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A shared characteristic among animals is their propensity to form stable, beneficial relationships with prokaryotes. Usually these associations occur in the form of consortia, i.e. a diverse assemblage of bacteria interacting with a single animal host. These complex communities, while common, have been difficult to characterize. The two-partner symbiosis between the squid Euprymna scolopes and the marine luminous bacterium Vibrio fischeri offers the opportunity to study the interaction between animal and bacterial cells, because both partners can be cultured in the laboratory and the symbiosis can be manipulated experimentally. This system is being used to characterize the mechanisms by which animals establish, develop and maintain stable alliances with bacteria. This review summarizes the progress to date on the development of this model.  相似文献   

In most symbioses between animals and luminous bacteria it has been assumed that the bacterial symbionts luminesce continuously, and that the control of luminescent output by the animal is mediated through elaborate accessory structures, such as chromatophores and muscular shutters that surround the host light organ. However, we have found that while in the light organ of the sepiolid squid Euprymna scolopes, symbiotic cells of Vibrio fischeri do not produce a continuously uniform level of luminescence, but instead exhibit predictable cyclic fluctuations in the amount of light emitted per cell. This daily biological rhythm exhibits many features of a circadian pattern, and produces an elevated intensity of symbiont luminescence in juvenile animals during the hours preceding the onset of ambient darkness. Comparisons of the specific luminescence of bacteria in the intact light organ with that of newly released bacteria support the existence of a direct host regulation of the specific activity of symbiont luminescence that does not require the intervention of accessory tissues. A model encompassing the currently available evidence is proposed for the control of growth and luminescence activity in the E. scolopes/V. fischeri light organ symbiosis.Abbreviations CFU colony-forming-unit - LD light-dark  相似文献   

Inactivation of the sapABCDF genes results in a loss of virulence in several bacterial pathogens of animals and plants. The role of this locus in the growth physiology of Vibrio fischeri, and in the symbiotic colonization of the squid Euprymna scolopes was investigated. In rich medium, a V. fischeri sapA insertion mutant grew at only 85% the rate of its wild-type parent. While a similar effect has been attributed to a potassium-transport defect in sap mutants of enteric bacteria, the V. fischeri mutant grew more slowly regardless of the potassium concentration of the medium. Similarly, the growth-rate defect was independent of the source of either carbon, nitrogen, or phosphorous, indicating that the V. fischeri sap genes do not encode functions required for the transport of a specific form of any of these nutrients. Finally, while a delay in colonizing the nascent light organ of the squid could be accounted for by the lower growth rate of the mutant, a small but statistically significant reduction in its final population size in the host, but not in medium, suggests that the sap genes play another role in the symbiosis. All of these phenotypic defects could be genetically complemented in trans by the sapABCDF genes, but not by the sapA gene alone, indicating that the insertion in sapA is polar to the four downstream genes in the locus. Thus, while the sap locus is important to the normal growth of V. fischeri, it plays different physiological roles in growth and tissue colonization than it does in enteric pathogens.  相似文献   

Specific bacteria are found in association with animal tissue. Such host-bacterial associations (symbioses) can be detrimental (pathogenic), have no fitness consequence (commensal), or be beneficial (mutualistic). While much attention has been given to pathogenic interactions, little is known about the processes that dictate the reproducible acquisition of beneficial/commensal bacteria from the environment. The light-organ mutualism between the marine Gram-negative bacterium V. fischeri and the Hawaiian bobtail squid, E. scolopes, represents a highly specific interaction in which one host (E. scolopes) establishes a symbiotic relationship with only one bacterial species (V. fischeri) throughout the course of its lifetime. Bioluminescence produced by V. fischeri during this interaction provides an anti-predatory benefit to E. scolopes during nocturnal activities, while the nutrient-rich host tissue provides V. fischeri with a protected niche. During each host generation, this relationship is recapitulated, thus representing a predictable process that can be assessed in detail at various stages of symbiotic development. In the laboratory, the juvenile squid hatch aposymbiotically (uncolonized), and, if collected within the first 30-60 minutes and transferred to symbiont-free water, cannot be colonized except by the experimental inoculum. This interaction thus provides a useful model system in which to assess the individual steps that lead to specific acquisition of a symbiotic microbe from the environment. Here we describe a method to assess the degree of colonization that occurs when newly hatched aposymbiotic E. scolopes are exposed to (artificial) seawater containing V. fischeri. This simple assay describes inoculation, natural infection, and recovery of the bacterial symbiont from the nascent light organ of E. scolopes. Care is taken to provide a consistent environment for the animals during symbiotic development, especially with regard to water quality and light cues. Methods to characterize the symbiotic population described include (1) measurement of bacterially-derived bioluminescence, and (2) direct colony counting of recovered symbionts.  相似文献   

Vibrio fischeri exists in a symbiotic relationship with the Hawaiian bobtail squid, Euprymna scolopes, where the squid provides a home for the bacteria, and the bacteria in turn provide camouflage that helps protect the squid from night-time predators. Like other gram-negative organisms, V. fischeri expresses lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on its cell surface. The structure of the O-antigen and the core components of the LPS and their possible role in colonization of the squid have not previously been determined. In these studies, an O-antigen ligase mutant, waaL, was utilized to determine the structures of these LPS components and their roles in colonization of the squid. WaaL ligates the O-antigen to the core of the LPS; thus, LPS from waaL mutants lacks O-antigen. Our results show that the V. fischeri waaL mutant has a motility defect, is significantly delayed in colonization, and is unable to compete with the wild-type strain in co-colonization assays. Comparative analyses of the LPS from the wild-type and waaL strains showed that the V. fischeri LPS has a single O-antigen repeat composed of yersiniose, 8-epi-legionaminic acid, and N-acetylfucosamine. In addition, the LPS from the waaL strain showed that the core structure consists of L-glycero-D-manno-heptose, D-glycero-D-manno-heptose, glucose, 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid, N-acetylgalactosamine, 8-epi-legionaminic acid, phosphate, and phosphoethanolamine. These studies indicate that the unusual V. fischeri O-antigen sugars play a role in the early phases of bacterial colonization of the squid.  相似文献   

Colonization of the light-emitting organ of the Hawaiian squid Euprymna scolopes is initiated when the nascent organ of a newly hatched squid becomes inoculated with Vibrio fischeri cells present in the ambient seawater. Although they are induced for luminescence in the light organ, these symbiotic strains are characteristically non-visibly luminous (NVL) when grown in laboratory culture. The more typical visibly luminous (VL) type of V. fischeri co-occurs in Hawaiian seawater with these NVL strains; thus, two phenotypically distinct groups of this species potentially have access to the symbiotic niche, yet only the NVL ones are found there. In laboratory inoculation experiments, VL strains, when presented in pure culture, showed the same capability for colonizing the light organ as NVL strains. However, in experiments with mixed cultures composed of both VL and NVL strains, the VL ones were unable to compete with the NVL ones and did not persist within the light organ as the symbiosis became established. In addition, NVL strains entered light organs that had already been colonized by VL strains and displaced them. The mechanism underlying the symbiotic competitiveness exhibited by NVL strains remains unknown; however, it does not appear to be due to a higher potential for siderophore activity. While a difference in luminescence phenotype between VL and NVL strains in culture is not likely to be significant in the symbiosis, it has helped identify two distinct groups of V. fischeri that express different colonization capabilities in the squid light organ. This competitive difference provides a useful indication of important traits in light organ colonization.  相似文献   

Vibrio fischeri strains isolated from light organs of the sepiolid squid Euprymna scolpes are non-visibly luminous and fast growing in laboratory culture, whereas in the symbiosis they are visibly luminous and slow growing. A spontaneous, visibly luminous, slow-growing variant was isolated from a laboratory culture of the squid-symbiotic V. fischeri strain ES114. Taxonomic and DNA-homology analyses demonstrated that the variant was V. fischeri and was very similar to the original form. However, the variant grew at one-fourth the rate of the original form, produced 30,000-fold more luminescence, induced luminescence at a lower cell density, and produced a higher level of V. fischeri luminescence autoinducer. Regulation of luminescence, nonetheless, was similar in the two forms and typical of V. fischeri with respect to responses to autoinducer, glucose, the iron chelator ethylenediamine-di(o-hydroxyphenyl acetic acid), and 3′:5′-cyclic AMP. Compared to the original form, cells of the variant were smaller, exhibited from zero to two polar, sheathed flagella instead of a tuft of three to eight flagella, produced a deeper yellow-orange pigment, did not acidify media containing glycerol, and produced a more distinct pellicle. The two forms also differed in the levels of several outer membrane and soluble proteins. These results establish a distinctive physiological, morphological, and biochemical dimorphism in V. fischeri ES114 in which the variant exhibits several traits similar to V. fischeri cells in the symbiotic state. The variant and its conversion from the original form in laboratory culture may provide insight into the properties of V. fischeri cells in the symbiosis and may serve as a model for elucidating the mechanism for their pleiotropic conversion upon colonization of the squid. Received: 10 January 1995 / Accepted: 24 May 1995  相似文献   

Iron influences liminescence in Vibrio fischeri; cultures iron-restricted for growth rate induce luminescence at a lower optical density (OD) than faster growing, iron-replete cultures. An iron restriction effect analogous to that in V. fischeri (slower growth, induction of luminescence at a lower OD) was established using Escherichia coli tonB and tonB + strains transformed with recombinant plasmids containing the V. fischeri lux genes (luxR luxICD ABEG) and grown in the presence and absence of the iron chelator ethylenediamine-di (o-hydroxylphenyl acetic acid) (EDDHA). This permitted the mechanism of iron control of luminescence to be examined. A fur mutant and its parent strain containing the intact lux genes exhibited no difference in the OD at induction of luminescence. Therefore, an iron-binding repressor protein apparently is not involved in iron control of luminescence. Furthermore, in the tonB and in tonB + strains containing lux plasmids with Mu dI(lacZ) fusions in luxR, levels of -galactosidase activity (expression from the luxR promoter) and luciferase activity (expression from the luxICDABEG promoter) both increased by a similar amount (8–9 fold each for tonB, 2–3 fold each for tonB +) in the presence of EDDHA. Similar results were obtained with the luxR gene present on a complementing plasmid. The previously identified regulatory factors that control the lux system (autoinducer-LuxR protein, cyclic AMP-cAMP receptor protein) differentially control expression from the luxR and luxICDABEG promoters, increasing expression from one while decreasing expression from the other. Consequently, these results suggest that the effect of iron on the V. fischeri luminescence system is indirect.  相似文献   

Luminous bacteria isolated from the light organs of the Australian Pinecone fish Cleidopus gloriamaris have been studied. The isolates were from fish from four different geographical estuarine systems on the east coast of Australia. All isolates were found to be strains of Vibrio fischeri, a species not hitherto demonstrated conclusively as forming a symbiotic association. Some ecological considerations are discussed.Non-Standard Abbreviation PHB polyhydroxybutyrate  相似文献   

The enzymes for luminescence in Vibrio fischeri are induced only after the accumulation of a sufficient concentration of a metabolic product (the autoinducer) generated by the bacteria themselves. Genetic analyses by others have previously suggested that biosynthesis of the autoinducer is catalyzed by a single gene product (autoinducer synthetase) presumably from precursors typically present in the bacterial cell. Also, the biosynthesis was predicted to be autocatalytic such that in the presence of autoinducer, more autoinducer synthetase should be produced. We have directly tested these predictions and found that autoinducer synthesis is indeed positively autoregulated. In addition, we have demonstrated autoinducer synthesis in vitro and have tentatively identified the substrates of autoinducer synthetase as S-adenosylmethionine and 3-oxohexanoyl coenzyme A.Abbreviations AdoMet S-adenosylmethionine - AI autoinducer, i.e. 3-oxohexsanoyl homoserine lactone - C-10 decanoyl homoserine lactone - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - LM luminescence medium - LM-BT luminescence medium without tryptone - LU light units - 3-oxo 3-oxohexanoyl-coenzyme A - SWC sea water complete medium  相似文献   

Associations between marine invertebrates and their cooperative bacterial symbionts offer access to an understanding of the roots of host-microbe interaction; for example, several symbioses like the squid-vibrio light organ association serve as models for investigating how each partner affects the developmental biology of the other. Previous results have identified a program of specific developmental events that unfolds as the association is initiated. In the past year, published studies have focused primarily on describing the mechanisms underlying the signaling processes that occur between the juvenile squid and the luminous bacteria that colonize it.  相似文献   

A major goal in microbiology is to understand the processes by which bacteria successfully colonize host tissue. Although a wealth of studies focusing on pathogenic microorganisms has revealed much about the rare interactions that result in disease, far less is known about the regulation of the ubiquitous, long-term, cooperative associations of bacteria with their animal hosts.  相似文献   

In the hours to days following hatching, the Hawaiian bobtail squid, Euprymna scolopes, obtains its light-emitting symbiont, Vibrio fischeri, from the surrounding environment and propagates the bacteria in the epithelial crypts of a specialized light organ. Three-dimensional analyses using confocal microscopy revealed that each of the three crypts on either side of the juvenile light organ is composed of four morphological regions. Progressing from the lateral pore to the medial blind end of each crypt, the regions consist of 1) a duct, 2) an antechamber, 3) a bottleneck, and 4) a deep region. Only the deep region houses a persistent bacterial population, whereas the duct, antechamber, and bottleneck serve as conduits through which the bacteria enter during initial colonization and exit during diel venting, a behavior in which approximately 90% of the symbionts are expelled each dawn. Our data suggest that, like the duct, the antechamber and bottleneck may function to promote and maintain the specificity of the symbiosis. Pronounced structural and functional differences among the deep regions of the three crypts, along with previously reported characterizations of embryogenesis, suggest a continued developmental progression in the first few days after hatching. Taken together, the results of this study reveal a high degree of complexity in the morphology of the crypts, as well as in the extent to which the three crypts and their constituent regions differ in function during the early stages of the symbiosis.  相似文献   

A study was made of the effect of RcsA and RcsB on the Vibrio fischeri lux expression in Escherichia coli. RcsA suppressed the LuxR activity and thereby inhibited expression of the lux genes coding for luciferase and reductase. In osmotic shock, RcsA–RcsB activated lux expression and, consequently, the bioluminescence of E. coli cells in the early log phase.  相似文献   

The sepiolid squid Euprymna scolopes forms a bioluminescent mutualism with the luminous bacterium Vibrio fischeri, harboring V. fischeri cells in a complex ventral light organ and using the bacterial light in predator avoidance. To characterize the contribution of V. fischeri to the growth and development of E. scolopes and to define the long-term effects of bacterial colonization on light organ morphogenesis, we developed a mariculture system for the culture of E. scolopes from hatching to adulthood, employing artificial seawater, lighting that mimicked that of the natural environment, and provision of prey sized to match the developmental stage of E. scolopes. Animals colonized by V. fischeri and animals cultured in the absence of V. fischeri (aposymbiotic) grew and survived equally well, developed similarly, and reached sexual maturity at a similar age. Development of the light organ accessory tissues (lens, reflectors, and ink sac) was similar in colonized and aposymbiotic animals with no obvious morphometric or histological differences. Colonization by V. fischeri influenced regression of the ciliated epithelial appendages (CEAs), the long-term growth of the light organ epithelial tubules, and the appearance of the cells composing the ciliated ducts, which exhibit characteristics of secretory tissue. In certain cases, aposymbiotic animals retained the CEAs in a partially regressed state and remained competent to initiate symbiosis with V. fischeri into adulthood. In other cases, the CEAs regressed fully in aposymbiotic animals, and these animals were not colonizable. The results demonstrate that V. fischeri is not required for normal growth and development of the animal or for development of the accessory light organ tissues and that morphogenesis of only those tissues coming in contact with the bacteria (CEAs, ciliated ducts, and light organ epithelium) is altered by bacterial colonization of the light organ. Therefore, V. fischeri apparently makes no major metabolic contribution to E. scolopes beyond light production, and post-embryonic development of the light organ is essentially symbiont independent. J. Exp. Zool. 286:280-296, 2000.  相似文献   

Efficient symbiotic colonization of the squid Euprymna scolopes by the bacterium Vibrio fischeri depends on bacterial biofilm formation on the surface of the squid’s light organ. Subsequently, the bacteria disperse from the biofilm via an unknown mechanism and enter through pores to reach the interior colonization sites. Here, we identify a homolog of Pseudomonas fluorescens LapG as a dispersal factor that promotes cleavage of a biofilm-promoting adhesin, LapV. Overproduction of LapG inhibited biofilm formation and, unlike the wild-type parent, a ΔlapG mutant formed biofilms in vitro. Although V. fischeri encodes two putative large adhesins, LapI (near lapG on chromosome II) and LapV (on chromosome I), only the latter contributed to biofilm formation. Consistent with the Pseudomonas Lap system model, our data support a role for the predicted c-di-GMP-binding protein LapD in inhibiting LapG-dependent dispersal. Furthermore, we identified a phosphodiesterase, PdeV, whose loss promotes biofilm formation similar to that of the ΔlapG mutant and dependent on both LapD and LapV. Finally, we found a minor defect for a ΔlapD mutant in initiating squid colonization, indicating a role for the Lap system in a relevant environmental niche. Together, these data reveal new factors and provide important insights into biofilm dispersal by V. fischeri.  相似文献   

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