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In dialysis and non-dialysis patients with terminal renal failure the red cell ATP and 2,3 DPG concentrations are increased. Inorganic phosphate level in red cells is nearly normal in both groups of patients. The red cell potassium concentration is decreased in both groups. Sodium concentration in red cells is significantly lower in dialysis than in non-dialysis patients, the former being lower and the latter being higher, than the average normal value.  相似文献   

In vitro studies indicate that acute increases in intracellular phosphate concentration decrease red blood cell 2,3-diphosphoglycerate levels (G. Momsen, B. Vestergaard-Bogind, Arch Biochem Biophys 190:67, 1978). We have examined the relationship in vivo of serum phosphate concentration, red cell phosphate, 2,3-DPG and blood P50 in hyperglycemic dogs infused alternately with phosphate or chloride (control) solutions. During the 8-hr insulin infusion, serum phosphate (Pi) fell 40% in the chloride-treated animals and rose 71% in the phosphate-treated dogs (P less than 0.001, phosphate vs. control). RBC Pi concentration declined in the controls and rose significantly in the phosphate-infused dogs (P less than 0.02). Serum Pi and RBC Pi were correlated in the phosphate-managed animals (r = 0.76, P less than 0.02), but not in the controls. RBC 2,3-DPG failed to rise in either group during insulin infusion and regression analysis showed a negative correlation between serum Pi and 2,3-DPG (r = -0.90, P less than 0.005) and between RBC Pi concentration and 2,3-DPG (r = -0.84, P less than 0.02). P50 failed to change in either group during insulin treatment and for up to 24 hr after initiation of the 8-hr infusion of insulin.  相似文献   

Purine nucleotides of red blood cells (RBC) during storage in two different media with addition of adenine/nicotinamide (NAP) or adenine/guanosine (CDS-AG) were estimated by HPLC. Synthesis of guanine nucleotides reached a maximum after 14 days in RBC stored with adenine/guanosine. The higher adenine concentration in the NAP solution (3 mmol/l) did not increase adenine consumption and the ATP-level of the erythrocytes. The adenylate energy charge (AEC) of RBC decreased from 0.91 to 0.63 during 42 days of storage in CDS-AG solution.  相似文献   

Glucose self-exchange flux (Jex) and net efflux (Jnet) in human red cells and ghosts were studied at 25 degrees C and pH 7.2 by means of the combined use of the Millipore-Swinnex filtering method and the continuous flow tube method to show the dependence of time of storage after aspiration, ATP and insulin. In fresh cells (RBC), ghosts (G), ghosts with 2 mM ATP (G +), and cells stored at 4 degrees C greater than 60 days (OC) both Jex and Jnet follow simple Michaelis-Menten kinetics where J = Jmax X Ci X (K1/2 + Ci)-1. Jmaxex and Jmaxnet (nmol X cm-2 X s-1), respectively, was: (RBC) 0.27 and 0.19, (G) 0.24 and 0.27, (G +) 0.23 and 0.24, (OC) 0.23 and 0.20. K1/2,ex and K1/2,net (mM), respectively, was: (RBC) 7.5 and 1.3, (G) 4.8 and 14.2, (G +) 11.6 and 6.8, (OC) 3.8 and 9.0. In ghosts, the ATP-dependent fraction of the permeability shows a hyperbolic dependence on glucose concentrations lower than 80 mM. Insulin up to 1 microM had effect on neither Jex nor Jnet in RBC. Based on reported values of cytochalasin B binding sites the turnover rate per site in RBC appears to be as high as in maximally insulin-stimulated fat cells. Our results suggest that the number of transport sites remains constant, independent of age, ATP and insulin.  相似文献   

Glucose self-exchange flux (Jex) and net efflux (Jnet) in human red cells and ghosts were studied at 25°C and pH 7.2 by means of the combined use of the Millipore-Swinnex filtering method and the continuous flow tube method to show the dependence of time of storage after aspiration, ATP and insulin. In fresh cells (RBC), ghosts (G), ghosts with 2 mM ATP (G+), and cells stored at 4°C > 60 days (OC) both Jex and Jnet follow simple Michaelis-Menten kinetics where
. Jexmax and Jnetmax (nmol · cm−2 · s−1), respectively, was: (RBC) 0.27 and 0.19, (G) 0.24 and 0.27, (G +) 0.23 and 0.24, (OC) 0.23 and 0.20. and (mM), respectively, was: (RBC) 7.5 and 1.3, (G) 4.8 and 14.2, (G +) 11.6 and 6.8, (OC) 3.8 and 9.0. In ghosts, the ATP-dependent fraction of the permeability shows a hyperbolic dependence on glucose concentrations lower than 80 mM. Insulin up to 1 μM had effect on neither Jex nor Jnet in RBC. Based on reported values of cytochalasin B binding sites the turnover rate per site in RBC appears to be as high as in maximally insulin-stimulated fat cells. Our results suggest that the number of transport sites remains constant, independent of age, ATP and insulin.  相似文献   

A screening for both thermostability and electrophoretic red blood cell sorbitol dehydrogenase (RBC-SORD) variants in blood donors was performed. SORD activity in standard conditions (unheated samples) in 274 individuals was 198 +/- 38.6 mIU/g Hb. The ratio of enzymatic activity after heating (H) to the activity in controls (C) before heating (H/C ratio) was 0.39 +/- 0.10. H/C ratios minor than 0.1 in 3 out of 274 blood donors and higher than 0.9 in 1 were observed. In 208 individuals, four electrophoretic phenotypes were observed: I) Three bands, named a, b and c, with cathodic mobility in 163 individuals (78.36%); II) Two bands a and c in 25 individuals (12.02%); III) Two bands b and c in 14 (6.73%); and IV) One band, c in 6 (2.88%). Studies carried out to characterize the three bands suggest that they are isozymes of the same locus with the observation of an interchange of the bands as a normal phenomena.  相似文献   

Neutral red (NR) in medium was absorbed and concentrated in lysosomes of cultured rat and human hepatocytes. NR uptake increased with the time of incubation and reached a plateau in 2 hr. Uptake was proportional to the concentration of the NR solution and the numbers of viable liver cells. Prolonged culture of hepatocytes increased the numbers of lysosomes, and thus, the dye accumulation. The NR can be extracted from lysosomes for quantitative measurement of hepatocyte viability and cytotoxicity of xenobiotics. With this assay, several serum-free media (e.g., Waymouth's, MEM, LHC-8, etc.) were compared for the maintenance of viable hepatocytes in vitro. Interestingly, LHC-8 medium, which is used to grow human bronchial epithelial cells, best preserved viable rat hepatocytes. The cytotoxic effects of dimethylnitrosamine (DMN) and aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) were examined by NR assay on rat and human hepatocyte cultures and were found to be dependent on dose and time of the exposures. NR50 was 20 mM for DMN and 0.072 µM for AFB1 in rat hepatocytes with 24 hr of exposures and reduced to 12.5 mM for DMN and 0.053 µ uM for AFB1 with 48 fr exposures. Human hepatocytes were more resistant to the toxicity of both chemicals; NR50 values were 100 mM DMN and 1.8 µM AFB1 respectively, for 24 hr treatments. Compared with lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) leakage test, the NR assay was simpler and more sensitive in determining the viability and cytotoxicity of xenobiotics in primary cultures of hepatocytes.Abbreviations NR Neutral Red - MEM Eagle's Minimum Essential Medium - DMN dimethylnitrosamine - AFB1 aflatoxin B1 - LDH lactate dehydrogenase - HBSS Hanks balanced salt solution; - EDTA ethylene bis (oxyethylenenitrilo)-tetraacetic acid - L-15 Leibovitz's 15 - NADH B-nicotinamide adenine dinu - FBS fetal bovine serum - IA immediate autopsy Contribution No. 2816 from Laboratory of Genotoxicology.  相似文献   

20 male elite long distance runners were compared to a control group of blood donors to determine the effect of training on red blood cells. The acute effects of exercise on red cells were investigated in 11 of the runners following a race of 15-30 km. The runners had elevated resting values of red cell 2,3-DPG (P less than 0.05) and mean cell volume (P less than 0.01); blood Hb and ATP were not different from concentrations in the control group. The red cell status of the athletes may be explained by an increased proportion of young erythrocytes in runners. No statistically significant changes in red cell 2,3-DPG, ATP, mean cell volume or blood Hb were found post exercise.  相似文献   

A pathogen inactivation (PI) process has been developed using the frangible anchor linker effector (FRALE) compound S-303. A series of experiments were performed in whole blood (WB) to measure the level of viral and bacterial inactivation. The results showed that 0.2 mM S-303 and 2 mM glutathione (GSH) inactivated >6.5 logs of HIV, >5.7 logs of Bluetongue virus, >7.0 logs of Yersinia enterocolitica, 4.2 logs of Serratia marcescens, and 7.5 logs of Staphylococcus epidermidis. Recent development for S-303 is focused on optimization of the PI process for red blood cell concentrates (RBC). A series of studies in RBC showed that 0.2 mM S-303 and 20 mM GSH inactivated approximately 5 logs or greater of Y. enterocolitica, E. coli, S. marcescens, S. aureus, HIV, bovine viral diarrhoea virus, bluetongue virus and human adenovirus 5. In both applications of the S-303 process, in vitro parameters of RBC function and physiology were retained compared to conventional RBC. Results from these studies indicate that S-303 can be applicable for PI of RBC and WB.  相似文献   

Hamdani  Saber  Khan  Naveed  Perveen  Shahnaz  Qu  Mingnan  Jiang  Jianjun  Govindjee  Zhu  Xin-Guang 《Photosynthesis research》2019,139(1-3):107-121
Photosynthesis Research - Non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) of the excited state of chlorophyll a is a major photoprotective mechanism plants utilize to survive under high light. Here, we report...  相似文献   

1. Blood samples were obtained from fallow deer (Dama dama) and red deer (Cervus elaphus). Basic haematology, red cell enzymes, and metabolic intermediates and the glycolytic rate of the red cells incubated with different substrates were measured. 2. The major findings were (i) the activity of glucose phosphate isomerase was notably high in the red blood cells of the red deer; (ii) red deer cells also utilized adenosine more efficiently than those of fallow deer and (iii) red cells of both species utilized galactose more efficiently than other species of ruminants.  相似文献   

The motion and deformation of red blood cells (RBCs) flowing in a microchannel were studied using a theoretical model and a novel automated rheoscope. The theoretical model was developed to predict the cells deformation under shear as a function of the cells geometry and mechanical properties. Fluid dynamics and membrane mechanics are incorporated, calculating the traction and deformation in an iterative manner. The model was utilized to evaluate the effect of different biophysical parameters, such as: inner cell viscosity, membrane shear modulus and surface to volume ratio on deformation measurements. The experimental system enables the measurement of individual RBCs velocity and their deformation at defined planes within the microchannel. Good agreement was observed between the simulation results, the rheoscope measurements and published ektacytometry results. The theoretical model results imply that such deformability measuring techniques are weakly influenced by changes in the inner viscosity of the cell or the ambient fluid viscosity. However, these measurements are highly sensitive to RBC shear modulus. The shear modulus, estimated by the model and the rheoscope measurements, falls between the values obtained by micropipette aspiration and laser trapping. The study demonstrates the integration of a theoretical model with a microfabricated device in order to achieve a better understanding of RBC mechanics and their measurement using microfluidic shear assays. The system and the model have the potential of serving as quantitative clinical tools for diagnosing deformability disorders in RBCs.  相似文献   

We analyzed the spontaneous prehensile activity of two infants living with their mothers in social groups, using videotapes taken once weekly from weeks 5 to 24. Prehensile activities were laterally symmetric. Unimanual activity predominated, although bimanual activity appeared at the same ages as unimanual activity. In most bimanual activity the two hands performed the same action, but complementary actions occurred from the onset of bimanual activity. Extrusion of the tongue towards objects out of reach was observed occasionally, as was precision grasping. Early prehension in capuchins is organized, as in human infants, in a matrix of exploratory activity integrated with vision and oral exploration. Capuchins present a useful model system for the study of manipulative development.  相似文献   

Zinc movement across eel and human red blood cell membranes was measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. It was observed that:
  • 1) In human red blood cells zinc uptake is twice as rapid as in fish red blood cells over a temperature range of 10-40°C. The low rate of zinc uptake in eel red blood cell may be simply the side effect of different surface area to volume ratios for the differences in cell size or, it may be due to the low permeability of bicarbonate through the red blood cell membranes.
  • 2) Zinc uptake measured in eel and human red blood cells treated and untreated with external trypsin shows different features. The zinc uptake was reduced by about 40% in treated eel red blood cells with respect to the total uptake of untreated red blood cells. Human red blood cells treated and untreated with trypsin do not show any differences in the amount of zinc transported.
  • 3) In fish red blood cells, zinc uptake in NANO3 medium is markedly reduced, compared with that measured in NaCl medium. The [Zn2+i slightly increases in the presence of bicarbonate. In human red blood cells in NANO3 medium the zinc uptake is strongly reduced and the presence of bicarbonate marginally increases the zinc influx.
  • 4) In eel red blood cells there seem to be two independent pathways for zinc uptake: one DIDS-sensitive and the other DIDS-insensitive. DIDS 10 μM inhibits only 64% of the total zinc transported. Iincreasing the DIDS concentration did not give more inhibition. In human red blood cells only one DIDS-sensitive pathway for zinc transported seems to exist, because, 2,5 μM DIDS inhibits 97% of zinc uptake.

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