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A series of sequence-specific oligonucleotides (SSOs) have been used to type alleles at the HLA-DRB1 locus. Genomic DNA was amplified to high copy number by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and hybridizations of the dot-blotted, amplified DNA to a series of 14 SSOs enabled the identification of the major specificities DR1-DRw14. Certain alleles (DR3 and DR4) could be rapidly and accurately identified by running the products of allele-specific amplification of genomic DNA on agarose gels. This approach facilitated the typing of serological specificities such as subtypes of DR3 (DRw17 and DRw18) as well as alleles previously detected by the mixed lymphocyte reaction including subtypes of DR4 (Dw4, Dw10, Dw13, Dw14, and Dw15). The HLA-DR types obtained by SSO probing conformed to rules of Mendelian inheritance when they were applied to a series of 75 families. A full DR type could be obtained from many individuals simultaneously without needing to separate or store viable lymphocytes. Thus, this technique may have considerable implications for the analysis of disease associations with HLA class II alleles, particularly in circumstances where facilities for the initial preparation and storage of the samples may be limited.  相似文献   

This study introduces a DNA microarray-based genotyping system for accessing single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) directly from a genomic DNA sample. The described one-step approach combines multiplex amplification and allele-specific solid-phase PCR into an on-chip reaction platform. The multiplex amplification of genomic DNA and the genotyping reaction are both performed directly on the microarray in a single reaction. Oligonucleotides that interrogate single nucleotide positions within multiple genomic regions of interest are covalently tethered to a glass chip, allowing quick analysis of reaction products by fluorescence scanning. Due to a fourfold SNP detection approach employing simultaneous probing of sense and antisense strand information, genotypes can be automatically assigned and validated using a simple computer algorithm. We used the described procedure for parallel genotyping of 10 different polymorphisms in a single reaction and successfully analyzed more than 100 human DNA samples. More than 99% of genotype data were in agreement with data obtained in control experiments with allele-specific oligonucleotide hybridization and capillary sequencing. Our results suggest that this approach might constitute a powerful tool for the analysis of genetic variation.  相似文献   

The design of primers has a major impact on the success of PCR in relation to the specificity and yield of the amplified product. Here, we introduce the applications of PCR as well as the definition and characteristics for PCR primer design. Recent primer design tools based on Primer3, along with several computational intelligence-based primer design methods which have been applied in primer design, are also reviewed. In addition, characteristics of population-based methods used in primer design are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is largely used in molecular biology for increasing the copy number of a specific DNA fragment. The succession of 20 replication cycles makes it possible to multiply the quantity of the fragment of interest by a factor of 1 million. The PCR technique has revolutionized genomics research. Several quantification methodologies are available to determine the DNA replication efficiency of the reaction which is the probability of replication of a DNA molecule at a replication cycle. We elaborate a quantification procedure based on the exponential phase and the early saturation phase of PCR. The reaction efficiency is supposed to be constant in the exponential phase, and decreasing in the saturation phase. We propose to model the PCR amplification process by a branching process which starts as a Galton-Watson branching process followed by a size-dependent process. Using this stochastic modelling and the conditional least-squares estimation method, we infer the reaction efficiency from a single PCR trajectory.  相似文献   

Differential amplification of rRNA genes by polymerase chain reaction.   总被引:36,自引:18,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is used widely to recover rRNA genes from naturally occurring communities for analysis of population constituents. We have found that this method can result in differential amplification of different rRNA genes. In particular, rDNAs of extremely thermophilic archaebacteria often cannot be amplified by the usual PCR methods. The addition of 5% (wt/vol) acetamide to a PCR mixture containing both archaebacterial and yeast DNA templates minimized nonspecific annealing of the primers and prevented preferential amplification of the yeast small-subunit rRNA genes.  相似文献   

Differential amplification of rRNA genes by polymerase chain reaction.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is used widely to recover rRNA genes from naturally occurring communities for analysis of population constituents. We have found that this method can result in differential amplification of different rRNA genes. In particular, rDNAs of extremely thermophilic archaebacteria often cannot be amplified by the usual PCR methods. The addition of 5% (wt/vol) acetamide to a PCR mixture containing both archaebacterial and yeast DNA templates minimized nonspecific annealing of the primers and prevented preferential amplification of the yeast small-subunit rRNA genes.  相似文献   

A full-length cDNA was selectively amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) utilizing a primer pair consisting of a "universal" 21-base synthetic deoxyoligonucleotide (oligo dT 17GGCC) and a specific degenerate deoxyoligonucleotide sequence (DOS) derived from the N-terminal amino acid sequence. This double-stranded amplified cDNA was uni-directionally cloned into M13mp19 utilizing two restriction sites that had been previously incorporated into the termini of the universal and specific DOS primers. Cloning of the specific cDNA via this PCR amplification with the universal/specific DOS primer pair approach was confirmed by screening with a second DOS contiguous with the DOS employed to prime second (sense)-strand cDNA synthesis. This technique allows for the selective full-length cDNA cloning of low-abundance mRNAs from a single-protein sequence determination.  相似文献   

The effect of target size on microarray hybridization efficiencies and specificity was investigated using a set of 166 oligonucleotide probes targeting the 16S rRNA gene of Escherichia coli. The targets included unfragmented native rRNA, fragmented rRNA ( approximately 20 to 100 bp), PCR amplicons (93 to 1,480 bp), and three synthetic single-stranded DNA oligonucleotides (45 to 56 bp). Fluorescence intensities of probes hybridized with targets were categorized into classes I (81 to 100% relative to the control probe), II (61 to 80%), III (41 to 60%), IV (21 to 40%), V (6 to 20%), and VI (0 to 5%). Good hybridization efficiency was defined for those probes conferring intensities in classes I to IV; those in classes V and VI were regarded as weak and false-negative signals, respectively. Using unfragmented native rRNA, 13.9% of the probes had fluorescence intensities in classes I to IV, whereas the majority (57.8%) exhibited false-negative signals. Similar trends were observed for the 1,480-bp PCR amplicon (6.6% of the probes were in classes I to IV). In contrast, after hybridization of fragmented rRNA, the percentage of probes in classes I to IV rose to 83.1%. Likewise, when DNA target sizes were reduced from 1,480 bp to 45 bp, this percentage increased approximately 14-fold. Overall, microarray hybridization efficiencies and specificity were improved with fragmented rRNA (20 to 100 bp), short PCR amplicons (<150 bp), and synthetic targets (45 to 56 bp). Such an understanding is important to the application of DNA microarray technology in microbial community studies.  相似文献   



The polymerase chain reaction amplifies and quantifies small amounts of DNA. It is a cyclic process, during each cycle of which each strand of template DNA is copied with probability approaching one: the amount of DNA approximately doubles and this amount can be estimated fluorimetrically each cycle, producing a set of fluorescence values hereafter referred to as the amplification curve. Commonly the biological question of relevance is one of the ratio of DNA concentrations in two samples: a ratio that is deduced by comparing the two amplification curves, usually by way of a plot of fluorescence against cycle number. Central to this analysis is measuring the extent to which one amplification curve is shifted relative to the other, a measurement often accomplished by defining a threshold or quantification cycle, Cq, for each curve: the fractional cycle number at which fluorescence reaches some threshold or at which some other criterion (maximum slope, maximum rate of change of slope) is satisfied.We propose an alternative where position is measured relative to a reference curve; position equates to the cycle shift which maximizes the correlation between the reference and the observed fluorescence sequence. A key parameter of the reference curve is obtained by fixed-point convergence.


We consider the analysis of dilution series constructed for the estimation of qPCR amplification efficiency. The estimate of amplification efficiency is based on the slope of the regression line when the Cq is plotted against the logarithm of dilution. We compare the approach to three commonly used methods for determining Cq; each is applied to publicly accessible calibration data sets, and to ten from our own laboratory. As in the established literature we judge their relative merits both from the standard deviation of the slope of the calibration curve, and from the variance in Cq for replicate fluorescence curves.


The approach does not require modification of experimental protocols, and can be applied retrospectively to existing data. We recommend that it be added to the methodological toolkit with which laboratories interpret their real-time PCR data.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12859-014-0372-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Gene cloning is a time-consuming task for molecular biologists, because it often takes weeks or months to construct, screen and finally clone a gene from a DNA library. Thus, more effective methods are needed for gene cloning. This paper describes a modified polymerase chain reaction (PCR) cycling condition, Uneven PCR, to generate specific unknown fragments or genes directly from total DNA instead of cloning fragments from DNA libraries. The essence of the method is to use two different annealing temperatures in consecutive PCR cycles to effectively amplify the target products while inhibiting the synthesis of non-specific products. Under favorable conditions, a desired DNA fragment or gene in the size range up to approximately 4 kb can be obtained and ready for cloning within a day or two.  相似文献   

Under certain conditions, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) can be used to differentially amplify one allele over another. To characterize the phenomenon, we have made a series of PCR primers and determined whether differential amplification could be detected after agarose gel electrophoresis. Two allele pairs were examined; one pair represents a transversion and one pair represents a transition. The following conclusions emerge: (i) when the 3' or the 3' penultimate base of the oligonucleotide mismatched an allele, no amplification product could be detected; (ii) when the mismatches were 3 and 4 bases from the 3' end of the primer, differential amplification was still observed, but only at certain concentrations of magnesium chloride; (iii) the mismatched allele can be detected in the presence of a 40-fold excess of the matched allele; (iv) primers as short as 13 nucleotides were effective; and (v) the specificity of the amplification could be overwhelmed by greatly increasing the concentration of target DNA.  相似文献   

A method for apolipoprotein (apo) E genotyping was developed using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with allele-specific oligonucleotide primers (ASP). Synthetic oligonucleotides with base-pair mismatches at the 3' terminus were used as primers to amplify the apoE gene in subjects previously phenotyped using isoelectric focusing (IEF). Complementary primer-allele combinations were specifically amplified by PCR, together with a control pair of primers specific to the human prothrombin gene. Identification of genotype by PCR using ASP was consistent with the phenotypes that were determined by IEF for 14 healthy normolipidemic subjects. These results were achieved using DNA isolated from buccal epithelial cells obtained from a mouthwash or DNA extracted from leukocytes. Genotype identification required analysis of the PCR products on an ethidium-stained agarose gel, yielding results 3 h after DNA extraction. In comparison with other current methods, PCR using ASP is suggested as a rapid and simple noninvasive technique for determining population apoE allelic distribution.  相似文献   

A rapid procedure for determining apolipoprotein E genotype from genomic DNA has been developed. In this procedure, DNA is amplified by the polymerase chain reaction, and allele-specific oligonucleotide probes are used to detect the cysteine-arginine interchanges at residues 112 and 158 that distinguish the three common isoforms of apolipoprotein E. The method was tested with 68 subjects, representing the six common phenotypes, and yielded results consistent with the known phenotype.  相似文献   

Abstract A hemolysis gene ( hlx ) which lyses sheep erythrocytes on blood agar plates when expressed in Escherichia coli was cloned from Vibrio cholerae . The cloned gene is predicted to encode a polypeptide of 92 amino acid residues with a deduced molecular mass of 10451. E. coli transformed with this gene lysed sheep, goose, horse and chicken erythrocytes but not those of guinea pig and human. The hlx gene was observed in classical- and El Tor-biotype V. cholerae O1, V. cholerae non-O1, and V. mimicus , but not in V. parahaemolyticus .  相似文献   

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