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The structure and function of iron(II)-ruthenium(II) hybrid hemoglobins alpha(Ru-CO)2 beta(Fe)2 and alpha(Fe)2 beta(Ru-CO)2, which can serve as models for the intermediate species of the oxygenation step in native human adult hemoglobin, were investigated by measuring oxygen equilibrium curves and the Fe(II)-N epsilon (His F8) stretching resonance Raman lines. The oxygen equilibrium properties indicated that these iron-ruthenium hybrid hemoglobins are good models for the half-liganded hemoglobin. The pH dependence of the oxygen binding properties and the resonance Raman line revealed that the quaternary and tertiary structural transition was induced by pH changes. When the pH was lowered, both the iron-ruthenium hybrid hemoglobins exhibited relatively higher cooperativity and a Raman line typical of normal deoxy structure, suggesting that their structure is stabilized at a "T-like" state. However, the oxygen affinity of alpha(Fe)2 beta(Ru-CO)2 was lower than that of alpha(Ru-CO)2 beta(Fe)2, and the transition to the "deoxy-type" Fe-N epsilon stretching Raman line of alpha(Fe2)beta(Ru-CO)2 was completed at pH 7.4, while that of the complementary counterpart still remained in an "oxy-like" state under the same condition. These observations clearly indicate that the beta-liganded hybrid has more "T"-state character than the alpha-liganded hybrid. In other words, the ligation to the alpha subunit induces more pronounced changes in the structure and function in Hb than the ligation to the beta subunit. This feature agrees with our previous observations by NMR and sulfhydryl reactivity experiments. The present results are discussed in relation to the molecular mechanism of the cooperative stepwise oxygenation in native human adult hemoglobin.  相似文献   

Asymmetrical hybrid hemoglobins formed from mixtures of two structurally different hemoglobins were found to be readily separated by cation-exchange high-performance liquid chromatography under anaerobic conditions. When oxyhemoglobins A and S were mixed and deoxygenated, the resulting HPLC chromatogram showed three peaks. The distribution of the three components follow the binomial expansion a2 + 2 ab + b2 = 1, where a and b are the initial fractions of parent hemoglobins. The middle peak was collected in a test tube saturated with CO gas and reanalyzed under the same experimental conditions. This middle component gave two peaks of equal areas with retention times identical to those of the CO-form of the parent hemoglobins without the appearance of the hybrid hemoglobin band. No intermediate peak was observed in solutions of mixtures of liganded hemoglobins under aerobic conditions. Hybrid hemoglobins AC and SC were also formed when oxyhemoglobins A and C, S and C were mixed, respectively. The separation and the identification of hemoglobins and hybrid hemoglobin employing cation-exchange HPLC can be achieved within 30 min by gradient elution. In addition, the ability to isolate hybrid hemoglobins may be a valuable tool for the study of physical and chemical properties of hybrid hemoglobins.  相似文献   

K Ishimori  I Morishima 《Biochemistry》1988,27(11):4060-4066
Diruthenium-substituted Ru-Fe hybrid hemoglobins (Hb) were synthesized by heme substitution from protoheme to ruthenium (II) carbonyldeuteroporphyrin in the alpha or beta subunits. As the carbon monoxide coordinated to ruthenium (II) is not released under physiological conditions, deoxygenated Ru-Fe hybrid derivatives [alpha(Fe)2 beta(Ru-CO)2 and alpha(Ru-CO)2 beta(Fe)2] can serve as models for half-liganded Hbs. On the basis of proton NMR spectra of hyperfine-shifted proton resonances, these Ru-Fe hybrid Hbs have only small structural changes in the heme environment of the partner subunits at low pH. The proton NMR spectra of the intersubunit hydrogen-bonded protons also showed that the quaternary structures of the two complementary hybrids both remain in the "T-like state" at low pH, suggesting that the T to R structural conversion is induced by ligation of the third ligand molecule. Marked conformational changes in the heme vicinity are observed at high pH only for alpha(Ru-CO)2 beta(Fe)2, and its quaternary structure is converted into the "R state"; the alpha(Fe)2 beta(Ru-CO)2 hybrid does not undergo this change. This implies that the free-energy difference between the two quaternary states is smaller in the alpha-liganded hybrid than in the beta-liganded one.  相似文献   

Ni(II)-Fe(II) hybrid hemoglobins, in which hemes in either the alpha or beta subunit are substituted with Ni(II) protoporphyrin IX, have been prepared and characterized. Since Ni(II) protoporphyrin IX binds neither oxygen nor carbon monoxide, the oxygen equilibrium properties of the Fe subunit in these hybrid hemoglobins were specifically determined. K1 values, namely the equilibrium constants for the first oxygen molecule to bind to hemoglobin, agreed well for these hybrid hemoglobins with the K1 value of native hemoglobin A in various conditions. Therefore, Ni(II) protoporphyrin IX in these hybrid hemoglobins behaves like a permanently deoxygenated heme. Both Ne-Fe hybrid hemoglobins bound oxygen non-co-operatively at low pH values. When the pH was raised, alpha 2 (Fe) beta 2 (Ni) showed co-operativity, but the complementary hybrid, alpha 2 (Ni) beta 2 (Fe), did not show co-operativity even at pH 8.5. The light absorption spectra of Ni(II)-Fe(II) hybrid hemoglobins indicated that the coordination states of Ni(II) protoporphyrin IX in the alpha subunits responded to the structure of the hybrid, whereas those in the beta subunits were hardly changed. In a deoxy-like structure (the structure that looks like that observed in deoxyhemoglobin), four-co-ordinated Ni(II) protoporphyrin IX was dominant in the alpha (Ni) subunits, while under the conditions that stabilized an oxy-like structure (the structure that looks like that observed in oxyhemoglobin), five-co-ordinated Ni(II) protoporphyrin IX increased. The small change observed in the absorption spectrum of the beta (Ni) subunits is not related to the change of the co-ordination number of Ni(II) protoporphyrin IX. Non-co-operative binding of oxygen to the beta subunits in alpha 2 (Ni) beta 2 (Fe) accompanied the change of absorption spectrum in the alpha (Ni) subunits. We propose a possible interpretation of this unique feature.  相似文献   

Asymmetrical hybrid hemoglobins formed in mixtures of Hb A and Hb S, Hb F and Hb S, Hb S and Hb York(beta 146 His----Pro), and Hb A and Hb York were separated by high performance liquid chromatography on cation and anion exchange columns under anaerobic conditions. The ratio of the hybrid hemoglobin to the total mixture was consistently lower than that theoretically expected and decreased with longer elution times. The hybrid tetramer appears to be unstable even under anaerobic conditions and dissociates into alpha beta dimers. The time course of dissociation of the hybrid hemoglobins was determined by varying the separation programs and thus separating the hybrid hemoglobin at different elution times. The rate of the dissociation of the hybrid hemoglobins studied follows first order kinetics. The lines representing the time course of dissociation of hybrid hemoglobins were extrapolated to time 0 to determine the fraction of the hybrid hemoglobin in the mixture prior to separation. The values obtained for equimolar mixtures of Hb A and Hb S and Hb York and Hb S or Hb A were in agreement with the expected theoretical value (50%). In contrast, the value obtained for hybrid hemoglobin FS was slightly less (about 40%). AY and SY hybrid hemoglobins dissociated into dimers at a considerably faster rate than did AS and FS hybrid hemoglobins, possibly because of the mutation at the beta 146-position in hybrid hemoglobins containing alpha beta Y dimers. This mutation hinders the formation of salt bridges that normally stabilize the "T" quaternary conformation. Since such hybrid hemoglobins have a partial "R" conformation even when deoxygenated, their rate of dissociation to dimers is expected to increase.  相似文献   

We have developed a rapid and useful method for purification of valency hybrid hemoglobins (alpha 2+ beta 2 and alpha 2 beta 2+: + denotes ferric heme) from a hemoglobin solution oxidized partially with ferricyanide by preparative high-performance liquid chromatography. This method does not involve the separation of hemoglobin subunits and the reconstitution of ferric and partner ferrous subunits. Using the valency hybrid hemoglobins thus prepared, the effect of the ferric spin state on the alpha 1 beta 2 subunit boundary structure was investigated by measuring the ultraviolet difference absorption spectra between the deoxy and the oxy valency hybrids associated with various ferric ligands (fluoride, aquo, azide and cyanide). All derivatives of both alpha 2+ beta 2 and alpha 2 beta 2+ showed the difference spectra characteristic of R-T quaternary structural transition. However, the magnitude of the difference spectral peak observed near 288 nm was larger for high-spin derivatives than for low-spin ones. The magnitude of the peak for the valency hybrid hemoglobin was closely correlated with the difference in the free energy of oxygen binding between the R and T states. Since the R state of high-spin hybrids is considered to be identical to that of low-spin hybrids, we concluded from these results that the alpha 1 beta 2 subunit boundary structure plays an important role in regulating the oxygen affinity of deoxy T state.  相似文献   

The biological functions of heme proteins are linked to their rate and affinity constants for ligand binding. Kinetic experiments are commonly used to measure equilibrium constants for traditional hemoglobins comprised of pentacoordinate ligand binding sites and simple bimolecular reaction schemes. However, kinetic methods do not always yield reliable equilibrium constants with more complex hemoglobins for which reaction mechanisms are not clearly understood. Furthermore, even where reaction mechanisms are clearly understood, it is very difficult to directly measure equilibrium constants for oxygen and carbon monoxide binding to high-affinity (K(D) < 1 micro M) hemoglobins. This work presents a method for direct measurement of equilibrium constants for high-affinity hemoglobins that utilizes a competition for ligands between the "target" protein and an array of "scavenger" hemoglobins with known affinities. This method is described for oxygen and carbon monoxide binding to two hexacoordinate hemoglobins: rice nonsymbiotic hemoglobin and Synechocystis hemoglobin. Our results demonstrate that although these proteins have different mechanisms for ligand binding, their affinities for oxygen and carbon monoxide are similar. Their large affinity constants for oxygen, 285 and approximately 100 micro M(-1) respectively, indicate that they are not capable of facilitating oxygen transport.  相似文献   

Metal hybrid hemoglobins, in which Zn(II) replaces Fe(II), have been structurally characterized by extended X-ray absorption structure (EXAFS) studies. Since Zn and Fe have very different K absorption edge energies, the structures of the ligated (Fe) and unligated (Zn) sites could be examined independently within a single molecule that mimics an intermediate ligation state. The observed EXAFS spectra and associated structural parameters are compared among the ligand free (alpha Zn)2(beta Zn)2, half-ligated (alpha FeCO)2(beta Zn)2 and (alpha Zn)2(beta FeCO)2, and fully ligated (alpha FeCO)2(beta FeCO)2 systems.  相似文献   

The polymer of the hexapeptide sequence, Val-Ala-Pro-Gly-Glu-Gly, was synthesized and demostrated of exhibit a reversible, pH-dependent coacervation in low-pH aqueous solution. In addition, the synthesis of an insoluble, hybrid, cross-linked polypeptide matrix is described. The cross-linking was achieved in the coacervate state during flow orientation of the polymers. The chemical means of covalent cross-linking was intermolecular primary amide bond formation between the lysyl side chains in one polypentapeptide unit and the glutamyl side chains in another polyhexapeptide unit. The carboxyl activating reagent was a water-soluble carbodiimide. The key intermediates in the syntheses, the hexamers and their high polymers, were analyzed by carbon-13 magnetic resonance to verify the correctness of synthesis and to obtain information on conformation.  相似文献   

Copper reconstituted hemoglobin (CuHb), copper containing T-state hybrid hemoglobins like alpha2(Ni)beta2(Cu), and alpha2(Cu)beta2(Ni), and intermediate R-state hybrids like alpha2(CO-Fe)beta2(Cu) and alpha2(Cu)beta2(Fe-CO) are studied using resonance Raman (RR) spectroscopy at two different excitation wavelengths. The high frequency RR region in CuHb indicates the presence of both 4- and 5-coordinate forms of Cu(II). In hybrid Hbs, the presence of two distinct metal ion environments within one particular subunit is evident. This is also consistent with previous findings using EPR spectroscopy and sulfydryl reactivity studies on these hybrid Hbs. The low frequency RR region on these copper derivatives of HbA further suggests the existence of two different heme moieties within the subunit.  相似文献   

Fractionated samples of sodium hyaluronate of low molecular weight were used to calibrate the carbazole method for glucuronyl analsis and to determine the density increment (based on dry weight) of 0.444 (±0.003) mL/g in water and 0.386 (±0.003) mL/g for samples dialyzed against 0.2M NaCl. Weight-average molecular weights obtained by high-speed sedimentation equilibrium were used to calibrate the limiting viscosity number [η] in 0.2M NaCl, which gave [η]/Mw = 0.0028 (±0.0002) mL/g, valid to Mw = 0.0028 (±0.0002) mL/g, valid to Mw = 105. Experimental data from this work and the literature, including viscosity and light- and small-angle x-ray scattering measurements, were compared to theoretical chain models of the Kratky-Porod (KP) wormlike and the helical wormlike (HW) chain, as treated by Yamakawa and collaborators. Although either model could be fitted to experimental data about equally well with consistent parameters, provided those for the HW chain were of weakly helical nature, calculation of the unperturbed meansquare end-to-end distance as a function of chain length from a conformational model favored the KP chain alternative. The parameters that provide the best fit to experimental data for the KP wormlike model are a persistence length of 4.5–5 nm and a diameter of 1.1 nm. The latter is resonable for a hydrated hydrodynamic cylinder in view of the approximate unhydrated value of 0.7 nm estimated from the density increment.  相似文献   

Antisera were produced in rabbits to the three known types of Lepore hemoglobins, which contain hybrid delta-beta non-alpha-chains, and to hemoglobin Kenya, which has a hybrid gamma-beta non-alpha-chain. By using a sensitive radioimmunoassay technique, the absorbed antisera were shown to contain an antibody population that was specific for the hybrid hemoglobin and did not cross-react with normal hemoglobins. However, with the absorbed Lepore-specific antisera, the three known types of Lepore hemoglobins were antigenically indistinguishable from each other, suggesting that antibodies are not produced to the primary structural differences which define the three non-alpha-chains of the Lepore hemoglobins. These studies demonstrate that the non-alpha-subunits of hemoglobins Lepore and Kenya possess unique antigenic determinant sites, evidently resulting from an altered polypeptide conformation.  相似文献   

Statistical species distribution models (SDMs) are widely used to predict the potential changes in species distributions under climate change scenarios. We suggest that we need to revisit the conceptual framework and ecological assumptions on which the relationship between species distributions and environment is based. We present a simple conceptual framework to examine the selection of environmental predictors and data resolution scales. These vary widely in recent papers, with light inconsistently included in the models. Focusing on light as a necessary component of plant SDMs, we briefly review its dependence on aspect and slope and existing knowledge of its influence on plant distribution. Differences in light regimes between north‐ and south‐facing aspects in temperate latitudes can produce differences in temperature equivalent to moves 200 km polewards. Local topography may create refugia that are not recognized in many climate change SDMs using coarse‐scale data. We argue that current assumptions about the selection of predictors and data resolution need further testing. Application of these ideas can clarify many issues of scale, extent and choice of predictors, and potentially improve the use of SDMs for climate change modelling of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Hemoglobins of three baboons, Theropithecus gelada, Papio hamadryas- and Papio anubis, were purified and their oxygen equilibrium characteristics were studied. (a) Oxygen affinity, as expressed by P50, oxygen partial pressure for 50% oxygen binding, was in the order of gelada hemoglobin > anubis hemoglobin > hamadryas hemoglobin although the differences were small. (b) The presence of 2,3-diphosphoglycerate reduced their oxygen affinity in a similar manner. The effect on baboon hemoglobins was greater than that on human and Japanese monkey hemoglobins. (c) The intensity of the Bohr effect, as expressed by ?ΔlogP50ΔpH, at pH 7·4 agreed well with each other and the value was 0·62 in the presence of 2 mm diphosphoglycerate and 0·52 in its absence. These results indicate that phenotypic adaptation (acclimatory) may play an important role in the adaptation of gelada baboon to high altitudes.  相似文献   

The interaction of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) at a concentration range (0-515 microM) below the critical micelle concentration (CMC approximately 0.83 mM) with human native and cross-linked oxyhemoglobin (oxyHb) and methemoglobin (metHb) has been investigated by optical spectroscopy and stopped-flow transient kinetic measurements. It is observed that the interaction of SDS with human native and cross-linked oxyHb shows the disappearance of the bands of oxyHb at 541 and 576 nm and the appearance at 537 nm. The resultant spectra are characteristic of low spin (Fe(3+)) hemichrome. Similarly SDS has been found to convert human native and cross-linked high spin (Fe(3+)) metHb to low spin (Fe(3+)) hemichrome. The interaction of SDS with oxyHb suggests a conformational change of the protein in the heme pocket, which may induce the binding of distal histidine to iron leading to the formation of superoxide radical. The formation of hemichrome from metHb is found to be concentration-dependent with SDS. The stopped flow transient kinetic measurements of the interaction of SDS with metHb show that at least four molecules of SDS interact with one molecule of metHb. The interaction of SDS with human cross-linked oxy and met hemoglobin shows results similar to those for human native oxy and met hemoglobin indicating that the covalent modification does not alter the interaction of SDS with cross-linked hemoglobin.  相似文献   

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