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Abstract 1. The role of several factors that affect the composition of the dung beetle assemblages in an Amazonian rainforest was quantified, together with the effect of these factors on the role that dung beetles play as secondary seed dispersers. 2. A total of 61 dung beetle species was captured during 3360 h of trapping. During nocturnal trapping periods, more dung beetles, of larger mean size, and more species were captured per trap than during diurnal trapping periods. 3. During the rainy season, more dung beetle species were captured per trap than during the dry season, but the number of individuals and their mean size did not vary between seasons. 4. Bait size had a significant effect on the mean number of beetles and mean number of species but not on mean beetle size. As bait size increased from 5, 10, 25, to 50 g, more beetles and more species were captured per trap. 5. Between 6 and 73% of plastic beads, used as seed mimics, were buried by dung beetles at depths that ranged from 0.5 to 7 cm. Both the proportion of beads buried and burial depth decreased with increasing bead size, and increased with increasing amounts of dung surrounding each bead (5, 10, and 25 g). 6. The proportion of buried seeds for three species varying in size between 5 and 27 mm, increased with increasing dung beetle size, using beetles of seven sizes, varying between 10 and 25 mm. 7. Seeds surrounded by dung were buried more often and more deeply when placed on the forest floor during the late afternoon than when placed during the early morning. Seeds were also buried more often when placed on the forest floor during the rainy season than when placed during the dry season, but season had no effect on burial depth. 8. Forests in Central Amazonia hold a rich dung beetle community that plays an active role in secondary seed dispersal, and consequently in plant regeneration. The interaction between seeds and beetles is complex because it is affected by many factors.  相似文献   

The life cycle of almost all dung beetles revolve around mammalian dung, the feed on dung, look for mating partners on dung and lay eggs in the dung. We know they feed on dung, but we still do not understand how exactly they filter‐feed on the dung and which particles size range they are ingesting. The aim on this study was to investigate the filter feeding by particle selection by adult dung beetles using Scarabaeus goryi and how that improves the nutrient quality of the ingested particles. We compared the particle sizes and nutrient content of the dung with the ingested material in the foregut, hindgut and the faeces of the dung beetle. Adult dung beetles do select smaller dung particles when feeding, we found the maximum particle size for the ingested particle to be around 1400 μm. The average particle size increased through the gut length. Dung beetles also selected particles with higher nitrogen content when feeding, the nitrogen content increased from about 1.5% in the dung to just over 5% in the foregut which then decreased to the level of the unprocessed dung in the dung beetle faeces. Carbon content did not increase from the unprocessed dung to the foregut but decreased through the gut length. Feeding by particle size selection by dung beetles helps in selecting particles with higher nitrogen content to compensate for the low levels found in dung.  相似文献   

Annual ingestion and body growth have been estimated for average-sized adult (mean s.l. 62.7 mm) jewel damselfish. Plectroglyphidodon lacrymatus (Quoy et Gaimard), on a shallow fringing reef of southern Papua New Guinea. Mean ingestion (calculated from daily algal-food consumption in winter, the relationship between water temperature and feeding activity, and C, N and P contents of algal food) was 304.3gC year, 20.4gN year−1 and 3.5gP year−1 for this herbivorous fish. Mean body-growth rates for the fish were 5.7 mm year−1, from SEM analysis of sagittal-otolith microstructure, and 6.2 mm year−1 from a mark-release-recapture study in the wild. Based on C and N analyses of whole fish and the dry-weight/s.L. relationship, the gross growth efficiency of these fish was 0.2% for C and 0.5% for N. These very low efficiencies indicate that although P. lacrymatus ingests and absorbs a high proportion of algal production in its territory, only a small part of the assimilation goes into body growth and is thus potentially available to piscivorous fish higher in the food-chain.  相似文献   

We examine the effect of selective timber extraction, and corresponding forest canopy loss, on arboreal dung beetles in the tropical rainforests of Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Changes in vertical distribution of beetles are measured through differences in the abundance of beetles in ground-based pitfall traps in primary, logged and plantation forest. Previous research has demonstrated that arboreal dung beetles are not generally collected in pitfall traps in primary forest, but are present in large numbers above the ground in canopy vegetation: the presence of arboreal beetles in pitfalls in areas of reduced or modified canopy cover may therefore reflect a response to the absence or modification of their usual habitat, and the proliferation of these beetles nearer to the ground. In this paper, statistically significant differences are found in the abundance of beetles in ground pitfall traps from logged forest compared to primary forest. Results show that virtually no arboreal dung beetles are recorded in primary forest traps, with an increased abundance of arboreal dung beetles in traps from logged and plantation forest, with 1.72% of the total number of arboreal beetles recorded from primary forest, 22.32% from logged forest, and 75.96% from plantation forest. The presence of arboreal dung beetles in plantations demonstrates that arboreal dung beetles can survive outside their normal habitat, and we relate these observations to adaptations to upper rainforest canopy conditions, and proliferation of these microclimatic conditions in man-made habitats. Results are also discussed in terms of their relevance to the measurement of species richness and diversity in logged and other derived ecosystems, where mixing of the ground-based and arboreal faunas occurs.  相似文献   

Abstract. Termites contribute nitrogen to their habitat through the nitrogenase activity of their bacterial symbionts. Previous studies indicate that high levels of dietary nitrogen suppress nitrogen fixation in termites. We examined the effects of dietary nitrogen on fixation rates in termites in both field and laboratory experiments. Ten field cplonies of Reticulitermes were collected and assayed for nitrogenase activity in July 1993, October 1993, January 1994, and April 1994. The nitrogen content of the wood collected with each colony was determined. There was no correlation between termite nitrogen fixation rates and the amount of nitrogen in their food for any of the four collection periods. In laboratory experiments, nitrogen fixation rates decreased when termites were fed filter paper treated with 2% and 5% ammonium nitrate or a 5% mixture of the amino acids proline, tryptophan and leucine, compared to water-treated controls. By contrast, the nitrogenase activity of termites fed filter paper treated with 2% and 5% ammonium phosphate, a mixture of the amino acids histidine, serine and aspartic acid, or 2% and 5% urea did not differ from the controls. However, nitrogenase activity increased when termites were fed with 2% uric acid. No clear association exists between termite nitrogen fixation and the nitrogen content of their food.  相似文献   

Saproxylic insects depend on deadwood for larval development, and a certain degree of specialization may be involved in their choice of host plants and/or wood in a particular stage of degradation. The plant species chosen for oviposition in turn act as an environmental pressure on the head morphology of larvae and it is expected that head shape plasticity varies directly with the number of woody plant species used for larval development in each insect species. We analyzed head shape variation in saproxylic beetles with respect to host plant species, maximum time of larval emergence and season of the year when insects colonized branches. Generalist species in the use of host plants showed significant variation in head shape and size. Time of emergence and season did not appear to affect head shape, although season was a determinant factor of abundance and possibly head size variation.  相似文献   

We investigated physiological and morphological traits underlying variation in relative growth rate (KGR) among wheat cultivars. Subsequently, we determined whether higher RGR is correlated with higher water demand and lower plant water use efficiency (WUEp). Further, the correlation between water use efficiency and leaf nitrogen concentration was examined. For this purpose we chose lour cultivars contrasting in RGR or WUEp. Gas exchange of shoots and respiration of roots were measured on intact plants over a 24 h period, and total carbon and nitrogen concentrations of all plant parts were determined. The highest RGR was achieved by the cultivars with the highest leaf area ratio. WUEp was strongly dependent on photosynthetic water use efficiency and was highest for the cultivars with the highest rate of photosynthesis, which achieved higher rates of photosynthesis per unit leaf nitrogen. We found no evidence for a functional or genetic link between the physiological traits underlying differences in RGR (specific leaf area and leaf area ratio) and those causing variation in water use efficiency (photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate). These results indicate that, in wheat, it may be possible to select simultaneously for traits associated with a high WUEp and a high RGR.  相似文献   

不同小麦品种氮效率与氮吸收对氮素供应的响应及生理机制   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
以具有典型特征的不同氮效率小麦品种为材料,研究了低氮和高氮条件下小麦的生物学性状、生理参数和氮同化代谢酶活性.结果表明:低氮条件下,不同氮效率小麦品种根系干质量、茎叶干质量、植株氮累积量基本上为氮高效品种>中效品种>低效品种.低氮条件下,氮吸收高效品种(冀97-6360)的根系活跃吸附面积、TTC还原力、叶片硝酸还原酶活性和叶片NO3-含量最大;生理高效品种(石新5418)具有较高的叶片亚硝酸还原酶活性和谷氨酰胺合成酶活性,较低的植株全氮含量、叶片NO3-含量和硝酸还原酶活性.低氮条件下植株氮利用效率与氮吸收系数显著相关.不同小麦品种在高氮条件下的生物学性状、生理参数和氮同化代谢酶活性与低氮条件下不尽一致.  相似文献   

The role of nitrogen fixation in the nitrogen cycle of the North Atlantic basin was re-evaluated because recent estimates had indicated a far higher rate than previous reports. Examination of the available data on nitrogen fixation rates and abundance ofTrichodesmium, the major nitrogen fixing organism, leads to the conclusion that rates might be as high as 1.09 × 1012 mol N yr–1. Several geochemical arguments are reviewed that each require a large nitrogen source that is consistent with nitrogen fixation, but the current data, although limited, do not support a sufficiently high rate. However, recent measurements of the fixation rates per colony are higher than the historical average, suggesting that improved methodology may require a re-evaluation through further measurements. The paucity of temporally resolved data on both rates and abundance for the major areal extent of the tropical Atlantic, where aeolian inputs of iron may foster high fixation rates, represents another major gap.  相似文献   

Niu J  Chen F  Mi G  Li C  Zhang F 《Annals of botany》2007,99(1):153-160
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The influence of two nitrogen (N) levels on growth, water relations, and N uptake and flow was investigated in two different inbred lines of maize (N-efficient Zi330 and N-inefficient Chen94-11) to analyse the differences in N uptake and cycling within a plant. METHODS: Xylem sap from different leaves of the inbred lines cultured in quartz sand was collected by application of pressure to the root system. Plant transpiration was measured on a daily basis by weighing five pots of each of the treatments. KEY RESULTS: N-efficient Zi330 had a higher relative growth rate and water-use efficiency at both high (4 mm) and low (0.08 mm) N levels. At a high N level, the amount of N taken up was similar for the two inbred lines; the amount of N transported in the xylem and retranslocated in the phloem was slight greater in Chen94-11 than in Zi330. At a low N level, however, the total amount of N taken up, transported in the xylem and retranslocated in the phloem of Zi330 was 2.2, 2.7 and 2.7 times more, respectively, than that of Chen94-11. Independent of inbred line and N level, the amounts of N transported in the xylem and cycled in the phloem were far more than that taken up by roots at the same time. Low N supply shifted NO(3)(-1) reduction towards the roots. The major nitrogenous compound in the xylem sap was NO(3)(-1), when plants grew at the high N level, while amino acid-N was predominant when plants grew at the low N level. CONCLUSIONS: The N-efficient maize inbred line Zi330 had a higher ability to take up N and cycle N within the plant than N-inefficient Chen94-11 when grown under N-deficiency.  相似文献   

In previous experiments systematic differences have been found in the morphology, carbon economy and chemical composition of seedlings of inherently fast- and slow-growing plant species, grown at a non-limiting nutrient supply. In the present experiment it was investigated whether these differences persist when plants are grown at suboptimal nutrient supply rates. To this end, plants of the inherently fast-growing Holcus lanatus L. and the inherently slow-growing Deschampsia flexuosa (L.) Trin. were grown in sand at two levels of nitrate supply. Growth, photosynthesis, respiration and carbon and nitrogen content were studied over a period of 4 to 7 weeks. At low N-supply, the potentially fast-growing species still grew faster than the potentially slow-growing one. Similarly, differences in leaf area ratio (leaf area:total dry weight), specific leaf area (leaf area:leaf dry weight) and leaf weight ratio (leaf dry weight:total dry weight), as observed at high N-supply persisted at low N-availability. The only growth parameter for which a substantial Species × N-supply interaction was found was the net assimilation rate (increase in dry weight per unit leaf area and time). Rates of photosynthesis, shoot respiration and root respiration, expressed per unit leaf, shoot and root weight, respectively, were lower for the plants at low N-availability and higher for the fast-growing species. Species-specific variation in the daily carbon budget was mainly due to variation in carbon fixation. Lower values at low N were largely determined by both a lower C-gain of the leaves and a higher proportion of the daily gain spent in root respiration. Interspecific variation in C-content and dry weight:fresh weight ratio were similar at low and high N-supply. Total plant organic N decreased with decreasing N-supply, without differences between species. It is concluded that most of the parameters related to growth, C-economy and chemical composition differ between species and/or are affected by N-supply, but that differences between the two species at high N-availability persist at low N-supply.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between nitrogen (N) partitioning and isotopic fractionation in lactating goats consuming diets with a constant high concentration of N and increasing levels of water soluble carbohydrate (WSC). Eight lactating goats were offered four different ratios of WSC : N in the diet. A two-period incomplete cross-over design was used, with two goats assigned to each treatment in each period. N balance measurements were conducted, with measurement of feed N intake and total output of N in milk, faeces and urine. Treatment, period and infusion effects were tested using general ANOVA; the relationships between variables were analysed by linear regression. Dietary treatment and period had significant effects on dry matter (DM) intake (g/day). DM digestibility (g/kg DM) and N digestibility (g/kg N) increased as the ratio of WSC : N increased in the diet. No treatment effect was observed on milk urea N concentration (g/l) or urinary excretion of purine derivatives (mM/day). Although dietary treatment and period had significant effects on N intake, the change of N intake was small; no effect was observed for N partitioning among faeces, milk and urine. Milk, plasma and faeces were enriched in 15N compared with feed, whilst urine was depleted in 15N relative to feed. No significant relationship was established between N partitioning and isotopic fractionation. This study failed to confirm the potential to use N isotopic fractionation as an indicator of N partitioning in dairy goats when diets provided N in excess to requirements, most likely because the range of milk N output/N intake and urinary N output/N intake were narrow.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The major objective was to identify plant traits functionally important for optimization of shoot growth and nitrogen (N) economy under drought. Although increased leaf N content (area basis) has been observed in dry environments and theory predicts increased leaf N to be an acclimation to drought, experimental evidence for the prediction is rare.


A pedigree of 200 full-sibling hybrid willows was pot-grown in a glasshouse in three replicate blocks and exposed to two water regimes for 3 weeks. Drought conditions were simulated as repeated periods of water shortage. The total leaf mass and area, leaf area efficiency (shoot growth per unit leaf area, EA), area-based leaf N content (NA), total leaf N pool (NL) and leaf N efficiency (shoot growth per unit leaf N, EN) were assessed.

Key Results

In the water-stress treatment, shoot biomass growth was N limited in the genotypes with low NL, but increasingly limited by other factors in the genotypes with greatest NL. The NA was increased by drought, and drought-induced shift in NA varied between genotypes (significant G × E). Judged from the EANA relationship, optimal NA was 16 % higher in the water-stress compared with the well-watered treatment. Biomass allocation to leaves and shoots varied between treatments, but the treatment response of the leaf : shoot ratio was similar across all genotypes.


It is concluded that N-uptake efficiency and leaf N efficiency are important traits to improve growth under drought. Increased leaf N content (area basis) is an acclimation to optimize N economy under drought. The leaf N content is an interesting trait for breeding of willow bioenergy crops in a climate change future. In contrast, leaf biomass allocation is a less interesting breeding target to improve yield under drought.  相似文献   

模拟增温对西藏高原高寒草甸土壤供氮潜力的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
宗宁  石培礼 《生态学报》2019,39(12):4356-4365
过去几十年青藏高原呈现显著的增温趋势,冬季增温幅度显著高于生长季的季节非对称特征。气候变暖会对生态系统氮素循环产生重要影响,但关于全年增温与冬季增温对高寒生态系统氮循环的不同影响仍缺乏研究。在青藏高原高寒草甸区开展模拟增温试验,研究季节非对称增温对高寒草甸生态系统氮循环的影响。该试验布设于2010年7月,设置3种处理(不增温、冬季增温与全年增温)。研究结果发现,开顶箱增温装置造成了小环境的暖干化:显著提高了地表空气温度和表层土壤温度,降低了表层土壤含水量。冬季增温会加剧土壤中氮素的流失,所以在经历了冬季增温后土壤氮含量显著降低;在生长季节,土壤氮素周转速率受土壤水分的调控,在降雨较少的季节,增温引起的土壤含水量降低会抑制土壤氮周转速率。对于土壤微生物量而言,高寒草甸土壤微生物量碳表现出明显的季节动态,在生长季旺盛期较低,在生长季末期和初冬季节反而较高,这说明为了降低对土壤养分的竞争,高寒草甸植物氮吸收与土壤微生物氮固持在时间上存在分离。研究结果表明,冬季增温导致的土壤养分含量变化会影响随后生长季植物群落的生产力、结构组成与碳氮循环等过程,对生态系统过程产生深远的影响。  相似文献   

Acer pseudoplatanus L. trees were grown in sand culture for 2 years and, in 1988, supplied with either 1.0 mol N m-3 (low N) or 6.0 mol N m-3 (high N) to precondition their growth. In 1989, the same trees received either high or low nitrogen, producing four treatments; High N in 1988/High N in 1989; High N in 1988/Low N in 1989; Low N in 1988/Low N in 1989; and Low N in 1988/High N in 1989. Plant growth was affected by N supply in both years. In 1989 the Low N/High N treated trees had the same overall mass, leaf mass and stem girth as the High N/High N treatment. Early spring growth of foliage and roots was conditional on nitrogen supplied in the previous season. Later, the rapid increases in leaf, stem and root growth under high N was through root uptake. Internal partitioning of growth was affected, with the Low N/High N treatment producing more new leaves on axillary shoots, and more new white roots on existing structures, than the Low N/Low N treatment. Despite effects of the N preconditioning on the structure of both canopy and root system, nitrogen uptake was solely dependent on the current nitrogen supply.  相似文献   

亚热带丛枝菌根与外生菌根森林对土壤氮循环的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
菌根真菌能促进植物获取氮素从而调节土壤氮循环过程,但不同类型菌根影响土壤氮循环的特征尚待更多研究.本试验选择中国亚热带典型次生林植被,设置丛枝菌根(AM)和外生菌根(ECM)树种优势样地,对比分析两种菌根类型森林土壤氮状态的差异,以探究菌根类型影响土壤氮循环的可能作用机制.结果 表明,AM与ECM森林的土壤总氮和铵态氮...  相似文献   

张大治  陈曦  贺达汉 《昆虫知识》2012,49(1):229-235
本研究在宁夏灵武白芨滩国家级自然保护区北部荒漠景观下的磁窑堡地区,选取典型荒漠草原区(DS)、人工柠条林种植区(CCL1,CCL2)及流沙人工封育区(SDE1,SDE2,SDE3)3类生境共6块样地,于2010年4月至8月以巴氏罐诱法采集该地区拟步甲科昆虫,研究该地区拟步甲科昆虫多样性及其对生境的指示作用。结果共获得标本3406头,计12属22种,其中东鳖甲属Anatolica和小鳖甲属Microdera为优势属,波氏东鳖甲Anatolica potanini Reitter、阿小鳖甲Microdera kraatz alashanica Skopin、小丽东鳖甲Anatolica amoenula Reitter和尖尾东鳖甲Anatolic amucronata Reitter为优势种。在流沙人工封育区的SDE1样地物种丰富度指数、均匀度指数和多样性指数最高,SDE3样地个体数量和优势度指数最高;人工柠条林种植区的CCL1样地个体数量最低。聚类分析结果表明流沙人工封育区与荒漠草原区、人工柠条种植区在物种组成及生境相似性方面差异较大。利用指示值法确定不同生境的特征指示种类,结果显示波氏东鳖甲、谢氏宽漠王Mantichorula semenowiReitter、尖尾东鳖甲可作为流沙封育区特征指示种;突角漠甲Trigonocnera pseudopimelia(Reitter)、中华砚甲Cyphogenia chinensis(Faldermann)和纳氏东鳖甲AnatolicanuretiSchusteretReymond可作为荒漠草原特征指示种;蒙古漠王Platyope mongolica Faldermann、多毛宽漠甲Sternoplax setosa setosa(Bates)、克小鳖甲Microdera kraatzi(Reitter)是生境恢复的监测种;小丽东鳖甲Anatolica amoenula Reitter等种类可作为生境退化的监测种。  相似文献   

Proteinase inhibitors (PIs), lectin and patatin purified from potato tubers were tested in no‐choice feeding assays with pollen beetle larvae (Meligethes spp.). The idea was to search for resistance factors possible to introduce into oilseed rape (Brassica napus) by genetic engineering. The larval diet was prepared by soaking oilseed rape anthers in protein solutions of known concentrations. Potato lectin was the most potent in that it was the only of these proteins that reduced both larval survival and growth rate, while cysteine, aspartic and metallo PIs and patatin only reduced larval growth rate. Serine PIs had no significant effect on larval performance. Subsequently, the effect of potato lectin was compared to that of lectins from other food or feed crops, resulting in the following mortality‐ based ranking of activity: Con A from jackbean > wheat germ lectin > potato lectin > peanut lectin. In choice tests, larvae did not discriminate between Con A‐ and control‐diets. These results suggest that the effect of Con A on larvae is toxic, not deterrent. Adult response was stronger to Con A than to potato lectin in no‐choice tests, just as it was in larvae. However, adult survival rate and weight was not affected by Con A but the lectin significantly reduced adult feeding as well as oviposition rates. A resistance factor that suppresses adult feeding on flower buds is important for reduced impact of the pollen beetle on the Brassica oilseed crop.  相似文献   

Inorganic nitrogen losses from many unpolluted mature tropical forests are over an order of magnitude higher than losses from analogous temperate forests. This pattern could either reflect a lack of N limitation or accelerated plant-soil N cycling under tropical temperatures and moisture. We used a simple analytical framework of the N cycle and compared our predictions with data of N in stream waters of temperate and tropical rainforests. While the pattern could be explained by differences in N limitation, it could not be explained based on up-regulation of the internal N cycle without invoking the unlikely assumption that tropical plants are two to four times less efficient at taking up N than temperate plants. Our results contrast with the idea that a tropical climate promotes and sustains an up-regulated and leaky - but N-limited - internal N cycle. Instead, they are consistent with the notion that many tropical rainforests exist in a state of N saturation.  相似文献   

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