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This paper summarizes research results and their industrial applications obtained by continuous culture in the former Czechoslovakia. Past achievements as well as recent trends and developments worldwide are presented. The term “Prague School of continuous culture” is put forward and its international activity is outlined. The impact of this school was pervasive across the entire field of applied microbiology and biotechnology in Czechoslovakia and, perhaps, even beyond the country's boarders. Continuous culture is a very mature field, and since its establishment it has become a powerful research tool. The present activity in this field amounts to a renaissance of continuous culture, emphasizing new dimensions in bioinformatics and systems biology.  相似文献   

Three new Annitella species (Trichoptera, Limnephilidae, Chaetopterygini) from the Iberian Peninsula, Annitella amelia sp.n. (Portugal), A. cabeza sp.n. (Spain) and A. lalomba sp.n. (Spain) are described. Psilopteryx (Acropsilopteryx) esparraguera Schmid, 1952 and Psilopteryx sanabriensis Gonzales and Otero, 1985 are transferred to the genus Annitella. Brief decriptions and illustrations of these species and of the related species A. pyrenaea (Navás, 1930) are given. A sketch map of the distribution of the Annitella species in the Iberian Peninsula is included.  相似文献   

The larvae of Trinotoperla irrorata Tillyard (Gripopterygidae) possess remarkable chlorid cells consisting of one central cell and at least one adjacent cell grouped together into a small cell complex. They are termed floriform chloride cells because of the flower‐bud‐like structures seen by scanning electron miroscopy. Fine structural studies in combination with histochemical demonstration of chloride indicate that these cell complexes probably participate in osmoregulation by the absorption of salt.  相似文献   

Annitella apfelbecki is one of three Annitella species with distribution ranges restricted to the Balkan Peninsula. In this paper, we describe the hitherto unknown female of A. apfelbecki and give the most important morphological features to enable its identification and separation from the other Annitella females. Additionally, we provide new data on distribution and discuss zoogeography, life cycle and ecology of this species.  相似文献   

A central focus in the study of lek evolution is to understandthe clustering of male mating territories. Lekking males typicallydefend small clumped territories and experience intense competitionassociated with dense aggregations. We used dynamic state variablemodeling to evaluate three alternative selective pressures proposedto explain the evolution of lekking. These are female matingbias for large clusters, reduction in predation risk in largeclusters, and male harassment of estrous females. We modeledmale mating decisions during a single breeding season usinga lekking ungulate as a model system. Males could choose fromeight alternative tactics that included a nonreproductive tactic,territorial tactics ranging from low to high clustering, andthe option to join a mixed-sex herd. The model predicted a state-and time-dependent strategy that maximizes mating success overthe course of the season. We then simulated a population of100 males that used the optimal strategy and calculated theproportion of the population that adopted each tactic. Our modelgenerated unique predictions for the three selective pressureswe considered. Female mating bias, when nonlinearly relatedto cluster size, had the greatest potential to generate largeclusters of territorial males, whereas predation risk and harassmentof females typically did not promote male clustering. More generally,our model highlights the conditions that will favor lekking.Lek-like clustering was consistently produced when the benefitsin clustering increased in specific nonlinear ways. Our modelthus emphasizes clarifying the shapes of relationships betweenpotential selective factors and the size of territory clusters.  相似文献   

Substantial additive genetic variance (V(A)) often exists for male signalling traits in spite of the directional selection that female choice imposes. One solution to this problem, a conundrum generally termed the 'lek paradox', is that genotype × environment interaction (GEI) occurs and generates a 'crossover' of reaction norms in which no one genotype performs in a superior manner in all environments. Theoretical work indicates that such crossover can sustain genetic variance provided that either (i) spatial heterogeneity in environmental conditions combined with limited migration among populations or (ii) temporal heterogeneity in environmental conditions combined with occasional generation overlap is present. Whereas some recent studies have revealed the intersection of reaction norms for sexually selected traits in laboratory and in natural populations, associated information on environmental heterogeneity, migration and generation overlap has not been investigated. We studied this question in an acoustic pyralid moth, Achroia grisella, in which previous work indicated GEI and crossover of reaction norms for several parameters of the male song evaluated by females. We measured reaction norms for male song as expressed when development was completed under different environmental conditions in four neighbouring, yet isolated, populations during 1 year and in one of these populations during consecutive years. Crossover occurred for the various song parameters in the several populations, but we did not observe a higher incidence of crossover between genotypes taken from two different populations than from the same population. However, for several key song parameters, crossover between genotypes taken from two different years was higher than that between genotypes from the same year. We suggest that temporal heterogeneity in the form of varying selection could potentially conserve V(A) in A. grisella, but we also note other factors that might contribute.  相似文献   

Many amphibian species are known to form leks during breeding season, yet it has seldom been tested which evolutionary forces are likely to act on lek formation in this taxon. We tested the kin selection hypothesis for lek formation by using eight variable microsatellite loci to compare the genetic relationship of 203 males in seven Rana arvalis leks. The results indicate that moor frog males do not lek with kin: their relatedness within leks was not higher than expected by chance. Furthermore, spatially distinct leks within same water bodies could not be distinguished from each other as separate units. These results are not expected if kin selection underlie lek formation. On the basis of these results and general knowledge of anuran breeding biology, we suggest that lek formation in explosively breeding amphibians might have evolved by female choice for breeding aggregations, combined with female choice of habitat. Future work should aim at predicting aggregations based on rules of phonotaxis over different spatial scales, and empirical work should document visitation rates not only for leks of a specific size, but also for different travel distances that visiting females may have had to cover.  相似文献   

Despite their well-documented immunogenicity, malignant melanomas belong to the most aggressive tumor types. A potential explanation for this is the suboptimal activation of tumor infiltrating T cells. In order to boost immune responses against tumors, a variety of treatment modalities have been tested in animal models and in clinical setting. Antigen-nonspecific approaches (e.g., IFN-alpha and IL-2), as well as active specific immunotherapeutical modalities based on the use of autologous or allogeneic tumor cell-save been investigated in clinical trials of melanoma. The identification of melanoma-associated antigens has opened new avenues in antigen-specific immunotherapy. A promising alternative for the delivery of different forms of melanoma antigens is the application of dendritic cells, the most potent antigen presenting cells capable of eliciting efficient T-cell response. Beside active immunotherapy, immune response against melanoma antigens could be increased through the adoptive transfer of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes or antigen specific T-cell clones. The most important conclusion that can be drawn from the results of published immunotherapy studies is that these modalities are able to induce durable complete tumor regressions,mostly with reasonable toxicity; however, generally only in a minority of patients. This points to the importance of appropriate patient selection, with regard to the expression of the targeted antigens and HLA molecules, as well as to the general immunocompetence of the patients. A crucial and still unsolved question is monitoring immune activation during treatment, although there are promising new tools that could prove useful in this respect. The presence of tumor-reactive CTL in the circulation or in the tumors does not guarantee an efficient immune response. It is important to assess if these T cells are in an activated and functional state. Finally, in several single target antigen-based clinical studies a therapy-induced immunoselection of antigen-negative clones, leading to disease progression, was observed. This could be overcome with the use of antigen cocktails or whole tumor approaches. A better understanding of the mechanisms of action of immunotherapeutical modalities may enhance the success rate of these strategies.  相似文献   

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