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The role of extracellular K+ concentration in the propagation velocity of action potential was tested in isolated rat skeletal muscles. Different K+ concentrations were produced by KCl additions to extracellular solution. Action potentials were measured extracellularly by means of two annular platinum electrodes. Fibre bundles of m. soleus (SOL), m. extensor digitorum longus (EDL), red (SMR) and white (SMW) part of m. sternomastoideus were maximum stimulated. The conduction velocity (c.v.) was calculated from the distance between the electrodes and the time delay of the potentials measured at 22 degrees C. In Tyrode solution containing 5 mmol/l K+, the c.v. was close to 1 m.s-1. Bundles of the fast muscle type seemed to have a somewhat higher c.v. The differences observed in these studies were not significant. At higher temperatures, the c.v. increased (Q10 of approx. 2) and a dissociation between SMR and SMW muscles appeared. An elevation of K+ concentration to 10 mmol/l induced a drop of the c.v. by approx. 25% and 15% in EDL and SOL muscles, respectively. After return to normal solution, the recovery was not complete within 30 min. In K+ free solution the c.v. of EDL and SM muscles rose by a factor of 1.5, but less in SOL muscles. The weaker response of SOL to K+ modification was related to the higher resistance of this muscle to fatigue. This suggestion was supported by experiments on fatigued fibre bundles. Immediately after a tetanic stimulation producing fatigue, the c.v. of EDL and SOL muscles dropped similarly as in 10 mmol/l K+; again, the drop was less for SOL muscles. Adrenaline (0.5-10.0 mumol/l) enhanced both the c.v. and the twitch amplitude. The results support the suggestion that extracellular K+ accumulation during activity is an essential factor of muscle fatigue.  相似文献   

Summary Intrafusal muscle fibres of the slow soleus (Sol) and fast vastus lateralis (VL) muscles of the rat were studied histochemically. Serial transverse sections were incubated for the localization of succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), alpha glycerophosphate dehydrogenase (GPD) and adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase). The latter was examined further after preincubation in acidic solution held at either low or room temperature (RT). The bag2 intrafusal fibres in both muscles displayed high regular and acid stable ATPase, but low SDH and GPD activities. Bag1 intrafusal fibres showed low to moderate regular ATPase, a regional heterogeneity after RT acid preincubation (low activity in juxtaequatorial and high in polar zones), moderate SDH, but low GPD reactions. In both muscles the chain fibres usually exhibited high ATPase for both regular and cold acid preincubated reactions, but usually low activity after RT acid preincubation; they had high SDH but variable GPD activities. In Sol muscle, however, approximately 25% of spindles contained chain fibres that showed high acid-stable ATPase reaction after both cold and RT acid preincubation. In contrast, chain fibres in some VL spindles had a characteristically low ATPase reaction even after cold acid preincubation. This study, therefore, has delineated the existence of an inherent heterogeneity among chain fibres (with respect to their histochemical reactions) in muscle spindles located within slow and fast muscles and also between those found within populations of either Sol or VL muscle spindles.  相似文献   

The activities of five enzymes have been studied quantitatively in denervated extensor digitorum longus, gastrocnemius and soleus muscles of 24-month-old rats. The results have been compared with those obtained from normal muscles of a similar age group of rats. Three weeks after denervation, the activity of hexokinase was increased in gastrocnemius and extensor digitorum longus. Phosphofructokinase, lactate dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase and 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA-dehydrogenase showed decreased activities. These results suggest that enzyme which represents glucose uptake increased its activity in fast muscles and that enzymes for anaerobic glycolysis, lactate fermentation, citric acid cycle and beta-oxidation had a decreased activity in slow and fast muscles.  相似文献   

1. Regulation of glucose uptake was compared between extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and soleus (Sol) muscles in rats. 2. Insulin stimulated glucose uptake more in EDL than in Sol. 3. Under high concentrations of insulin, the glucose uptake was higher in EDL than Sol. 4. Inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation by anoxia or an uncoupler stimulated glucose uptake more in EDL than in Sol. 5. Anoxia abolished the effect of insulin on glucose uptake in both EDL and Sol. 6. The blocker to glucose transport system reduced glucose uptake more in Sol than in EDL.  相似文献   

Abstract. Myosin isozymes from the slow soleus and fast EDL muscles of the rat hindlimb were analyzed by pyrophosphate gel electrophoresis, by peptide mapping of heavy chains, and by antibody staining. At the earliest stage examined, 20 days gestation, distinctions between the developing fast and slow muscles were seen by all these criteria; all fibers in the distal hindlimb reacted strongly with antibody to adult fast myosin. Some fibers also reacted with antibody to adult slow myosin; these fibers had a precise, axial distribution in the hindlimb. This pattern of staining which includes the entire soleus, foreshadows the adult distribution of slow fibers and may indicate that the specific pattern of innervation of the limb is already determined. In the early developing soleus there are four fetal and neonatal isozymes plus two isozymes present in equal proportions in the 'slow' area of the pyrophosphate gel. The mobility of these two slow isozymes decreases with maturity and the slowest moving isozyme gradually becomes the dominant species. Thus early diversity between the soleus and EDL is expressed by myosins which are distinct from the mature isozymes. The relative proportion of slow isozymes significantly increases with development and as this occurs the fetal and neonatal isozymes are progressively eliminated. Transiently at least one mature fast isozyme appears in the soleus. This is present at 15 days postpartum and probably correlates with the population of fast, type II fibers, which comprise 50% of this muscle cell population at 15 days. The EDL contained three fetal and neonatal isozymes and only one slow isozyme which does not change in mobility with age. Slow isozymes in the soleus and EDL are thus not identical. Each muscle underwent a unique series of changes until the adult pattern of isozymes and heavy chains was reached about one month postpartum.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to determine the acute effects of permanent denervation on the length density of the capillary network in rat slow soleus (SOL) and fast extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles and the effect of short-lasting reinnervation in slow muscle only. Denervation was performed by cutting the sciatic nerve. Both muscles were excised 2 weeks later. Reinnervation was studied 4 weeks after nerve crush in SOL muscle only. Capillaries and muscle fibres were visualised by triple immunofluorescent staining with antibodies against CD31 and laminin and with fluorescein-labelled Griffonia (Bandeira) simplicifolia lectin. A recently developed stereological approach allowing the estimation of the length of capillaries adjacent to each individual fibre (Lcap/Lfib) was employed. Three-dimensional virtual test grids were applied to stacks of optical images captured with a confocal microscope and their intersections with capillaries and muscle fibres were counted. Interrelationships among capillaries and muscle fibres were demonstrated with maximum intensity projection of the acquired stacks of optical images. The course of capillaries in EDL seemed to be parallel to the fibre axes, whereas in SOL, their preferential direction deviated from the fibre axes and formed more cross-connections among neighbouring capillaries. Lcap/Lfib was clearly reduced in denervated SOL but remained unchanged in EDL, although the muscle fibres significantly atrophied in both muscle types. When soleus muscle was reinnervated, capillary length per unit fibre length was completely restored. The physiological background for the different responses of the capillary network in slow and fast muscle is discussed. This study was supported by the Slovenian Research Agency and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic (KONTAKT grant no. 19/2005).  相似文献   

Differentiation of slow and fast muscles in chickens   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1. The development of the characteristic histochemical appearance of the slow anterior latissimus dorsi (ALD) and fast posterior latissimus dorsi (PLD) was studied in chickens during embryonic development as well as during regeneration of minced muscle. 2. During embryonic development the activity of the oxidative enzyme succinic dehydrogenase (SDH) is higher in the slow ALD muscle already at 16 days of incubation. At this time the fast PLD has a higher activity of the glycolytic enzyme, phosphorylase. Although the histochemical appearance of the two types of muscle is already different at 16 days, their contractile speeds are still similar. No difference in myosin ATP-ase was found in the two muscles in young embryos but in 20-day old embryos the two muscles became distinctly different when stained for this enzyme. 3. When PLD muscles in hatched chickens redeveloped during regeneration in place of ALD the histochemical characteristics of the regenerated muscle resembled ALD, and when ALD regenerated in place of PLD it resembled PLD. 4. It is concluded that the histochemical characteristics of slow and fast muscles become determined during early development, even before any difference in contractile properties can be detected and that they are determined by the nerve.  相似文献   

A combined histochemical, biochemical and electrophoretic study with respect to the enzymes succnic dehydrogenase(SDH), myofibrillar adenosine triphosphatase (m-ATPase), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) isozymes and myosin light chains was carried out to investigate the response of rat gastrocnemius muscle (medial head). Twelve weeks after thyroidectomy, the results indicated a shift from fast to slow type pattern of LDH isozymes, fibre type transformation from Type II to Type I and a decrease in SDH and m-ATPase activity. The results suggest, possible thyroidal involvement in determining the phenotypic properties of skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Using a computer graphics approach, the last contractile responses (LCRN, where N is a number of elementary contractile responses in tetanus) were separated from integral tetanic responses of rat fast muscles, m. Eхtensor digitorum longus (m. EDL), and slow muscles, m. Soleus, evoked by trains of 5, 10 and 50 stimuli. In m. Soleus, at a stimulation frequency of 20 Hz, the LCR5 average amplitude decreased to 64 ± 9% compared to the single contraction amplitude. As N increased, LCRN recovered and then rose to the values exceeding almost twofold initial elementary contractile responses (up to 211 ± 10% for LCR50). Simultaneously, against the background of rising elementary contractile responses, a significant shortening of their half-decay time (~by 50%) and the formation of a stationary plateau within LCRN was observed. In m. EDL, at a stimulation frequency of 50 Hz, there was only a single-phase LCRN rise (up to 165 ± 18% for LCR50) without changes in half-decay time and plateau formation. In skeletal muscles of both types, the prolonged (up to 30 s) ‘hyper-relaxation effect’ was found to develop after the end of tetanic responses manifested as a reduction of muscle tension followed by its recovery to the initial level. Possible mechanisms of these events are discussed. It is hypothesized that transformation of elementary contractile responses in skeletal muscles can be fulfilled due to the existence of specialized microdomains in muscle fibers which regulate accumulation and extrusion of Ca2+ ions during tetanic activity. The possibility that the basic, depolarization-induced, Ca2+ release (DICR) is complemented by an additional, Ca2+-induced, Ca2+release (CIRC) is analyzed.  相似文献   

Fibre bundles or whole muscles from Xenopus laevis, ranging in size from 0.5-60g, were studied. Maximum power output of predominantly fast (sartorius) and slow (adductor magnus) muscles was measured at cycle frequencies between 0.5 and 20Hz, using the work loop technique. Power output was highly dependent on cycle frequency, and in 50-60g adults was maximal at 6 Hz for fast fibres (65 Wkg-1), and 2 Hz for slow fibres (14 Wkg-1). The cycle frequency for maximum power output was dependent on body mass (Mb), and decreased as a function of Mb-0.07 in fast fibres, and Mb-0.23 in slow fibres. The functional significance of these differences is discussed.  相似文献   

Activity of muscle spindles of fast (extensor digitorum longus) and slow (soleus) muscles was studied in cats during hypokinesia of the limb immobilized in a plaster cast. Spontaneous activity of muscle spindles of the fast and slow muscles was unchanged during hypokinesia. Spontaneous activity of primary and secondary endings evoked by passive stretching of the muscle exceeded normal. During stretching of the muscles at different speeds and of different amplitudes, the discharge frequency of the primary and secondary endings was much greater than normally during both the dynamic and the static phase of stretching. These changes were more marked in the slow muscles.I. M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 186–192, March–April, 1978.  相似文献   

Multiple molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase (AChE EC from fast and slow muscle of rat were examined by velocity sedimentation. The fast extensor digitorum longus muscle (EDL) hydrolyzed acetylcholine at a rate of 110 mumol/g wet weight/hr and possessed three molecular forms with apparent sedimentation coefficients of 4S, 10S, and 16S which contribute about 50, 35, and 15% of the AChE activity. The slow soleus muscle hydrolyzed acetylcholine at a rate of 55 mumol/g wet weight/hr and has a 4S, 10S, 12S, and 16S form which contribute 22, 18, 34, and 26% of AChE activity, respectively. A single band of AChE activity was observed when a 1M NaCl extract with CsCl (0.38 g/ml) was centrifuged to equilibrium. Peak AChE activity from EDL and SOL extracts were found at 1.29 g/ml. Resedimentation of peak activity from CsCl gradients resulted in all molecular forms previously found in both muscles. Addition of a protease inhibitor phenylmethylsulfonyl chloride did not change the pattern of distribution. The 4S form of both muscles was extracted with low ionic strength buffer while the 10S, 12S, and 16S forms required high ionic strength and detergent for efficient solubilization. All molecular forms of both muscles have an apparent Km of 2 x 10(-4) M, showed substrate inhibition, and were inhibited by BW284C51, a specific inhibitor of AChE. The difference between these muscles in regards to their AChE activity, as well as in the proportional distribution of molecular forms, may be correlated with sites of localization and differences in the contractile activity of these muscles.  相似文献   

Contracture responses of fast and slow mammalian muscles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Phosphatidylinositol phosphodiesterase activity was determined in cytosol prepared from rat slow (soleus) and fast (extensor digitorum longus) muscles. The substrate was prepared by incubation of sarcoplasmic reticulum with myo-[2-3H]inositol. The enzyme hydrolysed both membrane-bound and extracted phosphatidylinositol. The activity determined with the isolated phospholipid exhibited an optimum at pH 5.5. Ca2+ ions stimulated the activity. The enzyme specific activity was higher in cytosol prepared from soleus muscle than in that from extensor digitorum longus muscle. After section of the motor nerve, the activity of the enzyme increased in both muscles up to 36 h and then declined. A function for this enzyme in the control of acetylcholine sensitivity in muscle is discussed.  相似文献   

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