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内吞作用是细胞从细胞外空间和内化横跨膜的细胞表面蛋白转运物质到细胞内的过程.吞蛋白(endophilin)一直被认为参与了网格蛋白介导的细胞内吞作用,2015年《自然》(Nature)发表的两篇研究论文报道了一种由endophilin A标记和控制的独立于网格蛋白的有被囊泡内吞作用.本文主要综述近年来endophilin A2的研究,着重介绍endophilin A2在非网格蛋白介导的内吞作用中的功能和机制.  相似文献   

The glycine transporter GLYT1 regulates both glycinergic and glutamatergic neurotransmission by controlling the reuptake of glycine at synapses. Trafficking of GLYT1 to and from the cell surface is critical for its function. Activation of PKC down-regulates the activity of GLYT1 through a mechanism that has so far remained uncharacterized. Here we show that GLYT1b undergoes fast constitutive endocytosis that is accelerated by phorbol esters. Both constitutive and regulated endocytosis occur through a dynamin 2- and clathrin-dependent pathway, accumulating in the transporter in transferrin-containing endosomes. A chimera with the extracellular and transmembrane domains of the nerve growth factor receptor and the COOH-terminal tail of GLYT1 was efficiently internalized through this clathrin pathway, suggesting the presence of molecular determinants for GLYT1b endocytosis in its COOH-terminal tail. Extensive site-directed mutagenesis in this region of the chimera highlighted the involvement of lysine residues in its internalization. In the context of the full-length transporter, lysine 619 played a prominent role in both the constitutive and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate-induced endocytosis of GLYT1b, suggesting the involvement of ubiquitin modification of GLYT1b during the internalization process. Indeed, we show that GLYT1b undergoes ubiquitination and that this process is stimulated by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate. In addition, this endocytosis is impaired in an ubiquitination-deficient cell line, further evidence that constitutive and regulated endocytosis of GLYT1b is ubiquitin-dependent. It remains to be determined whether GLYT1b recycling might be affected in pathologies involving alterations to the ubiquitin system, thereby interfering with its influence on inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmission.Glycine fulfills a dual role in neurotransmission by mediating inhibition through the strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor and excitation as a co-agonist of the NMDA2 receptors (1, 2). Although it was initially believed that the concentration of glycine in the synaptic cleft would be sufficient to saturate the glycine sites on NMDA receptors, recent pharmacological and electrophysiological evidence indicates that due to the activity of the GLYT1 (glycine transporter-1) glycine transporter, this is probably not the case. Three isoforms of GLYT1 exist that differ in their NH2-terminal sequence (GLYT1a, GLYT1b, and GLYT1c), and they are strongly expressed in glycinergic areas of the nervous system, predominantly in glial cells (3). Indeed, mice lacking GLYT1 have impaired glycinergic neurotransmission, which has been attributed to an increase in extracellular glycine close to the strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor (4). Moreover, GLYT1 has been identified in neuronal elements closely associated with the glutamatergic pathways throughout the brain (5, 6). GLYT1 is enriched in presynaptic buttons, where it largely co-localizes with the vesicular glutamate transporter vGLUT1. It is also present in the postsynaptic densities of asymmetric synapses, and complexes containing both NMDA receptor and GLYT1 have been shown to exist (5). In these postsynaptic sites, the distribution of GLYT1 is partially controlled through its interaction with the scaffolding protein PSD-95 (7). Accordingly, GLYT1 is believed to play a role in controlling the concentration of glycine in the microenvironment around the NMDA receptor. Indeed, functional studies have shown that a specific GLYT1 inhibitor, N-[3-(4′-fluorophenyl)-3-(4′-phenylphenoxy)propyl]sarcosine, potentiates NMDA-mediated responses in vitro and in vivo (810). The potential role of GLYT1 in glutamatergic neurotransmission has also been confirmed in heterozygous Glyt1+/− animals that express only 50% of the normal levels of GLYT1 as well as when GLYT1 expression is disturbed in forebrain neurons. In these animals, hippocampal NMDA receptor function is enhanced, and the mice appear to display better memory retention than wild type mice (1113).The mechanisms responsible for the insertion of GLYT1 into glutamatergic synapses are unknown. However, recent studies indicate that the movement of transporters within the cell is highly organized and that a number of ancillary proteins control their intracellular trafficking by interacting with targeting motifs in the transporter. Indeed, like other neurotransmitter transporters, GLYT1 is asymmetrically distributed in polarized cells (14, 15). The asymmetric distribution of sodium-dependent neurotransmitter transporters (NSS) requires a number of steps that commence with their efficient exit from the endoplasmic reticulum. This is followed by sorting processes in the Golgi complex, insertion into the plasma membrane, and the retention of the transporter at functional synaptic sites. Moreover, the amount of transporter in the plasma membrane is also regulated by endocytosis and recycling mechanisms. Like several other members of the NSS family, GLYT1 is subjected to regulation by protein kinase C. Activation of PKC by phorbol esters down-regulates GLYT1, which is endocytosed from the plasma membrane to intracellular compartments in several cell lines (1618). For years, the molecular mechanisms that mediate phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA)-stimulated endocytosis of the NSS family members have remained elusive. However, recent evidence obtained for the dopamine transporter (DAT) has revealed the importance of ubiquitination of DAT for its endocytosis (19). DAT is ubiquitinated by the Nedd4-2 ligase at several intracellular lysines. Indeed, mutation of these lysines abolished both ubiquitination and phorbol ester-stimulated endocytosis, indicating that the associated ubiquitin molecules serve as a platform to recruit endocytotic adaptors (2023). Ubiquitination has also been implicated in the endocytosis of other membrane proteins, including the main transporter for glutamate, GLT1, and the system A transporter SNAT2 (2426).Ubiquitin coupling can involve either mono- or polyubiquitination. Monoubiquitination occurs when a single ubiquitin molecule is coupled to one or more lysine residues on a target protein, such that the final stoichiometry is one ubiquitin per lysine. Polyubiquitination refers to the coupling of a chain of ubiquitins to a lysine on the target protein, with a final stoichiometry of four or more ubiquitins per lysine. Whereas monoubiquitinated proteins are degraded in lysosomes, polyubiquitinated proteins are recognized by and subsequently degraded by the 26 S proteasome (27).In this study, we show that GLYT1b is endocytosed through a clathrin-dependent mechanism, a process that is accelerated by phorbol esters. Through a mutational analysis, we have identified a lysine residue in the COOH-terminal tail of the protein as the major determinant for GLYT1b internalization through both constitutive and PMA-stimulated pathways. Ubiquitination GLYT1b is stimulated by PMA, a finding compatible with ubiquitin being the platform on which the clathrin network is assembled.  相似文献   

The epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) functions as a pathway for Na+ absorption in the kidney and lung, where it is crucial for Na+ homeostasis and blood pressure regulation. ENaC is regulated in part through signaling pathways that control the ubiquitination state of ENaC lysines. A defect in ubiquitination causes Liddle syndrome, an inherited form of hypertension. Here we determined that α-, β-, and γENaC are also substrates for lysine acetylation. Trichostatin A (TSA), a histone deacetylase inhibitor, enhanced ENaC acetylation and increased ENaC abundance in the total cell lysate and at the cell surface. Moreover, TSA increased ENaC current in Fischer rat thyroid and kidney collecting duct epithelia. We found that HDAC7 is expressed in the kidney collecting duct, supporting a potential role for this histone deacetylase in ENaC regulation. HDAC7 overexpression reduced ENaC abundance and ENaC current, whereas ENaC abundance and current were increased by silencing of HDAC7. ENaC and HDAC7 form a complex, as detected by coimmunoprecipitation. We observed a reciprocal relationship between acetylation and ubiquitination; TSA reduced ENaC ubiquitination, whereas HDAC7 increased ubiquitination. By reducing ENaC ubiquitination, TSA decreased the rate of ENaC degradation. Thus, acetylation increases epithelial Na+ absorption by antagonizing ENaC ubiquitination. This stabilizes ENaC, and hence, increases its abundance at the cell surface.  相似文献   

External potassium (K) activates the inward rectifier ROMK (Kir1.1) by altering the pH gating of the channel. The present study examines this link between external K and internal pH sensitivity using both the two-electrode voltage clamp and the perfused, cut-open Xenopus oocyte preparation. Elevating extracellular K from 1 mM to 10 mM to 100 mM activated ROMK channels by shifting their apparent pKa from 7.2 ± 0.1 (n = 6) in 1 mM K, to 6.9 ± 0.02 (n = 5) in 10 mM K, and to 6.6 ± 0.03 (n = 5) in 100 mM K. At any given internal pH, the number of active ROMK channels is a saturating function of external [K]. Extracellular Cs (which blocks almost all inward K current) also stimulated outward ROMK conductance (at constant 1 mM external K) by shifting the apparent pKa of ROMK from 7.2 ± 0.1 (n = 6) in 1 mM K to 6.8 ± 0.01 (n = 4) in 1 mM K + 104 mM Cs. Surprisingly, the binding and washout of the specific blocker, Tertiapin-Q, also activated ROMK in 1 mM K and caused a comparable shift in apparent pKa. These results are interpreted in terms of both a three-state kinetic model and a two-gate structural model that is based on results with KcsA in which the selectivity filter can assume either a high or low K conformation. In this context, external K, Cs, and Tertiapin-Q activate ROMK by destabilizing the low-K (collapsed) configuration of the selectivity filter.  相似文献   

Peroxisomal biogenesis is an ubiquitin-dependent process because the receptors required for the import of peroxisomal matrix proteins are controlled via their ubiquitination status. A key step is the monoubiquitination of the import receptor Pex5p by the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (E2) Pex4p. This monoubiquitination is supposed to take place after Pex5p has released the cargo into the peroxisomal matrix and primes Pex5p for the extraction from the membrane by the mechano-enzymes Pex1p/Pex6p. These two AAA-type ATPases export Pex5p back to the cytosol for further rounds of matrix protein import. Recently, it has been reported that the soluble Pex4p requires the interaction to its peroxisomal membrane-anchor Pex22p to display full activity. Here we demonstrate that the soluble C-terminal domain of Pex22p harbours its biological activity and that this activity is independent from its function as membrane-anchor of Pex4p. We show that Pex4p can be functionally fused to the trans-membrane segment of the membrane protein Pex3p, which is not directly involved in Pex5p-ubiquitination and matrix protein import. However, this Pex3(N)-Pex4p chimera can only complement the double-deletion strain pex4Δ/pex22Δ and ensure optimal Pex5p-ubiquitination when the C-terminal part of Pex22p is additionally expressed in the cell. Thus, while the membrane-bound portion Pex22(N)p is not required when Pex4p is fused to Pex3(N)p, the soluble Pex22(C)p is essential for peroxisomal biogenesis and efficient monoubiquitination of the import receptor Pex5p by the E3-ligase Pex12p in vivo and in vitro. The results merge into a picture of an ubiquitin-conjugating complex at the peroxisomal membrane consisting of three domains: the ubiquitin-conjugating domain (Pex4p), a membrane-anchor domain (Pex22(N)p) and an enhancing domain (Pex22(C)p), with the membrane-anchor domain being mutually exchangeable, while the Ubc- and enhancer-domains are essential.  相似文献   


Amphetamines and amphetamine-derivatives elevate neurotransmitter concentrations by competing with endogenous biogenic amines for reuptake. In addition, AMPHs have been shown to activate endocytosis of the dopamine transporter (DAT) which further elevates extracellular dopamine (DA). We previously found that the biochemical cascade leading to this cellular process involves entry of AMPH into the cell through the DAT, stimulation of an intracellular trace amine-associated receptor, TAAR1, and activation of the small GTPase, RhoA. We also showed that the neuronal glutamate transporter, EAAT3, undergoes endocytosis via the same cascade in DA neurons, leading to potentiation of glutamatergic inputs. Since AMPH is a transported inhibitor of both DAT and the norepinephrine transporter (NET), and EAAT3 is also expressed in norepinephrine (NE) neurons, we explored the possibility that this signaling cascade occurs in NE neurons. We found that AMPH can cause endocytosis of NET as well as EAAT3 in NE neurons. NET endocytosis is dependent on TAAR1, RhoA, intracellular calcium and CaMKII activation, similar to DAT. However, EAAT3 endocytosis is similar in all regards except its dependence upon CaMKII activation. RhoA activation is dependent on calcium, but not CaMKII, explaining a divergence in AMPH-mediated endocytosis of DAT and NET from that of EAAT3. These data indicate that AMPHs and other TAAR1 agonists can affect glutamate signaling through internalization of EAAT3 in NE as well as DA neurons.


β-Site amyloid precursor protein-cleaving enzyme (BACE1) is a membrane-tethered member of the aspartyl proteases that has been identified as β-secretase. BACE1 is targeted through the secretory pathway to the plasma membrane and then is internalized to endosomes. Sorting of membrane proteins to the endosomes and lysosomes is regulated by the interaction of signals present in their carboxyl-terminal fragment with specific trafficking molecules. The BACE1 carboxyl-terminal fragment contains a di-leucine sorting signal (495DDISLL500) and a ubiquitination site at Lys-501. Here, we report that lack of ubiquitination at Lys-501 (BACE1K501R) does not affect the rate of endocytosis but produces BACE1 stabilization and accumulation of BACE1 in early and late endosomes/lysosomes as well as at the cell membrane. In contrast, the disruption of the di-leucine motif (BACE1LLAA) greatly impairs BACE1 endocytosis and produces a delayed retrograde transport of BACE1 to the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and a delayed delivery of BACE1 to the lysosomes, thus decreasing its degradation. Moreover, the combination of the lack of ubiquitination at Lys-501 and the disruption of the di-leucine motif (BACE1LLAA/KR) produces additive effects on BACE1 stabilization and defective internalization. Finally, BACE1LLAA/KR accumulates in the TGN, while its levels are decreased in EEA1-positive compartments indicating that both ubiquitination at Lys-501 and the di-leucine motif are necessary for the trafficking of BACE1 from the TGN to early endosomes. Our studies have elucidated a differential role for the di-leucine motif and ubiquitination at Lys-501 in BACE1 endocytosis, trafficking, and degradation and suggest the involvement of multiple adaptor molecules.  相似文献   

The yeast a-factor receptor (encoded by STE3) is subject to two modes of endocytosis, a ligand-dependent endocytosis as well as a constitutive, ligand-independent mode. Both modes are associated with receptor ubiquitination (Roth, A.F., and N.G. Davis. 1996. J. Cell Biol. 134:661–674) and both depend on sequence elements within the receptor''s regulatory, cytoplasmically disposed, COOH-terminal domain (CTD). Here, we concentrate on the Ste3p sequences required for constitutive endocytosis. Constitutive endocytosis is rapid. Receptor is synthesized, delivered to the cell surface, endocytosed, and then delivered to the vacuole where it is degraded, all with a t 1/2 of 15 min. Deletion analysis has defined a 36-residue-long sequence mapping near the COOH-terminal end of the Ste3p CTD that is the minimal sequence required for this rapid turnover. Deletions intruding into this interval block or severely slow the rate of endocytic turnover. Moreover, the same 36-residue sequence directs receptor ubiquitination. Mutants deleted for this sequence show undetectable levels of ubiquitination, and mutants having intermediate endocytosis defects show a correlated reduced level of ubiquitination. Not only necessary for ubiquitination and endocytosis, this sequence also is sufficient. When transplanted to a stable cell surface protein, the plasma membrane ATPase Pma1p, the 36-residue STE3 signal directs both ubiquitination of the PMA1-STE3 fusion protein as well as its endocytosis and consequent vacuolar degradation. Alanine scanning mutagenesis across the 36-residue-long interval highlights its overall complexity—no singular sequence motif or signal is found, instead required sequence elements distribute throughout the entire interval. The high proportion of acidic and hydroxylated amino acid residues in this interval suggests a similarity to PEST sequences—a broad class of sequences which have been shown to direct the ubiquitination and subsequent proteosomal degradation of short-lived nuclear and cytoplasmic proteins. A likely possibility, therefore, is that this sequence, responsible for both endocytosis and ubiquitination, may be first and foremost a ubiquitination signal. Finally, we present evidence suggesting that the true signal in the wild-type receptor extends beyond the 36-residue-long sequence defined as a minimal signal to include contiguous PEST-like sequences which extend another 21 residues to the COOH terminus of Ste3p. Together with sequences identified in two other yeast plasma membrane proteins, the STE3 sequence defines a new class of ubiquitination/endocytosis signal.  相似文献   

Yeast mutants lacking the intracellular V-ATPase proton pump (vma mutants) have reduced levels of the Pma1p proton pump at the plasma membrane and increased levels in organelles including the vacuolar lumen. We examined the mechanism and physiological consequences of Pma1p mislocalization. Pma1p is ubiquitinated in vma mutants, and ubiquitination depends on the ubiquitin ligase Rsp5p and the arrestin-related adaptor protein Rim8p. vma mutant strains containing rsp5 or rim8 mutations maintain Pma1p at the plasma membrane, suggesting that ubiquitination is required for Pma1p internalization. Acute inhibition of V-ATPase activity with concanamycin A triggers Pma1p ubiquitination and internalization. In an endocytosis-deficient mutant (end4Δ) Pma1p is ubiquitinated but retained at the plasma membrane during concanamycin A treatment. Consistent with specificity in signaling loss of V-ATPase activity to Pma1p, another plasma membrane transporter, Mup1p, is not internalized in a vma mutant, and loss of the Mup1p adaptor Art1p does not prevent Pma1p internalization in a vma mutant. Very poor growth of vma2 rsp5-1 and vma2 rim8Δ double mutants suggests that Pma1p internalization benefits the vma mutants. We hypothesize that loss of V-ATPase-mediated organelle acidification signals ubiquitination, internalization, and degradation of a portion of Pma1p as a means of balancing overall pH homeostasis.  相似文献   

The functional diversity of deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) is not well understood. The MJD family of DUBs consists of four cysteine proteases that share a catalytic “Josephin” domain. The family is named after the DUB ATXN3, which causes the neurodegenerative disease Machado-Joseph disease. The two closely related Josephin domain-containing (JosD) proteins 1 and 2 consist of little more than the Josephin domain. To gain insight into the properties of Josephin domains, we investigated JosD1 and JosD2. JosD1 and JosD2 were found to differ fundamentally in many respects. In vitro, only JosD2 can cleave ubiquitin chains. In contrast, JosD1 cleaves ubiquitin chains only after it is monoubiquitinated, a form of posttranslational-dependent regulation shared with ATXN3. A significant fraction of JosD1 is monoubiquitinated in diverse mouse tissues. In cell-based studies, JosD2 localizes to the cytoplasm whereas JosD1 preferentially localizes to the plasma membrane, particularly when ubiquitinated. The membrane occupancy by JosD1 suggests that it could participate in membrane-dependent events such as cell motility and endocytosis. Indeed, time-lapse imaging revealed that JosD1 enhances membrane dynamics and cell motility. JosD1 also influences endocytosis in cultured cells by increasing the uptake of endocytic markers of macropinocytosis while decreasing those for clathrin- and caveolae-mediated endocytosis. Our results establish that two closely related DUBs differ markedly in activity and function and that JosD1, a membrane-associated DUB whose activity is regulated by ubiquitination, helps regulate membrane dynamics, cell motility, and endocytosis.  相似文献   

Interferon-inducible transmembrane protein 3 (IFITM3) is essential for innate defense against influenza virus in mice and humans. IFITM3 localizes to endolysosomes where it prevents virus fusion, although mechanisms controlling its trafficking to this cellular compartment are not fully understood. We determined that both mouse and human IFITM3 are phosphorylated by the protein-tyrosine kinase FYN on tyrosine 20 (Tyr20) and that mouse IFITM3 is also phosphorylated on the non-conserved Tyr27. Phosphorylation led to a cellular redistribution of IFITM3, including plasma membrane accumulation. Mutation of Tyr20 caused a similar redistribution of IFITM3 and resulted in decreased antiviral activity against influenza virus, whereas Tyr27 mutation of mouse IFITM3 showed minimal effects on localization or activity. Using FYN knockout cells, we also found that IFITM3 phosphorylation is not a requirement for its antiviral activity. Together, these results indicate that Tyr20 is part of an endocytosis signal that can be blocked by phosphorylation or by mutation of this residue. Further mutagenesis narrowed this endocytosis-controlling region to four residues conforming to a YXXΦ (where X is any amino acid and Φ is Val, Leu, or Ile) endocytic motif that, when transferred to CD4, resulted in its internalization from the cell surface. Additionally, we found that phosphorylation of IFITM3 by FYN and mutagenesis of Tyr20 both resulted in decreased IFITM3 ubiquitination. Overall, these results suggest that modification of Tyr20 may serve in a cellular checkpoint controlling IFITM3 trafficking and degradation and demonstrate the complexity of posttranslational regulation of IFITM3.  相似文献   

We carried out in vitro phosphorylation assays to determine whether ROMK1 is a substrate of protein kinase C (PKC) and used the two-electrode voltage clamp method to investigate the role of serine residues 4, 183, and 201, the three putative PKC phosphorylation sites, in the regulation of ROMK1 channel activity. Incubation of the purified His-tagged ROMK1 protein with PKC and radiolabeled ATP resulted in (32)P incorporation into ROMK1 detected by autoradiography. Moreover, the in vitro phosphorylation study of three synthesized peptides corresponding to amino acids 1-16, 174-189, and 196-211 of ROMK1 revealed that serine residues 4 and 201 of ROMK1 were the two main PKC phosphorylation sites. In contrast, (32)P incorporation of peptide 174-189 was absent. In vitro phosphorylation studies with ROMK1 mutants, R1S4/201A, R1S4/183A, and R1S183/201A, demonstrated that the phosphorylation levels of R1S4/201A were significantly lower than those of the other two mutants. Also, the Ba(2+)-sensitive K(+) current in oocytes injected with green fluorescent protein (GFP)-R1S4/201A was only 5% of that in oocytes injected with wild type GFP-ROMK1. In contrast, the K(+) current in oocytes injected with GFP-ROMK1 mutants containing either serine residue 4 or 201 was similar to those injected with wild type ROMK1. Confocal microscope imaging shows that the surface expression of the K(+) channels was significantly diminished in oocytes injected with R1S4/201A and completely absent in oocytes injected with R1S4/183/201A. Furthermore, the biotin labeling technique confirmed that the membrane fraction of ROMK channels was almost absent in HEK293 cells transfected with either R1S4/201A or R1S4/183/201A. However, when serine residues 4 and 201 were mutated to aspartate, the K(+) currents and the surface expression were completely restored. Finally, addition of calphostin C in the incubation medium significantly decreased the K(+) current in comparison with that under control conditions. Biotin labeling technique further indicated that inhibition of PKC decreases the surface ROMK1 expression in human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells transfected with ROMK1. We conclude that ROMK1 is a substrate of PKC and that serine residues 4 and 201 are the two main PKC phosphorylation sites that are essential for the expression of ROMK1 in the cell surface.  相似文献   

Inhibitory glycinergic neurotransmission is terminated by sodium and chloride-dependent plasma membrane glycine transporters (GlyTs). The mainly glial glycine transporter GlyT1 is primarily responsible for the completion of inhibitory neurotransmission and the neuronal glycine transporter GlyT2 mediates the reuptake of the neurotransmitter that is used to refill synaptic vesicles in the terminal, a fundamental role in the physiology and pathology of glycinergic neurotransmission. Indeed, inhibitory glycinergic neurotransmission is modulated by the exocytosis and endocytosis of GlyT2. We previously reported that constitutive and Protein Kinase C (PKC)-regulated endocytosis of GlyT2 is mediated by clathrin and that PKC accelerates GlyT2 endocytosis by increasing its ubiquitination. However, the role of ubiquitination in the constitutive endocytosis and turnover of this protein remains unexplored. Here, we show that ubiquitination of a C-terminus four lysine cluster of GlyT2 is required for constitutive endocytosis, sorting into the slow recycling pathway and turnover of the transporter. Ubiquitination negatively modulates the turnover of GlyT2, such that increased ubiquitination driven by PKC activation accelerates transporter degradation rate shortening its half-life while decreased ubiquitination increases transporter stability. Finally, ubiquitination of GlyT2 in neurons is highly responsive to the free pool of ubiquitin, suggesting that the deubiquitinating enzyme (DUB) ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase-L1 (UCHL1), as the major regulator of neuronal ubiquitin homeostasis, indirectly modulates the turnover of GlyT2. Our results contribute to the elucidation of the mechanisms underlying the dynamic trafficking of this important neuronal protein which has pathological relevance since mutations in the GlyT2 gene (SLC6A5) are the second most common cause of human hyperekplexia.  相似文献   

To investigate the biosynthetic mechanisms involved in the expression of the renal epithelial inward rectifying K(+) channel, ROMK1 (Kir1.1a), a six amino acid epitope (AU1) was introduced onto the extreme N-terminus for efficient immunoprecipitation. As expressed in Xenopus oocytes, the AU1 epitope did not modify the functional properties of the ROMK1 channel. To analyze kinetics of ROMK1 synthesis in renal epithelial cells, the AU1-ROMK1 construct was stably transfected in MDCK cells and pulse chase experiments were conducted. When the cells are grown at 37 degrees C, the ROMK1 protein was unstable, being rapidly degraded with a t(1/2) < 1 hour. Furthermore, whole cell patch clamp experiments failed to detect functional ROMK1 channels at the plasma membrane in cells grown at 37 degrees C. In contrast, the degradation process was minimized when the cells were grown at 26 degrees C (t(1/2) > 4 hours), allowing ROMK1 channels to be functionally expressed on the plasma membrane. In summary, in a mammalian epithelial expression system maintained at a physiological temperature, wild-type ROMK1 is bio-synthetically labile and incapable of efficient traffic to the plasmalemma. These observations are reminiscent of temperature sensitive biosynthetic defects in mutant plasma membrane proteins, suggesting that wild-type ROMK1 may require other factors, like the association of a surrogate subunit, for appropriate biosynthetic processing.  相似文献   

The Notch pathway plays an integral role in development by regulating cell fate in a wide variety of multicellular organisms. A critical step in the activation of Notch signaling is the endocytosis of the Notch ligands Delta and Serrate. Ligand endocytosis is regulated by one of two E3 ubiquitin ligases, Neuralized (Neur) or Mind bomb. Neur is comprised of a C-terminal RING domain, which is required for Delta ubiquitination, and two Neur homology repeat (NHR) domains. We have previously shown that the NHR1 domain is required for Delta trafficking. Here we show that the NHR1 domain also affects the binding and internalization of Serrate. Furthermore, we show that the NHR2 domain is required for Neur function and that a point mutation in the NHR2 domain (Gly430) abolishes Neur ubiquitination activity and affects ligand internalization. Finally, we provide evidence that Neur can form oligomers in both cultured cells and fly tissues, which regulate Neur activity and, by extension, ligand internalization.  相似文献   

In addition to its well-known role in recognition by the proteasome, ubiquitin-conjugation is also involved in downregulation of membrane receptors, transporters and channels. In most cases, ubiquitination of these plasma membrane proteins leads to their internalization followed by targeting to the lysosome/vacuole for degradation. A crucial role in ubiquitination of many plasma membrane proteins appears to be played by ubiquitin-protein ligases of the Nedd4/Rsp5p family. All family members carry an N-terminal Ca2+-dependent lipid/protein binding (C2) domain, two to four WW domains and a C-terminal catalytic Hect-domain. Nedd4 is involved in downregulation of the epithelial Na+ channel, by binding of its WW domains to specific PY motifs of the channel. Rsp5p, the unique family member in S. cerevisiae, is involved in ubiquitin-dependent endocytosis of a great number of yeast plasma membrane proteins. These proteins lack apparent PY motifs, but carry acidic sequences, and/or phosphorylated-based sequences that might be important, directly or indirectly, for their recognition by Rsp5p. In contrast to polyubiquitination leading to proteasomal recognition, a number of Rsp5p targets carry few ubiquitins per protein, and moreover with a different ubiquitin linkage. Accumulating evidence suggests that, at least in yeast, ubiquitin itself may constitute an internalization signal, recognized by a hypothetical receptor. Recent data also suggest that Nedd4/Rsp5p might play a role in the endocytic process possibly involving its C2 domain, in addition to its role in ubiquitinating endocytosed proteins. Recieved: 19 January 2000/Revised: 6 April 2000  相似文献   

We have used the two-electrode voltage clamp technique and the patch clamp technique to investigate the regulation of ROMK1 channels by protein-tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) and protein-tyrosine kinase (PTK) in oocytes coexpressing ROMK1 and cSrc. Western blot analysis detected the presence of the endogenous PTP-1D isoform in the oocytes. Addition of phenylarsine oxide (PAO), an inhibitor of PTP, reversibly reduced K(+) current by 55% in oocytes coinjected with ROMK1 and cSrc. In contrast, PAO had no significant effect on K(+) current in oocytes injected with ROMK1 alone. Moreover, application of herbimycin A, an inhibitor of PTK, increased K(+) current by 120% and completely abolished the effect of PAO in oocytes coexpressing ROMK1 and cSrc. The effects of herbimycin A and PAO were absent in oocytes expressing the ROMK1 mutant R1Y337A in which the tyrosine residue at position 337 was mutated to alanine. However, addition of exogenous cSrc had no significant effect on the activity of ROMK1 channels in inside-out patches. Moreover, the effect of PAO was completely abolished by treatment of oocytes with 20% sucrose and 250 microg/ml concanavalin A, agents that inhibit the endocytosis of ROMK1 channels. Furthermore, the effect of herbimycin A is absent in the oocytes pretreated with either colchicine, an inhibitor of microtubules, or taxol, an agent that freezes microtubules. We conclude that PTP and PTK play an important role in regulating ROMK1 channels. Inhibiting PTP increases the internalization of ROMK1 channels, whereas blocking PTK stimulates the insertion of ROMK1 channels.  相似文献   

Siah proteins are ubiquitin-protein isopeptide ligases (E3) that have been implicated in a variety of cellular actions, including promotion of apoptotic death. Here, we show that Siah1 is a binding partner for POSH (plenty of SH3s), a scaffold component of the apoptotic JNK pathway, and that Siah contributes to death of neurons and other cell types by activating the JNK pathway. Such proapoptotic activity requires the E3 ligase activity of Siah1. Moreover, apoptotic stimuli markedly elevate cellular Siah1 levels by a mechanism reliant on Siah1 protein stabilization. This stabilization requires JNK pathway activation and interaction with POSH and is enhanced by phosphorylation of SIAH1 at tyrosines 100 and 126. Depletion of intracellular Siah proteins via small interference RNA partially protects cells from death evoked by apoptotic stimuli such as trophic factor deprivation and DNA damage. These findings thus reveal a "loop" mechanism in which the JNK pathway promotes SIAH1 stabilization and in which SIAH1 in turn activates the JNK pathway and, ultimately, contributes to cell death.  相似文献   

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