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Previous investigators have found that central nervous system lesions, in particular lesions of the hypothalamus, may increase the crypt cell mitotic rate in the rat small bowel. Since the amygdaloid nuclei form part of the limbic system (the "visceral brain") and have functional neural connections with the hypothalamus the effect of bilateral electrocoagulation lesions of the amygdaloid nuclei on crypt cell mitotic rate in the rat small bowel was investigated, using a stathmokinetic technique. Bilateral amygdaloid lesions were found to be associated with a marked increase in crypt cell mitotic rate in the proximal jejunum and distal ileum. Consideration of the neural connections of the amygdaloid nuclei suggests that these effects may possibly be mediated via the hypothalamus and the autonomic nervous system. The effects of lesions of other parts of the limbic system on crypt cell mitotic rate will be published subsequently.  相似文献   

Cell kinetics in the jejunal crypt of the male Wistar rat were studied using autoradiographic techniques with tritiated thymidine and a stathmokinetic technique with vincristine. The migration rate measured by following the movement of the 50% peak on the labelling index distribution curve with time after injection of tritiated thymidine gave a value of 1-43 +/- 0-14 (SE) cell positions per hour, compared with a value from a cumulative birth rate of 1-78 cell positions per hour. Tht crypt column length was 32-9 +/- 0-2 cells and the column count was 22-3 +/- 0-2. This measurement gave a total crypt population of 734 cells, compared with an estimate of 650 +/- l from direct observation of squashed, microdissected crypts. In each crypt 22-5 +/- 0-5 mitoses were present, and the crypt cell production rate was 32 cells per crypt per hour; this latter value was confirmed using two independent techniques. The crypt growth fraction calculated from the durations of phases of the cell cycle and the labelling index was 0-62. A value of 0-61 was found from the labelling index distribution curve. As assessed from crypt squashes, there were 403 proliferating cells per crypt.  相似文献   

The early effects of a single injection of cytosine arabinoside (ara-C) on cell population kinetics in the jejunal crypt of the mouse were studied using autoradiography with tritiated thymidine, and metaphase arrest with vincristine. Ara-C had three main effects on crypt cells: a block of cells near the transition from G1 to S, death of nearly all cells in S, and a temporary block of the survivors, which remained viable and were able to proceed through the cell cycle. Throughout the crypt there was a decrease in cell cycle time and an increase in growth fraction. Although changes in proliferative rate were highest in the lowest part of the crypt it was not possible to show that crypt repopulation originated only from basal crypt cells, and the data are consistent with repopulation from the faster cycling cells in the proliferative compartment.  相似文献   

The effect of dose rate of fast neutrons over a range from 0.02 Gy/min to 22.5 Gy/min on the survival of mouse jejunal crypts was investigated. A small but significant decrease in sensitivity with decrease in dose rate was observed. A 10-fold decrease in dose rate gave a decrease in effectiveness equivalent to 0.39 Gy. The sensitivity to changes in neutron dose rate is much smaller than the sensitivity to changes in dose rate of photons.  相似文献   

The effect of single and of multiple doses of prednisolone upon cell population kinetics in the rat jejunal crypt was investigated, using autoradiography and stathmokinetic techniques with vincristine. Single injections of prednisolone (2.5 mg/kg body weight) induced a depression both flash thymidine labelling and mitotic indices; this change was shown to be due to a decreased cell production rate. Recovery of these proliferative indices occurred over seven days after injection; measurement of crypt size parameters showed a transient decrease in crypt population. Multiple daily injections of prednisolone (1 mg/kg body weight) produced a more sustained decrease in labelling and mitotic indices, which lasted as long as injections were continued (7 days); stathmokinetic techniques showed decreases in cell production rates, and the crypt population was also depressed throughout this period. It is concluded that prednisolone depresses cell proliferative rates in rat jejunal mucosa.  相似文献   

Synopsis The activity and ultrastructural localization of alkaline phosphatase and esterase has been studied in normal rat intestine and after the increased crypt cell proliferation that occurs during recovery after 400 rad X-irradiation. Alkaline phosphatase activity is not present in crypt cells of normal intestine, but becomes apparent after the cell has migrated on to the villus. The enzyme is localized in the microvilli, along the lateral cell membranes and in dense bodies. Its activity increases 10 to 15-fold from the base to the tip of the villus. Morphometric analysis of the cell structureswhere this enzyme is localized reveals no marked changes in their relative proportions during crypt cell development.The expansion of the proliferative cell compartment along the whole length of the crypt which occurs during recovery after irradiation (72 hr after 400 rad X-irradiation) results in a marked reduction of alkaline phosphatase activity in the lower 10–15 cell positions at the base of the villus. During subsequent migration of these cells, the activity increases with cell age but normal values are not attained. From a morphometric analysis it was found that the ultrastructural development is similar to that in controls. These results suggest that during cell maturation, normal values for alkaline phosphatase activity are only attained after a 10–12 hr period of maturation in a non-proliferative state and only after the cell has migrated on to the functional villus compartment.In normal intestine, esterase activity shows a 3-fold increase from the bottom to the tip of the crypt and a 3 to 4-fold increase during migration up to the middle of the villus. Enzyme activity is localized in the endoplasmic reticulum, the dense bodies and the perinuclear space. Morphometric analyses reveal a 2 to 3-fold increase in the absolute size of these subcellular compartments during crypt cell differentiation and a 2-fold increase at the crypt-villus junction. The relative sizes increase 1.5-fold during crypt cell differentiation and at the time of transition of the cells on to the villus.Increased crypt cell proliferation after irradiation leads to a marked decrease in esterase activity both in crypts and villi. Morphometric analyses of electron micrographs indicate that these changes in activity are not related to any changes in the subcellular structures in which the enzyme is localized. It appears that the normal development of esterase activity depends both on the functional state of the cell and its localization in the crypt or villus.  相似文献   

Reports of the effects of beta-adrenergic receptor blocking agents on the proliferative activity of rat jejunal crypt cells are contradictory. According to Tutton and Helme (1974) a single injection of propranolol or practolol (10 mg/kg) increased the mitotic index twofold and shortened the duration of the cell cycle of the crypt cells. However, upon repeating the experiments with double the dose of propranolol, Maurer-Schultze et al. (1986) observed no such effects using cell kinetic methods with 3H-thymidine instead of the stathmokinetic method applied by Tutton and Helme. Since the discrepancy in the results may have been due to methodological differences the same stathmokinetic method used by Tutton and Helme has been applied in the present work. However, the results obtained with this method indicate no influence by propranolol on the proliferation of jejunal crypt cells even with a dose of 20 mg/kg. Consequently we were unable to confirm the stimulant effect of propranolol on crypt cell proliferation. The possible causes of the discrepancy between the present results and those of Tutton and Helme are discussed.  相似文献   

The course of histopathological alterations within jejunal graft architecture during the initial adaptation phase in the host body was investigated. Graft tissues were compared to the intestinal tissues of the recipients. This study demonstrates: (1) renewal of intestinal epithelial lining in the graft biopsies during initial hours after transplantation is more likely caused by migration and extension of remaining epithelial cells than by their increased mitotic division. (2) Distinct decrease in histopathological injury was observed in transplanted grafts after 6 h, but the morphometrical parameters, particularly villus height and wall thickness, remained altered. (3) Significant decrease in apoptotic cell death in the epithelial lining within 6 h of graft recirculation was accompanied by no effect on apoptosis levels of the cells in lamina propria connective tissue. (4) Although the apoptosis level in the connective tissue cells was not modulated in the grafts within the first hour after transplantation, caspase-3 dependent apoptosis was decreased significantly.  相似文献   

The relative acyltransferase activities were compared in homogenates of rat jejunal villus and crypt cells isolated by differential scraping and hyaluronidase dispersion. The contributions of the monoacylglycerol and phosphatidic acid pathways to the higher acylglycerol and phospholipid biosynthesis were assessed using 2-oleoyl-sn-[3H] glycerol and [I-14C] palmitic acid as tracers. The stereochemical course of the diacylglycerol biosynthesis was determined by stereospecific analysis. Using 2-oleoyl-sn-glycerol as a tracer, the villus cells exhibited for times higher diacylglycerol and 19 times higher triacylglycerol biosynthesis than crypt cells on an equivalent protein basis. Furthermore, while the villus cell homogenates yielded a preponderance (75%) of the 1, 2-diacyl-sn-glycerols, the crypt cell homogenates formed essentially racemic proportions of 1, 2- and 2,3-diacyl-sn-glycerols. Both villus and crypt cell homogenates exhibited comparable acyl acceptor and acyl donor concentration dependence and the same cofactor requirements. It is unlikely that these acyltransferase activities in the crypt cell preparation are due to contamination with the villus cells, because then more comparable proportions of the enantiomeric diacylglycerols and triacylglycerols would have been anticipated. It is concluded that the crypt cells possess intrinsic monoacylglycerol and to a much lesser extent diacylglycerol acyltransferase activities, which are acquired prior to the development of a distinct brush border and which probably do not require dietary stimulus for induction.  相似文献   

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