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The E3 ubiquitin ligase Casitas B lymphoma protein (Cbl) controls the ubiquitin-dependent degradation of EGF receptor (EGFR), but its role in regulating downstream signaling elements with which it associates and its impact on biological outcomes of EGFR signaling are less clear. Here, we demonstrate that stimulation of EGFR on human mammary epithelial cells disrupts adherens junctions (AJs) through Vav2 and Rac1/Cdc42 activation. In EGF-stimulated cells, Cbl regulates the levels of phosphorylated Vav2 thereby attenuating Rac1/Cdc42 activity. Knockdown of Cbl and Cbl-b enhanced the EGF-induced disruption of AJs and cell motility. Overexpression of constitutively active Vav2 activated Rac1/Cdc42 and reorganized junctional actin cytoskeleton; these effects were suppressed by WT Cbl and enhanced by a ubiquitin ligase-deficient Cbl mutant. Cbl forms a complex with phospho-EGFR and phospho-Vav2 and facilitates phospho-Vav2 ubiquitinylation. Cbl can also interact with Vav2 directly in a Cbl Tyr-700-dependent manner. A ubiquitin ligase-deficient Cbl mutant enhanced the morphological transformation of mammary epithelial cells induced by constitutively active Vav2; this effect requires an intact Cbl Tyr-700. These results indicate that Cbl ubiquitin ligase plays a critical role in the maintenance of AJs and suppression of cell migration through down-regulation of EGFR-Vav2 signaling.  相似文献   

The c-Cbl proto-oncogene product Cbl has emerged as a negative regulator of receptor and non-receptor tyrosine kinases, a function dependent on its recently identified ubiquitin ligase activity. Here, we report that EphA2, a member of Eph receptor tyrosine kinases is negatively regulated by Cbl. The negative regulation of EphA2 mediated by Cbl is dependent on the activity of EphA2, as the kinase inactive mutant of EphA2 cannot be regulated by Cbl. Moreover, a point mutation (G306E-Cbl) in TKB region of Cbl that has been reported to abolish Cbl binding to RTKs and non-receptor tyrosine kinases impaired the binding to active EphA2. The dominant negative mutant 70Z-Cbl, which has a 17-amino acids deletion in the N-boundary of the RING finger domain, defuncted negative regulatory function of Cbl to EphA2. These results demonstrate that the TKB domain and RING finger domain of Cbl are essential for this negative regulation.  相似文献   

Evolutionarily conserved sequences of the E3/protein-ubiquitin ligase Cbl regulate epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF-R) signaling and degradation. These sequences encompass Cbl's tyrosine kinase-binding domain, linker region, RING finger (RF), and an uncharacterized flank C-terminal to the RF (residues 420-436). The latter domain, designated the RF tail, extends beyond Cbl's ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (Ubc)-binding domain and has no known function. We report structure-function studies evaluating the impact of Cbl RF tail truncations on EGF-R fate in HEK 293 cells. All of the truncation mutants exhibit greatly reduced binding to activated EGF-R and lack proline-rich sequences that mediate direct Cbl association with SH3 proteins such as Grb2, yet a subset of mutants collectively enhances EGF-R ubiquitination, downregulation, and degradation. Significantly, EGF-R degradation correlates better with RF tail-dependent degradation of the Cbl substrate Sprouty2 than with EGF-R ubiquitination: expression of the RF tail truncation mutant Cbl 1-433 enhanced EGF-R ubiquitination while impeding Sprouty2 degradation, and Cbl 1-433 failed to enhance EGF-R downregulation or degradation. Our results suggest that EGF-R fate is controlled by a checkpoint downstream of receptor ubiquitination whose regulation by the Cbl RF tail may require Sprouty2 degradation.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms regulating the sensitivity of sensory circuits to environmental stimuli are poorly understood. We demonstrate here a central role for stem cell factor (SCF) and its receptor, c-Kit, in tuning the responsiveness of sensory neurons to natural stimuli. Mice lacking SCF/c-Kit signaling displayed profound thermal hypoalgesia, attributable to a marked elevation in the thermal threshold and reduction in spiking rate of heat-sensitive nociceptors. Acute activation of c-Kit by its ligand, SCF, resulted in a reduced thermal threshold and potentiation of heat-activated currents in isolated small-diameter neurons and thermal hyperalgesia in mice. SCF-induced thermal hyperalgesia required the TRP family cation channel TRPV1. Lack of c-Kit signaling during development resulted in hypersensitivity of discrete mechanoreceptive neuronal subtypes. Thus, c-Kit can now be grouped with a small family of receptor tyrosine kinases, including c-Ret and TrkA, that control the transduction properties of sensory neurons.  相似文献   

Expression of the src homology 3 (SH3)-encoding, expressed in tumorigenic astrocytes (SETA) gene is associated with astrocyte transformation in culture and tumors in the adult brain. SETA binds to the apoptosis regulator apoptosis-linked gene 2 (ALG-2) interacting protein 1 (AIP1), and modulates apoptosis in astrocytes. The predicted protein structure of SETA revealed two SH3 domains, while related proteins were reported to have three. Here we report the identification of an additional SH3 domain N-terminal to the previously identified SETA sequence. Yeast two-hybrid screening of a p53(-/-) astrocyte cDNA library with this SH3 domain identified a novel gene, SETA binding protein 1 (SB1), with 55% amino acid identity to the renal tumor antigen, NY-REN-45. In vitro confrontation and co-immunoprecipitation experiments confirmed the binding of SB1 to SETA. Evidence that SETA binds to the CD2 protein, the proto-oncogene c-Cbl, and the signal transduction molecule Grb2, and can dimerize via its C-terminal coiled coil (CC) domain is also presented.  相似文献   

Stem cell factor (SCF), the ligand for the c-kit receptor, is essential for the production of red blood cells during development and stress erythropoiesis. SCF promotes erythroblast proliferation and survival, while delaying erythroid differentiation through mechanisms that are largely unknown. In cultures of primary human differentiating erythroblasts, we found that SCF induces an increase in the expression of Notch2, a member of the Notch family implicated in the control of cell growth and differentiation. Functional inhibition of either Notch or its ligand Jagged1 inhibited the effects of SCF on erythroid cell expansion. SCF also induced the expression of Hes-1 and GATA-2, which may contribute to transduce Notch2 signals in response to SCF. Transduction of primary erythroid precursors with a dominant-negative Notch2 mutant inhibited both basal and SCF-mediated erythroblast expansion, and counteracted the effects of SCF on erythroblast differentiation. These findings provide a clue to understand the effects of increased proliferation and delayed differentiation elicited by SCF on the erythroid compartment and indicate Notch2 as a new player in the regulation of red cell differentiation.  相似文献   

BMP signaling and stem cell regulation   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Stem cells play an essential role in cellular specialization and pattern formation during embryogenesis and in tissue regeneration in adults. This is mainly due to a stem cell's ability to replenish itself (self-renewal) and, at the same time, produce differentiated progeny. Realization of these special stem cell features has changed the prospective of the field. However, regulation of stem cell self-renewal and maintenance of its potentiality require a complicated regulatory network of both extracellular cues and intrinsic programs. Understanding how signaling regulates stem cell behavior will shed light on the molecular mechanisms underlying stem cell self-renewal. In this review, we focus on comparing the progress of recent research regarding the roles of the BMP signaling pathway in different stem cell systems, including embryonic stem cells, germline stem cells, hematopoietic stem cells, and intestinal stem cells. We hope this comparison, together with a brief look at other signaling pathways, will bring a more balanced view of BMP signaling in regulation of stem cell properties, and further point to a general principle that self-renewal of stem cells may require a combination of maintenance of proliferation potential, inhibition of apoptosis, and blocking of differentiation.  相似文献   

Members of the casitas B-lineage lymphoma (Cbl) family (Cbl, Cbl-b and Cbl-c) of ubiquitin ligases serve as negative regulators of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs). An essential role of Cbl-family protein-dependent ubiquitination for efficient ligand-induced lysosomal targeting and degradation is now well-accepted. However, a more proximal role of Cbl and Cbl-b as adapters for CIN85-endophilin recruitment to mediate ligand-induced initial internalization of RTKs is supported by some studies but refuted by others. Overexpression and/or incomplete depletion of Cbl proteins in these studies is likely to have contributed to this dichotomy. To address the role of endogenous Cbl and Cbl-b in the internalization step of RTK endocytic traffic, we established Cbl/Cbl-b double-knockout (DKO) mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) and demonstrated that these cells lack the expression of both Cbl-family members as well as endophilin A, while they express CIN85. We show that ligand-induced ubiquitination of EGFR, as a prototype RTK, was abolished in DKO MEFs, and EGFR degradation was delayed. These traits were reversed by ectopic human Cbl expression. EGFR endocytosis, assessed using the internalization of 125I-labeled or fluorescent EGF, or of EGFR itself, was largely retained in Cbl/Cbl-b DKO compared to wild type MEFs. EGFR internalization was also largely intact in Cbl/Cbl-b depleted MCF-10A human mammary epithelial cell line. Inducible shRNA-mediated knockdown of CIN85 in wild type or Cbl/Cbl-b DKO MEFs had no impact on EGFR internalization. Our findings, establish that, at physiological expression levels, Cbl, Cbl-b and CIN85 are largely dispensable for EGFR internalization. Our results support the model that Cbl–CIN85–endophilin complex is not required for efficient internalization of EGFR, a prototype RTK.  相似文献   

Indispensable role of Bcl2 in the development of the melanocyte stem cell   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bcl2 null mice display a characteristic loss of pigmentation demonstrating the importance of Bcl2 in the melanocyte (Mc) lineage. It was recently reported that this abnormal phenotype is due to the failure of melanocyte stem cell (MSC) maintenance and that Bcl2 is selectively important for the survival of MSCs. However, in our analysis of the same mouse, we observe a reduction in melanoblast (Mb) number in both epidermal and follicular populations. More importantly, there is a complete absence of MSCs. SCF downregulation in the epidermis is concomitant with the dramatic reduction in Mb numbers observed in the Bcl2 null, suggesting that Bcl2 is indispensable for the survival of Mbs in the absence of c-Kit signaling. Consistently, abrogation of c-Kit signaling in Bcl2 null mice depletes all Mbs and Mcs, whereas continuous expression of SCF in epidermal keratinocytes rescues the MSCs. Our results demonstrate that Bcl2 has a general role in Mb and Mc survival and is essential for the emergence of MSCs. Moreover, the results indicate that the first wave of Mcs that provide hair pigmentation is derived directly from epidermal Mbs bypassing MSCs. Furthermore, a Bcl2-independent mechanism of action of SCF in the Mc lineage is revealed as SCF c-Kit signaling is functional in the absence of Bcl2.  相似文献   

Previously, we created miR-137 overexpressing transgenic mice that produced lighten color phenotypes including gray mice phenotype. However, the miR-137 functional role in coat color regulation is still not well understood. In this study, the quantity of melanin granule and the relative expression of TYRP2 in gray miR-137 overexpression transgenic mouse skin were significantly lower than that in C57BL/6J black mouse skin. The mRNA and protein expression level of c-Kit and c-Kit downstream gene Tyrp2 in miR-137 expression plasmid-transfected melanocytes were significantly down-regulated comparing with that of the control melanocytes. In melanocytes, miR-137 overexpression could decrease the enhanced expression of c-Kit and Tyrp2 and the increased melanin production caused by UV treatment. The target relationship of miR-137 and c-Kit was identified by luciferase assay. The results suggest that miR-137 could inhibit melanogenesis in mouse skin melanocytes by repressing the expression of c-Kit and Tyrp2 in SCF/c-Kit signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Growth factor receptor-bound protein 2 (Grb2) have been proved by a lot of studies playing a major role in cell proliferation and cell differentiation. However, the regulation of Grb2 expression by microRNAs (miRNAs) in chicken breast muscle still remains unknown. The expression profile of Grb2 was checked based on our previous RNA sequencing data and the Grb2 relative expression level in breast muscle of aged hens (55-week-old) was validated significantly higher than juvenile hens (20-week-old) using qRT-PCR. miRNAs that interact with Grb2 have been predicted in chicken and the relationship between the potential miRNA and Grb2 was verified using dual luciferase reporter assay in chicken DF1 cells. Dual-luciferase reporter assays results demonstrated that the expression of luciferase reporter gene linked with part sequence of the 3′UTR of chicken Grb2 gene was down-regulated by the overexpression of gga (Gallus Gallus)-miR-200a-3p in the DF1 cells, and the down-regulation behavior was abolished when the gga-miR-200a-3p binding site in 3′UTR of Grb2 was mutated, indicating that gga-miR-200a can suppress the expression level of its target gene Grb2. Therefore, we concluded that the significantly increased expression level of Grb2 in the breast muscle of aged chicken can (at least partly can) be explained by the decreased expression of miR-200a, which reduced the inhibitory effect on Grb2. Taken together, these findings suggest that gga-miR-200a can suppress the expression level of its target gene Grb2 and might be involved in the cell differentiation and proliferation of chicken breast muscle through binding with the 3’UTR of Grb2.  相似文献   

Grb2 is an SH2-SH3 protein adaptor responsible for linking growth factor receptors with intracellular signaling cascades. To study the role of Grb2 in cell growth, we have generated a new COS7 cell line (COS7(shGrb2)), based on RNAi technology, as null mutations in mammalian Grb2 genes are lethal in early development. This novel cell line continuously expresses a short hairpin RNA that targets endogenous Grb2. Stable COS7(shGrb2) cells had the shGrb2 integrated into the genomic DNA and carried on <10% of normal levels of Grb2. Silencing Grb2 expression reduced, but did not eliminate, basal cell growth rate. This could be reversed by either the addition of neomycin to the cell cultures or by rescuing with an Xpress-Grb2(SiL) construct (made refractory to the shRNA-mediated interference), but not with an SH2-deficient mutant (R86K). Thus, a viable knock-down and rescue protocol has demonstrated that Grb2 is crucial for cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Neural stem cells are present in specific regions of the adult central nervous system (CNS). Recent evidence suggests that the ciliary epithelium (CE), a CNS derivative, in the adult mammalian eye, harbors a quiescent population of neural stem cells. Here, we report the identification of c-Kit signaling as one of the regulators of adult CE neural stem cells in vitro. c-Kit receptors are expressed in proliferating adult CE neural stem cells and colocalized with neural progenitor markers. Perturbation of c-Kit signaling influences the self-renewal and differentiation of CE neural stem cells, thus demonstrating the role of c-Kit signaling in the maintenance of these cells. In addition, we observed an influence of c-Kit-mediated signaling on the expression of Notch1, another critical regulator of neural stem cells. Our observations suggest that, given the importance of preservation of a stem cell pool for generating different cell types at different times, multiple signaling pathways act in concert for the maintenance of neural stem cells.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that the differential effects Cbl and oncogenic 70Z/3 Cbl have on Ca2+/Ras-sensitive NF-AT reporters is partially due to their opposing ability to regulate phospholipase Cγ1 (PLCγ1) activation as demonstrated by analysis of the activation of an NF-AT reporter construct and PLCγ1-mediated inositol phospholipid (PI) hydrolysis. Cbl over-expression resulted in reduced T cell receptor-induced PI hydrolysis, in the absence of any effect on PLCγ1 tyrosine phosphorylation. In contrast, expression of 70Z/3 Cbl led to an increase in basal and OKT3-induced PLCγ1 phosphorylation and PI hydrolysis. These data indicate that Cbl and 70Z/3 Cbl differentially regulate PLCγ1 phosphorylation and activation. The implications of these data on the mechanism of Cbl-mediated signaling regulation are discussed.  相似文献   

Signal transducing adaptor protein-2 (STAP-2) is a recently identified adaptor protein that contains pleckstrin and Src homology 2 (SH2)-like domains as well as a YXXQ motif in its C-terminal region. Our previous study in T cells demonstrated that STAP-2 influences FAK protein levels through recruitment of E3 ubiquitin ligase, Cbl, to FAK. In the present study, we found that Cbl directly controls the protein levels and activity of STAP-2. STAP-2 physically interacted with Cbl through its PH and SH2-like domains. Small-interfering RNA-mediated reduction of endogenous Cbl restored STAP-2 protein levels. In contrast, over-expression of Cbl induced STAP-2 degradation. Importantly, Cbl-mediated regulation of STAP-2 protein levels affected Brk/STAP-2-induced STAT3 activation. These results indicate that Cbl regulates STAP-2 protein levels and Brk/STAP-2-mediated STAT3 activation.  相似文献   

采用常规的分子生物学技术,从小鼠骨髓细胞中克隆了含信号肽序列的SCF,并构建了表达载体。序列分析表明所克隆的SCF序列与文献报道的一致,构建的表达载体经鉴定正确。  相似文献   

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