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Glass formation and desiccation tolerance in seeds   总被引:27,自引:3,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
Koster KL 《Plant physiology》1991,96(1):302-304
The formation of intracellular glass may help protect embryos from damage due to desiccation. Soluble sugars similar to those found in desiccation tolerant embryos were studied with differential scanning calorimetry. Those sugars from desiccation tolerant embryos can form glasses at ambient temperatures, whereas those from embryos that do not tolerate desiccation only form glasses at subzero temperatures. It is concluded that tolerant embryo cells probably contain sugar glasses at storage temperatures and water contents, but intolerant embryo cells probably do not.  相似文献   

The desiccation-tolerant state in seeds is associated with high levels of certain sugars and maturation proteins. The aim of this work was to evaluate the contributions of these components to desiccation tolerance in soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merrill cv Chippewa 64). When axes of immature seeds (34 d after flowering) were excised and gradually dried (6 d), desiccation tolerance was induced. By contrast, seeds held at high relative humidity for the same period were destroyed by desiccation. Maturation proteins rapidly accumulated in the axes whether the seeds were slowly dried or maintained at high relative humidity. During slow drying, sucrose content increased to five times the level present in the axes of seeds held at high relative humidity (128 versus 25 μg/axis, respectively). Stachyose content increased dramatically from barely detectable levels upon excision to 483 μg/axis during slow drying but did not increase significantly when seeds were incubated at high relative humidity. Galactinol was the only saccharide that accumulated to higher levels in axes from seeds incubated at high relative humidity relative to axes from seeds that were slowly dried. This suggests that slow drying serves to induce the accumulation of the raffinose series sugars at a point after galactinol biosynthesis. We conclude that stachyose plays an important role in conferring desiccation tolerance.  相似文献   

Desiccation tolerance of broccoli microspore-derived embryos was induced by exogenous application of abscisic acid (ABA). Embryos, which were desiccated to about 10% water content, were estimated for viability after rehydration. Survival was dependent on the ABA concentration and the development stage of embryo, but not on the length of exposure period to ABA or genotype. Cotyledonary stage embryos acquired the highest desiccation tolerance when treated with 1×10-4M ABA. Under this condition, on average 27–48% of the desiccated embryos could convert into plants. Embryos treated with 1×10-6M ABA or no ABA or earlier development-staged embryos, such as globular and heart stages, lost viability after desiccation. A one day exposure to ABA had the similar effect on the induction of desiccation tolerance as a 7-day treatment. The dried embryos maintained their ability of plant conversion after three months of storage under room conditions. The plants derived from the desiccated embryos were not different in the morphology or ploidy level from those from non-desiccated ones.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - RH relative humidity  相似文献   

假槟榔种子催芽技术和脱水耐性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高假槟榔的人工种植技术,对其种子做了不同的化学催芽处理,以寻求种子的有效催芽方法,并对种子脱水耐性进行了探讨。结果表明:20%过氧化氢和98%浓硫酸浸泡5min,0.3%亚硝酸钠和0.2%硝酸钾溶液浸种24h后,发芽率显著升高,速度显著加快,尤以浓硫酸和硝酸钾处理效果为好;200~1000mg/L赤霉素和20~100mg/L激动素溶液浸泡24h也显著促进种子萌发,但催芽效果与溶液浓度有关。成熟种子轻度脱水,发芽率有所上升,但含水量下降至17%以下,发芽率急剧下降,当含水量下降10%以下,发芽力完全丧失。由此可见,种子很可能是中间型种子。  相似文献   

钙对吸胀的绿豆种子脱水耐性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以绿豆种子为材料,研究了预吸胀种子脱水耐性的变化,以及Ca^2 处理对种子脱水耐性的影响。结果表明:绿豆种子的脱水耐性随预吸胀时间的延长而下降;Ca^2 预吸胀处理能提高种子的脱水耐性,适宜的Ca^2 浓度为20mmol/L;Ca^2 能修复预吸胀种子的脱水伤害,适宜的Ca^2 浓度为2.5~5mmol/L。  相似文献   

Mitochondrial repair is of fundamental importance for seed germination. When mature orthodox seeds are imbibed and germinated, they lose their desiccation tolerance in parallel. To gain a better understanding of this process, we studied the recovery of mitochondrial structure and function in pea (Pisum sativum cv. Jizhuang) seeds with different tolerance to desiccation. Mitochondria were isolated and purified from the embryo axes of control and imbibed-dehydrated pea seeds after (re-)imbibition for various times. Recovery of mitochondrial structure and function occurred both in control and imbibed-dehydrated seed embryo axes, but at different rates and to different maximum levels. The integrity of the outer mitochondrial membrane reached 96% in all treatments. However, only the seeds imbibed for 12 h and then dehydrated recovered the integrity of the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM) and State 3 (respiratory state in which substrate and ADP are present) respiration (with NADH and succinate as substrate) to the control level after re-imbibition. With increasing imbibition time, the degree to which each parameter recovered decreased in parallel with the decrease in desiccation tolerance. The tolerance of imbibed seeds to desiccation increased and decreased when imbibed in CaCl(2) and methylviologen solution, respectively, and the recovery of the IMM integrity similarly improved and weakened in these two treatments, respectively. Survival of seeds after imbibition-dehydration linearly increased with the increase in ability to recover the integrity of IMM and State 3 respiration, which indicates that recovery of mitochondrial structure and function during germination has an important role in seed desiccation tolerance.  相似文献   

Desiccation-tolerance in vegetative tissues of angiosperms hasa polyphyletic origin and could be due to 1) appropriation ofthe seed-specific program of gene expression that protects orthodoxseeds against desiccation, and/or 2) a sustainable version ofthe abiotic stress response. We tested these hypotheses by comparingmolecular and physiological data from the development of orthodoxseeds, the response of desiccation-sensitive plants to abioticstress, and the response of desiccation-tolerant plants to extremewater loss. Analysis of publicly-available gene expression dataof 35 LEA proteins and 68 anti-oxidant enzymes in the desiccation-sensitiveArabidopsis thaliana identified 13 LEAs and 4 anti-oxidantsexclusively expressed in seeds. Two (a LEA6 and 1-cys-peroxiredoxin)are not expressed in vegetative tissues in A. thaliana, buthave orthologues that are specifically activated in desiccatingleaves of Xerophyta humilis. A comparison of antioxidant enzymeactivity in two desiccation-sensitive species of Eragrostiswith the desiccation-tolerant E. nindensis showed equivalentresponses upon initial dehydration, but activity was retainedat low water content in E. nindensis only. We propose that theseantioxidants are housekeeping enzymes and that they are protectedfrom damage in the desiccation-tolerant species. Sucrose isconsidered an important protectant against desiccation in orthodoxseeds, and we show that sucrose accumulates in drying leavesof E. nindensis, but not in the desiccation-sensitive Eragrostisspecies. The activation of "seed-specific" desiccation protectionmechanisms (sucrose accumulation and expression of LEA6 and1-cys-peroxiredoxin genes) in the vegetative tissues of desiccation-tolerantplants points towards acquisition of desiccation tolerance fromseeds.  相似文献   

This study establishes a relationship between desiccation tolerance and the transfer of amphiphilic molecules from the cytoplasm into lipids during drying, using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy of amphiphilic spin probes introduced into imbibed radicles of pea (Pisum sativum) and cucumber (Cucumis sativa) seeds. Survival following drying and a membrane integrity assay indicated that desiccation tolerance was present during early imbibition and lost in germinated radicles. In germinated cucumber radicles, desiccation tolerance could be re-induced by an incubation in polyethylene glycol (PEG) before drying. In desiccation-intolerant radicles, partitioning of spin probes into lipids during dehydration occurred at higher water contents compared with tolerant and PEG-induced tolerant radicles. The difference in partitioning behavior between desiccation-tolerant and -intolerant tissues could not be explained by the loss of water. Consequently, using a two-phase model system composed of sunflower or cucumber oil and water, physical properties of the aqueous solvent that may affect the partitioning of amphiphilic spin probes were investigated. A significant relationship was found between the partitioning of spin probes and the viscosity of the aqueous solvent. Moreover, in desiccation-sensitive radicles, the rise in cellular microviscosity during drying commenced at higher water contents compared with tolerant or PEG-induced tolerant radicles, suggesting that the microviscosity of the cytoplasm may control the partitioning behavior in dehydrating seeds.  相似文献   

Desiccation tolerance (DT) in orthodox seeds is acquired during seed development and lost upon imbibition/germination, purportedly upon the resumption of DNA synthesis in the radicle cells. In the present study, flow cytometric analyses and visualization of microtubules (MTs) in radicle cells of seedlings of Medicago truncatula showed that up to a radicle length of 2 mm, there is neither DNA synthesis nor cell division, which were first detected in radicles with a length of 3 mm. However, DT started to be lost well before the resumption of DNA synthesis, when germinating seeds were dried back. By applying an osmotic treatment with polyethylene glycol (PEG) before dehydration, it was possible to re-establish DT in seedlings with a radicle up to 2 mm long. Dehydration of seedlings with a 2 mm radicle, with or without PEG treatment, caused disassembly of MTs and appearance of tubulin granules. Subsequent pre-humidification led to an almost complete disappearance of both MTs and tubulin granules. Upon rehydration, neither MTs nor tubulin granules were detected in radicle cells of untreated seedlings, while PEG-treated seedlings were able to reconstitute the microtubular cytoskeleton and continue their normal development. Dehydration of untreated seedlings also led to an apoptotic-like DNA fragmentation in radicle cells, while in PEG-treated seedlings DNA integrity was maintained. The results showed that for different cellular components, desiccation-tolerant seedlings may apply distinct strategies to survive dehydration, either by avoidance or further repair of the damages.  相似文献   

Bai X  Yang L  Tian M  Chen J  Shi J  Yang Y  Hu X 《PloS one》2011,6(6):e20714
The viability of recalcitrant seeds is lost following stress from either drying or freezing. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) resulting from uncontrolled metabolic activity are likely responsible for seed sensitivity to drying. Nitric oxide (NO) and the ascorbate-glutathione cycle can be used for the detoxification of ROS, but their roles in the seed response to desiccation remain poorly understood. Here, we report that desiccation induces rapid accumulation of H(2)O(2), which blocks recalcitrant Antiaris toxicaria seed germination; however, pretreatment with NO increases the activity of antioxidant ascorbate-glutathione pathway enzymes and metabolites, diminishes H(2)O(2) production and assuages the inhibitory effects of desiccation on seed germination. Desiccation increases the protein carbonylation levels and reduces protein S-nitrosylation of these antioxidant enzymes; these effects can be reversed with NO treatment. Antioxidant protein S-nitrosylation levels can be further increased by the application of S-nitrosoglutathione reductase inhibitors, which further enhances NO-induced seed germination rates after desiccation and reduces desiccation-induced H(2)O(2) accumulation. These findings suggest that NO reinforces recalcitrant seed desiccation tolerance by regulating antioxidant enzyme activities to stabilize H(2)O(2) accumulation at an appropriate concentration. During this process, protein carbonylation and S-nitrosylation patterns are used as a specific molecular switch to control antioxidant enzyme activities.  相似文献   

Recombinant sucrose-6-phosphate synthase (SpsA) was synthesized in Escherichia coli BL21DE3 by using the spsA gene of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803. Transformants exhibited a 10,000-fold increase in survival compared to wild-type cells following either freeze-drying, air drying, or desiccation over phosphorus pentoxide. The phase transition temperatures and vibration frequencies (P==O stretch) in phospholipids suggested that sucrose maintained membrane fluidity during cell dehydration.  相似文献   

Summary The use of somatic embryos from cell culture systems in the clonal propagation of plants would be greatly facilitated if the somatic embryos could be dried and stored in a dormant state similar to true seeds. A cell culture system was developed for alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) line RL34 which gave high yields of somatic embryos in an approximately synchronized pattern. These somatic embryos were treated with abscisic acid (ABA) at the cotyledonary stage of development to induce desiccation tolerance. With no visual preselection, approximately 60% of the dried embryos converted into plants upon reimbibition. When high quality embryos were selected prior to drying, 90 to 100% conversion rates were observed. The timing of the application of ABA in terms of embryo development was critical with an optimum being at cotyledonary stage spanning approximately 4 days; thus, synchronized embryo development is required for optimal expression in bulk samples. The vigor of the seedlings from dried somatic embryos was greater than those from embryos which had not been dried, but remained substantially lower than those from true seeds.  相似文献   

Acquisition of desiccation tolerance in soybeans   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The entry into a desiccation-tolerant state is a major developmental component of seed maturation. Development of desiccation tolerance of embryonic axes of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill cv. Chippewa 64] was studied by measuring changes in electrolyte leakage. germination and relative growth rate after axes were rapidly air-dried to various water contents. Axes acquired the full capacity for germination at 34 days after flowering (DAF). and reached physiological maturity (maximum dry weight) at 48 DAF. When dried to water content h = 0. 08 (g water g−1 dry weight). few axes germinated before 42 DAF. but more than 90% germinated after 48 DAF. However, electrolyte leakage of rehydrated axes showed a linear decline from 30 to 55 DAF. For developing axes there was a critical water content or desiccation threshold. which could be estimated by using the electrolyte leakage method. The threshold of desiccation tolerance decreased gradually from h = 1. 10 to 0. 18 as axes matured from 28 to 55 DAF. The development of desiccation tolerance continued after physiological maturity at 48 DAF. We conclude that the acquisition of desiccation tolerance of soybean axes is a gradual event, rather than an abrupt transition.  相似文献   

Action of endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) is absent in the ABA-deficient and -insensitive double mutant ( aba-1abi3–1 ) seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana . Thus, responses to osmotic stress and dehydration can be studied without interference of endogenous ABA. Seeds of this double mutunt are viable hut desiceation-intolerant. However, desiccation tolerance can he induced by either (1) slow dehydration of immature seeds; (2) treatment of immature seeds with osmotica or; (31 due to the leakiness of the ABA-insensitivty mutation, by application of exogenous ABA. Consequently it is concluded that either ABA or osmotic- or dehydration-stress and related gene expression meets the minimal requirements for acquisition of desiccation tolerance in seeds of Arabidopsis thalianna .  相似文献   

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