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Gonadotropin receptors which bind luteinizing hormone (lutropin) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the ovaries of immature female rats showed a 30-fold increase after treatment of animals with pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) and hCG. This marked induction of lutrophin/hCG receptors in the rat ovary was not accompanied by a change in binding affinity for labeled hCG. Such luteinized ovaries have been found consistently to contain a small proportion of soluble receptor sites, which comprised about 5% of the total receptor population. The soluble receptor sites were present in the floating lipid fraction of the 360 000 × g supernatant of homogenate prepared from luteinized ovaries, and could not be detected in similar fractions prepared from interstitial cells or homogenates of the normal rat testis.The physico-chemical properties of the spontaneously soluble ovarian receptors were similar to those derived for detergent-solubilized receptors prepared by extraction of particulate ovarian binding fractions with Triton X-100. The affinity constant to the soluble ovarian receptor sites for [125I]hCG was 0.70 · 1010 M?1, and that of the receptors solubilized by Triton X-100 was 0.72 · 1010 M?1. The sedimentation pattern of the soluble receptors during sucrose density gradient centrifugation showed extensive aggregation into rapidly sedimenting forms. However, centrifugation of the cytosol receptor in the presence of Triton X-100 gave a single 6.5 S component, corresponding to the solubilized receptors previously characterized in detergent extracts of the rat ovary and testis.The pesence of a spontaneously soluble lutropin/hCG receptor in ovarian cytosol fractions suggests that rapid synthesis and assembly of receptors in ovaries of PMSG-hCG-treated rats is accompanied by increased production of cytoplasmic receptor precursors; alternatively, this receptor population may represent a fraction that has been internalized or processed as during receptor turnover in the cell membrane.  相似文献   

The two subunits (α and β) of pregnant mare serum gonadotropin have been dissociated and partially characterized. Recombination of the biologically inactive subunits results in the restoration of both the follicle stimulating and leuteinizing activities of pregnant mare serum gonadotropin. In addition, the α subunit of pregnant mare serum gonadotropin can be combined with the β subunit of either ovine luteinizing hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin, or follicle stimulating hormone with generation of the specific activity expected of the β subunit.  相似文献   

To elucidate a possible role of sialic acid moiety in the electrical heterogeneity of rat pituitary lutropin, seven components separated were individually treated with neuraminidase. Some intermediates with isoelectric points corresponding to the native components were concomitantly seen at the serial stages of the enzyme treatment. All the treated components showed an isoelectric point of about 10.0 which was the same to the isoelectric point of one of the seven components. Desialylation of the components with less biological activity caused enhancement of the in vitro cyclic AMP producing- and testosterone producing-activities as well as the binding activity to the receptor. It is concluded that the number of sialic acid moiety in lutropin is responsible for the charge heterogeneity and the biological potency of the hormone.  相似文献   

Heparin inhibits (I50 = 2 μg/ml) the activity of luteinizing hormone and human chorionic gonadotropin-stimulated adenylate cyclase in purified rat ovarian plasma membranes. Unstimulated enzyme activity and activity stimulated by NaF, GTP or guanosine 5′-(β,γ-imido)triphosphate were inhibited to a lesser extent. Human chorionic gonadotropin binding to this membrane preparation was inhibited by hepatin (I50 = 6 μg/ml). The inhibition with respect to hormone concentration was of a mixed type for hormone binding and adenylate cyclase stimulation. Inhibition by heparin was not eliminated at saturating hormone concentration. The degree of inhibition was unaffected by the order in which enzyme, hormone and heparin were introduced into the assay system. Herapin (3 μg/ml) did not affect the pH activity relationship of basal and hormone-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity and did not change the dependence of enzyme activity on magnesium ion concentration. The inhibitory action of heparin cannot be solely attributed to interference with either catalysis or hormone binding. The possibility is considered that the highly charged herapin molecule interferes with enzyme receptor coupling, by restricting the mobility of these components or by effecting their conformation.  相似文献   

Natriuretic peptides (NPs) are involved in maintaining cardiovascular and fluid homeostasis, regulating reproductive processes and bone growth, and other numerous functions. To better understand the role of NPs in goat (Capra hircus), in the present study, full-length cDNAs of goat Nppa (natriuretic peptide precursor A), Nppb (natriuretic peptide precursor B) and Nppc (natriuretic peptide precursor C), respectively encoding ANP, BNP and CNP, were cloned from adult goat heart and ovary. The putative prepropeptide ANP (prepro-ANP) and prepro-CNP share a high amino acid sequence identity with other species. Real-time PCR showed that Nppa, Nppb and Nppc were widely expressed in adult goat tissues. The mRNA expression of Nppa and Nppb in the heart was extremely higher compared with other tissues. Nppc mRNA expression in the lung and uterus was also higher than in other tissues. The expression of Nppa, Nppb and Nppc genes was examined at different ovarian follicle stages using RT-PCR. The mRNAs of Nppa and Nppb were detected in secondary follicles as well as in COCs (cumulus–oocyte-complexes) and granulosa cells of antral follicles. However, the mRNA expression of Nppc was observed throughout ovarian follicle development, and it was especially higher in granulosa cells of antral follicles. In vitro, stimulating goat granulosa cells with FSH led to an increase in the expression of Nppc by dose- and time-dependent manners and a rapid decline was induced by LH stimulation, but the expression of Nppa and Nppb did not change after FSH or LH treatment. These results suggest that Nppc is a gonadotropin-induced gene in granulosa cells of goat ovary and CNP may be involved in the regulation of ovarian follicle development and oocyte maturation.  相似文献   

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