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The effects of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and glutaraldehyde on human red blood cells were investigated. It was found that (a) The surface negative charge of the erythrocytes at pH 7 was increased 10% by glutaraldehyde, but not by the other two aldehydes. (b) The effect of incomplete fixation of the red blood cells was demonstrated by hemoglobin leakage studies The leakage of hemoglobin subsequent to formaldehyde treatment was especially pronounced Acetaldehyde-fixed cells showed some leakage of hemoglobin after an hour of exposure to the fixative, whereas glutaraldehyde-fixed cells showed no hemoglobin leakage. (c) All three aldehydes caused K+ leakage during fixation. The concentrations of K+ in the fixing solutions all reached the same level, but whereas the leakage with glutaraldehyde was immediate, that with formaldehyde was more gradual and that with acetaldehyde reached a steady state only after 24 hr. (d) The effects of the aldehydes on red cell deformability and swelling revealed that glutaraldehyde hardened the cells within 15 min, formaldehyde within 5 hr, while acetaldehyde required at least 24 hr to produce appreciable fixation. (e) The hematocrit changes accompanying the fixation process depended upon cell volume changes and loss of deformability.  相似文献   

多年来,许多生物学家采用压片法(Ohno等,1961,1962;Baker 1963),空气干燥法(Luciani等,1974;Vebele-Kaelhardt,1978;Speed,1985))连续切片的电镜观察(Baker和Franchi,1967)等相继对人卵母细胞染色体进行过研究。Hart-ung等(1978)曾经以~3H-尿嘧啶核苷标记人卵母细胞前期核,观察了RNA的进行性变化。近年来,银染法的广泛运用,不仅揭示了动物,而且还揭示了人的卵母细胞前期核  相似文献   

The lethal actions of mitomycin C and actinomycin D were followed during the division cycle of HeLa cells. The cells were most susceptible to a 2 hr pulse of mitomycin C during the G1 phase, whereas their sensitivity to actinomycin D was most pronounced in the S phase. Posttreatment of the cells with acetoxycycloheximide, a potent inhibitor of protein synthesis, increased the survival (colony-forming ability) of cells treated with mitomycin C but had very little effect on the survival of cells treated with actinomycin D. The significance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

在模拟不同海拔高度的低氧条件暴露下,我们记录和测定了6名对象的睡眠生理各项指标。结果如下:在急性低氧暴露下所有对象均出现了睡眠障碍,主要是在夜间规定睡眠时间中觉醒期和觉醒次数增加,深睡眠期和快眼动期减少,睡眠各期的呼吸频率和心率增加。随着低氧暴露时间的延长和多次空气潜水后,各睡眠生理指标有向海平对照值水平发展的趋势。4500m以上的低氧暴露下,所有对象在睡眠中都有周期性呼吸现象出现,并影响体内的缺氧。  相似文献   

The incorporation of thymidine-H3 and lysine-H3 into human leukocyte chromosomes was studied in order to determine the temporal relationships between the syntheses of chromosomal deoxyribonucleic acid and chromosomal protein. The labeled compounds were incorporated into nuclei of interphase cells. Label from both precursors became apparent over the chromosomes of dividing cells. Incorporation of thymidine-H3 occurred during a restricted period of midinterphase (S) which was preceded by a nonsynthetic period (G1) and followed by a nonsynthetic period (G2). Incorporation of lysine-H3 into chromosomal protein occurred throughout interphase. Grain counts made over chromosomes of dividing cells revealed that the rate of incorporation of lysine-H3 into chromosomal protein differed during various periods of interphase. The rate of incorporation was diminished during G1. During early S period the rate of incorporation increased, reaching a peak in late S. The high rate continued into G2. Thymidine-H3 incorporated into DNA was distributed to mitotic chromosomes of daughter cells in a manner which has been referred to as a "semi-conservative segregation." No such semi-conservative mechanism was found to affect the distribution of lysine-H3 to the mitotic chromosomes of daughter cells. Therefore, it is concluded that synthesis of chromosomal protein and its distribution to chromosomes of daughter cells are not directly influenced by synthesis and distribution of the chromosomal DNA with which the protein is associated.  相似文献   

The sequence in which various regions of the chromosomes of human blood cells complete DNA synthesis in vitro has been studied through the use of H3-thymidine labeling and autoradiography. Certain of its aspects have been defined, and these may serve as a basis for comparing the pattern of synthesis in cells of other tissues. In general, the long chromosomes continue replication later than the short ones. Variability of the sequence has been prominent. One pair from Group 13–15 and pair No. 17 complete replication early. In certain other chromosomes, replication is very active late in the S period, e.g. one X of the female cell, the Y of the male cell, two of Group 4–5, two of Group 13–15, the Nos. 16, and the Nos. 18. In the normal human female a striking correlation exists between the late replication of one of the X chromosomes, condensation during the intermitotic period, and presumed genetical inactivation. The pattern of replication characterizes certain chromosomes whose structural features alone are non-distinctive, and it may be useful in studies of cells in which a chromosomal aberration occurs.  相似文献   

Medium conditioned by human peripheral blood leukocytes (HLCM) was studied for its in vitro effects on haemopoietic progenitor cells (CFU-s and CFU-c) present in mouse bone marrow. HLCM has poor colony stimulating activity in semi-solid cultures of mouse bone marrow cells. but invariably increases the number of colonies obtained in the presence of plateau levels of semi-purified colony stimulating factor (CSF). In liquid cultures, HLCM appears to contain a potent initiator of DNA synthesis in CFU-s. an activity which coincides with an increased CFU-s maintenance and causes a three- to four-fold increase in CFU-c number. It is apparent from this study that HLCM, in addition to stimulating colony formation in cultures of human bone marrow cells, has a profound in vitro effect on primitive haemopoietic progenitor cells of the mouse, which cannot be attributed to CSF.  相似文献   

无论是自发的、病毒引起的或致癌物诱发的恶性转化的哺乳类细胞的体外培养,其形态多发生改变,总是变得近似圆形,边缘突起短而少,细胞致密和折光性强,同时失去生长接触抑制,降低细胞与细胞之间和细胞与生长底物之间的粘着性等特性。近年报道了关于短链脂肪酸如丁酸(或丁酸钠)对细胞能产生明显的影响,能抑制培养细胞的分裂,可诱发一些上皮性细胞产生形态的改变,可使转化的细胞  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that lentil phytohemagglutinin (lentil-PHA) binds to human platelet membranes without causing either aggregation or the release reaction. When platelets are treated with thrombin, there is an increase in lentil-PHA binding suggesting the appearance of new receptor sites on the cell surface. We prepared a lentil-PHA-ferritin conjugate using affinity chromatography which was used to saturate cell surface receptor sites. Studies using this conjugate suggest that thrombin causes a complex change in the platelet surface involving a decrease in the number of lentil-PHA receptor sites on the external platelet surface with a marked increase in sites within the center of the canalicular system. These increased sites may result from fusion of granule membranes with the canalicular membranes during the secretion process. There is no obvious relationship between lentil-PHA receptor sites and intramembranous particles.  相似文献   

大气污染对人体免疫功能及微生态的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
目的 :探讨大气污染对免疫功能及呼吸道菌群的影响 ,为改善生存环境 ,提高生存质量 ,预防呼吸道疾患提供科学依据。方法 :选择重污染区和轻污染区 ,以没有职业接触 ,近 3个月未用抗生素类药物的6~ 8岁儿童作为研究对象 ,用酶联免疫法检测血清免疫球蛋白含量 ;对其口咽部菌群进行定性、定量分析 ,进行对比研究。结果 :免疫球蛋白水平和口咽部菌群受外环境的影响较大 ,重污染区儿童 Ig A、Ig M水平低于轻污染区 ,Ig G、Ig E水平高于轻污染区 ,差异有显著性 (P<0 .0 1或 P<0 .0 5 ) ,重污染区儿童口咽部菌群密度明显高于轻污染区 (P<0 .0 1) ,且需氧菌与厌氧菌之比也明显增高 (P<0 .0 1) ,甲型链球菌检出率较低(P<0 .0 5 )。结论 :大气污染对免疫球蛋白水平和呼吸道菌群的定植具有明显的影响 ,是使免疫功能受到损害 ,微生态失调 ,呼吸道疾病感染率增高的重要因素。  相似文献   

Antioxidants are known to influence metabolism and promote cell survival in a number of cell culture systems. However, their effects on the modulation of bone cell differentiationin vitroare not clearly defined. In the present studies we have investigated the effects of β-mercaptoethanol (βME) and ascorbate alone and in combination on human osteoprogenitors derived from bone marrow fibroblasts. In primary marrow cultures, βME stimulated colony formation (2-fold), alkaline phosphatase activity (3.5-fold) and, increased DNA synthesis (8-fold) after 21 days. Cell proliferation was increased significantly by βME during the first 4 days of a 10-day culture period, indicating stimulation of marrow osteoprogenitor proliferation. Ascorbate did not significantly augment the effects of βME in primary cultures or long-term cultures of passaged bone marrow fibroblasts. These findings indicate a potential beneficial role for βME addition for the optimal maintenance of colony formation, cell proliferation and differentiation of marrow osteoprogenitor cells in primary human bone marrow fibroblast cultures.  相似文献   

David  Scott 《Cell proliferation》1969,2(4):295-305
The persistence of unstable chromosome-type aberrations in peripheral blood lymphocytes of irradiated individuals has led to the proposal that some lymphocytes survive for many years in vivo without undergoing mitosis (Fitzgerald, 1964). It has recently been shown, however, that plasma from irradiated individuals can induce chromosomal damage in cultures of normal blood lymphocytes (Hollowell & Littlefield, 1968) even when the plasma donors were irradiated 7 years earlier (Goh & Sumner, 1968). Goh (1968) has therefore suggested that ‘An alternate explanation to the “long-lived cell” theory proposed by others…would be that a substance is produced or activated by total body irradiation and remains capable of affecting the chromosomes for extensive lengths of time'. The present results show that a lymphocyte chromosome-breaking factor can be induced in the plasma of blood irradiated in vitro as well as in vivo. All of the aberrations induced by this ‘plasma factor’and those reported by other workers can be interpreted as being of the chromatid type. Before the long-lived lymphocyte hypothesis can be brought into serious disrepute, it must be shown that the plasma factor can induce aberrations of the same type as persist after in vivo irradiation (i.e. unequivocal chromosome-type aberrations, such as dicentrics and rings) and that these can be induced in vivo.  相似文献   

牡丹染色体的Ag-NORs和Giemsa C带的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文首次报道了紫斑牡丹和栽培牡丹5个重要品种的Ag-NORs和Giemsa C带带型。所有材料的核型组成均为2n=2x=10=6m+2sm+2st。多数材料具6个Ag-NORs,但在染色体上的分布位点不同。C带的差别主要表现在第1、2、3对染色体上。以上两种核学特征,具有品种的特异性。分带所显示的端(T)带和Ag-NORs的数目及分布基本一致。牡丹染色体的端带,本质上是N带;常规染色所显示的所谓随体,实际上是瑞部核仁组成区(NORs)。此外,对牡丹的细胞学研究技术进行了讨论。  相似文献   

禽类染色体制备方法的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以引进品种尼克红鸡为研究对象,对制备禽类染色体的外周血淋巴细胞培养法、羽髓法和改进的骨髓法进行了比较研究。结果表明:(1)外周血淋巴细胞培养法和羽髓细胞培养法制备染色体均未获得成功,因其操作复杂,技术条件要求高,周期长,成本高,可能不适宜于禽类的染色体制备。(2)直接羽髓法和改进的直接骨髓法以及骨髓短期孵育法却获得了成功,由于操作简便。周期短,成本低,适宜于禽类的染色体制备。  相似文献   

A method for the isolation of metaphase chromosomes from mouse L1210 leukemia cells has been developed. Cells, arrested at metaphase with colchicine, were exposed to hypotonic solution and the pH was then adjusted to 5.6 to stabilize the chromosomes. The metaphase figures were subsequently disrupted and the chromosomes isolated by a series of differential centrifugations in sucrose. The isolated chromosomes were well preserved, as judged by morphological criteria. The effect of various enzymes and chemical agents on the isolated chromosomes was studied. Chymotrypsin, trypsin, and deoxyribonuclease caused a marked disintegration of the chromosomes, whereas treatment with pepsin and ribonuclease induced no significant morphological alterations.  相似文献   

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