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Protoberberines represent a structural class of organic cations that induce topoisomerase I-mediated DNA cleavage, a behavior termed topoisomerase I poisoning. We have employed a broad range of biophysical, biochemical, and computer modeling techniques to characterize and cross-correlate the DNA-binding and topoisomerase poisoning properties of four protoberberine analogues that differ with respect to the substituents on their A- and/or D-rings. Our data reveal the following significant features: (i) The binding of the four protoberberines unwinds duplex DNA by approximately 11 degrees, an observation consistent with an intercalative mode of interaction. (ii) Enthalpically favorable interactions, such as stacking interactions between the intercalated ligand and the neighboring base pairs, provide <50% of the thermodynamic driving force for the complexation of the protoberberines to duplex DNA. Computer modeling studies on protoberberine-DNA complexes suggest that only rings C and D intercalate into the host DNA helix, while rings A and B protrude out of the helix interior into the minor groove. (iii) All four protoberberine analogues are topoisomerase I-specific poisons, exhibiting little or no topoisomerase II poisoning activity. (iv) Modifications of the D-ring influence both DNA binding and topoisomerase I poisoning properties. Specifically, transference of a methoxy substituent from the 11- to the 9-position diminishes both DNA binding affinity and topoisomerase I poisoning activity, an observation suggesting that DNA binding is important in the poisoning of topoisomerase I by protoberberines. (v) Modifications of the A-ring have a negligible impact on DNA binding affinity, while exerting a profound influence on topoisomerase I poisoning activity. Specifically, protoberberine analogues containing either 2,3-dimethoxy; 3,4-dimethoxy; or 3, 4-methylenedioxy substituents all bind DNA with a similar affinity. By contrast, these analogues exhibit markedly different topoisomerase I poisoning activities, with these activities following the hierarchy: 3,4-methylenedioxy > 2,3-dimethoxy > 3, 4-dimethoxy. These differences in topoisomerase I poisoning activity may reflect the differing abilities of the analogues to interact with specific functionalities on the enzyme, thereby stabilizing the enzyme in its cleavable state. In the aggregate, our results are consistent with a mechanistic model in which both ligand-DNA and ligand-enzyme interactions are important for the poisoning of topoisomerase I by protoberberines, with the DNA-directed interactions involving ring D and the enzyme-directed interactions involving ring A. It is reasonable to suggest that the poisoning of topoisomerase I by a broad range of other naturally occurring and synthetic ligands may entail a similar mechanism.  相似文献   

In this research 26 Shigella isolates were examined by PCR and direct nucleotide sequencing for genetic alterations in the quinolone-resistance determining regions (QRDRs). We tested for the presence of qnr genes by PCR in 91 strains, but no qnr genes were found. The results did show, however, some novel mutations at codon 83 of gyrA (Ser-->Ile) and codon 64 of parC (Ala64-->Cys, Ala64-->Asp), which were related to fluroquinolone resistance.  相似文献   

The transition to tuberization contributes greatly to the adaptability of potato to a wide range of environments. Phytochromes are important light receptors for the growth and development of plants, but the detailed functions of phytochromes remain unclear in potato. In this study, we first confirmed that phytochrome F ( St PHYF ) played essential roles in photoperiodic tuberization in potato. By suppressing the St PHYF gene, the strict short‐day potato genotype exhibited normal tuber formation under long‐day ( LD ) conditions, together with the degradation of the CONSTANTS protein St COL 1 and modulation of two FLOWERING LOCUS  T ( FT ) paralogs, as demonstrated by the repression of St SP 5G and by the activation of St SP 6A during the light period. The function of St PHYF was further confirmed through grafting the scion of St PHYF ‐silenced lines, which induced the tuberization of untransformed stock under LD s, suggesting that St PHYF was involved in the production of mobile signals for tuberization in potato. We also identified that St PHYF exhibited substantial interaction with St PHYB both in vitro and in vivo . Therefore, our results indicate that St PHYF plays a role in potato photoperiodic tuberization, possibly by forming a heterodimer with St PHYB .  相似文献   

Muscle LIM protein (MLP) has been suggested to be an important mediator of mechanical stress in cardiac tissue, but the role that it plays in skeletal muscle remains unclear. Previous studies have shown that it is dramatically upregulated in fast-to-slow fiber-type transformation and also after eccentric contraction (EC)-induced muscle injury. The functional consequences of this upregulation, if any, are unclear. In the present study, we have examined the skeletal muscle phenotype of MLP-knockout (MLPKO) mice in terms of their response to EC-induced muscle injuries. The data suggest that while the MLPKO mice recover completely after EC-induced injury, their torque production lags behind that of heterozygous littermates in the early stages of the recovery process. This lag is accompanied by decreased expression of the muscle regulatory factor MyoD, suggesting that MLP may influence gene expression. In addition, there is evidence of type I fiber atrophy and a shorter resting sarcomere length in the MLPKO mice, but no significant differences in fiber type distribution. In summary, MLP appears to play a subtle role in the maintenance of normal muscle characteristics and in the early events of the recovery process of skeletal muscle to injury, serving both structural and gene-regulatory roles. eccentric contractions; passive tension  相似文献   

Chondroitin sulfate (CS) proteoglycans bind with various proteins through CS chains in a CS structure-dependent manner, in which oversulfated structures, such as iB (IdoA(2-O-sulfate)alpha1-3GalNAc(4-O-sulfate)), D (GlcA(2-O-sulfate)beta1-3GalNAc(6-O-sulfate)), and E (GlcAbeta1-3GalNAc(4,6-O-disulfate)) units constitute the critical functional module. In this study, we examined the expression and function of three CS sulfotransferases in the developing neocortex: uronyl 2-O-sulfotransferase (UST), N-acetylgalactosamine 4-sulfate 6-O-sulfotransferase (4,6-ST) and dermatan 4-O-sulfotransferase-1 (D4-ST), which are responsible for the synthesis of oversulfated structures. The CS chains of the neocortex of mouse embryos contained significant amounts of D and E units that are generated by UST and 4,6-ST, respectively. UST and 4,6-ST mRNAs were expressed in the ventricular and subventricular zones, and their expression increased during late embryonic development. In utero electroporation experiments indicated that knockdown of UST and 4,6-ST resulted in the disturbed migration of cortical neurons. The neurons electroporated with the short hairpin RNA constructs of UST and 4,6-ST accumulated in the lower intermediate zone and in the subventricular zone, showing a multipolar morphology. The cDNA constructs of UST and 4,6-ST rescued the defects caused by the RNA interference, and the neurons were able to migrate radially. On the other hand, knockdown of D4-ST, which is involved in the biosynthesis of the iB unit, caused no migratory defects. These results revealed that specific oversulfated structures in CS chains play critical roles in the migration of neuronal precursors during cortical development.  相似文献   

As the first step in the recruitment of neutrophils into tissues, the cells become tethered to and roll on the vessel wall. These processes are mediated by interactions between the P- and E-selectins, expressed on the endothelial cells of the vessel wall, and their ligands, expressed on the neutrophils. Recently, we reported that CD43 on activated T cells functions as an E-selectin ligand and thereby mediates T cell migration to inflamed sites, in collaboration with P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1), a major P- and E-selectin ligand. Here, we examined whether CD43 on neutrophils also functions as an E-selectin ligand. CD43 was precipitated with an E-selectin-IgG chimera from mouse bone marrow neutrophils. A CD43 deficiency diminished the E-selectin-binding activity of neutrophils when PSGL-1 was also deficient. Intravital microscopy showed that the CD43 deficiency significantly increased leukocyte rolling velocities in TNF-alpha-stimulated venules blocked with an anti-P-selectin mAb, where the rolling was mostly E-selectin dependent, when PSGL-1 was also absent. In contrast, in venules with trauma-induced inflammation, where the rolling was largely P-selectin dependent, the CD43 deficiency reduced leukocyte rolling velocities. Collectively, these observations suggest that CD43 generally serves as an antiadhesive molecule to attenuate neutrophil-endothelial interactions, but when E-selectin is expressed on endothelial cells, it also plays a proadhesive role as an E-selectin ligand.  相似文献   

HSP101 belongs to the ClpB protein subfamily whose members promote the renaturation of protein aggregates and are essential for the induction of thermotolerance. We found that maize HSP101 accumulated in mature kernels in the absence of heat stress. At optimal temperatures, HSP101 disappeared within the first 3 days after imbibition, although its levels increased in response to heat shock. In embryonic cells, HSP101 concentrated in the nucleus and in some nucleoli. Hsp101 maps near the umc132 and npi280 markers on chromosome 6. Five maize hsp101-m-::Mu1 alleles were isolated. Mutants were null for HSP101 and defective in both induced and basal thermotolerance. Moreover, during the first 3 days after imbibition, primary roots grew faster in the mutants at optimal temperature. Thus, HSP101 is a nucleus-localized protein that, in addition to its role in thermotolerance, negatively influences the growth rate of the primary root. HSP101 is dispensable for proper embryo and whole plant development in the absence of heat stress.  相似文献   

The strictly conserved arginine residue proximal to the active site tyrosine of type IA topoisomerases is required for the relaxation of supercoiled DNA and was hypothesized to be required for positioning of the scissile phosphate for DNA cleavage to take place. Mutants of recombinant Yersinia pestis topoisomerase I with hydrophobic substitutions at this position were found in genetic screening to exhibit a dominant lethal phenotype, resulting in drastic loss in Escherichia coli viability when overexpressed. In depth biochemical analysis of E. coli topoisomerase I with the corresponding Arg-321 mutation showed that DNA cleavage can still take place in the absence of this arginine function if Mg(2+) is present to enhance the interaction of the enzyme with the scissile phosphate. However, DNA rejoining is inhibited in the absence of this conserved arginine, resulting in accumulation of the cleaved covalent intermediate and loss of relaxation activity. These new experimental results demonstrate that catalysis of DNA rejoining by type IA topoisomerases has a more stringent requirement than DNA cleavage. In addition to the divalent metal ions, the side chain of this arginine residue is required for the precise positioning of the phosphotyrosine linkage for nucleophilic attack by the 3'-OH end to result in DNA rejoining. Small molecules that can interfere or distort the enzyme-DNA interactions required for DNA rejoining by bacterial type IA topoisomerases could be developed into novel antibacterial drugs.  相似文献   

Cleft palate, including submucous cleft palate, is among the most common birth defects in humans. While overt cleft palate results from defects in growth or fusion of the developing palatal shelves, submucous cleft palate is characterized by defects in palatal bones. In this report, we show that the Bmpr1a gene, encoding a type I receptor for bone morphogenetic proteins (Bmp), is preferentially expressed in the primary palate and anterior secondary palate during palatal outgrowth. Following palatal fusion, Bmpr1a mRNA expression was upregulated in the condensed mesenchyme progenitors of palatal bone. Tissue-specific inactivation of Bmpr1a in the developing palatal mesenchyme in mice caused reduced cell proliferation in the primary and anterior secondary palate, resulting in partial cleft of the anterior palate at birth. Expression of Msx1 and Fgf10 was downregulated in the anterior palate mesenchyme and expression of Shh was downregulated in the anterior palatal epithelium in the Bmpr1a conditional mutant embryos, indicating that Bmp signaling regulates mesenchymal-epithelial interactions during palatal outgrowth. In addition, formation of the palatal processes of the maxilla was blocked while formation of the palatal processes of the palatine was significantly delayed, resulting in submucous cleft of the hard palate in the mutant mice. Our data indicate that Bmp signaling plays critical roles in the regulation of palatal mesenchyme condensation and osteoblast differentiation during palatal bone formation.  相似文献   

ZFAT, originally identified as a candidate susceptibility gene for autoimmune thyroid disease, has been reported to be involved in apoptosis, development and primitive hematopoiesis. Zfat is highly expressed in T- and B-cells in the lymphoid tissues, however, its physiological function in the immune system remains totally unknown. Here, we generated the T cell-specific Zfat-deficient mice and demonstrated that Zfat-deficiency leads to a remarkable reduction in the number of the peripheral T cells. Intriguingly, a reduced expression of IL-7Rα and the impaired responsiveness to IL-7 for the survival were observed in the Zfat-deficient T cells. Furthermore, a severe defect in proliferation and increased apoptosis in the Zfat-deficient T cells following T cell receptor (TCR) stimulation was observed with a reduced IL-2Rα expression as well as a reduced IL-2 production. Thus, our findings reveal that Zfat is a critical regulator in peripheral T cell homeostasis and its TCR-mediated response.  相似文献   

Background: We investigated the roles of breast cancer anti-estrogen resistance 1 (BCAR1/p130Cas) in the formation and immunoevasion of invasive circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD).Methods: Biomarkers of CTCs including BCAR1 and CD274, were evaluated by the CanPatrol method. Proteomics analysis of LUAD cells and exosomes after BCAR1 overexpression (BCAR1-OE) was performed by mass spectrometry. Cell functions and relevant signaling pathways were investigated after BCAR1 knockdown (BCAR1-KO) or BCAR1-OE in LUAD cells. Lastly, in vitro and in vivo experiments were performed to confirm the roles of BCAR1 in the formation and immunoevasion of CTCs.Results:High expression of BCAR1 by CTCs correlated with CD274 expression and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). RAC1, together with BCAR1, was found to play an important role in the carcinogenesis of LUAD. RAC1 functioned with BCAR1 to induce EMT and to enhance cell proliferation, colony formation, cell invasion and migration, and anoikis resistance in LUAD cells. BCAR1 up-regulated CD274 expression probably by shuttling the short isoform of BRD4 (BRD4-S) into the nucleus. CTCs, as well as tumor formation, were prohibited in nude mice xenografted with BCAR1-KO cells. The co-expression of BCAR1/RAC1 and BCAR1/CD274 was confirmed in LUAD. BCAR1 expression in LUAD is an indicator of poor prognosis, and it associates with immunoevasion.Conclusion:BCAR1, as a new target for the treatment of LUAD, plays roles in the formation and immunoevasion of invasive CTCs. The mechanism includes triggering EMT via RAC1 signaling and up-regulating CD274 expression by shuttling BRD4-S into the nucleus.  相似文献   

Kinetoplastid topoisomerase IB is an unusual bisubunit enzyme where reconstitution of the large (LdTOPIL or L) and small (LdTOPIS or S) subunits shows functional activity. It is yet to be deciphered whether one subunit or both navigate the heterodimer to its cellular DNA targets. Tethering a specific DNA-binding protein to topoisomerase I alters its site specificity. The chimeric constructs UMSBP-LdTOPIL/S or U-L/S (fusion of UMSBP to the N-terminus of L and reconstituted with S) and LdTOPIL/UMSBP-LdTOPIS or L/U-S (fusion of UMSBP to the N-terminus of S and reconstituted with L) exhibit relaxation activity. Only U-L/S shows altered site specificity and enhanced DNA-binding affinity for the universal minicircle sequence (UMS) containing substrate. This proves that L alone serves as the 'molecular steer' for this heterodimer. Reconstituted U-L/S also induces cleavage close to UMS and causes minicircle linearization. The differential properties of the reconstituted chimeras U-L/S and L/U-S reveal the structural and functional asymmetry between the heterodimer. Therefore this study helps in a better understanding of the mechanistic details underlying topoisomerization by this bi-subunit enzyme.  相似文献   

Direct-current electrical field (DCEF) induces directional migration in many cell types by activating intracellular signaling pathways. However, the mechanisms coupling the extracellular electric stimulation to the intracellular signals remain largely unknown. In this study, we show that DCEF directs migration of HT-1080 fibrosarcoma cells to the cathode, stimulates generation of hydrogen peroxide and superoxide through the activation of NADPH oxidase, induces anode-facing cytoskeleton polarization, and activates ERK signaling. Subsequent studies demonstrate that the electrotaxis of HT-1080 fibrosarcoma cells is abolished by NADPH oxidase inhibitor and overexpression of manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD), an enzyme that hydrolyzes superoxide. In contrast, overexpression of catalases, which hydrolyze hydrogen peroxide, does not affect electrotaxis. MnSOD overexpression also eliminates cytoskeleton polarization as well as the activation of AKT, ERKs, and p38. In contrast, under catalase overexpression, the cytoskeleton still polarizes and p38 activation is affected. Finally, we show that inhibition of ERK activation also abolishes DCEF-induced directional migration and cytoskeleton polarization. Collectively, our results indicate that superoxide plays critical roles in DCEF-induced directional migration of fibrosarcoma cells, possibly by regulating the activation of ERKs. This study provides novel insights into the current understanding of DCEF-mediated cancer cell directional migration and metastasis.  相似文献   

Bacteria expressing NDM-1 have been labeled as superbugs because it confers upon them resistance to a broad range of β-lactam antibiotics. The enzyme has a di?zinc active centre, with the Zn2 site extensively studied. The roles of active-site Zn1 ligand residues are, however, still not fully understood. We carried out structure-function studies using the mutants, H116A, H116N, and H116Q. Zinc content analysis showed that Zn1 binding was weakened by 40 to 60% in the H116 mutants. The enzymatic-activity studies showed that the lower hydrolysis rates were mainly caused by their weaker substrate binding. The catalytic efficiency (kcat/Km) of the mutants followed the order: WT > > H116Q (decreased by 4–20 fold) > H116A (decreased by 20–700 fold) ≥ H116N (decreased by 6–800 fold). The maximum effect was observed on H116N against penicillin G, whereas ampicillin was not hydrolyzed at all. The fold-increase of Km values, which informs the weakening of substrate binding, were: H116A by 5–45 fold; H116N by 6–100 fold; H116Q by 2–10 fold. Molecular dynamics simulations suggested that the Zn1 site mutations affected the positions of Zn2 and the bridging hydroxide, by 0.8 to 1.2 Å, with the largest changes of ~1.5 Å observed on Zn2 ligand C221. A native hydrogen bond between H118 and D236 was disrupted in the H116N and H116Q mutants, which led to increased flexibility of loop 10. Consequently, residue N233 was no longer maintained at an optimal position for substrate binding. H116 connected loop 7 across Zn1 to loop 10, thereby contributed to the overall integrity. This work revealed that the H116-Zn1 interaction plays a critical role in defining the substrate-binding site. From these results, it can be inferred that inhibition strategies targeting the zinc ions may be a new direction for drug development.  相似文献   

Kim HJ  Ok SH  Bahn SC  Jang J  Oh SA  Park SK  Twell D  Ryu SB  Shin JS 《The Plant cell》2011,23(1):94-110
The phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) superfamily of lipolytic enzymes is involved in a number of essential biological processes, such as inflammation, development, host defense, and signal transduction. Despite the proven involvement of plant PLA(2)s in many biological functions, including senescence, wounding, elicitor and stress responses, and pathogen defense, relatively little is known about plant PLA(2)s, and their genes essentially remain uncharacterized. We characterized three of four Arabidopsis thaliana PLA(2) paralogs (PLA(2)-β, -γ, and -δ) and found that they (1) are expressed during pollen development, (2) localize to the endoplasmic reticulum and/or Golgi, and (3) play critical roles in pollen development and germination and tube growth. The suppression of PLA(2) using the RNA interference approach resulted in pollen lethality. The inhibition of pollen germination by pharmacological PLA(2) inhibitors was rescued by a lipid signal molecule, lysophosphatidyl ethanolamine. Based on these results, we propose that plant reproduction, in particular, male gametophyte development, requires the activities of the lipid-modifying PLA(2)s that are conserved in other organisms.  相似文献   

Nitrogen is a crucial nutrient for plant growth and development. Arginine is considered to be an important amino acid for nitrogen transport and storage, playing a crucial role during plant seedling development. However, little is known about the role of arginine in nitrogen remobilization at the reproductive stage. We isolated a rice mutant nglf‐1 with reduced plant height, small panicle and grain size, and low seed‐setting rate (10% in nglf‐1 compared to 93% in wild‐type). Map‐based cloning revealed that the mutant phenotype was caused by loss of function of a gene (OsARG) encoding an arginine hydrolysis enzyme, which is consistent with arginine accumulation in the mutant. The phenotype was partially corrected supplying exogenous nitrogen, and fully corrected by expression of a wild‐type OsARG transgene. Over‐expression of OsARG in rice (cv. Kitaake) increased grain number per plant under nitrogen‐limited conditions. OsARG was ubiquitously expressed in various organs, but most strongly in developing panicles. The OsARG protein was localized in the mitochondria, consistent with other arginases. Our results suggest that the arginase encoded by OsARG, a key enzyme in Arg catabolism, plays a critical role during panicle development, especially under conditions of insufficient exogenous nitrogen. OsARG is a potential target for crop improvement.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that human topoisomerase I cleavage complexes form as a response to various DNA damages in vivo, the so called human topoisomerase I "damage response". It was suggested that this damage response may play a role in DNA repair as well as in apoptosis, but only very few investigations have been done and the significance of the damage response still remains unclear. Here we demonstrate that human topoisomerase I cleavage complexes induced by high doses of UV irradiation are highly stable for up to 48 h. Furthermore, we show that human topoisomerase I cleavage complexes correlate with apoptosis. However, at low UV doses the cleavage complex level was very low and the complexes were repaired. Surprisingly, we found that high levels of stable cleavage complexes were not only found in UV-irradiated cells but also in untreated cells that underwent apoptosis. A possible role of human topoisomerase I in apoptosis is discussed.  相似文献   

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