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至少上溯至《神农本草经》,我国已具备了有据可查的较为系统的植物分类编目,惟古代的植物分类编目及发展主要依循本草学传统,偏重于药用、饮食、园林布景等现实用途,终未形成现代意义上的系统科学分类,以致在近代落后于西方.文中较全面地回顾了我国植物分类编目的历史,综合比较了现在省级行政区的地方植物志和国家植物志等情况,并结合现在已完成的植物志编研过程中的问题,对我国未来的植物分类编目提出了展望.同时在文中指出了现在国内许多自然保护区以及其他建设项目的环境评价中涉及的植物调查编目缺乏标本凭证的现象,强调了植物分类编目过程中凭证标本的重要性.  相似文献   

中国植物激素研究:过去、现在和未来   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
为了迎接2006年10月在北京召开的“植物激素与绿色革命”香山会议,使其更具影响力,本刊组织了一期“植物激素专辑”。本文作为此专辑的序言,对我国在该领域研究作了概述和评论,以帮助读者全面地了解我国在该领域的研究历史、现状和未来发展趋势。本文回顾了中国植物激素研究在二十世纪八十年代之前的工作发展历程中的重要成果,主要集中在生理学研究方面的成果。随着植物分子遗传学技术与原理的不断成熟以及我国经济的飞速发展,特别是研究队伍的迅速成长,我国科学家近年来在植物激素代谢调控、转运及激素信号转导等领域取得了重要进展,特别是激素受体基因分离鉴定、激素控制株型以及激素间的相互作用等方面取得的突破性进展。基于国际植物激素总体研究前沿和我国优势领域,我们展望提出了我国在植物激素研究领域的未来发展方向与趋势。  相似文献   

植物发育是指从种子萌发经过营养生长、开花与花器官发育、受精结果形成新一代的有序过程。每一个时期具有复杂的代谢和基因表达与调控网络。过去的数 10年中我国在该领域的研究取得了许多重要的进展 ,特别是近 10年来发育生物学已经从以往的以描述为主要特征发展到在分子水平上阐明发育控制的机理。花器官的发育研究是发育生物学研究最具突破性的领域 ,开花和营养器官的发育已经成为新的研究热点。本文按照植物发育的时间顺序 ,回顾了我国发育生物学若干重要领域的重要研究进展 ,并展望了基因组时代给发育生物学研究带来的新的机遇和研究平台  相似文献   

植物发育是指从种子萌发经过营养生长、开花与花器官发育、受精结果形成新一代的有序过程.每一个时期具有复杂的代谢和基因表达与调控网络.过去的数10年中我国在该领域的研究取得了许多重要的进展,特别是近10年来发育生物学已经从以往的以描述为主要特征发展到在分子水平上阐明发育控制的机理.花器官的发育研究是发育生物学研究最具突破性的领域,开花和营养器官的发育已经成为新的研究热点.本文按照植物发育的时间顺序,回顾了我国发育生物学若干重要领域的重要研究进展,并展望了基因组时代给发育生物学研究带来的新的机遇和研究平台.  相似文献   

中国植物激素研究: 过去、现在和未来   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
许智宏  李家洋 《植物学报》2006,23(5):433-442
为了迎接2006年10月在北京召开的“植物激素与绿色革命”香山会议, 使其更具影响力, 本刊组织了一期“植物激素专辑”。本文作为此专辑的序言, 对我国在该领域研究作了概述和评论, 以帮助读者全面地了解我国在该领域的研究历史、现状和未来发展趋势。本文回顾了中国植物激素研究在二十世纪八十年代之前的工作发展历程中的重要成果, 主要集中在生理学研究方面的成果。随着植物分子遗传学技术与原理的不断成熟以及我国经济的飞速发展, 特别是研究队伍的迅速成长, 我国科学家近年来在植物激素代谢调控、转运及激素信号转导等领域取得了重要进展, 特别是激素受体基因分离鉴定、激素控制株型以及激素间的相互作用等方面取得的突破性进展。基于国际植物激素总体研究前沿和我国优势领域, 我们展望提出了我国在植物激素研究领域的未来发展方向与趋势。  相似文献   

Chromaffin cells are neuroendocrine cells mainly found in the medulla of the adrenal gland. Most existing knowledge of these cells has been the outcome of extensive research performed in animals, mainly in the cow, cat, mouse and rat. However, some insight into the physiology of this neuroendocrine cell in humans has been gained. This review summarizes the main findings reported in human chromaffin cells under physiological or disease conditions and discusses the clinical implications of these results.  相似文献   

Reflections on Plant and Soil Nematode Ecology: Past,Present and Future   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this review is to highlight key developments in nematode ecology from its beginnings to where it stands today as a discipline within nematology. Emerging areas of research appear to be driven by crop production constraints, environmental health concerns, and advances in technology. In contrast to past ecological studies which mainly focused on management of plant-parasitic nematodes, current studies reflect differential sensitivity of nematode faunae. These differences, identified in both aquatic and terrestrial environments include response to stressors, environmental conditions, and management practices. Methodological advances will continue to influence the role nematodes have in addressing the nature of interactions between organisms, and of organisms with their environments. In particular, the C. elegans genetic model, nematode faunal analysis and nematode metagenetic analysis can be used by ecologists generally and not restricted to nematologists.  相似文献   



Integrons are versatile gene acquisition systems commonly found in bacterial genomes. They are ancient elements that are a hot spot for genomic complexity, generating phenotypic diversity and shaping adaptive responses. In recent times, they have had a major role in the acquisition, expression, and dissemination of antibiotic resistance genes. Assessing the ongoing threats posed by integrons requires an understanding of their origins and evolutionary history. This review examines the functions and activities of integrons before the antibiotic era. It shows how antibiotic use selected particular integrons from among the environmental pool of these elements, such that integrons carrying resistance genes are now present in the majority of Gram-negative pathogens. Finally, it examines the potential consequences of widespread pollution with the novel integrons that have been assembled via the agency of human antibiotic use and speculates on the potential uses of integrons as platforms for biotechnology.  相似文献   

Endocytosis may have been a driving force behind the evolution of eukaryotic cells. It plays critical roles in cell biology (e.g., signal transduction) and in organismal physiology (e.g., tissue morphogenesis).Endocytosis, the process of cellular ingestion, may have been the driving force behind evolution of the eucaryotic cell (de Duve 2007). Acquiring the ability to internalize macromolecules and digest them intracellularly would have allowed primordial cells to move out from their food sources and pursue a predatory existence; one that might have led to the development of endosymbiotic relationships with mitochondria and plastids. Thus, it is fitting that endocytosis was first discovered and named as the processes of cell “eating” and “drinking.” In 1883, the developmental biologist Ilya Metchnikoff coined the term phagocytosis, from the Greek “phagos” (to eat) and “cyte” (cell), after observing motile cells in transparent starfish larva surround and engulf small splinters that he had inserted (Tauber 2003). Decades later, in 1931, Warren H. Lewis, one of the earliest cell “cinematographers” coined the term pinocytosis, from the Greek “pinean” (to drink), after observing the uptake of surrounding media into large vesicles in cultured macrophages, sarcoma cells, and fibroblasts by time-lapse imaging (Lewis 1931; Corner 1967).Importantly, these pioneering studies also revealed that the function of endocytosis goes well beyond eating and drinking. Indeed, Metchnikoff, considered one of the founders of modern immunology, realized that the phagocytic behavior of the mesodermal amoeboid cells he had observed under the microscope could serve as a general defense system against invasive parasites, in the larva as in man. This revolutionary concept, termed the phagocytic theory, earned Metchnikoff the 1908 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on phagocytic immunity, which he shared with Paul Ehrlich who discovered the complementary mechanisms of humoral immunity that led to the identification of antibodies (Vaughan 1965; Tauber 2003; Schmalstieg and Goldman 2008). The phagocytic theory was a milestone in immunology and cell biology, and formally gave birth to the field of endocytosis.Key discoveries over the intervening years, aided in large part by the advent of electron microscopy, revealed multiple pathways for endocytosis in mammalian cells that fulfill multiple critical cellular functions (Fig. 1). These mechanistically and morphologically distinct pathways, and their discoverers, include clathrin-mediated endocytosis (Roth and Porter 1964), caveolae uptake (Palade 1953; Yamada 1955), cholesterol-sensitive clathrin- and caveolae-independent pathways (Moya et al. 1985; Hansen et al. 1991; Lamaze et al. 2001), and, more recently, the large capacity CLIC/GEEC pathway (Kirkham et al. 2005). In place of Metchnikoff’s splinters, many of these discoveries resulted from the detection and tracking of internalized HRP-, ferritin-, or gold-conjugated ligands by electron microscopy. These electron-dense tracers allowed researchers to identify cellular structures associated with the uptake and intracellular sorting of receptor-bound ligands. A particularly striking example is the pioneering work of Roth and Porter, who in 1964 observed the uptake of yolk proteins into mosquito oocytes. To synchronize uptake, they killed female mosquitos at timed intervals after a blood feed and observed the sequential appearance of electron-dense yolk granules in coated pits, coated and uncoated vesicles, and progressively larger vesicles. Their remarkable observations accurately described coated vesicle budding, uncoating, homo- and heterotypic fusion events, as well as the emergence of tubules from early endosomes (Fig. 2), all of which are now known hallmarks of the early endocytic trafficking events.Open in a separate windowFigure 1.Time line for discoveries of endocytic pathways and their discoverers. Boxes are color-coded by pathway. *, Nobel laureate. HRP, horseradish peroxidase; CCVs, clathrin-coated vesicles; CCPs, clathrin-coated pits; EGFR, epidermal growth factor receptor; PM, plasma membrane; ER, endoplasmic reticulum; CLIC/GEEC, clathrin-independent carriers/GPI-enriched endocytic compartments.Open in a separate windowFigure 2.Fiftieth anniversary of the discovery of clathrin-mediated endocytosis by Roth and Porter (1964). The image is the hand-drawn summary of observations made by electron microscopic examination of the trafficking of yolk proteins in a mosquito oocyte. Note the many details, later confirmed and mechanistically studied over the intervening 50 years. These include the growth, invagination, and pinching off of coated pits (1,2), which concentrate cargo taken up by coated vesicles (3), the rapid uncoating of nascent-coated vesicles (4), homotypic fusion of nascent endocytic vesicles in the cell periphery (5), the formation of tubules from early endosomes (7), and changes in the intraluminal properties of larger endosomes (6). Finally, yolk proteins are stored in granules as crystalline bodies (8). (From Roth and Porter 1964; reprinted, with express permission, from Rockefeller University Press © 1964, The Journal of Cell Biology 20: 313–332, doi: 10.1083/jcb.20.2.313.)Another milestone in the field of endocytosis was the discovery of the lysosome by Christian de Duve (Appelmans et al. 1955). Whereas the finding of phagocytosis and other endocytic pathways was possible through microscopy, the discovery of lysosomes originated from a biochemical approach (Courtoy 2007), which benefited from the invention of the ultracentrifuge. de Duve and coworkers observed that preparations of acid phosphatase obtained by subcellular fractionation had an unusual behavior: contrary to most enzymatic activities, the activity of acid phosphatase increased rather than decreased with time, freezing–thawing of the fractions and the presence of detergents. Interestingly, the same was true for other hydrolases, which depended on acidic pH for their optimal activity. This led him to postulate that the acid hydrolases were contained in acidified membrane-bound vesicles. In collaboration with Alex Novikoff, he visualized these vesicles, the lysosomes, by electron microscopy (Beaufay et al. 1956) and later showed their content of acid phosphatase (Farquhar et al. 1972). In 1974, de Duve was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for his seminal finding of the lysosomes and peroxisomes. He shared it with Albert Claude and George E. Palade “for their discoveries concerning the structural and functional organization of the cell.” The importance of this work lies also in the significant therapeutic applications that followed. The discovery by Elizabeth Neufeld and collaborators of uptake of lysosomal enzymes by cells provided the foundation for enzyme replacement therapy for lysosomal storage disorders (Neufeld 2011).In the 1970s, research in endocytosis entered the molecular era. Using de Duve and Albert Claude-like methods of subcellular fractionation, Barbara M. Pearse purified clathrin-coated vesicles from pig brain (Pearse 1975). A year later, she isolated a major protein species of 180 kDa, which she named clathrin “to indicate the lattice-like structures which it forms” (Pearse 1976). It was a breakthrough that inaugurated the molecular dissection of clathrin-mediated endocytosis.Over the intervening years, the continued application of microscopy (which now spans from electron cryotomography to live cell, high-resolution fluorescence microscopy), genetics (in particular, in yeast, Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster), biochemistry (including cell-free reconstitution of endocytic membrane trafficking events), as well as molecular and structural biology have revealed a great deal about the cellular machineries and mechanisms that govern trafficking along the endocytic pathway. A partial, and because of space limitations, necessarily incomplete list of milestones (
YearMechanistic milestonesDiscoverers
1973Identification of shibirets (dynamin) mutant in DrosophilaD. Suzuki and C. Poodry
1974–1976Zipper mechanism for phagocytosisS. Silverstein
1975–1976Isolation of CCVs, purification of clathrinB. Pearse
1982–1984Phosphomannose, M6PR, and lysosomal targetingW. Sly, S. Kornfeld, E. Neufeld, G. Sahagian
1983–1984Isolation of clathrin adapters/localization to distinct membranesJ. Keen, B. Pearse, M. Robinson
1986Isolation of endocytosis mutants (End) in yeastH. Riezman
1986–1987Isolation of vacuolar protein sorting mutants in yeastS. Emr, T. Stevens
1986Endosome fusion in vitroJ. Gruenberg and K. Howell
1986EGF and insulin receptor signaling from endosomesJ. Bergeron and B. Posner
1986Macropinocytosis induced in stimulated cellsD. Bar-Sagi and J. Feramisco
1987Endocytic sorting motifs (FxNPxY, YxxF)M. Brown and J. Goldstein, I. Trowbridge, T. McGraw
1987–1989Cloning of CHC, CLC, AP2T. Kirchhausen, M. Robinson
1988Isolation of biochemically distinct early and late endosomesS. Schmid and I. Mellman
1989–1991Clathrin-mediated endocytosis reconstituted in vitroE. Smythe, G. Warren, S. Schmid
1990Localization of endosomal Rab5 and Rab7P. Chavrier, R. Parton, M. Zerial
1991Endosome to trans-Golgi network (TGN) transport reconstituted in vitroS. Pfeffer
1992Rab5 and Rab4 as early endocytic regulators in vivoM. Zerial, R. Parton, I. Mellman
1992–1995Caveolin/VIP21 identified as caveolar coat proteinR. Anderson, T. Kurzchalia, R. Parton, K. Simons
1992Vacuolar fusion reconstituted in vitroW. Wickner
1992–1994Trigger mechanism for phagocytosis of bacteriaS. Falkow, J. Galán, J. Swanson
1993Actin’s role in endocytosis in yeastH. Riezman
1993Isolation of autophagy mutants (Atg) in yeastY. Ohsumi
1993PI3 kinase activity (PI3P) and endosome functionS. Emr
1993Dynamin’s role in clathrin-mediated endocytosisR. Vallee, S. Schmid
1995Dynamin assembles into ringsS. Schmid, P. De Camilli
1996Clathrin-mediated endocytosis requirement for signalingS. Schmid
1996Long distance retrograde transport of signaling endosomes in neuronsW. Mobley
1996PI5 phosphatase activity (PI(4,5)P2) and clathrin-mediated endocytosisP. De Camilli
1996Ubiquitin-dependent sorting in endocytosisR. Haguenauer-Tsapis; L. Hicke and H. Riezman
1997AP3 and endosomal/lysosomal sortingJ. Bonifacino, S. Robinson
1998FYVE fingers bind to PI3PH. Stenmark
1998LBPA in MVB biogenesisT. Kobayashi, R. Parton, J. Gruenberg
1997–1998Sorting nexinsG. Gill, S. Emr
1998Structural basis for Y-based sorting signal recognitionD. Owen
1998Retromer coat and endosome to TGN sortingS. Emr
1998β-Propeller structure of clathrin heavy chain terminal domainT. Kirchhausen and S. Harrison
1998Cargo-specific subpopulations of clathrin-coated pitsM. von Zastrow
1999Structure of the clathrin coat protein superhelical motifsJ. Ybe and F. Brodsky
1999Imaging green fluorescent protein–clathrin in living cellsJ. Keen
1999Biochemical purification of Rab5 effectorsS. Christoforidis and M. Zerial
1999Genetic screen for endocytosis mutants in C. elegansB. Grant
2000Role of endocytosis in establishing morphogenic gradientsM. Gonzalez-Gaitan, S.M. Cohen
2000Identification of GGA coats and lysosomal sortingJ. Bonifacino, S. Kornfeld, M. Robinson
2000Identification of endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) machinery for multivesicular body (MVB) formationS. Emr
2001Ubiquitin-dependent sorting into MVBsR. Piper, S. Emr, H. Pelham
2002Structure of the AP2 coreD. Owen
2003Lipid conjugation of LC3/Atg8Y. Ohsumi
2003–2004siRNA studies of endocytic componentsS. Robinson, E. Ungewickell, A. Sorkin
2004BAR domains and membrane curvature generationH. McMahon, P. De Camilli
20048-Å structure of a complete clathrin coatT. Kirchhausen and S. Harrison
2005Modular design of yeast endocytosis machineryD. Drubin and M. Kaksonen
2005Kinome-wide RNAi analysis of clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME) and clathrin-independent endocytosis (CIE)M. Zerial and L. Pelkmans
2006–2008Reconstitution of dynamin-mediated membrane fissionA. Roux, P. De Camilli, S. Schmid, J. Zimmerberg, V. Frolov
2007Glycosphingolipid-induced endocytosisL. Johannes
2009Reconstitution of Rab- and SNARE-dependent vacuolar and endosome fusion from purified componentsW. Wickner, M. Zerial
2010Cavins as major caveolae coat componentsR. Parton; B. Nichols
2010Reconstitution of ESCRT-dependent internal vesicle formationT. Wollert and J. Hurley
2012Reconstitution of CCV formation from minimal componentsE. Ungewickell
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Hominid Evolution: Past,Present and Future     
Elan D. Louis 《The Yale journal of biology and medicine》1986,59(5):568-Oct;59(5):568

Medicinal Plants: Past,Present and Future     
《The Plant cell》2013,25(1)

Rice Research: Past, Present and Future     
Rice 《植物学报(英文版)》2007,49(6):729-730
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a major crop in the world and provides the staple food for over half of the world's population. From thousands of years of cultivation and breeding to recent genomics, rice has been the focus of agriculture and plant research.  相似文献   

Bone Allografts: Past, Present and Future   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Tomford WW 《Cell and tissue banking》2000,1(2):105-109
Bone allograft transplantation has been performed in humans for more than one hundred and twenty years. During the first one hundred years (1880–1980), the major problem in bone allograft transplantation was availability. Most of the bone grafts used during this time were autografts. Allografts were not available due to a lack of legislation protecting procurers and processers. In addition, surgical procedures requiring allografts were not being performed. During the next twenty years (1980–2000), as allografis began to be used, the major issue was safety. Diseases transmitted during this period included AIDS and hepatitis. Avoidance of disease transmission became paramount. Sensitive blood tests and extensive efforts by bone banks to develop ways to clean. bone and clear it of infectious agents helped provide safe transplants. With concerns of availability and safety receding, the major issue in the future (2000–? ) will be the efficacy of the transplant. How allograft bone remodels in the host, how it incorporates and heals to host bone and how it integrates with the host skeleton will be the most important concerns of bone bankers and tissue transplant surgeons. Future research efforts will be applied to bone allograft transplantation to ensure that bone transplants heal quickly and sufficiently to be able to function as part of the weight-bearing skeletal system.  相似文献   

Horizons and Transitions: Past, Present, Future     
Mark Luborsky  rea Sankar 《Medical anthropology quarterly》2007,21(3):247-248

Human Adaptability: Past, Present, and Future     
Paul T. Baker 《American anthropologist》1998,100(3):808-809
Human Adaptability: Past, Present, and Future. Stanley J. Ulijaszek and Rebecca A. Huss-Ashmore. eds. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.326 pp.  相似文献   

Viral Detection: Past,Present, and Future     
Konstantina Katsarou  Eirini Bardani  Paraskevi Kallemi  Kriton Kalantidis 《BioEssays : news and reviews in molecular, cellular and developmental biology》2019,41(10)
Viruses are essentially composed of a nucleic acid (segmented or not, DNA, or RNA) and a protein coat. Despite their simplicity, these small pathogens are responsible for significant economic and humanitarian losses that have had dramatic consequences in the course of human history. Since their discovery, scientists have developed different strategies to efficiently detect viruses, using all possible viral features. Viruses shape, proteins, and nucleic acid are used in viral detection. In this review, the development of these techniques, especially for plant and mammalian viruses, their strengths and weaknesses as well as the latest cutting‐edge technologies that may be playing important roles in the years to come are described.  相似文献   

Translational Bioinformatics:Past,Present, and Future     
Jessica D. Tenenbaum 《基因组蛋白质组与生物信息学报(英文版)》2016,14(1):31-41
Though a relatively young discipline, translational bioinformatics (TBI) has become a key component of biomedical research in the era of precision medicine. Development of high-throughput technologies and electronic health records has caused a paradigm shift in both healthcare and biomedical research. Novel tools and methods are required to convert increasingly voluminous datasets into information and actionable knowledge. This review provides a definition and contex-tualization of the term TBI, describes the discipline’s brief history and past accomplishments, as well as current foci, and concludes with predictions of future directions in the field.  相似文献   

Nitrogen Cycles: Past, Present, and Future   总被引:136,自引:18,他引:136  
J. N. Galloway  F. J. Dentener  D. G. Capone  E. W. Boyer  R. W. Howarth  S. P. Seitzinger  G. P. Asner  C. C. Cleveland  P. A. Green  E. A. Holland  D. M. Karl  A. F. Michaels  J. H. Porter  A. R. Townsend  C. J. Vöosmarty 《Biogeochemistry》2004,70(2):153-226
This paper contrasts the natural and anthropogenic controls on the conversion of unreactive N2 to more reactive forms of nitrogen (Nr). A variety of data sets are used to construct global N budgets for 1860 and the early 1990s and to make projections for the global N budget in 2050. Regional N budgets for Asia, North America, and other major regions for the early 1990s, as well as the marine N budget, are presented to Highlight the dominant fluxes of nitrogen in each region. Important findings are that human activities increasingly dominate the N budget at the global and at most regional scales, the terrestrial and open ocean N budgets are essentially disconnected, and the fixed forms of N are accumulating in most environmental reservoirs. The largest uncertainties in our understanding of the N budget at most scales are the rates of natural biological nitrogen fixation, the amount of Nr storage in most environmental reservoirs, and the production rates of N2 by denitrification.  相似文献   

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