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Polar auxin transport is critical for normal embryo development in angiosperms. It has been proposed that auxin accumulates dynamically at specific positions, which in early Arabidopsis embryos correlates with developmental decisions such as specification of the apical cell lineage, specification of the hypophysis, and differentiation of the two cotyledons. In conifers, pattern formation during embryo development is different, and includes a free nuclear stage, nondividing suspensor cells, presence of tube cells, lack of hypophysis and formation of a crown of cotyledons surrounding the shoot apical meristem. We have recently shown that polar auxin transport is important for normal embryo development also in conifers. Here we suggest a model where auxin is transported from the suspensor cells to the embryonal mass during early embryogeny in conifers. This transport is essential for the developmental decisions of the tube cells and the suspensor, and affects both the amount of programmed cell death and the embryo patterning.Key words: conifer, embryo development, 1-N-naphtylphthalamic acid (NPA), patterning, polar auxin transport, programmed cell death, somatic embryogenesis, suspensorIn the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana auxin is transported, already from the first cell division of the zygote, from the basal cell to the apical cell, where it is involved in establishing the identity of the apical cell lineage. At the 32-cell stage the polar auxin transport is reversed, leading to an auxin accumulation in the uppermost suspensor cell, which occurs concomitantly with the specification of the hypophysis. During the heart stage auxin is transported towards the cotyledonary primordia, giving positional information about the cotyledon outgrowth.1 Formation of the apical-basal embryonic pattern during early embryogeny in conifers is quite different from that in Arabidopsis and proceeds through the establishment of three major cell types: the meristematic cells of the embryonal mass, the embryonal tube cells and terminally differentiated nondividing suspensor cells.2The somatic embryo system of Picea abies (Norway spruce) includes a stereotyped sequence of developmental stages, resembling zygotic embryogeny, which can be synchronized by specific treatments.3,4 We are using this as a model system for elucidating the regulation of embryo development in conifers.2 Early somatic embryos differentiate from proembryonic masses (PEMs) after withdrawal of the plant growth regulators (PGRs) auxin and cytokinin (Fig. 1A and B). We have previously shown that the organisation of the apical-basal polarity in early embryos is dependent on a gradient of PCD from the embryonal tube cells committed to death, to the cell corpses at the basal end of the suspensor.57 Dysregulation of the PCD leads to aberrant apical-basal patterning.Open in a separate windowFigure 1Model for polar auxin transport control of early embryo patterning in conifers. (A) Embryogenic cultures proliferate as proembryonic masses (PEMs) in the presence of the plant growth regulators (PGRs) auxin and cytokinin. (B) Early embryos start to differentiate from PEMs after withdrawal of PGRs. Endogenous auxin is transported to the newly formed embryonal mass. (C) Early embryos are formed within two weeks in PGR-free medium. Early embryos have a distinct embryonal mass, tube cells and a suspensor. IAA is transported from the suspensor and the tube cells to the embryonal mass. (D) Fully matured cotyledonary embryos are formed after 5–6 weeks on maturation medium. (E) Treatment with NPA blocks the polar auxin transport to the embryonal mass, leading to an IAA accumulation in the suspensor cells, tube cells and perhaps also in the cells of the embryonal mass most adjacent to the tube cells. (F) Embryos with supernumerary suspensor cells are formed if polar auxin transport is inhibited only during the earliest stages of suspensor differentiation. (G) Embryos with meristematic cells in the suspensor are formed if polar auxin transport is inhibited during both differentiation and elongation of the suspensor. We assume that these abnormalities abort further development and maturation of viable embryos. em, embryonal mass; s, suspensor; tc, tube cells. Green arrows indicate polar auxin transport, T indicates blocked polar auxin transport, green shadings indicate auxin accumulation.We recently showed that in embryogenic cultures of Norway spruce treated with the polar auxin transport inhibitor NPA, the number of cells undergoing PCD decreases. As a consequence the balance between the number of cells in the embryonal mass and the number of cells in the suspensor develop abnormally, and concomitantly the endogenous free IAA content increases almost two-fold.8In order to visualise the IAA accumulation within the embryos we used a -318 bp deletion of the auxin-responsive IAA4/5 promoter from Pisum sativum (pea), previously characterized by Oeller et al.,9 and Ballas et al.,10 fused to the GUS reporter gene.11 In tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) the promoter is expressed in rapidly elongating hypocotyls,12 (our unpublished observations) and strong induction by auxin is clear in elongating zones of both roots and hypocotyls in transgenic pIAA4/5-GUS Arabidopsis plants.11 However, to our knowledge, expression of IAA4/5 has not been reported in embryonal shoot apical meristems. Hence, the pIAA4/5-GUS may preferentially be used as a biosensor of auxin activity in non-meristematic cells during spruce embryo development. During normal somatic embryo development in spruce, pIAA4/5-GUS activity is detected in PEMs, tube cells and suspensor cells, but not in the embryonal mass. Early embryos of Norway spruce that are treated with NPA show increased pIAA4/5-GUS activity in tube cells and suspensor cells (unpublished), well in line with the increment of free IAA levels.Our results indicate that IAA under normal conditions is transported from the suspensor cells to the cells in the embryonal mass (Fig. 1B and C). NPA-treatment blocks this polar transport of endogenous IAA, which results in an accumulation of IAA and increased pIAA4/5-GUS activity in the suspensor cells, the tube cells, and perhaps also in the cells of the embryonal mass most adjacent to the tube cells (Fig. 1F and G). Blocked polar auxin transport during early differentiation of the suspensor stimulates abnormal cell divisions of the meristematic cells most adjacent to the tube cells or perhaps even of the tube cells themselves. Consequently, embryos with supernumerary tube and suspensor cells are formed (Fig. 1F). If the polar auxin transport is blocked for a longer time, i.e., during both differentiation and elongation of the suspensor, the auxin accumulation leads to maintenance of meristematic fate and a failure to undergo PCD (Fig. 1G).It has been proposed that the fate of the suspensor cells is regulated by signals from the embryo proper which impede developmental potential and initiate PCD.13 In accordance, we assume that the abnormal embryo morphologies formed after NPA-treatment may result from adverse inhibitory signals from the embryonal mass.  相似文献   

Polar auxin transport: controlling where and how much.   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Auxin is transported through plant tissues, moving from cell to cell in a unique polar manner. Polar auxin transport controls important growth and developmental processes in higher plants. Recent studies have identified several proteins that mediate polar auxin transport and have shown that some of these proteins are asymmetrically localized, paving the way for studies of the mechanisms that regulate auxin transport. New data indicate that reversible protein phosphorylation can control the amount of auxin transport, whereas protein secretion through Golgi-derived vesicles and interactions with the actin cytoskeleton might regulate the localization of auxin efflux complexes.  相似文献   

In flowering plants the gynoecium is the female reproductive structure and the site of oogenesis, fertilization, and maturation of the embryo and the seed. Proper development of the gynoecium requires that the early gynoecial primordium be partitioned into distinct spatial domains with divergent fates. Regulated transport of the phytohormone auxin previously has been shown to play a role in the patterning of spatial domains along the apical-basal axis of the gynoecium. Here we establish a role for auxin transport in patterning along the medio-lateral axis of the gynoecial ovary. We demonstrate that auxin transport is required for the development of the medial ovary domain that contains the carpel margin meristem, a vital female reproductive structure. Disruptions in auxin transport enhance the medial domain defects observed in aintegumenta and revoluta mutant genotypes. AINTEGUMENTA and REVOLUTA are likely to function in parallel and partially overlapping pathways required for medial domain development. Our data indicate that different ovary domains are differentially sensitive to the reduction of polar auxin transport and the loss of AINTEGUMENTA and REVOLUTA activity. We suggest that an auxin-mediated positional cue is important for the differential specification of the medial and lateral ovary domains.  相似文献   

Summary When cytoplasmie streaming in oat and maize coleoptile cells is completely inhibited by cytochalasin B (CB), polar transport of auxin (indole-3-acetic acid) continues at a slightly reduced rate. Therefore, cytoplasmic streaming is not required for polar transport. Auxin induces elongation in CB-inhibited coleoptile and pea stem segments, but elongation rate is reduced about 40% by CB. Therefore, stimulation of cytoplasmic streaming cannot be the means by which auxin promotes cell elongation, but streaming may be beneficial to elongation growth although not essential to it. A more severe inhibition of elongation develops after several hours in CB. With coleoptiles this could be due to inhibition of sugar uptake; in pea tissue it may be due to permeability changes and cytoplasmic degeneration. CB does not disorganize or disorient microfilament bundles when it inhibits streaming in maize, but appears instead to cause hypercondensation of microfilament material.  相似文献   

The phytohormone auxin is vital to plant growth and development. A unique property of auxin among all other plant hormones is its cell-to-cell polar transport that requires activity of polarly localized PIN-FORMED (PIN) auxin efflux transporters. Despite the substantial molecular insight into the cellular PIN polarization, the mechanistic understanding for developmentally and environmentally regulated PIN polarization is scarce. The long-standing belief that auxin modulates its own transport by means of a positive feedback mechanism has inspired both experimentalists and theoreticians for more than two decades. Recently, theoretical models for auxin-dependent patterning in plants include the feedback between auxin transport and the PIN protein localization. These computer models aid to assess the complexity of plant development by testing and predicting plausible scenarios for various developmental processes that occur in planta. Although the majority of these models rely on purely heuristic principles, the most recent mechanistic models tentatively integrate biologically testable components into known cellular processes that underlie the PIN polarity regulation. The existing and emerging computational approaches to describe PIN polarization are presented and discussed in the light of recent experimental data on the PIN polar targeting.  相似文献   

Carrier-mediated auxin transport   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
P. H. Rubery  A. R. Sheldrake 《Planta》1974,118(2):101-121


Premise of the Study

Dimensions and spatial distribution of vessels are critically important features of woody stems, allowing for adaptation to different environments through their effects on hydraulic efficiency and vulnerability to embolism. Although our understanding of vessel development is poor, basipetal transport of auxin through the cambial zone may play an important role.


Stems of Populus tremula ×alba were treated with the auxin transport inhibitor N‐1‐naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) in a longitudinal strip along the length of the lower stem. Vessel lumen diameter, circularity, and length; xylem growth; tension wood area; and hydraulic conductivity before and after a high pressure flush were determined on both NPA‐treated and control plants.

Key Results

NPA‐treated stems formed aberrant vessels that were short, small in diameter, highly clustered, and angular in cross section, whereas xylem formed on the untreated side of the stem contained typical vessels that were similar to those of controls. NPA‐treated stems had reduced specific conductivity relative to controls, but this difference was eliminated by the high‐pressure flush. The control treatment (lanolin + dimethyl sulfoxide) reduced xylem growth and increased tension wood formation, but never produced the aberrant vessel patterning seen in NPA‐treated stems.


These results are consistent with a model of vessel development in which basipetal polar auxin transport through the xylem‐side cambial derivatives is required for proper expansion and patterning of vessels and demonstrate that reduced auxin transport can produce stems with altered stem hydraulic properties.  相似文献   

Gravitropism: lateral thinking in auxin transport   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Moore I 《Current biology : CB》2002,12(13):R452-R454
Plant stems and roots orient themselves with respect to directional illumination and gravity by differential growth on either side of the organ. A model formulated in the 1930s proposed that tropic growth curvature arose from growth hormone redistribution. Studies with Arabidopsis are beginning to reveal the mechanism.  相似文献   

Hypocotyl elongation is an early developmental process regulated antagonistically by light and auxin. To highlight the interaction between both signals, we studied the photoregulation of the auxin-induced tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) gene LeEXT involved in this process. RNA gel blot analysis indicated that this gene is down-regulated in response to blue light. We demonstrate that this response is principally mediated by the blue light photoreceptor cry1, but an interaction with the red/far-red light photoreceptors phyA, phyB1 and phyB2 has also been established. Furthermore, the polar auxin transport inhibitor NPA reverts the blue light inhibition of Lycopersicon esculentum gene encoding xyloglucan endotransglycosylase (LeEXT) expression, when it has the opposite effect in the dark or under red light. These results provide strong support for a specific interaction between auxin and blue light transduction pathways in the control of LeEXT expression, and therefore, of hypocotyl elongation in tomato.  相似文献   

One of the most widely used techniques to quantify polar auxin transport is the measurement of auxin speed. To date there have been more than 90 published reports of auxin speed in 44 species. We have collected available speed measurements into a database, along with information on plant growth conditions and growth rate. Measured auxin speeds have a range of 1.2-18 mm/h, and show notable correlations with organ type, growth rate, and plant clade.  相似文献   

Abscission: potentiating action of auxin transport inhibitors   总被引:14,自引:11,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Reduction in petiolar auxin transport has been proposed as one of the functional actions of endogenous or exogenous ethylene as it regulates intact leaf abscission. If this hypothesis is correct, auxin-transport inhibitors should hasten the rate or amount of abscission achieved with a given level of ethylene. Evidence presented here indicates that the hypothesis is correct. Three auxin transport inhibitors promoted ethylene-induced intact leaf abscission when applied to specific petioles or the entire cotton plant (Gossypium hirsutum L., cv. Stoneville 213). In addition, the transport inhibitors caused rapid abscission of leaves which usually do not abscise under the conditions employed. No stimulation of abscission occurred during the initial 3 to 5 days after plants were treated with transport inhibitors unless such treatments were coupled with exogenous ethylene or that derived from 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid. However, vegetative cotton plants did abscise some of their youngest true leaves during the 2nd and 3rd weeks of exposure to transport inhibitor alone. Taken as a whole, the results indicate that reducing the auxin supply to the abscission zone materially increases sensitivity to ethylene, a condition which favors a role of endogenous ethylene in abscission regulation. Such a role of ethylene indicates the importance of auxin-ethylene interactions in the over-all hormone balance of plants and specific tissues.  相似文献   

Kinetics of polar auxin transport   总被引:11,自引:8,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The movement of auxin in the basipetal and acropetal directions is compared for 4 types of tissue. It is observed that the transport may proceed in either a linear or a non-linear manner with time. The polarity of transport through any given type of tissue increases exponentially with increasing lengths of tissue traversed, suggesting that the polarity of transport is developed as a consequence of the repeated passage through cells. Using the mathematical model of Leopold and Hall, the extent of polarity for individual cells is estimated, and a very small polarity of individual cells is found to be capable of accounting for the marked polarity of whole tissues. It is suggested that transport polarity may be functionally a property of the multicellular structure, being amplified from very small differences in activities at the 2 ends of individual cells.  相似文献   


Key message

We found that protein trafficking between apical and basal cell can be unidirectional, which reveals the different roles of the two cells in the cell-to-cell communication between them during early embryogenesis.


In most angiosperm species, asymmetric zygote division results in an apical cell and a basal cell that have distinct cell fates. Much has been speculated about possible communication between these cell types in relation to their cell fate determination. Here, we report on the use of photoactivatable green fluorescent protein (PA-GFP) in tobacco to trace intercellular communication between apical and basal cells during early embryogenesis. We found that PA-GFP was transported between apical and basal cells of a two-celled proembryo, and that protein trafficking was unidirectional toward the apical cell, highlighting different cell communication roles. Further ultrastructural analysis showed numerous plasmodesmata in the walls connecting the apical and basal cells, which may provide channels for protein trafficking. Our data show a possible unique method of cell-to-cell communication between apical and basal cells during early embryogenesis.  相似文献   

The transport of indoleacetic acid-1-14C out of sunflower stem sections has been analyzed by a compartmental analysis procedure in which the radioactivity moving out of the tissue (log per cent) is plotted against time. The analysis indicates that indoleacetic acid is transported via a fast transport system (t½ of about 30 minutes) and a slow transport system (t½ about 10 hours). While we do not know the sources of these two pools, by analogy with ion transport studies, the fast efflux is characteristic of transport from the cytoplasm across the plasmalemma and the slow efflux is characteristic of transport across the tonoplast and thus out of the vacuole. Both components of transport are inhibited by 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid.  相似文献   

The directional transport of the plant hormone auxin is a unique process mediating a wide variety of developmental processes. Auxin movement between cells depends on AUX1/LAX, PGP and PIN protein families that mediate auxin transport across the plasma membrane. The directionality of auxin flow within tissues is largely determined by polar, subcellular localization of PIN auxin efflux carriers. PIN proteins undergo rapid subcellular dynamics that is important for the process of auxin transport and its directionality. Furthermore, various environmental and endogenous signals can modulate trafficking and polarity of PIN proteins and by this mechanism change auxin distribution. Thus, the subcellular dynamics of auxin transport proteins represents an important interface between cellular processes and development of the whole plant. This review summarizes our recent contributions to the field of PIN trafficking and auxin transport regulation.  相似文献   

Auxin represents one of the most important classes of signalling molecules described in plants. Auxins regulate several fundamental cellular processes including division, elongation and differentiation. Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), the principal form of auxin in higher plants, is first synthesized within young apical tissues, then conveyed to its basal target tissues by a specialized delivery system termed polar auxin transport. The polarity of IAA movement represents one of the most novel aspect of auxin signalling. IAA transport has been demonstrated to involve auxin influx and efflux carrier activities. The adoption of a mutational approach in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana has led to the identification of a number of genes which encode components for, or regulate the activity of, the auxin transport machinery. This paper will review the advances being made in identifying and characterizing these auxin transport-related gene products and discuss their importance within the context of Arabidopsis development.  相似文献   

With the discovery of the phytohormone auxin in the late 1920s, it became possible to link the regulation of complex plant growth responses to a single biologically active compound. Among all the plant growth regulators characterised so far, only auxin appears to be actively transported throughout the plant to create complex variations in concentration patterns and flow directions over time. This stimulated interest in the specific mechanisms underlying auxin transport as key factors in plant growth responses. Research in the last decade revealed several genes involved in the controlled transport of auxin and greatly improved our understanding of the basic principles of auxin-mediated responses. We are at this point, however, only starting to understand the complex interplay and control of factors that ultimately underlie the observed spatiotemporal variations in auxin transport and thus mediate plant growth and environmental responses. This review highlights important findings that provide us with a framework of molecular players and potential regulatory mechanisms that should contribute to the formulation of a comprehensive dynamic model of spatiotemporal auxin distribution.  相似文献   

Effect of auxin on acropetal auxin transport in roots of corn   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Acropetal [14C]indoleacetic acid (IAA) transport was investigated in roots of corn. At least 40 to 50% of this movement is dependent on activities in the root apex. Selective excision of various populations of cells comprising the root apex, e.g. the root cap, quiescent center, or proximal meristem show that the proximal meristem is the critical region in the apex with regard to influencing IAA movement. The quiescent center has no influence and the root cap has only a minor effect. Excision and replacement of the proximal meristem with an exogenous supply of 10−8 to 10−9 molar IAA prevents the reduction in acropetal IAA transport which would normally occur in the absence of this meristem. Substituting 10−9 molar IAA for the excised root cap brings about a significant increase in the amount of IAA moved acropetally, as compared to intact roots with the root cap still in place. From this and previous work, it is concluded that IAA synthesis occurring in the proximal meristem stimulates the movement of IAA from the basal to apical end of the root.  相似文献   

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