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Seedlings of Cuscuta japonica pasted on an acrylic plate developedmany haustoria in response to far-red light after pre-irradiationwith white light. The effect of far-red light was cancelledcompletely by red light irradiated immediately after the far-redlight. In order to elucidate the photoreceptor(s) for photocontrolin the induction of haustoria, action spectra for the photo-inductionand its reversion were determined in the wavelength region from340 nm to 800 nm using the Okazaki Large Spectrograph. The action spectrum for the induction of haustoria had a pronouncedpeak at 740 nm and a small peak at 420 nm, while the actionspectrum for reversal of the induction had a pronounced peakat 660 nm and a small peak at 380 nm. These results indicatethat phytochrome is involved in the photocontrol of inductionof haustoria in Cuscuta japonica. Considering the far-red /redreversibility, it was suggested that phytochrome B is the photorecepter.This is the first reliable evidence of phytochome participationon development of haustoria in parasitic plants. 4Present address: Graduate School of Science Division of BiologicalScience, Nagoya University, Nagoya, 464-01 Japan.  相似文献   

Far-red light induced mutual and self parasitism of Cuscutajaponica in vitro. Blue light was less effective than far-redlight because of its weak effect on induction of haustoria,although it stimulated mutual twining of stems. No parasitismwas observed under white or red light, or in darkness. (Received August 5, 1994; Accepted February 9, 1995)  相似文献   

In a new strain of short-day duckweed (Lemna paucicostata T-101), blue and far-red light-induced inhibition of flowering was investigated. Flowering of this strain failed to be induced under a short-day photoperiod of blue and far-red light, although it responded as a typical short-day plant in red and white light. When the short-day photoperiod of blue or far-red light was terminated by a 15 min red light pulse, flowering recovered completely. This inducing effect of red light was reversed by subsequent exposure to far-red light. Furthermore, it could be demonstrated that 30 min of blue light completely reversed the flowering inductive effect of 5 min red light and vice versa. Evidence is presented suggesting that the inhibitory action of blue and far red light may be due to the lowering of phytochrome Pfr levels below those required to start the dark reactions which lead to flowering. These results are discussed in relation to the time measurement system of photoperiodism.  相似文献   

Effects of Red and Far-Red Light on the Hypocotyl of Picea Abies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ole  Scharff 《Physiologia plantarum》1962,15(4):804-814

Little is known about intermittent bright light (IBL) exposure during the daytime on oscillations in human performance and mood. The aims of this study were to determine whether the applied regime of IBL can differentially influence the daily oscillations of processing of laterally exposed stimuli, as well as the daily course of alertness and affective state, and the participants' perception of light conditions. A counter‐balanced, within‐subject study design was applied. Performance and mood of 20 student volunteers were measured every 30 min starting at 08:00 h and ending at 20:30 h in IBL and ordinary room light (ORL) conditions. Near to statistical significance, effects of the IBL regime on performance (i.e., main effect on speed of verbal logical task, and interactive effect of light conditions and measurement time on daily oscillations in speed of processing of spatial tasks) and mood (i.e., interactive effect of bright light and measurement time on global vigor assessment) were found. An assessment of IBL conditions as significantly less comfortable and natural and more glaring when compared to ORL conditions draws attention to the importance of participants' perception of the light, which may affect the application of bright light in real life situations.  相似文献   

以普通白菜品种‘苏州青’为试材,采用单因素随机区组设计的盆栽试验,将基质育苗后长至子叶展平时的幼苗转入荧光灯(FL,对照)、蓝光(B)发光二极管(LEDs)、蓝红复合光(BR)和红光(R)下进行照射处理至开花,考察不同光质对普通白菜开花以及花期光合色素含量、品质和碳代谢等的光效应,为利用人工光源调节普通白菜的育种周期提供理论指导。结果显示:(1)随着开花时间延长,普通白菜的开花数目均以R和BR处理显著高于FL;花蕾数目在处理100 d时R和BR处理显著多于FL,但是在110和120 d时B处理下明显多于FL。(2)随着花期延长,白菜叶片中的光合色素含量呈降低趋势,其在处理100 d时表现为BR处理显著高于FL,而在110 d时B处理最高,在120 d时BR处理最高。(3)随着花期延长,叶片中可溶性蛋白和抗坏血酸含量也呈逐渐降低的趋势;可溶性蛋白含量均在B处理下较大,而抗坏血酸含量在100 d时在B处理下最高,但是在110和120 d时B和BR处理下较高。(4)随着花期延长,叶片中碳水化合物含量也逐渐降低,其中可溶性糖、蔗糖和淀粉含量均以R处理下最高。研究表明,与荧光对照相比,LEDs光源对普通白菜幼苗的营养生长和生殖生长更有效,其中蓝光有利于普通白菜的营养生长,而红光和蓝红复合光则有利于其生殖生长;可采用红光和蓝红复合光作为普通白菜育种的人工光源,有效促进其工厂化生产进程。  相似文献   

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative chronic disease that affects various tissues surrounding the joints, such as the subchondral bone and articular cartilage. The onset of OA is associated with uncontrolled catabolic and anabolic remodeling processes of the joints, including the cartilage and subchondral bone, to adapt to local biological and biochemical signals. In this study, we determined whether 70% ethanolic (EtOH) extract of Litsea japonica fruit (LJFE) had beneficial effects on the articular cartilage, including structural changes in the tibial subchondral bone, matrix degradation, and inflammatory responses, in OA by using a rat model of monosodium iodoacetate-induced OA. Our results showed that administration of LJFE increased the bone volume and cross-section thickness, but the mean number of objects per slice in this group was lower than that in the OA control (OAC) group. In addition, the LJFE decreased the expression of inflammatory cytokines. Compared to the OAC group, the group treated with high doses of LJFE (100 and 200 mg/kg) showed a more than 80% inhibition of the expression of matrix metalloproteinases and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases. Our results suggest that LJFE can be used as a potential anti-osteoarthritic agent.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of music and white noise on the recovery of physiological measures after stressful visual stimulation. Twenty-nine participants took part in the experiment. Visual stimulation with slides eliciting disgust was followed by subjectively pleasant music, sad music, and white noise in three consecutive sessions. The spectral power of the frontal and temporal EEG, skin conductance, heart rate, heart period variability, facial capillary blood flow, and respiration rate were recorded and analyzed. Aversive visual stimulation evoked heart rate deceleration, increased high frequency component of heart period variability, increased skin conductance level and skin conductance response frequency, decreased facial blood flow and velocity, decreased temporal slow alpha and increased frontal fast beta power in all three sessions. Both subjectively pleasant and sad music led to the restoration of baseline levels on most parameters; while white noise did not enhance the recovery process. The effects of pleasant music on post-stress recovery, when compared to white noise, were significantly different on heart rate, respiration rate, and peripheral blood flow. Both positive and negative music exerted positive modulatory effects on cardiovascular and respiratory activity, namely increased heart rate, balanced heart period variability, increased vascular blood flow and respiration rate during the post-stress recovery. Data only partially supported the “undoing” hypothesis, which states that positive emotions may facilitate the process of physiological recovery following negative emotions.  相似文献   

The effects of the chemical modification of tryptophan residuesin native pea (Pisum sativum L.) phytochrome by 2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzylbromide (HNB-Br) were examined. Such treatment had no effecton the spectral properties or on the pattern of tryptic digestionof phytochrome, which indicated that no major conformationalchange in phytochrome had occurred. Amino acid analysis of theHNB-Br-treated phytochrome indicated that the number of modifiedTrp residues after the treatment was dependent on the light-absorbingform. The values were three for PR and five for PFR (out ofa total of ten) per monomer. The results indicate that two additionalTrp residues are exposed on the molecular surface of PFR whenthe photoconversion of PR to PFR occurs. The amino acid analysisof a 58-kDa tryptic fragment of phytochrome (a mixture of peptides,residues 63–583 and 66–587) showed that one Trpresidue in the fragment from PR and two in that from PFR (outof six) were modified by HNB-Br. In the 56-kDa fragment (a mixtureof peptides, residues 598–1121 and 603–1124), therewere two modified Trp residues in PR and three in PFR (out offour). The Trp residue in a 36-kDa fragment (residues 66–383),which includes the tetrapyrrolic chromophore, was not modifiedin the either case. These results indicate that new exposedsites that are generated by the photoconversion of PR to PFRare in the region between Trp–456 and Trp–567 andin that between Trp–644 and Trp–787. (Received February 25, 1993; Accepted August 16, 1993)  相似文献   

Changes of epidermal cells in the haustorium of the parasiticCuscuta japonica during its attachment to the host plantimpatiens balsamina were studied with light and electron microscopy. In the transverse sections of dodder stems not in contact with the host, epidermal cells had rounded outlines. However, when haustorial initials developed in the cortex of the parasite stem at the contact site, the epidermal cells had more dense cytoplasm and conspicuous nuclei than before, and their outline was flat in the longitudinal section. As meristem cells developed from those initials, the epidermal cells became more elongated. When the haustorium was fully matured, the apical tips of the elongated epidermal cells at the contact site branched like toes, producing numerous projections via cell wall invaginations. This event caused spaces to form between the projections; coincidently, the surface area of the apical ends of the epidermal cells increased. The dense cytoplasm at those projections contained prominent nuclei and abundant other organelles, suggesting a active metabolism. Osmiophilic particles, releasing into the cell walls from the cytoplasm, were though to be associated with the loosening and elongating of the epidermal cell walls. Dense and homogeneous materials were secreted within the spaces between the projections. These materials could play an important role in cementing the haustorium onto the surface of the host organ.  相似文献   

The long-day plant Lemna gibba L., strain G3 exhibits a relatively low sensitivity to short, white-light interruptions given during the dark period of a short-day cycle. However, the plants are fairly sensitive to low-intensity red light treatments given during a 15-hour dark period on the third day of a 2LD-(9L:15D)-2LD-7SD schedule. Far-red light is almost as effective as red light, and attempts to reverse the red light response with subsequent far-red light treatments have not been successful. Blue light proved to be without effect. When plants were grown on a 48-hour cycle with 15 minutes of red light every 4 hours during the dark period, the critical daylength was reduced from about 32 hours to slightly less than 12 hours.

Continuous red light induced a fairly good flowering response. However, as little as 1 hour of white light each day gave a significant improvement in the flowering response over that of the continuous red light control. White light of 600 to 700 ft-c was more effective than white light of 60 to 70 ft-c. The white light was much more effective when divided into 2 equal exposures given 8 to 12 hours apart. These results suggest an increase in light sensitivity with regard to flower induction about 8 to 10 hours after the start of the light period.


Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - Chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflorum Kitamura), a qualitative short-day plant, does not produce flowers when the night length is shorter than a...  相似文献   

The effectiveness of GA3 in inducing floral-bud initiation in Impatiens balsamina under non-inductive photopcriods varies considerably at different parts of the year and appears to be determined by the prevailing temperature conditions. The period of floral-bud initiation is shortest in October and February and increases both with decreasing temperatures in November and with increasing temperatures in August and September. Floral buds do not initiate in March and April, during which time the temperature increases considerably subsequent to the start of experiment.  相似文献   

Rafflesia, a holoparasitic genus that produces the largest flower in the world is characterized by the absence of leaves, stem and other macroscopic organs. To better understand the molecular regulation of flower development in this genus we isolated and characterized a floral MADS-box gene, namely, RcMADS1 from Rafflesia cantleyi. Heterologous expression analysis in Arabidopsis was chosen because Rafflesia is not amenable to genetic manipulations. RcMADS1 shares sequence similarity with AGAMOUS-LIKE 24 (AGL24) and SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE (SVP) of Arabidopsis. Ectopic expression of RcMADS1 in Arabidopsis caused early flowering and conversion of sepals and petals into leaf-like structures, and carpels into inflorescences. In 35S::RcMADS1 plants SUPPRESSOR OF OVEREXPRESSION OF CONSTANS 1 (SOC1), a downstream target gene of AGL24, was upregulated. 35S::RcMADS1 plants exhibit early flowering and conversion of the floral meristem into inflorescence meristem, as in 35S::AGL24 plants. Similar to AGL24, RcMADS1 could rescue the late flowering phenotypes of agl24-1 and FRIGIDA, but not the early flowering of svp-41. Based on these results, we propose that RcMADS1 is a functional ortholog of Arabidopsis AGL24.  相似文献   

Effects of 15 min light pulses given at various intervals (every 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 12 hr) under constant darkness on the locomotor rhythm were investigated in the adult male cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus. A single pulse per 24 hr induced period modulation in a circadian phase dependent manner, yielding a period modulation curve (PMC): the 15 min light pulse lengthened the period in the early subjective night (CT11-16) and shortened it during the late subjective night to the early subjective day (CT20-5). Frequent light pulses modulated the freerunning period of the rhythm dependent on the interval of the pulses: when compared with the freerunning period in DD (23.74 +/- 0.03 hr) the period was significantly shorter in intervals of 2 and 4 hr, but lengthened when the interval was 1 and 12 hr. Frequent light pulses also resulted in entrainment of the rhythm to run with the period of 24 hr and the ratio of the entrained animals varied from 12% to 72% depending on the interval of the light pulses. The period modulation and the entrainment by the repetitive light pulses could be interpreted according to the PMC. In about 15% of animals, the light pulses induced a rhythm dissociation, suggesting that the bilaterally paired circadian pacemakers have their own sensitivity to the entraining photic information. The light pulse caused a masking effect, i.e., an intense burst of activity. The magnitude of the light induced responses was dependent on the circadian phase. The strongest masking effect was observed in the subjective night. The phase of the prominent period modulation and of the marked masking effects well coincides with the previously reported sensitive phase of the photoreceptive system.  相似文献   

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