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We investigated the effects of agriculture and the availability of edge habitat on populations of Helmeted Guineafowl Numida meleagris and associated avian diversity and species composition in woodland and grassland biomes in the Midlands of KwaZulu-Natal province, South Africa. Study sites within woodland biome had greater species diversity than those in grassland, whereas adjacent, high-quality, protected habitat in grassland sites, enhanced diversity within this biome. Both guineafowl populations and overall avian diversity declined with increasingly intensive agriculture and disappearance of edge habitat and associated, optimally fragmented habitat mosaic. Furthermore, traditional agriculture in the form of contouring in a pesticide-free environment, resulted in extensive edge habitat that appeared to provide additional food and cover for birds. This, in turn, caused an increase in overall bird diversity, and in guineafowl populations in particular. The widespread decline in Helmeted Guineafowl populations in the Midlands that started in the 1980s, and possibly the decline in species associated with this variegated landscape, was therefore caused by the loss of the habitat mosaic to intensive, modern, monoculture, crop agriculture. Maintaining species diversity and healthy guineafowl populations within these habitats requires the persistence or re-creation of a habitat mosaic and the resulting edge habitat on a landscape scale.  相似文献   

Whether predators can limit their prey has been a topic of scientific debate for decades. Traditionally it was believed that predators take only wounded, sick, old or otherwise low-quality individuals, and thus have little impact on prey populations. However, there is increasing evidence that, at least under certain circumstances, vertebrate predators may indeed limit prey numbers. This potential role of predators as limiting factors of prey populations has created conflicts between predators and human hunters, because the hunters may see predators as competitors for the same resources. A particularly acute conflict has emerged over the past few decades between gamebird hunters and birds of prey in Europe. As a part of a European-wide research project, we reviewed literature on the relationships between birds of prey and gamebirds. We start by analysing available data on the diets of 52 European raptor and owl species. There are some 32 species, mostly specialist predators feeding on small mammals, small passerine birds or insects, which never or very rarely include game animals (e.g. hares, rabbits, gamebirds) in their diet. A second group (20 species) consists of medium-sized and large raptors which prey on game, but for which the proportion in the diet varies temporally and spatially. Only three raptor species can have rather large proportions of gamebirds in their diet, and another seven species may utilise gamebirds locally to a great extent. We point out that the percentage of a given prey species in the diet of an avian predator does not necessarily reflect the impact of that predator on densities of prey populations. Next, we summarise available data on the numerical responses of avian predators to changing gamebird numbers. In half of these studies, no numerical response was found, while in the remainder a response was detected such that either raptor density or breeding success increased with density of gamebirds. Data on the functional responses of raptors were scarce. Most studies of the interaction between raptors and gamebird populations give some estimate of the predation rate (per cent of prey population taken by predator), but less often do they evaluate the subsequent reduction in the pre-harvest population or the potential limiting effect on breeding numbers. The few existing studies indicate that, under certain conditions, raptor predation may limit gamebird populations and reduce gamebird harvests. However, the number and extent of such studies are too modest to draw firm conclusions. Furthermore, their geographical bias to northern Europe, where predator-prey communities are typically simpler than in the south, precludes extrapolation to more diverse southern European ecosystems. There is an urgent need to develop further studies, particularly in southern Europe, to determine the functional and numerical responses of raptors to gamebird populations in species and environments other than those already evaluated in existing studies. Furthermore, additional field experiments are needed in which raptor and possibly also mammalian predator numbers are manipulated on a sufficiently large spatial and temporal scale. Other aspects that have been little studied are the role of predation by the non-breeding part of the raptor population, or floaters, on the breeding success and survival of gamebirds, as well as the effect of intra-guild predation. Finally there is a need for further research on practical methods to reduce raptor predation on gamebirds and thus reduce conflict between raptor conservation and gamebird management.  相似文献   

Impacts of birds of prey on gamebirds in the UK: a review   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The influence of predators on the distribution, density and dynamics of their prey species has long been of interest to ecologists and wildlife managers. Where the prey population is also utilized by humans, conflicts may arise through competition for a limited resource. Because gamebird shooting in the UK provides employment, recreation and income, the impact of birds of prey on gamebird populations has been the subject of intense debate for many years. Various approaches have been used to assess the impacts that raptors have on gamebird populations. Here we review the applicability and limitations of the methods used and assess the scientific evidence for population-level and economic impacts of raptors on gamebird populations in the UK. Raptors may, in some situations, take large numbers of gamebirds and may be an important proximate cause of mortality, although few studies have addressed the impacts of raptors on either breeding or pre-shooting densities. Two exceptions are studies of Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus , Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus predation on Red Grouse Lagopus lagopus scoticus on moorland in Scotland and Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus predation on Grey Partridge Perdix perdix on farmland in England. Both these studies suggested that raptors could have population-level impacts when their gamebird prey was already at low density. Studies on predation of captively bred gamebirds suggest that numbers taken by raptors at release pens vary considerably and in a few cases raptors have been documented killing relatively large numbers. On the whole, however, it appears that raptors account for a relatively small proportion of mortality among released birds and the impact on subsequent shooting bags is unknown. We summarize important gaps in current knowledge and recommend specific areas for future research.  相似文献   

Foods taken by yellow-necked spurfowl, crested francolin and helmeted guinea-fowl were investigated over a 22-month period. Bulblets of sedge (Cyperus sp.) were the major plant item in the diet of all three species. Other foods were seeds and fruits of forbs, florets and fruits of grasses, leaves of forbs and grasses and insects. Insect use increased following the rains, as did the use of florets of the grasses. Except for Cyperus sp. there was little overlap of food items taken by the crested francolin and the guinea-fowl, but both were in competition with the yellow-necked spurfowl for some species of plants. This was probably due to size of food items, that is, there was a direct relationship between size of bird and size of foods taken. Forag ing habits also influence food intake.  相似文献   

The diet of red fox Vulpes vulpes was investigated through analysis of 340 scats collected during 1992-1996 from moorland in south-west Scotland. Rodents, game-birds, lagomorphs, carrion and insectivores were the most frequently occurring food types. Fox diet and prey abundance were compared between heather dominant and grass dominant habitat types within the study area. Rodents were the most frequently occurring food type in each habitat and occurred in 63% of seats overall. Rodents occurred more often in scats from grass dominant sites while gamebirds and lagomorphs were more frequent in scats from heather dominant sites. The occurrence of rodents in winter fox scats increased with rodent abundance. In contrast, the occurrence of gamebirds in winter fox scats was unrelated to gamebird abundance but negatively related to rodent abundance. It appeared that foxes switched to gamebirds in years, or habitats, where rodents were uncommon.  相似文献   

Releasing gamebirds in large numbers for sport shooting may directly or indirectly influence the abundance, distribution and population dynamics of native wildlife. The abundances of generalist predators have been positively associated with the abundance of gamebirds. These relationships have implications for prey populations, with the potential for indirect impacts of gamebird releases on wider biodiversity. To understand the basis of these associations, we investigated variation in territory size, prey provisioning to chicks, and breeding success of common buzzards Buteo buteo, and associations with variation in the abundances of free‐roaming gamebirds, primarily pheasants Phasianus colchicus, and of rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus and field voles Microtus agrestis, as important prey for buzzards. The relative abundance of gamebirds, but not those of rabbits or voles, was weakly but positively correlated with our index of buzzard territory size. Gamebirds were rarely brought to the nest. Rabbits and voles, and not gamebirds, were provisioned to chicks in proportion to their relative abundance. The number of buzzard chicks increased with provisioning rates of rabbits, in terms of both provisioning frequency and biomass, but not with provisioning rates for gamebirds or voles. Associations between the abundances of buzzards and gamebirds may not be a consequence of the greater availability of gamebirds as prey during the buzzard breeding season. Instead, the association may arise either from habitat or predator management leading to higher densities of alternative prey (in this instance, rabbits), or from greater availability of gamebirds as prey or carrion during the autumn and winter shooting season. The interactions between gamebird releases and associated practices of predator control and shooting itself require better understanding to more effectively intervene in any one aspect of this complex social‐ecological system.  相似文献   

In this paper we ask whether we should we re-examine the future of upland gamebird management and greater federal oversight and partnerships in the twenty-first century. Management for waterfowl in North America has been successful because of the 1918 Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) and the subsequent 1986 North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP). Although the MBTA included most migratory and non-migratory species, upland gamebirds, including the northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus; bobwhite), were excluded and retained under state control. Although many waterfowl populations have been increasing, bobwhite populations have declined precipitously during much of the period. Excluding non-migratory gamebirds from the MBTA meant that the multistate coordinating efforts that made the MBTA successful for increasing the management of waterfowl have not been applied. The National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative (NBCI) has made a strong effort to unite states within the bobwhite range but does not have the federal anchoring and financial support that were given to states by the MBTA and NAWMP and currently integrate adaptive harvest, habitat management, and financial partnerships to acquire and manage wetlands that support waterfowl production. The NBCI Coordinated Implementation Program (CIP) is designed to serve the function of developing and monitoring habitat for bobwhites but is entirely voluntary and dependent entirely on state and non-governmental organization (NGO) funds, lacking federal grants and Federal Duck Stamp funds. To catch up with the successes of waterfowl, we discuss the implications of increasing coordination, partnerships, and funding mechanisms between the federal government, state governments, and NGOs to provide common landscape-level population monitoring and modeling, adaptive harvest regulations, habitat management goals, and a national upland gamebird stamp. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

长白山林区森林/沼泽交错群落的植物多样性   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
本研究应用样带网格调查方法,对森林/沼泽交错区上6种群落的植物多样性状况、优势种类与分布以及交错区环境梯度进行了研究。结果表明:森林/沼泽交错区植物多样性具有沿着交错区环境梯度逐渐增高的趋势;发育成熟的交错群落具有最高的植物多样性,且高于相对应的典型森林群落。由于交错区群落存在着沼泽植物类群、森林类群以及交错区群落的优势种类群,故发育成熟的交错区群落种类较丰富,一些优势种种群数量为森林中的5倍。因为交错区的生境对于满足这些种类的生活史具有重要作用。森林/沼泽交错群落的特征与交错区环境梯度以及两个植被类型的特征密切相关。  相似文献   

Ecological niche models (ENMs) are often used to predict species distribution patterns from datasets that describe abiotic and biotic factors at coarse spatial scales. Ground‐truthing ENMs provide important information about how these factors relate to species‐specific requirements at a scale that is biologically relevant for the species. Chimpanzees are territorial and have a predominantly frugivorous diet. The spatial and temporal variation in fruit availability for different chimpanzee populations is thus crucial, but rarely depicted in ENMs. The genetic and geographic distinction within Nigeria–Cameroon chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes ellioti) populations represents a unique opportunity to understand fine scale species‐relevant ecological variation in relation to ENMs. In Cameroon, P. t. ellioti is composed of two genetically distinct populations that occupy different niches: rainforests in western Cameroon and forest–woodland–savanna mosaic (ecotone) in central Cameroon. We investigated habitat variation at three representative sites using chimpanzee‐relevant environmental variables, including fruit availability, to assess how these variables distinguish these niches from one another. Contrary to the assumption of most ENM studies that intact forest is essential for the survival of chimpanzees, we hypothesized that the ecotone and human‐modified habitats in Cameroon have sufficient resources to sustain large chimpanzee populations. Rainfall, and the diversity, density, and size of trees were higher at the rainforest. The ecotone had a higher density of terrestrial herbs and lianas. Fruit availability was higher at Ganga (ecotone) than at Bekob and Njuma. Seasonal variation in fruit availability was highest at Ganga, and periods of fruit scarcity were longer than at the rainforest sites. Introduced and secondary forest species linked with anthropogenic modification were common at Bekob, which reduced seasonality in fruit availability. Our findings highlight the value of incorporating fine scale species‐relevant ecological data to create more realistic models, which have implications for local conservation planning efforts.  相似文献   

Five Swainson's spurfowl collected in Free State Province, South Africa, were examined for helminth parasites, and the nematodes Acuaria gruveli, Cyrnea parroti, Gongylonema congolense, Subulura dentigera, Subulura suctoria and a new Tetrameres species were recovered. Their respective prevalence was 100, 20, 80, 20, 20 and 20%. These nematodes are all new parasite records for Swainson's spurfowl, and Acuaria gruveli constitutes a new geographical record as well. A single specimen of Cyrnea eurycerca was found in an Orange River francolin, representing a new host and geographical record for this parasite. The new species, for which the name Tetrameres swainsonii is proposed, can be differentiated from its congeners by a combination of the following characters of males: two rows of body spines, a single spicule which is 1152-1392 microm long, and eight pairs of caudal spines arranged in two ventral and two lateral rows of four spines each. The single female has the globular shape typical of the genus.  相似文献   

The fauna of dynamic riverine landscapes   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
1.  Riverine landscapes are heterogeneous in space (complex mosaic of habitat types) and time (expansion and contraction cycles, landscape legacies). They are inhabited by a diverse and abundant fauna of aquatic, terrestrial and amphibious species.
2.  Faunal distribution patterns are determined by interactive processes that reflect the landscape mosaic and complex environmental gradients. The life cycles of many riverine species rely upon a shifting landscape mosaic and other species have become adapted to exploit the characteristically high turn-over of habitats.
3.  The complex landscape structure provides a diversity of habitats that sustains various successional stages of faunal assemblages. A dynamic riverine landscape sustains biodiversity by providing a variety of refugia and through ecological feedbacks from the organisms themselves (ecosystem engineering).
4.  The migration of many species, aquatic and terrestrial, is tightly coupled with the temporal and spatial dynamics of the shifting landscape mosaic. Alternation of landscape use by terrestrial and aquatic fauna corresponds to the rise and fall of the flood. Complex ecological processes inherent to intact riverine landscapes are reflected in their biodiversity, with important implications for the restoration and management of river corridors.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   To investigate the possible effect of elevation on the prevalence of hematozoa infection, we collected blood smears from a population of Winter Wrens ( Troglogytes troglodytes ) in the Coast Mountains of southwestern British Columbia, Canada. We sampled 119 Winter Wrens, including 88 at low elevation (0–500 m) and 31 at high elevation (900–1100 m) sites. In addition, five other species, including Swainson's Thrush ( Catharus ustulatus ; N = 12), Dark-eyed Junco ( Junco hyemalis ; N = 11), Hermit Thrush ( Catharus guttatus ; N = 8), Varied Thrush ( Ixoreus naevius ; N = 4), and American Robin ( Turdus migratorius ; N = 4), were sampled. No Winter Wrens were infected by blood parasites. Among the other species, Haemoproteus infection was detected in one Varied Thrush (25%) and five Swainson's Thrushes (42%). Thus, despite the occurrence of infection in sympatrically breeding species, blood parasites are apparently absent or occur at extremely low prevalence in Winter Wrens in our study area. The presence of hematozoa in European populations of Winter Wrens, combined with an abundance of vector species in our study area, suggest population-level resistance to infection. Further study is needed to determine the specific mechanisms involved in the apparent lack of infection in our study population.  相似文献   

Levels of allozyme variation and intrapopulation spatial genetic structure of the two terrestrial clonal orchids Liparis kumokiri , a self-compatible relatively common species, and L. makinoana , a self-incompatible rare species, were examined for 17 ( N  = 1875) and four ( N  = 425) populations, respectively, in South Korea. Populations of L. makinoana harboured high levels of genetic variation ( H e = 0.319) across 15 loci. In contrast, L. kumokiri exhibited a complete lack of allozyme variation ( H e = 0.000). Considering the lack of genetic variability, it is suggested that current populations of L. kumokiri in South Korea originated from a genetically depauperate ancestral population. For L. makinoana , a significant deficit of heterozygosity (mean F IS = 0.198) was found in population samples excluding clonal ramets, suggesting that pollen dispersal is localized, generating biparental inbreeding. The significant fine-scale genetic structuring (≤ 2 m) found in a previous study, in addition to the moderate levels of population differentiation ( F ST = 0.107) and the significant relationship between genetic and geographical distances ( r  = 0.680) found here, suggests a leptokurtic distribution of seed dispersal for L. makinoana . Although populations of L. makinoana harbour high levels of genetic variation, they are affected by a recent genetic bottleneck. This information suggests that genetic drift and limited gene flow could be the main evolutionary forces for speciation of a species-rich genus such as Liparis .  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 153 , 41–48.  相似文献   

Restoring ponds for amphibians: a success story   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Large-scale restoration of quality habitats is often considered essential for the recovery of threatened pond-breeding amphibians but only a few successful cases are documented, so far. We describe a landscape-scale restoration project targeted at two declining species—the crested newt (Triturus cristatus Laur.) and the common spadefoot toad (Pelobates fuscus Wagler)—in six protected areas in southern and southeastern Estonia. The ponds were restored or created in clusters to (i) increase the density and number of breeding sites at local and landscape levels; (ii) provide adjacent ponds with differing depths, hydroperiods and littoral zones and (iii) restore an array of wetlands connected to appropriate terrestrial habitat. In only 3 years, where 22 of the 405 existing ponds (5%) were restored and 208 new ponds (51%) created, the number of ponds occupied by the common spadefoot toad increased 6.5 times. Concerning the crested newt and the moor frog (Rana arvalis Nilsson), the increase was 2.3 and 2.5 times, respectively. The target species had breeding attempts in most of the colonised ponds—even more frequently than common species. Also, the amphibian species richness was higher in the restored than in the untreated ponds. The crested newt preferably colonised ponds that had some submerged vegetation and were surrounded by forest or a mosaic of forest and open habitats. The common spadefoot toad favoured ponds having clear and transparent water. Our study reveals that habitat restoration for threatened pond-breeding amphibians can rapidly increase their numbers if the restoration is implemented at the landscape scale, taking into account the habitat requirements of target species and the ecological connectivity of populations. When the remnant populations are strong enough, translocation of individuals may not be necessary. Guest editors: B. Oertli, R. Cereghino, A. Hull & R. Miracle Pond Conservation: From Science to Practice. 3rd Conference of the European Pond Conservation Network, Valencia, Spain, 14–16 May 2008  相似文献   

Understanding complex, dynamic, and diverse ecosystems is essential for developing sound management and conservation strategies. Gravel-bed river floodplains are composed of an interlinked mosaic of aquatic and terrestrial habitats hosting a diverse, specialized, and endangered fauna. Therefore, they serve as excellent models to investigate the biodiversity of multiple ecotones and related edge effects. In this study, we investigated the abundance, composition, richness, and conservation status of beetle assemblages at varying sediment depth (0, 0.1, 0.6 and 1.1 m), distance from the channel (1, 5, 20, and 60–100 m, and 5 m within the riparian forest), and time of the year (February–November) across a 200 m-wide gravel bar at the near-natural Tagliamento River (Italy), to detect edge effects in four floodplain ecotones: aquatic-terrestrial, forest-active floodplain, sediment-air, and sediment-groundwater. We used conventional pitfall traps and novel tube traps to sample beetles comparably on the sediment surface and within the unsaturated sediments. We found a total of 308 beetle species (including 87 of conservation concern) that showed multiple, significant positive edge effects across the floodplain ecotones, mainly driven by spatial heterogeneity: Total and red list beetle abundance and richness peaked on the sediment surface, at channel margins, and at the edge of the riparian forest. All ecotones possessed edge/habitat specialists. Most red list species occurred on the sediment surface, including five species previously considered extinct – yet two of these species occurred in higher densities in the unsaturated sediments. Conservation and management efforts along gravel-bed rivers must therefore promote a dynamic flow and sediment regime to create and maintain habitat heterogeneity and ecotone diversity, which support a unique and high biodiversity.  相似文献   

Lantana camara is a widespread exotic invasive species in India, capable of dominating and displacing native forage species. We investigated whether L. camara was associated with variation in elephant foraging behavior in Mudumalai Tiger Reserve, India. The behavioral responses of elephants to L. camara were assessed from feeding and stepping rates. Elephants were never observed to feed on L. camara, but rather fed on grass and browse present within and around L. camara patches. A multiple regression analysis showed that feeding rates were negatively associated with L. camara invasion (F1, 55 = 4.26, R2 = 0.07), but not stepping rates. Instead, grass cover and browse density were associated with stepping rates (F2, 55 = 11.16, R2 = 0.30). Path analysis indicated that the total effect of L. camara on feeding rates was 11 percent (β = ?0.24) less than the direct negative association (β = ?0.27) owing to a positive indirect association of L. camara with feeding rates through grass cover and browse density (β = 0.03), while stepping rates were negatively associated with grass cover (β = ?0.39) and positively associated with browse density (β = 0.38). Our results indicate that L. camara appears capable of modifying feeding rates of elephants, likely through a loss of grass areas due to L. camara invasion. Experimental work is needed to test for causal relationships among the variables we measured, to enhance our understanding of how invasive weeds modify elephant behavior.  相似文献   

Levels of allozyme variation, population genetic structure, and fine-scale genetic structure (FSGS) of the rare, both sexually and clonally reproducing terrestrial orchid Epipactis thunbergii were examined for eight ( N  = 734) populations in a 20 × 20-km area in South Korea. Twenty-three putative allozyme loci resolved from 15 enzyme systems were used. Extremely low levels of allozyme variation were found within populations: the mean frequency of polymorphic loci was 3.8% [isocitrate dehydrogenase ( Idh-2 ) with two alleles was polymorphic across populations], the mean number of alleles per locus was 1.04, and the mean expected heterozygosity was 0.013. The overall fixation index was not significantly different from zero ( F IS = 0.069), although the species is self-compatible. However, a significantly high degree of population differentiation was found between populations at Idh-2 ( F ST = 0.388) in the studied area. Furthermore, spatial autocorrelation analyses revealed a significant FSGS (up to 3 m) within populations. These observations suggest that the main explanatory factors for the extremely low levels of genetic diversity and the shaping of the population genetic structure of E. thunbergii are genetic drift as a result of a small effective population size, a restricted gene flow, and the isolation of populations. Considering the current genetic structure of E. thunbergii , three guidelines are suggested for the development of conservation strategies for the species in South Korea: (1) protection of habitats of standing populations; (2) prohibition by law of any collection of E. thunbergii ; and (3) protection of nearby pollinator populations, given the fact that fruit set in natural habitats is very low.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 161–169.  相似文献   

Puccinellia pungens (Pau) Paunero is a narrowly endemic grass found in two continental saline lagoons of north-eastern Spain. This rare plant has been classified as 'at risk of extinction' in several national and European catalogues of endangered species. Recent demographic studies indicate that population sizes greatly exceed several million individuals, challenging that threat category. Our genetic analysis, based on allozymes, has shown that in spite of the large population sizes, very low levels of genetic variation were found in P. pungens . Genetic variation was similar in most populations, but the largest, Gallocanta lagoon as a whole, had less variation (35% polymorphic loci, 1.4 alleles/locus, H T = 0.038) than the more restricted Royuela range (45% polymorphic loci, 1.5 alleles/locus, H T = 0.056), suggesting a recent population expansion of the Gallocanta populations from few founder lines. The low genetic distances among populations also suggest a recent divergence. The low genetic variation observed cannot be explained fully by eventual clonal spread and rare seedling establishment in the hypersaline environment. This low variation seems to result from extreme recent population bottlenecks as a consequence of habitat conversion to agricultural fields. In the light of our data, it seems unlikely that reinforcement of populations could increase the genetic diversity of the populations. Hence, conservation efforts should focus on avoiding further habitat loss of this endangered steppe grass species.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 154 , 269–281.  相似文献   

L Gao  S Tang  L Zhuge  M Nie  Z Zhu  B Li  J Yang 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e43334
Determination of spatial genetic structure (SGS) in natural populations is important for both theoretical aspects of evolutionary genetics and their application in species conservation and ecological restoration. In this study, we examined genetic diversity within and among the natural populations of a cosmopolitan grass Phragmites australis (common reed) in the Yellow River Delta (YRD), China, where a mosaic of habitat patches varying in soil salinity was detected. We demonstrated that, despite their close geographic proximity, the common reed populations in the YRD significantly diverged at six microsatellite loci, exhibiting a strong association of genetic variation with habitat heterogeneity. Genetic distances among populations were best explained as a function of environmental difference, rather than geographical distance. Although the level of genetic divergence among populations was relatively low (FST = 0.073), weak but significant genetic differentiation, as well as the concordance between ecological and genetic landscapes, suggests spatial structuring of genotypes in relation to patchy habitats. These findings not only provided insights into the population dynamics of common reed in changing environments, but also demonstrated the feasibility of using habitat patches in a mosaic landscape as test systems to identify appropriate genetic sources for ecological restoration.  相似文献   

This study characterizes a hybrid zone that spans a migratory divide between subspecies of the Swainson's thrush (Catharus ustulatus), a long distance migratory songbird, in the Coast Mountains of British Columbia. To assess the potential for a barrier to gene flow between the subspecies, I: (1) analyzed the shape and width of genetic and morphological clines relative to estimates of dispersal distance, (2) assessed the ratio of parental to hybrid genotypes across the hybrid zone, (3) estimated population density across the hybrid zone, and (4) compared the spatial relationship between the hybrid zone and an existing environmental gradient. The results indicate that the hybrid zone is characterized by mostly concordant character clines that are narrow relative to dispersal, the absence of a hybrid swarm, and low population density at the center of the zone. This hybrid zone and additional regions of contact between these subspecies are found on the border between coastal and interior climatic regions throughout the Pacific Northwest. An identified shift in the location, but not the width, of the mtDNA cline relative to the nuclear clines is consistent with asymmetrical hybridization. Neutral diffusion of populations following secondary contact and hybrid superiority within an ecotone are insufficient explanations for the observed patterns. The hypothesis that best fits the data is that the Swainson's thrush hybrid zone is a tension zone maintained by dispersal and ecologically mediated barriers to gene flow.  相似文献   

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