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研究感觉基因的进化规律是动物进化领域长期探索的重要问题.哺乳动物通常具有2套嗅觉系统:主要嗅觉系统(MOS)和犁鼻器系统(VNS).其中,VNS主要感知动物个体释放的信息素分子,而信息素在动物的生殖和社会行为中起重要调节作用.为了研究动物信息素嗅觉进化的背后推动力,对海洋哺乳动物的代表物种进行了Trpc2基因(VNS功能的分子标记)的序列测定和进化分析.以前的研究表明,Trpc2基因仅在VNS中表达,其序列完整/缺失与VNS的功能完整/退化完全一致.本研究结果显示,鲸类和海牛类的Trpc2为假基因,鳍脚类的1个分支类群(海豹类)和水獭类的Trpc2也是假基因,提示VNS功能丢失,即信息素嗅觉功能退化;而北极熊和鳍脚类的另一个分支类群(海狮类)保留了1个完整的Trpc2,并且这个基因仍受强烈的净化选择和功能限制,提示信息素嗅觉功能仍然保留.进一步分析表明,信息素嗅觉退化的海兽主要在水中交配,而信息素嗅觉保留的海兽主要在陆地上交配.本研究提出了一个新的科学假说:交配场所的选择可能推动了海洋哺乳动物信息素嗅觉的进化.  相似文献   

Macrophages, found in circulating blood as well as integrated into several tissues and organs throughout the body, represent an important first line of defense against disease and a necessary component of healthy tissue homeostasis. Additionally, macrophages that arise from the differentiation of monocytes recruited from the blood to inflamed tissues play a central role in regulating local inflammation. Studies of macrophage activation in the last decade or so have revealed that these cells adopt a staggering range of phenotypes that are finely tuned responses to a variety of different stimuli, and that the resulting subsets of activated macrophages play critical roles in both progression and resolution of disease. This review summarizes the current understanding of the contributions of differentially polarized macrophages to various infectious and inflammatory diseases and the ongoing effort to develop novel therapies that target this key aspect of macrophage biology.  相似文献   

Kate Davies 《EcoHealth》2006,3(2):86-94
This study estimates the economic costs associated with childhood diseases and disabilities attributable to environmental contaminants in Washington State, USA, including asthma, cancer, lead exposure, birth defects, and neurobehavioral disorders. The estimates are based on “cost of illness” models that include direct healthcare costs and indirect costs. The estimates are also based on an “environmentally attributable fraction” model which quantifies the proportions of each disease or disability that can reasonably be attributed to environmental contaminants. The study concludes that the annual cost of selected childhood diseases and disabilities attributable to environmental contaminants in Washington State is $1875 million in 2004 $, comprising $310.6 million in direct healthcare costs and $1565 million in indirect costs, and with a range of $1600–$2200 million a year. These estimates are consistent with other studies. Like the previous studies, a significant proportion of the estimated costs can be attributed to lead exposure. This estimate is equivalent to about 0.7% of the total Washington Gross State Product, and the estimated direct healthcare costs are equivalent to at least 0.2% of the total Washington State health expenditures. These costs could be lessened or prevented if exposures to environmental contaminants were reduced or eliminated. This study argues for the need for an ecosystem approach to human health in which the condition of the environment, in terms of exposures to environmental contaminants, must be addressed taking a systemic perspective.  相似文献   

Wildlife Trade and the Emergence of Infectious Diseases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most recent emerging infectious diseases have been zoonotic in origin. It is our contention that one of the factors responsible for such emergence is the trade in wildlife and bushmeat in particular. This article considers the effect of increasing diversity in the species hunted on the probability of global epidemics such as SARS. In particular, we develop a mathematical model of the probability of such an outbreak in terms of the number of species hunted, the number of susceptibles, and the rate of contact. Hence, we postulate that local biodiversity loss and increasing rates of animal trafficking, and trade and transportation of animals to large cities—where there is a greater potential for person-to-person transmission—may increase the probability of such outbreaks dramatically.  相似文献   

Recognition of the significance of the boundary between ecological systems, often referred to as the ecotone, has a long history in the ecological sciences and in zoonotic disease research. More recent research in landscape ecology has produced an expanded view of ecotones and elaboration of their characteristics and functions in ecosystems. Parallel research on emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) and the causes of increased rates of pathogen transmission, spread, and adaptation suggests a correspondence between ecotonal processes and the ecological and evolutionary processes responsible for zoonotic and vector-borne emerging infections. A review of the literature suggests that ecotones play a role in a number of the most important EIDs. Yet these are the only diseases for which specific landscape ecological information exists in the literature or disease reports. However, the similar disease ecologies of these with about half of the approximately 130 zoonotic EIDs suggests ecotones, particularly their anthropogenic origination or modification, may be generally associated with ecotones and the global trend of increasing EIDs.  相似文献   

To survive and replicate in vertebrate hosts, protozoan and fungal invaders must be capable of securing host iron. Successful pathogens obtain the metal from either extraction of heme, binding of siderophilins, binding of siderophores, and/or iron pools within host cells. The actual strategy can vary with the availability of iron in the particular host milieu. As a corollary, hosts have developed an elaborate iron withholding defense system. Conditions that can compromise the system as well as procedures that can strengthen it are reviewed.  相似文献   

Threshold tissue residue concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin equivalents (TEQs) were derived from the published results of semi-field (i.e., field collected food items were used as a medium of exposure to PCBs in laboratory reared animals) or field toxicity studies conducted with seals, European otters and mink. Based on biomagnification factors (BMFs) and concentrations of PCBs or TEQs measured in fish fed in the diet of experimental aquatic mammals, dietary threshold concentrations were estimated. Hepatic vitamin A, thyroid hormone concentration, suppression of natural killer (NK) cell activity and proliferative response of lymphocytes to mitogens were the toxicity endpoints measured in aquatic mammals. Threshold concentrations for PCBs or TEQs in livers of aquatic mammals to elicit the physiological effects ranged from 6.6 to 11?µg PCBs/g (geometric mean: 8.7?µ/g) and 160 to 1400?pg TEQs/g (geometric mean: 520?pg/g), lipid weight, respectively. The BMFs for PCBs and TEQs varied depending on the marine mammal species, and therefore the dietary threshold concentrations could be referred only by a range of values (rather than a mean value), which were 10 to 150?ng PCBs/g and 1.4 to 1.9?pg TEQs/g, wet weight, for PCBs and TEQs, respectively.  相似文献   

  • 1 During the past 15–20 years, sea otters Enhydra lutris in the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, USA, experienced a drastic decrease in population size. It has been hypothesized that an increase in killer whale Orcinus orca predation was the primary cause of this decline.
  • 2 Causation of the decline by increased killer whale predation is now considered a textbook case of top‐down predator control. The purpose of this review is to re‐evaluate the evidence for killer whale predation and to review evidence for alternative causes.
  • 3 The killer whale predation hypothesis is based on three lines of evidence: (i) there was an increase in the number of observed killer whale attacks on sea otters during the 1990s, coincident with a decline in sea otters, (ii) sea otter populations did not decline in areas considered inaccessible to killer whales, while they declined in adjacent areas considered accessible to killer whales, and (iii) the estimated number of attacks necessary to account for the rate of decline is similar to the observed number of attacks. Our re‐evaluation indicates that although the killer whale hypothesis is by no means disproved, the supporting data are limited and inconclusive.
  • 4 Increases in shark populations in the Aleutian Islands concurrent with the sea otter population declines indicate the need for further research into the role of alternative marine predators in the population decline.
  • 5 High contaminant levels observed in sea otters in the Aleutian Islands warrant further investigation into the impact of these toxins on sea otter health and vital rates, and their possible role on the population decline.
  • 6 Disease has not been ruled out as a significant contributor to the population decline, particularly in the early stages of the decline.

As overwhelmingly positive results have become available regarding the ability of plants to degrade compounds such as trichloroethylene, phytoremediation studies are expanding. Studies to determine the potential for phytoremediation of fully chlorinated compounds, such as carbon tetrachloride and tetrachloroethylene, brominated compounds, such as ethylene dibromide and dibromochloropropane, and nonhalogenated compounds, such as methyl-t-butyl ether (MTBE), are underway. When using phytoremediation, it is important to select not only a plant that is capable of degrading the pollutant in question, but also one that will grow well in that specific environment. In ecologically sensitive areas, such as the Hawaiian Islands, only plants native to the area can be used. One way to supplement the arsenal of plants available for remedial actions is to utilize genetic engineering tools to insert into plants those genes that will enable the plant to metabolize a particular pollutant. Hybrid technologies, such as using plants in pumping and irrigation systems, also enable plants to be used as a remedial method when the source of the pollutant is beyond the reach of plant roots, or when planting space directly over the pollutant is unavailable or restricted. Thus, the potential uses of phytoremediation are expanding as the technology continues to offer new, low-cost remediation options.  相似文献   

应用灰色关联选择受阴害水稻的主要受害指标,以层次分析法和模糊综合评判分析了化学调控剂对减轻水稻在抽穗灌浆期不同时段阴害的效应.结果表明,阴害危害的最大3个指标为结实率、净同化率和根系活性强度;在水稻抽穗后6~20d出现阴害时,喷施化学调控剂的增产效果最明显,隶属度达0.7869.  相似文献   

Marine birds and mammals move between various habitats during the day as they engage in behaviors related to resting, sleeping, preening, feeding, and breeding. The per capita rates of movement between these habitats, and hence the habitat occupancy dynamics, often are functions of environmental variables such as tide height, solar elevation, wind speed, and temperature. If the system recovers rapidly after disturbance, differential equation models of occupancy dynamics can be reduced to algebraic equations on two time scales. Identification of environmental factors that influence movement between habitats requires time series census data collected in both the absence and presence of disturbance.  相似文献   

骨桥蛋白(OPN)是一种分子量约为60 KDa的糖基化磷蛋白,广泛分布于骨、脑、肾、肺以及肝等多种重要的脏器组织中.该蛋白通过与整合素、CD44V等受体结合,参与应激反应,癌症,骨重建,炎性反应以及感染等多种生理病理性进展.由于早期分泌OPN能够诱发细胞的激活,故OPN也被称为ETA-1(早期T淋巴细胞激活因子-1).目前发现,OPN存在两种形式:一种是分泌型骨桥蛋白(sOPN),另一种是胞内型骨桥蛋白(iOPN).在体内,二者通过不同的作用途径参与免疫调节过程.近年来,随着分子生物学的进展以及对神经退行性疾病研究的不断深入,发现OPN在神经退行性疾病中似乎发挥着双刃剑的作用,即在某些特定情况下,它能够激发神经毒性和神经元的死亡;而在其他情况下,它起到的是神经保护性作用.本文就OPN的结构特点、生物学功能以及在神经退行性病变中的作用进行简要归纳.  相似文献   

Concerns about the negative effects of marine scientific research are in clear juxtaposition to the beneficial role that scientific knowledge plays in enhancing the understanding of the oceans and protecting the marine environment. This presents a regulatory paradox that is examined in this article in light of the legal framework in the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. The article traces how these general principles in the Convention are elaborated in soft law instruments for the promotion of environmentally sustainable research practices. It also looks at an example of state practice in this area by examining regulatory measures instituted in the Canadian Endeavour Hydrothermal Vent Marine Protected Area.  相似文献   

Introduction of aquatic organisms to new ecosystems has led to massive alterations to the structure and function of natural ecosystems, and to extinction of native flora and fauna. The ecological impacts caused by exotic aquatic species worldwide have been widely recognized, but the past and potential human health impacts of these introductions have been largely ignored. This review identifies several modes by which introduced aquatic species negatively impact human health: a) the direct introduction of human pathogens and/or their hosts; b) the introduction of pathogens of species upon which humans depend; and c) structural and functional alterations of ecosystems that affect other aquatic species upon which humans depend. The literature review presented here focuses on the first of these modes, presenting examples of either pathogens or hosts of pathogens (or both) that are documented to have been introduced, and that either affect or have the potential to affect human health, and occur in aquatic environments. Documented or suspected cases of introduced species that have caused human health impacts include: a) introduced dinoflagellates, which cause the accumulation of human neurotoxins in shellfish; b) various species of freshwater snails hosting a variety of human disease organisms, including Schistosoma mansoni (the cause of intestinal schistosomiasis), schistosomes that cause swimmers itch (cercarial dermatitis), the liver fluke Fasciola hepatica, and others; c) Vibrio cholerae, the agent of infection of cholera disease; and d) introduced mitten crabs, which can carry a human lung fluke.  相似文献   

本文概述海洋生理活性物质特有的特异结构和药理作用,对研究治疗心脑血管疾病、癌症和艾滋病等方面的意义及发展前景。阐述我国近年来从海洋生物活性物质中发现如三丙酮胺、喹啉酮、柳珊瑚酸及其衍生物等观种显著生理活性新化合物及16种海洋生理活性物质;8种已投入市场的海洋药物及保健品。提出对海洋生理活性物质研制成新药的可行途径及应采取的决策和有效措施;提出应用如基因工程、细胞工程、发酵工程和酶学工程等生物技术来研制、生产出纯度高、质量高、成本低的海洋药物资源物质。海洋生物技术领域的迅速发展,对海洋生物活性物质的研究及开发海洋药物具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

From Findley Lake and two ponds in the Cascade Mountains (U.S.A.) Chironomidae started to emerge as soon as the ice thawed in 1972 and 1973. The 1051 Chironomidae that emerged per m2 from Findley Lake included 307 individuals ofTanytarsus and 358 ofProcladius. Tanytarsus outnumberedChironomus at all depths from 0 to 19.3 m. The 1506 Chironomidae that emerged per m2 from the 4.5 m deep pond included 997 individuals ofTanytarsus. The 1490 Chironomidae that emerged per m2 from the 2 m deep pond included 1363 Tanytarsus. The emerging biomass was 216 and 186 mg dry weight per m2 in Findley Lake and the 4.5 m deep pond, respectively, and only 78 mg in the 2 m deep pond. Most species had their maximum emergence where there was organic detritus from the surrounding forest.Orthocladius emerged from sand bottom at 2.7 to 5.2 m depth.Stictochironomus emerged from mud and sand at 8.4 m depth.Chironomus emerged from soft mud at 15 to 27.5 m depth.  相似文献   

A recent rise in the reporting of diseases in marine organisms has raised concerns that ocean health is deteriorating. The goal of this study was to determine whether or not there has been a recent deterioration in marine mammal health by investigating the trends in disease reports over the past 40 years (categorized by the method of study, the species affected, and the etiology of the disease) and by exploring the changes in frequency of mass mortality events among marine mammals reported in the United States since 1978. The number of papers on marine mammal disease published each year has increased since 1966, although the annual publication rate appears to have stabilized since ∼1992. Those published in the 1960s and 1970s were largely about helminth and bacterial disease, those investigating viruses emerged in the late 1970s and increased in the 1980s and 1990s, whereas protozoal diseases and harmful algal toxins were largely not reported until the 1990s. The annual number of mass mortality events in the U.S. approximately doubled between 1980 and 1990 but since 2000 has been between seven and eight events per year. Causes of mass mortality events have included biotoxins, viruses, bacteria, parasites, human interactions, oil spills, and changes in oceanographic conditions. Events due to biotoxins appear to be increasing, but the change in the frequency of mass mortality events from other causes over the past 40 years cannot be determined from the available published literature due to changes in marine mammal abundance, inconsistencies in effort and extent of resources for pathological investigation, and advances in technology that have allowed improved detection of pathogens and toxins in more recent years. To ensure future information on the true incidence of marine diseases and their underlying causes is more reliable, specific and directed marine health monitoring programs, well-equipped stranding networks, and dedicated diagnostic laboratories are needed.  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to set out the essential requirements for a successful regional agreement for Sirenians in the South Pacific. To achieve this, the current Dugong Action Plan, which is being formed under the auspice of the South Pacific Regional Environmental Program, will be juxtaposed against the “best practice” in this area, as evinced by current development in international environmental law and policy relating to Sirenians.  相似文献   

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