叫麝香。麝香是医药工业和香料工业的重要原料。又是珍贵的出口物资。 1973-1974年作者在青海省尖扎县能科公社的青穆措沟对马麝的生态进行了观察(郑生武、皮南林,1979),同时对麝香腺囊做了解剖研究和麝的数量调查。  相似文献   

The apparent equilibrium constant of the biochemical reaction, 2-propanol+NADP(ox) = acetone+NADP(red), was determined at I = 0.25 M over a wide range of pH (5.63 to 8.02) and temperature (5 to 40 degrees C). The reaction was catalyzed by an NADP-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase. The results were used to calculate thermodynamic quantities for the chemical (ionic) reference reaction: 2-propanol+NADP(ox)(3-) = acetone+NADP(red)(4-)+H(+). The thermodynamic quantities for this reference reaction are as follows: equilibrium constant K = (5.98+/-0.46) x 10(-10); standard molar Gibbs energy change Delta(r)G(0) = (52.65+/-0.19) kJmol(-1); standard molar enthalpy change Delta(r)H(0) = (38.9+/-0.6) kJmol(-1); and standard molar entropy change Delta(r)S(0) = -(46.1+/-2.2)J K(-1)mol(-1). All of these results pertain to 25 degrees C (298.15 K) and I = 0. The results also lead, in conjunction with tabulated thermodynamic quantities, to the standard electromotive force E(0) = -0.140 V for the reduction of NADP(ox)(3-) to NADP(red)(4-).  相似文献   

Pump-probe spectroscopy after selective excitation of all-trans Cars (n = 9-13) in nonpolar solvent identified a symmetry selection rule of diabatic electronic mixing and diabatic internal conversion, i.e., '1B(u)(+)-to-1B(u)(-) is allowed but 1B(u)(+)-to-3A(g)(-) is forbidden'. Kerr-gate fluorescence spectroscopy showed that this selection rule breaks down, due to the symmetry degradation when the Car molecules are being excited, and, as a result, the 1B(u)(+)-to-3A(g)(-) diabatic electronic mixing and internal conversion become allowed. On the other hand, pump-probe spectroscopy after coherent excitation of the same set of Cars in polar solvent identified three stimulated-emission components (generated by the quantum-beat mechanism), consisting of the long-lived coherent cross term from the 1B(u)(+) + 1B(u)(-) or 1B(u)(+) + 3A(g)(-) diabatic pair and incoherent short-lived 1B(u)(+) and 1B(u)(-) or 3A(g)(-) split incoherent terms. The same type of stimulated-emission components were identified in Cars bound to LH2 complexes, their lifetimes being substantially shortened by the Car-to-BChl singlet-energy transfer. Each diabatic pair and its split components appeared with high intensities in the first component. The low-energy shifts of the 1B(u)(+)(0), 1B(u)(-)(0) and 3A(g)(-)(0) levels and efficient triplet generation were also found.  相似文献   

通过对圈养林麝(Moschusberezovskii)外周血淋巴细胞CD4~+、CD8~+亚群的检测,探讨林麝细胞免疫功能状态,并探索应用流式细胞仪分析其淋巴细胞亚群的方法,为研究林麝重大疾病的病理机制及诊断方法提供科学依据。本研究选取健康林麝和患呼吸道疾病林麝各5头,以双色流式细胞术检测其外周血淋巴细胞CD4~+、CD8~+亚群的含量,并进行比较。结果显示,羊源CD4、CD8的流式荧光抗体能够标记林麝细胞并有效检测;患病林麝与健康林麝相比,外周血CD4~+细胞含量无差异(P 0.05),CD8~+细胞含量则显著降低(P 0.01),CD4~+/CD8~+比值显著增高(P 0.01)。结果表明,患呼吸系统炎性疾病的林麝其外周血淋巴细胞CD8~+亚群变化显著,检测淋巴细胞亚群对林麝疾病的诊断有重要意义。  相似文献   

云南省人口的性比   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
王洪林 《人类学学报》1996,15(3):225-232
对云南省1990年人口普查时的性比(男:女100)进行了分析研究,发现:(1)云南省总人口的性比(105.67)比1982年人口普查时提高了2.89,比全国的(106.60)仅低0.93,开始高出“性比较为严衡状态”(1003.5:1000),为1005.3:1000,且后8年年均递升速度为1982年的18年的2.19倍。(2)景颇族的性比特别低(95.77),而汉族0—14岁儿童性比则为107.27。(3)云南“大跃进”与“国民经济暂时旧难”时期出生的人,1982年”三普”时(20—24岁)性比特别低(101.11),可1990年“四普”时(28—32岁)却达107.84。(4)城镇人口的性比(113.01),比农村入门的性比(105.67)高得多,但差异在减小,(5)全省各地人口性比不同。  相似文献   

Specific recognition of the mRNA 5' cap by eukaryotic initiation factor eIF4E is a rate-limiting step in the translation initiation. Fluorescence spectroscopy and high-sensitivity isothermal titration calorimetry were used to examine the thermodynamics of eIF4E binding to a cap-analogue, 7-methylGpppG. A van't Hoff plot revealed nonlinearity characterized by an unexpected, large positive molar heat capacity change (DeltaC(degree)(p) = +1.92 +/- 0.93 kJ.mol(-1).K(-1)), which was confirmed by direct ITC measurements (DeltaC(degree)(p) = +1.941 +/- 0.059 kJ.mol(-1).K(-1)). This unique result appears to come from an extensive additional hydration upon binding and charge-related interactions within the binding site. As a consequence of the positive DeltaC(degree)(p), the nature of the thermodynamic driving force changes with increasing temperature, from enthalpy-driven and entropy-opposed, through enthalpy- and entropy-driven in the range of biological temperatures, into entropy-driven and enthalpy-opposed. Comparison of the van't Hoff and calorimetric enthalpy values provided proof for the ligand protonation at N(1) upon binding, which is required for tight stabilization of the cap-eIF4E complex. Intramolecular self-stacking of the dinucleotide cap-analogue was analyzed to reveal the influence of this coupled process on the thermodynamic parameters of the eIF4E-mRNA 5' cap interaction. The temperature-dependent change in the conformation of 7-methylGpppG shifts significantly the intrinsic DeltaH(degree)(0) = -72.9 +/- 4.2 kJ.mol(-1) and DeltaS(degree)(0) = -116 +/- 58 J.mol(-1).K(-1) of binding to the less negative resultant values, by DeltaH(degree)(sst) = +9.76 +/- 1.15 kJ.mol(-1) and DeltaS(degree)(sst) = +24.8 +/- 2.1 J.mol(-1).K(-1) (at 293 K), while the corresponding DeltaC(degree)(p)(sst) = -0.0743 +/- 0.0083 kJ.mol(-1).K(-1) is negligible in comparison with the total DeltaC(degree)(p) .  相似文献   

Ishikita H  Knapp EW 《Biochemistry》2005,44(45):14772-14783
In photosystem II (PSII), the redox properties of the non-heme iron complex (Fe complex) are sensitive to the redox state of quinones (Q(A/)(B)), which may relate to the electron/proton transfer. We calculated the redox potentials for one-electron oxidation of the Fe complex in PSII [E(m)(Fe)] based on the reference value E(m)(Fe) = +400 mV at pH 7 in the Q(A)(0)Q(B)(0) state, considering the protein environment in atomic detail and the associated changes in protonation pattern. Our model yields the pH dependence of E(m)(Fe) with -60 mV/pH as observed in experimental redox titration. We observed significant deprotonation at D1-Glu244 in the hydrophilic loop region upon Fe complex oxidation. The calculated pK(a) value for D1-Glu244 depends on the Fe complex redox state, yielding a pK(a) of 7.5 and 5.5 for Fe(2+) and Fe(3+), respectively. To account for the pH dependence of E(m)(Fe), a model involving not only D1-Glu244 but also the other titratable residues (five Glu in the D-de loops and six basic residues near the Fe complex) seems to be needed, implying the existence of a network of residues serving as an internal proton reservoir. Reduction of Q(A/B) yields +302 mV and +268 mV for E(m)(Fe) in the Q(A)(-)Q(B)(0) and Q(A)(0)Q(B)(-) states, respectively. Upon formation of the Q(A)(0)Q(B)(-) state, D1-His252 becomes protonated. Forming Fe(3+)Q(B)H(2) by a proton-coupled electron transfer process from the initial state Fe(2+)Q(B)(-) results in deprotonation of D1-His252. The two EPR signals observed at g = 1.82 and g = 1.9 in the Fe(2+)Q(A)(-) state of PSII may be attributed to D1-His252 with variable and fixed protonation, respectively.  相似文献   

Bifurcation is a basic form of vascular connection. It is composed of a parent vessel of diameter d(0), and two daughter vessels, d(1) and d(2), where d(0) > d(1) >/= d(2). Optimal values for the bifurcation area ratio, beta = (d(1)(2) + d(2)(2))/d(0)(2), and the junction exponent, x, in d(0)(x) = d(1)(x) + d(2)(x), are postulated to be universal in nature. However, we have hypothesized that the perinatal pulmonary arterial circulation is an exception. Arterial diameters were measured in pulmonary vascular casts of a fetal lamb (140 days gestation/145 days term) and a neonatal lamb (1 day old). The values for beta and x were evaluated in 10,970 fetal and 846 neonatal bifurcations sampled from the proximal and intermediate arterial regions. Mean values and confidence intervals (CI) for the fetus were beta = 0.890 (0.886-0.895 CI) and x = 1.75 (1.74-1.76 CI); and for the newborn were beta = 0.913 (0.90-0.93 CI) and x = 1. 79 (1.75-1.82 CI). These values are significantly different from Murray's law (beta > 1, x = 3) or the West-Brown-Enquist law (beta = 1, x = 2). Therefore, perinatal pulmonary bifurcation design appears to be distinctive and exceptional. The decreasing cross-sectional area with branching leads to the hemodynamic consequence of shear stress amplification. This structural organization may be important for facilitating vascular development at low flow rates; however, it may be the origin of unstable reactivity if elevated blood flow and pressure occurs.  相似文献   

四川盆地西北缘林麝种群密度及保护与利用   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
1986年10月-1987年5月在四川盆地西北缘,利用粪堆计数法,对保护区和非保护区的4种不同生境及不同海拔区间林麝种群密度进行了调查研究。得到保护地区原生林、次生乔木林、次生灌木林、人工林4种生境中林麝种群密度(M±SE)分别为3.94±1.57、1.55±0.23、0.61±0.22、0.00头/平方公里,其中最佳生境林麝密度为9.88头/平方公里;非保护地区次生乔木林中林麝种群密度(M±SE)为0.15±0.09头/平方公里,非常显著地低于保护地区次生乔木林(P<0.005),此区已丧失了利用价值。按年平均增长率49.80%计算,在无任何人为猎取的情况下,要恢复到1.5-2.5头/平方公里(正常栖息密度),约需6-7年。而后,可按每年自然繁殖总量的60%或总数量的20%猎取。同时得到决定林麝水平分布的关键因子是植被类型、乔灌木密度及基底硬度;决定林麝垂直分布的主要因子是植被垂直分布和人为干扰程度。  相似文献   

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