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The induction of immunologic unresponsiveness by i.v. administration of Ag-coupled lymphoid cells has been studied extensively, but the mechanisms remain unclear. We have further explored this model by examining the role of Fas/Fas ligand (FasL)-mediated apoptosis. Using i.v. injection of trinitrophenyl-coupled splenocytes (TNP-spl) as tolerogen, we found that Fas signaling for apoptosis in the spleen cells delivered by FasL in the recipient is the critical event. The requirement for Fas and FasL was overcome by prior induction of apoptosis in TNP-spl, making the tolerogen 100 times more potent. Prevention of apoptosis by a caspase inhibitor blocks tolerance. Interestingly, while blocking CD40/CD40 ligand interaction does not prevent tolerance induction, an agonist anti-CD40 Ab turns tolerogenic TNP-spl into an immunizing Ag. Studies further showed that tolerance is induced through cross-presentation of Ag in a class I MHC-dependent manner by CD8(+)CD11c(+) lymphoid-derived dendritic cells to regulatory T cells. The results provide a mechanism for a well-established method of inducing immunologic unresponsiveness.  相似文献   

A viral oncogene carrying well-defined K(b)/D(b)-restricted epitopes was expressed in a heat shock protein (hsp)-associated or nonassociated form in the murine tumor cells P815 and Meth-A. Wild-type SV40 large T-Ag (wtT-Ag) is expressed without stable hsp association; mutant (cytoplasmic cT-Ag) or chimeric (cT272-green fluorescent fusion protein) T-Ag is expressed in stable association with the constitutively expressed, cytosolic hsp73 (hsc70) protein. In vitro, remnants from apoptotic wtT-Ag- or cT-Ag-expressing tumor cells are taken up and processed by immature dendritic cells (DC), and the K(b)/D(b)-binding epitopes T1, T2/3, and T4 of the T-Ag are cross-presented to CTL in a TAP-independent way. DC pulsed with remnants of transfected, apoptotic tumor cells cross-presented the three T-Ag epitopes more efficiently when they processed ATP-sensitive hsp73/cT-Ag complexes than when they processed hsp-nonassociated (native) T-Ag. In vivo, more IFN-gamma-producing CD8+ T cells were elicited by a DNA vaccine that encoded hsp73-binding mutant T-Ag than by a DNA vaccine that encoded native, non-hsp-binding T-Ag. Three- to 5-fold higher numbers of T-Ag (T1-, T2/3-, or T4-) specific, D(b)/K(b)-restricted IFN-gamma-producing CD8+ T cells were primed during the growth of transfected H-2(d) Meth-A/cT tumors than during the growth of transfected Meth-A/T tumors in F(1)(b x d) hosts. Hence, the association of an oncogene with constitutively expressed, cytosolic hsp73 facilitates cross-priming in vitro and in vivo of CTL by DC that process material from apoptotic cells.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DC) are able to elicit anti-tumoral CD8(+) T cell responses by cross-presenting exogenous antigens in association with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules. Therefore they are crucial actors in cell-based cancer immunotherapy. Although apoptotic cells are usually considered to be the best source of antigens, live cells are also able to provide antigens for cross-presentation by DC. We have recently shown that prophylactic immunotherapy by DC after capture of antigens from live B16 melanoma cells induced strong CD8(+) T-cell responses and protection against a lethal tumor challenge in vivo in C57Bl/6 mice. Here, we showed that DC cross-presenting antigens from live B16 cells can also inhibit melanoma lung dissemination in a therapeutic protocol in mice. DC were first incubated with live tumor cells for antigen uptake and processing, then purified and irradiated for safety prior to injection. This treatment induced stronger tumor-specific CD8(+) T-cell responses than treatment by DC cross-presenting antigens from apoptotic cells. Apoptotic B16 cells induced more IL-10 secretion by DC than live B16 cells. They underwent strong native antigen degradation and led to the expression of fewer MHC class I/epitope complexes on the surface of DC than live cells. Therefore, the possibility to use live cells as sources of tumor antigens must be taken into account to improve the efficiency of cancer immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Substantial CD8(+) T cell responses are generated after infection of mice with recombinant Listeria monocytogenes strains expressing a model epitope (lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus NP(118-126)) in secreted and nonsecreted forms. L. monocytogenes gains access to the cytosol of infected cells, where secreted Ags can be accessed by the endogenous MHC class I presentation pathway. However, the route of presentation of the nonsecreted Ag in vivo remains undefined. In this study we show that neutrophil-enriched peritoneal exudate cells from L. monocytogenes-infected mice can serve as substrates for in vitro cross-presentation of both nonsecreted and secreted Ag by dendritic cells as well as for in vivo cross-priming of CD8(+) T cells. In addition, specific neutrophil depletion in vivo by low dose treatment with either of two Ly6G-specific mAb substantially decreased the relative CD8(+) T cell response against the nonsecreted, but not the secreted, Ag compared with control Ab-treated mice. Thus, neutrophils not only provide rapid innate defense against infection, but also contribute to shaping the specificity and breadth of the CD8(+) T cell response. In addition, cross-presentation of bacterial Ags from neutrophils may explain how CD8(+) T cell responses are generated against Ags from extracellular bacterial pathogens.  相似文献   

Summary Established melanoma cell lines were cultured for one passage (approximately 1 week) in different lots of fetal calf and new born calf sera and then tested against a panel of previously positively reacting sera from melanoma patients and polyspecific HL-A alloantisera. Using indirect immunofluorescence the cells showed varying degrees of reactivity ranging from positive to negative reactions depending on the supplementing serum in the culture medium. When standardized culture conditions were used and the cells were tested by immune adherence at several weeks intervals against panels of sera from melanoma patients, from tumor patients other than melanoma, from pregnant women, and from normal donors, most of the sera reacted identical, but some sera not only had changed quantitatively but also qualitatively from a negative to a positive reaction and vice versa indicating a shift in the spectrum of expressed antigens. When single cell clones from a cell line were isolated and tested against a panel of antisera, striking differences in reactivity were observed suggesting that the shift in the spectrum of expressed antigens was due to the outgrowth of dominating subclones with antigen patterns different from the previously dominating subclones. This conclusion was further supported by experiments in which a weakly positive reacting serum was employed to separate a cell line into positively and negatively reacting sublines. Unit gravity sedimentation and density gradient sedimentation were used in order to separate rosetted from non-rosetted tumor cells which had been prepared by immune adherence. It is concluded that cultured cell lines are in a dynamic state and that differentiation is one of the major mechanisms accounting for a change in antigen expression.  相似文献   

The factors that contribute to the exceptionally high incidence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTb) disease in HIV(+) persons are poorly understood. Macrophage apoptosis represents a critical innate host cell response to control MTb infection and limit disease. In the current study, virulent live or irradiated MTb (iMTbRv) induced apoptosis of differentiated human U937 macrophages in vitro, in part dependent on TNF-alpha. In contrast, apoptosis of differentiated HIV(+) human U1 macrophages (HIV(+) U937 subclone) was markedly reduced in response to iMTbRv and associated with significantly reduced TNF-alpha release, whereas apoptosis and TNF-alpha release were intact to TLR-independent stimuli. Furthermore, reduced macrophage apoptosis and TNF-alpha release were independent of MTb phagocytosis. Whereas surface expression of macrophage TLR2 and TLR4 was preserved, IL-1 receptor associated kinase-1 phosphorylation and NF-kappaB nuclear translocation were reduced in HIV(+) U1 macrophages in response to iMTbRv. These findings were confirmed using clinically relevant human alveolar macrophages (AM) from healthy persons and asymptomatic HIV(+) persons at clinical risk for MTb infection. Furthermore, in vitro HIV infection of AM from healthy persons reduced both TNF-alpha release and AM apoptosis in response to iMTbRv. These data identify an intrinsic specific defect in a critical macrophage cellular response to MTb that may contribute to disease pathogenesis in HIV(+) persons.  相似文献   

It is commonly assumed that ceramide is a second messenger that transduces signaling leading to apoptosis. We tested this hypothesis by investigating the role of ceramide in TNF-alpha-initiated apoptotic signaling using the histiocytic lymphoma cell line U937. We found considerable differences between cell killing by TNF-alpha and by ceramide. U937 cells treated with TNF-alpha are committed early and irreversibly to the apoptotic pathway and start to die 90 min after treatment. U937 cells treated with ceramide start to die 12 h after the initial treatment. The cell death signaling initiated by TNF-alpha is transduced within minutes of exposure to TNF-alpha and it is irreversible. Exogenous ceramide increases the intracellular level of ceramide rapidly, significantly, and well above the physiological levels, within minutes, but cellular commitment to death does not occur until after the first 6 h of incubation. Furthermore, the endogenous ceramide in U937 cells treated with TNF-alpha increases well after the commitment to the apoptotic pathway. The differences between ceramide and TNF-alpha in the kinetics and the commitment to the apoptotic pathway suggest that, (a) ceramide is not a second messenger in the apoptotic signaling of TNF-alpha, (b) ceramide elevations, in TNF-alpha treated cells, are a consequence rather than a cause of apoptosis and (c) exogenously added ceramide and TNF-alpha kill cells via different pathways.  相似文献   

Summary The expression of antigens on 33 human melanoma cells obtained directly from surgically excised tumours was investigated by means of antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxic assays. Antisera used in the study were two antisera from human melanoma patients against different tumour-associated antigens on melanoma cells and antisera against carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and 2 microglobulin (2M). Considerable heterogeneity was observed in the expression of both melanoma-associated and non-melanoma antigens on melanoma cells from 33 different patients.Patients whose tumours were reactive with the melanoma-associated antiserum (CHI) had a significantly longer remission period to stage 2 melanoma. The period to development of stage 3 melanoma also appeared longer, but this was not statistically significant with the number of patients available for study. The expression of CEA, 2M, and the tumour-associated antigen TIN was not significantly related to the recurrence-free interval. There appeared to be a reciprocal expression of the two melanoma-associated antigens, and patients with tumours expressing CHI but not TIN had a significantly longer recurrence-free interval than patients whose tumours had the opposite antigenic pattern.In the limited number of patients available for study the expression of the antigen CHI did not appear related to thickness of the primary tumour or to immune response of the patients to melanoma cells in leucocyte-dependent antibody and natural killer cell assays. Although the nature of the association between expression of this antigen and longer remission-free period is unknown these results suggest that the expression of certain melanoma antigens on the cell surface may be an important additional variable which has prognostic and therapeutic importance.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood lymphoid cells from patients with malignant melanoma can be sensitized on allogeneic or autochthonous melanoma monolayers. Peak cytotoxicity occurred after 5 days of sensitization. Sensitization appeared to be directed against melanoma-associated antigens, as judged by the pattern of cytotoxic reactivity. Sensitized cells were cytotoxic against autochthonous or allogeneic melanoma cells, but not against autochthonous fibroblasts or allogeneic tumor cells of different histologic types. Sensitization of responder lymphoid cells from melanoma patients on allogeneic melanoma cells usually resulted in more pronounced cytotoxicity against autochthonous melanoma target cells than did sensitization on autochthonous melanoma monolayers. These results indicate that cell cultures of human malignant melanoma contain tumor-associated antigens which can sensitize human peripheral blood lymphoid cells in vitro. These results also support the concept that there are cross-reactive tumor-associated antigens in human malignant melanomas.  相似文献   

Synthesis and release of radiolabeled macromolecules and tumor-associated antigens (MAA) by murine B16 melanoma was studied by pulse labeling cells in culture with 3H-leucine. Approximately 36% of newly synthesized macromolecules and 44% of newly synthesized MAA were released in 48 hr. MAA release was slightly, but consistently, more rapid than the average release of other macromolecules. Release of MAA did not result solely from cell death since it was greater than that of 51Cr-labeled molecules and cell viability was over 98%. The rate of release of newly synthesized MAA was not significantly influenced by cell replication. However, synthesis of MAA was much greater during the logarithmic than the stationary phase of cell growth, suggesting a concomitant increase in the amount of MAA available for release. These findings indicate that antigens and other macromolecules can be rapidly released by viable tumor cells.  相似文献   

Processing of exogenous protein Ags by APC leads predominantly to presentation of peptides on class II MHC and, thus, stimulation of CD4+ T cell responses. However, "cross-priming" can also occur, whereby peptides derived from exogenous Ags become displayed on class I MHC molecules and stimulate CD8+ T cell responses. We compared the efficiency of cross-priming with exogenous proteins to use of peptide Ags in human whole blood using a flow cytometry assay to detect T cell intracellular cytokine production. CD8+ T cell responses to whole CMV proteins were poorly detected (compared with peptide responses) in most CMV-seropositive donors. Such responses could be increased by using higher doses of Ag than were required to achieve maximal CD4+ T cell responses. A minority of donors displayed significantly more efficient CD8+ T cell responses to whole protein, even at low Ag doses. These responses were MHC class I-restricted and dependent upon proteosomal processing, indicating that they were indeed due to cross-priming. The ability to efficiently cross-prime was not a function of the number of dendritic cells in the donor's blood. Neither supplementation of freshly isolated dendritic cells nor use of cultured, Ag-pulsed dendritic cells could significantly boost CD8 responses to whole-protein Ags in poorly cross-priming donors. Interestingly, freshly isolated monocytes performed almost as well as dendritic cells in inducing CD8 responses via cross-priming. In conclusion, the efficiency of cross-priming appears to be poor in most donors and is dependent upon properties of the individual's APC and/or T cell repertoire. It remains unknown whether cross-priming ability translates into any clinical advantage in ability to induce CD8+ T cell responses to foreign Ags.  相似文献   

Modulation of the surface membrane of human Sk-Mel-28 melanoma cells by monoclonal antibody (MoAb) 96.5 recognizing p97 determinants was examined using direct radioimmunoassay and indirect fluorescent antibody-staining techniques. It was determined that the majority of 111In-labeled antibody that remained associated with cells after a 24-hr incubation at 37 degrees C had been internalized because MoAb 96.5 was no longer visible on the cell surface. A second treatment of these cells with the same antibody 24 hr later not only increased the cell-associated radioactivity, reflecting an increase of total antibody bound, but also rendered these cells membrane immunofluorescent again, indicating the re-expression of surface antigens. Autoradiographs of the electrophoretically analyzed membrane components of Sk-Mel-28 cells further demonstrated the appearance of newly synthesized 97-kDa proteins that were immunoprecipitable with MoAb 96.5. Taken together, the present findings suggest that p97 antigens undergo endocytosis in Sk-Mel-28 cells following exposure to MoAb 96.5. However, the same antigens were regenerated and expressed on the cell surface within a period of 24 hr. The re-expression of tumor cell surface antigen following initial internalization of the MoAb-antigen complex may have implications for diagnosis and therapy.  相似文献   

Human peripheral blood monocyte-depleted lymphocytes, T lymphocytes, and non-T lyphocytes were studied for their locomotor activity in response to several common chemotactic stimuli. The factors used to stimulate lymphocyte locomotion were casein, C5a, and f-Met-Leu-Phe. Chemotaxis (directional locomotion) as well as chemokinesis (nondirectional locomotion) in response to each factor were delineated. Monocyte-depleted lymphocyte locomotion was stimulated significantly by all of the above factors. Separation of lymphocytes into T cells and non-T cells indicated that T-lymphocyte locomotion was stimulated by casein and C5a but not by f-Met-Leu-Phe. Non-T lymphocytes were found to respond to C5a and f-Met-Leu-Phe but responded minimally to casein. Additional experiments indicated that casein and f-Met-Leu-Phe were chemokinetic for both monocyte-depleted lymphocytes and non-T lymphocytes, while C5a was chemotactic for both monocyte-depleted lymphocyte preparations and purified T cells.  相似文献   

Removal of apoptotic cells from inflammatory sites is an important step in the resolution of inflammation. Both murine and human macrophages stimulated with TNF-alpha or directly administered arachidonic acid showed an impaired ability to ingest apoptotic cells (efferocytosis). The inhibition was shown to be due to generation of reactive oxygen species, was blocked with a superoxide dismutase mimetic, MnTBAP, and was mimicked by direct addition of H2O2. To determine the mechanism of TNF-alpha-stimulated oxidant production, bone marrow-derived macrophages from gp91(phox)-deficient mice were examined but shown to still produce oxidants and exhibit defective apoptotic cell uptake. In contrast, a specific cytosolic phospholipase A2 inhibitor blocked the oxidant production and reversed the inhibited uptake. The suppressive effect of endogenous or exogenous oxidants on efferocytosis was mediated through activation of the GTPase, Rho. It was reversed in macrophages pretreated with C3 transferase to inactivate Rho or with an inhibitor of Rho kinase. During maturation of human monocyte-derived macrophages, only mature cells exhibited TNF-alpha-induced suppression of apoptotic cell clearance. The resistance of immature macrophages to such inhibition was shown to result not from defective generation of oxidants, but rather, from lack of response of these cells to the oxidants. Overall, the data suggest that macrophages in a TNF-alpha- and oxidant-rich inflammatory environment are less able to remove apoptotic cells and, thereby, may contribute to the local intensity of the inflammatory response.  相似文献   

Takashina T  Nakayama M 《FEBS letters》2007,581(23):4479-4484
The critical point at which apoptosis becomes irreversible and how cells attain an anti-apoptotic state remain unknown. Here, we report that apoptotic cells undergoing early-stage dynamic membrane blebbing revive. We examined this phenomenon in cell lines that stably express 2DED2DD, a modified FADD produced by fusing the tandem death effector domains (DEDs) and tandem death domains (DDs). Induction of apoptosis caused rapid blebbing. Eight hours later, most cells shrunk while some detached from the flask. Twenty-four hours later, when activated caspase 3 decreased, more than half the cells revived and appeared normal, probably due to the induction of unidentified anti-apoptotic proteins.  相似文献   

The BH3-only protein PUMA plays an important role in the activation of apoptosis in response to p53. In different studies, PUMA has been described to function by either directly activating the pro-apoptotic proteins Bax and Bak, or by neutralizing anti-apoptotic members of the Bcl2 family. We have examined the contribution of regions of PUMA other than the BH3 domain to its localization and function. Although the hydrophobic domain in the C-terminus of PUMA is necessary for efficient mitochondrial localization of PUMA itself, PUMA proteins lacking this region can still induce apoptosis and localize to the mitochondria through binding to Bcl2. Even a nuclear localization signal (NLS)-tagged PUMA protein retains apoptotic activity and can be efficiently relocalized from the nucleus after interaction with ectopically expressed Bcl2, underscoring the efficiency of this interaction. Interestingly, unlike the Bcl2 interaction, the binding of PUMA to Bax is severely compromised by the loss of the C-terminal domain of PUMA. However, since the loss of the C-terminus does not compromise the ability of PUMA to induce cell death, our results indicate that the key apoptotic function of PUMA is through interaction with anti-apoptotic proteins such as Bcl2.  相似文献   

Experimental autoimmune uveitis (EAU) and experimental autoimmune pinealitis (EAP) are CD4+ T cell-mediated inflammatory diseases of the uveal tract and retina of the eye and of the pineal gland. EAU and EAP can be induced by several retinal autoantigens including S-antigen (S-Ag) and interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein (IRBP). In this study we investigated the effect of intravenous administration of S-Ag and IRBP coupled to syngeneic spleen cells on the development of EAU and EAP. Injection of S-Ag or IRBP coupled to spleen cells 5 days prior to immunization with native S-Ag or IRBP, respectively, was effective in preventing the induction of EAU and EAP in LEW rats. Conversely, LEW rats receiving S-Ag-coupled spleen cells and challenged with IRBP or LEW rats receiving IRBP-coupled spleen cells and challenged with S-Ag developed a severe EAU within 10 days to 2 weeks following immunization, as did all control animals receiving sham-coupled spleen cells and challenged with the two retinal antigens. The results show that the administration of retinal autoantigens coupled to spleen cells effectively protects against the development of EAU when animals are subsequently challenged with the tolerizing antigen but not when challenged with another unrelated pathogenic retinal autoantigen.  相似文献   

The present study describes the liposome-mediated delivery of the type 1 ribosome-inactivating protein luffin to human melanoma cells in vitro. Luffin from Luffa cylindrica seeds has been successfully incorporated into lecithin/cholesterol and lecithin/cholesterol/dicetylphosphate negatively charged liposomes. The exposure of melanoma cells to the two types of liposomes resulted in the inhibition of protein synthesis and cell growth; apoptotic cell death was verified by means of TUNEL reaction and quantitation of cytosolic oligonucleosome-bound DNA. The toxicity of encapsulated luffin varied with the lipid composition of the vesicles; the strongest effect was observed with lecithin/cholesterol liposomes. These results identify liposome-incorporated luffin as a possible alternative to immunotoxins for the treatment of human melanoma in situ.  相似文献   

Adsorbed but not penetrated virus can be removed from the CMV-infected cell membrane by digestion with cystine-activated papain. Membrane antigens appear on 80-90% of the infected cells 14-20 hr after infection as a result of de novo protein synthesis. Antigen synthesis can be blocked with inhibitors of protein synthesis, but not with DNA inhibitors. In the early stage of infection, pooled human convalescent serum reacted well with the membrane antigen, whereas pooled antiserum of rabbits immunized with CMV virion suspension gave a positive reaction with a small proportion of the cells. After the 48th hr, both the human and the rabbit serum pool reacted with the membrane of the infected cells. Absorption with cell cultured for 24 hr after CMV infection reduced the neutralization titres of the antisera only slightly but the titre reduction was considerable when absorption was performed with cells cultured for more than 48 hr after infection. It is concluded that on the membrane of cells productively infected by CMV at least two membrane antigens are present, one coded for by the DNA of the parent virus and another which is the product of the DNA of the virus progeny. The two antigens can be differentiated serologically.  相似文献   

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