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The authors present in this paper a study of the bacterial pollution of inshore waters of northern suburbs of Tunis, on the basis of 180 sampled collected in 15 different stations, 15 monthly (one for each station). Three districts have been considered: Raouad-Gammarth, La Marsa-Carthage and La Goulette. This last district is mostly submitted to the bacterial pollution, caused by its neighbourhood of the lagoon of Tunis "reserve of pollution" and of the city of Tunis.  相似文献   

The inshore waters of Northern and Southern suburbs of Tunis are chiefly polluted aroud urban cities. The pollution increases with temperature, men (touristes and bathers), the actions of wind and currentology.  相似文献   

The authors present in this paper a study of the bacterian pollution of inshored waters of southern suburbs of Tunis, on the basis of 180 samples collected in 15 different stations, 15 monthly (one for each station). Two districts have been considered: Ez-Zahra and Hammam-Lif. The two districts are submitted to an important bacterian pollution, mainly due to human factor but also to geographical and geomorphological data, to physico-chemical parameters and to some biological characters.  相似文献   

The concentration of faecal contamination test-germs in wastewater has been determined at the entrance and the exit of three purification plants. Investigation for salmonella in the affluents and effluents of the three treatment plants proved that the systems of purification do not permit complete elimination of pathogenic bacteria from wastewaters. Helmith eggs has been observed in raw and treated wastewaters. Compared to the biological intensive systems, the lagoon treatment is susceptible to produce effluent with the best bacteriological and parasitical quality.  相似文献   

A study was made of the occurrence, distribution, and persistence of coliforms, fecal coliforms, and fecal streptococci in the intestinal tract of freshwater fish. A total of 132 fish representing 14 different species were used in various phases of these experiments. Examination of the intestinal contents of 78 fish from moderately polluted sections of the Little Miami River indicated that fecal coliform densities were lowest in bluegills (less than 20 per gram) and highest in catfish (1,090,000 per gram). Levels of fecal streptococci for these two species were 220 and 240,000 per gram, respectively. The occurrence of fecal coliforms in fish caught in this stream reflected the warm-blooded-animal-pollution level of the water. All fish used in this phase of the study were caught during July, August, and September when the water temperatures were between 13 and 18 C. The fate of fecal coliforms and Streptococcus faecalis in the fish intestine indicated that these organisms can probably survive and multiply when fish and water temperatures are 20 C or higher, but only when the organisms are retained in the gut for periods beyond 24 hr. Based on the biochemical reactions for 3,877 coliform strains isolated from 132 freshwater fish of 14 different species, 91.4% of all strains were composed of five IMViC types. In a similar study of the biochemical reactions of 850 streptococci isolated from the intestinal tract of 55 freshwater fish, the predominant strains included S. faecalis and various closely associated biotypes. No consistently recurring pattern for either coliforms or streptococci could be developed to identify species of fish investigated. The composition of the intestinal flora is, however, related in varying degree to the level of contamination of water and food in the environment.  相似文献   

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Over the last decades, the demand for pork products has increased significantly, along with concern about suitable waste management. Anaerobic-lagoon fermentation for swine-sludge stabilization is a good strategy, although little is known about the microbial communities in the lagoons. Here, we employed a cloning- and sequencing-based analysis of the 16S rRNA gene to characterize and quantify the prokaryotic community composition in a swine-waste-sludge anaerobic lagoon (SAL). DNA sequence analysis revealed that the SAL library harbored 15 bacterial phyla: Bacteroidetes, Cloroflexi, Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Deinococcus-Thermus, Synergystetes, Gemmatimonadetes, Chlorobi, Fibrobacteres, Verrucomicrobia and candidates division OP5, OP8, WWE1, KSB1, WS6. The SAL library was generally dominated by carbohydrate-oxidizing bacteria. The archaeal sequences were related to the Crenarchaeota and Euryarchaeota phyla. Crenarchaeota predominated in the library, demonstrating that it is not restricted to high-temperature environments, being also responsible for ammonium oxidation in the anaerobic lagoon. Euryarchaeota sequences were associated with the hydrogenotrophic methanogens (Methanomicrobiales and Methanobacteriales). Quantitative PCR analysis revealed that the number of bacterial cells was at least three orders of magnitude higher than the number of archaeal cells in the SAL. The identified prokaryotic diversity was ecologically significant, particularly the archaeal community of hydrogenotrophic methanogens, which was responsible for methane production in the anaerobic lagoon. This study provided insight into the archaeal involvement in the overall oxidation of organic matter and the production of methane. Therefore, the treatment of swine waste in the sludge anaerobic lagoon could represent a potential inoculum for the start-up of municipal solid-waste digesters.  相似文献   

A year's monitoring of faecal pollution of marine coastal waters surrounding Messina was carried out in 1996/97. The distribution of faecal coliforms was evaluated in 15 stations located along the Sicilian coastline, sampled monthly in coincidence of the two opposing current phases ("montante" and "scendente" currents) which characterise the Straits of Messina. The data obtained provided a complete picture of hygienic-sanitary conditions of the area and highlighted the presence of heavily polluted sites in correspondence with river outflows. Higher bacterial counts were associated with lower salinity values and higher ammonia concentrations; over an annual study, they occurred during the coldest months, showing the negative impact of continental water inputs on the bacteriological quality of coastal waters.  相似文献   

In the framework of a national strategy of reduction of the maternal mortality rate. Tunisia has set up a follow up system of maternal deaths occurring in public facilities to analyse their causes, the levels of deficiency and to propose solutions for preventing them. This note aims at describing the system, its results, its efficiency and its limitations in the Tunis region for the years 1999 and 2000. The results show a maternal mortality rate estimated at 80 for 100,000 births in public facilities of the region: the main causes being haemorrhage (42.1%) followed by infection (13.2%). The proportion of avoidable deaths is 87%:74% possibly avoidable and 13% certainly avoidable, factors related to women behaviour have also contributed to 45% of cases. The system flows are however intricated, and related to organization: an underestimation of risk by the patient (33%), an inadequate watch during the postpartum period (25%), a late hospitalisation (22%) and not enough reanimation equipment. Nevertheless, this control system has achieved part of its objective by starting up a quality approach to obstetrical cares and by warning health professionals such as obstetricians, anaesthetists, blood banks in charge, hospital managers and other medical teams. The limitations of the system are tied to the follow up of the real implementation of recommendations stated in reports at a local as well as central levels.  相似文献   

The bacterial, archaeal and eukaryotic populations of nonlithifying mats with pustular and smooth morphology from Hamelin Pool, Shark Bay were characterised using small subunit rRNA gene analysis and microbial isolation. A highly diverse bacterial population was detected for each mat, with 16S rDNA clones related to Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi, Cyanobacteria, Gemmatimonas, Planctomycetes, Alphaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, Deltaproteobacteria, Verrucomicrobia and candidate division TM6 present in each mat. Spirochaetes were detected in the smooth mat only, whereas candidate division OP11 was only detected in the pustular mat. Targeting populations with specific primers revealed additional cyanobacterial diversity. The archaeal population of the pustular mat was comprised purely of Halobacteriales, whereas the smooth mat contained 16S rDNA clones from the Halobacteriales, two groups of Euryarchaea with no close characterised matches, and the Thaumarchaea. Nematodes and fungi were present in each mat type, with diatom 18S rDNA clones only obtained from the smooth mat, and tardigrade and microalgae clones only retrieved from the pustular mat. Cultured isolates belonged to the Firmicutes, Gammaproteobacteria, Alphaproteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria, Cyanobacteria, and Halobacteriales. The mat populations were significantly more diverse than those previously reported for Hamelin Pool stromatolites, suggesting specific microbial populations may be associated with the nonlithifying and lithifying microbial communities of Hamelin Pool.  相似文献   

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From sampling in three areas neighbouring Tunis, the first polluted, the second contaminated and the third clean, the authors point out that the technic of multiple samples using the "Lactose Broth" is the most sensible to faecal pollution.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungSchluss. (Im Anschluss an p. 416, Octoberheft 1892.)  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungFortsetzung. (Im Anschluss an p. 312.)  相似文献   

This study has been focused on airborne pollen concentration in Northern Tunis. Pollen has been detected by a volumetric Hirst-type spore trap. This suction sampler was placed for two hydrologic years in the area of Mornag, northeastof Tunisia (36°40N; 10°17E). Fifty-two taxa were identified with heterogeneous daily pollen concentrations and a dominance of anemophilous plants. The main pollen types detected in the atmosphere were Olea europaea (38.7 and 20.75%), Cupressus (33.57 and 55.4%), Urticaceae (9.22 and 12.24%), Poaceae (3.55 and 3.32%), Mercurialis annua (2.96 and 1.6%) and Amaranthaceae (2.49 and 1.55%). The monthly pollen spectrum indicated a seasonal periodicity of airborne pollen with the main pollen season during spring. Two pollen seasons have been observed during these hydrologic years, due to both Cupressus and Amaranthaceae airborne pollen is represented during winter or spring, and also during autumn and late summer, respectively. Other pollen types represent a long pollen season, i.e., Urticaceae, starting in autumn and following until late spring. Daily pollen concentration showed a different behavior during the flowering season between both years, observing differences related to pollen index. Correlation between daily pollen concentrations of the dominant taxa showed a positive and significant correlation between airborne pollen concentrations of spring-pollinated taxa and mean temperature, but negative with maximum temperature, humidity and rainfall. In the case of minimum temperature, a different response, positive for trees and negative for herbaceous plants, has been observed.  相似文献   

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