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The inherent complexity of aging‐related traits can temper progress in unraveling the genetic origins of healthspan. We focus on two generations in the Framingham Heart Study, the original (FHS) and offspring (FHSO) cohorts, to determine whether aging‐related processes in changing environments can substantially impact the role of lipid‐related genes discovered in candidate gene (the apolipoprotein E (APOE) e2/3/4 polymorphism) and genome‐wide (the APOB rs1042034 (C/T)) studies, in regulation of total cholesterol (TC) and onset of cardiovascular disease (CVD). We demonstrate that the APOE e4 allele and APOB CC genotype can play detrimental, neutral, and protective sex‐specific roles in the etiology of CVD at different ages and in different environments. We document antagonistic roles for the e4 allele in the onset of CVD characterized by detrimental effects at younger ages (RR≤ 75 years = 1.49, P = 7.5 × 10?4) and protective effects at older ages (RR76+years = 0.77, P = 0.044) for FHS participants. We found that disregarding the role of aging erroneously nullifies the significant effects of the e4 allele in this sample (RR = 0.92, P = 0.387). The leading biogenetic pathways mediating genetic effects on CVD may be more relevant to lipid metabolism for APOB than APOE. Aging‐related processes can modulate the strength of genetic associations with TC in the same individuals at different chronological ages. We found substantial differences in the effects of the same APOE and APOB alleles on CVD and TC across generations. The results suggest that aging‐related processes in changing environments may play key roles in the genetics of healthspan. Detailed systemic integrative analyses may substantially advance the progress.  相似文献   

Selenium (Se) is a trace metalloid essential for life, but its nutritional and physiological roles during the aging process remain elusive. While telomere attrition contributes to replicative senescence mainly through persistent DNA damage response, such an aging process is mitigated in mice with inherently long telomeres. Here, weanling third generation telomerase RNA component knockout mice carrying short telomeres were fed a Se‐deficient basal diet or the diet supplemented with 0.15 ppm Se as sodium selenate to be nutritionally sufficient throughout their life. Dietary Se deprivation delayed wound healing and accelerated incidence of osteoporosis, gray hair, alopecia, and cataract, but surprisingly promoted longevity. Plasma microRNA profiling revealed a circulating signature of Se deprivation, and subsequent ontological analyses predicted dominant changes in metabolism. Consistent with this observation, dietary Se deprivation accelerated age‐dependent declines in glucose tolerance, insulin sensitivity, and glucose‐stimulated insulin production in the mice. Moreover, DNA damage and senescence responses were enhanced and Pdx1 and MafA mRNA expression were reduced in pancreas of the Se‐deficient mice. Altogether, these results suggest a novel model of aging with conceptual advances, whereby Se at low levels may be considered a hormetic chemical and decouple healthspan and longevity.  相似文献   

Diets low in methionine extend lifespan of rodents, though through unknown mechanisms. Glycine can mitigate methionine toxicity, and a small prior study has suggested that supplemental glycine could extend lifespan of Fischer 344 rats. We therefore evaluated the effects of an 8% glycine diet on lifespan and pathology of genetically heterogeneous mice in the context of the Interventions Testing Program. Elevated glycine led to a small (4%–6%) but statistically significant lifespan increase, as well as an increase in maximum lifespan, in both males (p = 0.002) and females (p < 0.001). Pooling across sex, glycine increased lifespan at each of the three independent sites, with significance at p = 0.01, 0.053, and 0.03, respectively. Glycine‐supplemented females were lighter than controls, but there was no effect on weight in males. End‐of‐life necropsies suggested that glycine‐treated mice were less likely than controls to die of pulmonary adenocarcinoma (p = 0.03). Of the 40 varieties of incidental pathology evaluated in these mice, none were increased to a significant degree by the glycine‐supplemented diet. In parallel analyses of the same cohort, we found no benefits from TM5441 (an inhibitor of PAI‐1, the primary inhibitor of tissue and urokinase plasminogen activators), inulin (a source of soluble fiber), or aspirin at either of two doses. Our glycine results strengthen the idea that modulation of dietary amino acid levels can increase healthy lifespan in mice, and provide a foundation for further investigation of dietary effects on aging and late‐life diseases.  相似文献   

Traditionally, genomewide association studies (GWAS) have emphasized the benefits of large samples in the analyses of age‐related traits rather than their specific properties. We adopted a realistic concept of genetic susceptibility to inherently heterogeneous, age‐related traits driven by the elusive role of evolution in their properties. We analyzed in detail the associations of rs693 and rs562338 polymorphisms representing the Apolipoprotein B locus with endophenotypes (total cholesterol [TC] and high‐density lipoprotein cholesterol) and phenotypes (myocardial infarction [MI] and survival) in four large‐scale studies, which include 20 748 individuals with 2357 MI events. We showed that a strong, robust predisposition of rs693 and rs562338 to TC (β = 0.72, P = 7.7 × 10?30 for rs693 and β = ?1.08, P = 9.8 × 10?42 for rs562338) is not translated into a predisposition to MI and survival. The rs693_A allele influences risks of MI and mortality after MI additively with lipids. This allele shows antagonistic effects—protecting against MI risks (β = ?0.18, P = 1.1 × 10?5) or increasing MI risks (β = 0.15, P = 2.8 × 10?3) and mortality after MI, in different populations. Paradoxically, increased TC concentrations can be protective against MI for the rs693_A allele carriers. Our results uncouple the influences of the same alleles on endophenotypes and phenotypes despite potential causal relationships among the latter. Our strategy reveals virtually genomewide significance for the associations of rs693 with MI (P = 5.5 × 10?8) that is contrasted with a weak estimate following the traditional, sample‐size‐centered GWAS strategy (P = 0.16) in the same sample. These results caution against the use of the traditional GWAS strategy for gaining profound insights into genetic predisposition to healthspan and lifespan.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The longevity of field colonies was investigated in the ponerine ant Harpegnathos saltator (Jerdon) in which either reproductive workers (gamergates) or a single queen reproduce.
2. Data from 3 years were used to calculate the ratio between queen-right ( n  = 50) and gamergate ( n  = 12) colonies that can be used to derive the colony mortality of gamergate colonies. Using the survival rates of queens in the laboratory, extrinsic and intrinsic mortality rates of queen-right colonies were calculated.
3. No significant differences in the sizes of queen-right and gamergate colonies above 14 workers was found, suggesting that mortality of established colonies is not size related.
4. The mortality of gamergate colonies is 4.17 times higher than the intrinsic mortality of queen-right colonies.
5. In the laboratory, mean survival time of queens in colonies of more than 14 workers was 1.79 years.
6. Estimated mean survival time of queen-right and gamergate colonies in the field varies between 0.78 and 0.43 years respectively, when no costs of conflict during the replacement of queens occur; however, when the latter costs increase colony mortality to a level similar to extrinsic mortality, the calculated longevity of queen-right colonies would increase to 1.02 years.  相似文献   

A recently proposed principal law of lifespan (PLOSP) proposes to extend the whole human lifespan by elongating different life stages. As the preborn stage of a human being, gestation is the foundation for the healthy development of the human body. The antagonistic pleiotropy (AP) theory of aging states that there is a trade-off between early life fitness and late-life mortality. The question is whether slower development during the gestation period would be associated with a longer lifespan. Among all living creatures, the length of the gestation period is highly positively correlated to the length of the lifespan, although such a correlation is thought to be influenced by the body sizes of different species. While examining the relationship between lifespan length and body size within the same species, dogs exhibit a negative correlation between lifespans and body sizes, while there is no such correlation among domestic cats. For humans, most adverse gestational environments shorten the period of gestation, and their impacts are long-term. While many issues remain unsolved, various developmental features have been linked to the conditions during the gestation period. Given that the length of human pregnancies can vary randomly by as long as 5 weeks, it is worth investigating whether a slow steady healthy gestation over a longer period will be related to a longer and healthier lifespan. This article discusses the potential benefits, negative impacts, and challenges of the relative elongation of the gestation period.  相似文献   

Alavez S  Lithgow GJ 《Aging cell》2012,11(2):187-191
Over the last 10 years, various screens of small molecules have been conducted to find long sought interventions in aging. Most of these studies were performed in invertebrates but the demonstration of pharmacological lifespan extension in the mouse has created considerable excitement. Since aging is a common risk factor for several chronic diseases, there is a reasonable expectation that some compounds capable of extending lifespan will be useful for preventing a range of age‐related diseases. One of the potential targets is protein aggregation which is associated with several age‐related diseases. Genetic studies have long indicated that protein homeostasis is a critical component of longevity but recently a series of chemicals have been identified in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans that lead to the maintenance of the homeostatic network and extend lifespan. Herein we review these interventions in C. elegans and consider the potential of improving health by enhancing protein homeostasis.  相似文献   

A recent paper by Deelen et al. (2014) in Human Molecular Genetics reports the largest genome-wide association study of human longevity to date. While impressive, there is a remarkable lack of association of genes known to considerably extend lifespan in rodents with human longevity, both in this latest study and in genetic association studies in general. Here, I discuss several possible explanations, such as intrinsic limitations in longevity association studies and the complex genetic architecture of longevity. Yet one hypothesis is that the lack of correlation between longevity-associated genes in model organisms and genes associated with human longevity is, at least partly, due to intrinsic limitations and biases in animal studies. In particular, most studies in model organisms are conducted in strains of limited genetic diversity which are then not applicable to human populations. This has important implications and, together with other recent results demonstrating strain-specific longevity effects in rodents due to caloric restriction, it questions our capacity to translate the exciting findings from the genetics of aging to human therapies.  相似文献   

In insects, lifespan and reproduction are strongly associated with nutrition. The ratio and amount of nutrients individuals consume affect their life expectancy and reproductive investment. The geometric framework (GF) enables us to explore how animals regulate their intake of multiple nutrients simultaneously and determine how these nutrients interact to affect life‐history traits of interest. Studies using the GF on host‐generalist tephritid flies have highlighted trade‐offs between longevity and reproductive effort in females, mediated by the protein‐to‐carbohydrate (P:C) ratio that individuals consume. Here, we tested how P and C intake affect lifespan (LS) in both sexes, and female lifetime (LEP), and daily (DEP) egg production, in Ceratitis cosyra, a host‐specialist tephritid fly. We then determined the P:C ratio that C. cosyra defends when offered a choice of foods. Female LS was optimized at a 0:1 P:C ratio, whereas to maximize their fecundity, females needed to consume a higher P:C ratio (LEP = 1:6 P:C; DEP = 1:2.5 P:C). In males, LS was also optimized at a low P:C ratio of 1:10. However, when given the opportunity to regulate their intake, both sexes actively defended a 1:3 P:C ratio, which is closer to the target for DEP than either LS or LEP. Our results show that female C. cosyra experienced a moderate trade‐off between LS and fecundity. Moreover, the diets that maximized expression of LEP and DEP were of lower P:C ratio than those required for optimal expression of these traits in host‐generalist tephritids or other generalist insects.  相似文献   

Many models of life history evolution assume trade-offs between major life history traits; however, these trade-offs are often not found. The Y model predicts that variation in acquisition can mask underlying allocation trade-offs and is a major hypothesis explaining why negative relationships are not always found between traits that are predicted to trade-off with one another. Despite this model's influence on the field of life history evolution, it has rarely been properly tested. We use a model system, the wing dimorphic cricket, Gryllus firmus as a case study to test the assumptions and predictions of the Y model. By experimentally altering the acquisition regime and by estimating energy acquisition and energy allocation directly in this species, we are able to explicitly test this important model. Overall, we find strong support for the predictions of the Y model.  相似文献   

Methionine restriction (MetR) extends lifespan across different species and exerts beneficial effects on metabolic health and inflammatory responses. In contrast, certain cancer cells exhibit methionine auxotrophy that can be exploited for therapeutic treatment, as decreasing dietary methionine selectively suppresses tumor growth. Thus, MetR represents an intervention that can extend lifespan with a complementary effect of delaying tumor growth. Beyond its function in protein synthesis, methionine feeds into complex metabolic pathways including the methionine cycle, the transsulfuration pathway, and polyamine biosynthesis. Manipulation of each of these branches extends lifespan; however, the interplay between MetR and these branches during regulation of lifespan is not well understood. In addition, a potential mechanism linking the activity of methionine metabolism and lifespan is regulation of production of the methyl donor S‐adenosylmethionine, which, after transferring its methyl group, is converted to S‐adenosylhomocysteine. Methylation regulates a wide range of processes, including those thought to be responsible for lifespan extension by MetR. Although the exact mechanisms of lifespan extension by MetR or methionine metabolism reprogramming are unknown, it may act via reducing the rate of translation, modifying gene expression, inducing a hormetic response, modulating autophagy, or inducing mitochondrial function, antioxidant defense, or other metabolic processes. Here, we review the mechanisms of lifespan extension by MetR and different branches of methionine metabolism in different species and the potential for exploiting the regulation of methyltransferases to delay aging.  相似文献   

Trade‐offs in life‐history traits are clinically and mechanistically important. Sulfur amino acid restriction (SAAR) extends lifespan. But whether this benefit comes at the cost of other traits including stress resistance and growth is unclear. We investigated the effects of SAAR on growth markers (body weight, IGF1, and IGFBP3) and physiological stresses. Male‐F344 rats were fed control (0.86% Met) and SAAR (0.17% Met) diets starting at 2, 10, and 20 months. Rats were injected with keyhole‐limpet‐hemocyanin (KLH) to measure immune responses (anti‐KLH‐IgM, anti‐KLH‐IgG, and delayed‐type‐hypersensitivity [DTH]). Markers of ER stress (FGF21 and adiponectin), detoxification capacity (glutathione [GSH] concentrations, GSH‐S‐transferase [GST], and cytochrome‐P450‐reductase [CPR] activities), and low‐grade inflammation (C‐reactive protein [CRP]) were also determined. SAAR decreased body weight, liver weight, food intake, plasma IGF1, and IGFBP3; the effect size diminished with increasing age‐at‐onset. SAAR increased FGF21 and adiponectin, but stress damage markers GRP78 and Xbp1s/us were unchanged, suggesting that ER stress is hormetic. SAAR increased hepatic GST activity despite lower GSH, but CPR activity was unchanged, indicative of enhanced detoxification capacity. Other stress markers were either uncompromised (CRP, anti‐KLH‐IgM, and DTH) or slightly lower (anti‐KLH‐IgG). Increases in stress markers were similar across all ages‐at‐onset, except for adiponectin, which peaked at 2 months. Overall, SAAR did not compromise stress responses and resulted in maximal benefits with young‐onset. In survival studies, median lifespan extension with initiation at 52 weeks was 7 weeks (p = .05); less than the 33.5‐week extension observed in our previous study with 7‐week initiation. Findings support SAAR translational studies and the need to optimize Met dose based on age‐at‐onset.  相似文献   

Human apolipoprotein (apo) E is polymorphic. We have investigated the effect of the apo-E polymorphism on quantitative plasma levels of apo E, apo B, and total cholesterol in a sample of 563 blood-bank donors from Marburg and Giessen, West Germany. The relative frequencies of the epsilon 2, epsilon 3, and epsilon 4 alleles are .063, .793, and .144, respectively. The average effects of the epsilon 2 allele are to raise apo-E levels by 0.95 mg/dl, lower apo B levels by 9.46 mg/dl, and lower total cholesterol levels by 14.2 mg/dl. The average effects of the epsilon 4 allele are to lower apo-E levels by 0.19 mg/dl, to raise apo-B levels by 4.92 mg/dl, and to raise total cholesterol levels by 7.09 mg/dl. The average effects of the epsilon 3 allele are near zero for all three phenotypes. The apo-E polymorphism accounts for 20% of the variability of plasma apo-E levels, 12% of the variability of plasma apo-B levels, and 4% of the variability of total plasma cholesterol levels. The inverse relationship between the genotype-specific average apo-E levels and both the genotype-specific average apo-B and cholesterol levels is offset by a positive relationship between apo-E levels and both apo-B and cholesterol levels within an apo-E genotype. The apo-E polymorphism also has a direct effect on the correlation between apo-E and total cholesterol levels. The implication of these results on multivariate genetic analyses of these phenotypes is discussed.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Evolutionary responses to selection can be complicated when there is substantial nonadditivity, which limits our ability to extrapolate from simple models of selection to population differentiation and speciation. Studies of Drosophila melanogaster indicate that lifespan and the rate of senescence are influenced by many genes that have environment- and sex-specific effects. These studies also demonstrate that interactions among alleles (dominance) and loci (epistasis) are common, with the degree of interaction differing between the sexes and among environments. However, little is known about the genetic architecture of lifespan or mortality rates for organisms other than D. melanogaster. We studied genetic architecture of differences in lifespan and shapes of mortality curves between two populations of the seed beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus (South India and Burkina Faso populations). These two populations differ in various traits (such as body size and adult lifespan) that have likely evolved via host-specific selection. We found that the genetic architecture of lifespan differences between populations differs substantially between males and females; there was a large maternal effect on male lifespan (but not on female lifespan), and substantial dominance of long-life alleles in females (but not males). The large maternal effect in males was genetically based (there was no significant cytoplasmic effect) likely due to population differences in maternal effects genes that influence lifespan of progeny. Rearing host did not affect the genetic architecture of lifespan, and there was no evidence that genes on the Y-chromosome influence the population differences in lifespan. Epistatic interactions among loci were detectable for the mortality rate of both males and females, but were detectable for lifespan only after controlling for body size variation among lines. The detection of epistasis, dominance, and sex-specific genetic effects on C. maculatus lifespan is consistent with results from line cross and quantitative trait locus studies of D. melanogaster.  相似文献   

Environmental manipulations have consistently demonstrated a cost of reproduction in the capital-breeding seed beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus, as females deprived of seeds or mates lay fewer eggs and thereby increase their longevity. Yet fecundity and longevity tend to be positively correlated within populations, perhaps as a consequence of individual differences in resource acquisition. We conducted a split-brood experiment that combined a manipulation of seed availability (seeds present or absent) with a quantitative-genetic analysis of fecundity and lifespan in each environment. Each trait was significantly heritable in each environment. Seed availability not only altered mean fecundity and longevity between environments, but also modified how the traits were correlated within environments. The signs of both the phenotypic and genetic correlations switched from positive when seeds were present to negative when seeds were absent. This reversal persisted even after the effect of body mass (a potential indicator of resource acquisition) was statistically controlled. Cross-environment genetic correlations were positive but significantly less than one for each trait. We suggest that the reversal of the fecundity-longevity relationship depends on a shift in the relative importance of resource-acquisition and resource-allocation loci between environments. In particular, a cost of reproduction may be apparent at the individual level only when seeds are scarce or absent because differences in reproductive effort become large enough to overwhelm differences in resource acquisition. Despite their common dependence on resources acquired during larval stages, fecundity and lifespan in C. maculatus do not appear to be tightly coupled in a physiological or genetic sense.  相似文献   

Old proteins are widely distributed in the body. Over time, they deteriorate and many spontaneous reactions, for example isomerisation of Asp and Asn, can be replicated by incubation of peptides under physiological conditions. One of the signatures of long‐lived proteins that has proven to be difficult to replicate in vitro is cleavage on the N‐terminal side of Ser residues, and this is important since cleavage at Ser, and also Thr, has been observed in a number of human proteins. In this study, the autolysis of Ser‐ and Thr‐containing peptides was investigated with particular reference to discovering factors that promote cleavage adjacent to Ser/Thr at neutral pH. It was found that zinc catalyses cleavage of the peptide bond on the N‐terminal side of Ser residues and further that this process is markedly accelerated if a His residue is adjacent to the Ser. NMR analysis indicated that the imidazole group co‐ordinates zinc and that once zinc is co‐ordinated, it can polarize the carbonyl group of the peptide bond in a manner analogous to that observed in the active site of the metalloexopeptidase, carboxypeptidase A. The hydroxyl side chain of Ser/Thr is then able to cleave the adjacent peptide bond. These observations enable an understanding of the origin of common truncations observed in long‐lived proteins, for example truncation on the N‐terminal side of Ser 8 in Abeta, Ser 19 in alpha B crystallin and Ser 66 in alpha A crystallin. The presence of zinc may therefore significantly affect the long‐term stability of cellular proteins.  相似文献   

Modest dietary restriction extends lifespan (LS) in a diverse range of taxa and typically has a larger effect in females than males. Traditionally, this has been attributed to a stronger trade‐off between LS and reproduction in females than in males that is mediated by the intake of calories. Recent studies, however, suggest that it is the intake of specific nutrients that extends LS and mediates this trade‐off. Here, we used the geometric framework (GF) to examine the sex‐specific effects of protein (P) and carbohydrate (C) intake on LS and reproduction in Drosophila melanogaster. We found that LS was maximized at a high intake of C and a low intake of P in both sexes, whereas nutrient intake had divergent effects on reproduction. Male offspring production rate and LS were maximized at the same intake of nutrients, whereas female egg production rate was maximized at a high intake of diets with a P:C ratio of 1:2. This resulted in larger differences in nutrient‐dependent optima for LS and reproduction in females than in males, as well as an optimal intake of nutrients for lifetime reproduction that differed between the sexes. Under dietary choice, the sexes followed similar feeding trajectories regulated around a P:C ratio of 1:4. Consequently, neither sex reached their nutritional optimum for lifetime reproduction, suggesting intralocus sexual conflict over nutrient optimization. Our study shows clear sex differences in the nutritional requirements of reproduction in D. melanogaster and joins the growing list of studies challenging the role of caloric restriction in extending LS.  相似文献   

The Sgs1 protein from Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a member of the RecQ helicases. Defects in RecQ helicases result in premature aging phenotypes in both yeasts and humans, which appear to be promoted by replicative stress. Yeast rad27 mutants also suffer from premature aging. As the human Rad27p and Sgs1p homologs interact, a similar interaction between the yeast proteins could be important for promoting longevity in S. cerevisiae. We tested the contribution of a potential interaction between Rad27p and Sgs1p to longevity by analyzing lifespan and parameters associated with longevity in rad27 and sgs1 mutants. The carbon source supporting growth also modulated longevity as evaluated by replicative and chronological lifespan measurements. Growth on glycerol promoted chronological lifespan, while maximum replicative lifespan was obtained with glucose-supported growth. In comparison to the individual mutants, the sgs1 rad27 double mutant displayed a shortened replicative lifespan and was also more sensitive to DNA-damaging agents. In addition to promoting replicative lifespan, the activity of Rad27p was critical for achieving full chronological lifespan. The rad27 mutants exhibited increased oxidative stress levels along with an elevated spontaneous mutation rate. Removal of Sgs1p activity additionally increased the oxidative stress and spontaneous mutation rate in rad27 mutants without affecting the chronological lifespan.  相似文献   

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