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The seasonal abundance of Calanus finmarchicus and Calanus helgolandicusin the North Channel and stratified region of the western IrishSea is reviewed using data collected between 1992 and 1996.Both species occur in the western Irish Sea, but were more abundantin the stratified region during spring. Increased abundanceduring May/June was attributed to an increase in copepoditestages. Calanus helgolandicus dominated in both regions, exhibitingspring and autumn peaks in abundance in the stratified region.It is argued that the presence of ripe females and naupliarstages in the stratified region is evidence of an in situ breedingpopulation, rather than advection of individuals from populationcentres outside the Irish Sea. The lack of geographical separationof the two species in the western Irish sea, and reports thatboth species occur in the Celtic Sea and Malin Shelf, limitthe use of either species as indicators of exchange processesbetween the Irish Sea and neighbouring waters.  相似文献   

The distributions and abundances of copepod and barnacle naupliiare described along a five-station transect in the Irish Seafrom Liverpool Bay, England, to Dundalk Bay, Ireland, in May1989. Correspondence analysis revealed that various hydrographicregions in the Irish Sea are characterized by distinct naupliusassemblages. Acartia, Centropages and Temora nauplii were associatedwith the Welsh coastal water east of the Liverpool Bay front.The western stratified water to the west of the seasonal, westernIrish Sea front was distinguished from the mixed water to theeast by abundances of Calanus, Pseudocalanus, Oithona, Microcalanusand harpacticoid nauplii. The Liverpool Bay and western IrishSea fronts are, apparently, boundaries between coastal and offshoreassemblages of crustacean nauplii.  相似文献   

Predator-limited population growth of the copepod Pseudocalanus sp.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The impact of predators on population growth of Pseudocalanussp. was investigated in Dabob Bay, Washington. Mortality ofPseudocalanus sp. was determined from stage-specific survivorship,from seasonal changes in mortality rates of adult males andfemales and from incidence of injuries to adult copepods. Theprincipal predators of adult Pseudocalanus were identified asthe predatory copepod Euchaeta elongata, the omnivorous euphausiidEuphausia pacifica and the chaetognath Sagirta elegans. Predatorattack rates - and prey mortality rates - are highly density-dependentand thus sensitive to prey dispersion in the water column, particularlyto layering in the vertical plane. Predation rates by the threeprincipal predators exceeded 100% of the recruitment rate toadult Pseudocalanus sp. beginning in early summer, thus restrictingpopulation growth. Planktivorous fish predation (by adult three-spinestickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus, and juvenile chum salmon,Oncorhynchus keta) on Pseudocalanus sp. adults was estimatedto be two orders of magnitude lower than consumption rates bypredatory zooplankton, at a deep water station in July. Analysisof seasonal changes in prey ingested by Sagitta elegans revealedthat Pseudocalanus sp. was the major prey item of S. elegansin April (61.0% of prey) and in June (67.0% of prey), thereafterdeclining seasonally in importance. Predation by S. elegansvaried seasonally with changes in chaetognath stage structure,vertical distribution and diapause, not size structure alone.Although chaetognath recruitment and population growth appearto be directly coupled to the abundance of Pseudocalanus sp.,predation by S. elegans has little reciprocal impact on Pseudocalanussp. population growth; hence asymmetries may occur in the interaction of planktonic prey and predators.  相似文献   

The interaction of the chaetognath Sagitta elegans with thecopepod community of the southeast Bering Sea middle shelf wasexamined in relation to environmental conditions during 1995–1999.Predation impact was estimated for 2 years, 1995 and 1997, usinggut content analysis, experimentally derived digestion time(DT) and abundances of chaetognaths and prey. Pseudocalanusconcentrations correlated with water temperature and Calanusmarshallae with sea ice extent. Sagitta elegans were less abundantbut individuals were larger in 1995, when C. marshallae predominated,compared to 1997, when Pseudocalanus and Acartia were the primaryprey. Predation by S. elegans removed <1% standing stockday–1 of Pseudocalanus or C. marshallae in 1995 and 1.7to 2.3% of Pseudocalanus in 1997. The percent of the copepodcommunity biomass required by chaetognaths was estimated tobe <1% in 1995 compared with 8–12% in 1997. Calanusmarshallae may be more vulnerable than Pseudocalanus to cumulativepredation effects because of its reproductive strategy. Theeffect of chaetognath predation on the copepod community dependson which copepod species is predominant and its susceptibilityto cumulative predation effects, as well as on daily predationimpact, both of which varied between years with different climaticconditions.  相似文献   

Temperature-dependent stage durations of Irish Sea Nephrops larvae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relationships between temperature and stage duration ofthe three zoea stages of Irish Sea Nephrops norvegicus wereinvestigated by culturing individual larvae at five differenttemperatures. The relationships are required for estimatingdaily larval production from survey data on abundance. The survivalof cultured larvae was relatively high. Estimates of the temperature–stageduration relationships from data of individual larvae were differentfrom a previous Irish Sea study. However, using the averageduration at each temperature gave relationships that were notsignificantly different from previous studies in the Irish Seaand Clyde. No larvae were successfully reared to stage IV (post-zoea)at lower temperatures, so it was impossible to assess the relationshipbetween stage III larval duration and temperature.  相似文献   

Results of a survey of Nephrops norvegicus larvae conductedin the western Irish Sea during May 1984 are discussed. Thelarval distributions show a pronounced tongue of high numbersextending southward from the muddy area where they are hatched.The inferred density-driven circulation at the time of the surveyis consistent with the southward transport of larvae. BecauseN.norvegicus requires a muddy substrate for successful larvalsettlement, the processes which influence the circulation mayprovide an important control on the level of recruitment.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of water supply and nutritionon the water status, gas exchange and growth of mature plantsand resprouts of Arbutus unedo, a Mediterranean evergreen shrubadapted to drought and poor nutrition. Mature plants of A. unedorespond to irrigation with increased leaf water potential duringsummer drought, but they show a very conservative use of waterand they do not increase leaf conductance. There is also a verysmall increase in net photosynthesis and growth, which doesnot significantly increase productivity. Resprouts of A. unedo increase water potential, leaf conductance,transpiration rate, net photosynthesis and growth rate in responseto watering, showing a less conservative use of water than matureplants. Increased growth rates, both in mature plants and resprouts,are likely to be due to the higher cell turgor caused by improvedleaf water potential, rather than to increased photosynthesis. The only effect of nutrient addition on mature plants is anincrease in leaf nutrient content, and other aspects of thephysiology and growth of resprouts were unaffected. We thereforeconclude that water is a more limiting factor than nutrientsfor mature plants and resprouts of A. unedo growing in the studyarea. These results support previous data which indicate thathigher growth rates in resprouts than in mature plants of A.unedo are mainly the result of a higher water availability.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Arbutus unedo L., strawberry tree, resprouts, water stress, nutrient availability, water relations, gas exchange, growth rate, regeneration  相似文献   

During a hydrographical survey in the northern Kattegat, 1975to 1977, vertical plankton hauls were taken monthly at fourstations between Göteborg and Frederikshavn. Hydrographicalparameters were measured at 10 stations along the transect.Sagitta setosa J. Mailer was by far the most dominant chaetognath(99% of individuals). Sagitta elegans Verrill and Eukrohniahamata Möbius occurred simultaneously with inflowing highsaline water during autumn and winter. The transport of S. setosaby currents was an important factor influencing the abundancesand the breeding period in the Kattegat. The abundance peakin 1977 was only one fifth of that found in 1975. The startand the duration of the breeding period (defined as presenceof stage 1 individuals <3 mm) varied between the three years.Breeding occurred between the middle of July and December witha peak in August and September. Changes in size distributionwere small during winter and spring, possibly due to low temperatures.S. setosa has probably a life span of one year in the Kattegat.Some earlier results regarding the number of breeding periodsof S. setosa per year are questioned. It is proposed that thenumber of generations per year of S. setosa and the start andthe duration of the breeding period(s) in western European watersshould be regarded as an open question until further informationis available.  相似文献   

A part of the western Irish Sea is strongly stratified during the summer months, with the boundary of stratification marked by a front with horizontal temperature gradients. Continuous on-line analysis has been used to record the surface water variability of nine characteristics along a cruise path in this area.Multivariate analysis (principal component) indicates the presence of four distinct water types separated by thermal gradients. Two of these water types show land mass influence and two illustrated the effects of the mixed and stratified regimes. The stratified surface waters had a marked degree of homogeneity with respect to the measured characteristics, while the mixed surface waters exhibited greater variability. Marked micro-variations in chlorophyll a concentrations were observed in the latter water type.No consistent relationships were observed among the physical, chemical, and biological variables across the front because of the gradual change in the gross properties of the mixed surface water during its northward passage through the Irish Sea.  相似文献   

A survey of the biological and physical oceanography of theLigurian Sea was conducted in the late summer of 2000. Forty-onestations were sampled for nutrients, oxygen, fluorescence andhydrographic information. Acoustic backscatter measurementswere used to estimate abundance of small (<5 mm) zooplanktonbiovolume versus depth and the distribution of northern krill,Meganyctiphanes norvegica. Net-tow and underwater video datawere collected to identify the zooplankton present. These datawere used to analyze the Ligurian Sea ecosystem for physicaland biological linkages that control zooplankton abundance anddistribution. Results are compared with those from a similarstudy conducted in 1999. Hydrographic sampling showed a domeof dense water in the southwestern middle of the basin. Thehighest chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentrations were measured inthis area, while small zooplankton biovolume was evenly distributedthroughout the survey. Integrated values of Chl a and smallzooplankton biovolume in 2000 were greater than in 1999. Meganyctiphanesnorvegica, siphonophores and salps were the dominant componentsof the macrozooplankton population in the upper 200 m. In thesampled depth strata, siphonophore abundance did not changeduring the day, while M. norvegica were only caught at night.Acoustic backscatter data show that higher densities of M. norvegicaoccurred in deeper water and in the western and southwesternareas of the Ligurian Sea.  相似文献   

Three cruises were conducted in the Irish Sea during May, Juneand July 2001 to determine the variability in inherent opticalproperties (IOP), photo physiological parameters and primaryproduction (PP) and to assess the effect of IOP on satellitePP algorithms. The absorption coefficients of phytoplankton(aph), coloured dissolved organic material (aCDOM) and nonalgalparticles (aNAP) were higher during May than June and July.A radiative transfer model was used to model the in-water lightfield based on aph (case 1) and aph, aCDOM and aNAP (case 2).When PP was compared using these light fields, there was a 46%difference in estimates. The case 2 in-water light field wascoupled to a wavelength resolving satellite model of PP (PPcase2)and had a low root mean square error (RMS) (0.27 log10PP) comparedwith in situ PPcase2. IOP absorption, especially aCDOM, hada significant effect on the performance of this algorithm, butscattering of light by suspended particulate material had asmall effect. A look-up table was generated from the in situaph, aCDOM and aNAP measurements, which can be used in conjunctionwith satellite products to produce satellite maps of PP. Therewas <25% difference between in situ PPcase2 and the satellitePP maps, which suggests that they could be produced routinelyand accurately to monitor PP in the Irish Sea and other coastaland estuarine areas.  相似文献   

The western Irish Sea is an important spawning and nursery ground for many commercially exploited fish. Spawning begins in the Irish coastal regions in early spring, and moves offshore as the season develops. As a result of the onset of seasonal heating in spring, stratification isolates a dome of cold bottom winter water in the deep (>100 m) basin of the western Irish Sea. The resultant density fields drive a cyclonic gyre which dominates the circulation of the region during late spring and summer and is characterized by anticlockwise current speeds which exceed 0.2 ms–1, after removal of tides. Surveys of pelagic juvenile (0-group) fish in 1994, 1995 and 1996, showed that they were coincident with the centre of the gyre. Physical data from 1994 and 1995, were used to describe the horizontal and vertical structure of the water column and the associated circulation regime. The behaviour and swimming speeds of pelagic juvenile fish were insufficient to explain their apparent shift in abundance away from the coast to the central western Irish Sea. Drifter and current data suggested that their entrainment into the gyre could provide both the transport and retention mechanisms.  相似文献   

The freshwater phase of the first seaward migration of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is relatively well understood when compared with our understanding of the marine phase of their migration. In 2021, 1008 wild and 60 ranched Atlantic salmon smolts were tagged with acoustic transmitters in 12 rivers in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Ireland. Large marine receiver arrays were deployed in the Irish Sea at two locations: at the transition of the Irish Sea into the North Atlantic between Ireland and Scotland, and between southern Scotland and Northern Ireland, to examine the early phase of the marine migration of Atlantic salmon smolts. After leaving their natal rivers' post-smolt migration through the Irish Sea was rapid with minimum speeds ranging from 14.03 to 38.56 km.day−1 for Atlantic salmon smolts that entered the Irish Sea directly from their natal river, to 9.69–39.94 km.day−1 for Atlantic salmon smolts that entered the Irish Sea directly from their natal estuary. Population minimum migration success through the study area was strongly correlated with the distance of travel, populations further away from the point of entry to the open North Atlantic exhibited lower migration success. Post-smolts from different populations experienced different water temperatures on entering the North Atlantic. This was largely driven by the timing of their migration and may have significant consequences for feeding and ultimately survivorship. The influence of water currents on post-smolt movement was investigated using data from previously constructed numerical hydrodynamic models. Modeled water current data in the northern Irish Sea showed that post-smolts had a strong preference for migrating when the current direction was at around 283° (west-north-west) but did not migrate when exposed to strong currents in other directions. This is the most favorable direction for onward passage from the Irish Sea to the continental shelf edge current, a known accumulation point for migrating post-smolts. These results strongly indicate that post-smolts migrating through the coastal marine environment are: (1) not simply migrating by current following (2) engage in active directional swimming (3) have an intrinsic sense of their migration direction and (4) can use cues other than water current direction to orientate during this part of their migration.  相似文献   

Cod larvae from Irish Sea stocks were reared under differentgrowth conditions, and the otolith growth and increment formationexamined in sagittae and lapilli. Otolith increments were firstdeposited around the time of hatching and increment counts,on average, reflected larval age. The growth rate of fish larvaereared in different sized tanks was significantly different(P < 0.001), but there was no detectable effect on incrementformation. Otolith size was independent of larval size for individuals<5 mm in length. In larvae >6 mm, larger, faster growingindividuals had larger and faster growing otoliths.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation and life history of the pelagic chaetognatha,Sagitta elegans Verrill, in Toyama Bay, southern Japan Sea,were investigated using a time series of 0–500 m verticalhauls with a Norpac net from 1 February 1990 to 30 January 1991.Nine species of one genus occurred in Toyama Bay throughoutthe year, including the cold-water species S.elegans. Therewas no remarkable variation in abundance throughout the year,although many individuals were collected in August. Juvenilesoccurred mostly in spring and summer, from late March to August.Adults (Stage 3) occurred in all seasons, except summer. Thebody length of adults ranged from 26 to 30 mm. There were twoprincipal spawning periods. One was in March-May and the otherwas in August. Life spans of both cohorts were 10–12 months.Copepods were major prey of S.elegans inhabiting Toyama Bay.The annual mean food-containing ratio (FRC) was 6.1%, but values>10% occurred in February, April, May, July and September.  相似文献   

Certain anthropogenic chemicals, most notably xeno-oestrogens,are known to have the potential to disrupt vertebrate endocrinesystems. For example, induction of the female-specific protein,vitellogenin, in male fish is a well-known effect of exposureto xeno-oestrogens and serves as a biomarker of such exposure.There have been few comparable studies of putative biomarkersof endocrine disruption in invertebrates. An exception is theupregulation of vitellin-like larval storage protein (LSP) expressionin the barnacle cypris larva following exposure to oestrogenicchemicals. The current study aimed to establish whether larvaeof the glass prawn, Palaemon elegans, are likewise susceptibleto xeno-oestrogen exposure. Using a polyclonal antiserum toP. elegans apolipovitellin, an 86 kDa polypeptide was detectedby western blotting in the larval and early postlarval stagesof this species. An indirect ELISA applied to the soluble proteinfraction of larval homogenates determined that the titre ofthis putative LSP ranged, depending on larval stage, from 0.48–0.67ng µg–1. Exposure of P. elegans larvae to the xeno-oestrogen4-n-nonylphenol (4-NP), at 0.2–20 µg L–1,resulted in a significant, concentration-independent increasein putative LSP levels of 5–18%. Conversely, exposureto the natural oestrogen, 17ß-oestradiol (E2), at0.2 and 20 µg L–1, led to a significant concentration-independentdecline (up to 11%) in LSP levels. Whether the effect of 4-NPresults from endocrine disruption is not known, however, anoestrogen receptor-mediated effect is unlikely. Other than aslight increase in larval mortality when exposed to 4-NP at2 µg L–1, neither 4-NP nor E2 significantly affecteddevelopment, growth or survival of P. elegans larvae.  相似文献   

During 1973 – 1977, when Sagitta elegans was returningto dominance over S. setosa in Plymouth waters, there was often,in summer in stratified conditions, a community characterizedby S. setosa in the warm water above the thermocline, and atypical S. elegans community in the colder layer below the thermocline.This vertical separation persisted at night even though somespecies from the S. elegans community migrated up into the warmlayer. Such vertical migration was not stopped by a temperaturediscontinuity of from 3° to 6°C, but fewer individuals,or a lesser proportion of species, took part at the higher temperaturedifference. Only a small part of the zooplankton, comprisingsmall individuals of Limacina retroversa, the appendicularians,and, possibly, post-larvae of Arnoglossus laterna, showed signsof aggregation at the thermocline or the chlorophyll maximumclose to it.  相似文献   

高燕  张中润  许再福 《昆虫学报》2006,49(4):636-642
本文通过研究雅脊金小蜂Theocolax elegans在6个不同温度梯度下对米象Sitophilus oryzae幼虫的寄生和取食能力,评价了雅脊金小蜂对米象的控制效果。雅脊金小蜂寄生米象的功能反应结果表明,在17℃~29℃的温度范围内,寄生蜂的寄主处理时间与温度成反比,从0.333天(17℃)到0.063天(29℃)。寄主搜索率也随温度变化而变化,17℃时最低(0.083头/天),26℃时最高(1.521头/天);当温度升高到29℃,寄主搜索率略有下降;但当温度升高到32℃,寄主搜索率明显下降。温度调节的功能反应模型表明,在26℃~29℃的温度范围内,寄生率较高。所以,在26℃~29℃时,雅脊金小蜂对米象有较好的控制效果。  相似文献   

The development, generation number and diapausing state of threeCyclops species dominant in the open water of Lake Balaton werestudied by means of vials placed back into the lake, in naturalfeeding conditions. The males of all three species turned intoadults earlier than the females. The copepodite V stage wasof the longest duration. Three generations of Cyclops vicinusdeveloped yearly; in spring, autumn and winter. About 50% ofthe copepodite stage IV of the spring generation entered activediapause at the end of May, beginning of June, then entereddormancy between the middle of June and middle of July. Consideringthe literary data as well, it seems that the generation numberof the species is the function of temperature and of the water'strophic state. The Acanthocydops robustus f. limnetica is fondof warm water (> 14°C). Seven generations of this speciesdeveloped completely yearly, during an average of 2-week intervalsbetween May and September. The eightli generation died in thenaupliar stage. The generation number of A. robustus f. limneticadepends on the average temperature of the lake. Inactive diapausecould not be observed for this species. Only one generationof Mesocyclops latckarti developed in autumn. The copepoditeV of the winter generation entered active diapause below a watertemperature of 10°C, and inactive diapause from the endof January, which state ended in March.  相似文献   

Growth (assessed from intermolt period and molt increment) andmetabolism (oxygen consumption) of the post-larva of Euphausiapacifica from the southern Japan Sea were determined at sevengraded temperatures ranging from 1 to 25°C. The intermoltperiod shortened progressively as temperature increased from1 to 20°C, but an effect of temperature on molt-to-moltgrowth increment was not seen. Oxygen consumption rates wereaccelerated by the increase in temperature up to 20°C. Beyond20°C, E.pacifica exhibited reduced oxygen consumption anddied within 1 day without molting. After removing the effectof body size, the relationships between growth rate and temperature,and between oxygen consumption rate and temperature, were established.The carbon budget was calculated as a function of temperature.Because of differential effects of temperature on growth andmetabolism, the net growth efficiency [K2 growthx100/(growth+metabolism)]changed with temperature. The optimum temperature at which E.pacificaattained the maximum K2 was 11.4°C, which was derived fromcalculation of cumulative carbon invested in growth and metabolismin this animal. In an alternative method, the optimum temperaturewas obtained mathematically by solving a set of differentialequations. The biological and ecological significance of theoptimum temperature which leads to the maximum K2 is discussed.  相似文献   

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