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A wide range of novel approaches are being used to dissect the visual system of the fly, both the neural networks of motion detection and the performance of these networks under complex natural stimulus conditions.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that subjects do not report changes in color and direction of motion as being co-incidental when they occur synchronously. Instead, for the changes to be reported as being synchronous, changes in direction of motion must precede changes in color. To explain this observation, some researchers have suggested that the neural processing of color and motion is asynchronous. This interpretation has been criticized on the basis that processing time may not correlate directly and invariantly with perceived time of occurrence. Here we examine this possibility by making use of the color-contingent motion aftereffect. By correlating color states disproportionately with two directions of motion, we produced and measured color-contingent motion aftereffects as a function of the range of physical correlations. The aftereffects observed are consistent with the perceptual correlation between color and motion being different from the physical correlation. These findings demonstrate asynchronous processing for different stimulus attributes, with color being processed more quickly than motion. This suggests that the time course of perceptual experience correlates directly with that of neural activity.  相似文献   

Many insects perform high-speed aerial maneuvers in which they navigate through visually complex surrounds. Among insects, hoverflies stand out, with males switching from stationary hovering to high-speed pursuit at extreme angular velocities [1]. In dipterans, 50-60 large interneurons -- the lobula-plate tangential cells (LPTCs) -- detect changes in optic flow experienced during flight [2-5]. It has been predicted that large LPTC receptive fields are a requirement of accurate "matched filters" of optic flow [6]. Whereas many fly taxa have three horizontal system (HS) LPTC neurons in each hemisphere, hoverflies have four [7], possibly reflecting the more sophisticated flight behavior. We here show that the most dorsal hoverfly neuron (HS north [HSN]) is sexually dimorphic, with the male receptive field substantially smaller than in females or in either sex of blowflies. The (hoverfly-specific) HSN equatorial (HSNE) is, however, sexually isomorphic. Using complex optic flow, we show that HSN, despite its smaller receptive field, codes yaw velocity as well as HSNE. Responses to a target moving against a plain or textured background suggest that the male HSN could potentially play a role in target pursuit under some conditions.  相似文献   

Motion detector interneurons were examined to determine their responsiveness to the motion of polarized light images (i.e. images segmented by spatial variations in e-vector angle). Computer generated images were displayed as intensity contrasts or polarization contrasts on a modified LCD projection panel. The stimuli included the motion of a single stripe (45 degrees -55 degrees /s) and the global motion of a square wave grating (3.3 degrees /s). Neurons were impaled in the medulla interna. Of the neurons which exhibited a directional response to the motion of intensity contrast stimuli, about 2/3 were also directional in the response to polarized light images. Transient (nondirectional) stimuli included looming and jittery motions. The responses to the transient motions of the polarized light images were roughly comparable to those elicited by intensity contrast. The results imply that behavioral responses to polarized light images (i.e. optokinetic and defense reflexes) may have a basis in the polarization sensitivity and synaptic organization of the medulla interna.  相似文献   

Two recent imaging studies have shed new light on information representation in human parahippocampal cortex. Despite their different approaches, the two studies both support the view that this brain region represents space at an elementary level.  相似文献   

Tian J  Wang C  Sun F 《Spatial Vision》2003,16(5):407-418
When gratings moving in different directions are presented separately to the two eyes, we typically perceive periods of the combination of motion in the two eyes as well as periods of one or the other monocular motions. To investigate whether such interocular motion combination is determined by the intersection-of-constraints (IOC) or vector average mechanism, we recorded both optokinetic nystagmus eye movements (OKN) and perception during dichoptic presentation of moving gratings and random-dot patterns with various differences of interocular motion direction. For moving gratings, OKN alternately tracks not only the direction of the two monocular motions but also the direction of their combined motion. The OKN in the combined motion direction is highly correlated with the perceived direction of combined motion; its velocity complies with the IOC rule rather than the vector average of the dichoptic motion stimuli. For moving random-dot patterns, both OKN and perceived motion alternate only between the directions of the two monocular motions. These results suggest that interocular motion combination in dichoptic gratings is determined by the IOC and depends on their form.  相似文献   

Integrating the proton circuit into photosynthesis: progress and challenges   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The formation of trans-thylakoid proton motive force (pmf) is coupled to light-driven electron transfer and both powers the synthesis of ATP and acts as a signal for initiating antenna regulation. This key intermediate has been difficult to study because of its ephemeral and variable qualities. This review covers recent efforts to probe pmf in vivo as well as efforts to address one of the key questions in photosynthesis: How does the photosynthetic machinery achieve sufficient flexibility to meet the energetic and regulatory needs of the plant in a varying environment? It is concluded that pmf plays a central role in these flexibility mechanisms.  相似文献   

The paper recently published by Mothersill and Seymour (Radiat Environ Biophys 2013, doi: 10.1007/s00411-013-0472-y) is commented upon by emphasizing on the recommendation not to confound the fields of radiation protection and radiobiological science as a source of controversy. Instead, these authors are proposing a new vision which suggests novel lines of scientific investigations to be addressed. At the moment, these include moving beyond the conceptual approach of DNA alteration through energy deposition in cells, and exploring the striking parallel currently existing between the ongoing individual/population debate in radioecology and that for cells/tissues in radiobiology. These interesting issues are briefly discussed and supported.  相似文献   

The mechanism for motion detection in a fly’s vision system, known as the Reichardt correlator, suffers from a main shortcoming as a velocity estimator: low accuracy. To enable accurate velocity estimation, responses of the Reichardt correlator to image sequences are analyzed in this paper. An elaborated model with additional preprocessing modules is proposed. The relative error of velocity estimation is significantly reduced by establishing a real-time response-velocity lookup table based on the power spectrum analysis of the input signal. By exploiting the improved velocity estimation accuracy and the simple structure of the Reichardt correlator, a high-speed vision system of 1?kHz is designed and applied for robot yaw-angle control in real-time experiments. The experimental results demonstrate the potential and feasibility of applying insect-inspired motion detection to robot control.  相似文献   

There is considerable evidence for the existence of a specialized mechanism in human vision for detecting moving contrast modulations and some evidence for a mechanism for detecting moving stereoscopic depth modulations. It is unclear whether a single second-order motion mechanism detects both types of stimulus or whether they are detected separately. We show that sensitivity to stereo-defined motion resembles that to contrast-defined motion in two important ways. First, when a missing-fundamental disparity waveform is moved in steps of 0.25 cycles, its perceived direction tends to reverse. This is a property of both luminance-defined and contrast-defined motion and is consistent with independent detection of motion at different spatial scales. Second, thresholds for detecting the direction of a smoothly drifting sinusoidal disparity modulation are much higher than those for detecting its orientation. This is a property of contrast-modulated gratings but not luminance-modulated gratings, for which the two thresholds are normally identical. The results suggest that stereo-defined and contrast-defined motion stimuli are detected either by a common mechanism or by separate mechanisms sharing a common principle of operation.  相似文献   

Dolph P 《Neuron》2008,57(1):1-2
Studies of the Drosophila visual system have provided valuable insights into the function and regulation of phototransduction signaling pathways. Much of this work has stemmed from or relied upon the genetic tools offered by the Drosophila system. In this issue of Neuron, Wang and colleagues and Acharya and colleagues have further exploited the Drosophila genetic system to characterize two new phototransduction players.  相似文献   

Feature detection in human vision: a phase-dependent energy model   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
This paper presents a simple and biologically plausible model of how mammalian visual systems could detect and identify features in an image. We suggest that the points in a waveform that have unique perceptual significance as 'lines' and 'edges' are the points where the Fourier components of the waveform come into phase with each other. At these points 'local energy' is maximal. Local energy is defined as the square root of the sum of the squared response of sets of matched filters, of identical amplitude spectrum but differing in phase spectrum by 90 degrees: one filter type has an even-symmetric line-spread function, the other an odd-symmetric line-spread function. For a line the main contribution to the local energy peak is in the output of the even-symmetric filters, whereas for edges it is in the output of the odd-symmetric filters. If both filter types respond at the peak of local energy, both edges and lines are seen, either simultaneously or alternating in time. The model was tested with a series of images, and shown to predict well the position of perceived features and the organization of the images.  相似文献   

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