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Scharf B 《Journal of bacteriology》2002,184(21):5979-5986
The soil bacterium Rhizobium lupini H13-3 has complex right-handed flagellar filaments with unusual ridged, grooved surfaces. Clockwise (CW) rotation propels the cells forward, and course changes (tumbling) result from changes in filament speed instead of the more common change in direction of rotation. In view of these novelties, fluorescence labeling was used to analyze the behavior of single flagellar filaments during swimming and tumbling, leading to a model for directional changes in R. lupini. Also, flagellar filaments were investigated for helical conformational changes, which have not been previously shown for complex filaments. During full-speed CW rotation, the flagellar filaments form a propulsive bundle that pushes the cell on a straight path. Tumbling is caused by asynchronous deceleration and stops of individual filaments, resulting in dissociation of the propulsive bundle. R. lupini tumbles were not accompanied by helical conformational changes as are tumbles in other organisms including enteric bacteria. However, when pH was experimentally changed, four different polymorphic forms were observed. At a physiological pH of 7, normal flagellar helices were characterized by a pitch angle of 30 degrees, a pitch of 1.36 micro m, and a helical diameter of 0.50 micro m. As pH increased from 9 to 11, the helices transformed from normal to semicoiled to straight. As pH decreased from 5 to 3, the helices transformed from normal to curly to straight. Transient conformational changes were also noted at high viscosity, suggesting that the R. lupini flagellar filament may adapt to high loads in viscous environments (soil) by assuming hydrodynamically favorable conformations.  相似文献   

Structure of complex flagellar filaments in Rhizobium meliloti   总被引:11,自引:8,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The complex flagella of Rhizobium meliloti 2011 and MVII-1 were analyzed with regard to serology, fine structure, subunits, and amino acid composition. The serological identities of flagellar filaments of the two strains were demonstrated by double immunodiffusion with antiflagellin antiserum. The filaments had a diameter of 16 nm. Their morphology was dominated by the prominent undulations of an external three-start helix running at a 10-nm axial distance and at an angle of 32 degrees. Faint nearly axial striations indicated the presence of a tubular core of a different helical order. The complex filaments consisted of 40,000-dalton flagellin monomers. Typically, the amino acid composition was 3 to 4% higher in nonpolar residues and 5 to 7% lower in aspartic and glutamic acids (and their amides) than that of plain flagellar proteins. There were no immunochemical relationships among Pseudomonas rhodos, Rhizobium lupini, and R. meliloti complex flagella, suggesting that the latter represent a new class.  相似文献   


A novel technique developed in the laboratories of Bradley D. Smith and David Piwnica-Worms for imaging bacterial infections in intact living nude mice using a novel fluorescent dye, a conjugate of a NIR carbocyanine dye and two zinc(II) dipicolylamine units, allows relatively deep imaging of bacterial infection in real time. The behavior of the mice indicated good tolerance of the probe. The probe's water-octanol partition coefficient calculated by Hansch and Leo's procedure demonstrates that it is slightly lipophilic and therefore could enter mouse cells. Extant values of the physicochemical and spectroscopic parameters relevant to practical use are tabulated.  相似文献   

We present a mathematical model for the growth and length regulation of the filament of the flagellar motor of Salmonella Typhimurium. Under the assumption that the molecular constituents are translocated into the nascent filament by an ATPase and then move by molecular diffusion to the growing end, we find a monotonically decreasing relationship between the speed and the velocity of growth that is inversely proportional to length for a large length. This gives qualitative but not quantitative agreement with data of the velocity of growth. We also propose that the length of filaments is “measured” by the rate of secretion of the σ28-antifactor FlgM, using negative feedback, and present a mathematical model of this regulatory network. The combination of this regulatory network with the length-dependent rate of growth enable the bacterium to detect length shortening and regrow severed flagellar filaments.  相似文献   

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Filaments from isolated flagella of Caulobacter crescentus have been purified by successive dissociation and reconstitution. After the second and third reconstitutions from subunits in 0.8 M sodium citrate, filament preparations contained only two proteins, flagellin A (26,000 daltons) and flagellin B (28,000 daltons). There was some enrichment for flagellin A during reconstitution by this procedure, since isolated flagella contained flagellin A and flagellin B in a ratio of approximately 3.8:1 and filaments after the third reconstitution contained the two proteins in a ratio of 5.0:1.  相似文献   

A mutant of Escherichia coli K12 has been found to produce straight flagellar filaments. Electron micrographs of the negatively stained filaments were analysed by optical diffraction and filtering methods. The filament appears to consist of a one-start basic helix with 11 subunits in two turns and with a pitch of 26 Å. One class of the rows of subunits runs closely parallel to the filament axis. We have found that the addition of acridines to the filament suspension induces side-by side aggregation of the filaments. The optical diffraction pattern of the aggregates is similar to that of untreated filaments.Straight filaments were observed to be reconstructed on polymerization of the isolated mutant flagellin in vitro. When the straight-type flagellin copolymerizes with normal-type flagellin, the wave form of the resultant filaments is either normal or heteromorphous. The latter consists of straight and normal-type parts.These results indicate that the straight filament described here is a novel type and differs from that of a mutant of Salmonella with respect to structure (O'Brien & Bennett, 1972) and to the wave form of the copolymer product (Asakura, 1970; Asakura & Iino, 1972).  相似文献   

Isolated flagellar filaments from the type strain of Bacillus cereus, ATCC 14579, were shown to consist of 34, 32 and 31 kDa proteins in similar proportions as judged by band intensities on sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The N-terminal amino acid sequences of these three proteins of strain ATCC 14579 were identical with the deduced sequences of three flagellin genes BC1657, BC1658 and BC1659 in the whole genome sequence. Strain ATCC 14579 was classified into serotype T2 by a flagellar serotyping scheme for B. cereus strains that are untypeable into known flagellar serotypes H1 to H23. Flagellar filaments from a reference strain of serotype T2 contained two protein bands at 34 and 32 kDa, but a single protein band at 39 kDa was detected in flagellar filaments of a reference strain of serotype H1. Two murine monoclonal antibodies, 1A5 and 2A5, which recognize both the 34 and 32 kDa flagellins and a single flagellin of 32 kDa, respectively, were specifically reactive with B. cereus strains ATCC 14579 and serotype T2 in whole-cell ELISA and bacterial motility inhibition tests. In immunoelectron microscopy with monoclonal antibodies 1A5 and 2A5, colloidal gold spheres were shown to localize almost evenly over the entire part of flagellar filaments. Since strain ATCC 14579, and presumably strain serotype T2, are unusual among B. cereus strains in possessing multiple genes that encode flagellin subunits, a possible unique mechanism may contribute to assembly of multiple flagellin subunits into the filament over its entire length.  相似文献   

Elongation of a helical bacterial flagellar filament in a fluid flow with one end attached to a slide glass is calculated. The flagellar filament is regarded as a coil spring. In this case, the spring constant is a function of the elastic constants of the flagellar filament. Relations between the elongation and the elastic constants are discussed.  相似文献   

Bacterial flagellar filaments grow at their distal ends, from flagellin that travels through a central channel ~2 nm in diameter. The flagellin is extruded from the cytoplasm by a pump powered by a proton motive force (PMF). We measured filament growth in cells near the mid-exponential-phase with flagellin bearing a specific cysteine-for-serine substitution, allowing filaments to be labeled with sulfhydryl-specific fluorescent dyes. We labeled filaments first with a green maleimide dye and then, following an additional period of growth, with a red maleimide dye. The contour lengths of the green and red segments were measured. The average lengths of red segments (~2.3 μm) were the same regardless of the lengths of the green segments from which they grew (ranging from less than 1 to more than 9 μm in length). Thus, flagellar filaments do not grow at a rate that decreases exponentially with length, as formerly supposed. If flagellar filaments were broken by viscous shear, the broken filaments continued to grow. Identical results were obtained whether flagellin was expressed from fliC on the chromosome under the control of its native promoter or on a plasmid under the control of the arabinose promoter.  相似文献   

In a microscope slide preparation, monomeric flagellins were found to polymerize into flagellar filaments spontaneously, without addition of seeds. Dynamic images of individual growing filaments in a dark-field light microscope were recorded throughout their growth by an ultrasensitive video camera. Each filament had its own unique growth curve. The growth curves consisted of two kinds of discrete phase; namely, the elongation and the rest phase. In the former, a filament elongates at a constant rate, fairly similar among all filaments. In the latter, elongation stops completely. Each filament exists in either of the two phases and alternates between them in a stochastic manner. A mean elongation rate of 89 + 15 nm per minute was obtained at the flagellin concentration of 2 mg/ml, for filaments in the elongation phase.  相似文献   

We determined and correlated the rigidity of Salmonella typhimurium, Escherichia coli, and Rhizobium lupini flagellar filaments representing various structural and polymorphic states (plain, complex, straight, superhelical, and right- and left-handed). Persistence length, from which the filament's rigidity and other parameters (Young's modulus, bending force constant, buckling persistence length, flexural deformation, and flexural time) were derived, was determined from electron micrographs of isolated, negatively stained filaments. Outer diameters and radii of strong intersubunit connectivity were determined from three-dimensional image reconstructions and radial mass density profiles from scanning transmission electron microscopy. All filaments appear to be highly rigid with no evident correlation with their helical sense or superhelicity. The complex filament of R. lupini is rigid to the extent that it becomes brittle. The overall flexibility of the flagellum seems to stem mainly from the hook and not from the filament. Polymorphism is probably related to the propelling properties and hydrodynamic shape of the filament rather than to its rigidity.  相似文献   

The time course for the build-up and decay of birefringence induced by a rectangular voltage pulse was measured on solutions of flagellar filaments from Salmonella equi-abortus (strain SJ25). These filaments are tubular polymers of protein (degree of polymerization ≈ 103) constituted by non-covalent linkage of flagellin monomers of molecular weight 4 × 104. The effect on electro-optical properties of solutions of filaments due to variations in temperature, concentration and mean length of protein filaments, and the duration and intensity of the applied electric field is described. Analysis of the field intensity dependence of the birefringence and comparison of the build-up and decay processes indicate that orientation in the field is due primarily to the existence of a permanent dipole moment in the filaments. At 18 °C the following values were obtained for a solution of filaments with mean length and standard deviation of 0.39 and 0.30 μm: specific Kerr constant (Ksp) = 6.14 × 10−3 electrostatic units; optical anisotropy factor (g1g2) = 5.66 × 10−3; dipole moment (μ) = 1.01 × 105 Debye units; and mean relaxation time (\̄gt) = 9.20 ms. At temperatures below 20 °C there is a marked increase in the optical anisotropy factor of the filaments which may be due to a change in their flexibility. The large values of Ksp obtained indicate the highly responsive nature of these filaments to an electric field. The birefringence decay curves were decomposed by computer into a specified number of exponential terms from which both the mean length and the size distribution of these polydisperse filaments were calculated. The results obtained were in substantial agreement with the values of these parameters observed by electron microscopy. A cumulative field effect dependent on field intensity and filament concentration was observed. Repeated pulsing of electric field, above threshold values of field intensity and filament concentration, produced decreases in the birefringence near 60% of its initial value. The effect was reversible with a time constant greater than two minutes. No appreciable change in the relaxation time for decay of birefringence was observed on multiple pulsing of these solutions. These results are interpreted consistently to arise from the sidewise aggregation of filaments induced by electrical impulses of sufficient intensity and duration. These properties appear relevant to bacterial motility: variations in electric potential along the membrane of the bacterium might serve first to orient these organelles and then to induce their coalescence to “bundles” of filaments. The latter structures are commonly observed in vivo. In this way the activity of flagella might be co-ordinated.  相似文献   

The flagellar filament, the bacterial organelle of motility, is the smallest rotary propeller known. It consists of 1), a basal body (part of which is the proton driven rotary motor), 2), a hook (universal joint-allowing for off-axial transmission of rotary motion), and 3), a filament (propeller-a long, rigid, supercoiled helical assembly allowing for the conversion of rotary motion into linear thrust). Helically perturbed (so-called "complex") filaments have a coarse surface composed of deep grooves and ridges following the three-start helical lines. These surface structures, reminiscent of a turbine or Archimedean screw, originate from symmetry reduction along the six-start helical lines due to dimerization of the flagellin monomers from which the filament self assembles. Using high-resolution electron microscopy and helical image reconstruction methods, we calculated three-dimensional density maps of the complex filament of Rhizobium lupini H13-3 and determined its surface pattern and boundaries. The helical symmetry of the filament allows viewing it as a stack of identical slices spaced axially and rotated by constant increments. Here we use the closed outlines of these slices to explore, in two dimensions, the hydrodynamic effect of the turbine-like boundaries of the flagellar filament. In particular, we try to determine if, and under what conditions, transitions from laminar to turbulent flow (or perturbations of the laminar flow) may occur on or near the surface of the bacterial propeller. To address these questions, we apply the boundary element method in a manner allowing the handling of convoluted boundaries. We tested the method on several simple, well-characterized cylindrical structures before applying it to real, highly convoluted biological surfaces and to simplified mechanical analogs. Our results indicate that under extreme structural and functional conditions, and at low Reynolds numbers, a deviation from laminar flow might occur on the flagellar surface. These transitions, and the conditions enabling them, may affect flagellar polymorphism and the formation and dispersion of flagellar bundles-factors important in the chemotactic response.  相似文献   

In the presence of p-fluorophenylalanine, a normally flagellated strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa produced straight flagellar filaments at the distal ends of preexisting flagella, indicating polar growth on its flagella.  相似文献   

A multivalent, bifunctional flagellum carrying two different adhesive peptides in separate flagellin subunits within a filament was constructed in Escherichia coli. The inserted peptides were the fibronectin-binding 115-mer D repeat region of Staphylococcus aureus and the 302-mer collagen-binding region of YadA of Yersinia enterocolitica. Western blotting, immunoelectron microscopy, and adhesion tests with hybrid flagella from an in trans-complemented DeltafliC E. coli strain showed that individual filaments consisted of both recombinant flagellins.  相似文献   

Elongation of a helical bacterial flagellar filament subjected to fluid flow was calculated on the assumption that one end of the filament is firmly attached to a substratum. It was found that the quantity [E(d/2 pi r)2 + 2 mu] could be determined by measuring the elongation at various flow rates, where E is Young's modulus, mu the modulus of rigidity, r the radius of the helix, and d the helical pitch. Experiments were carried out to determine the above quantity for Salmonella flagellar filaments assuming a close-coil form. Because the above quantity is almost equal to 2 mu for a helical form with a large radius/pitch ratio, we were able to determine the modulus of rigidity for this kind of flagellar filament from plots of elongation vs. flow rates. The modulus of rigidity was determined to be about 1 X 10(11) dyn/cm2, i.e., 2 orders of magnitude larger than the previously estimated value.  相似文献   

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