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Food color can be indicative of specific nutrients, and thus discrimination based on color can be a valuable foraging behavior. Several bird and fish species with carotenoid-based body ornamentation show color preferences for presumably carotenoid-rich red and orange foods. However, little is known within species about whether or not individuals with (or growing) more colorful ornaments show stronger food-color preferences than those with drabber coloration. Here, we examine food color preferences in house finches ( Carpodacus mexicanus ) – a species with sexually dichromatic and selected carotenoid coloration – as a function of sex and plumage coloration during molt. We captured wild, molting juvenile house finches over 4 wk in late summer/early fall, quantified the color and size of plumage ornaments being developed in males, and determined food color preference in captivity by presenting individuals with dyed sunflower chips (red, orange, yellow, and green). On average, finches showed an aversion to yellow-dyed chips and a preference for red- and green-colored chips. We found no significant difference between male and female preferences for specific food colors, and food color preference was not significantly related to male plumage ornamentation. However, we did find that redder birds demonstrated a higher degree of food selectivity, measured as the proportion of their preferred food color consumed. These results suggest that food color is not a major factor determining food choice in molting house finches, but that there still may be aspects of foraging behavior that are linked to the development of colorful plumage.  相似文献   

Fledging is a critical event in the avian breeding cycle, but remains unstudied in almost all species. As a result, little is known about factors that cause nestlings to leave nests. We documented fledging behavior in a box‐nesting population of Mountain Bluebirds (Sialia currucoides) using radio‐frequency identification. We attached a passive integrated transponder (PIT tag) to the leg of each nestling in 40 nests. An antenna checked for the presence of a transponder signal (i.e., a nestling) at nest‐box entrances every 2 s. The time of last detection of a nestling was taken as the time that nestling fledged. We found that fledging began when the oldest nestlings were 15–22 d old. Broods that were ahead in development, as measured by primary feather length, fledged at relatively younger ages. All nestlings fledged on the same day at 33 nests (83%) and over 2 d at remaining nests. When all nestlings fledged on the same day, fledging usually began in the morning and median time between the first and last fledging was 55 min (range = 2.3 min–10.6 h). When young fledged over 2 d, fledging always began >8 h after sunrise and usually just one nestling fledged the first day, suggesting that this fledging may have been accidental. Clutches in our population often hatch asynchronously, which sets up a hierarchy within broods in developmental state, size, and competitive ability. In such situations, fledging may be initiated by one of the most‐developed and hence most‐competitive nestlings in a brood, presumably when it reaches a certain threshold state of development. Alternatively, fledging may begin when a less‐developed, less‐competitive, and probably hungrier nestling leaves the nest, presumably to gain better access to food. We used the proportion of time that a nestling was able to occupy the nest‐box entrance late in the nestling stage, waiting to intercept parents with food, as an index of nestling competitive ability. Assuming that the number of nest entrance detections reliably indicates nestling competitive ability, we found that the most‐competitive nestling fledged first at over half of all nests, supporting the notion that fledging usually begins when oldest nestlings reach a threshold state of development.  相似文献   

Dichromatism in songbirds is often associated with polygyny and dimorphic parental investment, and is thought to arise via sexual selection. Northern cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis) are not only dichromatic but also monogamous and biparental, suggesting that plumage coloration in this species may serve different functions than in more typical dichromatic species. In order to explore the role of sexual selection in the evolution of plumage coloration in cardinals, we used reflectance spectrophotometry to investigate whether two carotenoid‐based ornaments, the male’s red breast and the female’s underwing coverts, contain information that potential mates or competitors could use to assess condition. We found that whereas coloration was not related to body condition (measured as the residual body mass from a regression of body mass on wing chord), more saturated carotenoid coloration was associated with higher heterophil to lymphocyte ratios in males, and with higher white blood cell counts in females. Thus, in both sexes, carotenoid coloration was positively linked to immune measures normally associated with higher levels of stress and infection. These results do not indicate that carotenoid‐based coloration functions as a signal of low levels of stress or disease in this species. We propose instead that because plumage coloration may be related to competitiveness, the more saturated individuals increase their risk of injury, stress, and infection by engaging in more competitive behavior or by secreting more testosterone, or both. Our finding that carotenoid pigmentation is positively associated in males with the size of the cloacal protuberance, an androgen‐sensitive sex character, supports this hypothesis.  相似文献   

The brilliant blue fruit color of Delarbrea michieana (F. Muell.) F. Muell. (Araliaceae), a Queensland understory rain forest tree, is caused by iridisomes (structures) in the epidermal cells that are produced beneath the cell wall and probably outside of the cytoplasm. Layers within these iridisomes are of such a thickness that they interfere constructively with light at 420-440 nm and produce the color. Such color production may aid in attracting mammals and large frugivorous birds (which may disperse the fruits) and may also allow ripe fruits to continue photosynthetic carbon assimilation.  相似文献   

Sexual selection theory posits that ornamental traits can evolve if they provide individuals with an advantage in securing multiple mates. That male ornamentation occurs in many bird species in which males pair with a single female is therefore puzzling. It has been proposed that extra-pair mating can substantially increase the variance in reproductive success among males in monogamous species, thus increasing the potential for sexual selection. We documented the frequency of extra-pair paternity and examined its effect on variation in male reproductive success in the mountain bluebird Sialia currucoides , a socially monogamous songbird in which males possess brilliant plumage ornamentation. Extra-pair paternity was common in our Wyoming study population, with 72% of broods containing at least one extra-pair offspring. The standardized variance in actual male reproductive success (i.e., the total number of within-pair and extra-pair offspring sired) was more than seven times higher than the variation in apparent success (i.e., success assuming that no extra-pair mating occurred). Success at siring within-pair and extra-pair offspring both contributed to the variation in overall male reproductive success. Within-pair success, however, did not predict a male's level of extra-pair success, suggesting that males do not sacrifice within-pair paternity to gain extra-pair paternity. Calculation of the sexual selection (Bateman) gradient showed that males sire approximately two additional offspring for each extra-pair mate that we identified. Thus, in this sexually dichromatic species, extra-pair mating increases the variance in male reproductive success and provides the potential for sexual selection to act.  相似文献   

There is mounting evidence that, across taxa, females breeding in competitive environments tend to allocate more testosterone to their offspring prenatally and these offspring typically have more aggressive and faster‐growing phenotypes. To date, no study has determined the mechanisms mediating this maternal effect's influence on offspring phenotype. However, levels of estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) gene expression are linked to differences in early growth and aggression; thus, maternal hormones may alter gene regulation, perhaps via DNA methylation, of ERα in offspring during prenatal development. We performed a pilot study to examine natural variation in testosterone allocation to offspring through egg yolks in wild Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis) in varying breeding densities and percent DNA methylation of CG dinucleotides in the ERα promoter in offspring brain regions associated with growth and behavior. We hypothesized that breeding density would be positively correlated with yolk testosterone, and prenatal exposure to maternal‐derived yolk testosterone would be associated with greater offspring growth and decreased ERα promoter methylation. Yolk testosterone concentration was positively correlated with breeding density, nestling growth rate, and percent DNA methylation of one out of five investigated CpG sites (site 3) in the diencephalon ERα promoter, but none in the telencephalon (n = 10). Percent DNA methylation of diencephalon CpG site 3 was positively correlated with growth rate. These data suggest a possible role for epigenetics in mediating the effects of the maternal environment on offspring phenotype. Experimentally examining this mechanism with a larger sample size in future studies may help elucidate a prominent way in which animals respond to their environment. Further, by determining the mechanisms that mediate maternal effects, we can begin to understand the potential for the heritability of these mechanisms and the impact that maternal effects are capable of producing at an evolutionary scale.  相似文献   

Evolutionary biologists have long debated the functional relevance of the ornamental traits that occur in many animal taxa, and yet, female ornaments have received relatively little attention compared to those produced by males. A greater understanding of these traits, particularly those that are unique to females, may shed light on the potential for sexual selection to shape female phenotypes. Recently, blue‐green eggshell colour, derived from the antioxidant pigment biliverdin, has been proposed as a candidate trait that advertises female quality to males in species of birds with biparental care. However, studies have been equivocal in their support for blue‐green eggshell colour being an informative signal, and correlations between eggshell colour and other female characteristics have been inconsistent. We conducted a supplementation experiment to test if improving the access of female birds to food resources and micronutrients, thereby improving their condition prior to egg laying, would intensify the blue‐green colouration of the eggs they laid. We provided mountain bluebirds Sialia currucoides with food and carotenoids during nest building and egg laying in two breeding seasons, and assessed both within‐ and among‐clutch variation in colour. Supplementation did not affect patterns of within‐clutch variation, but did result in differences in colour among clutches. Specifically, we found that food, but not carotenoids, resulted in higher colour saturation, and decreased the brightness of blue‐green eggshells. Although this trend was observed in both years, the effect was statistically significant only in one year. Our results suggest that food supplementation influences eggshell colour, but that conditions, such as weather and natural food availability, which can vary annually, may also determine how female birds allocate pigment to eggshells.  相似文献   

Many of the brilliant plumage coloration displays of birds function as signals to conspecifics. One species in which the function of plumage ornaments has been assessed is the Eastern bluebird (Sialia sialis). Studies of a population breeding in Alabama (USA) have established that plumage ornaments signal quality, parental investment, and competitive ability in both sexes. Here we tested the additional hypotheses that (1) Eastern bluebird plumage ornamentation signals nest defense behavior in heterospecific competitive interactions and (2) individual variation in plumage ornamentation reflects underlying differences in circulating hormone levels. We also tested the potential for plumage ornaments to signal individual quality and parental investment in a population breeding in Oklahoma (USA). We found that Eastern bluebirds with more ornamented plumage are in better condition, initiate breeding earlier in the season, produce larger clutches, have higher circulating levels of the stress hormone corticosterone, and more ornamented males have lower circulating androgen levels. Plumage coloration was not related to nest defense behavior. Thus, plumage ornamentation may be used by both sexes to assess the physiological condition and parental investment of prospective mates. Experimental manipulations of circulating hormone levels during molt are needed to define the role of hormones in plumage ornamentation.  相似文献   

Females in many bird species reportedly begin incubation prior to clutch completion, but the nature of such incubation and the degree to which it varies among females remains undescribed for almost all species. We used continuous recording of nest‐cup temperatures to document incubation effort during egg laying at 57 Mountain Bluebird (Sialia currucoides) nests in a high‐elevation Wyoming population. We then asked whether such effort predicted the degree to which eggs hatch asynchronously. Although substantial egg heating could begin abruptly late in laying (previously reported as the norm for this species) or even after clutch completion, we found that most (>90%) females began incubation gradually, engaging in a few (usually 1–8), brief (<10 min) bouts of heating on the day they laid their first or second egg. Thereafter, females varied markedly in when they increased incubation effort and by how much. The onset of nocturnal incubation also varied, with females beginning to incubate at night after laying their prepenultimate, penultimate, or last egg and not always initially incubating through the night. As an index of the total amount of heat applied to eggs during laying, we calculated the cumulative number of degrees by which nest‐cup temperatures exceeded the threshold temperature required for embryonic development. This value varied by more than 150‐fold between nests and explained >50% of the variation in hatching asynchrony. Our results thus provide strong support for the widely held, but rarely tested, assumption that parent birds can have substantial control over the degree of hatching asynchrony by varying the amount of incubation done prior to clutch completion.  相似文献   

白腹短翅鸲雄鸟的羽毛延迟成熟现象   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
20 0 3年 6月 ,在甘肃省莲花山自然保护区观察到白腹短翅鸲 (Hodgsoniusphaenicuroides)雄鸟的羽毛延迟成熟现象。研究发现 ,亚成体雄鸟体羽暗淡 ,为似雌鸟样的褐色 ,但仍然可以繁殖。声谱分析表明 ,成体雄鸟与亚成体雄鸟的鸣声结构非常相似 ,而且两者在巢址、巢材、窝卵数、卵色、卵大小等巢卵特征上也非常一致。通过对中国科学院动物研究所标本馆 1 1 7只白腹短翅鸲雄鸟标本的测量 ,发现成体雄鸟的翅长和尾长明显大于亚成体 (t 检验 ,P <0. 0 0 1 )。在 1 93 0年北平东陵同一繁殖季节采集的 1 0 8只雄鸟标本中 ,亚成体雄鸟所占的比例为 1 9%。  相似文献   

The signaling role of sexual ornaments that are displayed during the mating season is well known for many species, but dimorphisms that occur in the non‐breeding season have received much less attention, particularly when individuals only partially express their breeding condition during reproductively inactive periods. I assessed variation in the expression of colorful breeding and non‐breeding plumages in male American goldfinches (Carduelis tristis), a species in which males molt out of their colorful breeding ornaments in the fall but still display reduced carotenoid‐ and melanin‐based sexual dichromatism during the winter. I found that variability in the saturation of carotenoid‐based plumage pigmentation did not differ significantly between the breeding and non‐breeding seasons. Moreover, the area of melanin coloration in the cap was more variable in winter than when it is fully displayed during breeding. I also detected a significant positive correlation between the extent of melanin coloration during the winter and the saturation of non‐breeding carotenoid‐based plumage. Because of such variation in and correlated expression of these two color ornaments in winter, it is conceivable that male goldfinches display these hints of non‐breeding coloration for use as conspecific social or sexual signals. Natural selection pressures like predation and energetic demands are traditionally thought of as factors that restrict sex ornaments to breeding times alone, but this should not preclude animals from simply reducing their exaggerated features during winter and finding an expression optimum that balances signal costs and value. Such ‘remnant’ winter ornaments might be expected to evolve not only in animals that live in large non‐breeding groups (e.g. status‐signaling systems) but also in those where mates begin associating before breeding onset.  相似文献   

Results from our field studies of the satin bowerbird (Ptilonorhynchusviolaceus) suggest that females choose males as mates basedon their level of infection with the ectoparasite (Myrsideaptilonorhynchi: Menoponidae). We evaluated predictions fromthree hypotheses for why this pattern of choice might evolve.The bright male and correlated infection models both suggestthat females choose parasite free males because these malesare more likely to sire parasite resistant offspring. The brightmale hypothesis suggests that females are able to gauge infectionbased on plumage brightness. The correlated infection hypothesisclaims that females assess resistance to endoparasites througha correlated effect on ectoparasites. In the parasite avoidancemodel female choice is shaped by the proximate benefits of avoidinginfection. Six predictions from these models were tested usinginformation on patterns of infection in satin bowerbirds. Ofthese models the parasite avoidance model was best supportedby the available data.  相似文献   

The relationship between male parental care and paternity has been investigated in a number of avian species, but in many cases the influences of confounding factors, such as variation in male and territory quality, were not addressed. These sources of variation can be controlled for by making within-male comparisons between successive broods or within-brood comparisons between groups of fledglings in a divided brood. We studied the relationship between male parental care and paternity in the common yellowthroat ( Geothlypis trichas ) at three levels: between groups of fledglings in divided broods, between first and second broods of the same pair, and among all broods in the population. In this study we proposed three hypotheses: first, males in double-brooded pairs should provide relatively more parental care to broods in which they have higher paternity; secondly, after fledging and brood division, males should provide more care to related offspring; and finally, among all broods in the population, paternity should be related positively to male parental care. Brood division occurred in many of the broods studied; however, broods were not divided according to fledgling size or paternity. Furthermore, within divided broods, males fed within-pair and extra-pair fledglings at similar rates. For sequential broods of the same pair, male feeding rates were not associated with differences in paternity between broods. Among all broods in the population, males did not provide relatively less care to broods containing unrelated young. The lack of a relationship between male parental care and paternity suggests that either males cannot assess their paternity or the costs of reducing male parental care outweigh the benefits.  相似文献   

Although the function of ornamental traits in males has been the focus of intensive research for decades, expression of such traits in females has received much less study. Eastern bluebirds (Sialia sialis) display structurally based ultraviolet/blue and melanin-based chestnut plumage, and in males this plumage coloration is related to both reproductive success and competitive ability. Compared to males, female bluebirds show a subdued expression of blue and chestnut ornamental coloration, and we used a combination of an aviary nutritional-stress experiment and four years of field data to test the hypothesis that coloration functions as a signal of female quality. First, we tested the effect of food intake on expression of structural and melanin coloration in female eastern bluebirds to determine whether structural or melanin coloration are condition-dependent traits. Females that were given ad libitum access to food displayed more ornamented structural coloration than females on a food-restricted diet, but there was no effect of the experiment on melanin ornamentation. Second, we used field data to assess whether female ornamentation correlated with measures of mate quality and parental effort. The structural coloration of females predicted first egg date, maternal provisioning rates, and measures of reproductive success. These data indicate that structural coloration is dependent on nutritional condition and suggest that sexual selection is acting on structurally based plumage coloration in female eastern bluebirds.  相似文献   

The rufous colouring on the feathers of the under parts of adult bearded vultures Gypaetus barbatus , studied by scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis and X-ray diffraction analysis, is caused by an external deposit of iron oxide in the ferrihydrite state. Unstained feathers, e.g. in captive birds, are pure white. The feathers of young birds have similar coatings of iron oxide to those of adults, but because the feathers are pigmented pale to dark brown (dependent on age), the rusty colour is partly or totally obscured. The intensity of the colour in adult birds varies between individuals and within individuals with time; the more worn the feathers the more iron oxide they can hold. After heavy rainfall up to 30% of adult birds can become appreciably paler. Birds take about 6 days (range–9 days) to regain normal colouring. Iron oxide accumulates mainly in the axes of shafts and barbs, barbs and barbules and barbules and hamuli, and forms blob-like deposits at the ends of barbs and barbules on the outer layers of feathers. Iron oxide is probably acquired passively when bearded vultures come into contact with deposits in caves and on ledges on cliffs. The colour is then spread by preening. Iron oxide imparts camouflage to adult birds, but also reduces wear on the outer layer of feathers, makes feathers more rigid and probably helps control ectoparasites.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of presettlement forest restoration treatments on the nesting success of Western Bluebirds in ponderosa pine forests of northwestern Arizona, U.S.A. From 1998 to 2001 we monitored 97 active Western Bluebird nests, 41 in current‐condition untreated forest and 56 in restoration‐treated forest. We found no effect of restoration treatments on clutch size and little effect on the number of nestlings per nest. However, in treated forest stands number of fledglings per nest averaged 1.6 times greater, and probability of a nest surviving to successfully fledge at least one young was up to 4.2 times greater than in untreated forest. Probability of a nest succeeding averaged 0.39 ± 0.11 (SE) and 0.75 ± 0.06 from 1999 to 2001 in untreated and treated forests, respectively. In addition, in treated forest, average number of nests infested with the blowfly parasite Protocalliphora sialia was up to 4.3 times greater, and number of parasites per fledgling was up to 10.7 times greater than in untreated forest. Overall, the data suggest that in treated forest Western Bluebirds have a higher probability of successfully fledging young, but they are at greater risk of parasitic infestations, of which the ultimate effects on post‐fledging survival are unknown.  相似文献   

To study porcine melatonin secretion in a stable environment 3 daytime (10.00 – 15.00) and 3 nighttime (22.00 – 03.00) plasma samples were collected by jugular venipuncture from 15 gilts, 16 sows, 3 boars and 48 piglets (24 females and 24 males from 8 litters) and analysed for melatonin content. Nighttime melatonin concentrations were higher than daytime melatonin concentrations (p < 0.001), whereas no effect of sampling order could be discerned. The 3 adult Hampshire boars had higher melatonin concentrations during the day and the night, than the 31 adult Yorkshire females (p < 0.05). There was no clear difference between gilts and sows in plasma melatonin. The gilts from one of the litters had higher plasma melatonin concentrations than the gilts in 3 other litters (p < 0.05). Among the 48 piglets, the increase of nocturnal melatonin secretion differed between litters (p < 0.01), whereas the influence of father was not quite significant (p = 0.12). No difference in daytime melatonin concentrations between litters could be found, and there was no difference in melatonin levels between the male and female piglets. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that domestic pigs express a nocturnal increase of melatonin secretion in a standard stable environment. For some animals the amplitude of nighttime melatonin secretion was very low, although always higher than the daytime base levels. Furthermore, the levels of nighttime melatonin secretion differed between litters, which suggests a genetic background.  相似文献   

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