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鹤伴山国家森林公园土壤甲螨群落结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
许士国  付荣恕 《生态学报》2010,30(23):6654-6660
2001年5月、8月、11月对鹤伴山国家森林公园土壤甲螨群落结构进行定量研究,结果表明:该地区土壤甲螨群落由41属组成,其中优势属及亚优势属5个:木单翼甲螨、合若甲螨及菌甲螨、小奥甲螨、礼服甲螨。各样点土壤甲螨群落的组成和数量分布均有明显不同,样点Ⅰ有31属,样点Ⅱ23属;密度最高的样点Ⅲ达8450头/m2,为平均密度的1.3倍,样点Ⅳ密度最低,虫口密度仅有4583头/m2,为平均密度的0.7倍。甲螨群落数量的季节变化明显,春季数量最高,秋季次之,夏季最低。MGP分析结果表明,该区土壤甲螨群落属于O型和P型,P群的种类和数量均明显多于M群和G群。甲螨群落的异质性高,多样性指数较高,可达最大多样性指数的4/5,各样点之间的多样性指数有一定的差异。各样点之间的群落相似性较高,少数样点之间为中等不相似,大多数样点间为中度相似,两种聚类方法结果明显不同,说明植被类型及海拔高度对土壤甲螨群落种类组成具有一定的影响,对其数量分布的影响更加明显。  相似文献   

贵州梵净山自然保护区土壤甲螨群落的季节动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2001年7月至2002年4月在不同的季节,对梵净山自然保护区属级水平上土壤甲螨结构的季节变化进行了调查.结果显示,土壤甲螨多度的四季变化为春季>冬季>秋季>夏季.土壤甲螨多样性的四季变化为秋季>夏季>冬季>春季.不同的季节土壤甲螨群落组成不同,但小奥甲螨属、小盾珠甲螨属、木单翼甲螨属3个属在每个季节均为绝对优势属.土壤甲螨主要分布在表层,但从夏季到冬季,土壤甲螨从表层向深层迁徙.  相似文献   

以种类名录报道广东鼎湖山自然保护区的土壤甲螨58种,并记述新种巨杆棱甲螨Mochlozetes grandis sp.nov.此外还对该地区甲螨区系的特点作了初步分析。  相似文献   

选取禾谷类、油料类和副产品3类粮仓储藏物采样点各150个,每个采样点各采集样本2份,每份10g,过筛后留取尘渣,进行粉螨的采集、分类、鉴定、计数以及数据分析.共检获粉螨28种,隶属于6科17属.多样性分析结果表明3类储藏物的粉螨物种数为16~21,平均孳生密度为20.61±4.78~54.13±4.27,物种丰富度指数(Margalef指数)为1.979~2.535,多样性指数(Shannon-Wiener指数)为2.160~2.431,均匀度指数(Pielou指数)为0.763~0.816,优势度指数(Simpson指数)为0.118~O.151,相似性指数(Jaccard指数)为0.321~O.65.其粉螨的孳生密度、多样性及相似性差异较大.  相似文献   

为探讨西北干旱区森林土壤螨类群落和环境因子的相互关系,于2014年对新疆天山森林公园七种不同生境进行土壤螨类群落调查与环境因子测定,并采用除趋势对应分析法(DCA)和冗余分析法(RDA)对土壤螨类群落结构和多样性特征及其与环境因子之间的关系进行相关分析。结果表明,共捕获土壤螨类成体标本24399只,隶属4目56科108属(包括9个中国新记录属),其中小甲螨属Oribatella为优势类群。方差分析表明,在7种不同生境之间土壤螨类群落多样性指标均存在显著差异(P<0.05),Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H)依次为针叶林>苗圃林>阔叶林>灌木林>针阔混交林>草甸草原>林中草地。RDA分析结果表明,第一主轴和第二主轴分别解释了土壤螨类主要群落总变量的34.8%和27.3%,所有环境因子共解释了土壤螨类群落物种组成变异的82.1%。蒙特卡罗置换检验显示,十种环境因子与全部排序轴(F=7.355,P=0.002)均存在极显著的相关性。研究表明,海拔、土壤含水量和有机质含量对螨类群落结构和多样性的影响显著。  相似文献   

冷箭竹根际土壤中可培养细菌的多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解冷箭竹(Bashania fangiana)根际土壤中可培养细菌的多样性,2006年5月从四川卧龙自然保护区冷箭竹根际土壤中共分离出50株具不同菌落形态的细菌.16S rDNA序列分析结果表明:50株菌分属于10个属26个种.27株属于变形菌门γ亚群(Gammaproteobaeteria)(42.3%)、9株属于厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)(26.9%)、4株属于放线菌门(Actinobacteria)(15.4%)、6株属于变形菌门β亚群(Betaproteobacteria)(7.7%)、3株属于变形菌门α亚群(Alphaproteobacteria)(3.9%),1株与土地杆菌属(Pedobacter)关系密切.假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)和芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)为优势菌属.2株菌为可能的新种或属.研究表明冷箭竹根际土壤中含有较为丰富的微生物多样性.  相似文献   

Entomological Review - Two new oribatid mite species collected in the park zone of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (Sakhalin Island, Russia) are described. Xenillus similis sp. n. is a large pale brown mite with...  相似文献   

Entomological Review - The oribatid mite population was studied in the zonal permafrost pale yellow taiga soil of Central Yakutia, East Siberia. In general, the population of oribatid mites in the...  相似文献   

The coexistence of a large number of soil animals without extensive niche differentiation is one of the great riddles in soil biology. The main aim of this study was to explore the importance of partitioning of food resources for the high diversity of micro-arthropods in soil. In addition, we investigated if ectomycorrhizal fungi are preferentially consumed compared to saprotrophic fungi. Until today, ectomycorrhizal fungi have never been tested as potential food resource for oribatid mites. We offered six ectomycorrhizal fungi [Amanita muscaria (L.) Hook., Boletus badius (Fr.) Fr., Cenococcum geophilum Fr., Laccaria laccata (Scop.) Fr., Paxillus involutus (Batsch) Fr. and Piloderma croceum J. Erikss. & Hjortstam], one ericoid mycorrhizal fungus [Hymenoscyphus ericae (D.J. Read) Korf & Kernan] and three saprotrophic fungi [Agrocybe gibberosa (Fr.) Fayod, Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissl. and Mortierella ramanniana (A. Møller) Linnem.] simultaneously to each of the mainly mycophagous oribatid mite species Carabodes femoralis (Nicolet), Nothrus silvestris Nicolet and Oribatula tibialis Nicolet. The ericoid mycorrhizal fungus H. ericae and the ectomycorrhizal fungus B. badius were preferentially consumed by each oribatid mite species. However, feeding preferences differed significantly between the three species, with O. tibialis being most selective. This study for the first time documented that oribatid mites feed on certain ectomycorrhizal fungi.  相似文献   

Two new species of oribatid mites of the superfamily Oripodoidea (Acari, Oribatida) are described from Trinidad and Tobago. Scheloribates (Scheloribates) tobagoensis sp. n. (Scheloribatidae) differs fromS. (Scheloribates) papillaris Tseng, 1984 in the structure of the rostral and lamellar setae and leg solenidia, in the length of the prolamellae, the absence of aggenital setae, and in reduction of setae on tarsi III. Areozetes ryabinini sp. n. (Haplozetidae) differs from A. altimontanus Hammer, 1961 in the structure of the bothridial and notogastral setae and rostrum and in the number of claws on the tarsi.  相似文献   

A checklist of identified oribatid mite taxa from riverine freshwater environments from six islands in Polynesia (New Caledonia, Tahiti, Moorea, Rurutu, Tubuai, Raiatea) is presented; 18 species, 16 genera and eight families were recorded. Trhypochthoniellus longisetus (Berlese, 1904) and Trimalaconothrus albulus Hammer, 1972 prevailed on distribution. Fortuynia smiti sp. n. (Fortuyniidae) is described from New Caledonia. The new speciesis morphologically most similar to Fortuynia marina Hammen, 1960 from New Guinea, but it differs from the latter by the longer notogastral setae dm, lm, c2, p1, epimeral setae 3b and adanal setae ad1 and the presence of prodorsal lateral ridges.  相似文献   

Two new species of the oribatid mite superfamily Trizetoidea (Acari, Oribatida) are described from Peru. Rhynchoribates (Rhynchoribatodes) rioyuyapichisensis Ermilov, sp. n. differs from the other species of the subgenus by the long flagelliform notogastral setae. Rhynchoppia puertoincaensis Ermilov, sp. n. is morphologically similar to R. capillata (Balogh, 1963), but differs by the shape and in a greater number of rostral teeth, in the number and a smaller length of notogastral setae, and in the number of genital setae. The genus Rhynchoppia (Balogh 1968) is recorded from the Neotropical Region for the first time, while Rhynchoribates (Rhynchoribatodes) brasiliensis Woas 1986 is new to the fauna of Peru.  相似文献   

The ability of soil-living oribatid mites to disperse fungal propagules on their bodies was investigated. Classical plating methods were applied to cultivate these fungi and to study their morphology. Molecular markers were used for further determination. The nuclear ribosomal large subunit and the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer of DNA extracts of the cultured fungi as well as total DNA extracts of the mites themselves, also containing fungal DNA, were amplified and sequenced. Based on phylogenetic analysis, a total of 31 fungal species from major fungal groups were found to be associated with oribatid mites, indicating that mites do not selectively disperse specific species or species groups. The detected taxa were mainly saprobiontic, cosmopolitan (e.g., Alternaria tenuissima), but also parasitic fungi (Beauveria bassiana) for whose dispersal oribatid mites might play an important role. In contrast, no mycorrhizal fungi were detected in association with oribatid mites, indicating that their propagules are dispersed in a different way. In addition, fungi that are known to be a preferred food for oribatid mites such as the Dematiacea were not detected in high numbers. Results of this study point to the potential of oribatid mites to disperse fungal taxa in soil and indicate that co-evolutionary patterns between oribatid mites and their associated fungi might be rare or even missing in most cases, since we only detected ubiquitous taxa attached to the mites.  相似文献   

Four new species of oribatid mites of the genus Crotonia , ( C. pauropelor sp. nov., C. dicella sp. nov., C. lyrata sp. nov. and C. ecphylla sp. nov. ) are described from soil and plant litter from South Africa. Crotonia pauropelor, C. dicella and C. ecphylla are allied to the 'capistrata' species-group, previously known only from Queensland, Australia, in that they possess the full complement of c setae on the notogaster. They differ in having eight pairs rather than nine pairs of genital setae. In addition, C. ecpylla is unusual in the genus Crotonia in that it appears to possess two pairs of setae on each of the second epimera. Crotonia lyrata has only two pairs of c setae and is allied to the 'cophinaria' species-group. This is only the second published record of the genus Crotonia from South Africa, and the first of any named species. A key to the African Crotonia species is provided, which includes the only two previously known species C. alluaudi and C. rothschildi (Berlese, 1916).  相似文献   

记述我国小赫甲螨科Hermanniellidae 1新纪录种:粒小赫甲螨Hermanniella granulata(Nicolet,1855)。标本采自于湖南省炎凌县桃源洞,本文提供了该种的描述。标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所国家动物博物馆。  相似文献   

Keys are provided to families of Hyadesioidea, to genera of Hyadesiidae, and to all species of this family known from the New Zealand subregion. A new species of Amhyadesia , two new species of Hyadesia sensu stricto , and four new species of a newly defined subgenus of Hyadesia (Parahyadesia) are described.  相似文献   

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