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It is generally assumed that in amphibian embryos neural crest cells migrate dorsally, where they form the mesenchyme of the dorsal fin, laterally (between somites and epidermis), where they give rise to pigment cells, and ventromedially (between somites and neural tube), where they form the elements of the peripheral nervous system. While there is agreement about the crest migratory routes in the axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum), different opinions exist about the lateral pathway in Xenopus. We investigated neural crest cell migration in Xenopus (stages 23, 32, 35/36 and 41) using the X. laevis-X. borealis nuclear marker system and could not find evidence for cells migrating laterally. We have also used immunohistochemistry to study the distribution of the extracellular matrix (ECM) glycoproteins fibronectin (FN) and tenascin (TN), which have been implicated in directing neural crest cells during their migrations in avian and mammalian embryos, in the neural crest migratory pathways of Xenopus and the axolotl. In premigratory stages of the crest, both in Xenopus (stage 22) and the axolotl (stage 25), FN was found subepidermally and in extracellular spaces around the neural tube, notochord and somites. The staining was particularly intense in the dorsal part of the embryo, but it was also present along the visceral and parietal layers of the lateral plate mesoderm. TN, in contrast, was found only in the anterior trunk mesoderm in Xenopus; in the axolotl, it was absent. During neural crest cell migration in Xenopus (stages 25-33) and the axolotl (stages 28-35), anti-FN stained the ECM throughout the embryo, whereas anti-TN staining was limited to dorsal regions. There it was particularly intense medially, i.e. in the dorsal fin, around the neural tube, notochord, dorsal aorta and at the medial surface of the somites (stage 35 in both species). During postmigratory stages in Xenopus (stage 40), anti-FN staining was less intense than anti-TN staining. In culture, axolotl neural crest cells spread differently on FN- and TN-coated substrata. On TN, the onset of cellular outgrowth was delayed for about 1 day, but after 3 days the extent of outgrowth was indistinguishable from cultures grown on FN. However, neural crest cells in 3-day-old cultures were much more flattened on FN than on TN. We conclude that both FN and TN are present in the ECM that lines the neural crest migratory pathways of amphibian embryos at the time when the neural crest cells are actively migrating. FN is present in the embryonic ECM before the onset of neural crest migration.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Neural crest cells are remarkable in their extensive and stereotypic patterns of migration. The pathways of neural crest migration have been documented by cell marking techniques, including interspecific neural tube grafts, immunocytochemistry and Dil-labelling. In the trunk, neural crest cells migrate dorsally under the skin or ventrally through the somites, where they move in a segmental fashion through the rostral half of each sclerotome. The segmental migration of neural crest cells appears to be prescribed by the somites, perhaps by an inhibitory cue from the caudal half. Within the rostral sclerotome, neural crest cells fill the available space except for a region around the notochord, suggesting the notochord may inhibit neural crest cells in its vicinity. In the cranial region, antibody perturbation experiments suggest that multiple cell-matrix interactions are required for proper in vivo migration of neural crest cells. Neural crest cells utilize integrin receptors to bind to a number of extracellular matrix molecules. Substrate selective inhibition of neural crest cell attachment in vitro by integrin antibodies and antisense oligonucleotides has demonstrated that they possess at least three integrins, one being an α1β1 integrin which functions in the absence of divalent cations. Thus, neural crest cells utilize complex sets of interactions which may differ at different axial levels.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells migrate extensively and interact with numerous tissues and extracellular matrix components during their movement. Cell marking techniques have shown that neural crest cells in the trunk of the avian embryo migrate through the anterior, but not posterior, half of each sclerotome and avoid the region around the notochord. A possible mechanism to account for this migratory pattern is that neural crest cells may be inhibited from entering the posterior sclerotome and the perinotochordal space. Thus, interactions with other tissue may prescribe the pattern of neural crest cell migration in the trunk. In contrast, interactions between neural crest cells and the extracellular matrix may mediate the primary interactions controlling neural crest cells migration in the head region. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Cardiac neural crest cells originate as part of the postotic caudal rhombencephalic neural crest stream. Ectomesenchymal cells in this stream migrate to the circumpharyngeal ridge and then into the caudal pharyngeal arches where they condense to form first a sheath and then the smooth muscle tunics of the persisting pharyngeal arch arteries. A subset of the cells continues migrating into the cardiac outflow tract where they will condense to form the aorticopulmonary septum. Cell signaling, extracellular matrix and cell-cell contacts are all critical for the initial migration, pauses, continued migration and condensation of these cells. This Review elucidates what is currently known about these factors.Key words: cardiac neural crest, migration, signaling, matrix, pharyngeal arches, rhombencephalic streams  相似文献   

Cardiac neural crest cells originate as part of the postotic caudal rhombencephalic neural crest stream. Ectomesenchymal cells in this stream migrate to the circumpharyngeal ridge and then into the caudal pharyngeal arches where they condense to form first a sheath and then the smooth muscle tunics of the persisting pharyngeal arch arteries. A subset of the cells continue migrating into the cardiac outflow tract where they will condense to form the aorticopulmonary septum. Cell signaling, extracellular matrix and cell-cell contacts are all critical for the initial migration, pauses, continued migration, and condensation of these cells. This review elucidates what is currently known about these factors.  相似文献   

This Review focuses on recent advances in the field of cranial neural crest cell migration in Xenopus laevis with specific emphasis on cell adhesion and the regulation of cell migration. Our goal is to combine the understanding of cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix with the regulation of cell-cell adhesion and the involvement of the planar cell polarity signaling-pathway in guiding the migration of cranial neural crest cells during embryogenesis.Key words: neural crest, cell migration, extracellular matrix, cell adhesion, Wnt, planar cell polarity  相似文献   

Neural crest cells (NCCs) are a remarkable, dynamic group of cells that travel long distances in the embryo to reach their target sites. They are responsible for the formation of craniofacial bones and cartilage, neurons and glia in the peripheral nervous system, and pigment cells. Live imaging of NCCs as they traverse the embryo has been critical to increasing our knowledge of their biology. NCCs exhibit multiple behaviors and communicate with each other and their environment along each step of their journey. Imaging combined with molecular manipulations has led to insights into the mechanisms controlling these behaviors. In this review, we highlight studies that have used live imaging to provide novel insight into NCC migration and discuss how continued use of such techniques can advance our understanding of NCC biology.  相似文献   

This review focuses on recent advances in the field of cranial neural crest cell migration in Xenopus laevis with specific emphasis on cell adhesion and the regulation of cell migration. Our goal is to combine the understanding of cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix with the regulation of cell-cell adhesion and the involvement of the planar cell polarity signaling-pathway in guiding the migration of cranial neural crest cells during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

The expression of tenascin by neural crest cells and glia.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The extracellular matrix glycoprotein tenascin is concentrated in both the embryo and adult in regions where cell motility is taking place. For example, during avian neural crest morphogenesis tenascin is concentrated in the rostral half of the sclerotome, precisely where the neural crest cells themselves are found. Previous in vitro studies indicated that somite cells were the source of this tenascin, implying a role for tenascin in directing the ventral migration of neural crest cells and thus the establishment of the periodic arrangement of the PNS. In this study, we have used a cDNA probe to identify the source of tenascin found along the pathways of the neural crest using in situ hybridization. In tissue sections, individual cells found along the neural crest migratory pathways, both before entering the somites and within the somites, are strongly labelled by the tenascin cDNA. In vitro neural crest cells are more strongly labelled with the tenascin probe than somite cells. Finally, western blotting has been used to identify tenascin in culture medium conditioned by neural crest cells. This indicates that neural crest cells themselves are the source of much of the tenascin found lining their migratory pathways, and that interactions with somite cells may not be needed to induce the expression of tenascin. We have also studied the distribution of tenascin mRNA in the developing spinal cord and spinal ganglia. At embryonic days 7 and 10, tenascin cDNA hybridizes within cells that appear to be migrating from the ependymal layer to the white matter, as well as within cells in the dorsal roots.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In this review, we describe the results of recent experiments designed to investigate various aspects of neural crest cell lineage and migration. We have analyzed the lineage of individual premigratory neural crest cells by injecting a fluorescent lineage tracer dye, lysinated fluorescein dextran, into cells within the dorsal neural tube. Individual clones contained cells that were located in very diverse sites consistent with their being sensory neurons, prepigment cells, Schwann cells, adrenergic cells, and neural tube cells. These results suggest that some neural crest cells in the trunk and cranial regions are multipotent prior to their emigration from the neural tube. The environment through which neural crest cells move influences both the pattern and direction of their migration. We have shown that the sclerotomal portion of the somites are responsible for the rostrocaudal pattern of trunk neural crest cell movement, whereas the neural tube appears to govern the dorsoventral position of neural crest-derived ganglia. In addition, the notochord inhibits the movement of neural crest cells. In order to understand necessary cell-matrix interactions in neural crest migration, we have performed perturbation experiments, in which antibodies directed against cell surface or extracellular matrix molecules were introduced along neural crest pathways. We find that integrins, fibronectin, laminin, and tenascin all play some role in cranial neural crest emigration. Thus, multiple factors may be involved in controlling neural crest cell migration, and different factors may be important for migration in different regions of the embryo.  相似文献   

Trunk neural crest cells follow a common ventral migratory pathway but are distributed into two distinct locations to form discrete sympathetic and dorsal root ganglia along the vertebrate axis. Although fluorescent cell labeling and time‐lapse studies have recorded complex trunk neural crest cell migratory behaviors, the signals that underlie this dynamic patterning remain unclear. The absence of molecular information has led to a number of mechanistic hypotheses for trunk neural crest cell migration. Here, we review recent data in support of three distinct mechanisms of trunk neural crest cell migration and develop and simulate a computational model based on chemotactic signaling. We show that by integrating the timing and spatial location of multiple chemotactic signals, trunk neural crest cells may be accurately positioned into two distinct targets that correspond to the sympathetic and dorsal root ganglia. In doing so, we honor the contributions of Wilhelm His to his identification of the neural crest and extend the observations of His and others to better understand a complex question in neural crest cell biology.  相似文献   

To permit a more detailed analysis of neural crest cell migratory pathways in the chick embryo, neural crest cells were labelled with a nondeleterious membrane intercalating vital dye, DiI. All neural tube cells with endfeet in contact with the lumen, including premigratory neural crest cells, were labelled by pressure injecting a solution of DiI into the lumen of the neural tube. When assayed one to three days later, migrating neural crest cells, motor axons, and ventral root cells were the only cells types external to the neural tube labelled with DiI. During the neural crest cell migratory phase, distinctly labelled cells were found along: (1) a dorsolateral pathway, under the epidermis, as well adjacent to and intercalating through the dermamyotome; and (2) a ventral pathway, through the rostral portion of each sclerotome and around the dorsal aorta as described previously. In contrast to those cells migrating through the sclerotome, labelled cells on the dorsolateral pathway were not segmentally arranged along the rostrocaudal axis. DiI-labelled cells were observed in all truncal neural crest derivatives, including subepidermal presumptive pigment cells, dorsal root ganglia, and sympathetic ganglia. By varying the stage at which the injection was performed, neural crest cell emigration at the level of the wing bud was shown to occur from stage 13 through stage 22. In addition, neural crest cells were found to populate their derivatives in a ventral-to-dorsal order, with the latest emigrating cells migrating exclusively along the dorsolateral pathway.  相似文献   

Summary Immunoperoxidase labelling for fibronectin (FN) in chick embryos showed FN-positive basement membranes surrounding the neural crest cell population prior to crest-cell migration. At cranial levels, crest cells migrated laterally into a large cell-free space. Initially they moved as a tongue of cells contacting the FN-positive basement membrane of the ectoderm, but later the crest cell population expanded into space further from the ectoderm, until eventually the entire cranial cell-free space was occupied by mesenchyme cells. This was accompanied by the appearance of FN among the crest cells. At trunk levels, crest cells entered a relatively small space already containing FN-positive extracellular material. At later stages the migration of trunk crest cells broadly matched the distribution of FN. In vitro, chick and quail embryo ectoderm, endoderm, somites, notochord and neural tube synthesized and organized fibrous FN-matrices, as shown by immunofluorescence. Ectoderm and endoderm deposited this matrix only on the substrate face. The FN content of endoderm and neural tube matrices was transient, the immunofluorescence intensity declining after 1–2 days in culture. Some crest cells of cranial and sacral axial levels synthesized FN. Our data suggests that these were the earliest crest cells to migrate from these levels. This ability may be the first expression of mesenchymal differentiation in these crest cells, and in vivo enable them to occupy a large space. Almost all crest cells from cervico-lumbar axial levels were unable to synthesize FN. In vivo, this inability may magnify the response of these crest cells to FN provided by the neighbouring embryonic tissues.  相似文献   

Effects of mesodermal tissues on avian neural crest cell migration   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We have used microsurgical techniques to investigate the effects of embryonic mesodermal tissues on the pattern of chick neural crest cell migration in the trunk. Segmental plate or lateral plate mesenchyme was transplanted into regions encountered by neural crest cells. We found that neural crest cells are able to migrate through lateral plate mesenchyme but not through segmental plate tissue until this tissue differentiates into a sclerotome. After this stage, segmental migration is controlled by the subdivision of the sclerotome into a rostral and a caudal half; when the rostrocaudal orientation of the sclerotomes is reversed by rotating the segmental plate 180 degrees about its rostrocaudal axis, neural crest cells migrate through the portion of the sclerotome that was originally rostral.  相似文献   

Once specified to become neural crest (NC), cells occupying the dorsal portion of the neural tube disrupt their cadherin-mediated cell-cell contacts, acquire motile properties, and embark upon an extensive migration through the embryo to reach their ultimate phenotype-specific sites. The understanding of how this movement is regulated is still rather fragmentary due to the complexity of the cellular and molecular interactions involved. An additional intricate aspect of the regulation of NC cell movement is that the timings, modes and patterns of NC cell migration are intimately associated with the concomitant phenotypic diversification that cells undergo during their migratory phase and the fact that these changes modulate the way that moving cells interact with their microenvironment. To date, two interplaying mechanisms appear central for the guidance of the migrating NC cells through the embryo: one involves secreted signalling molecules acting through their cognate protein kinase/phosphatase-type receptors and the other is contributed by the multivalent interactions of the cells with their surrounding extracellular matrix (ECM). The latter ones seem fundamental in light of the central morphogenetic role played by the intracellular signals transduced through the cytoskeleton upon integrin ligation, and the convergence of these signalling cascades with those triggered by cadherins, survival/growth factor receptors, gap junctional communications, and stretch-activated calcium channels. The elucidation of the importance of the ECM during NC cell movement is presently favoured by the augmenting knowledge about the macromolecular structure of the specific ECM assembled during NC development and the functional assaying of its individual constituents via molecular and genetic manipulations. Collectively, these data propose that NC cell migration may be governed by time- and space-dependent alterations in the expression of inhibitory ECM components; the relative ratio of permissive versus non-permissive ECM components; and the supramolecular assembly of permissive ECM components. Six multidomain ECM constituents encoded by a corresponding number of genes appear to date the master ECM molecules in the control of NC cell movement. These are fibronectin, laminin isoforms 1 and 8, aggrecan, and PG-M/version isoforms V0 and V1. This review revisits a number of original observations in amphibian and avian embryos and discusses them in light of more recent experimental data to explain how the interaction of moving NC cells with these ECM components may be coordinated to guide cells toward their final sites during the process of organogenesis.  相似文献   

Xenopus neural crest cell migration in an applied electrical field   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Xenopus neural crest cells migrated toward the cathode in an applied electrical field of 10 mV/mm or greater. This behavior was observed in relatively isolated cells, as well as in groups of neural crest cells; however, the velocity of directed migration usually declined when a cell made close contact with other cells. Melanocytes with a full complement of evenly distributed melanosomes did not migrate of their own accord, but could be distorted and pulled by unpigmented neural crest cells. Incompletely differentiated melanocytes and melanocytes with aggregated melanosomes displayed the same behavior as undifferentiated neural crest cells, that is, migration toward the cathode. An electrical field of 10 mV/mm corresponded to a voltage drop of less than 1 mV across the diameter of each cell; the outer epithelium of Xenopus embryos drives an endogenous transembryonic current that may produce voltage gradients of nearly this magnitude within high-resistance regions of the embryo. We, therefore, propose that electrical current produced by the skin battery present in these embryos may act as a vector to guide neural crest migration.  相似文献   

Cranial neural crest cells (NCCs) migrate into the pharyngeal arches in three primary streams separated by two cranial neural crest (NC)-free zones. Multiple tissues have been implicated in the guidance of cranial NCC migration; however, the signals provided by these tissues have remained elusive. We investigate the function of semaphorins (semas) and their receptors, neuropilins (nrps), in cranial NCC migration in zebrafish. We find that genes of the sema3F and sema3G class are expressed in the cranial NC-free zones, while nrp2a and nrp2b are expressed in the migrating NCCs. sema3F/3G expression is expanded homogeneously in the head periphery through which the cranial NCCs migrate in lzr/pbx4 mutants, in which the cranial NC streams are fused. Antisense morpholino knockdown of Sema3F/3G or Nrp2 suppresses the abnormal cranial NC phenotype of lzr/pbx4 mutants, demonstrating that aberrant Sema3F/3G-Nrp2 signaling is responsible for this phenotype and suggesting that repulsive Sema3F/3G-Npn2 signaling normally contributes to the guidance of migrating cranial NCCs. Furthermore, global over-expression of sema3Gb phenocopies the aberrant cranial NC phenotype of lzr/pbx4 mutants when endogenous Sema3 ligands are knocked down, consistent with a model in which the patterned expression of Sema3 ligands in the head periphery coordinates the migration of Nrp-expressing cranial NCCs.  相似文献   

The neural crest (NC) cells have been called the 'explorers of the embryos' because they migrate all over the embryo where they differentiate into a variety of diverse kinds of cells. In this work, we analyse the role of different molecules controlling the migration of NC cells. First, we describe the strong similarity between the process of NC migration and metastasis in tumour cells. The epithelial-mesenchymal transition process that both kinds of cells undergo is controlled by the same molecular machinery, including cadherins, connexins, Snail and Twist genes and matrix metalloproteases. Second, we analysed the molecular signals that control the patterned migration of the cephalic and trunk NC cells. Most of the factors described so far, such as Eph/ephrins, semaphorins/neuropilins and Slit/Robo, are negative signals that prohibit the migration of NC cells into target areas of the embryo. Finally, we analyse how the direction of migration is controlled by regulation of cell polarity and how the planar cell polarity or non-canonical Wnt signalling is involved in this process.  相似文献   

Cranial neural crest cells are a pluripotent population of cells derived from the neural tube that migrate into the branchial arches to generate the distinctive bone, connective tissue and peripheral nervous system components characteristic of the vertebrate head. The highly conserved segmental organisation of the vertebrate hindbrain plays an important role in patterning the pathways of neural crest cell migration and in generating the distinct or separate streams of crest cells that form unique structures in each arch. We have used focal injections of DiI into the developing mouse hindbrain in combination with in vitro whole embryo culture to map the patterns of cranial neural crest cell migration into the developing branchial arches. Our results show that mouse hindbrain-derived neural crest cells migrate in three segregated streams adjacent to the even-numbered rhombomeres into the branchial arches, and each stream contains contributions of cells from three rhombomeres in a pattern very similar to that observed in the chick embryo. There are clear neural crest-free zones adjacent to r3 and r5. Furthermore, using grafting and lineage-tracing techniques in cultured mouse embryos to investigate the differential ability of odd and even-numbered segments to generate neural crest cells, we find that odd and even segments have an intrinsic ability to produce equivalent numbers of neural crest cells. This implies that inter-rhombomeric signalling is less important than combinatorial interactions between the hindbrain and the adjacent arch environment in specific regions, in the process of restricting the generation and migration of neural crest cells. This creates crest-free territories and suggests that tissue interactions established during development and patterning of the branchial arches may set up signals that the neural plate is primed to interpret during the progressive events leading to the delamination and migration of neural crest cells. Using interspecies grafting experiments between mouse and chick embryos, we have shown that this process forms part of a conserved mechanism for generating neural crest-free zones and contributing to the separation of migrating crest populations with distinct Hox expression during vertebrate head development.  相似文献   

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