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Phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase is required for G1 to S phase cell cycle progression stimulated by a variety of growth factors and is implicated in the activation of several downstream effectors, including p70S6K. However, the molecular mechanisms by which PI 3-kinase is engaged in activation of the cell cycle machinery are not well understood. Here we report that the expression of a dominant negative (DN) form of either the p110α catalytic or the p85 regulatory subunit of heterodimeric PI 3-kinase strongly inhibited epidermal growth factor (EGF)-induced upregulation of cyclin D1 protein in NIH 3T3(M17) fibroblasts. The PI 3-kinase inhibitors LY294002 and wortmannin completely abrogated increases in both mRNA and protein levels of cyclin D1 and phosphorylation of pRb, inducing G1 arrest in EGF-stimulated cells. By contrast, rapamycin, which potently suppressed p70S6K activity throughout the G1 phase, had little inhibitory effect, if any, on either of these events. PI 3-kinase, but not rapamycin-sensitive pathways, was also indispensable for upregulation of cyclin D1 mRNA and protein by other mitogens in NIH 3T3 (M17) cells and in wild-type NIH 3T3 cells as well. We also found that an enforced expression of wild-type p110 was sufficient to induce cyclin D1 protein expression in growth factor-deprived NIH 3T3(M17) cells. The p110 induction of cyclin D1 in quiescent cells was strongly inhibited by coexpression of either of the PI 3-kinase DN forms, and by LY294002, but was independent of the Ras-MEK-ERK pathway. Unlike mitogen stimulation, the p110 induction of cyclin D1 was sensitive to rapamycin. These results indicate that the catalytic activity of PI 3-kinase is necessary, and could also be sufficient, for upregulation of cyclin D1, with mTOR signaling being differentially required depending upon cellular conditions.  相似文献   

PI3K在植物的正常生长和胁迫应答过程中发挥着很重要的功能.在本文中,我们证实了在种子萌发过程中,PI3K促进了种子的萌发.通过RT-PCR的分析,我们发现,PI3K在整个过程中,伴随着吸胀时间的延长,表达量逐渐上升.而PI3K抑制剂的处理,证实了萌发过程中,PI3K促萌发的效应.DCF检测ROS的产生发现,在萌发的过程中,PBK促进了ROS的生成.PI3K产物PI3P亚细胞定位的分析发现,PI3P主要定位于膜结构区域.总之,本文借助于光学分子成像技术发现PI3K在种子萌发过程中的重要作用,提出PI3K通过调控ROS生成促进种子萌发的重要机理.  相似文献   

The activation of p70s6k is associated with multiple phosphorylations at two sets of sites. The first set, S411, S418, T421, and S424, reside within the autoinhibitory domain, and each contains a hydrophobic residue at -2 and a proline at +1. The second set of sites, T229 (in the catalytic domain) and T389 and S404 (in the linker region), are rapamycin sensitive and flanked by bulky aromatic residues. Here we describe the identification and mutational analysis of three new phosphorylation sites, T367, S371, and T447, all of which have a recognition motif similar to that of the first set of sites. A mutation of T367 or T447 to either alanine or glutamic acid had no apparent effect on p70s6k activity, whereas similar mutations of S371 abolished kinase activity. Of these three sites and their surrounding motifs, only S371 is conserved in p70s6k homologs from Drosophila melanogaster, Arabidopsis thaliana, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, as well as many members of the protein kinase C family. Serum stimulation increased S371 phosphorylation; unlike the situation for specific members of the protein kinase C family, where the homologous site is regulated by autophosphorylation, S371 phosphorylation is regulated by an external mechanism. Phosphopeptide analysis of S371 mutants further revealed that the loss of activity in these variants was paralleled by a block in serum-induced T389 phosphorylation, a phosphorylation site previously shown to be essential for kinase activity. Nevertheless, the substitution of an acidic residue at T389, which mimics phosphorylation at this site, did not rescue mutant p70s6k activity, indicating that S371 phosphorylation plays an independent role in regulating intrinsic kinase activity.  相似文献   

CD5 acts as a coreceptor on T lymphocytes and plays an important role in T-cell signaling and T-cell–B-cell interactions. Costimulation of T lymphocytes with anti-CD5 antibodies results in an increase of the intracellular Ca2+ levels, and subsequently in the activation of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent (CaM) kinase type IV. In the present study, we have characterized the initial signaling pathway induced by anti-CD5 costimulation. The activation of phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase through tyrosine phosphorylation of its p85 subunit is a proximal event in the CD5-signaling pathway and leads to the activation of the lipid kinase activity of the p110 subunit. The PI 3-kinase inhibitors wortmannin and LY294002 inhibit the CD5-induced response as assessed in interleukin-2 (IL-2) secretion experiments. The expression of an inactivated Rac1 mutant (Rac1 · N17) in T lymphocytes transfected with an IL-2 promoter-driven reporter construct also abrogates the response to CD5 costimulation, while the expression of a constitutively active Rac1 mutant (Rac1-V12) completely replaces the CD5 costimulatory signal. The Rac1-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor Vav is heavily phosphorylated on tyrosine residues upon CD5 costimulation, which is a prerequisite for its activation. A role for Vav in the CD5-induced signaling pathway is further supported by the findings that the expression of a dominant negative Vav mutant (Vav-C) completely abolishes the response to CD5 costimulation while the expression of a constitutively active Vav mutant [Vav(Δ1–65)] makes the CD5 costimulation signal superfluous. Wortmannin is unable to block the Vav(Δ1–65)- or Rac1 · V12-induced signals, indicating that both Vav and Rac1 function downstream from PI 3-kinase. Vav and Rac1 both act upstream from the CD5-induced activation of CaM kinase IV, since KN-62, an inhibitor of CaM kinases, and a dominant negative CaM kinase IV mutant block the Vav(Δ1–65)-and Rac1 · V12-mediated signals. We propose a model for the CD5-induced signaling pathway in which the PI 3-kinase lipid products, together with tyrosine phosphorylation, activate Vav, resulting in the activation of Rac1 by the Vav-mediated exchange of GDP for GTP.  相似文献   

In mammalian cells, mitogen-induced phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6 by p70s6k has been implicated in the selective translational upregulation of 5′TOP mRNAs. We demonstrate here that the homologous Arabidopsis thaliana protein, AtS6k2, ectopically expressed in human 293 cells or isolated from plant cells, phosphorylates specifically mammalian and plant S6 at 25°C but not at 37°C. When Arabidopsis suspension culture cells are shifted from 25 to 37°C, the kinase becomes rapidly inactivated, consistent with the observation that heat shock abrogates S6 phosphorylation in plants. Treatment with potato acid phosphatase reduced the specific activity of immunoprecipitated AtS6k2 threefold, an effect which was blocked in the presence of 4-nitrophenyl phosphate. In quiescent mammalian cells, AtS6k2 is activated by serum stimulation, a response which is abolished by the fungal metabolite wortmannin but is resistant to rapamycin. Treatment of mammalian cells with rapamycin abolishes in vivo S6 phosphorylation by p70s6k; however, ectopic expression of AtS6k2 rescues the rapamycin block. Collectively, the data demonstrate that AtS6k2 is the functional plant homolog of mammalian p70s6k and identify a new signalling pathway in plants.  相似文献   

H Shima  M Pende  Y Chen  S Fumagalli  G Thomas    S C Kozma 《The EMBO journal》1998,17(22):6649-6659
Recent studies have shown that the p70(s6k)/p85(s6k) signaling pathway plays a critical role in cell growth by modulating the translation of a family of mRNAs termed 5'TOPs, which encode components of the protein synthetic apparatus. Here we demonstrate that homozygous disruption of the p70(s6k)/p85(s6k) gene does not affect viability or fertility of mice, but that it has a significant effect on animal growth, especially during embryogenesis. Surprisingly, S6 phosphorylation in liver or in fibroblasts from p70(s6k)/p85(s6k)-deficient mice proceeds normally in response to mitogen stimulation. Furthermore, serum-induced S6 phosphorylation and translational up-regulation of 5'TOP mRNAs were equally sensitive to the inhibitory effects of rapamycin in mouse embryo fibroblasts derived from p70(s6k)/p85(s6k)-deficient and wild-type mice. A search of public databases identified a novel p70(s6k)/p85(s6k) homolog which contains the same regulatory motifs and phosphorylation sites known to control kinase activity. This newly identified gene product, termed S6K2, is ubiquitously expressed and displays both mitogen-dependent and rapamycin-sensitive S6 kinase activity. More striking, in p70(s6k)/p85(s6k)-deficient mice, the S6K2 gene is up-regulated in all tissues examined, especially in thymus, a main target of rapamycin action. The finding of a new S6 kinase gene, which can partly compensate for p70(s6k)/p85(s6k) function, underscores the importance of S6K function in cell growth.  相似文献   

We have previously found that loss of C/EBPalpha in hepatocytes of newborn livers leads to increased proliferation, to a reduction in p21 protein levels and to an induction of S phase-specific E2F/p107 complexes. In this paper, we investigated C/EBPalpha-dependent regulation of E2F complexes in a well-characterized cell line, 3T3-L1, and in stable transformants that conditionally express C/EBPalpha. C/EBPalpha and C/EBPbeta proteins are induced in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes during differentiation with different kinetics and potentially may regulate E2F/Rb family complexes. In pre-differentiated cells, three E2F complexes are observed: cdk2/E2F/p107, E2F/p130 and E2F4. cdk2/E2F/p107 complexes are induced in nuclear extracts of 3T3-L1 cells during mitotic expansion, but are not detectable in nuclear extracts at later stages of 3T3-L1 differentiation. The reduction in E2F/p107 complexes is associated with elevation of C/EBPalpha, but is independent of C/EBPbeta expression. Bacterially expressed, purified His-C/EBPalpha is able to disrupt E2F/p107 complexes that are observed at earlier stages of 3T3-L1 differentiation. C/EBPbeta, however, does not disrupt E2F/p107 complexes. A short C/EBPalpha peptide with homology to E2F is sufficient to bring about the disruption of E2F/p107 complexes from 3T3-L1 cells in vitro. Induction of C/EBPalpha in stable 3T3-L1 clones revealed that C/EBPalpha causes disruption of p107/E2F complexes in these cells. In contrast, E2F/p130 complexes are induced in cells expressing C/EBPalpha. Our data suggest that induction of p130/E2F complexes by C/EBPalpha occurs via up-regulation of p21, which, in turn, leads to association with and inhibition of, cdk2 kinase activity. The reduction in cdk2 kinase activity correlates with alterations of p130 phosphorylation and with induction of p130/E2F complexes in 3T3-L1 stable clones. Our data suggest two pathways of C/EBPalpha-dependent regulation of E2F/Rb family complexes: disruption of S phase-specific E2F/p107 complexes and induction of E2F/p130 complexes.  相似文献   

Benzo[a]pyrene-7,8-diol-9,10-epoxide (B[a]PDE), the major metabolite of B[a]P, has been well recognized as one ubiquitous carcinogen, but the molecular mechanism involved in its carcinogenic effect remains obscure. In the present study, we found that bronchial epithelial cells (Beas-2B) and hepatocytes treated with B[a]PDE presented a significant increase of cyclin D1 expression. Moreover, Akt, p70s6k, and MAPKs including JNK, Erks, and p38 were notably activated in B[a]PDE-treated Beas-2B cells, whereas NF-κB, NFAT, and Egr-1 were not. Our results demonstrated that JNK and Erks were required in B[a]PDE-induced cyclin D1 expression because the inhibition of JNK or Erks by a selective chemical inhibitor or dominant negative mutant robustly impaired the cyclin D1 induction by B[a]PDE. Furthermore, we found that overexpression of the dominant negative mutant of p85 (regulatory subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase) or Akt dramatically suppressed B[a]PDE-induced JNK and Erk activation as well as cyclin D1 expression, suggesting that cyclin D1 induction by B[a]PDE is via the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt/MAPK-dependent pathway. In addition, we clarified that p70s6k is also involved in B[a]PDE-induced cyclin D1 expression because rampamycin pretreatment dramatically reduced cyclin D1 induction by B[a]PDE. More importantly, we demonstrated that up-regulated cyclin D1 by B[a]PDE plays a critical role in oncogenic transformation and tumorigenesis of Beas-2B cells. These results not only broaden our knowledge of the molecular mechanism of B[a]PDE carcinogenicity but also lead to the further study of chemoprevention of B[a]PDE-associated human cancers.  相似文献   

Thrombin stimulates both DNA synthesis and cell morphological changes in Swiss 3T3 cells, although the mechanism of signal coordination leading to these responses is unknown. We report here that nitric oxide (NO) donors selectively enhance thrombin-stimulated p70(S6k) activity by 40-60%, an effect that was sustained for 24 h. Potentiation of p70(S6k) also was observed with cGMP analogues indicating that this effect is mediated by cGMP-activated protein kinase. NO donors also induced morphological changes characterized by spindle-shaped cells in confluent, nondividing cells or by extended protrusions from the trailing edge in subconfluent, polarized cells. NO donors had no significant effects on intracellular Ca(2+) mobilization, DNA synthesis, proliferation, or ERKs 1 and 2 and p90RSK activities, indicating that mitogenic responses and cell division are not altered by NO donors. We conclude that NO donors modulate the morphological changes associated with cellular motility in response to thrombin stimulation through selective enhancement of p70(S6k) activity.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which inorganic salts of the trace element vanadium mediate their insulinomimetic effects are not clearly understood and were investigated. We have shown previously that vanadium salts activate mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activities (PI3-K) via a pathway that does not involve the insulin receptor (IR) tyrosine kinase function [Pandey, S. K., Anand-Srivastava, M. B., and Srivastava, A. K. (1998) Biochemistry 37, 7006-7014]. Herein, we have examined a possible role of PI3-K in the vanadyl sulfate (VS)-mediated increase in the level of ras-MAPK activation as well as the contribution of signaling components upstream to MAPK in this VS response. Treatment of IR-overexpressing cells with VS resulted in an increased level of tyrosine phosphorylation of p44(mapk) (ERK-1) and p42(mapk) (ERK-2) along with stimulation of MAPK, MAPK kinase (MEK), and C-raf-1 activities, and ras activation. Preincubation with wortmannin and LY294002, two structurally and mechanistically different inhibitors of PI3-K, blocked the VS-mediated increase in MAPK activity and phosphorylation of ERK-1 and ERK-2. Furthermore, wortmannin inhibited activation of ras, C-raf-1, and MEK in response to VS. The addition of a farnesyltransferase inhibitor, B581, to cells reduced the level of MAPK activation as well as ERK-1 and ERK-2 phosphorylation stimulated by VS. Finally, VS increased PI3-K activity in ras immunoprecipitates. A VS-mediated increase in p70(s6k) activity was also found to be inhibited by wortmannin. Taken together, these results demonstrate that the insulinomimetic effects of VS may be mediated, in part, by PI3-K-dependent stimulation of the ras-MAPK and p70(s6k) pathways.  相似文献   

To define the mechanism of arsenite-induced tumor promotion, we examined the role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the signaling pathways of cells exposed to arsenite. Arsenite treatment resulted in the persistent activation of p70(s6k) and extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) which was accompanied by an increase in intracellular ROS production. The predominant produced appeared to be H(2)O(2), because the arsenite-induced increase in dichlorofluorescein (DCF) fluorescence was completely abolished by pretreatment with catalase but not with heat-inactivated catalase. Elimination of H(2)O(2) by catalase or N-acetyl-L-cysteine inhibited the arsenite-induced activation of p70(s6k) and ERK1/2, indicating the possible role of H(2)O(2) in the arsenite activation of the p70(s6k) and the ERK1/2 signaling pathways. A specific inhibitor of p70(s6k), rapamycin, and calcium chelators significantly blocked the activation of p70(s6k) induced by arsenite. While the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitors wortmannin and LY294002 completely abrogated arsenite activation of p70(s6k), ERK1/2 activation by arsenite was not affected by these inhibitors, indicating that H(2)O(2) might act as an upstream molecule of PI3K as well as ERK1/2. Consistent with these results, none of the inhibitors impaired H(2)O(2) production by arsenite. DNA binding activity of AP-1, downstream of ERK1/2, was also inhibited by catalase, N-acetyl-L-cysteine, and the MEK inhibitor PD98059, which significantly blocked arsenite activation of ERK1/2. Taken together, these studies provide insight into mechanisms of arsenite-induced tumor promotion and suggest that H(2)O(2) plays a critical role in tumor promotion by arsenite through activation of the ERK1/2 and p70(s6k) signaling pathways.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that the peptidomimetic farnesyltransferase inhibitor L-744,832 (FTI) inhibits p70s6k activation and cell growth in a mouse keratinocyte cell line but only at concentrations of FTI significantly higher than those required for the inhibition of Ras farnesylation. Here we show that the rapid kinetics of FTI inhibition of DNA synthesis (within 1.5 h) in both normal and v-K-Ras transformed keratinocytes matches the rapid kinetics of p70s6k inhibition observed previously. It is further shown that FTI inhibits p70s6k activation in response to serum, phorbol myristate acetate, and increased amino acid levels. The phosphatase inhibitor calyculin A partially reverses the FTI-induced dephosphorylation of p70s6k, suggesting that FTI may act upstream of a protein phosphatase. A rapamycin-resistant mutant of p70s6k is shown to be resistant to FTI-induced dephosphorylation of the major rapamycin-sensitive phosphorylation site of p70s6k, Thr(389). Together, these data demonstrate that FTI rapidly inhibits DNA synthesis irrespective of the presence of v-K-Ras and that FTI inhibits p70s6k activation in response to multiple stimuli. Because the FTI L-744,832 mimics many of the effects of rapamycin, this FTI may prove effective against tumors that exhibit inappropriate activation of the mTOR/p70s6k pathway.  相似文献   

A polyomavirus mutant (315YF) blocked in binding phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) has previously been shown to be partially deficient in transformation and to induce fewer tumors and with a significant delay compared to wild-type virus. The role of polyomavirus middle T antigen-activated PI 3-kinase in apoptosis was investigated as a possible cause of this behavior. When grown in medium containing 1d-3-deoxy-3-fluoro-myo-inositol to block formation of 3′-phosphorylated phosphatidylinositols, F111 rat fibroblasts transformed by wild-type polyomavirus (PyF), but not normal F111 cells, showed a marked loss of viability with evidence of apoptosis. Similarly, treatment with wortmannin, an inhibitor of PI 3-kinase, stimulated apoptosis in PyF cells but not in normal cells. Activation of Akt, a serine/threonine kinase whose activity has been correlated with regulation of apoptosis, was roughly twofold higher in F111 cells transformed by either wild-type virus or mutant 250YS blocked in binding Shc compared to cells transformed by mutant 315YF. In the same cells, levels of apoptosis were inversely correlated with Akt activity. Apoptosis induced by serum withdrawal in Rat-1 cells expressing a temperature-sensitive p53 was shown to be at least partially p53 independent. Expression of either wild-type or 250YS middle T antigen inhibited apoptosis in serum-starved Rat-1 cells at both permissive and restrictive temperatures for p53. Mutant 315YF middle T antigen was partially defective for inhibition of apoptosis in these cells. The results indicate that unlike other DNA tumor viruses which block apoptosis by inactivation of p53, polyomavirus achieves protection from apoptotic death through a middle T antigen–PI 3-kinase–Akt pathway that is at least partially p53 independent.Programmed cell death occurs during normal development and under certain pathological conditions. In mammalian cells, apoptosis can be induced by a variety of stimuli, including DNA damage (45), virus infection (54, 57), oncogene activation (25), and serum withdrawal (34, 37). Apoptosis can also be blocked by a number of factors, including adenovirus E1B 55- or 19-kDa proteins (9, 16), baculovirus p35 and iap genes (10), Bcl-2 (36, 61), and survival factors (12, 21). DNA tumor viruses have evolved mechanisms that both trigger and inhibit apoptosis. These frequently involve binding and inactivation of tumor suppressor proteins. E7 in some papillomaviruses (22), E1A in adenovirus (31, 43, 64), and large T antigen in simian virus 40 (SV40) (17) bind Rb and/or p300 and lead to upregulation of p53, which is thought to trigger apoptosis in virus-infected cells. The same viruses also inhibit apoptosis by inactivating p53 by various mechanisms (44, 63, 67). In contrast, the mechanism by which polyomavirus interacts with apoptotic pathways in the cell is not known; no direct interaction with p53 by any of the proteins encoded by this virus has been demonstrated (19, 62).The principal oncoprotein of polyomavirus is the middle T antigen. Neoplastic transformation by polyomavirus middle T antigen has as a central feature its association with and activation of members of the Src family of tyrosine kinases p60c-src (13) and p62c-yes (42). The major known consequence of these interactions is phosphorylation of middle T antigen on specific tyrosine residues creating binding sites for other signaling proteins. Phosphorylation at tyrosines 250, 315, and 322 promotes binding to Shc (18), the p85 regulatory subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) (59), and phospholipase Cγ-1 (58), respectively. Recognition of multiple signaling pathways emanating from middle T antigen has led to a keen interest in identifying their downstream biochemical effects, which collectively lead to the emergence of neoplastic transformation and presumably underlie the dramatic ability of the virus to induce many kinds of tumors in the mouse.Previous work has shown that the binding of PI 3-kinase to middle T antigen is essential for full transformation of rat fibroblasts in culture (8) and for rapid development of a broad spectrum of tumors in mice (30), for translocation of the GLUT1 transporter (68), and activation of p70 S6 kinase (14). While the mutant 315YF (blocked in PI 3-kinase activation) was able to induce some tumors, it did so at reduced frequencies and with an average latency three times longer than that of either the wild-type virus or a mutant, 250YS, blocked in binding Shc (4, 30). Recent studies have indicated a role of PI 3-kinase in blocking apoptosis in nonviral systems. Growth factor receptors acting through protein tyrosine kinases may prevent apoptosis by activating PI 3-kinase in PC12 cells, T lymphocytes, hematopoietic progenitors, and rat fibroblasts (7, 48, 56, 65, 66). The failure of mutant 315YF to induce full transformation of cells in culture and to induce the rapid development of tumors in mice could therefore be related, at least in part, to a failure to block apoptosis. In this study, we focus on the question of whether middle T antigen–PI 3-kinase interaction is involved in blocking apoptosis in cells transformed by polyomavirus.  相似文献   

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