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环境变化和人类活动的双重驱动正在快速地改变地球生态系统状态,呈现出了众多级联的资源环境问题,生态系统的状态变化和时空演变驱动因素以及相应的资源环境效应是大尺度陆地生态系统科学研究的永恒主题.观测和评估生态系统状态变化,发现和理解生态系统响应机制,认知和描述生态系统演变规律,预测和预警生态系统演变趋势,都依赖于大陆及全球...  相似文献   

韩丹  王成  殷鲁秦 《生态学报》2021,41(22):8892-8905
物种间相互作用网络研究能为物种多样性的保护、城市生态系统稳定性的维持提供指导。基于群落水平的城市蝴蝶蜜源植物互作网络的研究较少,对城市蝴蝶蜜源网络结构缺乏深入认识。研究在国内城市生态系统中构建蝴蝶蜜源网络,并探讨不同类型植物对网络特征的影响。2020年6-9月,在北京26个城市公园中记录访花蝴蝶和蜜源植物物种及互作频次,采用交互多样性(ID)、交互均匀性(IE)、专业化程度(H2'')定量化生态网络结构特征,采用Kruskal-Wallis秩和检验和变差分解分析不同生长型、起源、栽培方式的植物类型对网络结构的影响差异。采用物种的伙伴多样性(PD)和专业化程度(d'')识别重要蜜源植物。研究结果表明:(1)北京城市公园中22种蝴蝶与81种开花植物的交互作用,形成趋于泛化的生态网络结构;(2)不同生长型及不同起源的植物-蝴蝶网络的交互多样性及专业化程度有显著差异,草本及乡土植物对丰富网络中交互多样性和支持专业性更高的蝴蝶物种具重要作用,而植物的栽培方式对蜜源网络结构影响较小;(3)伙伴多样性高且专业化程度高的植物可被视为重要蜜源植物。基于蝴蝶多样性保护的目标,在城市生态系统中,绿色空间应注重构建乡土草本植物群落,优先选择重要蜜源植物。我们的发现印证了蝴蝶-蜜源植物生态网络方法作为联结生态研究和城市绿地实践管理的有效工具,能为城市生态系统中生物多样性保护提供科学策略,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

多细胞网络分析是一种可用于分析细胞空间结构的方法。器官的功能是由组成它们的细胞决定的,细胞空间排列赋予了器官更高层面的功能。目前关于植物细胞的空间排列结构是如何影响器官的机理仍然知之甚少。通过对植株进行3D扫描提取细胞网络模型用于多细胞网络分析,可深入揭示植物发育机制,并为人工合成植物多细胞系统提供参考。本文回顾了多细胞模型的发展历程,总结了多细胞网络分析的流程,并阐述了多细胞网络分析在植物生长发育中的发展与应用。此外,本文还对植物多细胞网络分析未来的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

植物邻体间的正相互作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张炜平  王根轩 《生态学报》2010,30(19):5371-5380
植物间的正负相互作用是构建植被群落的重要因素,也是群落生态学研究的中心内容之一。近20a来,植物间正相互作用的研究得到快速发展。综述了正相互作用的定义,不同植物群落中的直接、间接正相互作用及其发生机制,正相互作用研究的实验和模型方法,正负相互作用随胁迫梯度的变化及正相互作用对群落构建的影响。探讨了正相互作用研究前景:(1)进一步理解正负相互作用的平衡及其对群落构建的影响;(2)加深对全球变暖背景下的正相互作用的认识;(3)需把正相互作用研究同进化联系起来;(4)充分发挥正相互作用在生态系统中的推动力作用,把正相互作用应用到生态恢复中,为恢复退化生态系统服务。  相似文献   

克隆植物种群生态学研究透视   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
克隆植物种群日益受到关注和重视 ,克隆植物种群生态学的研究正在广泛深入地开展。探讨了克隆植物种群研究的最新进展 ,介绍了有关理论、方法和取得的成果 ,并对克隆植物种群在现代生态学中的地位与作用进行了评述  相似文献   

自然保护地是维护国家生态安全, 提升生物多样性保护成效的重要载体, 对保护地生态系统进行实时、高频、多尺度的监测是认知其动态变化的有效手段, 也是实现自然保护地生态系统健康管理的基石。由于目前我国没有形成自然保护地生态系统监测网络, 缺少统一的联网监测指标体系, 导致多数自然保护地生态系统组成家底不清、动态不明, 应对生物多样性保护新问题的能力不足, 并且在国家尺度上的自然保护地生态系统健康状况及保护成效评估缺乏联网监测数据支撑。因此, 亟需构建国家尺度的自然保护地生态系统组成和动态监测网络, 以及一套科学、系统、规范的自然保护地生态系统联网监测指标体系。该文针对自然保护地生物多样性和生态系统监测的目标和内容, 参考国内外现有的生态系统监测网络的指标体系, 确定了自然保护地生态系统联网监测指标体系建立和选取的基本原则, 建立了一套适用于国家尺度的自然保护地生态系统联网监测指标体系, 并在6个国家级自然保护区进行示范。构建的指标体系针对构成生态系统的6类关键要素(生境要素、生物要素、气象要素、土壤要素、大气和水环境要素、景观要素)制定了30个监测指标, 有效应用于森林、草地、荒漠、湿地等生态系统类型的自然保护地, 能够实现对不同类型自然保护地生态系统组分和结构的现状和演变特征进行长期、动态化监测, 并可为自然保护地保护成效评估和健康管理提供规范化、标准化的基础数据。  相似文献   

A knight of symbiosis   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

Green roofs provide ecosystem services through evapotranspiration and nutrient cycling that depend, among others, on plant species, substrate type, and substrate depth. However, no study has assessed thoroughly how interactions between these factors alter ecosystem functions and multifunctionality of green roofs. We simulated some green roof conditions in a pot experiment. We planted 20 plant species from 10 genera and five families (Asteraceae, Caryophyllaceae, Crassulaceae, Fabaceae, and Poaceae) on two substrate types (natural vs. artificial) and two substrate depths (10 cm vs. 30 cm). As indicators of major ecosystem functions, we measured aboveground and belowground biomasses, foliar nitrogen and carbon content, foliar transpiration, substrate water retention, and dissolved organic carbon and nitrates in leachates. Interactions between substrate type and depth strongly affected ecosystem functions. Biomass production was increased in the artificial substrate and deeper substrates, as was water retention in most cases. In contrast, dissolved organic carbon leaching was higher in the artificial substrates. Except for the Fabaceae species, nitrate leaching was reduced in deep, natural soils. The highest transpiration rates were associated with natural soils. All functions were modulated by plant families or species. Plant effects differed according to the observed function and the type and depth of the substrate. Fabaceae species grown on natural soils had the most noticeable patterns, allowing high biomass production and high water retention but also high nitrate leaching from deep pots. No single combination of factors enhanced simultaneously all studied ecosystem functions, highlighting that soil–plant interactions induce trade‐offs between ecosystem functions. Substrate type and depth interactions are major drivers for green roof multifunctionality.  相似文献   

国内外产业共生网络研究比较述评   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
赵秋叶  施晓清  石磊 《生态学报》2016,36(22):7288-7301
产业共生网络是指基于物质及能量交换以及知识及基础设施共享而形成的在不同产业主体之间的合作共赢网络,是产业转型升级的重要保障。作为产业共生的运作方式,产业共生网络的研究国外从20世纪90年代开始从概念到实例就展开了一系列探讨,国内自2002年也开始在网络结构等方面开展相关研究。尤其在2008年以后,产业共生网络的研究方向不断拓宽,研究成果丰富多样。为明晰国内外产业共生网络研究的发展态势,促进产业共生网络理论体系的发展并使其得到有效应用。本文从共生网络内涵、结构、功能及评价、演化、管理调控等方面比较分析了国内外产业共生网络的研究进展,并对产业共生网络的发展前景做了展望。未来产业共生网络研究在不同尺度的比较及推演、数据信息平台的搭建以及产业共生网络演化模拟及管理调控的耦合等方面需重点关注。  相似文献   

范玉龙  赵天英  丁圣彦 《生态学报》2023,43(12):4868-4875
生态环境恶化使国土空间的管理从重视开发到重视保护转变,相应的思想体系、理论体系与管理机制需要打破旧的路径依赖,建立新的国土空间规划体系。生态系统服务网理论将生态系统服务供给与需求融合到一起,推动生态系统服务"一张网"与国土空间规划"一张图"的衔接。(1)生态系统服务网的网络属性诠释了山水林田湖草-人生命共同体思想体系;(2)生态系统服务网理论强调供给与需求的有效匹配与融合,是国土空间规划的重要依据;(3)生态系统服务网的尺度特征与国土空间规划层级体系存在对应关系,有助于规划的传导与实施;(4)生态系统服务网中供给能力和空间需求匹配的评价是"双评价"的主要内容,为"三区三线"的划定与落地提供了依据;(5)生态系统服务网的价值评估、空间制图与优化,为确定国土空间开发边界与规模奠定了基础,为两山转化路径提供思路和依据,可有效促进国土空间的高质量开发利用。  相似文献   

Both weed science and plant invasion science deal with noxious plants. Yet, they have historically developed as two distinct research areas in Europe, with different target species, approaches and management aims, as well as with diverging institutions and researchers involved. We argue that the strengths of these two disciplines can be highly complementary in implementing management strategies and outline how synergies were created in an international, multidisciplinary project to develop efficient and sustainable management of common ragweed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia. Because this species has severe impacts on human health and is also a crop weed in large parts of Europe, common ragweed is one of the economically most important plant invaders in Europe. Our multidisciplinary approach combining expertise from weed science and plant invasion science allowed us (i) to develop a comprehensive plant demographic model to evaluate and compare management tools, such as optimal cutting regimes and biological control for different regions and habitat types, and (ii) to assess benefits and risks of biological control. It further (iii) showed ways to reconcile different stakeholder interests and management objectives (health versus crop yield), and (iv) led to an economic model to assess invader impact across actors and domains, and effectiveness of control measures. (v) It also led to design and implement management strategies in collaboration with the various stakeholder groups affected by noxious weeds, created training opportunities for early stage researchers in the sustainable management of noxious plants, and actively promoted improved decision making regarding the use of exotic biocontrol agents at the national and European level. We critically discuss our achievements and limitations, and list and discuss other potential Old World (Afro-Eurasian) target species that could benefit from applying such an integrative approach, as typical invasive alien plants are increasingly reported from crop fields and native crop weeds are invading adjacent non-crop land, thereby forming new source populations for further spread.  相似文献   

Organisms express phenotypic plasticity during social interactions. Interacting phenotype theory has explored the consequences of social plasticity for evolution, but it is unclear how this theory applies to complex social structures. We adapt interacting phenotype models to general social structures to explore how the number of social connections between individuals and preference for phenotypically similar social partners affect phenotypic variation and evolution. We derive an analytical model that ignores phenotypic feedback and use simulations to test the predictions of this model. We find that adapting previous models to more general social structures does not alter their general conclusions but generates insights into the effect of social plasticity and social structure on the maintenance of phenotypic variation and evolution. Contribution of indirect genetic effects to phenotypic variance is highest when interactions occur at intermediate densities and decrease at higher densities, when individuals approach interacting with all group members, homogenizing the social environment across individuals. However, evolutionary response to selection tends to increase at greater network densities as the effects of an individual's genes are amplified through increasing effects on other group members. Preferential associations among similar individuals (homophily) increase both phenotypic variance within groups and evolutionary response to selection. Our results represent a first step in relating social network structure to the expression of social plasticity and evolutionary responses to selection.  相似文献   

Functional roles of remnant plant populations in communities and ecosystems   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A hypothesis is suggested for functional roles of remnant plant populations in communities and ecosystems. A remnant population is capable of persistence during extended time periods, despite a negative population growth rate, due to long‐lived life stages and life‐cycles, including loops that allow population persistence without completion of the whole life cycle. A list of critera is suggested to help identification of remnant plant populations. Several community and ecosystem features may result from the presence of remnant plant populations. Apart from increasing community and ecosystem resilience just by being present, remnant populations may contribute to resilience through enhancing colonization by other plant species, by providing a persistent habitat for assemblages of animals and microorganisms, and by reducing variation in nutrient cycling. It is suggested that the common ability of plants to develop remnant populations is a contributing factor to ecosystem stability. Remnant populations are important for the capacity of ecosystems to cope with the present‐day impact caused by human society, and their occurrence should be recognized in surveys of threatened plant species and communities.  相似文献   

The relationship between ecological variation and microbial genetic composition is critical to understanding microbial influence on community and ecosystem function. In glasshouse trials using nine native legume species and 40 rhizobial strains, we find that bacterial rRNA phylotype accounts for 68% of amoung isolate variability in symbiotic effectiveness and 79% of host specificity in growth response. We also find that rhizobial phylotype diversity and composition of soils collected from a geographical breadth of sites explains the growth responses of two acacia species. Positive soil microbial feedback between the two acacia hosts was largely driven by changes in diversity of rhizobia. Greater rhizobial diversity accumulated in association with the less responsive host species, Acacia salicina, and negatively affected the growth of the more responsive Acacia stenophylla. Together, this work demonstrates correspondence of phylotype with microbial function, and demonstrates that the dynamics of rhizobia on host species can feed back on plant population performance.  相似文献   

Island biogeography is the study of the spatio-temporal distribution of species, communities, assemblages or ecosystems on islands and other isolated habitats. Island diversity is structured by five classes of process: dispersal, establishment, biotic interactions, extinction and evolution. Classical approaches in island biogeography focused on species richness as the deterministic outcome of these processes. This has proved fruitful, but species traits can potentially offer new biological insights into the processes by which island life assembles and why some species perform better at colonising and persisting on islands. Functional traits refer to morphological and phenological characteristics of an organism or species that can be linked to its ecological strategy and that scale up from individual plants to properties of communities and ecosystems. A baseline hypothesis is for traits and ecological strategies of island species to show similar patterns as a matched mainland environment. However, strong dispersal, environmental and biotic-interaction filters as well as stochasticity associated with insularity modify this baseline. Clades that do colonise often embark on distinct ecological and evolutionary pathways, some because of distinctive evolutionary forces on islands, and some because of the opportunities offered by freedom from competitors or herbivores or the absence of mutualists. Functional traits are expected to be shaped by these processes. Here, we review and discuss the potential for integrating functional traits into island biogeography. While we focus on plants, the general considerations and concepts may be extended to other groups of organisms. We evaluate how functional traits on islands relate to core principles of species dispersal, establishment, extinction, reproduction, biotic interactions, evolution and conservation. We formulate existing knowledge as 33 working hypotheses. Some of these are grounded on firm empirical evidence, others provide opportunities for future research. We organise our hypotheses under five overarching sections. Section A focuses on plant functional traits enabling species dispersal to islands. Section B discusses how traits help to predict species establishment, successional trajectories and natural extinctions on islands. Section C reviews how traits indicate species biotic interactions and reproduction strategies and which traits promote intra-island dispersal. Section D discusses how evolution on islands leads to predictable changes in trait values and which traits are most susceptible to change. Section E debates how functional ecology can be used to study multiple drivers of global change on islands and to formulate effective conservation measures. Islands have a justified reputation as research models. They illuminate the forces operating within mainland communities by showing what happens when those forces are released or changed. We believe that the lens of functional ecology can shed more light on these forces than research approaches that do not consider functional differences among species.  相似文献   

赵秋叶  施晓清 《生态学报》2017,37(14):4873-4882
产业生态系统发展规律对于产业转型升级至关重要,对其进行研究也是当前产业生态学的新方向。产业生态系统是指在一定区域内,产业组分以及环境组分之间通过物质交换及能量流动等形成的有机统一整体。产业生态网络则是其各组分之间通过物质流等相互作用构成的生态关系的一种拓扑结构。基于货币型投入产出模型通过物质型转化构建城市尺度产业生态网络,借鉴生态网络分析方法,提出通过循环性、生态效率、上升性3类特征指标判定产业生态网络的演进规律。实证研究了2005—2014年北京市产业生态系统的特征及其演进规律,阐明了其发展的趋势。主要结论是:从趋势分析,北京市产业生态系统循环性、生态效率和上升性有随时间而提升的趋势。其中,循环性和上升性变化趋势一致:总体呈现上升趋势,且2007年数值明显高于其他年份;生态效率总体随年份呈现波浪式增速的趋势;从指数分析:各年份循环指数(FCI)介于0—1之间,表明产业系统的物质循环流量均小于直接流量;A/C指数介于0.187—0.256之间,表明离理论可持续发展状态(0.401)还有相当的距离;生态效率10年提高2.4倍,在2013年已经接近1,到2014年实现大于1的水平,其生态效率已达到这10a间的最优的状态。总体上,北京市产业系统正在向物质循环性、生态效率以及系统上升性逐步提高的方向转型。  相似文献   

Current human population is mostly located in urban areas making cities the center of attention in terms of achieving sustainability goals. Evidence shows that ecosystems have evolved over time toward a balanced configuration between resource efficiency and functional redundancy. For this reason, they are exemplary models to follow in terms of sustainability. Here, we apply similar ecological network-based methods to study the virtual water metabolic network (VWMN) of the Metropolitan District of Quito. The VWMN was obtained using novel bottom-up, survey-based methods to generate the urban metabolic network. We compare the VWMN results with those previously obtained from ecological food webs, to learn if there are insights about the sustainability of urban metabolic processes. We conclude that VWMN does not exhibit characteristics observed in sustainable ecological networks because this socioeconomic network exhibits higher levels of path redundancy. Urban metabolism studies are gaining in popularity as a research tool aimed at informing resource management and this is one of the first covering a city in the Global South and using a bottom-up survey method.  相似文献   

1. The megadiverse herbivores and their host plants are a major component of biodiversity, and their interactions have been hypothesised to drive the diversification of both. 2. If plant diversity influences the diversity of insects, there is an expectation that insect species richness will be strongly correlated with host‐plant species richness. This should be observable at two levels (i) more diverse host‐plant groups should harbour more species of insects, and (ii) the species richness of a group of insects should correlate with the richness of the host groups it uses. However, such a correlation is also consistent with a hypothesis of random host use, in which insects encounter and use hosts in proportion to the diversity of host plants. Neither of these expectations has been widely tested. 3. These expectations were tested using data from a species‐rich group of insects – the Coccidae (Hemiptera). 4. Significant positive correlations were found between the species richness of coccid clades (genera) and the species richness of the host‐plant family or families upon which the clades occur. On a global scale, more closely related plant families have more similar communities of coccid genera but the correlation is weak. 5. Random host use could not be rejected for many coccids but randomisation tests and similarity of coccid communities on closely related plant families show that there is non‐random host use in some taxa. Overall, our results support the idea that plant diversity is a driver of species richness of herbivorous insects, probably via escape‐and‐radiate or oscillation‐type processes.  相似文献   

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