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1 黄连山秋海棠 新种 图1 Begonia coptidi-montana C. Y. Wu, sp. nov. (Sect. Alaecida C. B. Clarke) Species B. taiwanianae Hayata arctissime affinis, sed foliis minoribus remote levis-simeque denticulatis, capsularum alis variabilibus differt. Herba perennis. Rhizoma breve, crassum, atro-rubrum. Caulis 0. 7—1. 2 m altus, ro-bustus, atro-ruber, longitudinaliter angulatus, glaber. Folia alterna vel 2 ad ramum brevem  相似文献   

云南秋海棠属新分类群   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
记述云南产秋海棠属9个新种。即;麻栗坡秋海棠,古林箐秋海棠,圆叶秋海棠,圭山秋海棠,大围山峰为海棠,马关秋海棠,红斑秋海棠,紫叶秋海棠,河口秋海棠。  相似文献   

通过云南秋海棠属植物属下5个系统分类组的种类及外来园艺品种共109个组合的有性杂交试验,以系统分类组合、园艺分类组合(不同茎的形态类型组合)分别进行方差分析。结果表明:云南秋海棠属植物属下等级的系统分类组内、组间的有性杂交,以及不同茎的形态类型的有性杂交均无显著差异,亲和力较强而可育性高,可在云南秋海棠属植物属内进行广泛地远缘杂交; 云南产秋海棠属植物原种与外来园艺品种间的有性杂交亲和性弱而可育性低,需选择花粉粒和胚囊正常发育的外来园艺品种大量杂交,并采用切实可行的技术措施克服远缘杂交不育,以期培育新颖奇特的秋海棠属植物新品种。  相似文献   

云南秋海棠属植物叶片横切面比较解剖研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
报道30种主产于云南的秋海棠属植物叶片的横切面解剖构造特征。采用常规石蜡切片法切片观察,结果表明:云南秋海棠属植物叶片薄、横切面均为异面叶、呈典型的阴叶结构,叶肉组织虽有栅栏组织和海绵组织的分化,但栅栏组织不发达,占叶肉组织的比例较小。表皮多为单表皮,极稀复表皮,表皮毛均由多细胞组成。气孔集中于下表皮,孔下室或下陷气孔特大、通气组织极发达;角质层形状多样,呈均匀增厚、瘤状和片状突起;叶绿体椭球形、数多、个体大,主要分布于叶肉组织,集中于栅栏组织。解剖构造特征在各分类组内呈现不完全一致性,而在相同茎的形态类型中有些较一致的特征,在不同种间解剖特征各有差别;根状茎和直立茎类型种类的横切面组织结构表现为表皮细胞壁外的角质层薄、栅栏组织与叶肉组织厚度比例较小等弱光照、湿生等适应性较弱的特征。球茎类型的种类表现为角质层较厚、栅栏叶肉组织厚度比例较大等适应略为干燥和较强光照的特征。  相似文献   

Begnia biflora Ku, sp. nov. (Sect. Coelocentrum Irmsch. ) Habitu B. brevicauli Ku similis, scapis haud foliatis, foliorum laminis reniformibusvalde inaequilateralibus subtus cum petiolis crispule brunneo-pubescentibus. Herba perennis parva. Rhizoma transversale, terete 1.8~3 cm longum, 2.5~5 mmdiam.,scabrum, nodis densis squamis numerosis membranaceis praeditis et radices nu-merosas graciles edentibus, folia basalia et scapum edens. Folia basalia longe petiolata; lami-  相似文献   

五种中国秋海棠属植物的染色体数目   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对 5种中国秋海棠属 (BegoniaL .)植物的体细胞染色体数目进行了报道 ,分别为 :小叶秋海棠B parvulaL啨vl.etVant .2n =2 8;石生秋海棠B lithophilaC .Y .Wu 2n =2 4 ;木里秋海棠B muliensisY櫣 2n =2 4 ;蕺叶秋海棠B limprichtiiIrmsch .2n =2 2 ;以及二室组sectionPlatycentrum的一个未知种B sp . 2n =2 0。  相似文献   

贵州省野生秋海棠属植物观赏特性及应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经过2年的野外调查及查阅相关资料,列出产于贵州省的秋海棠共32种(包括1个变种)主要分布地与叶花特征.认为它们具有奇特的叶形和多彩的叶色,花色素雅而且花形美观,是有待开发的极好花卉.根据形态特征和生态习性进行园林配置分析,对园林开发应用提出建议.  相似文献   

中国秋海棠属等翅组植物订正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据海南秋海棠 (BegoniahainanensisChunetF .Chun)、多花秋海棠 (B sinofloribundaL .J.Dorr)及一新种———长柄秋海棠 (B sublongipesY .M .Shui)的特征比较 ,订正了中国秋海棠属等翅组 [Sect Petermannia (Klotzsch)A .DC .],使该组在中国增至 3个种。  相似文献   

广西秋海棠属(秋海棠科)4新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述了广西秋海棠属(秋海棠科) 的侧膜胎座组和秋海棠组4新种。  相似文献   

Ikeno S 《Genetics》1917,2(4):390-416

本文选取对白菜黑斑病具有不同抗性的白菜品种甜脆绿、瓢儿白、83-1和优早四号,采用GC-MS联用技术对白菜叶面漂洗物的挥发性化学成分进行分析,并用孢子悬滴培养法测定白菜叶面漂洗物对白菜黑斑病菌孢子萌发的影响.结果表明:当叶面漂洗物浓度>10 μL时,四种白菜叶面漂洗物对病原菌抑制活性的顺序为:瓢儿白>甜脆绿>优早四号> 83-1,且各品种漂洗物对黑斑病菌孢子萌发的抑制率存在显著差异.甜脆绿漂洗物中含量最高的挥发性化学成分为2,2,4,6,6-五甲基庚烷(17.15%),瓢儿白、83-1和优早四号漂洗物中含量最高的挥发性化学成分为反-3-己烯醇(15.76%、10.87%、7.21%).根据本实验结果发现,2,2,4,6,6-五甲基庚烷、反-3-己烯醇及仅在感病品种83-1漂洗物中检测到的2,4,6,8-四甲基十一烯和2,4,6-ritert-butyl-4-methyl-2,5-cyclo-hexa-dien-1-one可能与黑斑病菌孢子萌发有关.  相似文献   

Variegation mutants are ideal model systems to study chloroplast biogenesis. We are interested in variegations whose green and whitesectored leaves arise as a consequence of the action of nuclear recessive genes. In this review, we focus on the Arabidopsis var2 variegation mutant, and discuss recent progress toward understanding the function of VAR2 and the mechanism of var2-mediated variegation. VAR2 is a subunit of the chloroplast FtsH complex, which is involved in turnover of the Photosystem II reaction center D1 protein, as well as in other processes required for the development and maintenance of the photosynthetic apparatus. The cells in green sectors of var2 have normal-appearing chloroplasts whereas cells in the white sectors have abnormal plastids that lack pigments and organized lamellae. To explain the mechanism of var2 variegation, we have proposed a threshold model in which the formation of chloroplasts is due to the presence of activities/processes that are able to compensate for a lack of VAR2. To gain insight into these activities, second-site suppressor screens have been carried out to obtain mutants with nonvariegation phenotypes. Cloning and characterization of several var2 suppressor lines have uncovered several mechanisms of variegation suppression, including an unexpected link between var2 variegation and chloroplast translation.  相似文献   

Variegation mutants are ideal model systems to study chloroplast biogenesis.We are interested in variegations whose green and whitesectored leaves arise as a consequence of the action of nuclear recessive genes.In this review,we focus on the Arabidopsis var2 variegation mutant,and discuss recent progress toward understanding the function of VAR2 and the mechanism of var2-mediated variegation.VAR2 is a subunit of the chloroplast FtsH complex,which is involved in turnover of the Photosystem Ⅱ reaction center D1 protein,as well as in other processes required for the development and maintenance of the photosynthetic apparatus.The cells in green sectors of var2have normal-appearing chloroplasts whereas cells in the white sectors have abnormal plastids that lack pigments and organized lameliae.To explain the mechanism of var2 variegation,we have proposed a threshold model in which the formation of chloroplasts is due to the presence of activities/processes that are able to compensate for a lack of VAR2.To gain insight into these activities,second-site suppressor screens have been carried out to obtain mutants with nonvariegation phenotypes.Cloning and characterization of several var2 suppressor lines have uncovered several mechanisms of variegation suppression,including an unexpected link between var2 variegation and chloroplast translation.  相似文献   

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