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The thermal unfolding of ribonuclease A has been studied in solutions of 25, 35 and 50% methanol (vv), using 360 MHz proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Several observations indicate that the native structure of the protein in methanol cryosolvents is very similar to that in aqueous solution. A detailed analysis of the unfolding process has been made using the C-2 protons of the imidazole side-chains of the four histidine residues. As denaturation proceeds new resonances appear, whose chemical shifts correspond to neither native nor fully unfolded species. These have been assigned to particular His residues by selective deuteration studies. The thermal denaturation transitions reveal a multiphasic process in each of the solvents, and become less co-operative with increasing concentrations of methanol. The denaturation is fully reversible with no evidence of hysteresis.The new resonances that appear during the unfolding process are attributed to partially folded species, which are stabilized by the presence of the relatively hydrophobic methanol. Based on the temperature dependence of the chemical shifts and the relative areas of the various resonances, a detailed sequence of events has been proposed to describe the unfolding process. Key features include the initial general loosening of the two domains, the subsequent movement of the upper S-peptide region (residues 13 to 25) away from the main body of the protein, followed by partial separation of the sheet structure and full exposure of the N-terminal helix, leading to complete separation of the “winged domains”, and ultimately the loss of the residual sheet and helix structure.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken in order to test the models of ATP and GTP binding to carp deoxyhaemoglobin proposed by Perutz & Brunori (1982) and to find out why GTP is a more potent allosteric effector than ATP. We have determined the conformations of both nucleoside triphosphates by nuclear magnetic resonance studies and found them to be the same. The purines are in anti conformation about the glycosidic bond that links them to the ribose; the pentose ring is 3'-endo; the P-O5'-C5'-C4' torsion angle lies in the trans domain (180 degrees +/- 20 degrees); the P alpha-O-P beta and P beta-O-P gamma angles are as in the free nucleotides, i.e. the trinucleotide chain is fully extended. Models having this conformation were fitted, first manually and then by energy refinement, to the effector site of an atomic model of human deoxyhaemoglobin in which the side-chains in the NA, EF and H segments had been replaced by those of carp. The results showed the location of the polar groups in carp haemoglobin to be such that (PO4) gamma can accept hydrogen bonds from Val NA1 beta 2 and from Arg H21 beta 1, while (PO4) beta and (PO4) alpha can accept hydrogen bonds from Lys EF6 beta 1 and beta 2. In ATP, the 6-amino group of the purine can donate a hydrogen bond to Glu NA2 beta 1. In GTP, the 2-amino group can donate a hydrogen bond to Glu NA2 beta 1; in addition, Val Na1 beta 1 can donate a hydrogen bond to O2' of the ribose. This additional hydrogen bond may explain why in carp haemoglobin GTP is a stronger allosteric effector than ATP. We have found the influence of the two allosteric effectors on the oxygen affinity of trout IV haemoglobin to be the same, even though the only difference in the lining of the allosteric effector sites lies in the replacement of Glu Na2 beta in carp by Asp in trout IV haemoglobin. Model building then showed that formation of a hydrogen bond between Asp Na2 beta and the 2-amino group of guanine precludes formation of a hydrogen bond between Val NA1 beta and O2' of the ribose or vice versa, which makes the number of hydrogen bonds formed between trout IV haemoglobin and GTP the same as those formed with ATP.  相似文献   

The proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of carp hemoglobin (Hb) in the unligated deoxy and ligated met-cyano and met-azido forms have been recorded as a function of pH and upon addition of inositol hexaphosphate. All protein derivatives yield spectra that are consistent with appreciable molecular heterogeneity in the heme cavity. The pattern of heme methyl hyperfine shifts in carp met-cyano Hb indicates that this heterogeneity arises from the presence of heme rotational disorder, as found in native myoglobin. In carp deoxy Hb, the T----R transition manifests itself in nuclear magnetic resonance spectral changes similar to those found in modified human Hb species; namely, a decrease in heme methyl and an increase in proximal histidyl imidazole ring NH hyperfine shifts indicative of a strengthening of the iron-histidine bond. The met-cyano complex exhibits heme methyl hyperfine shifts similar to the analogous R state complex of Hb A; addition of inositol hexaphosphate did not give evidence for a quaternary structural change. Carp met-azido Hb in the R state also closely resembles the electronic structure of the HbA complex. Addition of inositol hexaphosphate appeared to effect at least a partial conversion to a T state with larger high-spin content than that observed for T state human metHbN3.  相似文献   

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