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Jia L  Emmons SW 《Genetics》2006,173(3):1241-1258
We have studied how a set of male-specific sensory neurons in Caenorhabditis elegans establish axonal connections during postembryonic development. In the adult male, 9 bilateral pairs of ray sensory neurons innervate an acellular fan that serves as a presumptive tactile and olfactory organ during copulation. We visualized ray axon commissures with a ray neuron-specific reporter gene and studied both known and new mutations that affect the establishment of connections to the pre-anal ganglion. We found that the UNC-6/netrin-UNC-40/DCC pathway provides the primary dorsoventral guidance cue to ray axon growth cones. Some axon growth cones also respond to an anteroposterior cue, following a segmented pathway, and most or all also have a tendency to fasciculate. Two newly identified genes, rax-1 and rax-4, are highly specific to the ray neurons and appear to be required for ray axon growth cones to respond to the dorsoventral cue. Among other genes we identified, rax-2 and rax-3 affect anteroposterior signaling or fate specification and rax-5 and rax-6 affect ray identities. We identified a mutation in sax-2 and show that the sax-2/Furry and sax-1/Tricornered pathway affects ectopic neurite outgrowth and establishment of normal axon synapses. Finally, we identified mutations in genes for muscle proteins that affect axon pathways by distorting the conformation of the body wall. Thus ray axon pathfinding relies on a variety of general and more ray neuron-specific genes and provides a potentially fruitful system for further studies of how migrating axon growth cones locate their targets. This system is applicable to the study of mechanisms underlying topographic mapping of sensory neurons into target circuitry where the next stage of information processing is carried out.  相似文献   

Mutation in the Caenorhabditis elegans gene osm-6 was previously shown to result in defects in the ultrastructure of sensory cilia and defects in chemosensory and mechanosensory behaviors. We have cloned osm-6 by transposon tagging and transformation rescue and have identified molecular lesions associated with five osm-6 mutations. The osm-6 gene encodes a protein that is 40% identical in amino acid sequence to a predicted mammalian protein of unknown function. We fused osm-6 with the gene for green fluorescent protein (GFP); the fusion gene rescued the osm-6 mutant phenotype and showed accumulation of GFP in ciliated sensory neurons exclusively. The OSM-6::GFP protein was localized to cytoplasm, including processes and dendritic endings where sensory cilia are situated. Mutations in other genes known to cause ciliary defects led to changes in the appearance of OSM-6::GFP in dendritic endings or, in the case of daf-19, reduced OSM-6::GFP accumulation. We conclude from an analysis of genetic mosaics that osm-6 acts cell autonomously in affecting cilium structure.  相似文献   

Mutant sensory cilia in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Eight classes of chemosensory neurons in C. elegans fill with fluorescein when living animals are placed in a dye solution. Fluorescein enters the neurons through their exposed sensory cilia. Mutations in 14 genes prevent dye uptake and disrupt chemosensory behaviors. Each of these genes affects the ultrastructure of the chemosensory cilia or their accessory cells. In each case, the cilia are shorter or less exposed than normal, suggesting that dye contact is the principal factor under selection. Ten genes affect many or all of the sensory cilia in the head. The daf-19 (m86) mutation eliminates all cilia, leaving only occasional centrioles in the dendrites. The cilia in che-13 (e1805), osm-1 (p808), osm-5 (p813), and osm-6 (p811) mutants have normal transition zones and severely shortened axonemes. Doublet-microtubules, attached to the membrane by Y links, assemble ectopically proximal to the cilia in these mutants. The amphid cilia in che-11 (e1810) are irregular in diameter and contain dark ground material in the middle of the axonemes. Certain mechanocilia are also affected. The amphid cilia in che-10 (e1809) apparently degenerate, leaving dendrites with bulb-shaped endings filled with dark ground material. The mechanocilia lack striated rootlets. Cilia defects have also been found in che-2, che-3, and daf-10 mutants. The osm-3 (p802) mutation specifically eliminates the distal segment of the amphid cilia. Mutations in three genes affect sensillar support cells. The che-12 (e1812) mutation eliminates matrix material normally secreted by the amphid sheath cell. The che-14 (e1960) mutation disrupts the joining of the amphid sheath and socket cells to form the receptor channel. A similar defect has been observed in daf-6 mutants. Four additional genes affect specific classes of ciliated sensory neurons. The mec-1 and mec-8 (e398) mutations disrupt the fasciculation of the amphid cilia. The cat-6 (e1861) mutation disrupts the tubular bodies of the CEP mechanocilia. A cryophilic thermotaxis mutant, ttx-1 (p767), lacks fingers on the AFD dendrite, suggesting this neuron is thermosensory.  相似文献   

Caenorhabditis elegans shows chemoattraction to 0.1-200 mM NaCl, avoidance of higher NaCl concentrations, and avoidance of otherwise attractive NaCl concentrations after prolonged exposure to NaCl (gustatory plasticity). Previous studies have shown that the ASE and ASH sensory neurons primarily mediate attraction and avoidance of NaCl, respectively. Here we show that balances between at least four sensory cell types, ASE, ASI, ASH, ADF and perhaps ADL, modulate the response to NaCl. Our results suggest that two NaCl-attraction signalling pathways exist, one of which uses Ca(2+)/cGMP signalling. In addition, we provide evidence that attraction to NaCl is antagonised by G-protein signalling in the ASH neurons, which is desensitised by the G-protein-coupled receptor kinase GRK-2. Finally, the response to NaCl is modulated by G-protein signalling in the ASI and ADF neurons, a second G-protein pathway in ASH and cGMP signalling in neurons exposed to the body fluid.  相似文献   

Age-related mobility decline is often associated with negative physical and psychological outcomes, such as frailty, in the elderly population. In C. elegans, during the early stage of the aging process, a progressive deficit of synaptic exocytosis in the motor neurons results in a functional decline at the neuromuscular junctions, which eventually leads to degeneration of both neurons and muscles. This age-dependent functional decline can be ameliorated by pharmacological interventions, such as arecoline, a muscarinic AChR agonist known to promote synaptic exocytosis at the neuromuscular junctions. In this study, we found that a short-term treatment of arecoline during the early stage of aging, when the NMJ functional decline begins, not only slows muscle tissue aging, but also extends lifespan in C. elegans. We have also demonstrated that arecoline acts on the GAR-2/PLCβ pathway in the motor neurons to increases longevity. Together, our findings suggest that synaptic transmission in aging motor neurons may serve as a potential target for pharmacological interventions to promote both health span and lifespan, when applied at the early stage aging.Impact statementThe functional decline of motor activity is a common feature in almost all aging animals that leads to frailty, loss of independence, injury, and even death in the elderly population. Thus, understanding the molecular mechanism that drives the initial stage of this functional decline and developing strategies to increase human healthspan and even lifespan by targeting this process would be of great interests to the field. In this study, we found that by precisely targeting the motor neurons to potentiate its synaptic releases either genetically or pharmacologically, we can not only delay the functional aging at NMJs but also slow the rate of aging at the organismal level. Most importantly, we have demonstrated that a critical window of time, that is the early stage of NMJs functional decline, is required for the beneficial effects. A short-term treatment within this time period is sufficient to extend the animals’ lifespan.  相似文献   

To facilitate the genetic study of sleep, we documented that rest behavior in Drosophila melanogaster is a sleep-like state. The animals choose a preferred location, become immobile for periods of up to 157 min at a particular time in the circadian day, and are relatively unresponsive to sensory stimuli. Rest is affected by both homeostatic and circadian influences: when rest is prevented, the flies increasingly tend to rest despite stimulation and then exhibit a rest rebound. Drugs acting on a mammalian adenosine receptor alter rest as they do sleep, suggesting conserved neural mechanisms. Finally, normal homeostatic regulation depends on the timeless but not the period central clock gene. Understanding the molecular features of Drosophila rest should shed new light on the mechanisms and function of sleep.  相似文献   

Defects in the expression of the mitochondrial protein frataxin cause Friedreich's ataxia, an hereditary neurodegenerative syndrome characterized by progressive ataxia and associated with reduced life expectancy in humans. Homozygous inactivation of the frataxin gene results in embryonic lethality in mice, suggesting that frataxin is required for organismic survival. Intriguingly, the inactivation of many mitochondrial genes in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans by RNAi extends lifespan. We therefore investigated whether inactivation of frataxin by RNAi-mediated suppression of the frataxin homolog gene (frh-1) would also prolong lifespan in the nematode. Frataxin-deficient animals have a small body size, reduced fertility and altered responses to oxidative stress. Importantly, frataxin suppression by RNAi significantly extends lifespan in C. elegans.  相似文献   

Mutations in alpha-synuclein gene cause familial form of Parkinson disease, and deposition of wild-type alpha-synuclein as Lewy bodies occurs as a hallmark lesion of sporadic Parkinson disease and dementia with Lewy bodies, implicating alpha-synuclein in the pathogenesis of Parkinson disease and related neurodegenerative diseases. Dopamine neurons in substantia nigra are the major site of neurodegeneration associated with alpha-synuclein deposition in Parkinson disease. Here we establish transgenic Caenorhabditis elegans (TG worms) that overexpresses wild-type or familial Parkinson mutant human alpha-synuclein in dopamine neurons. The TG worms exhibit accumulation of alpha-synuclein in the cell bodies and neurites of dopamine neurons, and EGFP labeling of dendrites is often diminished in TG worms expressing familial Parkinson disease-linked A30P or A53T mutant alpha-synuclein, without overt loss of neuronal cell bodies. Notably, TG worms expressing A30P or A53T mutant alpha-synuclein show failure in modulation of locomotory rate in response to food, which has been attributed to the function of dopamine neurons. This behavioral abnormality was accompanied by a reduction in neuronal dopamine content and was treatable by administration of dopamine. These phenotypes were not seen upon expression of beta-synuclein. The present TG worms exhibit dopamine neuron-specific dysfunction caused by accumulation of alpha-synuclein, which would be relevant to the genetic and compound screenings aiming at the elucidation of pathological cascade and therapeutic strategies for Parkinson disease.  相似文献   

Our interest in the coordination of cell cycle control and differentiation has led us to investigate the Caenorhabditis elegans cye-1 gene encoding the G(1) cell cycle regulator cyclin E. We have studied the expression and function of cye-1 by using monoclonal antibodies directed against CYE-1 protein, cye-1::GFP reporter genes, and a cye-1 chromosomal deletion mutation. We show that a ubiquitous embryonic pattern of expression becomes restricted and dynamic during postembryonic development. Promoter analysis reveals a relatively small region of cis-acting sequences that are necessary for the complex pattern of expression of this gene. Our studies demonstrate that two other G(1) cell cycle genes, encoding cyclin D and CDK4/6, have similarly compact promoter requirements. This suggests that a relatively simple mechanism of regulation may underlie the dynamic developmental patterns of expression exhibited by these three G(1) cell cycle genes. Our analysis of a new cye-1 deletion allele confirms and extends previous studies of two point mutations in the gene.  相似文献   

The neuronal stomatin-like proteins UNC-1 and UNC-24 play important roles in the nervous system of Caenorhabditis elegans. These neuronal stomatin-like proteins are putative chaperone proteins that can modify volatile anesthetic sensitivity and disrupt coordinated locomotion. A suppressor of unc-1 and unc-24, named ssu-1(fc73) (for suppressor of stomatin uncoordination), suppresses three phenotypes of neuronal stomatin-like protein deficiency as follows: volatile anesthetic sensitivity, uncoordinated locomotion, and a constitutive alternative developmental phenotype known as dauer. Here we provide the first phenotypic characterization of ssu-1, predicted to be the only C. elegans cytosolic alcohol sulfotransferase, a family of enzymes that catalyze a sulfate linkage with the alcohol group of small molecules for the purposes of detoxification or modification of signaling. In vitro enzyme analysis of bacterially expressed SSU-1 demonstrates sulfotransferase activity and thus confirms the function predicted by protein sequence similarities. Whereas unc-1 is expressed in the majority of neurons of C. elegans, expression of SSU-1 protein in only the two ASJ amphid interneurons is sufficient to restore the wild type phenotype. This work demonstrates that SSU-1 is a functional sulfotransferase that likely modifies endocrine signaling in C. elegans. The expression of SSU-1 in the ASJ neurons refines the understanding of the function of these cells and supports their classification as endocrine tissue. The relationship of unc-1, unc-24, and ssu-1 is the first association of neuronal stomatin-like proteins sharing regulatory roles with a sulfotransferase enzyme.  相似文献   

The nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans has produced a wellspring of insights into mechanisms that govern cellular symmetry breaking during animal development. Here we focus on two highly conserved systems that underlie many of the key symmetry-breaking events that occur during embryonic and larval development in the worm. One involves the interplay between Par proteins, Rho GTPases, and the actomyosin cytoskeleton and mediates asymmetric cell divisions that establish the germline. The other uses elements of the Wnt signaling pathway and a highly reiterative mechanism that distinguishes anterior from posterior daughter cell fates. Much of what we know about these systems comes from intensive study of a few key events—Par/Rho/actomyosin-mediated polarization of the zygote in response to a sperm-derived cue and the Wnt-mediated induction of endoderm at the four-cell stage. However, a growing body of work is revealing how C. elegans exploits elements/variants of these systems to accomplish a diversity of symmetry-breaking tasks throughout embryonic and larval development.Over the past few decades, the C. elegans embryo has become a premiere system for studying cellular symmetry breaking in a developmental context. During C. elegans development, nearly every division produces daughter cells with different developmental trajectories. In some cases, these differences are imposed on daughters before or after division through inductive signals, but many of these divisions are intrinsically asymmetric—an initial symmetry-breaking step creates polarized distributions or activities of factors that control developmental potential. Registration of the cleavage plane with the axis of polarity then ensures differential inheritance of these potentials. With respect to cell fates, the output of these asymmetric divisions is amazingly diverse, yet the embryo seems to accomplish this diversity through variants of a few conserved symmetry-breaking systems. Thus the C. elegans embryo provides an exceptional opportunity to explore not only the core mechanisms underlying cellular symmetry breaking, but also how evolution can reconfigure these mechanisms to do different but related jobs in multiple contexts.In this review, we focus most of our attention on two conserved systems that together account for much of the cellular asymmetry observed during C. elegans embryogenesis. The first, which is best known for its role in the early asymmetric cell divisions that segregate germline from the soma, involves a complex interplay between Par proteins, Rho-family GTPases, and the actomyosin cytoskeleton. Interestingly, the embryo exploits elements of this same system to break symmetry during cleavage furrow specification and to establish apicobasal polarity in early embryonic cells and in the first true embryonic epithelia. The second system we focus on involves an unusual application of WNT signaling pathway components and is used reiteratively throughout embryonic and larval development to distinguish anterior and posterior daughter cell fates. Rather than comprehensively review these systems, we highlight topics not extensively covered in other reviews.  相似文献   

Mammalian annexins are implicated in several physiological mechanisms based on their calcium-dependent phospholipid/membrane binding and carbohydrate-binding activities. In this study, we investigated gene expression profiles of all four Caenorhabditis elegans annexins, nex-1, -2, -3 and -4, throughout the development, and compared phospholipid- and carbohydrate-binding properties of their protein products, NEX-1, -2, -3 and -4. We found that nex-1 and -3 are transcribed continuously during the developmental stages, while expression of nex-2 and -4 appeared to be temporal, peaking at the L1 stage followed by a gradual decrease toward the adult stage. NEX-1 and -3 were detected as single protein band in total worm extracts by immunoblotting, but NEX-2 was heterogenic in size. NEX-1, -2, and -3 showed the binding activities to phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylethanolamine, but not to phosphatidylcholine. In contrast to their uniform phospholipids-binding properties, their glycosaminoglycan-binding activities were distinctive. NEX-2 bound to heparan sulfate and chondroitin, NEX-3 bound only to heparan sulfate, and NEX-1 showed no lectin activities under tested conditions. NEX-4 had neither phospholipids- nor carbohydrate-binding properties. Differentiated expression profiles and ligand-binding properties of NEX-1, -2, -3 and -4, shown in our study, may represent distinctive roles for each C. elegans annexins.  相似文献   

We present an optogenetic illumination system capable of real-time light delivery with high spatial resolution to specified targets in freely moving Caenorhabditis elegans. A tracking microscope records the motion of an unrestrained worm expressing channelrhodopsin-2 or halorhodopsin in specific cell types. Image processing software analyzes the worm's position in each video frame, rapidly estimates the locations of targeted cells and instructs a digital micromirror device to illuminate targeted cells with laser light of the appropriate wavelengths to stimulate or inhibit activity. Because each cell in an unrestrained worm is a rapidly moving target, our system operates at high speed (~50 frames per second) to provide high spatial resolution (~30 μm). To test the accuracy, flexibility and utility of our system, we performed optogenetic analyses of the worm motor circuit, egg-laying circuit and mechanosensory circuits that have not been possible with previous methods.  相似文献   

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