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The gonadotropin-primed immature rat has become the most common model for the study of follicular development and ovulation. In this study, prepubertal female rats, 23 and 24 days old, were injected s. c. with 5 IU eCG, and ovaries were collected for topical autoradiography of FSH and hCG receptors at 48 or 24 h post-eCG, respectively (i.e., Day 25). In a baseline group, on Day 25 (before eCG), even the smallest preantral follicles with 1 layer of granulosa cells (GCs; primary follicles) possessed FSH receptors, but hCG receptors were found only on the theca of follicles with 2 or more layers of GCs. Human CG receptors were especially prominent in the interstitium that intimately surrounds preantral follicles without any distinction between theca and interstitial cells. There was a discrete theca surrounding antral follicles. Occasionally antral follicles had hCG receptors in the interstitium, but the adjacent theca was negative, suggesting that these follicles might be destined for atresia. By 24 h post-eCG, a now-discrete theca layer with hCG receptors surrounded all preantral follicles except for the primary follicles, which never responded to eCG. The interstitium was hypertrophied and epithelioid, as was the theca surrounding nonatretic preantral and antral follicles. Increased mitotic activity characterized the growing preantral follicle, and for the first time, FSH binding in GCs of antral follicles was greater than in the preantral population. By 48 h post-eCG, the primary follicles were still unresponsive to eCG. FSH receptors were even more pronounced in the GCs of large antral follicles, although hCG receptors were present in the GCs of only one third of the antral follicles, reflecting the small dose of eCG administered. By 48 h post-eCG, receptors in the interstitium were barely detectable. Using this model, the following study considers the functional in vitro changes in steroidogenesis in follicles from the smallest preantral follicles to the largest antral follicles.  相似文献   

Pregnant rats received whole-body irradiation at 20 days of gestation with 2.6 Gy lambda rays from a 60Co source. Endocrinological effects before maturation were studied using testes and adrenal glands obtained from male offspring and ovaries from female offspring irradiated in utero. Seminiferous tubules of the irradiated male offspring were remarkably atrophied with free germinal epithelium and containing only Sertoli cells. Female offspring also had atrophied ovaries. Testicular tissue obtained from intact and 60Co-irradiated rats was incubated with 14C-labeled pregnenolone, progesterone, 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone, and androstenedione as a substrate. Intermediates for androgen production and catabolic metabolites were isolated after the incubation. The amounts of these metabolites produced by the irradiated testes were low in comparison with the control. The activities of delta 5-3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, 17 alpha-hydroxylase, C17,20-lyase, and delta 4-5 alpha-reductase in the irradiated testes were 30-40% of those in nonirradiated testes. Also, the activities of 17 beta- and 20 alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases were 72 and 52% of the control, respectively. In adrenal glands, the 21-hydroxylase activity of the irradiated animals was 38% of the control, but the delta 5-3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity was comparable to that of the control. On the other hand, the activity of delta 5-3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase of the irradiated ovary was only 19% of the control. These results suggest that 60Co irradiation of the fetus in utero markedly affects the production of steroid hormones in testes, ovaries, and adrenal glands after birth.  相似文献   

Cytosolic and nuclear estrogen receptors in the ovary and uterus of immature rats and hamsters were determined to evaluate why exogenous estrogens were ineffective in stimulating follicular maturation in the hamster compared to the rat. Animals were injected sc with oil or single injection of 1 mg estradiol cyclopentylpropionate (ECP) on Day 23 or a daily injection of 2 mg diethylstilbestrol (DES) on Days 23-25 and killed on Day 26. Total binding sites for estrogen in ovarian cytosol of control hamsters were half the number in the rat ovary (28 fmole/mg protein) and about 50% of the receptors were occupied in the hamster. The apparent affinity of the estrogen-cytosol receptor complex was also lower in the hamster (Kd; 1.41 nM) than in the rat (Kd; 0.52 nM). After ECP treatment, there was a tendency for translocation in all 4 tissues examined even though some differences were not statistically significant. However, after DES treatment both cytosol and nuclear estrogen receptors decreased in both species. This discrepancy may be due to the difference in the time course of the nuclear translocation, the difference in metabolism and difference in the binding potencies of ECP and DES. The lack of ovarian responsiveness to estrogen in the hamster thus appears to be due to the reduced number of cytosol receptor sites which have a low affinity for estrogen and are already partially occupied.  相似文献   

Binding sites for gonadotropins in the mouse ovary were studied using the immunohistochemical technique. Binding sites for LH were localized in the interstitial cells and theca as well as granulosa cells of large follicles. Binding sites for FSH were demonstrated in the interstitial cells and granulosa cells of small follicles. In immature mice very few binding sites for both the gonadotropins were observed until day 21 of age. An intense staining reaction for peroxidase was observed in the ovary of 24-day old mouse. In adult mice, maximum number of binding sites for FSH were demonstrated in the ovary in estrus and metestrus stage of the cycle, respectively. A good correlation between the circulating levels of gonadotropins and binding sites for them in the ovary could be noted in the cycling but not in the prepubertal mice.  相似文献   

Steroid hormone receptors and oncogenes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Effects of the neutralization of endogenous progesterone with rabbit antiserum to progesterone (anti-progesterone) on germinal vesicle breakdown of ova in follicles of small (less than 125 micrometers), intermediate (125-250 micrometers) and large (greater than 250 micrometers) diameter were examined by a quantitative histological technique. Immature rats were treated with 5 IU pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin (PMS) then with 10 IU human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Administration of anti-progesterone together with hCG 6 h later significantly decreased the incidence of germinal vesicle breakdown of ova in the large follicles, but not in the intermediate ones. This treatment did not affect the proportion of intermediate to large follicles in the population. Replacement with progesterone 1 h after the simultaneous injection of hCG and anti-progesterone partly reversed the reduced incidence of meiosis. An injection of rabbit antiserum to estrone, in addition to the replacement with progesterone 1 h after the simultaneous injections of hCG and anti-progesterone, restored the incidence of meiosis to a value comparable to the values found for control rats treated sequentially with PMS and hCG. We concluded that the hCG-induced preovulatory rise in progesterone has a limited but definite stimulatory effect on the resumption of meiosis in the ova of large follicles and that it mediates the meiosis-inducing action of hCG.  相似文献   

Steroid and thyroid hormone receptors in mitochondria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Psarra AM  Sekeris CE 《IUBMB life》2008,60(4):210-223

Oxytocin (OT) and V1 vasopressin (VP) receptors are present simultaneously in several tissues, including the uterus. In myometrium these receptors mediate contractility, while in endometrium they mediate the release of other uterotonic substances as endothelin (ET). In rabbit myometrium, estrogens increase, while progesterone blunts neurohypophysial hormone receptors. However, the action of sex steroids on OT and V1 VP receptors differs in terms of the ED50 and maximal effect. Therefore, at parturition, only OT receptors show a dramatic rise, while V1 VP receptors do not change, suggesting a major role for OT in labor. ET is a potent stimulator of uterine activity acting through specific receptors present on myometrial cells. These receptors as well as the endometrial localization of ET are modulated by sex steroids, indicating that ET might represent a paracrine regulator of uterine activity. In humans, OT but not V1 VP receptors increase as pregnancy progresses, confirming the primary relevance of OT in timing delivery.  相似文献   

Steroid hormone binding receptors in the rat kidney   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary The histochemical localization of 5-3-HSDH in individual follicles isolated from the adult mouse ovary and in ovulated cumulus cell-oocyte masses recovered from the oviduct was examined using a new embedding technique. The procedure employed involves the histochemical staining of such tissue for 5-3-HSDH with subsequent embedding in GMA (glycol methacrylate). This method not only permits the acquisition of sections as thin as 3 m but also preserves the histological detail of the tissue allowing for the specific cellular localization of the enzyme. Results obtained from this technique far surpass those obtained from frozen material. Virgin female mice were injected with PMSG and sacrificed either 10 or 17 h later in order to acquire preovulatory or ovulated oocyte-cumulus cell masses, respectively. The sites of localization of 5-3-HSDH corresponded to sites demonstrated by histochemical studies on frozen tissue sections; however, the present study revealed that not all cells of a specific type within the same follicle reacted with the same intensity. Granulosa cells lining the walls of vesicular follicles displayed different degrees of enzyme activity based on their distance from the basement membrane. Intrafollicular transformed cumulus masses and cumulus cells of ovulated masses within the oviduct did not react uniformly in that some were positive for the enzyme and others were not. Such results indicate that not all cells of a given type in the ovary possess similar 5-3-HSDH activity at a particular time. Thus, the cells comprising a specific cellular component of the ovary should be treated as individual entities and not as a homogeneous group with respect to their metabolic activities.This project was supported by Grant 1 RO1 OH 00835-01 awarded by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and by a grant from the Edward G. Schlieder Foundation awarded to W.J.S. and NIH Grant 5 RO1 HD08041-03 awarded to A.W.S.  相似文献   

Estradiol binding components in the cytosol and nuclear fractions of the ovary from immature rats (22–28 days old) were characterized by in vitro methods. Several of the biochemical characteristics of the estradiol binding components in the ovarian tissue were compared with the estradiol receptor from the uterus. The results suggest that the ovarian estradiol binding components are similar to the specific high affinity estradiol receptors in the uterus. In the cytosol of intact rat ovary a significant fraction of the total binding sites was found to be occupied, presumably by the endogenous estrogen. Following hypophysectomy there was a significant increase in the available cytosol binding sites. Evidence for translocation of cytosol receptor-estrogen (RE) complex to the nucleus was obtained for the ovary. The sedimentation properties of the RE complex of the ovary and the uterus are similar. The ovarian cytosol RE complex sediments at 7-8S in glycerol gradients at low ionic strength and at 4S in sucrose gradients at high ionic strength. Following extraction with 0.4 M KCl the ovarain nuclear RE complex sediments at 5S in sucrose gradients which is identical to that of the uterine nuclear receptor.  相似文献   

M Lippman 《Life sciences》1976,18(2):143-152
Steroid hormones induce responses in target tissues by a mechanism involving the specific initial interaction of hormone with cytoplasmic receptor molecules. These receptors, usually localized in target tissues have high binding affinities and limited binding specificities for biologically active steroids. Examination of human leukemic lymphoblasts has revealed these receptors in some tumor samples. Their presence is well correlated with hormone responsiveness of the tumor in vitro. Similar studies on human breast cancer tumor homogenates has indicated that about 23 of primary tumors contain estrogen receptor. The absence of receptor predicts a lack of response to hormone therapy almost invariably, while the presence of receptor increases but does not assure that the tumor will be hormone responsive. Recently in vitro tissue culture systems which mimic the hormone responses observed in vivo have been developed which should significantly aid in the clarification of the mechanisms whereby steroid hormones stimulate and inhibit growth in target tissues.  相似文献   

Immature rat ovaries increase their secretion of estradiol (E2) when stimulated by gonadotropins but only after a lag period of several hours. Once established, estrogen secretion can be maintained, or increased, by the continued presence of gonadotropin. A combination of ovine FSH+LH given at 2 hr intervals stimulated the estrogen synthesizing system (ESS) of the ovary and serum E2 showed a pronounced rise between 16 and 20 hrs after the initial injection. When given every 2 hrs for 5 doses (0–8 hrs) serum E2 was undetectable. However, it was increased if 20 IU PMS was injected at the time of the last dose of FSH+ LH. Endogenous FSH&LH, increased by hourly injections of LH-releasing hormone for a period of 8 hrs, stimulated the ESS; serum E2 increased at the expected time when this treatment was followed by an injection of PMS.Anti-PMS antiserum given 12 hrs after PMS, prevented the expected rise in serum E2 at 24 hrs. However, FSH, LH or a combination of the two given every 2 hrs beginning at the time of the anti-PMS produced an increase in E2 secretion; the combination was more effective than either hormone alone.These results are consistent with the interpretation that a combined FSH-LH action is responsible for induction of the ESS in the immature rat ovary. The combination of hormones is also very effective in maintaining estrogen secretion but some function appears possible with FSH or LH alone.  相似文献   

Female mice of the NMRI strain were treated with the synthetic oestrogen diethylstilboestrol (DES) for the first 5 days after birth. Pools of ovaries were removed from groups of 6-, 12-, 21-, 28- and 56-day-old females. An homogenate of an ovarian pool was incubated for 1 h in the presence of [3H]pregnenolone. Synthesized steroids were extracted and separated in a two-dimensional thin-layer chromatography system. Homogeneity of tentative steroids was verified with recrystallization to constant specific activity. Synthesis of [3H]progesterone and [3H]testosterone was demonstrated at 6 days, [3H]androstenedione at 12 days, [3H]17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone at 21 days, and [3H]oestradiol-17 beta at 28 days. Up to 28 days (21 days for progesterone), the synthetic activity was lower in homogenates of DES-exposed ovaries than in control homogenates. After 28 days, values for recovered [3H]progesterone, [3H]androstenedione and [3H]oestradiol-17 beta were higher in DES homogenates than in control homogenates while the reverse was true for [3H]17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone and [3H]testosterone. The results are compatible with an early and direct DES inhibitory effect on ovarian steroidogenesis and, later in immature life, a DES-induced disruption of the normal FSH-LH stimulation of ovarian development.  相似文献   

Summary The LH(HCG) receptors in the ovaries of immature rats which were either untreated, or primed with PMSG and HCG, have been studied with a histochemical method which has proved to be as effective as when earlier used in the rat testis. This method, which consists of the topical application of 125I-HCG to picric acid-formaldehyde (PAF) fixed frozen sections followed by autoradiography, is also suitable for quantitative studies on the distribution of receptors.In the ovary of the immature 26 days old rat, the LH(HCG) receptors are localized exclusively in the interstitial and thecal tissues.After PMSG treatment many receptors appear in the granulosa of the large antral follicles. These receptors are most numerous in the outer layers of cells and least numerous in the inner. At the same time there are fewer receptors in the thecal and interstitial cells which have undergone the process of luteinization.After PMSG and HCG treatment the newly formed corpora lutea have few receptors, but these become progressively more numerous on subsequent days.It is suggested that, in the rat, the luteinization of the ovarian LH-target cells is associated with an initial decrease in the number of their LH(HCG) receptors.  相似文献   

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