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Intramembranous particle aggregates (presumed sites for water flow) which appear in the luminal membrane consequent to ADH treatment are derived from cytoplasmic membrane structures (now termed "aggrephores") which fuse with the luminal membrane. We have previously shown that bladders stimulated in the absence of an osmotic gradient have about twice as many aggregates and about three times as many sites of aggrephore fusion as bladders stimulated with ADH in the presence of a 175 milliosmolal gradient. The present studies show that the frequency of fused aggrephores and luminal membrane aggregates can be modified as a consequence of alterations in transmembrane water flow initiated by changing the transbladder osmotic gradient during hormone stimulation. Bladders treated with ADH for 1 hr without a gradient and then for 1 hr with a gradient had approximately 1/3 as many aggregates and fusion sites as paired bladders treated for 2 hr without a gradient. Conversely, bladders treated with ADH for 1 hr with a gradient and then for 1 hr without a gradient had approximately 2x as many aggregates and fusion sites as bladders treated for 2 hr with a gradient. In other experiments we demonstrate that the time course of hormone washout is greatly accelerated if carried out in the presence of an osmotic gradient. In paired bladders that were first stimulated with ADH for 30 min in the absence of a gradient, aggregates and fusion sites as well as osmotic water permeability determined in fixed bladders, persisted at near maximum levels for 15 min of washout in the absence of a gradient.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary Vasopressin-induced transformation of ridges to microvilli on the surface of granular cells of toad urinary bladder occurs in conjunction with induced alterations in the water permeability of the luminal membrane. This study was designed to establish the relationship between the time course for induction of microvilli and the time course for induction of increased water permeability after vasopressin stimulation. Hemibladders were examined at 2.5, 5, 10, 20 and 30 min following exposure to 20 mU/ml of vasopressin and at 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 min after washout of vasopressin. Within 2.5 min, vasopressin initiated complete transformation of ridges to microvilli on approximately 13% of the granular cells, while osmotic water flow (Jv) was 0.31±0.10 l·min–1·cm–2. Five minutes following vasopressin stimulation, microvilli were present on approximately 30% of granular cells andJv was 2.27±0.13 l·min–1·cm–2. At 10 minJv was maximum at 4.03±0.15 l·min–1·cm–2 and 50% of the granular cells were covered with microvilli. This percentage increased to 70% at 20 min and was maintained at 30 min, althoughJv decreased to 3.9±0.35 l·min–1·cm–2 at 30 min. Five minutes following vasopressin washout, ridges interspersed with microvilli reappeared asJv fell to 1.10±0.30 l·min–1·cm–2. At 10 min after vasopressin washout,Jv approached basal levels, but the reversal of microvilli to ridges remained incomplete. At 60 min after vasopressin washout, the granular cells had regained their original ridgelike surface structures. Thus, these studies establish a temporal relationship between the induction and reversibility of vasopressin-induced microvillous formation and alterations in the osmotic water permeability of the apical plasmalemma.  相似文献   

1. Vasopressin induces a rapid increase in water permeability and stimulates net sodium transport in responsive epithelia through the mediation of cAMP. 2. In amphibian urinary bladder, the increase in water permeability is dependent on an intact cytoskeleton and is associated with the exocytotic insertion of tubular vesicles containing particle aggregates (the putative water channels) into the apical membrane of the granular epithelial cells. 3. In the toad bladder, mucosal addition of NEM, 0.1 mM, elicits a slow and irreversible increase in transepithelial water flow, whilst decreasing net sodium transport. 4. The hydrosmotic response to mucosal NEM is inhibited by cellular acidification, by pretreatment with cytoskeleton-disruptive drugs, and by agents that increase cytosolic calcium. 5. Mucosal NEM potentiates the hydrosmotic response to a submaximal, but not a maximal, dose of vasopressin. 6. Mucosal NEM, like vasopressin, induces both vesicle fusion and the appearance of particle aggregates at the granular cell apical surface. 7. NEM, unlike vasopressin, does not increase cellular cAMP content. 8. Mucosal NEM appears to increase transcellular water flow by activating cellular processes normally triggered by vasopressin, at a step beyond cAMP.  相似文献   

The regulation of transepithelial water permeability in toad urinary bladder is believed to involve a cycling of endocytic vesicles containing water transporters between an intracellular compartment and the cell luminal membrane. Endocytic vesicles arising from luminal membrane were labeled selectively in the intact toad bladder with the impermeant fluid-phase markers 6-carboxyfluorescein (6CF) or fluorescein-dextran. A microsomal preparation containing labeled endocytic vesicles was prepared by cell scraping, homogenization, and differential centrifugation. Osmotic water permeability was measured by a stopped-flow fluorescence technique in which microsomes containing 50 mM mannitol, 5 mM K phosphate, pH 8.5 were subject to a 60-mM inwardly directed gradient of sucrose; the time course of endosome volume, representing osmotic water transport, was inferred from the time course of fluorescence self-quenching. Endocytic vesicles were prepared from toad bladders with hypoosmotic lumen solution treated with (group A) or without (group B) serosal vasopressin at 23 degrees C, and bladders in which endocytosis was inhibited by treatment with vasopressin at 0-2 degrees C (group C), or with vasopressin plus sodium azide at 23 degrees C (group D). Stopped-flow results in all four groups showed a slow rate of 6CF fluorescence decrease (time constants 1.0-1.7 s for exponential fit) indicating a component of nonendocytic 6CF entrapment into sealed vesicles. However, in vesicles from group A only, there was a very rapid 6CF fluorescence decrease (time constant 9.6 +/- 0.2 ms, SEM, 18 separate preparations) with an osmotic water permeability coefficient (Pf) of greater than 0.1 cm/s (18 degrees C) and activation energy of 3.9 +/- 0.8 kcal/mol (16 kJ/mol). Pf was inhibited reversibly by greater than 60% by 1 mM HgCl2. The rapid fluorescence decrease was absent in vesicles in groups B, C, and D. These results demonstrate the presence of functional water transporters in vasopressin-induced endocytic vesicles from toad bladder, supporting the hypothesis that water channels are cycled to and from the luminal membrane and providing a functional marker for the vasopressin-sensitive water channel. The calculated Pf in the vasopressin-induced endocytic vesicles is the highest Pf reported for any biological or artificial membrane.  相似文献   

Nocodazole is a synthetic antitumor drug that binds rapidly to tubulin. When this drug is applied to toad bladder prior to vasopressin stimulation it inhibits the vasopressin response. A maximum inhibition (68%) is reached with a dose level of 10 μ/ml applied one-half hour prior to vasopressin stimulation (20 mU/ml). This compares with an inhibition of 50% seen with a 3-h exposure of the tissue to colchicine (0.1 mM) prior to stimulation with vasopressin. Application of nocodazole (1 μ/ml) 3 min after hormonal stimulation shows no inhibition of the response at one-half hour past stimulation. These data support the view that microtubules are involved in the vasopressin-induced increase in water permeability in toad bladder and also indicate that this involvement is limited to the period prior to or directly after stimulation.  相似文献   

Vasopressin (VP) increases the water permeability of the toad urinary bladder epithelium by inducing the cycling of vesicles containing water channels to and from the apical membrane of granular cells. In this study, we have measured several functional characteristics of the endosomal vesicles that participate in this biological response to hormonal stimulation. The water, proton, and urea permeabilities of endosomes labeled in the intact bladder with fluorescent fluid-phase markers were measured. The diameter of isolated endosomes labeled with horse-radish peroxidase was 90-120 nm. Osmotic water permeability (Pf) was measured by a stopped-flow fluorescence quenching assay (Shi, L.-B., and A. S. Verkman. 1989. J. Gen. Physiol. 94:1101-1115). The number of endosomes formed when bladders were labeled in the absence of a transepithelial osmotic gradient increased with serosal [VP] (0-50 mU/ml), and endosome Pf was very high and constant (0.08-0.10 cm/s, 18 degrees C). When bladders were labeled in the presence of serosal-to-mucosal osmotic gradient, the number of functional water channels per endosome decreased (at [VP] = 0.5 mU/ml, Pf = 0.09 cm/s, 0 osmotic gradient; Pf = 0.02 cm/s, 180 mosmol gradient). Passive proton permeability was measured from the rate of pH decrease in voltage-clamped endosomes in response to a 1 pH unit gradient (pHin = 7.5, pHout = 6.5). The proton permeability coefficient (PH) was 0.051 cm/s at 18 degrees C in endosomes containing the VP-sensitive water channel; PH was not different from that measured in vesicles not containing water channels. Measurement of urea transport by the fluorescence quenching assay gave a urea reflection coefficient of 0.97 and a permeability coefficient of less than 10(-6) cm/s. These results demonstrate: (a) VP-induced endosomes from toad urinary bladder have extremely high Pf. (b) In states of submaximal bladder Pf, the density of functional water channels in endosomes in constant in the absence of an osmotic gradient, but decreases in the presence of a serosal-to-mucosal gradient, suggesting that the gradient has a direct effect on the efficiency of packaging of water channels into endosomes. (c) The VP-sensitive water channel does not have a high proton permeability. (d) Endosomes that cycle the water channel do not contain urea transporters. These results establish a labeling procedure in which greater than 85% of labeled vesicles from toad urinary bladder are endosomes that contain the VP-sensitive water channel in a functional form.  相似文献   

Y X Wang  L B Shi  A S Verkman 《Biochemistry》1991,30(11):2888-2894
Functional water channels are retrieved by endocytosis from the apical membrane of toad bladder granular cells in response to vasopressin [Shi, L.-B., & Verkman, A.S. (1989) J. Gen. Physiol. 94, 1101-1115]. To examine whether endocytic vesicles which contain the vasopressin-sensitive water channel fuse with acidic vesicles for entry into a lysosomal pathway, ATP-dependent acidification and osmotic water permeability were measured in endosomes from control bladders and bladders treated with vasopressin (VP) and/or phorbol myristate acetate (PMA). Endosomes were labeled with the fluid-phase markers 6-carboxyfluorescein or fluorescein-dextran. Osmotic water permeability (Pf) was measured by stopped-flow fluorescence quenching and proton ATPase activity by ATP-dependent, N-ethylmaleimide-inhibitable acidification. In a microsomal pellet, Pf was low (less than 0.002 cm/s, 20 degrees C) in labeled endocytic vesicles from control bladders but high (0.05-0.1 cm/s) in a subpopulation (50-70%) of vesicles from VP- and PMA-treated bladders. Following ATP addition, the average drop in pH was 0.1 (control), 0.3 (VP), and 0.2 (PMA) unit. Measurement of pH in individual endocytic vesicles by quantitative image analysis showed that less than 20% of vesicles from VP-treated bladders acidified by greater than 0.5 pH unit. To examine whether water channels and proton pumps were present in the same endocytic vesicles, the pH of endosomes with high and low water permeability was measured from the effect of ATP on the amplitude of the fluorescence quenching signal in response to an osmotic gradient.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary A theoretical formulation was derived for the dependence of bulk solute permeability,P, defined as net flux :- concentration gradient, c, across any membrane in which solute concentration is controlling for net flux, . According to this formulation, is stimulated by increments in trans concentration,c 2, in the rangec 2/c 1=0.0–0.1. Net flux of urea across toad bladder down concentration gradients was shown to be stimulated threefold by small increments in trans urea concentration. The theory also predicts that, in the absence of concentration gradients, tracer permeability,P *, defined as tracer flux :- tracer concentration, will be independent ofc provided thatP=P *, but will diminish with increasingc ifP/P *<1.P/P * was not significantly different from unity for urea, and bothP andP * were independent ofc in the absence of concentration gradients. However,P/P * was significantly less than unity (0.90 and 0.85) for thiourea and mannitol, respectively. In conformity with theory,P * (and alsoP) of these two solutes, measured asc was increased by 3–4 orders of magnitude, diminished progressively. These effects are more consistent with this formulation than with transport via a saturable carrier.  相似文献   

Summary Osmotic water permeability of the apical membrane of toad urinary epithelium is increased greatly by vasopressin (VP) and is associated with exocytic addition of granules and aggrephores at the apical surface. To determine the physiological role of granule exocytosis, we measured the osmotic water permeability and membrane fluidity of isolated granules, surface membranes and microsomes prepared from toad bladder in the presence and absence of VP.P f was measured by stopped-flow light scattering and membrane fluidity was examined by diphenylhexatriene (DPH) fluorescence anisotropy. In response to a 75mm inward sucrose gradient, granule size decreased with a single exponential time constant of 2.3±0.1 sec (sem, seven preparations, 23°C), corresponding to aP f of 5×10–4 cm/sec; the activation energy (E a ) forP f was 17.6±0.8 kcal/mole. Under the same conditions, the volume of surface membrane vesicles decreased biexponentially with time constants of 0.13 and 1.9 sec; the fast component comprised 70% of the signal. Granule, surface membrane and microsome time constants were unaffected by VP. However, in surface membranes, there was a small decrease (6±2%) in the fraction of surface membranes with fast time constant. DPH anisotropies were 0.253 (granules), 0.224 (surface membrane fluidity is remarkably lower than that of surface and microsomal membranes, and (4) rapid water transport occurs in surface membrane vesicles. The unique physical properties of the granule suggests that apical exocytic addition of granule membrane may be responsible for the low water permeability of the unstimulated apical membrane.  相似文献   

Summary Previous studies with phloretin have shown that the movement of urea and other solutes across the toad bladder can be inhitited with no effect on osmotic water flow, active sodium transport, or the movement of ethanol and ethylene glycol. These findings have suggested that a vasopressin-sensitive carrier is involved in the transport of solutes such as urea across the luminal membrane of the epithelial cell. The present paper describes the effect of two agents other than phloretin: tannic acid and chromate, on water and solute movement across the bladder. The pattern of action of these two agents resembles that of phloretin, and supports our earlier findings of the independence of solute and water movement. The effect of chromate on urea movement is seen only in the presence of vasopressin, and only if chromate is added prior to vasopressin. Chromate also proves to be an irreversible inhibitor of urea movement. The implications of these findings are discussed. In view of the known interactions of both agents with proteins, it is suggested that carrier-mediated transport of urea proceeds across a protein component of the membrane.Presented in part at the 57th annual meeting, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Atlantic City, April 1973.  相似文献   

Recent studies show that ADH-stimulated water flow across toad bladder may be regulated at a site other than the luminal membrane. In these studies luminal membrane particle aggregate frequency has been used as a measure of luminal membrane water permeability. In fully stretched bladders the relationship between total tissue permeability and aggregate frequency is curvilinear, rather than linear. This implies a resistance in series with the luminal membrane that can become rate-limiting for water flow during ADH stimulation. The possibility that transtissue water movement is actually regulated at such a post-luminal membrane resistance is suggested by the finding that within 30 min following exposure to hormone, water flow becomes attenuated without any change in aggregate frequency. Supporting this possibility, recent data from follow-up studies suggest that the apparent water permeability per luminal membrane aggregate is not reduced with time. Finally, for bladders in which prostaglandin synthesis is inhibited (by naproxen), increases in both base-line water flow and water flow consequent to treatment with a submaximal dose of ADH (0.125 mU/ml), are much less than expected from simultaneously observed changes in luminal membrane aggregate frequency. In parallel experiments to these, moreover, direct measurements of luminal membrane water permeability from the rate of change of cell volume consequent to a transluminal membrane osmotic challenge, confirm that luminal membrane water permeability increases to the extent expected from changes in aggregate frequency. All of the data taken together argue for a post-luminal membrane barrier in toad bladder which regulates tissue permeability during ADH stimulation.  相似文献   

Captopril (CA), a specific inhibitor of kininase II, did not alter osmotic water permeability (Posm) when present in the mucosal bath of the urinary bladder isolated from the toad Bufo arenarum at a concentration of 2.3 X 10(-3) M. This treatment, however, caused a 65% enhancement in the increase in Posm following serosal exposure to vasopressin, oxytocin or theophylline, agents that increase intracellular cyclic AMP levels. The effect of captopril was prevented by procedures that reduce the kallikrein (KK)-like alkaline esterase activity present in the bladder (such as simultaneous exposure to 2.3 X 10(-5) M aprotinin, or pretreatment of the toads with 0.1 N NaCl for several days before the experiment) or by replacing the mucosal bath with fresh solution of identical composition after exposure to captopril. In contrast, changing the serosal bath did not alter the effect of the drug. These results are consistent with an effect of CA at a step beyond cAMP generation, and suggest it is mediated by release of a soluble factor, probably a kinin, into the mucosal bath. These observations, together with data previously published, suggest that the KK-kinin system may participate in the control of epithelial water and electrolyte permeability in the toad bladder. In particular, under environmental stress, it may become important in the regulation of the animal's extracellular fluid volume, thus exhibiting an adaptive value.  相似文献   

Summary Isolated sheets of epithelial cells as well as epithelial cells scraped from paired hemibladders mounted in chambers both showed significant increases in water, sodium and chloride contents after exposure to vasopressin (100 mU/ml), without any change in potassium content. In the isolated cells these changes were prevented by amiloride (10–5 m), suggesting that the gain of sodium after vasopressin occurs across the mucosal membrane. This hypothesis was confirmed in experiments in which it was found that, in hemibladders mounted in chambers and bathed on their mucosal surface by sodium Ringer's with24Na, the gains of chemical sodium and24Na after vasopressin were equivalent.  相似文献   

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