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Extracellular injections of horseradish peroxidase were used to label commissural cells connecting the electrosensory lateral line lobes of the weakly electric fish Apteronotus leptorhynchus. Multiple commissural pathways exist; a caudal commissure is made up of ovoid cell axons, and polymorphic cells' axons project via a rostral commissure. Intracellular recording and labeling showed that ovoid cells discharge spontaneously at high rates, fire at preferred phases to the electric organ discharge, and respond to increased receptor afferent input with short latency partially adapting excitation. Ovoid cell axons ramify extensively in the rostro-caudal direction but are otherwise restricted to a single ELL subdivision. Polymorphic cells are also spontaneously active, but their firing is unrelated to the electric organ discharge waveform. They respond to increased receptor afferent activity with reduced firing frequency and response latency is long. Electrical stimulation of the commissural axons alters the behavior of pyramidal cells in the contralateral ELL. Basilar pyramidal cells are hyperpolarized and nonbasilar pyramidal cells are depolarized by this type of stimulation. The physiological results indicate that the ovoid cells participate in common mode rejection mechanisms and also suggest that the ELLs may function in a differential mode in which spatially restricted electrosensory stimuli can evoke heightened responses.Abbreviations ccELL caudal commissure of the ELL - CE contralaterally excited - DML dorsal molecular layer - ELL electrosensory lateral line lobe - EOD electric organ discharge - HRP horseradish peroxidase - IE ipsilaterally excited - MTI mouth-tail inverted - MTN mouth-tail normal - rcELL rostral commissure of the ELL - TRI transverse inverted - TRN transverse normal  相似文献   

This paper is an electrophysiological study of the directionality of the tuberous electroreceptors of weakly electric fish. We recorded from two classes of tuberous electroreceptors known for pulse gymnotiforms: Burst Duration Coders (BDCs), and Pulse Markers (PMs). Both code for stimulus amplitude, although the dynamic range for BDCs is greater, and both exhibit strong directional preferences. Polar plots of spike number (for BDCs) or spike threshold (for PMs) versus electric field azimuth, are figure-8 shaped with two asymmetrical, elliptical lobes separated by 180°. The best azimuth of these two types of receptors from a given body region correlate with each other and with measures of best azimuth for transepidermal current flow. The shape and asymmetry of the directionality profiles appear to be caused by filter dynamics of the receptors. Pulse Markers are located on the anterior part of the body surface while Burst Duration Coders are located all over. The best directions of receptors in the anterior third of the body vary systematically with location from 0° to 180°. This region is probably critical for determining the direction of local electric fields. Together these receptors provide the CNS with sufficient information to construct a map of horizontal plane electric field directions.Abbreviations BDC Burst Duration Coder - ELL electrosensory lateral line lobe - EOD electric organ discharge - nALL anterior lateral line nerve - PM Pulse Marker  相似文献   

The weakly electric fish, Eigenmannia, changes its frequency of electric organ discharges (EODs) to increase the frequency difference between its EODs and those of a jamming neighbor. This jamming avoidance response is greatest for frequency differences (i.e., beat rates) of approximately 4 Hz and barely detectable at beat rates of 20 Hz. A neural correlate of this behavior is found in the torus semicircularis, where most neurons act as low-pass or band-pass filters over this range of beat rates.This study examines two mechanisms that could possibly underlie low-pass temporal filtering: 1) Inhibition by a high-pass interneuron. 2) Voltage and time-dependent conductances associated with ligand-gated channels. These mechanisms were tested by recording intracellularly while employing stimuli consisting of simultaneous low and high beat rates. A neuron's response to the low beat rate was not diminished by the addition of the higher frequency jamming signal (thereby superimposing a high rate of amplitude and phase modulation onto the lower rate), and the inhibitory interneuron hypothesis is, therefore, not supported. Also, the responses to the high beat rate were not facilitated during maintained depolarization in response to the low beat rate.In some cases, particularly band-pass neurons, accommodation processes appeared to contribute to the decline in the amplitude of psps at high beat rates.  相似文献   

The simple mechanistic and functional division of the kinesin family into either active translocators or non-motile microtubule depolymerases was initially appropriate but is now proving increasingly unhelpful, given evidence that several translocase kinesins can affect microtubule dynamics, whilst non-translocase kinesins can promote microtubule assembly and depolymerisation. Such multi-role kinesins act either directly on microtubule dynamics, by interaction with microtubules and tubulin, or indirectly, through the transport of other factors along the lattice to the microtubule tip. Here I review recent progress on the mechanisms and roles of these translocase kinesins.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with the origin of backpropagating action potentials in GABAergic, medium ganglionic layer neurones (MG-cells) of the mormyrid electrosensory lobe (ELL). The characteristically broad action potentials of these neurones are required for the expression of spike timing dependent plasticity (STDP) at afferent parallel fibre synapses. It has been suggested that this involves active conductances in MG-cell apical dendrites, which constitute a major component of the ELL molecular layer. Immunohistochemistry showed dense labelling of voltage gated sodium channels (VGSC) throughout the molecular layer, as well as in the ganglionic layer containing MG somata, and in the plexiform and upper granule cell layers of ELL. Potassium channel labelling was sparse, being most abundant in the deep fibre layer and the nucleus of the electrosensory lobe.Intracellular recordings from MG-cells in vitro, made in conjunction with voltage sensitive dye measurements, confirmed that dendritic backpropagation is active over at least the inner half of the molecular layer. Focal TTX applications demonstrated that in most case the origin of the backpropagating action potentials is in the proximal dendrites, whereas the small narrow spikes also seen in these neurones most likely originate in the axon. It had been speculated that the slow time course of membrane repolarisation following the broad action potentials was due to a poor expression of potassium channels in the dendritic compartments, or to their voltage- or calcium-sensitive inactivation. However application of TEA and 4AP confirmed that both A-type and delayed rectifying potassium channels normally contribute to membrane repolarisation following dendritic and axonal spikes. An alternative explanation for the shape of MG action potentials is that they represent the summation of active events occurring more or less synchronously in distal dendrites.Coincidence of backpropagating action potentials with parallel fibre input produces a strong local depolarisation that could be sufficient to cause local secretion of GABA, which might then cause plastic change through an action on presynaptic GABAB receptors. However, STP depression remained robust in the presence of GABAB receptor antagonists.  相似文献   

The SV2 Protein of Synaptic Vesicles Is a Keratan Sulfate Proteoglycan   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract: We have determined that synaptic vesicles contain a vesicle-specific keratan sulfate integral membrane proteoglycan. This is a major proteoglycan in electric organ synaptic vesicles. It exists in two forms on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, i.e., the L form, which migrates like a protein with an Mr of 100, 000, and the H form, with a lower mobility that migrates with an Mr of ∼250, 000. Both forms contain SV2, an epitope located on the cytoplasmic side of the vesicle membrane. In addition to electric organ, we have analyzed the SV2 proteoglycan in vesicle fractions from two other sources, electric fish brain and rat brain. Both the H and L forms of SV2 are present in these vesicles and all are keratan sulfate proteoglycans. Unlike previously studied synaptic vesicle proteins, this proteoglycan contains a marker specific for a single group of neurons. This marker is an antigenically unique keratan sulfate side chain that is specific for the cells innervating the electric organ; it is not found on the synaptic vesicle keratan sulfate proteoglycan in other neurons of the electric fish brain.  相似文献   

We studied a specific sensory-motor pathway in the isolated leech ganglia. Pressure-sensitive mechanosensory neurons were stimulated with trains of action potentials at 5–20 Hz while recording the responses of the annulus erector motorneurons that control annuli erection. The response of the annulus erector neurons was a succession of excitatory postsynaptic potentials followed by inhibitory postsynaptic potentials. The excitatory postsynaptic potentials had a brief time-course while the inhibitory postsynaptic potentials had a prolonged time-course that enabled their temporal summation. Thus, the net effect of pressure-sensitive neuron stimulation on the annulus erector neurons was inhibitory. Both phases of the response were mediated by chemical transmission; the excitatory postsynaptic potentials were transmitted via a monosynaptic pathway, and the inhibitory postsynaptic potentials via a polysynaptic one. The pattern of expression of this dual response depended on the field of innervation of the sensory neuron and it was under the influence of cell 151, a non-spiking interneuron, that could regulate the expression of the hyperpolarization. The interaction between pressure-sensitive neurons and annulus erector neuron reveals how sensory specificity, connectivity pattern and regulatory elements interplay in a specific sensory-motor network. Accepted: 6 November 1998  相似文献   

Potassium channels are one of the fundamental requirements for the generation of action potentials in the nervous system, and their characteristics shape the output of neurons in response to synaptic input. We review here the distribution and function of a high-threshold potassium channel (Kv3.3) in the electrosensory lateral line lobe of the weakly electric fish Apteronotus leptorhynchus, with particular focus on the pyramidal cells in this brain structure. These cells contain both high-threshold Kv3.3 channels, as well as low-threshold potassium channels of unknown molecular identity. Kv3.3 potassium channels regulate burst discharge in pyramidal cells and enable sustained high frequency firing through their ability to reduce an accumulation of low-threshold potassium current.W. H. Mehaffey and F. R. Fernandez contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Recombinant adenoviral vectors (AdV) are potent vehicles for antigen engineering of dendritic cells (DC). DC engineered with AdV to express full length tumor antigens are capable stimulators of antigen-specific polyclonal CD8+ and CD4+ T cells. To determine the impact of AdV on the HLA class I antigen presentation pathway, we investigated the effects of AdV transduction on antigen processing machinery (APM) components in human DC. Interactions among AdV transduction, maturation, APM regulation and T cell activation were investigated. The phenotype and cytokine profile of DC transduced with AdV was intermediate, between immature (iDC) and matured DC (mDC). Statistically significant increases in expression were observed for peptide transporters TAP-1 and TAP-2, and HLA class I peptide-loading chaperone ERp57, as well as co-stimulatory surface molecule CD86 due to AdV transduction. AdV transduction enhanced the expression of APM components and surface markers on mDC, and these changes were further modulated by the timing of DC maturation. Engineering of matured DC to express a tumor-associated antigen stimulated a broader repertoire of CD8+ T cells, capable of recognizing immunodominant and subdominant epitopes. These data identify molecular changes in AdV-transduced DC (AdV/DC) that could influence T cell priming and should be considered in design of cancer vaccines.  相似文献   

The development of dendritic spines with specific geometry and membrane composition is critical for proper synaptic function. Specific spine membrane architecture, sub-spine microdomains and spine head and neck geometry allow for well-coordinated and compartmentalized signaling, disruption of which could lead to various neurological diseases. Research from neuronal cell culture, brain slices and direct in vivo imaging indicates that dendritic spine development is a dynamic process which includes transition from small dendritic filopodia through a series of structural refinements to elaborate spines of various morphologies. Despite intensive research, the precise coordination of this morphological transition, the changes in molecular composition, and the relation of spines of various morphologies to function remain a central enigma in the development of functional neuronal circuits. Here, we review research so far and aim to provide insight into the key events that drive structural change during transition from immature filopodia to fully functional spines and the relevance of spine geometry to function.  相似文献   

D. Xu  Y. Leng  Y. Chen 《Molecular simulation》2013,39(12):959-963
Molecular dynamics simulations of ion distribution in a nanochannel were performed using a three region simulation domain including two bulk regions on each side of the nanochannel. This scheme allows the study of ion concentration and distribution inside the nanochannel under a given bulk electrolyte concentration, i.e. when the molecular system reaches equilibrium, the concentrations of the counter- and co-ions inside the nanochannel corresponding to a bulk electrolyte will emerge naturally. Our approach is in sharp contrast to the common practice in modeling electric double layers where the number of ions in the nanochannel is assigned somewhat arbitrarily, corresponding to an unknown bulk concentration.  相似文献   

Electrosensory modulation of escape responses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Once initiated, rapid escape responses of teleost fishes are thought to be completed without additional sensory modification. This suggests that the motor program for a particular response is selected for by the constellation of sensory cues existing at the time of the releasing stimulus. This paper presents initial evidence that a highly specialized, phylogenetically recent electrosensory system is integrated with a primitive motor system and allows an animal to continuously monitor its environment for producing accurate escape behaviors.Behavioral testing for directed startle responses in a Y-maze demonstrates that when presented immediately before an acoustic startle stimulus, electric fish (Eigenmannia virescens), direct their response away from the cue (a transient shorting of their electric field). Thus, electrosensory cues as brief as 100 ms provide directional information to the escape motor network.In electric fish that are curarized to facilitate intracellular recording, the normal electric organ discharge is attenuated. When an electronically generated replacement field of the same frequency and amplitude as the fish's normal signal is shorted, a fast-rising, 7 ms latency post-synaptic potential is evoked from the Mauthner cell. Similar PSPs are generated by turning the replacement stimulus on and off. In some recordings, removing the S1 replacement field elicits a rebound of other afferent activity to the Mauthner cell; replacing the field suppresses this activity.Abbreviations EHP extrinsic hyperpolarizing potential - EOD electric organ discharge - JAR jaming avoidance response - LED light emitting diode - PSP postsynaptic potential  相似文献   

Summary The effect of giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera, on the population dynamics of two temperate reef fishes, striped surfperch (Embiotoca lateralis) and black surfperch (E. jacksoni), was examined. Based on an understanding of how particular reef resources influence abundances of the surfperch and of the effect of giant kelp on those resources, we anticipated that Macrocystis would adversely affect populations of striped surfperch but would enhance those of black surfperch. The natural establishment of giant kelp at sites at Santa Cruz Island, California, resulted in the predicted dynamical responses of surfperch. Abundances of striped surfperch declined rapidly when and where dense forests of giant kelp appeared, but showed little change where Macrocystis was continuously absent over the 8 y period of study. Abundances of adult black surperch, which increased following the appearance of giant kelp, were lagged by >1 y because the dynamical response involved enhanced local recruitment. No change in abundance of black surfperch populations was evident at areas without giant kelp.The mechanism by which giant kelp altered the dynamics of the surfperch involved modification of the assemblage of understory algae used by surfperch as foraging microhabitat. Foliose algae (including Gelidium robustum) were much reduced and turf was greatly enhanced following the appearance of Macrocystis; these two benthic substrata are the favored foraging microhabitat for striped surfperch and black surfperch respectively. Populations of both surfperch species tracked temporal changes in the local availability of their favored foraging microhabitat. Thus, while neither species used Macrocystis directly, temporal and spatial variation in giant kelp indirectly influenced the dynamics of these fishes by altering their foraging base. These results indicate that the dynamics of striped surfperch and black surfperch were governed to a large degree by density-dependent consumer-resource interactions. The present work underscores the predictive value that arises from a knowledge of the mechanisms by which processes operate.  相似文献   

As fish communities are a major concern in rivers ecosystems, we investigated if their environmental (e)DNA signals vary according to the sampling period or hydromorphological conditions. Three rivers were studied over a year using eDNA metabarcoding approach. The majority of the species (c. 80%) were detected all year round in two rivers having similar hydromorphological conditions, whereas in the river affected by an upstream lake waterflow, more species were detected sporadically (42%). For all the rivers, in more than 98% of the occasional detections, the reads abundance represented <0.4% of the total reads per site and per sampling session. Even if the majority of the fish communities remained similar over the year for each of the three rivers, specific seasonal patterns were observed. We studied if the waterflow or the reproduction period had an effect on the observed dynamics. Waterflow, which influences eDNA downstream transportation, had a global influence in taxonomic richness, while the fishes' reproductive period had only an influence on certain species. Our results may help selecting the best sampling strategy according to research objectives. To study fish communities at local scale, seasons of low waterflow periods are recommended. This particularly helps to restraint effects of external eDNA coming from connections with other aquatic environment (tributaries, lakes, wetlands, sewage effluents, etc.). To obtain a more integrative overview of the fish community living in a river basin, high waterflow or breeding seasons are preferable for enhancing species detection probability, especially for rare species.  相似文献   

Elasmobranch fishes localize weak electric sources at field intensities of <5 ηV cm−1, but the response dynamics of electrosensory primary afferent neurons to near threshold stimuli in situ are not well characterized. Electrosensory primary afferents in the round stingray, Urolophus halleri, have a relatively high discharge rate, a regular discharge pattern and entrain to 1-Hz sinusoidal peak electric field gradients of ≤20 ηV cm−1. Peak neural discharge for units increases as a non-linear function of stimulus intensity, and unit sensitivity (gain) decreases as stimulus intensity increases. Average peak rate-intensity encoding is commonly lost when peak spike rate approximately doubles that of resting, and for many units occurs at intensities <1 μV cm−1. Best neural sensitivity for nearly all units is at 1–2 Hz with a low-frequency slope of 8 dB/decade and a high-frequency slope of −23 dB/decade. The response characteristics of stingray electrosensory primary afferents indicate sensory adaptations for detection of extremely weak phasic fields near 1–2 Hz. We argue that these properties reflect evolutionary adaptations in elasmobranch fishes to enhance detection of prey, communication and social interactions, and possibly electric-mediated geomagnetic orientation. Accepted: 20 June 1997  相似文献   

Regulation of Synaptotagmin I Phosphorylation by Multiple Protein Kinases   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Synaptotagmin I has been suggested to function as a low-affinity calcium sensor for calcium-triggered exocytosis from neurons and neuroendocrine cells. We have studied the phosphorylation of synaptotagmin I by a variety of protein kinases in vitro and in intact preparations. SyntagI, the purified, recombinant, cytoplasmic domain of rat synaptotagmin I, was an effective substrate in vitro for Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII), protein kinase C (PKC), and casein kinase II (caskII). Sequencing of tryptic phosphopeptides from syntagI revealed that CaMKII and PKC phosphorylated the same residue, corresponding to Thr112, whereas caskII phosphorylated two residues, corresponding to Thr125 and Thr128. Endogenous synaptotagmin I was phosphorylated on purified synaptic vesicles by all three kinases. In contrast, no phosphorylation was observed on clathrin-coated vesicles, suggesting that phosphorylation of synaptotagmin I in vivo occurs only at specific stage(s) of the synaptic vesicle life cycle. In rat brain synaptosomes and PC12 cells, K+-evoked depolarization or treatment with phorbol ester caused an increase in the phosphorylation state of synaptotagmin I at Thr112. The results suggest the possibility that the phosphorylation of synaptotagmin I by CaMKII and PKC contributes to the mechanism(s) by which these two kinases regulate neurotransmitter release.  相似文献   

In wave-type weakly electric fish, two distinct types of primary afferent fibers are specialized for separately encoding modulations in the amplitude and phase (timing) of electrosensory stimuli. Time-coding afferents phase lock to periodic stimuli and respond to changes in stimulus phase with shifts in spike timing. Amplitude-coding afferents fire sporadically to periodic stimuli. Their probability of firing in a given cycle, and therefore their firing rate, is proportional to stimulus amplitude. However, the spike times of time-coding afferents are also affected by changes in amplitude; similarly, the firing rates of amplitude-coding afferents are also affected by changes in phase. Because identical changes in the activity of an individual primary afferent can be caused by modulations in either the amplitude or phase of stimuli, there is ambiguity regarding the information content of primary afferent responses that can result in ‘phantom’ modulations not present in an actual stimulus. Central electrosensory neurons in the hindbrain and midbrain respond to these phantom modulations. Phantom modulations can also elicit behavioral responses, indicating that ambiguity in the encoding of amplitude and timing information ultimately distorts electrosensory perception. A lack of independence in the encoding of multiple stimulus attributes can therefore result in perceptual illusions. Similar effects may occur in other sensory systems as well. In particular, the vertebrate auditory system is thought to be phylogenetically related to the electrosensory system and it encodes information about amplitude and timing in similar ways. It has been well established that pitch perception and loudness perception are both affected by the frequency and intensity of sounds, raising the intriguing possibility that auditory perception may also be affected by ambiguity in the encoding of sound amplitude and timing.  相似文献   

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