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Differential decreases over time of two bacterial species, Escherichia coli and Enterococcus faecalis, in a freshwater and a marine ecosystem were observed and explained by a differential rate of digestion of these bacteria by phagotrophic flagellates and ciliates. For this purpose, fluorescence-labeled bacteria (FLB) were used and prepared from the two species cited above. The number of FLB was observed for 5 days in fresh and marine waters in the presence or absence (0.2-μm-pore-size-filtered water) of natural microbiota. These experiments showed a longer persistence of Enterococcus faecalis FLB as opposed to Escherichia coli FLB in the presence of natural microbiota. Removal of FLB was due to protozoan grazing because no decrease of FLB number was observed in the absence of natural microbiota. In short-term (about 40 min) ingestion experiments, we found similar clearance rates of Escherichia coli and Enterococcus faecalis FLB by assemblages of flagellates from the freshwater and the marine ecosystem and by cultured assemblages of ciliates from the marine ecosystem. Clearance rates of Enterococcus faecalis FLB were greater than those of Escherichia coli FLB for assemblages of ciliates from the freshwater ecosystem. Comparison of rates of ingestion and digestion of FLB by protozoa showed that Escherichia coli FLB were digested and ingested at similar rates. However, Enterococcus faecalis FLB were digested slower than they were ingested. These results suggest that a longer persistence of Enterococcus faecalis as opposed to Escherichia coli can be explained by a differential digestion by flagellates and ciliates in aquatic ecosystems. Moreover, rates of ingestion and digestion were strongly correlated for both FLB types.  相似文献   

Fluorescently-labelled bacteria (FLB) were used to study the feeding strategies of a natural assemblage of estuarine protozoans and to examine whether the protozoan grazing could account for the in situ size structure of the bacterioplankton. The FLB, DTAF-stained enterococci, ranging in volume from 0.01 to 0.30 × 10–1 µm3, were added to a natural planktonic assemblage at a density of 5.5% of the natural bacterioplankton. Initial densities (individuals ml–1) were as follows: total natural bacteria, 2.2 × 106; FLB, 1.2 × 105; pigmented flagellates, 300; colorless flagellates, 250; and ciliates, 30. FLB consumption rates were determined by examining the contents of protozoan food vacuoles, and the long-term effect of grazing (over a period of 100 hours) was determined by monitoring the decline in the FLB density in experimental vessels. The average consumption rates of FLB by pigmented flagellates were similar to those by flagellates that lacked chloroplasts (0.9 and 0.6 FLB protozoan–1 hour–1, respectively). The ciliates consumed bacteria at an average rate that was 17-fold higher (per cell) than flagellates, and they displayed a greater preference for larger bacteria than did the flagellates. FLB of the mid-size classes (0.025–0.100 µm3) were heavily grazed by the entire protozoan assemblage; the smallest (<0.025 µm3) and the largest (>0.100 µm3) FLB escaped protozoan grazing. This had a profound effect on the resulting size distribution of FLB. At the end of a 100-hour incubation, the percentage of mid-size FLB (0.025 to 0.100 µm3) decreased 2.0–2.2-fold, while the percentage of the smallest and the largest FLB increased 2.0–2.5-fold. Resultant densities of FLB were consistent with initial clearance rates determined for the protozoan groups. The grazing rates of protozoans on FLB were species-specific; whereas some species consumed FLB, others did not demonstrate bacterivory. The results suggest that protozoan grazing has a major effect on the size distribution of coastal bacterioplankton. By selectively feeding on a particular size-class of bacteria, planktonic ciliates may consume 15–90% day–1 of the standing stock of largest size classes of bacterioplankton. Thus, ciliates, which were present in low abundance in the field, could not balance the production of the entire bacterial community, but they may strongly influence the portion of the bacterial community represented by the largest bacterial class. The direct effect of flagellates (e.g., grazing) was limited to smaller bacteria.Offprint requests to: M. P. Shiaris.  相似文献   

Unlike the fraction of active bacterioplankton, the fraction of active bacterivores (i.e., those involved in grazing) during a specified time period has not been studied yet. Fractions of protists actively involved in bacterivory were estimated assuming that the distributions of bacteria and fluorescently labeled bacteria (FLB) ingested by protists follow Poisson distributions. Estimates were compared with experimental data obtained from FLB uptake experiments. The percentages of protists with ingested FLB (experimental) and the estimates obtained from Poisson distributions were similar for both flagellates and ciliates. Thus, the fraction of protists actively grazing on natural bacteria during a given time period could be estimated. The fraction of protists with ingested bacteria depends on the incubation time and reaches a saturating value. Aquatic systems with very different characteristics were analyzed; estimates of the fraction of protists actively grazing on bacteria ranged from 7 to 100% in the studied samples. Some nanoflagellates appeared to be grazing on specific bacterial sizes. Evidence indicated that there was no discrimination for or against bacterial surrogates (i.e., FLB); also, bacteria were randomly encountered by bacterivorous protists during these short-term uptake experiments. These analyses made it possible to estimate the ingestion rates from FLB uptake experiments by counting the number of flagellates containing ingested FLB. These results represent the first reported estimates of active bacterivores in natural aquatic systems; also, a proposed protocol for estimating in situ ingestion rates by protists represents a significant improvement and simplification to the current protocol and avoids the tedious work of counting the number of ingested FLB per protist.  相似文献   

Rates of bacteria ingestion by interstitial ciliates were estimated and compared to bacterial biomass and production. Investigation was carried out in the hyporheic zone of a lowland stream. FISH was applied to quantitatively determine bacteria within the ciliate's food vacuoles. To estimate bacteria ingestion rates using FISH, we had to strike a new path. When numbers of bacteria in the food vacuoles remains constant with time (bacterial digestion and ingestion are at equilibrium), ingestion rate can be estimated based on the digestion time and the average number of bacteria per cell. Ciliate community was predominantly composed of bacterivorous ciliates. FISH-signals deriving from ingested bacteria were detected in Cinetochilum margaritaceum, 'other small scuticociliates', Pleuronema spp., and Vorticella spp. Ingestion rates for these taxa were 78, 150, 86, and 38 bacteria ind(-1) h(-1), respectively. The grazing impacts on bacterial biomass and carbon production were calculated based on these ingestion rates. Ciliate grazing caused a decrease in bacterial biomass of 0.024% day(-1) and in bacterial carbon production of 1.60%. These findings suggest that interstitial ciliate grazing impact on bacteria biomass and production was too low to represent an important link in the carbon flow of the hyporheic zone under study.  相似文献   

Abstract Predation rates of flagellate and ciliate protozoa on the bacterioplankton of Butrón River (Spain) were determined from FLB (fluorescently labelled bacteria) uptake rates. Bacterial and ciliate protozoa counts were higher when higher water temperature was recorded. Flagellate counts did not show this pattern, which suggested predation of flagellates by other organisms, or some other different nutritional mode besides phagotrophy. Average individual ciliate predation rates were up to 40-times higher than those of flagellates. These results were compared with similar data obtained from other authors in several aquatic systems. However, the population predation rates of flagellate protozoa were on average 6-times higher than that of ciliate protozoa, due to the low population numbers of the latter. Thus, flagellate protozoa can be considered as more important bacterial consumers than ciliates in this aquatic system.  相似文献   

A procedure was developed to estimate the direct grazing impacton free-living heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF). Culturedflagellates were labelled by feeding on brightly fluorescingbacteria (FLB) and then offered as indirectly fluorescentlylabelled flagellates (IFLF) to potential predators of HNF. Thenumber of FLB in the predators' food vacuoles could be convertedinto IFLF uptake and consumption of HNF. This new techniquewas used to study the HNF-ciliate relationship in the pelagiczone of Lake Constance. Three groups of ciliates were detectedas HNF grazers: small representatives of the genus Strobilidium.a small Haltena-like ciliate (probably Halteria grandinella)and a Codonella sp. Tintinnidium sp. group The ingestion ofHNF by these groups of ciliates ranged between 3 and 15, 3 and39, and 3 and 7 HNF ciliate–1 h–1; respectively.The IFLF method allows the direct determination of ingestedflagellate prey in the food vacuoles of their predators. Becauseindigenous living prey organisms were used, tracer discriminationcan be reduced.  相似文献   

Rates of bacterivory in micro- and meiobenthic species were determined by an improved technique in a muddy tidal flat community in Boston Harbor, Mass. The predominant grazers of bacteria were identified, and their rates of grazing were measured in the top 1 cm of the sediment. Grazing rates were measured by a fluorescence-labeled bacteria (FLB) technique. A mixture of two Enterococcus spp. isolates and two isolates of Escherichia coli were prepared as FLB, and they were added to intact sediment cores by replacing the pore water in the upper centimeter of the core. A standard FLB procedure was modified by filtering sediment dilutions onto cellulose membrane filters and processing the filters to render them optically transparent while preserving the physical integrity of the micro- and meiobenthic organisms. Thus, it was possible, on the same microscopic field, to switch from light microscopy for identification of grazers to epifluorescence microscopy for counting FLB present in the gut contents of the same grazers. The majority of benthic organisms present in these sediments consumed FLB, but their consumption rates varied widely. Two ciliate species, a Prorodon sp. and a Chlamidodon sp., and a nematode, a Metoncholaimus sp., consumed fluorescence-labeled coliforms at the highest rates, 126 to 169 FLB per individual per h. Other ciliates and nematodes, as well as microflagellates and harpacticoid copepods, consumed fluorescence-labeled coliforms at lower rates, 1.2 to 26 FLB per individual per h. Foraminiferans and gastrotriches did not contain FLB. Some ciliate grazers discriminated between enterococci and coliforms, consuming the rod-shaped fluorescence-labeled coliforms at 74- to 155-fold-higher rates than did the coccus-shaped fluorescence-labeled enterococci. Other ciliates did not select between fluorescence-labeled enterococci and fluorescence-labeled coliforms. The high rates of bacterivory by some ciliates and nematodes indicated intensive grazing. However, at their low extant densities, the grazers consumed only a small portion of the bacterial standing stock. Major bacterial grazers, e.g., microflagellates, ciliates, and nematodes, could potentially consume, per day, only 0.2, 0.1, and 0.03%, respectively, of the bacterial standing stock (7.5 × 108 bacteria per cm3).  相似文献   

The taxonomic composition of the ciliate assemblage and their taxon‐specific bacterial grazing rates in Lake Constance were investigated over the course of one year. Bacterial grazing rates were measured using natural fluorescently labelled bacteria (FLB) and compared to bacterial production. Small species such as Balanion planctonicum/Urotricha furcata and Rimostrombidium spp./Halteria sp. were the most numerous ciliates on the annual average. Larger ciliates such as Rimostrombidium lacustris and Limnostrombidium spp. contributed significantly to total ciliate biomass, but were relatively unimportant as bacterial grazers. Per capita ingestion rates ranged from 0–194 bacteria ciliate−1 h−1 and changed seasonally up to a hundredfold within a given taxon. Approximately 1% of the bacterial production were removed by the ciliate community on the annual average. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We have developed a procedure for preparing monodispersed, fluorescently labeled bacteria (FLB), which may be used to measure virtually instantaneous rates of protozoan bacterivory in natural waters. FLB can be prepared both from natural bacterioplankton assemblages and from clonal isolates and can be stored in frozen suspension or freeze-dried without apparent loss of fluorescence intensity. They are not toxic to protozoa and can be metabolized to support bacterivorous protozoan growth rates equal to those on the same strain of unstained, viable bacteria. In experiments comparing uptake of FLB with uptake of fluorescent latex microspheres by protozoan assemblages in a salt marsh tidal creek, we found that both pelagic oligotrichous ciliates and phagotrophic flagellates ingested FLB with a frequency 4- to 10-fold greater than they ingested the microspheres. Consequently, it appears that the use of latex microspheres leads to underestimation of protozoan bacterivory and that the FLB technique is superior for estimating instantaneous rates of in situ protozoan grazing on bacterioplankton.  相似文献   

The small average cell size of in situ bacterioplankton, relative to cultured cells, has been suggested to be at least partly a result of selection of larger-sized cells by bacterivorous protozoa. In this study, we determined the relative rates of uptake of fluorescence-labeled bacteria (FLB), of various cell sizes and cell types, by natural assemblages of flagellates and ciliates in estuarine water. Calculated clearance rates of bacterivorous flagellates had a highly significant, positive relationship with size of FLB, over a range of average biovolume of FLB of 0.03 to 0.08 microns3. Bacterial cell type or cell shape per se did not appear to affect flagellate clearance rates. The dominant size classes of flagellates which ingested all types of FLB were 3- to 4-microns cells. Ciliates also showed a general preference for larger-sized bacteria. However, ciliates ingested a gram-positive enteric bacterium and a marine bacterial isolate at higher rates than they did a similarly sized, gram-negative enteric bacterium or natural bacterioplankton, respectively. From the results of an experiment designed to test whether the addition of a preferentially grazed bacterial strain stimulated clearance rates of natural bacterioplankton FLB by the ciliates, we hypothesized that measured differences in rates of FLB uptake were due instead to differences in effective retention of bacteria by the ciliates. In general, clearance rates for different FLB varied by a factor of 2 to 4. Selective grazing by protozoa of larger bacterioplankton cells, which are generally the cells actively growing or dividing, may in part explain the small average cell size, low frequency of dividing cells, and low growth rates generally observed for assemblages of suspended bacteria.  相似文献   

The influence of prey characteristics such as motility and size as well as of predator characteristics such as satiation and preculturing diet on the feeding process of interception feeding heterotrophic nanoflagellates was investigated. Three species of gram-negative bacteria, one species of gram-positive bacteria, two species of cyanobacteria (Synechococcus) and inert latex particles were fed as prey particles for three species of heterotrophic nanoflagellates (Spumella, Ochromonas, Cafeteria). Ingestion rates depended on the satiation of the flagellates and especially on the filling status of the food vacuoles. In addition, the ingestion rates depended on the characteristics of the food particle and were modified by pre-culturing the flagellates on either Pseudomonas putida or Bacillus subtilis. Digestion was found to be particle-specific. Cyanobacteria were excreted a few minutes after ingestion whereas heterotrophic bacteria were stored and digested in the food vacuoles. The spectrum of ingested particles is not identical to that of digested particles and thus neither the diet of the flagellates nor their impact on bacterial communities can be calculated simply from food vacuole content. "Selective digestion" could be shown to be an important selection mechanism concerning natural food particles. The digestion strategies of Cafeteria on the one hand and Spumella and Ochromonas on the other hand may be an important factor to explain protozoan species composition and succession in the field. In addition to bacterial abundance and grazing pressure by metazooplankton, the bacterial speciescomposition as well as biochemical variations within bacterial species may influence protozoan species composition and abundance.  相似文献   

J. IRIBERRI, I. AZÚA, A. LABIRUA-ITURBURU, I. ARTOLOZAGA AND I. BARCINA. 1994. The short-term (1 h) and long-term (3 d) elimination of low and high densities of five enteric bacteria, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Aeromonas hydrophila, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis and Staphylococcus epidermidis, by flagellate and ciliate protists were measured in a freshwater system. In addition, the two processes, ingestion and digestion, which cause the disappearance of those enteric bacteria as time passes, were quantified.
The results showed that the elimination of these enteric bacteria by protists depends on their initial density, which confirms that the lower the bacterial density the more difficult is their elimination. On the other hand, the short-term and long-term elimination rates of each enteric bacteria were different, and moreover, the order of priority for elimination in the two cases was not the same. Escherichia coli showed the highest elimination rate in short-term experiments, while Aer. hydrophila disappeared at highest rates in long-term experiments. This different order of priority in the elimination rates and the different digestion rates on the five enteric bacteria by phagotrophic protists indicated that the elimination in time is very much influenced by the digestive capacity on each enteric bacteria of those protists. Thus, the low digestion rates of Ent. faecalis and Staph. epidermidis by flagellates and ciliates as well as their low disappearance percentages in the long-term experiments confirm that enteric Gram-positive bacteria are eliminated from the aquatic systems at lower rates, because their digestion is difficult.  相似文献   

Bacteriovorous protozoa harboring symbiotic algae are abundant in aquatic ecosystems, yet despite a recent interest in protozoan bacterivory, the influence of light on their ingestion rates has not been investigated. In this study, Paramecium bursaria containing endosymbiotic Chlorella was tested for the effect of light on its ingestion rate. P. bursaria was grown for 4 to 6 days under five different light fluxes ranging from 1 to 90 microeinsteins s-1 m-2. Ingestion rates were determined by using 0.77-μm-diameter fluorescent microspheres. 4′,6-Diamidino-2-phenylindole dihydrochloride-labeled Enterobacter cloacae was used in one experiment to confirm differences in uptake rates of bacteria by P. bursaria. Unlike phagotrophic phytoflagellates, the ciliates demonstrated different ingestion rates in response to different light intensities. Although symbionts contribute carbon to their host via photosynthesis, the paramecia of the present study fed faster after exposure to higher light intensities, whereas their aposymbiotic counterparts (lacking endosymbionts) were unaffected. Light-induced changes in ingestion rates were not immediate, but corresponded to the period of time required for endosymbiont populations to change significantly. This strongly suggests that the symbionts, stimulated by higher light levels, may dictate the feeding rates of their hosts. Thus, light, apart from temperature, may influence the impact of certain protists on natural bacteria and may affect laboratory-based determinations of protistan feeding rates.  相似文献   

Ciliated protists are important predators of bacteria in many aquatic habitats, including sediments. Since, many biochemical transformations within the nitrogen cycle are performed by bacteria, ciliates could have an indirect impact on the nitrogen cycle through selective grazing on nitrogen-transforming bacteria. As a case study, we examined ciliate grazing on nitrifying bacteria of the genera Nitrosomonas and Nitrospira. All experiments were designed as in vitro-experiments with cultures of different bacteria and ciliate species. The nitrifying bacteria used in our experiments were Nitrosomonas europaea [Winogradsky 1892] and Nitrospira moscoviensis [Ehrich 2001]. The ciliates comprised of four species that are known as efficient bacterivores and common members of the protist community in aquatic systems: Paramecium aurelia [Müller 1773], Euplotes octocarinatus [Carter 1972], Tetrahymena pyriformis [Ehrenberg 1830] and Cyclidium glaucoma [Müller 1786]. Our experimental approach, using a combination of DAPI and FISH staining, was successful in allowing the observation of ingestion of specific bacteria and their detection within ciliate food vacuoles. However, the ciliates in this study showed no significant selective grazing. No food preferences for a any bacterial taxon or any size class or morphotype were detected. Correlation with time between ciliate abundance and bacterial abundance or biovolume, using log transformed growth rates of ciliates and bacteria, showed no significant results. On the bacterial side, neither an active defence mechanism of the nitrifying bacteria against ciliate grazing, such as changes in morphology, nor competition for resources were observed. These results suggest that in our in vitro-experiments grazing by ciliates has no influence on abundance and growth of nitrifying bacteria and nitrification.  相似文献   

Protozoan bacterivory [via uptake of fluorescently labelledbacteria (FLB)] and production of bacteria ([3H]thymidine assay)were simultaneously measured in the mesotrophic ímovReservoir (Southern Bohemia) from April to November, 1988. Heterotrophicnanoflagellates (HNF) were mostly responsible for a greaterfraction of protozoan bacterivory during the spring period.From 10 to 23% of bacterial production was grazed daily withthe only exception of the spring peak of ciliate abundance (upto 60%). Protozoans decreased significantly during the clearwaterphase (ciliates disappeared), and thus their role in bacterivorywas negligible. Through the summer-fall period ciliates, notHNF, were the most important bacterial micrograzers. Protozoancommunity grazing balanced or even exceeded the daily bacterialproduction in August and September. Alternate fates of bacterialproduction besides protozoan grazing during the spring periodare discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Bacterial abundance and bacterivorous protist abundance and activity were examined in ice-brine and water column communities of a cold temperate Japanese lagoon (Saroma-Ko Lagoon, Hokkaido, 44°N, 144°E), during the late winter phase of ice community development (February–March 1992). Bacterial abundance averaged 6 and 1 × 105 cells ml−1 in the ice-brine and plankton samples, respectively, and generally decreased during the sampling period. Bacterivorous protists, identified based on direct observation of short-term (<1 h) ingested fluorescently labeled bacteria (FLB) in their food vacuoles, were largely dominated by flagellates, mainly cryothecomonad-type and chrysomonad-like cells and small dinoflagellates of the genus Gymnodinium. Bacterivorous ciliates included mainly the prostomatid Urotricha sp., the scuticociliates Uronema and Cyclidium, the choreotrichs Lohmaniella oviformis and Strobilidium, and the hypotrich Euplotes sp. Protist abundance averaged 4 × 103 and 8.1 cells ml−1 in the ice-brine and 0.3 × 103 and 1.2 cells ml−1 in the plankton, for flagellates and ciliates, respectively. In contrast to bacteria, the abundance of protists generally increased throughout the sampling period, indicating predator–prey interactions. Protistan bacterivory, measured from the rate of FLB disappearance over 24 h, averaged 36% (ice) and 24% (plankton) of bacterial standing stock and exhibited the same seasonal pattern as for protist abundance. The calculated specific clearance (range, 2–67 nl protozoa−1 h−1) and ingestion (<1–26 particles protozoa−1 h−1) rates were likely to be minimal estimates and grazing impact may have been higher on occasion. Indications for the dependence of ``bacterivorous protists' on nonbacterial food items were also provided. Although alternative sources of bacterial loss are likely to be of importance, this study provides evidence for the potential of protozoan assemblages as bacterial grazers in both sea ice-brine biota and water column at the southern limit of sea ice in the northern hemisphere. Received: 30 July 1998; Accepted: 18 November 1998  相似文献   

The ability of a ciliate to inactivate bacteriophage was studied because these viruses are known to influence the size and diversity of bacterial populations, which affect nutrient cycling in natural waters and effluent quality in sewage treatment, and because ciliates are ubiquitous in aquatic environments, including sewage treatment plants. Tetrahymena thermophila was used as a representative ciliate; T4 was used as a model bacteriophage. The T4 titer was monitored on Escherichia coli B in a double-agar overlay assay. T4 and the ciliate were incubated together under different conditions and for various times, after which the mixture was centrifuged through a step gradient, producing a top layer free of ciliates. The T4 titer in this layer decreased as coincubation time increased, but no decrease was seen if phage were incubated with formalin-fixed Tetrahymena. The T4 titer associated with the pellet of living ciliates was very low, suggesting that removal of the phage by Tetrahymena inactivated T4. When Tetrahymena cells were incubated with SYBR gold-labeled phage, fluorescence was localized in structures that had the shape and position of food vacuoles. Incubation of the phage and ciliate with cytochalasin B or at 4°C impaired T4 inactivation. These results suggest the active removal of T4 bacteriophage from fluid by macropinocytosis, followed by digestion in food vacuoles. Such ciliate virophagy may be a mechanism occurring in natural waters and sewage treatment, and the methods described here could be used to study the factors influencing inactivation and possibly water quality.  相似文献   

Grazing by phagotrophic flagellates and ciliates is a major source of mortality for bacterioplankton in both marine and freshwater systems. Recent studies have demonstrated a positive relationship between clearance rate and prey size for bacterivorous protists. We tested the idea that, by selectively grazing the larger (more actively growing or dividing) cells in a bacterial assemblage, protists control bacterial standing stock abundances by directly cropping bacterial production. Samples of estuarine water were passed through 0.8-μm-pore-size filters (bacteria only) or 20-μm-mesh screens (bacteria and bacterivorous protists) and placed in dialysis tubing suspended in 7 liters of unfiltered water. Changes in total bacterial biovolume per milliliter (bacterial biomass), frequency of dividing cells (FDC), and average per cell biovolume were followed over a period of 24 h. In three experiments, the FDC increased more rapidly and attained higher values in water passed through 0.8-μm-pore-size filters (average, 5.1 to 8.9%; maximum, 15.5%) compared with FDC values in water passed through 20-μm-mesh screens (average, 2.7 to 5.3%; maximum, 6.7%). Increases in bacterial biomass per milliliter lagged behind increases in FDC by about 4 to 6 h. Grazed bacterial assemblages were characterized by lower total biomasses and smaller average cell sizes compared with those of cells in nongrazed assemblages. We conclude that bacterivorous protists control bacterial standing stock abundances partly by preferentially removing dividing cells. Selective grazing of the more actively growing cells may also explain, in part, the ability of slow-growing cells to persist in bacterioplankton assemblages.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to analyze the flux of biomass through the communities of bacteria and phagotrophic protists in the cold and warm conditions occurring seasonally in Butrón River. Bacterial and heterotrophic protistan (flagellate and ciliate) abundance was determined by epifluorescence direct counts; protistan grazing on planktonic bacteria was measured from fluorescently labeled bacteria uptake rates; and the estimate of bacterial secondary production was obtained from [3H]thymidine incorporation rates. The abundance of bacterial, flagellate, and ciliate communities was similar during cold and warm situations. However, we observed that estimates of dynamic parameters, i.e., secondary bacterial production and protistan grazing, in both situations were noticeably different. In the warm situation, grazing rates of flagellates and ciliates (bacteria per protist per hour) were, respectively, 7 times and 18 times higher than those determined in the cold situation, and the grazing rates of the protistan communities (bacteria per protists present in 1 ml of water per hour) increased up to 5 times in the case of flagellates and 42 times in the case of ciliates. Estimates of bacterial secondary production were also higher during the warm situation, showing a ninefold increase. The percentage of bacterial production preyed upon by flagellates or ciliates was not significantly different between the two conditions. These results showed that in the different conditions of a system, the flux of biomass between the trophic levels may be quite different although this process may not be reflected in the abundance of each community of bacteria, flagellates, and ciliates. Offprint requests to: J. Iriberri.  相似文献   

Accumulation of selenium in a model freshwater microbial food web.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The transfer of selenium between bacteria and the ciliated protozoan, Paramecium putrinum, was examined in laboratory cultures. The population growth of the ciliate was not inhibited in the presence of the highest concentrations of dissolved selenite or selenate tested (10(3) micrograms liter-1). Experiments with radioactive 75selenite or 75selenate indicated that accumulation of selenium by ciliates through time was low when feeding and metabolism were reduced by incubating at 0 degrees C. However, selenium accumulated in ciliate biomass during incubation with dissolved 75Se and bacteria at 24 degrees C and also when bacteria prelabeled with 75Se were offered as food in the absence of dissolved selenium. When 75Se-labeled bacterial food was diluted by the addition of nonradioactive bacteria, the amount of selenite and selenate in ciliates decreased over time, indicating depuration by the ciliates. In longer-term (> 5-day) fed-batch incubations with 75selenite-labeled bacteria, the selenium concentration in ciliates equilibrated at approximately 1.4 micrograms of Se g (dry weight)-1. The selenium content of ciliates was similar to that of their bacterial food on a dry-weight basis. These data indicate that selenium uptake by this ciliate occurred primarily during feeding and that biomagnification of selenium did not occur in this simple food chain.  相似文献   

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