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Carnocyclin A is a circular bacteriocin produced by Carnobacterium maltaromaticum UAL307. The carnocyclin A gene cluster cclBITCDAEFGH had been previously reported, and it was shown that transformation of C. maltaromaticum UAL26 with cclBITCDA resulted in immunity to, and low production of, carnocyclin A. Here, we demonstrate that full production of carnocyclin A in UAL26 transformants could be achieved when cclBITCDA was complemented with a second plasmid that contains cclEFGH. CclEFGH is a multicomponent ABC transporter that has similarity to As-48EFGH which is involved in the production of enterocin AS-48. Transformation of UAL26 containing cclBITCDA with deletion derivatives of cclEFGH did not increase the production of carnocyclin A, confirming the involvement of CclEFGH in bacteriocin production. Transformants of UAL26 containing cclEFGH showed a slight decrease in sensitivity to carnocyclin A, indicating that CclEFGH might also play a role in immunity.  相似文献   

The ionotropic glutamate receptors (iGluRs) represent a major family of ion channels whose quaternary structure has not yet been defined. Here, we present the three-dimensional structure of a fully assembled iGluR, determined at approximately 20A resolution by electron microscopy. Analysis of negatively stained single-particle images reveals the presence of 2-fold, but not 4-fold, symmetry for these tetrameric channels, providing the first direct structural evidence for a dimer-of-dimers assembly. The receptor appears elongated, measuring approximately 170Ax140Ax110A, with the 2-fold symmetry centered on its longitudinal axis. The overall molecular shape and symmetry suggest an orientation relative to the membrane and permit the identification of a putative transmembrane domain. Internal cavities located along the longitudinal axis may represent components of the ion conduction pathway.  相似文献   

The novel tumor biomarker MIEN1, identified by representational difference analysis, is overexpressed in breast cancer and prostate cancer. MIEN1 is considered an oncogenic protein, because MIEN1 overexpression functionally enhances migration and invasion of tumor cells via modulating the activity of AKT. However, the structure and molecular function of MIEN1 is little understood. Here, we report the solution structure of MIEN1, which adopts a thioredoxin-like fold with a redox-active motif. Comparison of backbone chemical shifts showed that most of the residues for both oxidized and reduced MIEN1 possessed the same backbone conformation, with differences limited to the active motif and regions in proximity. The redox potential of this disulfide bond was measured as −225 mV, which compares well with that of disulfides for other thioredoxin-like proteins. Overall, our results suggest that MIEN1 may have an important regulatory role in phosphorylation of AKT with its redox potential.  相似文献   

Carnobacterium maltaromaticum UAL307, isolated from fresh pork, exhibits potent activity against a number of gram-positive organisms, including numerous Listeria species. Three bacteriocins were isolated from culture supernatant, and using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry and Edman sequencing, two of these bacteriocins were identified as piscicolin 126 and carnobacteriocin BM1, both of which have previously been described. The remaining bacteriocin, with a molecular mass of 5,862 Da, could not be sequenced by traditional methods, suggesting that the peptide was either cyclic or N-terminally blocked. This bacteriocin showed remarkable stability over a wide temperature and pH range and was unaffected by a variety of proteases. After digestion with trypsin and α-chymotrypsin, the peptide was de novo sequenced by tandem mass spectrometry and a linear sequence deduced, consisting of 60 amino acids. Based on this sequence, the molecular mass was predicted to be 5,880 Da, 18 units higher than the observed molecular mass, which suggested that the peptide has a cyclic structure. Identification of the genetic sequence revealed that this peptide is circular, formed by a covalent linkage between the N and C termini following cleavage of a 4-residue peptide leader sequence. The results of structural studies suggest that the peptide is highly structured in aqueous conditions. This bacteriocin, named carnocyclin A, is the first reported example of a circular bacteriocin produced by Carnobacterium spp.  相似文献   

胰岛素及其相关蛋白质形成一个超家族,其成员不仅存在于脊椎动物而且也相继在脊索动物[1、2]、软体动物[3]、昆虫[4]和线虫(Caenorhabditiselegans)[5]中发现。它们是机体代谢和生长的重要调节因子,而彼此生物功能不同。通过比较该超家族成员的一级结构,观察到它们有一个共同的序列(图1),这里称之为“胰岛素结构模体”(insulinstructuralmotif)(图2)。在该模体中,X代表不同的残基,但残基数目是固定的,分别为10,3,8;n代表残基的种类和数目都是可变的,n2是B链和A链的连接肽,n1和n3分别位于…  相似文献   

The eukaryotic DNA replication protein Mcm10 associates with chromatin in early S-phase and is required for assembly and function of the replication fork protein machinery. Xenopus laevis (X) Mcm10 binds DNA via a highly conserved internal domain (ID) and a C-terminal domain (CTD) that is unique to higher eukaryotes. Although the structural basis of the interactions of the ID with DNA and polymerase α is known, little information is available for the CTD. We have identified the minimal DNA binding region of the XMcm10-CTD and determined its three-dimensional structure by solution NMR. The CTD contains a globular domain composed of two zinc binding motifs. NMR chemical shift perturbation and mutational analysis show that ssDNA binds only to the N-terminal (CCCH-type) zinc motif, whose structure is unique to Mcm10. The second (CCCC-type) zinc motif is not involved in DNA binding. However, it is structurally similar to the CCCC zinc ribbon in the N-terminal oligomerization domain of eukaryotic and archaeal MCM helicases. NMR analysis of a construct spanning both the ID and CTD reveals that the two DNA binding domains are structurally independent in solution, supporting a modular architecture for vertebrate Mcm10. Our results provide insight in the action of Mcm10 in the replisome and support a model in which it serves as a central scaffold through coupling of interactions with partner proteins and the DNA.  相似文献   

Structural variations (SVs) represent a major source of genetic diversity. However, the functional impact and formation mechanisms of SVs in plant genomes remain largely unexplored. Here, we report a nucleotide-resolution SV map of cucumber (Cucumis sativas) that comprises 26,788 SVs based on deep resequencing of 115 diverse accessions. The largest proportion of cucumber SVs was formed through nonhomologous end-joining rearrangements, and the occurrence of SVs is closely associated with regions of high nucleotide diversity. These SVs affect the coding regions of 1676 genes, some of which are associated with cucumber domestication. Based on the map, we discovered a copy number variation (CNV) involving four genes that defines the Female (F) locus and gives rise to gynoecious cucumber plants, which bear only female flowers and set fruit at almost every node. The CNV arose from a recent 30.2-kb duplication at a meiotically unstable region, likely via microhomology-mediated break-induced replication. The SV set provides a snapshot of structural variations in plants and will serve as an important resource for exploring genes underlying key traits and for facilitating practical breeding in cucumber.  相似文献   

In vitro assembly of vimentin intermediate filaments (IFs) proceeds from soluble, reconstituted tetrameric complexes to mature filaments in three distinct stages: (1) within the first seconds after initiation of assembly, tetramers laterally associate into unit-length filaments (ULFs), on average 17 nm wide; (2) for the next few minutes, ULFs grow by longitudinal annealing into short, immature filaments; (3) almost concomitant with elongation, these immature filaments begin to radially compact, yielding ∼ 11-nm-wide IFs at around 15 min. The near-UV CD signal of soluble tetramers exhibits two main peaks at 285 and 278 nm, which do not change during ULF formation. In contrast, the CD signal of mature IFs exhibits two major changes: (1) the 278-nm band, denoting the transition of the tyrosines from the ground state to the first vibrational mode of the excited state, is lost; (2) a red-shifted band appears at 291 nm, indicating the emergence of a new electronic species. These changes take place independently and at different time scales. The 278-nm signal disappears within the first minute of assembly, compatible with increased rigidity of the tyrosines during elongation of the ULFs. The rise of the 291-nm band has a lifetime of ∼ 13 min and denotes the generation of phenolates by deprotonation of the tyrosines' hydroxyl group after they relocalize into a negatively charged environment. The appearance of such tyrosine-binding “pockets” in the assembling filaments highlights an essential part of the molecular rearrangements characterizing the later stages of the assembly process, including the radial compaction.  相似文献   

Asparagine deamidation occurs spontaneously in proteins during aging; deamidation of Asn-Gly-Arg (NGR) sites can lead to the formation of isoAsp-Gly-Arg (isoDGR), a motif that can recognize the RGD-binding site of integrins. Ceruloplasmin (Cp), a ferroxidase present in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), contains two NGR sites in its sequence: one exposed on the protein surface (568NGR) and the other buried in the tertiary structure (962NGR). Considering that Cp can undergo oxidative modifications in the CSF of neurodegenerative diseases, we investigated the effect of oxidation on the deamidation of both NGR motifs and, consequently, on the acquisition of integrin binding properties. We observed that the exposed 568NGR site can deamidate under conditions mimicking accelerated Asn aging. In contrast, the hidden 962NGR site can deamidate exclusively when aging occurs under oxidative conditions, suggesting that oxidation-induced structural changes foster deamidation at this site. NGR deamidation in Cp was associated with gain of integrin-binding function, intracellular signaling, and cell pro-adhesive activity. Finally, Cp aging in the CSF from Alzheimer disease patients, but not in control CSF, causes Cp deamidation with gain of integrin-binding function, suggesting that this transition might also occur in pathological conditions. In conclusion, both Cp NGR sites can deamidate during aging under oxidative conditions, likely as a consequence of oxidative-induced structural changes, thereby promoting a gain of function in integrin binding, signaling, and cell adhesion.  相似文献   

Carnocyclin A is a circular bacteriocin of 60 amino acids produced by Carnobacterium maltaromaticum UAL307. A region of 12 kb that contained the structural gene for carnocyclin A, cclA, was sequenced using a fosmid library, and 10 genes were identified that could be responsible for carnocyclin A production and immunity. Five of those genes, cclBITCD, were found upstream of cclA: one encodes a protein containing a conserved ATP-binding domain and four encode proteins with putative membrane-spanning domains. CclC shows homology with a family of membrane proteins that contain the domain of unknown function 95 (DUF95). Downstream of cclA four additional genes, cclEFGH, were identified that show similarity to the last four genes, as-48EFGH, of the enterocin AS-48 bacteriocin gene cluster. CclFGH shows sequence homology with As-48FGH. Transformation of C. maltaromaticum UAL26 with cclBITCDA resulted in production of carnocyclin A, indicating that these genes form the minimal requirement for the secretion of fully matured bacteriocin. cclI encodes for a small hydrophobic protein with a high pI, which are characteristic features of known immunity proteins for other circular bacteriocins. Indeed, cloning of cclI behind a constitutive promoter in UAL26 resulted in immunity although the level of resistance was lower than that of UAL26 containing cclBITCDA, indicating that CclI alone is not enough to confer full immunity to carnocyclin A.  相似文献   

Marine microbes degrade dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), which is produced in large quantities by marine algae and plants, with DMSP lyases into acrylate and the gas dimethyl sulfide (DMS). Approximately 10% of the DMS vents from the sea into the atmosphere and this emission returns sulfur, which arrives in the sea through rivers and runoff, back to terrestrial systems via clouds and rain. Despite their key role in this sulfur cycle DMSP lyases are poorly understood at the molecular level. Here we report the first X-ray crystal structure of the putative DMSP lyase RdDddP from Roseobacter denitrificans, which belongs to the abundant DddP family. This structure, determined to 2.15 Å resolution, shows that RdDddP is a homodimeric metalloprotein with a binuclear center of two metal ions located 2.7 Å apart in the active site of the enzyme. Consistent with the crystallographic data, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TRXF) revealed the bound metal species to be primarily iron. A 3D structure guided analysis of environmental DddP lyase sequences elucidated the critical residues for metal binding are invariant, suggesting all proteins in the DddP family are metalloenzymes.  相似文献   

RxLR effectors represent one of the largest and most diverse effector families in oomycete plant pathogens. These effectors have attracted enormous attention since they can be delivered inside the plant cell and manipulates host immunity. With the exceptions of a signal peptide and the following RxLR-dEER and C-terminal W/Y/L motifs identified from the sequences themselves, nearly no functional domains have been found. Recently, protein structures of several RxLRs were revealed to comprise alpha-helical bundle repeats. However, approximately half of all RxLRs lack obvious W/Y/L motifs, which are associated with helical structures. In this study, secondary structure prediction of the putative RxLR proteins was performed. We found that the C-terminus of the majority of these RxLR proteins, irrespective of the presence of W/Y/L motifs, contains abundant short alpha-helices. Since a large-scale experimental determination of protein structures has been difficult to date, results of the current study extend our understanding on the oomycete RxLR effectors in protein secondary structures from individual members to the entire family. Moreover, we identified less alpha-helix-rich proteins from secretomes of several oomycete and fungal organisms in which RxLRs have not been identified, providing additional evidence that these organisms are unlikely to harbor RxLR-like proteins. Therefore, these results provide additional information that will aid further studies on the evolution and functional mechanisms of RxLR effectors.  相似文献   

The aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) superfamily is a vast group of enzymes that catalyze the NAD+-dependent oxidation of aldehydes to carboxylic acids. ALDH16 is perhaps the most enigmatic member of the superfamily, owing to its extra C-terminal domain of unknown function and the absence of the essential catalytic cysteine residue in certain non-bacterial ALDH16 sequences. Herein we report the first production of recombinant ALDH16, the first biochemical characterization of ALDH16, and the first crystal structure of ALDH16. Recombinant expression systems were generated for the bacterial ALDH16 from Loktanella sp. and human ALDH16A1. Four high-resolution crystal structures of Loktanella ALDH16 were determined. Loktanella ALDH16 is found to be a bona fide enzyme, exhibiting NAD+-binding, ALDH activity, and esterase activity. In contrast, human ALDH16A1 apparently lacks measurable aldehyde oxidation activity, suggesting that it is a pseudoenzyme, consistent with the absence of the catalytic Cys in its sequence. The fold of ALDH16 comprises three domains: NAD+-binding, catalytic, and C-terminal. The latter is unique to ALDH16 and features a Rossmann fold connected to a protruding β-flap. The tertiary structural interactions of the C-terminal domain mimic the quaternary structural interactions of the classic ALDH superfamily dimer, a phenomenon we call “trans-hierarchical structural similarity.” ALDH16 forms a unique dimer in solution, which mimics the classic ALDH superfamily dimer-of-dimer tetramer. Small-angle X-ray scattering shows that human ALDH16A1 has the same dimeric structure and fold as Loktanella ALDH16. We suggest that the Loktanella ALDH16 structure may be considered to be the archetype of the ALDH16 family.  相似文献   

Calsequestrin undergoes dynamic polymerization with increasing calcium concentration by front-to-front dimerization and back-to-back packing, forming wire-shaped structures. A recent finding that point mutation R33Q leads to lethal catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT) implies a crucial role for the N terminus. In this study, we demonstrate that this mutation resides in a highly conserved alternately charged residue cluster (DGKDR; cluster 1) in the N-terminal end of calsequestrin. We further show that this cluster configures itself as a ring system and that the dipolar arrangement within the cluster brings about a critical conformational flip of Lys31-Asp32 essential for dimer stabilization by formation of a H-bond network. We additionally show that Ca2+-induced calsequestrin aggregation is nonlinear and reversible and can regain the native conformation by Ca2+ chelation with EGTA. This study suggests that cluster 1 works as a molecular switch and governs the bidirectional transition between the CASQ2 monomer and dimer. We further demonstrate that mutations disrupting the alternating charge pattern of the cluster, including R33Q, impair Ca2+-CASQ2 interaction, leading to altered polymerization-depolymerization dynamics. This study provides new mechanistic insight into the functional effects of the R33Q mutation and its potential role in CPVT.  相似文献   

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