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Little is known about the habitat requirements of Australian bats; however, this information is needed to make better‐informed decisions when systems are disturbed. This study contrasts the roosting and foraging ecology of the eastern forest bat Vespadelus pumilus (Vespertilionidae), one of Australia’s smallest bats, between two sites of differing disturbance history on the mid‐north coast of New South Wales. Lorne Flora Reserve (182 ha) is primarily old‐growth forest surrounded by regrowth forest and eucalypt plantations, while Swans Crossing is dominated by regrowth and eucalypt plantations established on part of an old dairy farm. A total of 38 bats were tracked during the maternity and mating seasons at the two sites. Roost preferences were determined by comparing trees used as roosts with those randomly available, while foraging bats were triangulated from fixed stations at night. Bats tracked at Lorne Flora Reserve typically roosted in hollows within large, mature trees and showed a strong preference for roosting and foraging (females only) within the Reserve. Lactating females at Swans Crossing roosted in hollows of remnant rainforest trees within a gully and dead eucalypts, while males often roosted in understorey trees (such as Acacia). Dead trees were frequently used as roosts at both sites. Under both disturbance histories, the mean distance of female maternity roosts from creeks was 20 m, indicating that riparian zones provide important roosting habitat for V. pumilus. However, roosts shifted to the mid‐slope prior to winter when bats mate. Retention of mature trees in a variety of topographic locations may allow behavioural adjustments with the seasons. Bats caught in the regrowth forest also foraged there, with foraging ranges averaging just 5.3 ha (n = 10), indicating that regrowth is used by this bat for both foraging and roosting.  相似文献   

Social dynamics are an important but poorly understood aspect of bat ecology. Herein we use a combination of graph theoretic and spatial approaches to describe the roost and social network characteristics and foraging associations of an Indiana bat (Myotis sodalis) maternity colony in an agricultural landscape in Ohio, USA. We tracked 46 bats to 50 roosts (423 total relocations) and collected 2,306 foraging locations for 40 bats during the summers of 2009 and 2010. We found the colony roosting network was highly centralized in both years and that roost and social networks differed significantly from random networks. Roost and social network structure also differed substantially between years. Social network structure appeared to be unrelated to segregation of roosts between age classes. For bats whose individual foraging ranges were calculated, many shared foraging space with at least one other bat. Compared across all possible bat dyads, 47% and 43% of the dyads showed more than expected overlap of foraging areas in 2009 and 2010 respectively. Colony roosting area differed between years, but the roosting area centroid shifted only 332 m. In contrast, whole colony foraging area use was similar between years. Random roost removal simulations suggest that Indiana bat colonies may be robust to loss of a limited number of roosts but may respond differently from year to year. Our study emphasizes the utility of graphic theoretic and spatial approaches for examining the sociality and roosting behavior of bats. Detailed knowledge of the relationships between social and spatial aspects of bat ecology could greatly increase conservation effectiveness by allowing more structured approaches to roost and habitat retention for tree-roosting, socially-aggregating bat species.  相似文献   

We used radiotelemetry to quantify roost switching and assess associations between members of maternity colonies of forest-dwelling big brown bats. Bats remained loyal to small roosting areas of forest within and between years and switched trees often (). For radiotagged bats from the colony in one of these areas, roost-switching frequency was positively correlated with the number of different individuals with which tagged bats shared roosts. We quantified associations between pairs of bats using a pairwise sharing index and found that bats associated more often than predicted when roost and roostmate selection were random but that all tagged bats spent at least some days roosting in different trees, apart from preferred roostmates. Our results suggest that forest-dwelling big brown bats conform to a fission-fusion roosting pattern. Roost switching in forests may reflect the maintenance of long-term social relationships between individuals from a colony that is spread among a number of different trees on a given night. In this fission-fusion scenario, switching between trees, within a local area, could serve to increase the numbers of individuals with which bats maintain associations. We contend that roosting areas in forests are analogous to spatially large roosts in caves, mines and buildings.  相似文献   


The authors monitored five maternity colonies of Plecotus austriacus to obtain data about phenology, roosting, and emergence behaviour. The bats occupied their roosts between April and October, with maximum colony sizes in August. Roosting sites in the attic’s roof ridge and temperatures of 20–25°C were favoured. Also considering the small colony (maximum 59) and cluster sizes (maximum 13 bats), P. austriacus behaved less thermophilic than other attic-dwelling species. During low temperatures, the bats chose small crevice-like roosting sites to compensate for that; during daytime, many bats remained hidden in crevices. Emergence began approximately 30 min after sunset; the bats used multiple, preferably crevice-like openings. P. austriacus left its summer roosts comparatively late; renovation works should, therefore, not start before November. For monitoring purposes, we recommend two to three emergence countings outside the attics in early August during warm weather, alongside two attic inspections 1–2 h before emergence for offspring monitoring.


ABSTRACT In Arizona, USA, Allen's lappet-browed bat (Idionycteris phyllotis) forms maternity colonies in ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) snags. There is little information on the roosting habitat of males. We used radiotelemetry to locate 16 maternity, 3 postlactating, and 2 bachelor roosts and combined data with unpublished data for maternity roosts (n = 11) located in 1993–1995. Most (96%) maternity roosts were in large-diameter ( ± SE: 64 ± 2.7 cm) ponderosa pine snags under sloughing bark. Models that best predicted the probability of a snag's use as a maternity roost indicated bats selected taller snags closer to forest roads than comparison snags. Maternity roosts averaged 11 bats per roost (SE = 2, n = 15; from exit counts) and were an average distance of 1.6 km from capture sites (SE = 0.3, n = 17). Bachelor roosts were in vertical sandstone cliff faces in pinyon-juniper (Pinus edulis-Juniperus spp.) woodlands approximately 12 km from capture sites; these and other capture records in Arizona indicated sexual segregation may have occurred during the maternity season. Of 11 maternity snag roosts located in 1993–1995, only one continued to function as a roost. Resource managers should maintain patches of large-diameter ponderosa pine snags with peeling bark to provide maternity roosting habitat for Allen's lappet-browed bat.  相似文献   

Susan M.  Swift 《Journal of Zoology》1997,242(2):375-384
Seven nursery roosts and four roosts of male Myotis nattereri , Kuhl 1818 were found in central Scotland at latitude 56–57 N. Most were in crevices in the stonework of man-made structures other than occupied houses. Emergence occurred late in the evening, at an average light intensity of 3.5 lux and emerging bats circled in dark, sheltered areas outside roosts before departing along flyways towards foraging areas. Individuals departed from, and returned to, roosts in groups of 2-6, and circling behaviour was repeated on returning to the roost. During pregnancy, bats from anursery roost made one flight each per night. This increased to an average maximum of 1.84 early in lactation and then decreased again to one around weaning. Night roosts were situated in foraging areas and were used by M. nattereri for resting and grooming, for suckling volant but incompletely weaned young and also, possibly, for information transfer. Important foraging habitats were woodland edges, parkland, roadside vegetation and sheltered areas of water. Arthropod prey was captured both on the wing and by gleaning from foliage, and the bats were able to vary their diet according to arthropod availability. Overall, important prey included Diptera (both Nematocera and higher flies), Trichoptera, Coleoptera and non-flying groups such as Hemiptera, Dermaptera, Arachnida and Opiliones.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2007,31(1):119-126
The role of the forest canopy in protecting bats roosting in forest from predators is poorly known. We analysed the effect of canopy closure on emergence time in Barbastella barbastellus in a mountainous area of central Italy. We used radio-tracking to locate roosts and filmed evening emergence. Comparisons were made between roosts in open areas and those in dense forest. Median emergence time and illuminance were correlated. Moreover, from pregnancy to late lactation bats emerged progressively earlier, probably because of the exceptionally high wing loading affecting pregnant bats and the high energy demand of lactation. A significant influence of canopy closure on median emergence time was revealed after adjusting for the effects of light and reproductive state. Bats in open habitat emerged later than those roosting beneath closed canopy. In cluttered habitats, predators relying on vision may find it more difficult to detect and catch bats at light levels which would offer more chances of success when attacking prey in open habitats. Bats in dense forest are less vulnerable to predators and may take advantage of an earlier emergence by prolonging foraging. Although more vulnerable, lactating females roosting at open sites may benefit from warmer roosting conditions. Roosts in dense forest may be preferred under intense predation pressure. Forest management should favour canopy heterogeneity to provide bats with a range of roosting conditions. Our work emphasises the role of a fine-grained spatial scale in the roosting ecology of forest bats.  相似文献   

We radio-tracked fifteen reproductive females (5 pregnant, 5 lactating, 5 in post-lactation) of the Daubenton’s bat in summer 2005 in order to reveal the effect of reproductive state on their foraging and roosting activity. Spatial activity of females decreased from pregnancy to lactation and increased again in the post-lactation period. Overall time spent foraging did not differ among the three study periods. However, while pregnant and lactating females spent similar proportion of the night length foraging, females in the post-lactation period were foraging for shorter part of night. The frequency of nightly visits to roosts was highest during lactation but there was a trend towards shortening of particular visits during that period. All but one roost were in tree hollows excavated by woodpeckers in spatially restricted area of ca 0.7 km2. Tree cavities used during pregnancy were located higher on a tree trunk and had larger entrance area than the cavities used in the two later periods. Bats switched roosts every 2–3 days (range 1–8) and moved to a new roost up to 800 m apart. Pregnant females tended to switch roosts more frequently than females in the two later periods. We did not observe a significant effect of minimum nightly temperature on the activity of radio-tracked Daubenton’s bats. Therefore, we suggest that observed seasonal changes in the pattern of behaviour of Daubenton’s bat females were driven by their changing energetic demands rather than by some extrinsic factors (e.g. weather conditions).  相似文献   

A free-ranging maternity colony of big brown bats Eptesicus fuscus roosting in rock crevices along the South Saskatchewan River in south-eastern Alberta, Canada, was studied to understand better the discrepancy that exists in the literature regarding torpor use by reproductive female bats. Using radio-telemetry, thermoregulatory patterns and roost microclimate were recorded for pregnant, lactating and post-lactating females. Relative torpor use is described in several ways: the proportion of days on which torpor was used, depth, minimum body temperature, time spent in torpor, and a comprehensive torpor unit (degree-min). Pregnant and lactating female E. fuscus used torpor to the same extent overall (degree-min), but pregnant bats used torpor less frequently and with more time in deep torpor. Torpor was used to the greatest extent after weaning (post-lactation). Evidence is presented that the cost:benefit ratio for deep and prolonged periods of torpor may be highest during lactation. Microclimates of rock-crevice roosts mirrored the use of torpor throughout reproduction by bats. Lactation roosts (deeper, larger opening size) were more thermally stable and remained warmer at night compared to the shallow roosts used by pregnant and post-lactating females. It is shown that conclusions about relative use of torpor can differ depending on the units of comparison, necessitating measurement of all aspects of torpor (depth, duration and frequency). Comprehensive measurements, individual-based normothermic temperatures, and a definition of torpor that accounts for all energy savings, allow a more accurate depiction of patterns and facilitates inter-study comparisons.  相似文献   

Understanding the ephemerality of trees used as roosts by wildlife, and the number of roost trees needed to sustain their populations, is important for forest management and wildlife conservation. Several studies indicate that roosts are limiting to bats, but few studies have monitored longevity of roost trees used by bats over several years. From 2004–2007 in Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park, Saskatchewan, Canada, several big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) from a maternity group roosted in cavities in trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) trees approximately 7 km southeast away from their original known roosting area (RA1). Using a long-term data set of the roost trees used by bats in this area from 2000–2007, we evaluated whether the movement of bats to the new roosting area (RA4) corresponded with annual and cumulative losses of roost trees. We also determined whether longevity of the roosts from the time we discovered bats first using them differed between the 2 roosting areas based on Kaplan-Meier estimates. Bats began using RA4 in addition to RA1 in 2004, when the cumulative loss of roost trees in RA1 over 3 consecutive years reached 18%. Most bats exclusively roosted in RA4 in 2007, when the cumulative loss of roost trees over 6 consecutive years had reached 46% in RA1. Annual survival for roost trees, from when we first discovered bats using them, was generally lower in RA1 than in RA4. Our results suggest that the movement of bats to the new roosting area corresponded with high losses of roost trees in RA1. This provides additional evidence that to maintain high densities of suitable roost trees for bats in northern temperature forests over several decades, management plans need to recruit live and dead trees in multiple age classes and stages of decay that will be suitable for the formation of new cavities. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Forest roosting bats use a variety of ephemeral roosts such as snags and declining live trees. Although conservation of summer maternity habitat is considered critical for forest-roosting bats, bat response to roost loss still is poorly understood. To address this, we monitored 3 northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis) maternity colonies on Fort Knox Military Reservation, Kentucky, USA, before and after targeted roost removal during the dormant season when bats were hibernating in caves. We used 2 treatments: removal of a single highly used (primary) roost and removal of 24% of less used (secondary) roosts, and an un-manipulated control. Neither treatment altered the number of roosts used by individual bats, but secondary roost removal doubled the distances moved between sequentially used roosts. However, overall space use by and location of colonies was similar pre- and post-treatment. Patterns of roost use before and after removal treatments also were similar but bats maintained closer social connections after our treatments. Roost height, diameter at breast height, percent canopy openness, and roost species composition were similar pre- and post-treatment. We detected differences in the distribution of roosts among decay stages and crown classes pre- and post-roost removal, but this may have been a result of temperature differences between treatment years. Our results suggest that loss of a primary roost or ≤ 20% of secondary roosts in the dormant season may not cause northern long-eared bats to abandon roosting areas or substantially alter some roosting behaviors in the following active season when tree-roosts are used. Critically, tolerance limits to roost loss may be dependent upon local forest conditions, and continued research on this topic will be necessary for conservation of the northern long-eared bat across its range.  相似文献   

Temperate zone bats can use daily torpor as a means of saving energy. Some argue, however, that torpor is costly for both males and females and that individuals should only use it during times of poor foraging conditions. Others hypothesize that the costs are greater for females and that males should enter torpor more regularly. We tested these alternative hypotheses by using temperature-sensitive radiotransmitters to monitor use of torpor and foraging by free-ranging big brown bats ( Eptesicus fuscus ). During the pregnancy period, males used torpor at night more and foraged less often than did females. Males also went into deep torpor more often and remained in torpor longer than did females. When they foraged, males and females were away from the roosts for equal periods of time. During the lactation period, males and females rarely failed to forage and foraging times were again no different between the sexes, although males may roost at night away from the maternity colonies. Males again used torpor and deep torpor more often and for longer than females did. These results support the hypothesis that the fitness costs of using torpor are lower for males than for reproductive females and that males regularly use torpor as an energy-saving mechanism. Females enter torpor only when foraging conditions are poor, presumably because torpor prolongs gestation and slows neonatal growth thereby leaving less time for females and their young to prepare for hibernation.  相似文献   

In summer, many temperate bat species use daytime torpor, but breeding females do so less to avoid interferences with reproduction. In forest‐roosting bats, deep tree cavities buffer roost microclimate from abrupt temperature oscillations and facilitate thermoregulation. Forest bats also switch roosts frequently, so thermally suitable cavities may be limiting. We tested how barbastelle bats (Barbastella barbastellus), often roosting beneath flaking bark in snags, may thermoregulate successfully despite the unstable microclimate of their preferred cavities. We assessed thermoregulation patterns of bats roosting in trees in a beech forest of central Italy. Although all bats used torpor, females were more often normothermic. Cavities were poorly insulated, but social thermoregulation probably overcomes this problem. A model incorporating the presence of roost mates and group size explained thermoregulation patterns better than others based, respectively, on the location and structural characteristics of tree roosts and cavities, weather, or sex, reproductive or body condition. Homeothermy was recorded for all subjects, including nonreproductive females: This probably ensures availability of a warm roosting environment for nonvolant juveniles. Homeothermy may also represent a lifesaver for bats roosting beneath loose bark, very exposed to predators, because homeothermic bats may react quickly in case of emergency. We also found that barbastelle bats maintain group cohesion when switching roosts: This may accelerate roost occupation at the end of a night, quickly securing a stable microclimate in the newly occupied cavity. Overall, both thermoregulation and roost‐switching patterns were satisfactorily explained as adaptations to a structurally and thermally labile roosting environment.  相似文献   

Small groups of the tent-making bat, Ectophylla alba , were found roosting in Heliconia (Musaceae) tents in old secondary-growth forest in north-eastern Costa Rica. The choice of specific Heliconia leaves for tents was predicted on the basis of leaf size and age. Additionally, tents in shrubs, saplings and epiphytic plants were found scattered throughout both primary- and secondary-growth forest. Tents were used either as night feeding roosts or as day-roosts for as long as 45 days. Groups of bats remained together when they moved to newly cut tents. After parturition, tent groups divided into all-male colonies and maternity colonies with females, non-volant young and a single adult male.  相似文献   

We studied roosting and foraging behavior of two Neotropical gleaning bats, ?Orbigny's round-eared bat, Tonatia silvicola, and the fringe-lipped bat, Trachops cirrhosus (Phyllostomidae). Techniques included radio-tracking in a tropical lowland forest in Panama and analysis of data from long-term studies in Panama and Venezuela. Day roosts of T. silvicola were in arboreal termite nests. T. cirrhosus roosted in a hollow tree. T. silvicola emerged late (ca 60 min after sunset), and foraged close to the roosts (maximum distance 200–500 m). T. cirrhosus emerged early (ca 30 min after local sunset), and foraged farther from its roost (>1.5 km). Both bats used small foraging areas (3–12 ha) in tall, open forest. They foraged in continuous flight (maximum 27–36 min) or in short sally flights (<1 minute) from perches (“hang-and-wait” strategy). The small foraging areas of these bats and their sedentary foraging mode most likely make them vulnerable to habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

Spatial dynamics of foraging long-fingered bats (Myotis capaccinii) were studied in the Eastern Iberian Peninsula. We analysed the locations of 45 radio-tracked individuals during three discrete periods through the breeding season and measured the spatial parameters related to their foraging behaviour in order to test whether variations in spatial use occur. Colony range, measured as the minimum convex polygon through all the radiolocations, was 345 km2, but the area used during each period was smaller. During pre-breeding, foraging bats gathered at two stretches of different tributary rivers; during lactation, they scattered throughout the river system; and during weaning, they aggregated at a stretch of the main river. Individuals on average flew 5.7 km from roosts to foraging areas, with a maximum absolute distance of 22.7 km. Individual foraging ranges were measured linearly, because the bats foraged mostly along rivers; their values averaged 1.3 km/night and overlapped extensively between neighbouring bats (>65% on average). The sampling period, rather than the bats’ reproductive status, age, or sex, explained the observed variability in spatial distribution and size of hunting sites. We did not find differences in spatial parameters between lactating females and non-lactating bats, nor between juveniles and adults. This is the first study to split the independent effects of season and population class in order to enable unconfounded interpretations of the spatial dynamics of foraging reproductive females and juveniles. We speculate that the relationship between colony size and prey availability ruled the observed changes in foraging area through seasons. The considerable overlap in individual foraging ranges may be a necessary adaption to large colonies forced by the specific roost requirements of the long-fingered bat and the narrow foraging niche they appear to occupy.  相似文献   

We studied the roosting ecology of the long-tailed bat (Chalinolobus tuberculatus) during the springautumn months from 1998–2002 at Hanging Rock in the highly fragmented landscape of South Canterbury, South Island, New Zealand. We compared the structural characteristics and microclimates of roost sites used by communally and solitary roosting bats with those of randomly available sites, and roosts of C. tuberculatus occupying unmodified Nothofagus forest in the Eglinton Valley, Fiordland. Roosting group sizes and roost residency times were also compared. We followed forty radio-tagged bats to 94 roosts (20% in limestone crevices, 80% in trees) at Hanging Rock. Roosts were occupied for an average of 1 day and 86% were only used once during the study period. Colony size averaged 9.8 ± 1.1 bats (range 2–38) and colonies were dominated by breeding females and young. Indigenous forest, shrubland remnants and riparian zones were preferred roosting habitats. Communally roosting bats selected roosts in split trunks of some of the largest trees available. Selection of the largest available trees as roost sites is similar to behaviour of bat species occupying unmodified forested habitats. Temperatures inside 12 maternity roosts measured during the lactation period were variable. Five roosts were well insulated from ambient conditions and internal temperatures were stable, whereas the temperatures inside seven roosts fluctuated in parallel with ambient temperature. Tree cavities used by bats at Hanging Rock were significantly nearer ground level, had larger entrance dimensions, were less well insulated, and were occupied by fewer bats than roosts in the Eglinton Valley. These characteristics appear to expose their occupants to unstable microclimates and to a higher risk of threats such as predation. We suggest that roosts at Hanging Rock are of a lower quality than those in the Eglinton Valley, and that roost quality may be one of the contributory factors in the differential reproductive fitness observed in the two bat populations. The value of introduced willows (especially Salix fragilis) as bat roosts should be acknowledged. We recommend six conservation measures to mitigate negative effects of deterioration of roosting habitat: protection and enhancement of the quality of existing roosts, replanting within roosting habitat, provision of high quality artificial roosts, predator control, and education of landowners and statutory bodies.  相似文献   

We examined characteristics of roosting sites utilized by two flying fox species (Pteropus tonganus and P. samoensis) in American Samoa. The colonial roosting sites of P. tonganus were observed over a ten‐year period, including two years when severe hurricanes devastated bat populations and destroyed roost trees. Prior to the hurricanes, roosts were located on cliff faces above the ocean or steep mountainsides, locations that were either inaccessible to people or in protected areas where hunting was not allowed. In the years immediately following the hurricanes, P. tonganus colonies split into smaller groups that moved frequently to different locations. Four years after the second hurricane, colonies had coalesced and returned to many of the traditional roosting sites used before the hurricanes. Common tree species in upland and coastal forest were selected as roosts. The isolated locations selected for P. tonganus roosts were apparently the result of hunting pressure on the colonies. The solitary roosts of P. samoensis were observed during 29 months. Roosting bats were well concealed and hard to detect within the forest; even bats on exposed branches were cryptic. Mature primary forest was favored as roosting habitat. Individual bats used specific branches or trees as roosts and returned to them for up to 29 months. Unlike P. tonganus, people did not alarm roosting P. samoensis easily and some roosts were located near houses and along roads.  相似文献   

Conflict can arise when bats roost in human dwellings and householders are affected adversely by their presence. In the United Kingdom, the exclusion of bats from roosts can be licensed under exceptional circumstances to alleviate conflict, but the fate of excluded bats and the impact on their survival and reproduction is not well understood. Using radio-tracking, we investigated the effects of exclusion on the soprano pipistrelle Pipistrellus pygmaeus, a species that commonly roosts in buildings in Europe. Exclusions were performed under licence at five roosts in England in spring, when females were in the early stages of pregnancy. Following exclusion, all bats found alternative roosts and colonies congregated in nearby known roosts that had been used by radio-tagged bats prior to exclusion. We found no difference in roosting behaviour before and after exclusion. Both the frequency of roost switching and the type of roosts used by bats remained unchanged. We also found no change in foraging behaviour. Bats foraged in the same areas, travelled similar distances to reach foraging areas and showed similar patterns of habitat selection before and after exclusion. Population modelling suggested that any reduction in survival following exclusion could have a negative impact on population growth, whereas a reduction in productivity would have less effect. While the number of soprano pipistrelle exclusions currently licensed each year is likely to have little effect on local populations, the cumulative impacts of licensing the destruction of large numbers of roosts may be of concern.  相似文献   

The reasons why bats are coming into contact with wind turbines are not yet well understood. One hypothesis is that bats are attracted to wind turbines and this attraction may be because bats perceive or misperceive the turbines to provide a resource, such as a foraging or roosting site. During post-construction fatality searches at a wind energy facility in the southern Great Plains, U.S., we discovered bat feces near the base of a wind turbine tower, which led us to hypothesize that bats were actively roosting and/or foraging at turbines. Thus over 2 consecutive years, we conducted systematic searches for bat feces on turbines at this site. We collected 72 bat fecal samples from turbines and successfully extracted DNA from 56 samples. All 6 bat species known to be in the area were confirmed and the majority (59%) were identified as Lasiurus borealis; a species that also comprised the majority of the fatalities (60%) recorded at the site. The presence of bat feces provides further evidence that bats were conducting activities in close proximity to wind turbines. Moreover, feces found in areas such as turbine door slats indicated that bats were using turbines as night or foraging roosts, and further provided evidence that bats were active near the turbines. Future research should therefore aim to identify those features of wind turbines that bats perceive or misperceive as a resource, which in turn may lead to new minimization strategies that effectively reduce bat fatalities at wind farms.  相似文献   

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