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Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains PA7 and Pa5196 glycosylate their type IVa pilins with α1,5-linked D-arabinofuranose (d-Araf), a rare sugar configuration identical to that found in cell wall polymers of the Corynebacterineae. Despite this chemical identity, the pathway for biosynthesis of α1,5-D-Araf in Gram-negative bacteria is unknown. Bioinformatics analyses pointed to a cluster of seven P. aeruginosa genes, including homologues of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis genes Rv3806c, Rv3790, and Rv3791, required for synthesis of a polyprenyl-linked d-ribose precursor and its epimerization to D-Araf. Pa5196 mutants lacking the orthologues of those genes had non-arabinosylated pilins, poor twitching motility, and significantly fewer surface pili than the wild type even in a retraction-deficient (pilT) background. The Pa5196 pilus system assembled heterologous non-glycosylated pilins efficiently, demonstrating that it does not require post-translationally modified subunits. Together the data suggest that pilins of group IV strains need to be glycosylated for productive subunit-subunit interactions. A recombinant P. aeruginosa PAO1 strain co-expressing the genes for d-Araf biosynthesis, the pilin modification enzyme TfpW, and the acceptor PilA(IV) produced arabinosylated pili, confirming that the Pa5196 genes identified are both necessary and sufficient. A P. aeruginosa epimerase knock-out could be complemented with the corresponding Mycobacterium smegmatis gene, demonstrating conservation between the systems of the Corynebacterineae and Pseudomonas. This work describes a novel Gram-negative pathway for biosynthesis of d-Araf, a key therapeutic target in Corynebacterineae.  相似文献   

The Pseudomonas aeruginosa inner membrane protein FimV is among several proteins of unknown function required for type IV pilus-mediated twitching motility, arising from extension and retraction of pili from their site of assembly in the inner membrane. The pili transit the periplasm and peptidoglycan (PG) layer, ultimately exiting the cell through the PilQ secretin. Although fimV mutants are nonmotile, they are susceptible to killing by pilus-specific bacteriophage, a hallmark of retractable surface pili. Here we show that levels of recoverable surface pili were markedly decreased in fimV pilT retraction-deficient mutants compared with levels in the pilT control, demonstrating that FimV acts at the level of pilus assembly. Levels of inner membrane assembly subcomplex proteins PilM/N/O/P were decreased in fimV mutants, but supplementation of these components in trans did not restore pilus assembly or motility. Loss of FimV dramatically reduced the levels of the PilQ secretin multimer through which pili exit the cell, in part due to decreased levels of PilQ monomers, while PilF pilotin levels were unchanged. Expression of pilQ in trans in the wild type or fimV mutants increased total PilQ monomer levels but did not alter secretin multimer levels or motility. PG pulldown assays showed that the N terminus of FimV bound PG in a LysM motif-dependent manner, and a mutant with an in-frame chromosomal deletion of the LysM motif had reduced motility, secretin levels, and surface piliation. Together, our data show that FimV's role in pilus assembly is to promote secretin formation and that this function depends upon its PG-binding domain.  相似文献   

The opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa expresses polar type IV pili (TFP), which are responsible for adhesion to various materials and twitching motility on surfaces. Twitching occurs by alternate extension and retraction of TFP, which arise from assembly and disassembly of pilin subunits at the base of the pilus. The ATPase PilB promotes pilin assembly, while the ATPase PilT or PilU or both promote pilin dissociation. Fluorescent fusions to two of the three ATPases (PilT and PilU) were functional, as shown by complementation of the corresponding mutants. PilB and PilT fusions localized to both poles, while PilU fusions localized only to the piliated pole. To identify the portion of the ATPases required for localization, sequential C-terminal deletions of PilT and PilU were generated. The conserved His and Walker B boxes were dispensable for polar localization but were required for twitching motility, showing that localization and function could be uncoupled. Truncated fusions that retained polar localization maintained their distinctive distribution patterns. To dissect the cellular factors involved in establishing polarity, fusion protein localization was monitored with a panel of TFP mutants. The localization of yellow fluorescent protein (YFP)-PilT and YFP-PilU was independent of the subunit PilA, other TFP ATPases, and TFP-associated proteins previously shown to be associated with the membrane or exhibiting polar localization. In contrast, YFP-PilB exhibited diffuse cytoplasmic localization in a pilC mutant, suggesting that PilC is required for polar localization of PilB. Finally, localization studies performed with fluorescent ATPase chimeras of PilT and PilU demonstrated that information responsible for the characteristic localization patterns of the ATPases likely resides in their N termini.  相似文献   

Pilin assembly into type IV pili is required for virulence by bacterial pathogens that cause diseases such as cholera, pneumonia, gonorrhea, and meningitis. Crystal structures of soluble, N-terminally truncated pilin from Vibrio cholera toxin-coregulated pilus (TCP) and full-length PAK pilin from Pseudomonas aeruginosa reveal a novel TCP fold, yet a shared architecture for the type IV pilins. In each pilin subunit a conserved, extended, N-terminal alpha helix wrapped by beta strands anchors the structurally variable globular head. Inside the assembled pilus, characterized by cryo-electron microscopy and crystallography, the extended hydrophobic alpha helices make multisubunit contacts to provide mechanical strength and flexibility. Outside, distinct interactions of adaptable heads contribute surface variation for specificity of pilus function in antigenicity, motility, adhesion, and colony formation.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa uses type IV pili to colonize various materials and for surface-associated twitching motility. We previously identified five phylogenetically distinct alleles of pilA in P. aeruginosa, four of which occur in genetic cassettes with specific accessory genes (J. V. Kus, E. Tullis, D. G. Cvitkovitch, and L. L. Burrows, Microbiology 150:1315-1326, 2004). Each of the five pilin alleles, with and without its associated pilin accessory gene, was used to complement a group II PAO1 pilA mutant. Expression of group I or IV pilA genes restored twitching motility to the same extent as the PAO1 group II pilin. In contrast, poor twitching resulted from complementation with group III or group V pilA genes but increased significantly when the cognate tfpY or tfpZ accessory genes were cointroduced. The enhanced motility was linked to an increase in recoverable surface pili and not to alterations in total pilin pools. Expression of the group III or V pilins in a PAO1 pilA-pilT double mutant yielded large amounts of surface pili, regardless of the presence of the accessory genes. Therefore, poor piliation in the absence of the TfpY and TfpZ accessory proteins results from a net increase in PilT-mediated retraction. Similar phenotypes were observed for tfpY single and tfpY-pilT double knockout mutants of group III strain PA14. A PilAV-TfpY chimera produced few surface pili, showing that the accessory proteins are specific for their cognate pilin. The genetic linkage between specific pilin and accessory genes may be evolutionarily conserved because the accessory proteins increase pilus expression on the cell surface, thereby enhancing function.  相似文献   

Type IV pili (T4P) are retractile appendages that contribute to the virulence of bacterial pathogens. PilF is a Pseudomonas aeruginosa lipoprotein that is essential for T4P biogenesis. Phenotypic characterization of a pilF mutant confirmed that T4P-mediated functions are abrogated: T4P were no longer present on the cell surface, twitching motility was abolished, and the mutant was resistant to infection by T4P retraction-dependent bacteriophage. The results of cellular fractionation studies indicated that PilF is the outer membrane pilotin required for the localization and multimerization of the secretin, PilQ. Mutation of the putative PilF lipidation site untethered the protein from the outer membrane, causing secretin assembly in both inner and outer membranes. T4P-mediated twitching motility and bacteriophage susceptibility were moderately decreased in the lipidation site mutant, while cell surface piliation was substantially reduced. The tethering of PilF to the outer membrane promotes the correct localization of PilQ and appears to be required for the formation of stable T4P. Our 2.0-Å structure of PilF revealed a superhelical arrangement of six tetratricopeptide protein-protein interaction motifs that may mediate the contacts with PilQ during secretin assembly. An alignment of pseudomonad PilF sequences revealed three highly conserved surfaces that may be involved in PilF function.  相似文献   

Type IV pili (TFP) play central roles in the expression of many phenotypes including motility, multicellular behavior, sensitivity to bacteriophages, natural genetic transformation, and adherence. In Neisseria gonorrhoeae, these properties require ancillary proteins that act in conjunction with TFP expression and influence organelle dynamics. Here, the intrinsic contributions of the pilin protein itself to TFP dynamics and associated phenotypes were examined by expressing the Pseudomonas aeruginosa PilA(PAK) pilin subunit in N. gonorrhoeae. We show here that, although PilA(PAK) pilin can be readily assembled into TFP in this background, steady-state levels of purifiable fibers are dramatically reduced relative those of endogenous pili. This defect is due to aberrant TFP dynamics as it is suppressed in the absence of the PilT pilus retraction ATPase. Functionally, PilA(PAK) pilin complements gonococcal adherence for human epithelial cells but only in a pilT background, and this property remains dependent on the coexpression of both the PilC adhesin and the PilV pilin-like protein. Since P. aeruginosa pilin only moderately supports neisserial sequence-specific transformation despite its assembly proficiency, these results together suggest that PilA(PAK) pilin functions suboptimally in this environment. This appears to be due to diminished compatibility with resident proteins essential for TFP function and dynamics. Despite this, PilA(PAK) pili support retractile force generation in this background equivalent to that reported for endogenous pili. Furthermore, PilA(PAK) pili are both necessary and sufficient for bacteriophage PO4 binding, although the strain remains phage resistant. Together, these findings have significant implications for TFP biology in both N. gonorrhoeae and P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

Type IV pili (T4P) are long, thin, flexible filaments on bacteria that undergo assembly-disassembly from inner membrane pilin subunits and exhibit astonishing multifunctionality. Neisseria gonorrhoeae (gonococcal or GC) T4P are prototypic virulence factors and immune targets for increasingly antibiotic-resistant human pathogens, yet detailed structures are unavailable for any T4P. Here, we determined a detailed experimental GC-T4P structure by quantitative fitting of a 2.3 A full-length pilin crystal structure into a 12.5 A resolution native GC-T4P reconstruction solved by cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) and iterative helical real space reconstruction. Spiraling three-helix bundles form the filament core, anchor the globular heads, and provide strength and flexibility. Protruding hypervariable loops and posttranslational modifications in the globular head shield conserved functional residues in pronounced grooves, creating a surprisingly corrugated pilus surface. These results clarify T4P multifunctionality and assembly-disassembly while suggesting unified assembly mechanisms for T4P, archaeal flagella, and type II secretion system filaments.  相似文献   

Type IV pili (Tfp) play a critical role in the pathogenic lifestyle of Neisseria meningitidis and N. gonorrhoeae, notably by facilitating bacterial attachment to human cells, but our understanding of their biogenesis, during which the fibres are assembled in the periplasm, then emerge onto the cell surface and are stabilized, remains fragmentary. We therefore sought to identify the genes required for Tfp formation in N. meningitidis by screening a genome-wide collection of mutants for those that were unable to form aggregates, another phenotype mediated by these organelles. Fifteen proteins, of which only seven were previously characterized, were found to be essential for Tfp biogenesis. One novel component, named PilW, was studied in more detail. We found that PilW is an outer-membrane protein necessary for the stabilization of the fibres but not for their assembly or surface localization, because Tfp could be restored on the surface in a pilW mutant by a mutation in the twitching motility gene pilT. However, Tfp-linked properties, including adherence to human cells, were not restored in a pilW/T mutant, which suggests that PilW is also essential for the functionality of the fibres. Together with the finding that PilW is important for the stability of PilQ multimers, our results extend the current model for Tfp biogenesis by suggesting that a multiprotein machinery in the outer-membrane is involved in the terminal stage of Tfp biogenesis during which growing fibres are not only stabilized, but also become perfectly functional.  相似文献   

A method and apparatus for automated measurement of the concentration dependence of static light scattering of protein solutions over a broad range of concentrations is described. The gradient of protein concentrations is created by successive dilutions of an initially concentrated solution contained within the scattering measurement cell, which is maintained at constant total volume. The method is validated by measurement of the concentration dependence of light scattering of bovine serum albumin, ovalbumin, and ovomucoid at concentrations up to 130 g/L. The experimentally obtained concentration dependence of scattering obtained from all three proteins is quantitatively consistent with the assumption that no significant self-association occurs over the measured range of concentrations.  相似文献   

The type IV pilus filament of Myxococcus xanthus penetrates the outer membrane through a gated channel--the PilQ secretin. Assembly of the channel and formation of PilQ multimeric complexes that resist disassembly in heated detergent is correlated with the release of a 50 kDa fragment of PilQ. Tgl lipoprotein is required for PilQ assembly in M. xanthus, because PilQ monomers but no heat and detergent-resistant complexes are present in a strain from which tgl has been deleted. PilQ protein is often found in single patches at both poles of the cell. Tgl, however, is found in a patch at only one pole that most likely identifies the piliated cell pole. Tgl protein that has been transferred from another cell by contact stimulation leads to secretin assembly in the recipient. Pilus proteins PilQ, PilG, PilM, PilN, PilO and PilP are also required for the donation of Tgl by contact stimulation to a stimulation recipient. We suggest that these proteins are parts of a polar superstructure that holds PilQ monomers in a cluster and ready for Tgl to bring about secretin assembly.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a major cause of nosocomial infections, particularly in immunocompromised patients or in individuals with cystic fibrosis. The notable ability of P. aeruginosa to inhabit a broad range of environments, including humans, is in part due to its large and diverse genomic repertoire. The genomes of most strains contain a significant number of large and small genomic islands, including those carrying virulence determinants (pathogenicity islands). The pathogenicity island PAPI-1 of strain PA14 is a cluster of 115 genes, and some have been shown to be responsible for virulence phenotypes in a number of infection models. We have previously demonstrated that PAPI-1 can be transferred to other P. aeruginosa strains following excision from the chromosome of the donor. Here we show that PAPI-1 is transferred into recipient P. aeruginosa by a conjugative mechanism, via a type IV pilus, encoded in PAPI-1 by a 10-gene cluster which is closely related to the genes in the enterobacterial plasmid R64. We also demonstrate that the precursor of the major pilus subunit, PilS2, is processed by the chromosomally encoded prepillin peptidase PilD but not its paralog FppA. Our results suggest that the pathogenicity island PAPI-1 may have evolved by acquisition of a conjugation system but that because of its dependence on an essential chromosomal determinant, its transfer is restricted to P. aeruginosa or other species capable of providing a functional prepilin peptidase.The genomes of a number of microorganisms, primarily those that have a capability of changing and adapting to a wide range of environments, evolve by acquisition of novel genetic information in blocks of genes via a process referred to as horizontal gene transfer (HGT). Other bacterial species change their genetic repertoire minimally, principally those that have adapted to a particular environment and, in the case of pathogenic bacteria, to a specific host. For HGT-mediated acquisition of genes to occur, a recipient has to be in an environment where donor genetic material is available, such as different strains of the same species cohabitating a shared niche or growing in a large and diverse community of several hundred different microorganisms. Moreover, for bacteria to become successful recipients of foreign genetic material, they have to posses one of three mechanisms of HGT: natural competence for uptake of foreign DNA (transformation), the ability to be infected by transducing bacteriophages (transduction), or serving as recipients during conjugation of plasmids or mobilized chromosomal DNA (conjugation). Acquired genetic material can consist of individual genes, where they recombine into homologous sequences in the recipient genome and thus increase the genetic diversity. However, large blocks of hundreds of contiguous genes in elements called genomic islands can be also transferred between bacteria, allowing the recipient microorganisms to acquire a number of new traits by a single HGT event.Previous studies comparing genomes of the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa pointed toward HGT as an important factor in its evolution (23). The genomes of all strains sequenced to date contain a significant fraction of horizontally acquired genes, in genomic islands and prophages, consisting of a few to several hundred. These islands can be recognized by the presence of certain signature features, such as an atypical nucleotide composition relative to the rest of the genome, location within predicted sites of chromosomal integration (att sites), and the presence of genes encoding bacteriophages and conjugation machineries. We have recently demonstrated that PAPI-1, a large P. aeruginosa genomic (pathogenicity) island, can be excised from its tRNA att site and that a copy can be transferred into a recipient, where it integrates into the same tRNA gene (27). Inspection of the genes in PAPI-1 and features of the transfer process, namely, an integrase-dependent excision and formation of a circular intermediate, suggested that PAPI-1 is an integrative and conjugative element and that it is likely transferred by a conjugative mechanism.Here we extended our analysis of PAPI-1 by testing its transfer from a preselected group of P. aeruginosa PA14 mutants with insertions in each of the genes on the island. Among those mutants that were defective in PAPI-1 transfer, one group of genes encode homologs of type IV pilus proteins. While type IV pili have been found to be involved primarily in bacterial adhesion and twitching motility (24), the PAPI-1-encoded pilus is closely related to the conjugative apparatus of plasmid R64 (14). Moreover, we show that an essential posttranslational modification reaction, converting the precursor of the major pilin subunit encoded in PAPI-1 into a mature protein, is carried out by an enzyme encoded in the chromosome of the donor cells. The acquisition and adaptation of groups of genes and subsequent loss of an essential function may represent a novel evolutionary strategy, limiting horizontal transfer to a specific bacterial species.  相似文献   

One of the main obstacles in the development of a vaccine against Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the requirement that it is protective against a wide range of virulent strains. We have developed a synthetic-peptide consensus-sequence vaccine (Cs1) that targets the host receptor-binding domain (RBD) of the type IV pilus of P. aeruginosa. Here, we show that this vaccine provides increased protection against challenge by the four piliated strains that we have examined (PAK, PAO, KB7 and P1) in the A.BY/SnJ mouse model of acute P. aeruginosa infection. To further characterize the consensus sequence, we engineered Cs1 into the PAK monomeric pilin protein and determined the crystal structure of the chimeric Cs1 pilin to 1.35 Å resolution. The substitutions (T130K and E135P) used to create Cs1 do not disrupt the conserved backbone conformation of the pilin RBD. In fact, based on the Cs1 pilin structure, we hypothesize that the E135P substitution bolsters the conserved backbone conformation and may partially explain the immunological activity of Cs1. Structural analysis of Cs1, PAK and K122-4 pilins reveal substitutions of non-conserved residues in the RBD are compensated for by complementary changes in the rest of the pilin monomer. Thus, the interactions between the RBD and the rest of the pilin can either be mediated by polar interactions of a hydrogen bond network in some strains or by hydrophobic interactions in others. Both configurations maintain a conserved backbone conformation of the RBD. Thus, the backbone conformation is critical in our consensus-sequence vaccine design and that cross-reactivity of the antibody response may be modulated by the composition of exposed side-chains on the surface of the RBD. This structure will guide our future vaccine design by focusing our investigation on the four variable residue positions that are exposed on the RBD surface.  相似文献   

Particle selection over a broad size range by crustacean zooplankton   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. Preferences for particles over a broad size range were assessed in four crustacean zooplankton species under field conditions. The particles employed were six spherical algae with diameters of 2, 6, 13, 19, 38 and 61 μm. 2. Diaphanosoma brachyurum and Daphnia cucullata preferred the two smallest particles, Chydorus sphaericus the three smallest and Eudiaptomus gracilis the 19 μm particle. 3. These size preferences agree well with earlier determinations based on seston particles in the same lake, indicating consistent size preferences by these species over a broad size range.  相似文献   

A total of 37 separate mutants containing single and multiple amino acid substitutions in the leader and amino-terminal conserved region of the Type IV pilin from Pseudomonas aeruginosa were generated by oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis. The effect of these substitutions on the secretion, processing, and assembly of the pilin monomers into mature pili was examined. The majority of substitutions in the highly conserved amino-terminal region of the pilin monomer had no effect on piliation. Likewise, substitution of several of the residues within the six amino acid leader sequence did not affect secretion and leader cleavage (processing), including replacement of one or both of the positively charged lysine residues with uncharged or negatively charged amino acids. One characteristic of the Type IV pili is the presence of an amino-terminal phenylalanine after leader peptide cleavage which is N-methylated prior to assembly of pilin monomers into pili. Substitution of the amino-terminal phenylalanine with a number of other amino acids, including polar, hydrophobic, and charged residues, did not affect proper leader cleavage and subsequent assembly into pili. Amino-terminal sequencing showed that the majority of substitute residues were also methylated. Substitution of the glycine residue at the -1 position to the cleavage site resulted in the inability to cleave the prepilin monomers and blocked the subsequent assembly of monomers into pili. These results indicate that despite the high degree of conservation in the amino-terminal sequences of the Type IV pili, N-methylphenylalanine at the +1 position relative to the leader peptide cleavage site is not strictly required for pilin assembly. N-Methylation of the amino acids substituted for phenylalanine was shown to have taken place in four of the five mutants tested, but it remains unclear as to whether pilin assembly is dependent on this modification. Recognition and proper cleavage of the prepilin by the leader peptidase appears to be dependent only on the glycine residue at the -1 position. Cell fractionation experiments demonstrated that pilin isolated from mutants deficient in prepilin processing and/or assembly was found in both inner and outer membrane fractions, indistinguishable from the results seen with the wild type.  相似文献   

Production of type IV bundle-forming pili (BFP) by enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) requires the protein products of 12 genes of the 14-gene bfp operon. Antisera against each of these proteins were used to demonstrate that in-frame deletion of individual genes within the operon reduces the abundance of other bfp operon-encoded proteins. This result was demonstrated not to be due to downstream polar effects of the mutations but rather was taken as evidence for protein-protein interactions and their role in the stabilization of the BFP assembly complex. These data, combined with the results of cell compartment localization studies, suggest that pilus formation requires the presence of a topographically discrete assembly complex that is composed of BFP proteins in stoichiometric amounts. The assembly complex appears to consist of an inner membrane component containing three processed, pilin-like proteins, BfpI, -J, and -K, that localize with BfpE, -L, and -A (the major pilin subunit); an outer membrane, secretin-like component, BfpB and -G; and a periplasmic component composed of BfpU. Of these, only BfpL consistently localizes with both the inner and outer membranes and thus, together with BfpU, may articulate between the Bfp proteins in the inner membrane and outer membrane compartments.  相似文献   

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