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Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) forms a major component of the postsynaptic density where its functions in synaptic plasticity are well established, but its presynaptic actions are poorly defined. Here we show that CaMKII binds directly to the C-terminal domain of CaV2.1 channels. Binding is enhanced by autophosphorylation, and the kinase-channel signaling complex persists after dephosphorylation and removal of the Ca2+/CaM stimulus. Autophosphorylated CaMKII can bind the CaV2.1 channel and synapsin-1 simultaneously. CaMKII binding to CaV2.1 channels induces Ca2+-independent activity of the kinase, which phosphorylates the enzyme itself as well as the neuronal substrate synapsin-1. Facilitation and inactivation of CaV2.1 channels by binding of Ca2+/CaM mediates short term synaptic plasticity in transfected superior cervical ganglion neurons, and these regulatory effects are prevented by a competing peptide and the endogenous brain inhibitor CaMKIIN, which blocks binding of CaMKII to CaV2.1 channels. These results define the functional properties of a signaling complex of CaMKII and CaV2.1 channels in which both binding partners are persistently activated by their association, and they further suggest that this complex is important in presynaptic terminals in regulating protein phosphorylation and short term synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

Abstract: We examined the interdependence of calpain and protein kinase C (PKC) activities on neurite outgrowth in SH-SY-5Y human neuroblastoma cells. SH-SY-5Y cells elaborated neurites when deprived of serum or after a specific thrombin inhibitor, hirudin, was added to serum-containing medium. The extent of neurite outgrowth under these conditions was enhanced by treatment of cells with the cell-permeant cysteine protease inhibitors N-acetyl-leucyl-leucyl-norleucinal (“C1”) and calpeptin or by the phospholipid-mediated intracellular delivery of either a recombinant peptide corresponding to a conserved inhibitory sequence of human calpastatin or a neutralizing anti-calpain antisera. Calpain inhibition in intact cells was confirmed by immunoblot analysis showing inhibition of calpain autolysis and reduced proteolysis of the known calpain substrates fodrin and microtubule-associated protein 1. The above inhibitory peptides and antiserum did not induce neurites in medium containing serum but lacking hirudin, suggesting that increased surface protein adhesiveness is a prerequisite for enhancement of neurite outgrowth by calpain inhibition. Treatment of cells with the PKC inhibitor H7, staurosporine, or sphingosine induced neurite outgrowth independently of serum concentration. Because calpain is thought to regulate PKC activity, we examined this potential interrelationship during neurite outgrowth. Simultaneous treatment with calpain and PKC inhibitors did not produce additive or synergistic effects on neurite outgrowth. PKC activation by 2-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA) prevented and reversed both neurite initiation by serum deprivation and its enhancement by calpain inhibitors. Treatment of cells with the calpain inhibitor C1 retarded PKC down-regulation following TPA treatment. Cell-free analyses demonstrated the relative specificity of various protease and kinase inhibitors for calpain and PKC and confirmed the ability of millimolar calcium-requiring calpain to cleave the SH-SY-5Y PKC regulatory subunit from the catalytic subunit, yielding a free catalytic subunit (protein kinase M). These findings suggest that the influence of PKC on neurite outgrowth is downstream from that of surface adhesiveness and calpain activity.  相似文献   

Ca2+ modulates the visual response in both vertebrates and invertebrates. In Drosophila photoreceptors, an increase of cytoplasmic Ca2+ mimics light adaptation. Little is known regarding the mechanism, however. We explored the role of the sole Drosophila Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) to mediate light adaptation. CaMKII has been implicated in the phosphorylation of arrestin 2 (Arr2). However, the functional significance of Arr2 phosphorylation remains debatable. We identified retinal CaMKII by anti-CaMKII antibodies and by its Ca2+-dependent autophosphorylation. Moreover, we show that phosphorylation of CaMKII is greatly enhanced by okadaic acid, and indeed, purified PP2A catalyzes the dephosphorylation of CaMKII. Significantly, we demonstrate that anti-CaMKII antibodies co-immunoprecipitate, and CaMKII fusion proteins pull down the catalytic subunit of PP2A from fly extracts, indicating that PP2A interacts with CaMKII to form a protein complex. To investigate the function of CaMKII in photoreceptors, we show that suppression of CaMKII in transgenic flies affects light adaptation and increases prolonged depolarizing afterpotential amplitude, whereas a reduced PP2A activity brings about reduced prolonged depolarizing afterpotential amplitude. Taken together, we conclude that CaMKII is involved in the negative regulation of the visual response affecting light adaptation, possibly by catalyzing phosphorylation of Arr2. Moreover, the CaMKII activity appears tightly regulated by the co-localized PP2A.Visual transduction is the process that converts the signal of light (photons) into a change of membrane potential in photoreceptors (see Ref. 1 for review). Visual signaling is initiated upon the activation of rhodopsins by light: light switches on rhodopsin to generate metarhodopsin, which activates the heterotrimeric Gq in Drosophila (2). Subsequently, the GTP-bound Gαq subunit activates phospholipase Cβ4 encoded by the norpA (no receptor potential A) gene (3). Phospholipase Cβ4 catalyzes the breakdown of phosphoinositol 4,5-bisphosphate to generate diacylglycerol, which or its metabolite has been implicated in gating the transient receptor potential (TRP)2 and TRP-like channels (4, 5). TRP is the major Ca2+ channel that mediates the light-dependent depolarization response leading to an increase of cytosolic Ca2+ in photoreceptors. The rise of intracellular Ca2+ modulates several aspects of the visual response including activation, deactivation, and light adaptation (6). For example, Ca2+ together with diacylglycerol activates a classical protein kinase C, eye-PKC, which is critical for the negative regulation of visual signaling by modulating deactivation and light adaptation (711).Light adaptation is the process by which photoreceptors adjust the visual sensitivity in response to ambient background light by down-regulating rhodopsin-mediated signaling. Light adaptation can be arbitrarily subdivided into long term and short term adaptation and may involve multiple regulations to reduce the efficiency of rhodopsin, G protein, or cation channels. For example, translocation of both Gq (12, 13) and TRP-like channels (14, 15) out of the visual organelle may contribute to long term adaptation in Drosophila. In contrast, short term adaptation may be orchestrated by modulating the activity of signaling proteins by protein kinases. Hardie and co-workers (16) demonstrated that an increase of cytoplasmic [Ca2+] mimicked light adaptation, leading to inhibition of the light-induced current. These authors also showed that light adaptation is independent of eye-PKC. Thus the effect of cytoplasmic Ca2+ to control light adaptation is likely mediated via calmodulin and CaMKII. The contribution of CaMKII to light adaptation has not been explored.CaMKII is a multimeric Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase that modulates diverse signaling processes (17). Drosophila contains one CaMKII gene (18) that gives rise to at least four protein isoforms (19). These CaMKII isoforms share over 85% sequence identities with the α isoform of vertebrate CaMKII. For insights into the in vivo physiological role of CaMKII, Griffith et al. (20) generated transgenic flies (ala) expressing an inhibitory domain of the rat CaMKII under the control of a heat shock promoter, hsp70. They demonstrated that, upon heat shock treatment, the overexpression of the inhibitory peptide resulted in a suppression of the endogenous CaMKII activity in the transgenic flies (20). It has been shown that inhibition of CaMKII affects learning and memory (20) and neuronal functions (2124). In photoreceptors, CaMKII has been implicated in the phosphorylation of the major visual arrestin, Arr2 (25, 26). However, how phosphorylation of Arr2 by CaMKII modifies the visual signaling remains to be elucidated.Here we report the biochemical and electrophysiological analyses of CaMKII in Drosophila retina. We demonstrate that suppression of CaMKII in ala1 transgenic flies leads to a phenotype indicative of defective light adaptation. The ala1 flies also display greater visual response, suggesting a defect in Arr2. These results support the notion that CaMKII plays a role in the negative regulation of the visual response. Our biochemical analyses demonstrate that dephosphorylation of CaMKII is mediated by protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A). Importantly, we show that PP2A interacts with CaMKII, indicating that CaMKII forms a stable protein complex with PP2A to ensure a tight regulation of the kinase activity. Thus a partial loss of function in PP2A would elevate the CaMKII activity. Indeed, we show that mts heterozygotes display reduced prolonged depolarizing potential (PDA) amplitude. This PDA phenotype strongly suggests that Arr2 becomes more effective to terminate the visual signaling in mts flies. Together, our findings indicate that the ability of Arr2 to terminate metarhodopsin is increased upon phosphorylation by CaMKII, and the retinal CaMKII activity is regulated by PP2A.  相似文献   

The binding of the adaptor protein APPL1 to adiponectin receptors is necessary for adiponectin-induced AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activation in muscle, yet the underlying molecular mechanism remains unknown. Here we show that in muscle cells adiponectin and metformin induce AMPK activation by promoting APPL1-dependent LKB1 cytosolic translocation. APPL1 mediates adiponectin signaling by directly interacting with adiponectin receptors and enhances LKB1 cytosolic localization by anchoring this kinase in the cytosol. Adiponectin also activates another AMPK upstream kinase Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase by activating phospholipase C and subsequently inducing Ca2+ release from the endoplasmic reticulum, which plays a minor role in AMPK activation. Our results show that in muscle cells adiponectin is able to activate AMPK via two distinct mechanisms as follows: a major pathway (the APPL1/LKB1-dependent pathway) that promotes the cytosolic localization of LKB1 and a minor pathway (the phospholipase C/Ca2+/Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase kinase-dependent pathway) that stimulates Ca2+ release from intracellular stores.Adiponectin, an adipokine abundantly expressed in adipose tissue, exhibits anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-atherogenic properties and hence is a potential therapeutic target for various metabolic diseases (13). The beneficial effects of adiponectin are mediated through the direct interaction of adiponectin with its cell surface receptors, AdipoR1 and AdipoR2 (4, 5). Adiponectin increases fatty acid oxidation and glucose uptake in muscle cells by activating AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK)3 (4, 6), which depends on the interaction of AdipoR1 with the adaptor protein APPL1 (Adaptor protein containing Pleckstrin homology domain, Phosphotyrosine binding domain, and Leucine zipper motif) (5). However, the underlying mechanisms by which APPL1 mediates adiponectin signaling to AMPK activation and other downstream targets remain unclear.AMPK is a serine/threonine protein kinase that acts as a master sensor of cellular energy balance in mammalian cells by regulating glucose and lipid metabolism (7, 8). AMPK is composed of a catalytic α subunit and two noncatalytic regulatory subunits, β and γ. The NH2-terminal catalytic domain of the AMPKα subunit is highly conserved and contains the activating phosphorylation site (Thr172) (9). Two AMPK variants, α1 and α2, exist in mammalian cells that show different localization patterns. AMPKα1 subunit is localized in non-nuclear fractions, whereas the AMPKα2 subunit is found in both nucleus and non-nuclear fractions (10). Biochemical regulation of AMPK activation occurs through various mechanisms. An increase in AMP level stimulates the binding of AMP to the γ subunit, which induces a conformational change in the AMPK heterotrimer and results in AMPK activation (11). Studies have shown that the increase in AMPK activity is not solely via AMP-dependent conformational change, rather via phosphorylation by upstream kinases, LKB1 and CaMKK. Dephosphorylation by protein phosphatases is also important in regulating the activity of AMPK (12).LKB1 has been considered as a constitutively active serine/threonine protein kinase that is ubiquitously expressed in all tissues (13, 14). Under conditions of high cellular energy stress, LKB1 acts as the primary AMPK kinase through an AMP-dependent mechanism (1517). Under normal physiological conditions, LKB1 is predominantly localized in the nucleus. LKB1 is translocated to the cytosol, either by forming a heterotrimeric complex with Ste20-related adaptor protein (STRADα/β) and mouse protein 25 (MO25α/β) or by associating with an LKB1-interacting protein (LIP1), to exert its biological function (1822). Although LKB1 has been shown to mediate contraction- and adiponectin-induced activation of AMPK in muscle cells, the underlying molecular mechanisms remain elusive (15, 23).CaMKK is another upstream kinase of AMPK, which shows considerable sequence and structural homology with LKB1 (2426). The two isoforms of CaMKK, CaMKKα and CaMKKβ, encoded by two distinct genes, share ∼70% homology at the amino acid sequence level and exhibit a wide expression in rodent tissues, including skeletal muscle (2734). Unlike LKB1, AMPK phosphorylation mediated by CaMKKs is independent of AMP and is dependent only on Ca2+/calmodulin (35). Hence, it is possible that an LKB1-independent activation of AMPK by CaMKK exists in muscle cells. However, whether and how adiponectin stimulates this pathway in muscle cells are not known.In this study, we demonstrate that in muscle cells adiponectin induces an APPL1-dependent LKB1 translocation from the nucleus to the cytosol, leading to increased AMPK activation. Adiponectin also activates CaMKK by stimulating intracellular Ca2+ release via the PLC-dependent mechanism, which plays a minor role in activation of AMPK. Taken together, our results demonstrate that enhanced cytosolic localization of LKB1 and Ca2+-induced activation of CaMKK are the mechanisms underlying adiponectin-stimulated AMPK activation in muscle cells.  相似文献   

Apical plasma membrane vesicles were isolated from cultures of immortalized thick ascending limb of Henle's loop (TALH) cells and sorbitol uptake was investigated using a rapid filtration technique. In the presence of Mg2+, Ca2+, ATP, and GTP sorbitol equilibrated within three minutes with the intravesicular space; this uptake was reduced by 75% when the incubation temperature was decreased from 37°C to 4°C. A lower level of uptake was also observed in the presence of 100 μm quinidine and when Ca2+ or ATP were omitted from the medium. Membranes preincubated with Mg2+, Ca2+, ATP, and GTP showed, however, a high sorbitol uptake in ATP-free medium. Staurosporine, but only at high concentrations of 200 nm, inhibited sorbitol uptake when present during the transport experiments or during the preincubation with ATP. Similar results were obtained with 1 μm trifluoperazine. Protein kinase C inhibitory peptide was ineffective whereas 20 nm KT 5926, at low concentrations a specific inhibitor of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase, attenuated the activation. On the basis of these data we suggest that a Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase is a mediator of regulation of sorbitol plasma membrane permeability in renal medullary cells. Received: 31 March 1997/Revised: 11 June 1997  相似文献   

Both signaling by nitric oxide (NO) and by the Ca2+/calmodulin (CaM)-dependent protein kinase II α isoform (CaMKIIα) are implicated in two opposing forms of synaptic plasticity underlying learning and memory, as well as in excitotoxic/ischemic neuronal cell death. For CaMKIIα, these functions specifically involve also Ca2+-independent autonomous activity, traditionally generated by Thr-286 autophosphorylation. Here, we demonstrate that NO-induced S-nitrosylation of CaMKIIα also directly generated autonomous activity, and that CaMKII inhibition protected from NO-induced neuronal cell death. NO induced S-nitrosylation at Cys-280/289, and mutation of either site abolished autonomy, indicating that simultaneous nitrosylation at both sites was required. Additionally, autonomy was generated only when Ca2+/CaM was present during NO exposure. Thus, generation of this form of CaMKIIα autonomy requires simultaneous signaling by NO and Ca2+. Nitrosylation also significantly reduced subsequent CaMKIIα autophosphorylation specifically at Thr-286, but not at Thr-305. A previously described reduction of CaMKII activity by S-nitrosylation at Cys-6 was also observed here, but only after prolonged (>5 min) exposure to NO donors. These results demonstrate a novel regulation of CaMKII by another second messenger system and indicate its involvement in excitotoxic neuronal cell death.  相似文献   

Many cellular Ca(2+)-dependent signaling cascades utilize calmodulin (CaM) as the intracellular Ca(2+) receptor. Ca(2+)/CaM binds and activates a plethora of enzymes, including CaM kinases (CaMKs). CaMKK2 is one of the most versatile of the CaMKs and will phosphorylate and activate CaMKI, CaMKIV, and AMP-activated protein kinase. Cell expression of CaMKK2 is limited, yet CaMKK2 is involved in regulating many important physiological and pathophysiological processes, including energy balance, adiposity, glucose homeostasis, hematopoiesis, inflammation, and cancer. Here, we explore known functions of CaMKK2 and discuss its potential as a target for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that protein kinase Cepsilon (PKCepsilon) induces neurite outgrowth via its regulatory domain and independently of its kinase activity. This study aimed at identifying mechanisms regulating PKCepsilon-mediated neurite induction. We show an increased association of PKCepsilon to the cytoskeleton during neuronal differentiation. Furthermore, neurite induction by overexpression of full-length PKCepsilon is suppressed if serum is removed from the cultures or if an actin-binding site is deleted from the protein. A peptide corresponding to the PKCepsilon actin-binding site suppresses neurite outgrowth during neuronal differentiation and outgrowth elicited by PKCepsilon overexpression. Neither serum removal, deletion of the actin-binding site, nor introduction of the peptide affects neurite induction by the isolated regulatory domain. Membrane targeting by myristoylation renders full-length PKCepsilon independent of both serum and the actin-binding site, and PKCepsilon colocalized with F-actin at the cortical cytoskeleton during neurite outgrowth. These results demonstrate that the actin-binding site is of importance for signals acting on PKCepsilon in a pathway leading to neurite outgrowth. Localization of PKCepsilon to the plasma membrane and/or the cortical cytoskeleton is conceivably important for its effect on neurite outgrowth.  相似文献   

Abstract: Activation of tyrosine kinases is established as an important mechanism for controlling growth cone motility and neurite outgrowth. We have tested the effects of a range of tyrosine kinase inhibitors on neurite outgrowth from postnatal day 4 cerebellar granule cells cultured over confluent monolayers of 3T3 fibroblasts. The only agent that had any effect was herbimycin A, which stimulated neurite outgrowth. The response is shown to be attributable to a direct effect of this tyrosine kinase inhibitor on neurones. The neurite outgrowth response to herbimycin A was inhibited by two other tyrosine kinase inhibitors, which on their own did not affect neurite outgrowth. The data suggest that the response to herbimycin A reflects either a direct or indirect activation of one or more protein tyrosine kinases. Independent signalling events downstream from tyrosine kinase activation underlying the neurite outgrowth response to herbimycin A include increased activity of protein kinase C and calcium influx into neurones through both N-and L-type calcium channels.  相似文献   

A role for protein phosphorylation in the process of neurite outgrowth has been inferred from many studies of the effects of protein kinase inhibitors and activators on cultured neurotumor cells and primary neuronal cells from developing brain or ganglia. Here we re-examine this issue, using a culture system derived from a fully differentiated neuronal system undergoing axonal regeneration—the explanted goldfish retina following optic nerve crush. Of the relatively non-selective protein kinase inhibitors employed, H7, staurosporine and K252a were found to block neurite outgrowth, whereas HA1004 had no effect, a result which appears to rule out a critical role for protein kinase A. The more selective protein kinase C inhibitors, sphingosine, calphostin C and Ro-31-8220 were all inhibitory, as was prolonged treatment with phorbol ester and the protein phosphatase inhibitor okadaic acid. These results are in support of a role for protein kinase C in axonal regrowth.  相似文献   

Macrophages are capable of assuming numerous phenotypes in order to adapt to endogenous and exogenous challenges but many of the factors that regulate this process are still unknown. We report that Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase kinase α (CaMKKα) is expressed in human monocytic cells and demonstrate that its inhibition blocks type-II monocytic cell activation and promotes classical activation. Affinity chromatography with paramagnetic beads isolated an approximately 50 kDa protein from nuclear lysates of U937 human monocytic cells activated with phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA). This protein was identified as CaMKKα by mass spectrometry and Western analysis. The function of CaMKKα in monocyte activation was examined using the CaMKKα inhibitors (STO-609 and forskolin) and siRNA knockdown. Inhibition of CaMKKα, enhanced PMA-dependent CD86 expression and reduced CD11b expression. In addition, inhibition was associated with decreased translocation of CaMKKα to the nucleus. Finally, to further examine monocyte activation profiles, TNFα and IL-10 secretion were studied. CaMKKα inhibition attenuated PMA-dependent IL-10 production and enhanced TNFα production indicating a shift from type-II to classical monocyte activation. Taken together, these findings indicate an important new role for CaMKKα in the differentiation of monocytic cells.  相似文献   

A potential role of the protein kinase C (PKC) system in differentiation of human neuroblastoma cell line LA-N-5 was investigated. It was found that neurite outgrowth induced by 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA, 81 nM) was associated with a down-regulation of PKC as determined independently by immunocytochemistry, immunoblot, and enzyme activity assay. Down-regulation of PKC in cells induced to differentiate by retinoic acid (1 microM) was less pronounced, whereas it was undetected in cells induced to differentiate by nerve growth factor (100 ng/ml). The in vitro phosphorylation of an 80-kilodalton protein present in control LA-N-5 cells or in cells treated with TPA, retinoic acid, or nerve growth factor for 1 day decreased to various extents at days 4 or 7 concomitant with neuritogenesis. Pretreatment of LA-N-5 cells with a high concentration (1 microM) of TPA to deplete cellular PKC rendered the cells unresponsive to the differentiating effect of the agents. It was observed that CHP-100 cells, another human neuroblastoma line shown to be resistant to differentiation induced by the agents, had a reduced PKC level and the amount of in vitro phosphorylation of the 80-kilodalton protein was greatly reduced in control cells and remained relatively unchanged when the cells were treated with the agents for up to 7 days. The present studies suggested that PKC and its 80-kilodalton substrate protein were likely involved in initiation and/or progression of LA-N-5 cell differentiation induced by TPA and that separate PKC-independent pathways might also be involved in the differentiating effect of retinoic acid or nerve growth factor.  相似文献   

钙/钙调蛋白依赖性丝氨酸蛋白激酶的结构和功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
钙/钙调蛋白依赖性丝氨酸蛋白激酶(calcium/calmodulin-dependent serine protein kinase, CASK)属于膜相关鸟苷酸激酶(membrane associated guanylate kinase, MAGUK)家族.CASK具有多个不同蛋白质结合结构域,在细胞膜的特定区域,与其他蛋白质形成多种蛋白质复合体,参与组成细胞骨架.它通过衔接细胞外信号蛋白和细胞内骨架蛋白,协助功能蛋白质的转运和定位,以及细胞内的信号传递.此外CASK还可以进入细胞核影响基因转录调控,以及作用在神经突触膜上参与神经递质的释放.  相似文献   

Angiotensin II (ANG II) stimulates renal tubular reabsorption of NaCl by targeting Na+/H+ exchanger NHE3. We have shown previously that inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor-binding protein released with inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (IRBIT) plays a critical role in stimulation of NHE3 in response to elevated intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i). In this study, we investigated the role of IRBIT in mediating NHE3 activation by ANG II. IRBIT is abundantly expressed in the proximal tubules where NHE3 is located. ANG II at physiological concentrations stimulates NHE3 transport activity in a model proximal tubule cell line. ANG II-induced activation of NHE3 was abrogated by knockdown of IRBIT, whereas overexpression of IRBIT enhanced the effect of ANG II on NHE3. ANG II transiently increased binding of IRBIT to NHE3 at 5 min but became dissociated by 45 min. In comparison, it took at least 15 min of ANG II treatment for an increase in NHE3 activity and NHE3 surface expression. The stimulation of NHE3 by ANG II was dependent on changes in [Ca2+]i and Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases II. Inhibition of CaMKII completely blocked the ANG II-induced binding of IRBIT to NHE3 and the increase in NHE3 surface abundance. Several serine residues of IRBIT are thought to be important for IRBIT binding. Mutations of Ser-68, Ser-71, and Ser-74 of IRBIT decreased binding of IRBIT to NHE3 and its effect on NHE3 activity. In conclusion, our current findings demonstrate that IRBIT is critically involved in mediating activation of NHE3 by ANG II via a Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases II-dependent pathway.  相似文献   

The Shoc2 protein has been implicated in the positive regulation of the Ras-ERK pathway by increasing the functional binding interaction between Ras and Raf, leading to increased ERK activity. Here we found that Shoc2 overexpression induced sustained ERK phosphorylation, notably in the case of EGF stimulation, and Shoc2 knockdown inhibited ERK activation. We demonstrate that ectopic overexpression of human Shoc2 in PC12 cells significantly promotes neurite extension in the presence of EGF, a stimulus that induces proliferation rather than differentiation in these cells. Finally, Shoc2 depletion reduces both NGF-induced neurite outgrowth and ERK activation in PC12 cells. Our data indicate that Shoc2 is essential to modulate the Ras-ERK signaling outcome in cell differentiation processes involved in neurite outgrowth.  相似文献   

Neuritogenesis is a process through which neurons generate their widespread axon and dendrites. The microtubule cytoskeleton plays crucial roles throughout neuritogenesis. Our previous study indicated that the amount of type II protein kinase A (PKA) on microtubules significantly increased upon neuronal differentiation and neuritogenesis. While the overall pool of PKA has been shown to participate in various neuronal processes, the function of microtubule-associated PKA during neuritogenesis remains largely unknown. First, we showed that PKA localized to microtubule-based region in different neurons. Since PKA is essential for various cellular functions, globally inhibiting PKA activity will causes a wide variety of phenotypes in neurons. To examine the function of microtubule-associated PKA without changing the total PKA level, we utilized the neuron-specific PKA anchoring protein MAP2. Overexpressing the dominant negative MAP2 construct that binds to type II PKA but cannot bind to the microtubule cytoskeleton in dissociated hippocampal neurons removed PKA from microtubules and resulted in compromised neurite elongation. In addition, we demonstrated that the association of PKA with microtubules can also enhance cell protrusion using the non-neuronal P19 cells. Overexpressing a MAP2 deletion construct which does not target PKA to the microtubule cytoskeleton caused non-neuronal cells to generate shorter cell protrusions than control cells overexpressing wild-type MAP2 that anchors PKA to microtubules. Finally, we demonstrated that the ability of microtubule-associated PKA to promote protrusion elongation was independent of MAP2 phosphorylation. This suggests other proteins in close proximity to the microtubule cytoskeleton are involved in this process.  相似文献   

InsP3-mediated calcium release through the type 2 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (InsP3R2) in cardiac myocytes results in the activation of associated CaMKII, thus enabling the kinase to act on downstream targets, such as histone deacetylases 4 and 5 (HDAC4 and HDAC5). The CaMKII activity also feedback modulates InsP3R2 function by direct phosphorylation and results in a dramatic decrease in the receptor-channel open probability (Po). We have identified S150 in the InsP3R2 core suppressor domain (amino acids 1–225) as the specific residue that is phosphorylated by CaMKII. Site-directed mutagenesis reveals that S150 is the CaMKII phosphorylation site responsible for modulation of channel activity. Nonphosphorylatable (S150A) and phosphomimetic (S150E) mutations were studied in planar lipid bilayers. The InsP3R2 S150A channel showed no decrease in activity when treated with CaMKII. Conversely, the phosphomimetic (S150E) channel displayed a very low Po under normal recording conditions in the absence of CaMKII (2 μm InsP3 and 250 nm [Ca2+]FREE) and mimicked a WT channel that has been phosphorylated by CaMKII. Phopho-specific antibodies demonstrate that InsP3R2 Ser-150 is phosphorylated in vivo by CaMKIIδ. The results of this study show that serine 150 of the InsP3R2 is phosphorylated by CaMKII and results in a decrease in the channel open probability.  相似文献   

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