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The central enzyme of the visual transduction cascade, cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE6), is regulated by its γ-subunit (Pγ), whose inhibitory constraint is released upon binding of activated transducin. It is generally believed that the last four or five C-terminal amino acid residues of Pγ are responsible for blocking catalysis. In this paper, we showed that the last 10 C-terminal residues (Pγ78–87) are the minimum required to completely block catalysis. The kinetic mechanism of inhibition by the Pγ C terminus depends on which substrate is undergoing catalysis. We also discovered a second mechanism of Pγ inhibition that does not require this C-terminal region and that is capable of inhibiting up to 80% of the maximal cGMP hydrolytic rate. Furthermore, amino acids 63–70 and/or the intact α2 helix of Pγ stabilize binding of C-terminal Pγ peptides by 100-fold. When PDE6 catalytic subunits were reconstituted with portions of the Pγ molecule and tested for activation by transducin, we found that the C-terminal region (Pγ63–87) by itself could not be displaced but that transducin could relieve inhibition of certain Pγ truncation mutants. Our results are consistent with two distinct mechanisms of Pγ inhibition of PDE6. One involves direct interaction of the C-terminal residues with the catalytic site. A second regulatory mechanism may involve binding of other regions of Pγ to the catalytic domain, thereby allosterically reducing the catalytic rate. Transducin activation of PDE6 appears to require interaction with both the C terminus and other regions of Pγ to effectively relieve its inhibitory constraint.  相似文献   

Autosomal dominant congenital stationary night blindness (adCSNB) is caused by mutations in three genes of the rod phototransduction cascade, rhodopsin (RHO), transducin α-subunit (GNAT1), and cGMP phosphodiesterase type 6 β-subunit (PDE6B). In most cases, the constitutive activation of the phototransduction cascade is a prerequisite to cause adCSNB. The unique adCSNB-associated PDE6B mutation found in the Rambusch pedigree, the substitution p.His258Asn, leads to rod photoreceptors desensitization. Here, we report a three-generation French family with adCSNB harboring a novel PDE6B mutation, the duplication, c.928-9_940dup resulting in a tyrosine to cysteine substitution at codon 314, a frameshift, and a premature termination (p.Tyr314Cysfs*50). To understand the mechanism of the PDE6β1-314fs*50 mutant, we examined the properties of its PDE6-specific portion, PDE6β1-313. We found that PDE6β1-313 maintains the ability to bind noncatalytic cGMP and the inhibitory γ-subunit (Pγ), and interferes with the inhibition of normal PDE6αβ catalytic subunits by Pγ. Moreover, both truncated forms of the PDE6β protein, PDE6β1-313 and PDE6β1-314fs*50 expressed in rods of transgenic X. laevis are targeted to the phototransduction compartment. We hypothesize that in affected family members the p.Tyr314Cysfs*50 change results in the production of the truncated protein, which binds Pγ and causes constitutive activation of the phototransduction thus leading to the absence of rod adaptation.  相似文献   

Land plants must balance CO2 assimilation with transpiration in order to minimize drought stress and maximize their reproductive success. The ratio of assimilation to transpiration is called transpiration efficiency (TE). TE is under genetic control, although only one specific gene, ERECTA, has been shown to regulate TE. We have found that the α-subunit of the heterotrimeric G protein in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), GPA1, is a regulator of TE. gpa1 mutants, despite having guard cells that are hyposensitive to abscisic acid-induced inhibition of stomatal opening, have increased TE under ample water and drought stress conditions and when treated with exogenous abscisic acid. Leaf-level gas-exchange analysis shows that gpa1 mutants have wild-type assimilation versus internal CO2 concentration responses but exhibit reduced stomatal conductance compared with ecotype Columbia at ambient and below-ambient internal CO2 concentrations. The increased TE and reduced whole leaf stomatal conductance of gpa1 can be primarily attributed to stomatal density, which is reduced in gpa1 mutants. GPA1 regulates stomatal density via the control of epidermal cell size and stomata formation. GPA1 promoter::β-glucuronidase lines indicate that the GPA1 promoter is active in the stomatal cell lineage, further supporting a function for GPA1 in stomatal development in true leaves.Land plants, in particular plants that utilize C3 photosynthesis, must balance CO2 acquisition with water loss in order to maximize fitness. The water loss cost per unit of biomass acquired can be expressed as transpiration efficiency (TE; also referred to as water-use efficiency), the ratio of CO2 assimilation (A) to transpiration. TE strongly correlates with the δ13C of plant tissue, the ratio of 13C to 12C relative to a standard (Farquhar et al., 1982, 1989; Dawson et al., 2002). The physiological basis of this correlation is that in plants there is diffusional and biochemical discrimination against 13C, the heavier and less abundant stable isotope of carbon. Discrimination against 13C decreases with decreasing internal CO2 concentration (Ci), which can result from either increased A or reduced stomatal conductance (gs; Farquhar et al., 1982). While it is known that gs (a main factor controlling transpiration) correlates with A (Wong et al., 1979), genetic variation for TE and/or δ13C has been documented in a number of species (Farquhar and Richards, 1984; Virgona et al., 1990; Ehleringer et al., 1991; Comstock and Ehleringer, 1992; Hammer et al., 1997; Lambrides et al., 2004). In Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), multiple quantitative trait loci associated with TE have been identified, indicating that TE is under genetic control (Juenger et al., 2005; Masle et al., 2005; McKay et al., 2008). However, only one gene, ERECTA, has been specifically identified as a regulator of TE (Masle et al., 2005). ERECTA encodes a Leu-rich repeat receptor-like kinase (Torii et al., 1996) and regulates TE via the control of stomatal density, gs, mesophyll cell proliferation, and photosynthetic capacity (Masle et al., 2005).Heterotrimeric G proteins are GTP-binding proteins that function in the transduction of extracellular signals into intracellular responses. In its inactive state, the G protein classically exists as a trimer consisting of an α-subunit (Gα) bound to GDP, a β-subunit (Gβ), and a γ-subunit (Gγ). When a ligand binds to a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR), a conformational change occurs in the G protein, resulting in the exchange of GDP for GTP and the dissociation of Gα-GTP from the Gβγ dimer. The G protein subunits remain active until the intrinsic GTPase activity of Gα results in the hydrolysis of GTP to GDP and the reassociation of the inactive trimer. The Arabidopsis genome contains canonical Gα and Gβ genes, GPA1 and AGB1, and two genes known to encode Gγs, AGG1 and AGG2 (Assmann, 2002). One likely GPCR, GCR1, has been functionally characterized (Pandey and Assmann, 2004), and additional GPCRs have been predicted using bioinformatics (Moriyama et al., 2006; Gookin et al., 2008) and interaction with GPA1 in yeast-based protein-protein interaction assays (Gookin et al., 2008). Recently, a new class of G proteins, GPCR-type G proteins (GTG1 and GTG2), have been identified in Arabidopsis that also serve as one class of abscisic acid (ABA) receptors (Pandey et al., 2009).Despite the paucity of heterotrimeric G protein subunit genes in the Arabidopsis genome as compared with mammalian systems, functional studies of heterotrimeric G protein mutants suggest that G protein function is diverse in Arabidopsis. G proteins have been shown to function in developmental processes and hormonal and environmental signaling, including stomatal aperture regulation (Perfus-Barbeoch et al., 2004; Joo et al., 2005; Chen et al., 2006; Pandey et al., 2006; Trusov et al., 2006; Warpeha et al., 2007; Fan et al., 2008; Zhang et al., 2008a, 2008b). In response to drought stress, ABA concentration increases in the leaves (Davies and Zhang, 1991; Davies et al., 2005), where it promotes stomatal closure and inhibits stomatal opening (Schroeder et al., 2001). The G protein α- and β-subunit mutants, gpa1 and agb1, respectively, are hyposensitive to ABA inhibition of stomatal opening while displaying wild-type ABA promotion of stomatal closure (Wang et al., 2001; Fan et al., 2008). ABA inhibits stomatal opening in part by inhibiting inward-rectifying K+ channels, reducing K+ influx and therefore water entry into the cell (Schroeder et al., 2001). ABA inhibition of inward K+ channel activity is reduced in both gpa1 and agb1 mutants (Wang et al., 2001; Fan et al., 2008). agg1 and agg2 mutants show no altered regulation of ABA-induced stomatal movements or ion channel activities, suggesting that the genome contains additional unknown Gγ(s) or that heterotrimeric G protein signaling in plants does not always operate according to the mammalian paradigm (Trusov et al., 2008). gcr1 mutants are hypersensitive to both ABA inhibition of opening and ABA promotion of stomatal closure (Pandey et al., 2006). gtg1 gtg2 double mutants show a wild-type response for ABA inhibition of stomatal opening and are hyposensitive in ABA promotion of stomatal closure (Pandey et al., 2009).While the altered stomatal sensitivities of the G protein mutants to ABA suggest that heterotrimeric G proteins may function in the regulation of whole plant water status, few experiments have been performed at the whole leaf or whole plant level. gpa1 mutants in the Wassilewskija background display increased water loss from excised leaves (Wang et al., 2001); however, there are no published reports of experiments assessing whole plant water status in gpa1 or agb1 mutants. gcr1 mutants show reduced water loss from excised leaves, drought tolerance, and improved recovery following the cessation of drought stress (Pandey and Assmann, 2004). In addition to their altered guard cell sensitivities to ABA, gpa1, agb1, and gcr1 mutants are hypersensitive to ABA inhibition of root and seedling development (Pandey et al., 2006), which could have impacts on whole plant water status. Finally, it has been recently reported that gpa1 and agb1 mutants have reduced and increased stomatal densities, respectively, in cotyledons (Zhang et al., 2008a). While stomatal density of leaves can be an important component of whole plant water status, the study by Zhang et al. (2008a) was performed on cotyledons only, whose developmental programs are often independent from those of true leaves (Chandler, 2008). Therefore, it is difficult to infer how this cotyledon phenotype will affect water relations at the whole plant level. Taken together, the stomatal aperture, electrophysiology, and tissue-specific ABA phenotypes of the G protein mutants, in addition to the possibility for altered stomatal density in the G protein mutant leaves, make it difficult to predict how G proteins contribute to the regulation of whole-plant TE. For example, the ABA-hyposensitive stomatal phenotype of gpa1 could result in increased transpiration, possibly reducing TE under certain conditions. Conversely, if gpa1 mutant leaves have reduced stomatal density, transpiration may be reduced, which could enhance TE under a range of conditions. Previous attempts to address the contributions of G proteins to whole plant transpiration, TE, and drought response using excised leaf/rosette assays to measure water loss are not sufficient, because both transpiration and A must be taken into account. Therefore, we investigated the role of GPA1 in regulating TE under ample water and drought stress conditions and in the presence of ABA. We have identified GPA1 as a negative regulator of TE in Arabidopsis via the control of gs and stomatal proliferation.  相似文献   

Histone lysine methylation is important in early zebrafish development; however, the role of histone arginine methylation in this process remains unclear. H3R2me2a, generated by protein arginine methyltransferase 6 (Prmt6), is a repressive mark. To explore the role of Prmt6 and H3R2me2a during zebrafish embryogenesis, we identified the maternal characteristic of prmt6 and designed two prmt6-specific morpholino-oligos (MOs) to study its importance in early development, application of which led to early epiboly defects and significantly reduced the level of H3R2me2a marks. prmt6 mRNA could rescue the epiboly defects and the H3R2me2a reduction in the prmt6 morphants. Functionally, microarray data demonstrated that growth arrest and DNA damage-inducible, α, a (gadd45αa) was a significantly up-regulated gene in MO-treated embryos, the activity of which was linked to the activation of the p38/JNK pathway and apoptosis. Importantly, gadd45αa MO and p38/JNK inhibitors could partially rescue the defect of prmt6 morphants, the downstream targets of Prmt6, and the apoptosis ratios of the prmt6 morphants. Moreover, the results of ChIP quantitative real time PCR and luciferase reporter assay indicated that gadd45αa is a repressive target of Prmt6. Taken together, these results suggest that maternal Prmt6 is essential to early zebrafish development by directly repressing gadd45αa.  相似文献   

The centromere is essential for precise and equal segregation of the parental genome into two daughter cells during mitosis. CENP-A is a unique histone H3 variant conserved in eukaryotic centromeres. The assembly of CENP-A to the centromere is mediated by Holliday junction recognition protein (HJURP) in early G1 phase. However, it remains elusive how HJURP governs CENP-A incorporation into the centromere. Here we show that human HJURP directly binds to Mis18β, a component of the Mis18 complex conserved in the eukaryotic kingdom. A minimal region of HJURP for Mis18β binding was mapped to residues 437–460. Depletion of Mis18β by RNA interference dramatically impaired HJURP recruitment to the centromere, indicating the importance of Mis18β in HJURP loading. Interestingly, phosphorylation of HJURP by CDK1 weakens its interaction with Mis18β, consistent with the notion that assembly of CENP-A to the centromere is achieved after mitosis. Taken together, these data define a novel molecular mechanism underlying the temporal regulation of CENP-A incorporation into the centromere by accurate Mis18β-HJURP interaction.  相似文献   



The aim of this study is to investigate the prevalence and prognostic impact of β-catenin and cyclin D1 expression in colorectal carcinoma (CRC) patients.


We evaluated immunohistochemial expression of β-catenin and cyclin D1 using 2-mm cores from 220 CRC patients for tissue microarray, and its significance was statistically evaluated.


Positive expression of β-catenin and cyclin D1 was found in 72.5% (158 of 218 cases) and 59.4% (129 of 217 cases) of CRC patients, respectively. Expression of β-catenin was significantly correlated with tumor location (P = .017), differentiation (P = .010), lymph node metastasis (P = .032), preoperative carcinoembryonic antigen level (P = .032), and cyclin D1 expression (P = .005). Expression of cyclin D1 was significantly correlated with recurrence and/or metastasis (P = .004). In univariate analysis, β-catenin expression predicted more favorable overall survival (P = .022) and cyclin D1 expression predicted both more favorable overall survival and relapse-free survival (P = .004 and P = .006, respectively). Multivariate analysis showed that tumor stage and expression of cyclin D1 were independent prognostic factors significantly associated with overall survival and relapse-free survival.


This study shows that expression of β-catenin and cyclin D1 is associated with favorable clinicopathologic variables and it is a clinically significant prognostic indicator for CRC patients.  相似文献   

The phylum Apicomplexa comprises obligate intracellular parasites that infect vertebrates. All invasive forms of Apicomplexa possess an apical complex, a unique assembly of organelles localized to the anterior end of the cell and involved in host cell invasion. Previously, we generated a chicken monoclonal antibody (mAb), 6D-12-G10, with specificity for an antigen located in the apical cytoskeleton of Eimeria acervulina sporozoites. This antigen was highly conserved among Apicomplexan parasites, including other Eimeria spp., Toxoplasma, Neospora, and Cryptosporidium. In the present study, we identified the apical cytoskeletal antigen of Cryptosporidium parvum (C. parvum) and further characterized this antigen in C. parvum to assess its potential as a target molecule against cryptosporidiosis. Indirect immunofluorescence demonstrated that the reactivity of 6D-12-G10 with C. parvum sporozoites was similar to those of anti-β- and anti-γ-tubulins antibodies. Immunoelectron microscopy with the 6D-12-G10 mAb detected the antigen both on the sporozoite surface and underneath the inner membrane at the apical region of zoites. The 6D-12-G10 mAb significantly inhibited in vitro host cell invasion by C. parvum. MALDI-TOF/MS and LC-MS/MS analysis of tryptic peptides revealed that the mAb 6D-12-G10 target antigen was elongation factor-1α (EF-1α). These results indicate that C. parvum EF-1α plays an essential role in mediating host cell entry by the parasite and, as such, could be a candidate vaccine antigen against cryptosporidiosis.  相似文献   

Abstract. Coordination of cellular organization requires the interaction of the cytoskeletal filament systems. Recently, several lines of investigation have suggested that transport of cellular components along both microtubules and actin filaments is important for cellular organization and function. We report here on molecules that may mediate coordination between the actin and microtubule cytoskeletons. We have identified a 195-kD protein that coimmunoprecipitates with a class VI myosin, Drosophila 95F unconventional myosin. Cloning and sequencing of the gene encoding the 195-kD protein reveals that it is the first homologue identified of cytoplasmic linker protein (CLIP)–170, a protein that links endocytic vesicles to microtubules. We have named this protein D-CLIP-190 (the predicted molecular mass is 189 kD) based on its similarity to CLIP-170 and its ability to cosediment with microtubules. The similarity between D-CLIP-190 and CLIP-170 extends throughout the length of the proteins, and they have a number of predicted sequence and structural features in common. 95F myosin and D-CLIP-190 are coexpressed in a number of tissues during embryogenesis in Drosophila. In the axonal processes of neurons, they are colocalized in the same particulate structures, which resemble vesicles. They are also colocalized at the posterior pole of the early embryo, and this localization is dependent on the actin cytoskeleton. The association of a myosin and a homologue of a microtubule-binding protein in the nervous system and at the posterior pole, where both microtubule and actin-dependent processes are known to be important, leads us to speculate that these two proteins may functionally link the actin and microtubule cytoskeletons.Global organization of the cell and the coordination of its physiology requires interaction between different cytoskeletal systems. During interphase, a typical eukaryotic cell has microtubules emanating from the centrosome located near the nucleus, which extend to the periphery of the cell, presumably interacting with the cortical actin filament meshwork. Microtubules during interphase are thought to be mainly required for the organization of the membrane systems (e.g., vesicular traffic and organelle movement). The actin-rich cortex is important for maintaining cell shape and for cellular movement.There is increasing evidence of coordination between the actin and the microtubule cytoskeletons (Langford, 1995; Koonce, 1996). Data from a number of systems suggests that many cell types use a combination of microtubule and actin filament–based transport in vesicle and organelle trafficking. It is well established that microtubules are required for long distance transport of cellular components. In contrast, the actin cytoskeleton is thought to be required for more local traffic. The best evidence for transport along both cytoskeletal systems is in neurons. Vesicles appear to be transported along actin filaments in mammalian growth cones (Evans and Bridgman, 1995). Furthermore, gelsolin, which promotes depolymerization of actin filaments, has been shown to inhibit fast axonal transport in this system (Brady et al., 1984). In extruded squid axoplasm, Kuznetsov et al. (1992) observed what appeared to be the same vesicle moving along microtubules and then, subsequently, along microfilaments. Inhibitor studies provide evidence that mitochondria can move along both actin filaments and microtubules in neurons in vivo (Morris and Hollenbeck, 1995). These data support the idea that actin filament and microtubule-based transport cooperate to achieve proper organization of cellular components.The same phenomenon may be occurring in other cell types. In yeast, the mutant phenotype of the MYO2 gene, which encodes an unconventional myosin, is suppressed by overexpression of a kinesin-related protein. These two proteins are colocalized in regions of active growth where a polarized arrangement of actin plays an important role (Lillie and Brown, 1992, 1994). Microtubules are not normally required for this growth. Thus, the basis for suppression is not completely understood. However, the phenotypic suppression suggests that perhaps microtubule-based transport can substitute for actin filament–based transport, under some conditions. In polarized epithelial cells, Fath et al. (1994) have isolated a population of vesicles containing both myosin and microtubule motors. They speculate that proper transport of vesicles relies on both microtubule and actin filament–based transport.Previously, it has been shown that a class VI unconventional myosin, the Drosophila 95F unconventional myosin, transports particles along actin filaments during the syncytial blastoderm stage of Drosophila embryonic development (Mermall et al., 1994). 95F myosin activity is required for normal embryonic development (Mermall and Miller, 1995). 95F myosin is also associated with particulate structures in other cells of the embryo later in development where it may also be involved in actin-based transport. To investigate further the transport catalyzed by 95F myosin, we have begun studies to identify proteins associated with 95F myosin that might be cargoes or regulators. In this work, we have identified a protein that coimmunoprecipitates with 95F myosin. Sequence analysis reveals that this protein is the Drosophila homologue of cytoplasmic linker protein (CLIP)1–170. CLIP-170 is believed to function as a linker between endocytic vesicles and microtubules (Pierre et al., 1992). We have named this associated protein D-CLIP-190. Colocalization of 95F myosin and D-CLIP-190 at the subcellular level at several times in development and in cultured embryonic cells provides support for the in vivo association of these two proteins. The association of a myosin and a homologue of a microtubule-binding protein suggests that these two proteins may act to coordinate the interaction between actin filaments and microtubules.  相似文献   

The cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE6) involved in visual transduction in photoreceptor cells contains two inhibitory γ-subunits (Pγ) which bind to the catalytic core (Pαβ) to inhibit catalysis and stimulate cGMP binding to the GAF domains of Pαβ. During visual excitation, interaction of activated transducin with Pγ relieves inhibition. Pγ also participates in a complex with RGS9-1 and other proteins to accelerate the GTPase activity of activated transducin. We studied the structural determinants for these important functions of Pγ. First, we identified two important sites in the middle region of Pγ (amino acids 27-38 and 52-54) that significantly stabilize the overall binding affinity of Pγ with Pαβ. The ability of Pγ to stimulate noncatalytic cGMP binding to the GAF domains of PDE6 has been localized to amino acids 27-30 of Pγ. Transducin activation of PDE6 catalysis critically depends on the presence of Ile54 in the glycine-rich region of Pγ in order to relieve inhibition of catalysis. The central glycine-rich region of Pγ is also required for transducin to increase cGMP exchange at the GAF domains. Finally, Thr-65 and/or Val-66 of Pγ are critical residues for Pγ to stimulate GTPase activity of transducin in a complex with RGS9-1. We propose that the glycine-rich region of Pγ is a primary docking site for PDE6-interacting proteins involved in the activation/inactivation pathways of visual transduction. This functional mapping of Pγ with its binding partners demonstrates the remarkable versatility of this multifunctional protein and its central role in regulating the activation and lifetime of visual transduction.  相似文献   

Mammalian defensins are cationic antimicrobial peptides that play a central role in host innate immunity and as regulators of acquired immunity. In animals, three structural defensin subfamilies, designated as α, β, and θ, have been characterized, each possessing a distinctive tridisulfide motif. Mature α- and β-defensins are produced by simple proteolytic processing of their prepropeptide precursors. In contrast, the macrocyclic θ-defensins are formed by the head-to-tail splicing of nonapeptides excised from a pair of prepropeptide precursors. Thus, elucidation of the θ-defensin biosynthetic pathway provides an opportunity to identify novel factors involved in this unique process. We incorporated the θ-defensin precursor, proRTD1a, into a bait construct for a yeast two-hybrid screen that identified rhesus macaque stromal cell-derived factor 2-like protein 1 (SDF2L1), as an interactor. SDF2L1 is a component of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) chaperone complex, which we found to also interact with α- and β-defensins. However, analysis of the SDF2L1 domain requirements for binding of representative α-, β-, and θ-defensins revealed that α- and β-defensins bind SDF2L1 similarly, but differently from the interactions that mediate binding of SDF2L1 to pro-θ-defensins. Thus, SDF2L1 is a factor involved in processing and/or sorting of all three defensin subfamilies.Mammalian defensins are tridisulfide-containing antimicrobial peptides that contribute to innate immunity in all species studied to date. Defensins are comprised of three structural subfamilies: the α-, β-, and θ-defensins (1). α- and β-Defensins are peptides of about 29–45-amino acid residues with similar three-dimensional structures. Despite their similar tertiary conformations, the disulfide motifs of α- and β-defensins differ. Expression of human α-defensins is tissue-specific. Four myeloid α-defensins (HNP1–4) are expressed predominantly by neutrophils and monocytes wherein they are packaged in granules, while two enteric α-defensins (HD-5 and HD-6) are expressed at high levels in Paneth cells of the small intestine. Myeloid α-defensins constitute about 5% of the protein mass of human neutrophils. HNPs are discharged into the phagosome during phagocytic ingestion of microbial particles. HD-5 and HD-6 are produced and stored as propeptides in Paneth cell granules and are processed extracellularly by intestinal trypsin (2). β-Defensins are produced primarily by various epithelia (e.g. skin, urogenital tract, airway) and are secreted by the producing cells in their mature forms. In contrast to pro-α-defensins, which contain a conserved prosegment of ∼40 amino acids, the prosegments in β-defensins vary in length and sequence. θ-Defensins are found only in Old World monkeys and orangutans and are the only known circular peptides in animals. These 18-residue macrocyclic peptides are formed by ligation of two nonamer sequences excised from two precursor polypeptides, which are truncated versions of ancestral α-defensins. Like myeloid α-defensins, θ-defensins are stored primarily in neutrophil and monocyte granules (3).Numerous laboratories have demonstrated that the antimicrobial properties of defensins derive from their ability to bind and disrupt target cell membranes (4), and studies have shown defensins to be active against Gram-positive and -negative bacteria (5), viruses (69), fungi (10, 11), and parasites such as Giardia lamblia (12). Defensins also play a regulatory role in acquired immunity as they are known to chemoattract T lymphocytes, monocytes, and immature dendritic cells (13, 14), act as adjuvants, stimulate B cell responses, and up-regulate proliferation and cytokine production by spleen cells and T helper cells (15, 16).Defensins are produced as pre-propeptides and undergo post-translational processing to form the mature peptides. While much has been learned about regulation of defensin expression, little is known about the factors involved in their biosynthesis. Valore and Ganz (17) investigated the processing of defensins in cultured cells and demonstrated that maturation of HNPs occurs through two proteolytic steps that lead to formation of mature α-defensins, but the proteases involved have yet to be identified. Moreover, there are virtually no published data regarding endoplasmic reticulum (ER)2 factors that are responsible for the folding, processing, and sorting steps necessary for defensin maturation and secretion or trafficking to the proper subcellular compartment. It is likely that several chaperones, proteases, and protein-disulfide isomerase (PDI) family proteins are involved. Consistent with this possibility, Gruber et al. (18) recently demonstrated the role of a PDI in biosynthesis of cyclotides, small ∼30-residue macrocyclic peptides produced by plants.The primary structures of α- and θ-defensin precursors are closely related. We therefore undertook studies to identify proteins that interact with representative propeptides of each defensin subfamily with the goal of determining common and unique processes that regulate biosynthesis of α- and θ-defensins. We used two-hybrid analysis to first identify interactors of the θ-defensin precursor, proRTD1a. As described, we identified SDF2L1, a component of the ER-chaperone complex as an interactor, and showed that it also specifically interacts with α- and β-defensins. This suggests that SDF2L1 is involved in the maturation/trafficking of defensins at a step common to all three subfamilies of mammalian defensins.  相似文献   

Two splice variants of LKB1 exist: LKB1 long form (LKB1L) and LKB1 short form (LKB1S). In a previous study, we demonstrated that phosphorylation of Ser-428/431 (in LKB1L) by protein kinase Cζ (PKCζ) was essential for LKB1-mediated activation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) in response to oxidants or metformin. Paradoxically, LKB1S also activates AMPK although it lacks Ser-428/431. Thus, we hypothesized that LKB1S contained additional phosphorylation sites important in AMPK activation. Truncation analysis and site-directed mutagenesis were used to identify putative PKCζ phosphorylation sites in LKB1S. Substitution of Ser-399 to alanine did not alter the activity of LKB1S, but abolished peroxynitrite- and metformin-induced activation of AMPK. Furthermore, the phosphomimetic mutation (S399D) increased the phosphorylation of AMPK and its downstream target phospho-acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase (ACC). PKCζ-dependent phosphorylation of Ser-399 triggered nucleocytoplasmic translocation of LKB1S in response to metformin or peroxynitrite treatment. This effect was ablated by pharmacological and genetic inhibition of PKCζ, by inhibition of CRM1 activity and by substituting Ser-399 with alanine (S399A). Overexpression of PKCζ up-regulated metformin-mediated phosphorylation of both AMPK (Thr-172) and ACC (Ser-79), but the effect was ablated in the S399A mutant. We conclude that, similar to Ser-428/431 (in LKB1L), Ser-399 (in LKB1S) is a PKCζ-dependent phosphorylation site essential for nucleocytoplasmic export of LKB1S and consequent AMPK activation.  相似文献   

The centrosome contains proteins that control the organization of the microtubule cytoskeleton in interphase and mitosis. Its protein composition is tightly regulated through selective and cell cycle–dependent recruitment, retention, and removal of components. However, the mechanisms underlying protein delivery to the centrosome are not completely understood. We describe a novel function for the polarity protein Par6α in protein transport to the centrosome. We detected Par6α at the centrosome and centriolar satellites where it interacted with the centriolar satellite protein PCM-1 and the dynactin subunit p150Glued. Depletion of Par6α caused the mislocalization of p150Glued and centrosomal components that are critical for microtubule anchoring at the centrosome. As a consequence, there were severe alterations in the organization of the microtubule cytoskeleton in the absence of Par6α and cell division was blocked. We propose a model in which Par6α controls centrosome organization through its association with the dynactin subunit p150Glued.  相似文献   

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