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The growth pattern of myotomal red, pink and white muscle and its relation to somatic growth in Caranx malabaricus are described. The growth pattern of red muscle was by an increase in fibre number in early size classes (< 22 cm f.l.) and thereafter mainly by increase in fibre diameter and partly by increase in fibre number. The growth of pink muscle was mainly by an increase in fibre diameter, but in smaller fish an increase in fibre number was also evident. White muscle growth was mainly by an increase in fibre diameter and partly by increase in fibre numbers in fish < 22 cm f.l., but only by an increase in fibre diameter from 22 cm f.l. onwards. Caranx malabaricus is a slow-to-moderate growing species and its fibre growth pattern matches with such somatic growth.  相似文献   

Age and growth of an Iberian cyprinodont, Aphanius iberus (Cuv. & Val.), in its most northerly population, La Rubina lagoon (Alt Empordà wetlands, NE Spain), was studied. The age groups for this Mediterranean population (O +, 1 + and 2 +) agree with those reported for the Atlantic population (R. Guadalquivir marshes), in the southern limit of the species distribution in the Iberian peninsula. Differences in age structure between these populations and the one previously studied in La Tancada lagoon (R. Ebro delta marshes) can be attributed to age estimation bias. Male A. iberus data appear to fit similarly to a Gompertz growth function and to a von Bertalanffy growth function, but L x, was clearly underestimated. A Gompertz growth function was not a good fit for females, perhaps because female growth is clearly faster and less attenuated than male growth. The life history and growth pattern ofthis species is similar to that in other cyprinodontiform fishes, typified by a short longevity. The growth model of this species does not seem to fit types I and II of Sebens's classification, which are characteristic of fish.  相似文献   

The growth of red fibres in anterior and middle myotomal regions of B. sarana was mainly by hyperplasia in smaller size classes. In higher size classes, growth by hyperplasia was greater in posterior myotomal region compared to the other two myotomal regions. The growth of pink fibres in anterior myotomal regions was mainly by hypertrophy. The middle and posterior myotomal regions showed fibre growth by hyperplasia. The growth dynamics of white fibres revealed more or less similar pattern in all three myotomal regions against the somatic development. White fibres grew by hyperplasia up to 8 cm F.L. size classes and thereafter by hypertrophy. However, in > 12 cm F.L. size classes, the mean diameter of white fibres did not increase significantly. Similar pattern of growth was found in the white fibres of caudal fin muscle. It is interesting to note that the hyperplasia was mostly completed in the white fibres of the smallest fish studies, whereas, it continued to quite larger fish size in red and pink fibres. Thus, hyperplasia and hypertrophy may be responsible for growth in all fibre types in all myotomal regions in relation to somatic development in this small and medium growing species.  相似文献   

The breeding biology of Oligolepis acutipennis (C. & V.), a gobiid fish abundant in the estuaries and brackish water tracts of the south-west coast of India was studied. Data on the intra-ovarian development of ova, the breeding season, spawning frequency, size at first maturity and sex-ratio were based on observations for 1 year. The size distribution of ova showed no significant variation between different regions of the ovary. The gonads were classified into five maturity stages. The sequence of development of ova to maturity indicated two batches of ova developed in a single ovary in a year. The minimum size at first maturity of females was less than that of males. Seasonal variation in gonad weight and the percentage occurrence of various maturity stages of gonads showed that the fish has a protracted breeding period in which two seasons can be recognized. The females dominate over males in numbers except in the non-breeding months.  相似文献   

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