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The objective of this synthesis is to present the key messages and draw the main conclusions from the work on lakes in the REBECCA project, pointing out their links to theoretical ecology and their applicability for the WFD implementation. Type-specific results were obtained from analyses of large pan-European datasets for phytoplankton, macrophytes, macroinvertebrates and fish, and indicators and relationships showing the impact of eutrophication or acidification on these biological elements were constructed. The thresholds identified in many of the response curves are well suited for setting ecological status class boundaries and can be applied in the intercalibration of classification systems. Good indicators for phytoplankton (chrysophytes, cyanobacteria) and macrophytes (isoetids and charaphytes) responses to eutrophication were identified, and the level of eutrophication pressure needed to reach the thresholds for these indicators was quantified. Several existing metrics developed for macrophytes had low comparability and need further harmonisation to be useful for intercalibration of classification systems. For macroinvertebrates, a number of metrics developed for rivers turned out to be less useful to describe lake responses to eutrophication and acidification, whereas other species based indicators were more promising. All the biological elements showed different responses in different lake types according to alkalinity and humic substances, and also partly according to depth. Better harmonisation of monitoring methods is needed to achieve better precision in the dose–response curves. Future research should include impacts of hydromorphological pressures and climate change, as well as predictions of timelags involved in responses to reduction of pressures.  相似文献   

We describe a new macrophyte-based assessment tool for Austrian lakes elaborated according to the requirements of the European Water Framework Directive. Data from 38 out of 45, WFD-relevant (≥50 ha) lakes in Austria collected with the help of a new mapping procedure form the basis for a macrophyte-based lake typology and the definition of reference conditions. Module 1 of the Austrian Index Macrophytes (AIM) focuses on the assessment of trophic state and general impairment of lakes. Several metrics were developed and applied in combination with existing indices to classify lakes into five ecological status classes. The metric “vegetation density” focuses on the overall abundance of macrophytes. Since the lower limit of the macrophyte vegetation in lakes is mainly regulated by the water transparency, the metric “vegetation limit” is closely related to the trophic state of the lake. In deep lakes, macrophytes normally form different vegetation zones. As a result of alteration of the shoreline, artificial water level fluctuations or wave action and even eutrophication, specific zones can be missing. The metric “characteristic zonation” helps to check, if all type-specific vegetation zones are present. The metric “trophic indication” uses the Macrophyte Index after Melzer (Hydrobiologia, 395/396: 181–190, 1999). This term indicates the lake trophic state but, in contrast to the metric “vegetation limit”, it tends to show not only the trophic state of the water column but also, in particular, the nutrient conditions in the sediment. With the help of the metric “species composition,” the species spectrum and the species abundances of the current transect are compared with the species composition at reference sites. The similarity of the datasets is measured as Bray–Curtis Distance (Beals, Advances in Ecological Research, 14: 1–55, 1984). The established metrics cover different aspects of macrophyte vegetation and allow analysing the prevailing pressure. Since the different metrics have a different temporal response to eutrophication and reoligotrophication, additional information on the current state of the lake in relation to these processes can be derived. The successful application of AIM-Module 1 is presented for two Austrian lakes and discussed in relation to other assessment tools. Guest editors: P. N?ges, W. van de Bund, A.C. Cardoso, A. Solimini & A.-S. Heiskanen Assessment of the Ecological Status of European Surface Waters  相似文献   

The European Water Framework Directive requires ecological status classification and monitoring of surface and ground water bodies using biological indicators. To fulfill the demands of the Directive, a macrophyte‐based assessment system was developed for application on four lake site types in Germany. Biological lake site types were established using differences in characteristic macrophyte communities, reflecting ecoregion, Ca2+ content, mixis and morphology. Ecological status classification of lake sites is based on macrophyte abundance along 275 transects in 95 natural German lakes and the calculation of a reference index value, in some cases supplemented by submerged vegetation data. The reference index quantifies the deviation of species composition and abundance from reference conditions and classifies sites to one of the five ecological quality classes specified in the Directive. Based on an example of Lake Chiemsee, Germany, the possibilities for a wholelake assessment are discussed. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Submerged macrophytes as indicators of the ecological quality of lakes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. We analysed submerged macrophyte communities from 300 Danish lakes to determine the efficacy of different species, maximum colonisation depth (Cmax) of plants as well as coverage and plant volume inhabited (PVI) as indicators of eutrophication. 2. Most species occurred at a wide range of phosphorus and chlorophyll a (Chla) concentrations, but some species of isoetids (Lobelia, Isoëtes) and Potamogeton (Potamogeton gramineus, Potamogeton alpinus and Potamogeton filiformis) were mainly found at low nutrient concentrations and hence may be considered as indicators of nutrient poor conditions. However, species typically found in nutrient‐rich conditions, such as Elodea canadensis and Potamogeton pectinatus, were also found at total phosphorus (TP) <0.02 mg P L?1 and Chla <5 μg L?1 and therefore cannot be considered as reliable indicators of eutrophic conditions. 3. Submerged macrophyte coverage, PVI and the Cmax were negatively correlated with TP and Chla. However, variability among lakes was high and no clear thresholds were observed. At TP between 0.03 and 0.07 mg P L?1 plant coverage in shallow lakes ranged from nearly 0 to 100%, whilst at concentrations between 0.10 and 0.20 mg P L?1 only 29% of the lakes had coverage >10%. Cmax was found to be a useful indicator only in deep lakes with unvegetated areas in the deeper part, whereas the use of coverage was restricted to shallow lakes or shallow areas of deep lakes. 4. Overall, submerged macrophytes responded clearly to eutrophication, but the metrics investigated here showed no well‐defined thresholds. We developed a simple index based on species richness, presence of indicator species, coverage and Cmax, which might be used to track major changes in macrophyte communities and for lake classification.  相似文献   

The derivation, performance, sensitivity and inherent uncertainty of ecological quality indicators have become major topics in developing tools for the management of marine, transitional and coastal waters. In reviewing the advances in these waters, related to an ecological status assessment, we show the future challenges to be addressed within the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). Using new analyses carried out under the research project ‘Water Bodies in Europe: Integrative Systems to Assess Ecological status and Recovery’, we provide a complete set of assessments for the biological quality elements (BQEs) (phytoplankton, macroalgae-seagrasses, macroinvertebrates and fish) to be assessed, as well as the validation of existing indicators and multimetric indices and, in some cases, the development of new assessment indices. We show that these indices respond differently to different human pressures and they each have challenges in defining reference conditions against which future changes are judged. In investigating good ecological potential, as the response to heavily modified water bodies, we show that there are flaws in the Directive, not least in its definitions. Our analyses have also focussed on uncertainty in using the indices and we emphasise the problems of defining ecological class boundaries based on indices which themselves may be combined indices (multimetrics). The analysis shows that some of those multimetrics are redundant and/or are inter-correlated and thus may reduce the sensitivity in defining ecological class boundaries. If this is related to the drivers-pressures-state change-impacts-response approach then there are lessons for management measures aimed at achieving good ecological status and even the potential for legal challenges to decisions based on uncertain indices under the WFD. Hence, we conclude the continued need for advances in assessing pressures and gradients, and defining reference conditions for state change, index development, impact assessment and the validation of indices for each BQE.  相似文献   

The European Union (EU)’s Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires that all Member States participate in intercalibration exercises in order to ensure that ecological status concepts and assessment levels are consistent across the EU. This paper describes one such exercise, performed by the countries in the Central/Baltic Geographical Intercalibration Group stretching from Ireland in the west to Estonia in the east and from the southern parts of Scandinavia to the northern regions of Spain and Italy (but excluding alpine regions, which were intercalibrated separately). In this exercise, methods used to measure ecological status of rivers using benthic diatoms were compared. Ecological status is estimated as the ratio between the observed value of a biological element and the value expected in the absence of significant human impact. Approaches to defining the ‘reference sites’, from which these ‘expected’ values were derived, varied from country to country. Minimum criteria were established as part of the exercise but there was still considerable variation between national reference values, reflecting typological differences that could not be resolved during the exercise. A simple multimetric index was developed to compare boundary values using two widely used diatom metrics. Boundary values for high/good status and good/moderate status set by each participant were converted to their equivalent values of this intercalibration metric using linear regression. Variation of ±0.05 EQR units around the median value was considered to be acceptable and the exercise provided a means for those Member States who fell significantly above or below this line to review their approaches and, if necessary, adjust their boundaries. Handling editor: J. Padisak  相似文献   

Teaching students to develop data-driven models is a challenging task as a good balance has to be found between the theoretical background of the models, the ecological relevance of the knowledge rules inferred and their socio-economic applicability. In this context it is unclear which aspects of the modeling process are easily understood by students, and in particular, how theoretical issues interfere with practical boundary conditions and socio-economic relevance (ecosystem protection, water management, policy development, ecological engineering). In order to fill this knowledge gap, students developed static data-driven models and tutors assessed students' performances. Criteria such as the theoretical, ecological and socio-economic relevance of the derived knowledge rules were used to select the most optimal models.We noticed an inverse relationship between the complexity of the subtasks and the number of students that succeeded. Students evaluated their models with respect to the theoretical reliability, but were not likely to consider the other two criteria. Half of the students succeeded in assessing the models based on their ecological relevance and only 17% of the students checked the socio-economic relevance of the knowledge rules. Four groups out of seven assessed their models merely based on the predictive power of the models. Only one group integrated the theoretical, ecological and socio-economic relevance to assess the models.The key findings of our research can be used to optimize the efficiency of data mining courses. We reveal which aspects of the modeling process students seem to overemphasize and give recommendations about the topics trainers should emphasize in the future to ensure that students develop advanced skills. Based on our results the theory–practice dichotomy in higher education can be further reduced. Our learning-by-doing approach showed students how to solve common problems in ecological data sets (e.g. missing data, outliers, collinearity, non-normal distribution, parameterization, uncertainty, etc.), which are often only briefly discussed in basic statistical courses.  相似文献   

The submerged macrophyte vegetation of lakes created after enclosing former estuaries, situated in the central and south-western part of the Netherlands, has been monitored annually from 1992 onwards. Between 1992 and 2004, pronounced changes in overall cover and species composition of the submerged vegetation have occurred, resulting from changes of water quality and morphology in the lakes. In most cases vegetation cover and species diversity increased or remained stable, with the exception of two lakes in the southwest part of the country. Abundance and species composition were assessed according to the requirements of the EU Water Framework Directive, using the assessment procedure proposed to assess macrophytes in natural water bodies in the Netherlands. The assessment procedure included calculation of the ‘ecological quality ratio’ (EQR) for each of eleven water bodies in each of 13 years, based on transect monitoring data. The EQR indicating Good Ecological Status for Macrophytes was achieved in only three of the lakes. The consequences of hydromorphological modifications, and measures necessary to achieve the desired condition are discussed. Nutrient concentrations should be reduced further, while additional management measures are necessary to improve conditions for macrophytes.  相似文献   

Most of the present EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) compliant fish-based assessment methods of European rivers are multi-metric indices computed from traditional electrofishing (TEF) samples, but this method has known shortcomings, especially in large rivers. The probability of detecting rare species remains limited, which can alter the sensitivity of the indices. In recent years, environmental (e)DNA metabarcoding techniques have progressed sufficiently to allow applications in various ecological domains as well as eDNA-based ecological assessment methods. A review of the 25 current WFD-compliant methods for river fish shows that 81% of the metrics used in these methods are expressed in richness or relative abundance and thus compatible with eDNA samples. However, more than half of the member states' methods include at least one metric related to age or size structure and would have to adapt their current fish index if reliant solely on eDNA-derived information. Most trait-based metrics expressed in richness are higher when computed from eDNA than when computed from TEF samples. Comparable values are obtained only when the TEF sampling effort increases. Depending on the species trait considered, most trait-based metrics expressed in relative abundance are significantly higher for eDNA than for TEF samples or vice versa due to over-estimation of sub-surface species or under-estimation of benthic and rare species by TEF sampling, respectively. An existing predictive fish index, adapted to make it compatible with eDNA data, delivers an ecological assessment comparable with the current approved method for 22 of the 25 sites tested. Its associated uncertainty is lower than that of current fish indices. Recommendations for the development of future fish eDNA-based indices and the associated eDNA water sampling strategy are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite improvements in wastewater treatment systems, the impact of anthropogenic nutrient sources remains a key issue for the management of European lakes. The Water Framework Directive (WFD) provides a mechanism through which progress can be made on this issue. The Directive requires a classification of the ecological status of phytoplankton, which includes an assessment of taxonomic composition. In this paper, we present a composition metric, the plankton trophic index, that was developed in the WISER EU FP7 project and demonstrate how it has been used to compare national phytoplankton classification systems in Northern and Central Europe. The metric was derived from summer phytoplankton data summarised by genus from 1,795 lakes, covering 20 European countries. We show that it is significantly related to total phosphorus concentrations, but that it is also sensitive to alkalinity, lake size and climatic variables. Through the use of country-specific reference values for the index, we demonstrate that it is significantly related to other national phytoplankton assessment systems and illustrate for a single European (intercalibration) lake type how it was used to intercalibrate WFD boundaries from different countries.  相似文献   

In the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) a typological framework is defined for assessing the ecological quality of water bodies in the future. The conditions in the Directive impose a strong demand for `new' assessment systems. During the AQEM project an assessment system was developed for European streams using macroinvertebrates. The aim of this study was to test if the typology suggested in the WFD is useful for developing an assessment system for macroinvertebrates in streams. In total 889 streams of 29 stream types were sampled in eight countries all over the major geographical gradients in Europe. These stream types fit the WFD typological demands and fit to the major European geographic regions (ecoregions). The sites included gradients from reference conditions (for the definition see Nijboer et al., 2004) to sites with bad ecological quality. Despite standardisation there were large differences between the participating countries concerning the number of taxa, the number of specimens and the taxonomic resolution. The data, including macroinvertebrates and environmental variables were analysed by using Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). The observed macroinvertebrate distribution largely supported the WFD typological criteria. This means that the major macroinvertebrate distribution patterns in European streams follow climatological and geomorphological conditions and are well distinguished in terms of stream types. Furthermore, it was shown that large scale factors affected the macroinvertebrate distribution even on a very fine scale. Most explanatory variables seemed to be scale independent. Even at a fine scale major factors concerning geology, geomorphology and hydrology added to the species occurrences. Within stream types morphology together with physico-chemistry best explained the macroinvertebrates distribution. In conclusion, the WFD typology is useful for an assessment system for streams using macroinvertebrates. The large scale factors were indeed the variables that explained most of the variation in species composition. But as these factors even strongly act at the scale of stream types, a further refinement is most probably necessary to disentangle typological actors from water quality ones.  相似文献   

We propose alternative fish-populations spatial indicators for use in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Following Commission Decision 2010/477, we have applied two different spatial indicators to three fish populations with “slow type” life-history traits, i.e. slow growing like Helicolenus dactylopterus, or large bodied like Merluccius merluccius and Lophius budegassa. We tested their efficiency separately and combined. One of these indicators, the presence/absence of the population in sampling squares, had already been applied during the initial assessment of the MSFD in Spain. Another indicator, the geographical spread, is proposed here as a new monitoring tool for the MSFD in Spanish waters. The results demonstrate for the three populations analyzed that neither indicator was sufficient alone to describe the population spatial pattern or its evolution. Thus, the approach to implementing the MSFD indicated in Commission Decision 2010/477 is not sufficient to provide integrated information about the spatial behavior of the fish populations analyzed. Although numerical targets or threshold values cannot be set, directional targets could be proposed, based on the results of both indicators, if evaluation of them is extended to more species and more geographical areas. The analysis could be extended to other “slow type” populations within the fish community and also to different ecoregions. We propose an approach including the estimation of two different indicators to monitoring both the area occupied and the geographical spread of fish populations within communities, interpreting them together to generate a more complete picture of the spatial patterns of those populations. In spite of the difficulties in fixing numerical targets or thresholds, or in distinguishing between environmentally and human driven changes in the population spatial distributions, this approach helps to summarize fish spatial behavior. It improves information from the indicators applied alone and reduces the requirement for a large number of maps (except for some particular event or population). The proposed indicators can be readily used by managers and politicians.  相似文献   

The Water Framework Directive (WFD) is a key legislative action developed by the European Union in order to protect aquatic ecosystems. One of the concerning pollutants, listed in this directive as a priority hazardous substance, is tributyltin (TBT), a biocide largely used in antifouling paints and identified as a causative agent of imposex/intersex in gastropods. In order to integrate TBT pollution monitoring within this legislative framework, a practical exercise is here proposed to assess the evolution of surface water ecological status in Ria de Aveiro (NW Portugal). Three bioindicators – the caenogastropods Nucella lapillus, Nassarius reticulatus and Littorina littorea – were used under the general WFD benthic invertebrate quality element, and the vas deferens sequence index (VDSI) and the intersex index (ISI) were selected as biomarkers for the purpose of assessing the condition of this quality element regarding the impact of TBT pollution. Levels of VDSI in N. lapillus and N. reticulatus, and ISI in L. littorea, were surveyed in 2013 and compared with previous data available for the same species and study area in 1998 and 2005, providing a time lapse for a period of 15 years. VDSI and ISI values were converted into Ecological Quality Ratios (EQR) and EQR boundaries were set for each species in order to define the five ecological status classes (High, Good, Moderate, Poor and Bad). We propose N. lapillus as key bioindicator, however the combined use of further species is very useful to cover a wider study area. Based on the proposed method, it is concluded that the ecological status of the surface waters surveyed in Ria de Aveiro, concerning the impact of TBT pollution on the above benthic invertebrate taxa, improved considerably since 1998 and achieved a Good Ecological Status in 2013, thus meeting the WFD environmental objectives for this priority hazardous substance even before 2015.  相似文献   

Ephemeral ponds are doubly insular habitats in that they are discrete in time as well as in space. Predicting species richness based on pond size has been attempted using measures of both spatial extent and habitat duration, but habitat qualities alone only drive community composition under the species-sorting metacommunity paradigm. We tested the hypothesis that community composition in temporary ponds is driven by species sorting due to pond duration. In order to eliminate bias due to under-sampling, we sampled 34 pools distributed among 3 complexes in every ponding event over a period of six years, and identified every individual for the microcrustacean taxa. Our data were consistent with most of the predictions of the species-sorting hypothesis. There was a clear pattern of difference between ponds in species richness as well as higher species richness in years with higher rainfall. The set of crustacean species that we found in the pools was highly significantly nested across the region, but not necessarily within localized groups of ponds (complexes). We also found differences in community composition among complexes. Pond depth was the best predictor of species richness when data were summarized over the whole study, but in one year with unusually high rainfall, pond area and hydroperiod were significant but depth was not. We did find some species in all ponds. It is likely that given their short development time, ponds do not differ in habitat quality for these few species. These results taken together emphasize the variability inherent in ephemeral pond ecology, with detectable differences in crustacean communities and the factors influencing them between years as well as between ponds, and at scales of meters as well as kilometers. Although our data provide further evidence that species sorting on pond permanence is an important factor structuring temporary pond crustacean communities, our assumption that dispersal is not limiting still needs to be tested.
Bonnie J. RipleyEmail:

《Ecological Engineering》2005,24(1-2):67-73
Some of the several hundred Lusatian mining lakes originating from lignite mining will be among the largest and deepest lakes in Germany. A special problem of many of these lakes is severe acidification. According to the EC Water Framework Directive (WFD), artificial lakes larger than 0.5 km2 have to be monitored and managed in order to establish or maintain a state of so-called good ecological water quality. Therefore the WFD demands the definition of type-specific reference conditions as those of the closest comparable surface water body type in nature, such as natural acidic volcanic crater lakes or oligo- to mesotrophic neutral hard water lakes. We propose a classification scheme for mining lakes applying acidity and planktonic colonization as criteria. Five types of lakes are distinguished ranging from extremely acidic to neutral hard water lakes. Phytoplankton and especially metazoan zooplankton are introduced as intriguing and simple indicators for different states of ecological quality in highly acidic mining lakes. We recommend that extremely and very acidic lakes should remain in the acidic state to protect these as valuable ecosystems, whereas moderately and weakly acidic lakes can be managed by external flooding, chemical or ecotechnological measures to achieve neutral water quality conditions necessary for recreation or fishery use.  相似文献   

The Water Framework Directive (WFD) demands consideration of normative definitions for assessing ecological state of marine waters. For phytoplankton, ‘deviations from the ideal’ need to be considered for species composition and abundance, average biomass and the occurrence of blooms. A combination of phytoplankton metrics has been developed which, when considered in combination, should provide a confident assessment of the ecological state of each water body under assessment. The aim of this study was to evaluate phytoplankton community structure in different coastal and estuarine water bodies within England and Wales, and to contribute evidence towards the development of a community-based phytoplankton indicator. Influences of seasonality on the species assemblage were tested using a long-term data set available from a long-term monitoring site just offshore of Plymouth, UK. There is a substantive seasonal influence to the data, with a maximum of 10–14 common species (out of a potential 20) reoccurring within the same calendar month over a 10-year time span. Comparisons between reference and test water bodies give a range of common species of between 3 and 11 species within water type and season. A statistical and qualitative approach for comparing the most common species occurring between a reference and test site were tested for development of a WFD phytoplankton assessment tool. Overall, the results indicate that there are distinct phytoplankton assemblages over seasons which could form the basis of a community assessment metric. However, differences in boundary conditions are negligible between the different areas. There is evidence that community populations may be ubiquitous across marine water types in England and Wales, and development of generic seasonal lists across typologies could be appropriate in the further development of this tool.  相似文献   

The Water Framework Directive of the European Union (EU-WFD) requires the definition of different types of running water which are of relevance when assessing their ecological status. In Germany, 25 close to natural, pristine sampling sites in the Central Highlands and the Central Plains were selected which were considered to represent best conditions available at present. The abundance of benthic algae other than diatoms or Charales was investigated. Sampling was repeated in two different seasons (summer and winter). In total, 107 taxa from 12 classes could be found, of which 70 taxa from eight classes were used for statistical analysis. Multivariate statistical analysis showed that the distribution of the algae was influenced mainly by the acid capacity and hardness of water. Based on the species composition and the abundances of the species, three groups of sampling sites could be distinguished leading to the definition of three types of running water: a. siliceous sites in the Central Highlands, b. organic sites (influenced by peat) in the Central Plains, c. calcareous sites in the Central Highlands and the Central Plains. These types show a specific species composition under reference conditions and differ significantly in terms of species richness and diversity. The results presented here are fundamental for the development of a routine for monitoring the ecological status according to EU-WFD.  相似文献   

Lake shores are characterised by a high natural variability, which is increasingly threatened by a multitude of anthropogenic disturbances including morphological alterations to the littoral zone. The European Water Framework Directive (EU WFD) calls for the assessment of lake ecological status by monitoring biological quality elements including benthic macroinvertebrates. To identify cost- and time-efficient sampling strategies for routine lake monitoring, we sampled littoral invertebrates in 32 lakes located in different geographical regions in Europe. We compared the efficiency of two sampling methodologies, defined as habitat-specific and pooled composite sampling protocols. Benthic samples were collected from unmodified and morphologically altered shorelines. Variability within macroinvertebrate communities did not differ significantly between sampling protocols across alteration types, lake types and geographical regions. Community composition showed no significant differences between field composite samples and artificially generated composite samples, and correlation coefficients between macroinvertebrate metrics calculated with both methods and a predefined morphological stressor index were similar. We conclude that proportional composite sampling represents a time- and cost-efficient method for routine lake monitoring as requested under the EU WFD, and may be applied across various European geographical regions.  相似文献   

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