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As the number of horses is steadily increasing in Cantabrian less-favoured areas, mostly occupied by nutritionally poor heathland communities, the objective of this research was to study and compare diet selection and performance of crossbred horses and beef cattle (Asturiana de los Valles breed) grazing these areas during the summer. A total of 20 cows (seven lactating their calves and thirteen dry) and 20 mares (eight lactating their foals and twelve dry) were managed during 3 years on a heathland area from June to September and October. The proportion of grass (mostly Pseudarrhenatherum longifolium) and heather (Erica umbellata, E. cinerea and Calluna vulgaris) in the diet selected by cows and mares was estimated in two occasions (July and September) each year using the alkane markers. All animals were weighed at the beginning, middle and end of the summer grazing season. Mares selected heath grasses and rejected heather species more than did the cows (P < 0.001), particularly in early summer (0.85 v. 0.65 herbage proportion in July; 0.63 v. 0.55 in September). Lactating state did not affect diet composition. Mares achieved more favourable (P < 0.001) body weight (BW) changes than cows, but there was also an interaction with season (P < 0.001). From June to August, cows lost BW, being the daily changes (in percentage of initial BW) -0.15%/day in lactating and -0.05%/day in dry cows, whereas both lactating and dry mares gained BW (0.16 and 0.12%/day, respectively). From August to October, lactating cows and mares lost more BW (P < 0.01) compared with their non-lactating counterparts (-0.19 v. -0.10%/day in cows, -0.14 v. -0.05%/day in mares). With regard to the offspring, BW gains between June and August were similar in calves and foals (0.83 and 0.90%/day, respectively), but thereafter calves achieved higher (P < 0.05) BW gains than foals (0.37 v. 0.16%/day). It is concluded that the low nutritive quality of these heathlands restricts, both cattle and horse performance, even during short summer grazing season, being more penalized lactating animals, especially the cows. Although calves were able to maintain acceptable growth rates, foals showed reduced ones during the second half of the grazing season. Other plant communities with better nutritive quality should be provided to assure replenishment of body reserves in dams, and enhance offspring gains to maintain sustainable grazing systems with productive herds of cattle and horses in these heathland areas.  相似文献   

The foraging behaviour (grazing time and diet composition), live-weight (LW) changes and parasitic infection (faecal egg counts of gastrointestinal nematodes) of 12 beef cows, 84 ewes and 84 goats suckling their offspring, managed in mixed grazing on heathlands with 24% of improved pasture of perennial ryegrass-white clover, were studied during the years 2003 and 2006. The results showed that goats tended to graze for a longer time, and utilised significantly more heathland vegetation than cattle and sheep, including in their diet in an average of 0.39 herbaceous plants, 0.11 gorse and 0.51 heather over the grazing season, comparing with respective mean values of 0.85, 0.02 and 0.13 in cattle and sheep. Dietary overlap was higher between cattle and sheep (0.76) than between sheep and goats (0.53) or between cattle and goats (0.47). Despite the high performance of autumn-calving cows in spring, sheep had the best LW changes per livestock unit (LU) during the whole grazing season. Goats' performance per LU was lower than in sheep but higher than in spring-calving cows. Regarding offspring production, lambs had higher LW gains per LU than calves and kids. Mean nematode eggs/g fresh faeces (epg) during the grazing season were higher in goats (91 epg) compared with sheep (34 epg) and cattle (14 epg), particularly from September to December. In conclusion, sheep performed best on these heathlands with improved pasture areas if the entire grazing season was considered, despite the good level of production in spring from autumn-calving cows. The results suggested the complementary use of goats in order to increase the effective utilisation of the available vegetation, achieving production levels similar to those from spring-calving cows. Therefore, mixed flocks of sheep and goats would be the most appropriate sustainable systems from the animal production and vegetation use points of view.  相似文献   

The number of horses in northern Spanish mountains has increased in recent decades, but little is known about their grazing behaviour, performance and potential for foal meat production. This research aimed to study the diet selection, liveweight (LW) changes and parasitic status of dry and lactating mares, and foals’ LW gains, grazing on heathlands with different botanical composition. The experimental design consisted of three vegetation types: dominated by heather (Ericaceae) species (H), dominated by gorse (Ulex gallii; G) and co-dominated by gorse and heath-grasses (G-G), with four replicates per treatment (12 paddocks of 1.2 ha). The study lasted three grazing seasons (2010–12). Each year, 24 crossbred mature mares (310±52 kg LW) were used, managing one lactating mare with her foal plus one non-lactating mare per paddock from May to late summer or early autumn. In the case of H paddocks, animals had to be removed before (late August to early September) because of apparent loss of body condition. Animals were periodically weighed. Mares’ diet composition was estimated using alkane markers, analysing the discrepancies in alkane concentrations between dietary plant components and faeces. Faecal samples were also analysed for gastrointestinal nematodes ova. Chemical composition of the main plant components (i.e. heather, gorse and grasses) revealed a low nutritive value, averaging 79, 115 and 113 g CP/kg dry matter (DM), respectively, that could restrict livestock performance. Mares initially selected gorse and grasses (0.47 and 0.40, respectively, in 2010), increasing heather consumption over time (from 0.13 in 2010 to 0.29 in 2012) as gorse availability decreased. The performance of both mares and foals was lower in H compared with G and G-G paddocks (−216 v. 347 g/day for mares, P<0.01; 278 v. 576 g/day for foals, P<0.05), whereas LW changes were more favourable in dry mares than in lactating ones (241 v. 78 g/day; P<0.05). Small strongyle (Cyathostominae) egg counts in mares’ faeces increased across the grazing season with no differences between treatments. These results indicate that grazing by horses on gorse- and grass-gorse-dominated shrublands could be sustainable at least during part of the year (4 to 6 months). However, heather-dominated heathlands are not able to meet the nutritional needs of horses even for a short time (2 to 4 months). Nevertheless, the low nutritive quality of these vegetation communities, especially in autumn, requires animal access to other pastures with a higher nutritive value, or supplementary feeding, to enhance foals’ growth and maintain sustainable grazing systems with productive herds.  相似文献   

In grazing ecosystems, mature seeds fall directly to the soil to form the soil seed bank (SSB), or are ingested by grazing livestock to become part of the dung seed bank (DSB; i.e., seed circulation). Both the SSB and DSB form the basis for the natural regeneration of vegetation. However, little is known about the relationships between the SSB, DSB, and aboveground vegetation (AGV) community under different stocking rates (SRs). This study investigated the relationships between the SSB, seeds in Tan sheep (Ovis aries) dung, and AGV at different SRs (0, 2.7, 5.3, and 8.7 sheep ha–1) in a semiarid region of the Loess Plateau in China. We found that Tan sheep grazing increased the species richness heterogeneity of grassland vegetation, and negatively influenced the density of AGV. Under natural conditions, 17 species from soil‐borne seeds and 10 species from Tan sheep dung germinated. There was low species similarity between the soil and DSBs and AGV. Sheep SR and the seed banks (soil and dung) were negatively correlated with AGV. Seeds are cycled from herbage to livestock to soil during cold season grazing; the seasonal nature of this seed dispersal is an adaptation to harsh, semiarid environments. Increased seed bank diversity under sheep grazing facilitates grassland regeneration on the Loess Plateau, similarly to other semiarid regions globally.  相似文献   

Most of our knowledge of the effect of grazing on grassland structure is based on grazed–ungrazed contrasts. The effects of grazing in the most common scenario, where grazing intensity varies from low to high grazing intensity, are less known. The objectives of this paper were to 1) quantify the effect of stocking rates on species richness and diversity of grasslands world‐wide, and 2) evaluate the response under different environmental and experimental conditions. We conducted a meta‐analysis of experiments with at least two levels of controlled stocking rates and evaluated their effect on species richness and diversity. The results showed that the response of richness and diversity to either reducing or increasing stocking rate from a moderate level mostly fell within the range  25% or  5 species. Mean response of species richness and diversity to increasing stocking rate from moderate to high levels was negative. Mean response to lowering stocking rate from moderate levels was not different from zero. However, overall, species richness significantly decreased as stocking rate increased. The response of richness and diversity to stocking rate was not related to mean precipitation, productivity or aridity. However, the most negative responses of richness to stocking rate were larger in arid, low productivity systems than in subhumid and humid systems. The effects of grazing on richness and diversity found in this review were smaller than the effects on species composition shown by the literature. Thus, grazing drastically changes species composition, but the net change of species and diversity is much smaller.  相似文献   

Capuchins, like other primates, use feedback from sensory cues and digestion to make decisions about which foods to consume and which to avoid. However, little is known about how capuchins make consumption decisions when simultaneously presented with novel and familiar foods, or how food familiarity and macronutrient concentration together influence food choice, topics with potential implications for developmental and health research. In this study, we evaluated the role of familiarity, as well as fat and sugar concentration, in the food selections of captive tufted capuchins (Sapajus apella). In the first experiment, over 10 sessions, subjects were assigned to either a group that chose between one familiar and one novel food item both high in fat or sugar (high condition), or to a group that chose between one familiar and one novel food item both low in fat or sugar (low condition). In the second experiment, subjects were divided into three groups, familiarized with food over five feeding sessions, and then offered the familiarized food and a novel food that varied in fat or sugar for 10 sessions. When offered foods high in fat, capuchins showed no clear signs of neophobia, forming an initial preference for the novel food, rejecting foods less frequently, and selecting foods faster than when offered foods low in fat. These trends were generally not observed in response to foods with sugar. When presented with options that varied in macronutrient concentration, subjects showed an initial interest in the novel food irrespective of whether it was high in fat or sugar, yet formed a final preference for the higher-concentration item. Findings suggest that the concentration of fat or sugar in novel foods may be an important mediator of exploratory behavior and that capuchins rely on immediate feedback from taste and other sensory cues to make consumption decisions.  相似文献   

Heathlands are characteristic semi-natural ecosystems of western Europe. Nowadays they are threatened because of their lack of agricultural value. Management of the remaining heathland areas necessitates precise knowledge about different management tools that can be used, including grazing. The effects of sheep grazing on dry and mesophilous heathlands of Brittany were studied in relation to grazing season and duration. Management aims were to control shrubs and to maintain the dominance of heathers. The grazing pressures applied here were quite high, about 10–15 sheep ha−1 yr−1. Erica ciliaris appeared to be very sensitive to grazing at the end of summer. This implicates special care in the management of mesophilous heathland. In dry heathland, Erica cinerea did not show this sensitivity. Control of shrubs was achieved by most grazing regimes which led to a decrease of 11–22 cm in gorse height, except summer grazing which seemed to stimulate their growth.This study underlined the relevance of the use of sheep grazing as a heathland management tool but also the necessity of prior experiments to adapt these operations mainly in terms of grazing period to the type of heathland and the objectives put forward.  相似文献   

薛睿  郑淑霞  白永飞 《生物多样性》2010,18(3):300-1256
基于2005年6月开始的放牧控制实验, 研究了不同草地利用方式和放牧强度对内蒙古典型羊草(Leymus chinensis)草原群落初级生产力和补偿性生长的影响。草地利用方式包括: 传统放牧、传统割草和放牧与割草轮换利用(混合利用)。结果表明: 传统放牧和混合利用方式下, 羊草群落地上生物量均随放牧强度增加逐渐降低。高载畜率下, 羊草群落地上净初级生产力表现为: 混合利用>传统割草>传统放牧, 说明混合利用方式优于传统放牧和传统割草利用方式; 而低载畜率则有利于草原的可持续利用和植物的补偿性生长。这一实验结果在一定程度上验证了放牧优化假说。在不同利用方式、地形因素的影响和采用不同的群落净生长量计算方法时, 随着放牧强度的变化, 等补偿、超补偿和欠补偿效应都可能出现。在低载畜率下, 群落大多表现出等补偿生长, 在高载畜率下, 群落大多表现出欠补偿生长。植物群落的补偿性生长与载畜率的关系可以用开口向下的二次函数或者斜率为负的线性函数模拟。说明随着载畜率的增加, 一些系统表现为欠补偿生长, 而另一些系统则表现为超补偿生长, 这可能与植物群落组成、地形部位(平地、坡地)和载畜率以及净生长量的计算方法有关。  相似文献   

Abstract 1. The effects of different goat breeds and grazing pressures on epigeal arachnids (Lycosidae and Opiliones) and ground beetles (Carabidae) were assessed in a heath–gorse shrubland located in the north of the Iberian Peninsula. Three treatments (low grazing pressure with Cashmere breed, high grazing pressure with Cashmere breed, and high grazing pressure with local Celtiberic breed) with three replicates of each treatment were allocated randomly to nine plots. 2. Arthropod fauna abundance, diversity, and species richness were estimated using pitfall trapping over 3 years (2003, 2004, and 2005). Vegetation cover, composition, and height were assessed along transects and above‐ground plant biomass was sampled in quadrats. 3. Lower grazing pressure led to lower herbaceous cover and higher heather cover than high grazing pressure. Overall, it did not enhance arthropod diversity or abundance, but the abundance and species richness of carabids, and abundance of lycosids like Pardosa pullata, were higher under high stocking rates, whereas Opiliones were favoured by the low stocking rates. Although it has been assumed that traditional breeds enhance biodiversity, the present study found no significant differences for both arthropod fauna and vegetation between the goat breeds. 4. Arthropod–vegetation relationships were examined by constrained ordination. Fauna assemblages followed a gradient from closed canopy shrubland areas, in the lowest grazing pressure, to grassier open canopy areas resulting from higher grazing pressure, revealing the importance of grazing management as a driver of arthropod community structure of the heathland.  相似文献   

牦牛放牧率和放牧季节对小嵩草高寒草甸土壤养分的影响   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
经过两年牦牛放牧试验表明,夏季草场不同土壤层有机质、有机碳、全磷、全氮和速效磷的含量及0~20cm土壤层营养因子的平均含量与放牧率呈线性回归关系,速效氮含量与放牧率呈二次回归关系;冬季草场不同土壤层有机质、有机碳和全氮与放牧率呈线性回归关系,全磷、速效磷和速效氮的含量及0~20cm土壤层营养因子的平均含量与放牧率呈二次回归关系。随着放牧率的逐渐增加,夏季草场不同土壤深度速效氮含量也逐渐减小,当放牧率达到1.07、1.08和1.22头·hm-2时,0~5、5~10、10~20cm土壤速效氮含量依此达到最小;冬季草场不同土壤层全磷、速效磷和速效氮含量逐渐增加,当放牧率达到0.81、0.78和1.00头·hm-2,1.03、1.09和1.03头·hm-2,1.36、1.35和1.30头·hm-2时,0~5、5~10、10~20cm土壤层全磷、速效磷和速效氮含量分别依此达到最大。在夏季草场,0~20cm土壤层速效氮平均含量达到最小放牧率是1.07头·hm-2;冬季草场0~20cm土壤层全磷、速效磷和速效氮含量达到最大放牧率分别是0.90、0.83和1.21头·hm-2。  相似文献   

Grazing by ungulates can affect seed production in plants, and consequently seed recruitment into seed banks, which is a plant strategy to increase their resilience. The impact of grazing on seed quantity has been well studied; however, the impact of grazing on seed quality has received less attention, despite its role in determining the longevity of a seed bank. Here, we examined the impact of ungulate grazing on seed quality in plants, using two grazing-intolerant grassland species (Hemerocallis dumortieri var. esculenta and Geranium yesoense var. nipponicum). We found that grazing reduced seed length and weight, while increasing the germination rate. These changes in seed quality induced by grazing could reduce the persistence of seed banks and would thus seem to be an important mechanism involved in the impact of ungulate grazing on plant population dynamics.  相似文献   

Tree leaves are important food sources for arboreal herbivores, such as primates, rodents, and marsupials. These animals do not eat leaves randomly in habitats with many tree species but rather choose based on the chemical components of leaves, such as sugars, fibers, proteins, and toxins. However, the effects of the microscale distribution of these chemicals within each leaf have not been examined for these animals. The giant flying squirrels Petaurista leucogenys are entirely arboreal, nocturnal herbivores, usually feeding on leaves and dropping leaf debris on the ground after partially consuming them. Therefore, we could easily assess which species of trees and which parts of the individual leaves they preferred to eat. We also examined microscale distributions of phenolics, sugar, and water within individual leaves. Of the two dominant food tree species, the deciduous Quercus acutissima was preferred over the evergreen Q. sessilifolia. The latter tree is only used during winter to early spring when the former had no leaves. Our chemical analyses revealed that Q. acutissima contained much more glucose than Q. sessilifolia in all seasons. Three types of leaf debris, eaten apically, basally, or centrally with a hole, were found. In Q. sessilifolia, which had low phenolic concentrations, apical eating was most common, whereas central eating was rare. In Q. acutissima, which had high phenolics, basal or central eating was common. Central feeding may be caused by avoiding the periphery because of a higher phenolic concentration in the leaf margin. Thus, microscale distributions of phenolics within individual leaves affect which parts P. leucogenys eats, whereas leaf sugar concentration is an important factor affecting which species of leaves they eat.  相似文献   

We measured body composition and resting metabolic rates (RMR) of three dog breeds (Papillons, mean body mass 3.0 kg (n = 35), Labrador retrievers, mean body mass 29.8 kg (n = 35) and Great Danes, mean body mass 62.8 kg (n = 35)) that varied between 0.6 and 14.3 years of age. In Papillons, lean body mass (LBM) increased with age but fat mass (FBM) was constant; in Labradors, both LBM and FBM were constant with age, and in Great Danes, FBM increased with age but LBM was constant. FBM averaged 14.8% and 15.7% of body mass in Papillons and Labradors, respectively. Great Danes were leaner and averaged only 10.5% FBM. Pooling the data for all individuals, the RMR was significantly and positively associated with LBM and FBM and negatively associated with age. Once these factors had been taken into account there was still a significant breed effect on RMR, which was significantly lower in Labradors than in the other two breeds. Using the predictive multiple regression equation for RMR and the temporal trends in body composition, we modelled the expenditure of energy (at rest) over the first 8 years of life, and over the entire lifespan for each breed. Over the first 8 years of life the average expenditure of energy per kg LBM were 0.985, 0.675 and 0.662 GJ for Papillons, Labradors and Great Danes, respectively. This energy expenditure was almost 60% greater for the smallest compared with the largest breed. On average, however, the life expectancy for the smallest breed was a further 6 years (i.e. 14 years in total), whereas for the largest breed it was only another 6 months (i.e. 8.5 years in total). Total lifetime expenditure of energy at rest per kg LBM averaged 1.584, 0.918 and 0.691 GJ for Papillons, Labradors and Great Danes, respectively. In Labradors, total daily energy expenditure, measured by the doubly labelled water method in eight animals, was only 16% greater than the observed RMR. High energy expenditure in dogs appears positively linked to increased life expectancy, contrary to the finding across mammal species and within exotherms, yet resembling observations in other intra-specific studies. These contrasting correlations suggest that metabolism is affecting life expectancy in different ways at these different levels of enquiry.  相似文献   

Finding ways of increasing animal production with low external inputs and without compromising reproductive performances is a key issue of livestock systems sustainability. One way is to take advantage of the diversity and interactions among components within livestock systems. Among studies that investigate the influence of differences in animals’ individual abilities in a herd, few focus on combinations of cow breeds with contrasting features in dairy cattle herds. This study aimed to analyse the performances and management of such multi-breed dairy cattle herds. These herds were composed of two types of dairy breeds: ‘specialist’ (Holstein) and ‘generalist’ (e.g. Montbeliarde, Simmental, etc.). Based on recorded milk data in southern French region, we performed ANOVA: (i) to compare the performances of dairy herds according to breed-type composition: multi-breed, single specialist breed or single generalist breed and (ii) to test the difference of milk performances of specialist and generalist breed cows (n = 10 682) per multi-breed dairy herd within a sample of 22 farms. The sampled farmers were also interviewed to characterise herd management through multivariate analysis. Multi-breed dairy herds had a better trade-off among milk yield, milk fat and protein contents, herd reproduction and concentrate-conversion efficiency than single-breed herds. Conversely, they did not offer advantages in terms of milk prices and udder health. Compared to specialist dairy herds, they produce less milk with the same concentrate-conversion efficiency but have better reproductive performances. Compared to generalist dairy herds, they produce more milk with better concentrate-conversion efficiency but have worse reproductive performances. Within herds, specialist and generalist breed cows significantly differed in milk performances, showing their complementarity. The former produced more milk for a longer lactation length while the latter produced milk with higher protein and fat contents and had a slightly longer lactation rank. Our results also focus on the farmers’ management of multi-breed dairy herds underlying herd performances. Three strategies of management were identified and structured along two main axes. The first differentiates farmers according to their animal-selection practices in relation with their objectives of production: adapting animal to produce milk with low-feeding inputs v. focussing on milk yield trait to intensify milk production. The second refers to the purpose farmers give to multi-breed dairy herds: milk v. milk/meat production. These initial insights on the performances and management of multi-breed dairy herds contribute to better understanding the functioning of ruminant livestock systems based on individual variability.  相似文献   

Adding nitrate to the diet or increasing the concentration of dietary lipid are effective strategies for reducing enteric methane emissions. This study investigated their effect on health and performance of finishing beef cattle. The experiment was a two×two×three factorial design comprising two breeds (CHX, crossbred Charolais; LU, Luing); two basal diets consisting of (g/kg dry matter (DM), forage to concentrate ratios) 520 : 480 (Mixed) or 84 : 916 (Concentrate); and three treatments: (i) control with rapeseed meal as the main protein source replaced with either (ii) calcium nitrate (18 g nitrate/kg diet DM) or (iii) rapeseed cake (RSC, increasing acid hydrolysed ether extract from 25 to 48 g/kg diet DM). Steers (n=84) were allocated to each of the six basal diet×treatments in equal numbers of each breed with feed offered ad libitum. Blood methaemoglobin (MetHb) concentrations (marker for nitrate poisoning) were monitored throughout the study in steers receiving nitrate. After dietary adaptation over 28 days, individual animal intake, performance and feed efficiency were recorded for a test period of 56 days. Blood MetHb concentrations were low and similar up to 14 g nitrate/kg diet DM but increased when nitrate increased to 18 g nitrate/kg diet DM (P<0.001). An interaction between basal diet and day (P<0.001) indicated that MetHb% was consistently greater in Concentrate – than Mixed-fed steers at 18 g nitrate/kg diet DM. Maximum individual MetHb% was 15.4% (of total Hb), which is lower than considered clinically significant (30%). MetHb concentrations for individual steers remained consistent across time. Concentrate-fed steers were more efficient (lower residual feed intake (RFI) values) than Mixed-fed steers (P<0.01), with lower dry matter intake (DMI) (kg/day) (P<0.001) and similar average daily gain (ADG). CHX steers were more efficient (lower RFI; P<0.01) than LU steers with greater ADG (P<0.01), lower DMI (/kg BW; P<0.01) and lower fat depth (P<0.001). ADG, BW or DMI did not differ across dietary treatments (P>0.05). Neither basal diet nor treatment affected carcass quality (P>0.05), but CHX steers achieved a greater killing out proportion (P<0.001) than LU steers. Thus, adding nitrate to the diet or increasing the level of dietary lipid through the use of cold-pressed RSC, did not adversely affect health or performance of finishing beef steers when used within the diets studied.  相似文献   

Lignocellulosic ethanol represents a renewable alternative to petrol. Miscanthus, a perennial plant that grows on marginal land, is characterized by efficient use of resources and is considered a promising source of lignocellulosic biomass. A life cycle assessment (LCA) was performed to determine the environmental impacts of ethanol production from miscanthus grown on marginal land in Great Britain (Aberystwyth) and an average‐yield site in Germany (Stuttgart; functional unit: 1 GJ). As the conversion process has substantial influence on the overall environmental performance, the comparison examined three pretreatment options for miscanthus. Overall, results indicate lower impacts for the production in Stuttgart in comparison with the corresponding pathways in Aberystwyth across the analysed categories. Disparities between the sites were mainly attributed to differences in biomass yield. When comparing the conversion options, liquid hot water treatment resulted in the lowest impacts, followed by dilute sulphuric acid. Dilute sodium hydroxide pretreatment represented the least favourable option. Site‐dependent variation in biomass composition and degradability did not have substantial influence on the environmental performance of the analysed pathways. Additionally, implications of replacing petrol with miscanthus ethanol were examined. Ethanol derived from miscanthus resulted in lower impacts with respect to greenhouse gas emissions, fossil resource depletion, natural land transformation and ozone depletion. However, for other categories, including toxicity, eutrophication and agricultural land occupation, net scores were substantially higher than for the fossil reference. Nevertheless, the results indicate that miscanthus ethanol produced via dilute acid and liquid hot water treatment at the site in Stuttgart has the potential to comply with the requirements of the European Renewable energy directive for greenhouse gas emission reduction. For ethanol production at the marginal site, carbon sequestration needs to be considered in order to meet the requirements for greenhouse gas mitigation.  相似文献   

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