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Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) have been extensively studied because of their functional attributes in development and diseases. However, relatively few in vivo functional studies have been reported on the roles of MMPs in postembryonic organ development. Amphibian metamorphosis is a unique model for studying MMP function during vertebrate development because of its dependence on thyroid hormone (T3) and the ability to easily manipulate this process with exogenous T3. The MMP stromelysin-3 (ST3) is induced by T3, and its expression correlates with cell death during metamorphosis. We have previously shown that ST3 is both necessary and sufficient for larval epithelial cell death in the remodeling intestine. To investigate the roles of ST3 in other organs and especially on different cell types, we have analyzed the effect of transgenic overexpression of ST3 in the tail of premetamorphic tadpoles. We report for the first time that ST3 expression, in the absence of T3, caused significant muscle cell death in the tail of premetamorphic transgenic tadpoles. On the other hand, only relatively low levels of epidermal cell death were induced by precocious ST3 expression in the tail, contrasting what takes place during natural and T3-induced metamorphosis when ST3 expression is high. This cell type-specific apoptotic response to ST3 in the tail suggests distinct mechanisms regulating cell death in different tissues. Furthermore, our analyses of laminin receptor, an in vivo substrate of ST3 in the intestine, suggest that laminin receptor cleavage may be an underlying mechanism for the cell type-specific effects of ST3.The extracellular matrix (ECM),3 the dynamic milieu of the cell microenvironment, plays a critical role in dictating the fate of the cell. The cross-talk between the cell and ECM and the timely catabolism of the ECM are crucial for tissue remodeling during development (1). Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), extrinsic proteolytic regulators of the ECM, mediate this process to a large extent. MMPs are a large family of Zn2+-dependent endopeptidases potentially capable of cleaving the extracellular as well as nonextracellular proteins (29). The MMP superfamily includes collagenases, gelatinases, stromelysins, and membrane-type MMPs based on substrate specificity and domain organization (24). MMPs have been implicated to influence a wide range of physiological and pathological processes (1013). The roles of MMPs appear to be very complex. For example, MMPs have been suggested to play roles in both tumor promotion and suppression (1319). Unfortunately, relatively few functional studies have been carried out in vivo, especially in relation to the mechanisms involved during vertebrate development.Amphibian metamorphosis presents a fascinating experimental model to study MMP function during postembryonic development. A unique and salient feature of the metamorphic process is the absolute dependence on the signaling of thyroid hormone (2023). This makes it possible to prevent metamorphosis by simply inhibiting the synthesis of endogenous T3 or to induce precocious metamorphosis by merely adding physiological levels of T3 in the rearing water of premetamorphic tadpoles. Gene expression screens have identified the MMP stromelysin-3 (ST3) as a direct T3 response gene (2427). Expression studies have revealed a distinct spatial and temporal ST3 expression profile in correlation with metamorphic event, especially cell death (25, 2831). Organ culture studies on intestinal remodeling have directly substantiated an essential role of ST3 in larval epithelial cell death and ECM remodeling (32). Furthermore, precocious expression of ST3 alone in premetamorphic tadpoles through transgenesis is sufficient to induce ECM remodeling and larval epithelial apoptosis in the tadpole intestine (33). Thus, ST3 appears to be necessary and sufficient for intestinal epithelial cell death during metamorphosis.ST3 was first isolated as a breast cancer-associated gene (34), and unlike most other MMPs, ST3 is secreted as an active protease through a furin-dependent intracellular activation mechanism (35). Like many other MMPs, ST3 is expressed in a number of pathological processes, including most human carcinomas (11, 3640), as well as in many developmental processes in mammals (10, 34, 4143), although the physiological and pathological roles of ST3 in vivo are largely unknown in mammals. Interestingly, compared with other MMPs, ST3 has only weak activities toward ECM proteins in vitro but stronger activities against non-ECM proteins like α1 proteinase inhibitor and IGFBP-1 (4446). Although ST3 may cleave ECM proteins strongly in the in vivo environment, these findings suggest that the cleavage of non-ECM proteins is likely important for its biological roles. Consistently, we have recently identified a cell surface receptor, laminin receptor (LR) as an in vivo substrate of ST3 in the tadpole intestine during metamorphosis (4749). Analyses of LR expression and cleavage suggest that LR cleavage by ST3 is likely an important mechanism by which ST3 regulates the interaction between the larval epithelial cells and the ECM to induce cell death during intestinal remodeling (47, 48).Here, to investigate the role of ST3 in the apoptosis in other tissues during metamorphosis and whether LR cleavage serves as a mechanism for ST3 to regulate the fate of different cell types, we have analyzed the effects of precocious expression of ST3 in premetamorphic tadpole tail. The tail offers an opportunity to examine the effects of ST3 on different cell types. The epidermis, the fast and slow muscles, and the connective tissue underlying the epidermis in the myotendinous junctions and surrounding the notochord constitute the major tissue types in tail (50). Even though death is the destiny of all these cell types, it is not clear whether they all die through similar or different mechanisms. Microscopic and histochemical analyses have shown that at least the muscle and epidermal cells undergo T3-dependent apoptosis during metamorphosis (23, 29, 51, 52). To study whether ST3 regulates apoptosis of these two cell types, we have made use of the transgenic animals that express a transgenic ST3 under the control of a heat shock-inducible promoter (33). We show that whereas extensive apoptosis is present in both the epidermis and muscles during natural as well as T3-induced metamorphosis, transgenic expression of ST3 induces cell death predominantly in the muscles. Furthermore, we show that LR is expressed in the epidermis and connective tissue but not in muscles of the tadpole tail. More importantly, LR cleavage products are present in the tail during natural metamorphosis but not in transgenic tadpoles overexpressing ST3. These results suggest that ST3 has distinct effects on the epidermis and muscles in the tail, possibly because of the tissue-specific expression and function of LR.  相似文献   

The general stress response of Bacillus subtilis can be activated by stimuli such as the addition of salt or ethanol and with blue light. In the latter response, YtvA activates σB through a cascade of Rsb proteins, organized in stressosomes. YtvA is composed of an N-terminal LOV (light, oxygen, and voltage) domain and a C-terminal STAS (sulfate transporter and anti-sigma factor) domain and shows light-modulated GTP binding in vitro. Here, we examine the mechanism of YtvA-mediated activation of σB in vivo with site-directed mutagenesis. Constitutive off and constitutive on mutations have been identified. Disruption of GTP binding in the STAS domain eliminates light activation of σB. In contrast, modification of sites relevant for phosphorylation of STAS domains does not affect the stress response significantly. The data obtained are integrated into a model for the structure of full-length YtvA, which presumably functions as a dimer.LOV2 domains (1), members of the superfamily of PAS domains (2, 3), are abundant in all domains of life and were first identified in plant phototropins (4). These photoreceptors regulate stomatal opening, phototropism, etc. and contain two N-terminal LOV domains that confer light regulation on the C-terminal Ser/Thr kinase domain (4). They also occur in bacteria, in which YtvA from Bacillus subtilis has been best characterized (for a review, see e.g. Ref. 5). Its N-terminal LOV domain binds FMN and shows the typical LOV photochemistry (6, 7): covalent adduct formation between a cysteine and the FMN chromophore. A linker helix, denoted Jα (7), connects the LOV domain to a STAS domain. The latter domain is present in many regulators of the general stress response of B. subtilis (8, 9). Stress via the addition of salt or ethanol (for a review, see Ref. 10) and blue light (11, 12) activates the general stress response via the environmental pathway, which integrates various signals via a large multiprotein complex, called the stressosome (13, 14). YtvA, which mediates light activation of σB (11, 12, 15), co-purifies with other STAS domain proteins in the stressosomes (16).When cells are stressed, STAS domains of several stressosome proteins (e.g. RsbS and RsbR) are phosphorylated by another intrinsic stressosome component, the serine/threonine kinase RsbT (9, 14, 17, 18). Next, RsbT is released from the complex to trigger RsbU, a protein phosphatase, thus (indirectly) activating σB (19). Phosphorylation of YtvA, however, has never been detected. Rather, it has been demonstrated in vitro that YtvA shows light-dependent GTP binding, presumably at its NTP-binding site in the STAS domain (20).Little is known about the mechanism of signal transmission in and by YtvA, except that in the C62A mutant, photochemistry in vitro (12) and light activation of σB in vivo (12, 15) are abolished. More detailed information is available for LOV domains of phototropins. A conserved glutamine, which is in hydrogen-bonding contact with the isoalloxazine ring of FMN, rotates its side chain by 180° upon covalent adduct formation (21). Replacement of this residue by leucine in the LOV2 domain of Phy3 from Adiantum results in a considerable reduction of the light-induced structural change (22). The corresponding mutation in phototropin 1 from Arabidopsis impairs autophosphorylation activity (23). The signal generated in the LOV2 domain is transmitted to the downstream kinase domain of phototropin 1 of Avena sativa through disruption of the interaction between its central β-sheet and the C-terminal linker region, the Jα-helix (24).Here, we study the mechanism of activation of YtvA in vivo, i.e. light-induced activation of the σB response, with site-directed mutagenesis. We focus on three regions of the protein, the flavin-binding pocket, the β-sheet of the LOV domain, and the GTP-binding site, and on potential phosphorylation sites of the STAS domain. We demonstrate that light-activated GTP binding is crucial for functional YtvA. A computational approach was used to model the structure of full-length YtvA. The model suggests that light modulates accessibility of the GTP-binding site of the STAS domain of YtvA.  相似文献   

Mathematical tools developed in the context of Shannon information theory were used to analyze the meaning of the BLOSUM score, which was split into three components termed as the BLOSUM spectrum (or BLOSpectrum). These relate respectively to the sequence convergence (the stochastic similarity of the two protein sequences), to the background frequency divergence (typicality of the amino acid probability distribution in each sequence), and to the target frequency divergence (compliance of the amino acid variations between the two sequences to the protein model implicit in the BLOCKS database). This treatment sharpens the protein sequence comparison, providing a rationale for the biological significance of the obtained score, and helps to identify weakly related sequences. Moreover, the BLOSpectrum can guide the choice of the most appropriate scoring matrix, tailoring it to the evolutionary divergence associated with the two sequences, or indicate if a compositionally adjusted matrix could perform better.[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29]  相似文献   

One of our goals is to understand the mechanisms that deposit mineral within collagen fibrils, and as a first step we recently determined the size exclusion characteristics of the fibril. This study revealed that apatite crystals up to 12 unit cells in size can access the water within the fibril, whereas molecules larger than a 40-kDa protein are excluded. Based on these observations, we proposed a novel mechanism for fibril mineralization: that macromolecular inhibitors of apatite growth favor fibril mineralization by selectively inhibiting crystal growth in the solution outside of the fibril. To test this mechanism, we developed a system in which crystal formation is driven by homogeneous nucleation at high calcium phosphate concentration and the only macromolecule in solution is fetuin, a 48-kDa inhibitor of apatite growth. Our experiments with this system demonstrated that fetuin determines the location of mineral growth; in the presence of fetuin mineral grows exclusively within the fibril, whereas in its absence mineral grows in solution outside the fibril. Additional experiments showed that fetuin is also able to localize calcification to the interior of synthetic matrices that have size exclusion characteristics similar to those of collagen and that it does so by selectively inhibiting mineral growth outside of these matrices. We termed this new calcification mechanism “mineralization by inhibitor exclusion,” the selective mineralization of a matrix using a macromolecular inhibitor of mineral growth that is excluded from that matrix. Future studies will be needed to evaluate the possible role of this mechanism in bone mineralization.The type I collagen fibril plays several critical roles in bone mineralization. The mineral in bone is located primarily within the fibril (16), and during mineralization the fibril is formed first and then water within the fibril is replaced with mineral (7, 8). The collagen fibril therefore provides the aqueous compartment in which mineral grows. We have recently shown that the physical structure of the collagen fibril plays an important additional role in mineralization, that of a gatekeeper allowing molecules smaller than a 6-kDa protein to freely access the water within the fibril while preventing molecules larger than a 40-kDa protein from entering the fibril (9).Molecules too large to enter the collagen fibril can have important effects on mineralization within the fibril. We have suggested that large inhibitors of apatite growth can paradoxically favor mineralization within the fibril by selectively preventing apatite growth in the solution outside of the fibril (9). We have also proposed that large nucleators of apatite formation may generate small crystals outside the collagen fibril and that some of these crystals can subsequently diffuse into the fibril and grow (9). Because the size exclusion characteristics of the fibril allow rapid penetration of molecules the size of a 6-kDa protein, apatite crystals up to 12 unit cells in size should in principle be able to freely access all of the water within the fibril (9).We subsequently tested these hypotheses for the role of large molecules in fibril mineralization by determining the impact of removing fetuin on the serum-driven calcification of collagen fibrils (10). Fetuin is the most abundant serum inhibitor of apatite crystal growth (11, 12), and with a molecular weight of 48 kDa fetuin is too large to penetrate the collagen fibril (9). Fetuin is also termed fetuin-A (to distinguish it from a recently discovered homologue, fetuin-B (13)) and is sometimes called α2-HS glycoprotein in humans. Our working hypothesis was that fetuin is required for the serum-driven calcification of a collagen fibril and that its role is to favor calcification within the collagen fibril by selectively preventing apatite crystal growth in the solution outside the fibril.The results of this study demonstrate that removing fetuin from serum eliminates the ability of serum to induce the calcification of a type I collagen matrix and that adding purified fetuin to fetuin-depleted serum restores this activity (14). This study further shows that a massive mineral precipitate forms during the incubation of fetuin-depleted serum but not during the incubation of serum containing fetuin (14). These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that a large serum nucleator generates apatite crystals in the solution outside of the collagen fibril, some of which penetrate into the aqueous interior of the fibril (14). Because fetuin can trap only those nuclei that it can access, the crystal nuclei that penetrate the fibril grow far more rapidly than those nuclei trapped by fetuin outside of the fibril, and the collagen fibril therefore selectively calcifies.The goal of the present experiments was to further understand the role of fetuin in the calcification of type I collagen fibrils. To accomplish this goal, we developed a system in which crystal formation is driven by homogeneous nucleation at high calcium phosphate concentrations and the only macromolecule in the solution is fetuin. This system allowed us to probe the impact of fetuin and only fetuin on the location and extent of collagen calcification. Because fetuin is the subject of this study, it is useful to review briefly its occurrence and calcification-inhibitory activity. Fetuin is a 48-kDa glycoprotein that is synthesized in the liver and is found at high concentrations in mammalian serum (15, 16) and bone (1722). The serum fetuin concentration in adult mammals ranges from 0.5 to 1.5 mg/ml, whereas the serum fetuin concentration in the fetus and neonate is typically far higher (16). Fetuin is also one of the most abundant noncollagenous proteins found in bone (1722), with a concentration of about 1 mg fetuin/g bone in rat (21), bovine (17), and human (19, 23) bone. Despite the abundance of fetuin in bone, however, it has not been possible to demonstrate the synthesis of fetuin in calcified tissues, and it is therefore presently thought that the fetuin found in bone arises from hepatic synthesis via serum (20, 22). This view is supported by the observation that fetuin binds strongly to apatite, the mineral phase of bone, and is selectively concentrated from serum onto apatite (18).In vitro studies have demonstrated that fetuin is an important inhibitor of apatite growth and precipitation in serum containing increased levels of calcium and phosphate (12) and that targeted deletion of the fetuin gene reduces the ability of serum to arrest apatite formation by over 70% (11). More recent studies have shown that a fetuin-mineral complex is formed in the course of the fetuin-mediated inhibition of apatite growth and precipitation in serum containing increased calcium and phosphate (24, 25). Purified fetuin also potently inhibits the growth of apatite crystals from supersaturated solutions of calcium phosphate (12, 24). In solutions in which a decline in calcium occurs within minutes because of the spontaneous formation of apatite crystals, the presence of added fetuin sustains elevated calcium levels for at least 24 h (24).  相似文献   

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