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Li Z  Zhang X 《Planta》2004,219(6):948-954
The vacuolar H+-ATPase from mung bean (Vigna radiata L. cv. Wilczek) was purified to homogeneity. The purified complex contained all the reported subunits from mung bean, but also included a 40-kDa subunit, corresponding to the membrane-associated subunit d, which has not previously been observed. The structure of the V-ATPase from mung bean was studied by electron microscopy of negatively stained samples. An analysis of over 6,000 single-particle images obtained by electron microscopy of the purified complex revealed that the complex, similar to other V-ATPases, is organized into two major domains V1 and Vo with overall dimensions of 25 nm×13.7 nm and a stalk region connecting the V1 and Vo domains. Several individual areas of protein density were observed in the stalk region, indicating its complexity. The projections clearly showed that the complex contained one central stalk and at least two peripheral stalks. Subcomplexes containing subunits A, B and E, dissociated from the tonoplast membrane by KI, were purified. The structure of the subcomplex was also studied by electron microscopy followed by single-molecule analysis of 13,000 projections. Our preliminary results reveal an area of high protein density at the bottom of the subcomplex immediately below the cavity formed by the A and B subunits, indicating the position of subunit E.Abbreviations MSA Multivariate statistical analysis - 2D, 3D Two-, three-dimensional - V-ATPase Vacuolar H+-ATPase  相似文献   

Ke H  Pei J  Ni Z  Xia H  Qi H  Woods T  Kelekar A  Tao W 《Experimental cell research》2004,298(2):329-338
Lats2, also known as Kpm, is the second mammalian member of the novel Lats tumor suppressor gene family. Recent studies have demonstrated that Lats2 negatively regulates the cell cycle by controlling G1/S and/or G2/M transition. To further understand the role of Lats2 in the control of human cancer development, we have expressed the protein in human lung cancer cells by transduction of a replication-deficient adenovirus expressing human Lats2 (Ad-Lats2). Using a variety of techniques, including Annexin V uptake, cleavage of PARP, and DNA laddering, we have demonstrated that the ectopic expression of human Lats2 induced apoptosis in two lung cancer cell lines, A549 and H1299. Caspases-3, 7, 8, and 9 were processed in the Ad-Lats2-transduced cells; however, it was active caspase-9, not caspase-8, that initiated the caspase cascade. Inhibitors specific to caspase-3 and 9 delayed the onset of Lats2-mediated apoptosis. Western blot analysis revealed that anti-apoptotic proteins, BCL-2 and BCL-x(L), but not the pro-apoptotic protein, BAX, were downregulated in Ad-Lats2-transduced human lung cancer cells. Overexpression of either Bcl-2 or Bcl-x(L) in these cells lead to the suppression of Lats2-mediated caspase cleavage and apoptosis. These results show that Lats2 induces apoptosis through downregulating anti-apoptotic proteins, BCL-2 and BCL-x(L), in human lung cancer cells.  相似文献   

Iterative reconstruction algorithms are becoming increasingly important in electron tomography of biological samples. These algorithms, however, impose major computational demands. Parallelization must be employed to maintain acceptable running times. Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) have been demonstrated to be highly cost-effective for carrying out these computations with a high degree of parallelism. In a recent paper by Xu et al. (2010), a GPU implementation strategy was presented that obtains a speedup of an order of magnitude over a previously proposed GPU-based electron tomography implementation. In this technical note, we demonstrate that by making alternative design decisions in the GPU implementation, an additional speedup can be obtained, again of an order of magnitude. By carefully considering memory access locality when dividing the workload among blocks of threads, the GPU’s cache is used more efficiently, making more effective use of the available memory bandwidth.  相似文献   

Summary The frontal ganglion, part of the stomatogastric nervous system, contains about 60 to 80 neurons, 25 to 30 m in diameter. A well developed Golgi system, producing dense-core vesicles, lysosomes, multivesicular bodies and dense bodies are abundant. Glia elements are sparsely distributed. Many nerve fibres contain granules of different size and electron density. Five groups of fibres can be distinguished: Fibres with granules of about 200 nm (type A), fibres with granules of about 160 to 170 nm (type B), fibres with granules of about 80 to 100 nm (type C) and those with synaptic vesicles of 50 nm (type D) respectively. A fifth very small type contains neither vesicles nor granules. Special attention was paid to synaptic contacts. The divergent dyad seems to be the main type in the frontal ganglion. Frequently, neurosecretory endings are observed in presynaptic position. Immunocytochemical staining of neurosecretory material closely corresponds to the distribution of type A fibres, as observed electron microscopically. Immunoelectrophoresis of extracts from frontal ganglia with polyspecific anti-neurosecretion-serum reveals a single precipitation line, indicating that the immunocytochemical localization of neurosecretory material is due to reaction with a specific as well as a crossreagent antibody.Supported by the Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Technik der DDRThe authors wish to thank Mrs. B. Cosack and Mrs. A. Schmidt for excellent technical assistance  相似文献   

Summary In Nassarius reticulatus the nuclei and nucleoli undergo important morphological changes from the zygote to the 16-cell stage. In the zygote and in the trefoil (2-cell) and 4-cell stage, several agranular, fibrillar nucleolus-like bodies 1 m diameter are present in the interphase nucleus. Granular nucleoli first appear at the 8-cell stage. These nucleoli have fibrillar and granular regions. The granular regions are made up predominantly of ribosome-like osmiophilic granules. From the 16 and 32-cell stage onwards, the one or two spherical nucleoli of each nucleus measure 2.5 m in diameter and show a concentric organization with a very dense central region surrounded by a broad peripheral zone containing numerous granules, possibly of ribonucleoprotein. At the same time the number of ribosome-like particles increase in the karyoplasm and that of ribosomes in the cytoplasm. These findings are surprising because in eggs with radial cleavage, which have been subjected to more detailed analysis, the first granular nucleoli appear after the end of the cleavage, at the blastula or gastrula stage. The early appearance of granular nucleoli which seem to be characteristic of several eggs with spiral cleavage is discussed in connection with biochemical data on RNA-synthesis.This investigation was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the Stiftung VolkswagenwerkWe wish to thank Mrs. C. Mehlis for valuable technical assistance and Prof. J. Bergerard for the excellent working conditions at the Station biologique at Roscoff (France)  相似文献   

Summary The regression of atretic oocytes in Perca fluviatilis was studied by histochemical, light and electron microscopic methods. The course of regression can be divided into three stages, the first two comprising the dissolution of the atretic oocyte and its phagocytosis by the granulosa cells of the follicular epithelium, and the third stage consisting of the dissolution of the granulosa cells themselves. The ultrastructure in all three stages shows only features related to phagocytosis and lysosome formation. In particular, there is no agranular endoplasmic reticulum formed within the phagocytically active granulosa cells, nor is there any 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity (3-HSD). Large yellow-orange pigments, formed during the third stage of regression, are ascribed to a relative deficiency of lysosomes in lipid digestion, and do not result from a preceeding steroid-synthesising phase as in mammalian corpora lutea. Thus, the atretic oocyte of P. fluviatilis is considered not to give rise to a corpus luteum formation with endocrine function, but merely represents a degenerative structure.  相似文献   

Summary In all blastomeres of Nassarius from 4- to 16-cell stage yolk nuclei occur. Most of them are spherical bodies, lying juxtanuclearly between the nucleus and the apical plasmalemma. Strangely they are not ultrastructurally uniform but fall into two categories (Fig. 5): Type I is a massive spherical accumulation of mitochondria embedded in a dense intermitochondrial substance, which appears to contain both granules and filaments. Type II is a ball of radially arranged small Golgi stacks clustered around a centre of Golgi vesicles and other organelles embedded in a ground cytoplasm structurally similar to the intermitochondrial substance of type I. The function of both types of yolk nuclei is unknown. These segmentation yolk nuclei have nothing to do with yolk synthesis any more. On the other hand there are no indications that yolk nuclei occurrence is correlated with the break-down of yolk because neither lipid droplets nor protein yolk granules are observed in or beside the yolk nuclei.We wish to thank Mrs. Chr. Mehlis for her valuable technical assistance as well as Professor J. Bergérard for the excellent working conditions on the Station biologique at Roscoff (France).  相似文献   

Summary Granular cells (cells crowded with colourless granules staining with paraldehyde fuchsin according to Gomori-Gabe and not containing calcium) are independent cells in the connective tissue of Helix pomatia. Histochemical data suggest that the granules are rich in sulfhydryl-containing proteins, but lack biogenic monoamines. Electron microscopic investigations confirm the supposed secretory activity of the granular cells. Secretory proteins are presumed to be synthetized in the endoplasmic reticulum and condensed in the Golgi apparatus giving rise to the granules. Extrusion occurs by exocytosis.Electrophoresis of homogenates, prepared from tissues containing numerous granular cells, results in the separation and identification of a secretory protein from the granular cells. An electrophoretically homologous protein is recognized in the hemolymph, but in very small quantities.Our findings and the work of others suggest the involvement of granular cells in neuroendocrine events.The author is indebted to Prof. Dr. D. Kuhlmann for suggesting the problem and for his valuable criticism during the investigation. I would like to thank Mr. J.N. Howell, who helped with the English.Part of this work has been supported by the Stiftung Volkswagenwerk and by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

Summary Receptor cells in the epithelium and the basiepithelial nerve net of the prostomium of Lumbricus terrestris were investigated with electron microscope with special regard to the presence of monoamines. The receptor cells are found in groups of about 40 intermingled with supportive cells. After pretreatment with -methyl-noradrenaline and fixation with potassium permanganate a few receptor cells in each group and some nerve fibres in the basiepithelial nerve net contain small granular vesicles (about400 Å) characteristic for monoaminergic neurons. The distribution and relative number of these receptor cells and nerve fibres coincide well with previous reports on fluorescent receptor cells and varicose fibres. That the monoamine-storing small granular vesicles not are visualized until pretreatment with -methyl-noradrenaline is in accordance with recent microspectrofluorometric analysis, which shows that dopamine is the only primary monoamine present in the epithelium.In the epithelium there are occasional receptor cells and nerve fibres containing large vesicles (1000–1800 Å) which resemble the neurosecretory vesicles in the central nervous system. Photoreceptor cells having an intracellular cavity with microvilli and cilia have infrequently been observed at the base of the epithelium.No synapses on the mucous cells have been noticed. Nor have any synaptic specializations been observed in the basiepithelial nerve net. The morphological conditions necessary for the existence of possible axo-axonal synapses are briefly discussed.This work was supported by grants from the Helge Ax: son Johnson Foundation and the Magn. Bergvall Foundation.  相似文献   

A new unicellular species of the genusChrysosphaerella (Chrysophyceae) was found in fresh-water ponds in Switzerland, Japan, and the U.S.A. It is described asC. solitaria. The genus is divided into two subgenera:Chrysosphaerella, comprising the colonial species, andPseudochrysosphaerella, the unicellular ones.  相似文献   

Summary The course of the Nervus connectivus (N.c.), its branches, and synaptic connections within the frontal ganglion (FG) were investigated electron microscopically after cobalt iontophoresis of the N.c. The subsequent treatment of ultrathin sections with Timm's method was found to be very suitable for identifying the smallest branches. In the neuropil, fibers of the N.c. form Gray-I-type synapses, but also dyads are abundant, whereby the N.c. fibers occur exclusively in postsynaptic position with neurosecretory fibers. The possible role of these relationships is discussed.Dedicated to the 70th birthday of Prof. Dr. Manfred GerschThe authors wish to thank Mrs. B. Cosack for excellent technical assistance  相似文献   

Summary Three types of sensilla occurring on the lips and on the antennae of Peripatopsis moseleyi have been investigated by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. On the lips sensory spines can be found which contain numerous cilia originating from bipolar receptor cells. They reach the tip of the spine where the cuticle is modified. The perikarya of the sensory cells, a large supporting cell with a complicated surface and a second type of receptor, form a bud-like structure and are surrounded by a layer of collagen fibrils. The second receptor cell bears apical stereocilia as well as a kinocilium which are directed towards the centre of the animal — thus the cell appears to be turned upside down. The sensilla of the antennae are 1) sensory bristles containing two or three kinds of receptor cells, one of which bears an apical cilium and one kind of supportive cell and 2) sensory bulbs located within furrows consisting of receptor cells with branched cilia and two kinds of supportive cells which are covered by a modified thin cuticle. According to the electron microscopical findings the sensory spines on the lips are presumably chemoreceptors. The sensory bristles on the antennae can be regarded as mechanoreceptors and the sensory bulbs as chemoreceptors.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Sto 75/3)  相似文献   

Summary The spermatozoon of Oikopleura dioica is about 30 m long, with a spherical head, about 1 m wide, a 3 m long and 1 m wide midpiece, and a 25 m long tail with a tapered end piece. The head contains a nucleus with the chromatin volume limited to about 0.1 m3. A small acrosome is found in an anterior inpocketing, and a flagellar basal body in a posterior inpocketing of the nucleus. The midpiece contains a single mitochondrion with the flagellar axoneme embedded in a groove along its medial surface. The flagellar axoneme has the typical 9 + 2 substructure, and the basal body the typical 9+0 substructure. A second centriole and special anchoring fibres are absent.  相似文献   

Maize root tonoplasts are able to accumulate Ca(2+) using the energy derived from the H(+) gradient formed during PP(i) hydrolysis. Oxalate increases 6- to 10-fold the amount of Ca(2+) accumulated by tonoplast. Two apparently different K(s) values for Ca(2+) with values of 0.36 and 4.70 microM were detected when oxalate was included in the medium and the free Ca(2+) concentration in the medium was buffered with the use of EGTA. Binding of Ca(2+) to the outer surface of tonoplasts inhibits the outflow of Ca(2+) previously accumulated by the tonoplast, half-maximal inhibition being observed in presence of 1 microM Ca(2+). Thapsigargin, a specific inhibitor of Ca(2+)-ATPase, inhibits the Ca(2+) uptake driven by H(+) gradient but does not inhibit the hydrolysis of PP(i) nor the formation of a H(+) gradient.  相似文献   

Cardiac plasma membrane Ca2+/Mg2+ ecto-ATPase (myoglein) requires millimolar concentrations of either Ca2+ or Mg2+ for maximal activity. In this paper, we report its localization by employing an antiserum raised against the purified rat cardiac Ca2+/Mg2+ ATPase. As assessed by Western blot analysis, the antiserum and the purified immunoglobulin were specific for Ca2+/Mg2+ ecto-ATPase; no cross reaction was observed towards other membrane bound enzymes such as cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-pump ATPase or sarcolemmal Ca2+-pump ATPase. On the other hand, the cardiac Ca2+/Mg2+ ecto-ATPase was not recognized by antibodies specific for either cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-pump ATPase or plasma membrane Ca2+-pump ATPase. Furthermore, the immune serum inhibited the Ca2+/Mg2+ ecto-ATPase activity of the purified enzyme preparation. Immunofluorescence of cardiac tissue sections and neonatal cultured cardiomyocytes with the Ca2+/Mg2+ ecto-ATPase antibodies indicated the localization of Ca2+/Mg2+ ecto-ATPase in association with the plasma membrane of myocytes, in areas of cell-matrix or cell-cell contact. Staining for the Ca2+/Mg2+ ecto-ATPase was not cardiac specific since the antibodies detected the presence of membrane proteins in sections from skeletal muscle, brain, liver and kidney. The results indicate that Ca2+/Mg2+ ecto-ATPase is localized to the plasma membranes of cardiomyocytes as well as other tissues such as brain, liver, kidney and skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of coronet cells of the saccus vasculosus has been studied in specimens of Anguilla anguilla (L.) at different stages of its life cycle. At all the stages observed coronet cells are composed of a basal and an apical part, the latter bearing globules with primary vesicles. In the larva (a marine form) and in the fully metamorphosed small eel at the time of entry into freshwater the narrow lumen and the vesicles within the apical globules are filled with electron-dense material. In forms in which adaptation to freshwater has occurred, the saccus lumen appears expanded, the apical globules are better developed, and the electron-dense material has disappeared. It is suggested that the two situations observed represent different functional states of the organ, in relation to different conditions of environmental salinity.The authors gratefully acknowledge the contribution of Dr. G. Andreoli, of the University of Parma, who provided the Atlantic larvae for this study.  相似文献   

The copper tolerance of both adult plants and their seedlings, ofAgrostis tenuis from sites within and outside, but neighbouring the Parys Mountain mine (North Wales) were studied. Intensive sampling was carried out along a line starting from the mine boundaries to a distance of five miles away in the direction of the prevailing wind, and of two miles in an upwind direction. The test have shown that mine populations are very tolerant. In outside populations on soils with reduced of very low copper content the mean tolerance level of the seedlings is considerably higher than that of corresponding adult plants, while both show a gradual decrease in tolerance with distance from the mine. The gene flow moves in the direction of the prevailing wind transfering tolerant characters from the mine to the normal populations. The selective pressures on the toxic soil of the mine are quite strong and permit ± tolerant plants only, while on normal soils these pressures are not so severe, so that populations may be rather heterogenous regarding their tolerance towards copper.  相似文献   

Summary The relationship between the external Ca2+ concentrations [Ca2+]0 and the electrical tolerance (breakdown) in theChara plasmalemma was investigated. When the membrane potential was negative beyond –350–400 mV (breakdown potential, BP), a marked inward current was observed, which corresponds to the so-called punch-through (H.G.L. Coster,Biophys. J. 5:669–686, 1965). The electrical tolerance of theChara plasmalemma depended highly on [Ca2+]0. Increasing [Ca2+]0 caused a more negative and decreasing it caused a more positive shift of BP. BP was at about –700 mV in 200 M La3+ solution. [Mg2+]0 depressed the membrane electrical tolerance which was supposed to be due to competition with Ca2+ at the Ca2+ binding site of the membrane. Such a depressive effect of Mg2+ was almost masked when the [Ca2+]0/[Mg2+]0 ratio was roughly beyond 2.  相似文献   

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